• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Prevenire e trattare alcune patologie, attivare corretti stili di vita e attivare la socialità. La socialità può prevenire o rallentare le demenze nel 50% dei casi”. Così Raffaele Lodi - coordinatore della rete Irccs Neuroscienze e Neuroriabilitazione, partecipando, a Roma, all’incontro ‘One brain, one health’ organizzato dalla Società italiana di Neurologia (Sin) che, in occasione della Settimana mondiale del Cervello 2025, ha presentato - presso il ministero della Salute - un decalogo per rispondere a 360 gradi a una sfida cruciale, quella della salute del cervello.


00:00What is the role of the RCCS?
00:04The RCCS is in charge of high-complexity missions.
00:08For several years now, we have been in charge of the validation of diagnostic instruments,
00:16such as IQOR tests, magnetic resonance tests and so on,
00:20which allow increasingly early diagnoses.
00:23More recently, however, we have also developed in the field of European projectuality
00:28activities focused on prevention.
00:31Because I would say that the key word for all types of diseases,
00:34whether on a degenerative basis, such as Alzheimer's, or on a vascular basis,
00:39the word of order must be prevention.
00:42Now factors have been identified.
00:45Today we will present 10 prevention rules.
00:49In fact, international studies have identified at least 14 risk factors,
00:54which are clinical risk factors,
00:57such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc.,
01:01and other factors that have to do with our correct lifestyles,
01:06such as avoiding alcohol, smoking, physical exercise,
01:09as well as very important social and educational factors.
01:14These factors can prevent or slow down the evolution of dementia up to 50% of cases.
