Art et designTranscription
00:00Réalisé par Neo035
00:04Avec le soutien de
00:07Merci à
00:10Merci à
00:13Merci à
00:16Merci à
00:19Merci à
00:22Merci à
00:25Merci à
00:27Merci à
00:45Merci à
00:47Merci à
00:53Merci à
00:57Tu as des cheveux qui ne nous frottent pas.
00:58Non, ils ne frottent pas à moi.
01:00Personne n'a jamais été possédé par un mousquetaire de 7 tentecels.
01:05C'est le coureur ! Il est possédé !
01:07Et il vient pour nous !
01:09Oh, mon dieu !
01:11Il est là !
01:12Oh mon Dieu !
01:13Hé, idiot ! Je vais te tuer !
01:15Putain !
01:16Oh, et vous, et je suis possédé par...
01:20Décapice !
01:20Et coupé.
01:21Bien joué, Pat.
01:22Ouais, bien joué.
01:23Putain !
01:23Si ton mari s'en rend compte, je suis avec toi, d'accord ?
01:28Mon mari est à la maison, rentre dans la pochette.
01:30Oh, je suis à la maison !
01:32Bonjour, c'est si bien de te voir mon amour.
01:34Oui, oui, plutôt. J'ai juste besoin de mettre mon chapeau dans la pochette.
01:38Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
01:40Je suppose que je suis hors de la pochette.
01:42Bonjour tout le monde.
01:44Qui est-ce ?
01:45Je suis le fixateur de la pochette.
01:49Oh, c'est vraiment drôle.
01:52Numéro trois, le numéro trois de chance.
01:55Troisième date, Paula.
01:57Trois, c'est un charme, si tu sais ce que je veux dire.
02:00Tu sais ce que je veux dire, non ?
02:01Je sais, c'est le numéro trois, je sais.
02:02Alors, tu as encore besoin de mon truc ce week-end ?
02:04Non, je vais probablement juste emprunter des gens.
02:06Pourquoi, j'ai un truc.
02:07On peut juste l'utiliser, c'est plus cher.
02:09D'accord, d'accord.
02:10Attendez, attendez, regardez.
02:11C'est trop chaud, ma tête est en feu.
02:13Faites attention, ne mettez pas ça sur mes boligans.
02:15Mes boligans et mes noligans.
02:18Au revoir, et non, monsieur.
02:21Celui-ci doit partir.
02:23Celui-ci peut rester, mais on va y aller.
02:25Maintenant, qu'est-ce que...
02:26Est-ce que vous faites des changements là-bas ?
02:28Eh bien, des améliorations.
02:29C'est juste un peu délicat.
02:31C'est un peu étrange.
02:32Eh bien, ce sont les sortes de choses que j'ai et qu'ils sont en charge de.
02:36En plus, les gars, on a un délai.
02:38Alors, c'est un peu délicat, Brendan, c'est pas grand-chose.
02:40Oui, c'est appelé une collaboration.
02:41Non, écoutez, maintenant ce n'est pas le moment.
02:43Fenton, tu as le script...
02:44Fenton, Fenton.
02:46Tu as le script la semaine dernière, non ?
02:48Oui, oui, j'ai eu le script la semaine dernière,
02:50mais je suis maintenant dans le personnage et je vois que c'est faux.
02:53Il faut y aller.
02:54Eh bien, j'aimerais revenir au travail.
02:56Les gars, sérieusement, la cloche bat.
02:58Jason, Melissa, aidez-moi ici, allez.
03:00Fenton, peux-je dire ça, Marco, quand tu auras fini ?
03:02Dans un instant.
03:03Oui, moi aussi.
03:04Oh, j'ai presque oublié, tout le monde.
03:05J'ai écrit la chanson de thème pour le film sur mon chemin ici.
03:08Quoi ?
03:10Non, les gars...
03:11Deux, trois, quatre.
03:12Attendez la puce de la puce.
03:13Quel gars dandy !
03:14Quoi ?
03:15Il vit sur le submarine et il mange toujours des pâtes.
03:18Il mange toujours des pâtes là-haut.
03:20Et il jette des festivals.
03:22Il est le plus grand gars de la ville avec sept testicules.
03:36Ce que je dis, Simon, c'est que tu es génial.
03:38Avez-nous déjà décidé ?
03:40Non, rien pour moi, en fait. J'ai déjà mangé.
03:43J'ai une quesadilla et une autre de ces.
