(Adnkronos) - “Come Sin, insieme ad altre società scientifiche e associazioni, in occasione della Settimana mondiale del cervello, abbiamo presentato un decalogo per informare le persone che prevenire le malattie del cervello e preservare la salute del cervello è possibile attraverso un’attenzione agli stili di vita e non solo”. Così Alessandro Padovani, presidente della Società italiana di Neurologia (Sin), all’evento ‘One brain, one health’ durante il quale è stato presentato un decalogo per rispondere a 360 gradi a una sfida cruciale, quella della salute del cervello.
00:00What is the role of the Ecologo?
00:04The Ecologo is important and I thank all those who have collaborated,
00:08not only Lassin, but also the other associations.
00:11The Ecologo serves to inform people that preventing brain diseases
00:17and preserving the health of the brain can be done
00:21and can be done through an attention to lifestyles, but not only.
00:26We believe that, both now and in the future,
00:29citizens should activate a series of attentions in terms of proactive medicine,
00:36also from a physical point of view.
00:38There are many diseases and these diseases sometimes occur suddenly.
00:42It is important to do an early diagnosis,
00:44but at the same time it is also important, where there are diseases,
00:47to put in place precautions, changes in lifestyles
00:51that can also positively influence the course of diseases.
00:55This platform that we activated a year ago
00:59and which has seen the participation of more than 25 different scientific societies,
01:04federations, organizations, associations of families and patients,
01:10as well as representatives of different health professions,
01:16this set of people and societies
01:21today wants to be recognized and participate in a way of promotion
01:28towards the Ministry of Health to activate policies in favor
01:32not only of patients with brain diseases,
01:36but above all for campaigns of information and prevention.
01:40The Brain Week, promoted by the Dano Foundation in the United States,
01:44is the moment when we make some assessments
01:47and the moment when we make plans and schedules.
01:50Citizens need to think about everything that has to do with the brain,
01:57including mental illnesses, but above all all those conditions
02:01that today represent in a society,
02:04also like ours, the Italian one, a large number of diseases.
02:09The main cause of disability has now become
02:12one of the main causes of mortality,
02:14along with cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
02:16We believe that while there is a strong interest in cancer and cardiovascular diseases
02:23also by the institutions,
02:25on the diseases that interest the brain there is a kind of, let's call it so,
02:29negation or negligence.
02:32We believe that these initiatives serve to bring attention
02:35to the health of the brain in the broadest sense.