Address by N Mahalakshmi, Editor of Outlook Business for WoW 2019.
#NMahalakshmi #WOW2019 #Business #OutlookBusiness #OutlookMagazine #OutlookGroup
#NMahalakshmi #WOW2019 #Business #OutlookBusiness #OutlookMagazine #OutlookGroup
00:00 So ladies and gentlemen, before the rest of the evening plays out perfectly,
00:04 let's rewind a little bit to the story of Outlook Business, Women of Worth.
00:09 And to tell us more about it, please join me in welcoming on stage with a huge round of applause,
00:14 Editor, Outlook Business, Ms. N. Mahalakshmi.
00:29 Ladies and gentlemen, very, very warm welcome to Outlook Business WOW 2019.
00:35 I'm particularly excited to be hosting this event today because Delhi holds a very, very special
00:48 place in my heart. I originally hail from Tamil Nadu, but I was both born and brought up in Delhi.
00:58 It was in 1998 that I got married and moved to Bombay. Now it's been about exactly 20 years.
01:04 So half my life I've been in Bombay and half in Delhi. But when somebody asks me,
01:11 "Where do you belong?" It's not Tamil Nadu. It is not Bombay. It is Delhi.
01:19 So Bombay girls may accuse Delhi girls of being snooty, intrusive, political,
01:27 but I say Delhi girls are survivors, enterprising, classy. So really, wow Delhi.
01:36 We are just wow. And a little bit about the WOW platform. It was about four years ago that
01:48 we conceived this property around women entrepreneurs for our magazine. Every year,
01:53 we started doing a special edition showcasing about 15 to 20 entrepreneurs.
01:57 And most people were skeptical about it, especially in media saying that in two or three years,
02:04 you'll exhaust all the large women and you won't have companies, entrepreneurs of size to really
02:11 showcase. And we're very glad that three years have gone past and we find that there are a lot
02:19 many women entrepreneurs stories to be told, which have still not hit mainstream media. And that's
02:27 why about six months back, we decided that we need to really augment this platform and create a
02:32 separate portal for women entrepreneurs. We've done that with Please
02:38 go and see the website and experience it. We intend to take this forward from just being an
02:45 inspirational content platform to a more interactive on the ground engagement. Look
02:51 forward to all of you experiencing wow in Delhi and keeping this association and taking it forward.
03:01 Thank you so much.
03:08 Thank you so much, Ms. Maalakshmi for talking straight from the heart.
03:12 Thank you.