03:45Très bien. Seulement une nourriture à cette table.
03:48Ce que je dis, Simon, c'est que...
03:51Hey, tu sais, ça ne marche pas pour moi et j'aimerais te le faire.
03:56Qu'est-ce que tu penses ?
03:58Je croyais que le personnage aurait ça.
04:00Je veux dire, c'est sa motivation.
04:02Je respecte ça.
04:03Mais il est un possédé.
04:04Possédé par la puce de la puce.
04:06Pourquoi il aurait un jeu vidéo ?
04:08Ça n'a pas de sens.
04:09Regarde, on est en retard.
04:10Ok, il le serait, Brendan.
04:12C'est trop compliqué. Il le serait.
04:15Je ne sais pas quoi te dire.
04:17Oh, j'ai un autre personnage !
04:20Hey, qui est le plus dur ?
04:22Je le savais, je le savais, je le savais.
04:25C'est la histoire de ma vie. Je le savais.
04:28Hey, regarde, la nourriture est là.
04:30Je m'en fiche. Je m'en fiche.
04:34Ne me touche pas !
04:35C'est... Jason !
04:38Je viens.
04:43Red Rover, Red Rover, envoyez-nous Brendan !
04:48Je ne pense pas que je reviendrai là-bas.
04:51Mais je pense que c'est tout pour aujourd'hui, les gars.
04:53Bien joué à envoyer tout le monde à la maison pour le jour.
04:56Jason, Alyssa, vous restez.
04:57Woupi !
04:58Septiples !
05:08Ok, c'est bon, on n'est pas séparés.
05:12Qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire, les gars ?
05:14Vous avez vu ? Il interrompt le schédule.
05:17Brendan, calme-toi.
05:18Le jour a été mis derrière le schédule et nous avons un délai interne.
05:20Brendan !
05:21Sérieusement, je veux dire...
05:22Chut, chut, chut.
05:23Là, c'est bon.
05:24Les gars, mais honnêtement...
05:25Brendan, Brendan, calme-toi.
05:26Quoi ? Non, non.
05:27Brendan, Brendan.
05:28Laisse-moi juste...
05:29Chut, chut, chut.
05:32Ok, mais laisse-moi juste dire une chose.
05:33Chut, chut, chut.
05:34Chut, chut, chut.
05:35Non, mais si...
05:37Septiples, Septiples.
05:43Aaaaghhh !
05:45Ouh, viens vers là.
05:47Oh, yeah.
05:52Oh, regarde-toi.
05:54Oh, c'est beau.
05:56Bien sûr, les gars, on va tirer sur les étoiles.
05:58Oh, vous avez toutgmenté l'étoile.
06:01On gonfle.
06:02Boum, badaba-boum, badaba-boum, boum, boum.
06:06All right, I'm gonna get you two out of here right now. Let's go get a drink. We earned it.
06:14Brendan. Yeah. You notice anything different about me? What, your giant boobs?
06:18They're not boobs, they're pecs. It's a big difference. I don't think so. I think that they're called boobs or breasts.
06:23No, no, no. You ever been to a gym? No. At a gym, boobs are called pecs.
06:27Oh, I saw this movie the other night and this lady had the nicest pecs I think I'd ever seen in my life.
06:33But, uh... Three to five hours a day, Brendan. Disciplined workout on the pec flexor.
06:38What's a pec flexor? You know how many reps I can do, Brendan? About a million. Wow. I'm like the alpha dog at the gym.
06:44Yeah, what's that? It's the strongest guy in the herd.
06:47Guy with the biggest pecs. Right. You just need to get them a little bit bigger. Yeah? Yeah. Why? What do you mean why?
06:53I don't know. Pecs are what I consider the most important muscle group. What do your pecs do?
06:58I don't understand. I can eat with them. Really? Yeah. Well, I can eat off them. You just put food there? For instance, right in the mouth.
07:08But you kind of licked your tongue down there. Well, I'm saying, can you do it? No, not really, but I just use my hands.
07:13Well, I don't have to use my hands anymore, Brendan. That's the point. But I'm saying... Now my chest can do what my hands used to be able to do and that's a huge benefit.
07:20But you had to... Because it frees up my hands to do whatever they want. But you've got to set aside three to five hours every day so that you don't have to use your hands to eat sunflower seeds.
07:28It's not just sunflower seeds. For instance, on the way here this morning, I drove with my pecs. My pecs can steer. Wow. Nickname them, Brendan. All right? All right. Nickname them.
