Default Description
00:00 What brand?
00:01 The one behind me?
00:02 Yes, this one
00:03 Nissan
00:04 Model?
00:05 Today's episode of Carnival RR Speed
00:10 They want to ask me about the brand of the car
00:13 For example, what kind of car is this?
00:15 But I really don't know, so let's go
00:16 What brand?
00:17 The one behind me?
00:19 Yes, this one
00:20 Nissan
00:21 Model?
00:22 GT...
00:25 GTR
00:26 Wrong!
00:27 What brand?
00:29 The one behind me?
00:32 The one behind me?
00:33 The one behind me?
00:35 Wrong!
00:37 What brand?
00:40 The one behind me?
00:41 The one behind me?
00:42 Yes
00:43 So, you know this is a Ferrari, right?
00:44 Yes
00:45 So, tell me what model is this car?
00:46 I want to say GTR, but I'm sure I'm wrong
00:48 Wait
00:49 Ferrari
00:55 Racing Competition
00:57 Let's see the logo
01:02 Mazda
01:07 Okay, Alia
01:12 What brand is this car?
01:13 The one behind me?
01:15 Right?
01:18 Wrong
01:20 A new car
01:22 What brand?
01:23 If you look at the model, it looks like a Japanese car
01:28 Maybe Mitsubishi?
01:29 What brand?
01:32 Right?
01:35 I don't know
01:36 I don't know
01:37 (upbeat music)