• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys Movie Maniacs The 40-Year-Old Virgin Andy Stitzer


00:00I think for the fact I'm already planning to open this, I'm breaking one
00:03cardinal rule. Here's your look at McFarlane Toys Movie Maniacs. This is the
00:0640-year-old virgin, Andy Stitzer.
00:20Introducing Nice Guy Andy, the endearing protagonist in the theatrical hit, The
00:2540-Year-Old Virgin, now immortalized in an incredibly detailed six-inch scale
00:29posed figure that captures the essence of his journey toward love and
00:32self-discovery. With his friends by his side, Andy embarks on a comedic and
00:37heartwarming quest to reverse his fortunes and find true love. Oh, and don't
00:41worry, I won't be calling out Kelly Clarkson at all in this review. At least, I
00:44don't think I will be. Before we get a closer look, though, at the 40-year-old
00:47virgin, Andy Stitzer, we're gonna take the tape measure and we're gonna see how
00:50tall the figure stands. Now, there was this release that we're looking at in
00:53this review that's a limited run of 3,600 pieces worldwide. There was also an
00:57even more limited release, the McFarland Toys digital version of Andy, that was
01:00only limited to 1,650 pieces. I have both versions of Andy. I'm not really even
01:05sure if I'm gonna be looking at the digital version. From what I at least can
01:08tell, they look like they're the identical figure, even with the shirt in
01:12his hand. Now, you may have even seen at the beginning of this review that it
01:15didn't look like he had a shirt in his hand. It actually fell inside the box.
01:17Luckily, though, it's easy to put back into his hands. Let's grab, though, the
01:20tape measure and see how tall the figure stands. Now, Andy is gonna be also a
01:24stachion statue. There's no posability at all for this figure, so it's a lot
01:28easier to have this guy on display. Less likely to break and keep the value still
01:31high, although I know I've already taken out of the box. Andy, though, is gonna
01:35stand at six and three-quarters of an inch in height, where the 40-year-old
01:38Virgin is 16 centimeters tall. I don't know if I chose the right characters
01:43for comparisons, but some of the arguments really made about the
01:46Movie Maniac line now is the characters that they're choosing. I mean, as an
01:49example here, I've got Mandy's Red Miller and I've also got Ip Chapter 2's
01:53Pennywise the Clown. I mean, really, of the three, I mean, Andy's the least likely to
01:58be a, quote, Movie Maniac. I mean, you could always really say any Nicolas Cage role
02:02that he plays, he's a maniac in all of those, and there's no disputing at all
02:06that Pennywise the Clown is, yes, a Movie Maniac, but it just sort of, again, seems
02:10strange. The characters that they've chosen for the Movie Maniac line. I'm
02:13less not necessarily bothered by the fact that there's no posability on these
02:17figures, but more rather that the characters that they're choosing for
02:20this line seem sort of more all over the place. So we have a background that
02:23also serves as the Certificate of Authenticity. We also have a foil mystery
02:27bag. Which one should we look at first? Sorry, what? The background? No, we're not
02:33saying that. Okay, background it is. The background is made of a fairly thick
02:37card. It does, of course, have the character feature on the front here. I
02:40mean, it serves well to be a background display. This actually just
02:43clips onto the back of the display bezel. Look, I'll show you guys how that works
02:46in a second. On the back, though, Certificate of Authenticity. This certifies
02:49that this is a limited edition worldwide product. Andy Stitzer figurine is
02:53authentic and officially licensed by McFarlane Toys. The figurine was created,
02:57developed, and designed by Todd McFarlane and his award-winning design group. All
03:01figures are individually hand-painted and sequentially numbered. Sequentially
03:06numbered, though, for me, happens to be 9 out of the 3,600 run. Again, there's the
03:10digital release of 1650, but again, like, the figure looks exactly the same. It has
03:14also the same background cardboard display as well. But basically what
03:18you're gonna be doing here is, on the back of the displayer, there's a little
03:21slot right here. This little ravine will serve a purpose quickly. You just
03:24basically take yourself the cardboard standee, the cardboard background, and you
03:28just basically put that behind. He unfortunately just blocks himself, though.
03:31I mean, you're really only just looking at the top of his forehead once you have
03:34Andy in front, but at least it's something. It's something to look at. On
03:38to now, at least, the foil bag. The bag has a little perforation. Now, I haven't
03:42opened this yet. Obviously, you can clearly see. Let's just tear along the
03:45top of the perforation. One of the problems, though, is the problem I
03:49thought I was gonna have, and sure enough, I am having this. If you have
03:53something really close to where you're ripping this, my worry would be that I'd
03:57start to rip whatever's inside, and sure enough, I think that ends up being
04:00the case of what's happening here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna
04:03carefully rip down the bag, breaking the laws all together, and what we'll pull
04:08out of all the things that they include, they actually include... Oh, is that a
04:12sticker? It is a sticker. So first of all, we have ourselves Datapalooza 20 Dates
04:16in 1 Hour, which is a peelable sticker, so you can write your name. RadCoolGuy375.
04:22I don't know. You probably would want to really put your real name in there.
04:24Everybody would spot right away that that's not really your birth date or
04:27your birth name. Basically, peel that off, stick it on your shirt, and everybody
04:31would know what they're gonna call you. The other thing that we have is also...