07:40Okay. This one on the left, I'm going to call Prince Valiant. No, no, no. Why? You want to hear mine? Yeah. This is Big Rig. This is Jesse. Those are good names.
07:52Yeah. Big Rig, like an 18-wheeler. And Jesse. Like, I like the name Jesse. Hey, you know, my mom's actually looking for some strong people to move some furniture this weekend. You're strong enough to do that, right?
08:04Would I be strong enough to help someone move? Yeah. Yeah? Well, there are a lot of little things, like little heavy things that you could probably place in between your pecs and move them about.
08:12It would be a good opportunity to show off my chest to your mom. Yeah. Oh, sure. Okay.
08:19What are you looking at? Nothing. No. I just caught myself staring at your boobs.
08:26Do you really have to do that now, Paula? You know, I wish you'd called, Simon. I've really got to, you know, do stuff. Yeah, well, do I really need to call? I mean, we're dating, and…
08:36Look, I have to run some errands, I just remembered, before the store's closed. But I've been here an hour and a half, and the whole time you've been cleaning. This doesn't seem like normal couple's behavior.
08:46Actually, Simon, I wanted to talk about the whole couple's thing. Didn't you say you had to run some errands? We should talk. No, you, we should go do the errands, quick, because places are closing!
09:00I don't know. It's still not working for me. I think we're close, people. We're close, but we're not there yet. Well, Fenton, we've spent the last two hours on it. I think it's about as good as it's going to get, unfortunately.
09:10Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Wait, wait, I got an idea! Okay, Jason, you deal with this. I'm going to go upstairs. Thank you, Brendan! We will call you! Jason, I want the big one down! I want that small one down! The one up the top there? Down! Take it all out! Let's bring it in one at a time! Right, right, yes. Melissa! Script changes! Yeah, I made all your changes, and now there's no dialogue left. Good! Okay.
09:36So we just got the characters on the page. That's it. Yes! Lose every other character! Uh, Fenton, um, just so I'm clear of taking everything I just put up down. Right! Take it down, bring it behind me, and then build it back up! Build it back up behind you? No! Oh! Yes! But all the, the whole, all the scenery's on this side of the room. One step at a time, Jason! Right, right, yes. One step at a time, don't get ahead of yourself! I understand, you're the man. Melissa! Fenton! Cut! Cut! Are we rolling? Does he think this is the movie?
10:06Uh, does your mother ever talk about me? Uh, to be honest, I don't even know who you are, so maybe that answers your question. I'm Simon! Well, not to be rude, but, uh, what are you doing in my house, and where's my mom? She left. We're dating. We're on a date right now. Oh, well, I'm sorry, I've never heard of you. Well, if it's any consolation, your mother speaks very highly of you, Bernard. It's Brendan. She says you make, uh, movies. Yeah, movies. Well, I think that is really, really a cool young man. Thank you.
10:35So, uh, is that what you're doing downstairs? Um, no, not currently. There's this kid down there who's driving me crazy. Have you ever met someone who just kind of doesn't get the message? Doesn't get the message, mm-hmm. It's just like, the guy can't take a hint. Can't take a hint, oh yeah. I mean, he's just kind of this relentless, imposing weirdo. Did you tell him he's in danger of being kicked out on his ass? Um, no. He's ruining the movie, right? Yeah. Well then, kick him out!
11:04We've known each other for a while, and, uh, you know, we work together, and we've played together, and it's just, ultimately, I keep coming back to the same answer, that this just simply is not working out, on all fronts. And, uh, that's why I think that, you know, what I'm really saying is that maybe it would be better if you and I just broke up.
11:27You're breaking up with me?
11:29Well, I mean, yeah, I mean...
11:31What, because of the lighting?
11:32No, no.
11:33The jealousy?
11:35You resent me, is that it?
11:36Listen, just calm down.
11:38You son of a bitch, you pig! You jealous pig!
11:42Shh, just please, Fenton.
11:43So what about the video film?
11:45I don't...
11:46Forget about it? You take some of my best moments, my ideas, and I'm supposed to walk away?
11:53Well, listen, Fenton, I...
11:54What is wrong with you?
11:56Shh, just calm down.
11:57Don't, don't touch me!
11:59Just, please.
12:00Do you know how many other people have asked me to be in their video films?
12:04Look, Fenton...
