• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La European psychiatric association sta lavorando attivamente da alcuni anni con la European academy of neurology e con la European brain council per sviluppare una serie di strategie in partnership allo scopo di migliorare la salute del cervello. Tra queste, cercare di ottimizzare i processi di diagnosi dei disturbi mentali e neurologici, cercando di identificare biomarcatori comuni”. Lo dichiara Andrea Fiorillo, presidente della Società italiana di psichiatria sociale (Sips) e presidente eletto della European psychiatric association (Epa), in occasione dell’evento ‘One brain, one health’ organizzato a Roma, al quale hanno partecipato esponenti politico-istituzionali ed esperti del settore per fare il punto sulla Strategia italiana per la salute del cervello 2024-2031 e lanciare l’Alleanza italiana per la Salute del Cervello, un’organizzazione strutturata a firma 'One Brain One Health' e 'Italian Brain Health Strategy', a conferma di un impegno condiviso sul piano nazionale e internazionale.


00:00The European Psychiatric Association has been working actively for a few years with the European Academy of Neurology and the European Brain Council
00:13to try to develop a series of strategies in partnership to improve the health of the brain.
00:18Among these, try to improve the diagnosis processes of mental disorders and neurological disorders,
00:24trying to identify common biomarkers and therefore biological signatures for mental disorders and neurological disorders.
00:33Another important aspect is of course the situation of treatments,
00:38and therefore some therapies that are very effective today, for example in some neurological disorders,
00:43such as multiple sclerosis, are currently under study also for some mental disorders.
00:49There is another significant aspect that concerns the determinants of the health of the brain.
00:55Mental disorders and neurological disorders all originate from the same organ,
00:59which is precisely the brain, which is strongly influenced by social factors, psychological factors and environmental factors.
01:07Just think, for example, about pollution, just think about environmental stress issues,
01:13especially in young people, very young people, and therefore, for example, the issue of bullying or substance abuse,
01:19alcohol and other types of substances that can have a significant impact on the natural development of the brain.
01:26This is why the importance of healthy lifestyles for mental health, for neurological health,
01:33which concern, for example, a healthy and correct diet, which concern, for example, having activities,
01:39which involve regular physical activity, which concern sleep hygiene,
01:43and a whole series of small precautions that it would be enough to take all together
01:48to try to improve our way of life.
