• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La Società italiana Gerontologia e Geriatria (Sigg), ha sviluppato un decalogo che al primo posto vede il delirium, una manifestazione psicotica che nell’anziano è un determinante importante di mortalità e di sviluppo di demenza”. Così il presidente della Sigg, Dario Leosco, intervenendo a Roma all’incontro organizzato - presso il Ministero della Salute - dalla Società italiana di Neurologia (Sin), in occasione della settimana del Cervello, ‘One brain, one health’. Durante l’incontro è stato presentato un decalogo per la salute del cervello.


00:00We are developing a programmatic manifesto from the Society regarding the commitment of the SIEGE, which is my Society, in the prevention of dementia, identifying the main factors responsible for the cognitive decline.
00:20We have developed a dodecalogue, which sees in the first place the prevention of delirium, which is a very important psychiatric manifestation in the geriatric age, especially in the hospitalized patient.
00:32It is very important because this event, that is, the development of this psychotic manifestation in the elderly patient, is an important determinant of mortality, and not only mortality, but also the development of dementia.
00:47If we look at the picture in the last 40 years of the incidence of this psychotic manifestation in the elderly, we see that the percentage of subjects who develop hospitalized delirium is high, about 23%, and has not changed over the years, and it is also confirmed by our observations in Italy,
01:09because we have developed studies, the so-called delirium day, in three consecutive years, which have confirmed this percentage.
01:17So it is important the commitment of our Society regarding the prevention of this manifestation, as well as all the factors that play in the determinism of cognitive disorder and dementia.