12:05Do you? And how many I've said, no! No, I'm doing Brendan's!
12:10Please, Fenton.
12:11Because I have loyalty! Oh, God, this isn't happening! Oh, God!
12:16Fenton, just try to relax, please.
12:18No! You have just made a massive mistake, Brendan!
12:24It's not...
12:25Get out of this.
12:26It's something that you can't comprehend!
12:30And you know something, Brendan?
12:34You're going to have to live with it!
12:41That could have gone a lot worse.
12:57Guys, we need to set up auditions.
12:59Uh, what for?
13:00What? Oh, we're recasting Fenton.
13:02We are?
13:03Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We, uh, broke up.
13:05So, I wrote it down, we need somebody that can play a possessed stowaway.
13:09Uh, let me think.
13:11Hey, did you say you and Fenton broke up?
13:13Uh, yeah, mm-hmm. Hey, who's good on the soccer team?
13:15Why did you break up? Why are we using the term break up?
13:18Look, I'll give you...
13:19Brendan, were you dating Fenton?
13:20Listen, no!
13:21I mean...
13:22Look, look, look, I'll give you the short story.
13:24The schedule, the film, and, uh, I'll be honest,
13:26the friendship with Fenton was just not working for me.
13:28So, you know, I was...
13:29Well, how did he take it?
13:30Not well. Not well. Totally freaked out on me.
13:33What are you going to do, Brendan?
13:34Oh, well, I've got it figured out.
13:36I'm going to pretend that I don't see him,
13:38and I'm going to walk the long way to and from school.
13:40For example, I woke up at 5 a.m. today to test out a new route.
13:43Also, I'm planning on eating lunch far, far away from my normal eating area
13:46or eating under bleachers, or in disguise.
13:48We might skip lunch for a while
13:49until we've successfully forgotten about each other.
13:51Sounds good.
13:52I wasn't listening.
13:53Hey, guys, let's see some actors.
13:56I'm a stowaway.
13:57And I'm a possessed stowaway.
13:59Me too.
14:01And we're going to get a septimus.
14:03And I'm a sock I have no underpants on.
14:05Perry. Perry. Perry. Perry.
14:07You're a good actor.
14:10Okay, guys, you know, we've seen enough.
14:11That's pretty good.
14:12Yeah, we'll let you guys know.
14:13Uh, we're going to let them know now.
14:15No, Jason, it's not professional.
14:17I'll let them know.
14:18Jason, no, no, no.
14:19Did we get it?
14:20Did we get it?
14:21Yes, you got it.
14:24Jason, they didn't actually get it.
14:26We didn't?
14:28Sorry, guys.
14:29Uh, Brenda, Melissa, I made a decision
14:31and I want it respected.
14:32I want them in the part.
14:35Perry, we did it!
14:38They stunk, but we have a deadline.
14:40You know what?
14:41He's right, Brendan.
14:42I know, I know.
14:43Okay, Walter, Perry.
14:45You are hired, but I'm sorry.
14:46You're fired.
14:48This is bulls**t.
14:49I'm possessed by that thing.
14:52Get that out of my mind.
14:55Get out of there, I tell you.
14:57Give this a situational step.
14:59Now, let's pick it up from the top of the page.
15:01I'm here for your souls.
15:03Commanded by me, master, the mighty Septibus.
15:06Okay, I'm just going to stop you right there.
15:08It's not British.
15:09Oh, sorry.
15:10Take it again.
15:11I am here for your souls.
15:13Commanded by my master, mighty Septibus.
15:15It's not British.
15:16It's not British.
15:18Okay, I'm sorry.
15:20Thank you.
15:21Thank you.
15:25Hey, are you going to use that
15:26or are you going to take it up all day, huh, pal?
15:29I'm going to use it and take it up all day, alright, pal?
15:31Hey, why?
15:32Why don't you just let somebody else use it?
15:34You know what I mean?
15:35Oh, what's the matter?
15:36You guys want to work on your packs?
15:37Yeah, we just want to do it.
15:38Don't make me laugh, alright?
15:40Just give it up.
15:41Forget about your packs,
15:42because they're not nearly as good as mine.
15:45Wow, c'est beaucoup de poids mon pote.
15:47Si vous m'excusez, regardez ces roquettes s'enfoncer.
15:50C'est parti.
16:08Oh mon dieu !
16:15Cet opus, he's a crazy guy.
16:21He lives on top of the submarine.
16:25He's always eating pies.
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