04:35This is amazing. We have ourselves a sticker, but it isn't just a sticker
04:39where you're gonna peel off the back of this all together. You're actually gonna
04:42peel off the part outlining Andy. So if you ever really wanted to have yourself
04:46a hairy version of Andy from the 40-Year-Old Virgin just stuck on some
04:50random thing, you can just peel that off and stick it, of course, in place. That's
04:55just a such a very random sticker. I could see just like on its own it's
04:59already random, but the fact that it would be also outlined around Andy's
05:02body just seems so really strange to me. Anyways, I think it's pretty cool. Let's
05:06put it off to the side. So getting though a closer look at Andy, mentioned already
05:10is that his shirt I thought would be the one thing that would be different
05:14between this one and the McFarlane digital version release of him because I
05:17was kind of kind of say, well, if one doesn't have a shirt and the digital
05:21version does, I would rather have gone with the digital version because at least
05:24it has a shirt. Because without it, it looks like Andy is just sort of walking
05:28around looking for spare change or maybe he's lost his keys. I'm sure he's probably
05:31even looking for a shirt, but the shirt actually ended up being at the bottom of
05:35the box. It just ended up coming up loose. I don't know if it was originally
05:39supposed to be glued in place, but it looks like it just so easily fits into
05:42his hand. You know what? I'm just gonna remove this right now. Put it off to the
05:45side. Yeah, the shirt actually just fits inside his hand. So basically there's
05:49like a little ledge right there. You just fit it into Andy's hand. I say that now. I
05:55say that now. There we go. Basically just fit in his hand and he's holding it. Again,
05:59like the digital version of this does the exact same thing. It does certainly
06:04finish it though. Head sculpt wise, I do think it looks a lot like him. I mean,
06:08whether I'd be arguing the point or not, whether this is a rightful movie maniac,
06:12I will say though it does look a lot like him. Also, you can see too the way
06:16the waxing job has left behind. One of the funny things was during the waxing
06:21scene, apparently it was all improv'd. Also, you can see that they just ripped
06:25away. Oh, it's painful to look at that. As a guy, perhaps that could maybe use a
06:30little bit of waxing. That just pained me to see that. In fact, he was even bleeding
06:34during that scene as well. But it sort of results then in having a face. Eyes,
06:38nose, and a mouth. I'll forget about it. Very hairy man though. Unfortunately, the
06:43one thing about Andy is that he's got these lines right here. So it looks like
06:46his arms were separate from the rest of his body. I can't quite really pinpoint
06:49why they chose to have the arms being separate from the rest of his body. When
06:53I feel like just molding the whole thing as one piece would have made a whole lot
06:57more sense. Does I feel like it looks a lot like him? Yes. They have added a
07:02little bit of extra kind of blush on the sides of his cheeks. I don't really
07:05think that was necessary at all. But I think the face sculpt is really quite
07:08good. When it comes to also his pants, what's one kind of interesting about his
07:12pants, not that we're gonna spend a whole lot of time looking at his pants, but he
07:16does also have his boxer shorts. I mean, that's one thing. But if you look at the
07:19bottom of his pants, they're separate from the rest of the figure. Which again,
07:23like his arms, is sort of strange to me. Because I would think, like, wouldn't it
07:26have just been so much easier just to mold everything together? I could see if
07:30there was a variant release of this guy, which there is, that has the pants gone.
07:34Like, just they're completely absent. But with both releases having them, and both
07:38of them having what I'm guessing to be pants that are separate from the rest of
07:41his body, why would it just not have been easier just that they would have
07:45molded everything at the same time and not made this as a separate piece? As you
07:48would imagine, everything that has a separate piece has to have a separate
07:51mold. Why am I talking like this? Everything that has a separate piece has
07:54to have a separate mold. Everything that has a separate mold has to
07:57have its own tooled mold. So that would just be added cost. Would not just
08:01molding this as one piece make more sense? He also happens to be standing on
08:05top of a base that says the four-year-old virgin. I don't know
08:08necessarily it really needed this. I think it could have easily just been
08:11left off altogether. Or had it been something else, like carpet, maybe the
08:15inside, for example. Like, if they want to make use out of this display base,
08:19which I clearly would imagine that they're trying to do, and then they're
08:22only just changing the name of the character on the front here. So we got
08:24Andy Stitzer. If this is something that they're gonna be using for all future
08:28movie maniacs, I don't know. I would have maybe changed the display base, this part
08:33right here, to something different. Again, maybe the inside of where he goes to get
08:36waxed, maybe like the flooring there. It just seems like four-year-old virgin, then
08:40just having like random action figures and things all the random. Just seems a
08:44little out of place to me. Like, if you're gonna do it here, I would just
08:46have stretched it across the entire base, not just sort of localized it in one
08:51area. Again, there's no articulation at all for Andy. You can't rotate his head.
08:55You can't turn his arms. I don't feel like in... Like, if you're going into this
08:59knowing that the movie maniacs right from the get-go are just statues, I don't
09:03feel like you're gonna be disappointed. If you want in to go in there, and you're
09:06looking at the movie maniacs like they would have been in the early 2000s, late
09:091990s, where, yeah, there would have been something that could have turned on the
09:12figure. I think now looking at what we're getting for the offerings for Todd and
09:15his team, you might be a little bit more disappointed that the movie maniacs
09:18don't have any posability. Again, I'm less disappointed that there's anything
09:22that really moves on Andy. I'm kind of, again, more perplexed that they chose
09:25Andy from the 40-year-old Virgin to be a subject for a movie maniac release. Still,
09:30though, it's a nice-looking figure. I mean, whether, again, I keep calling this
09:32really, again, a figure, it should really be more considered a statue. Again, you
09:36got yourself the background here, which I guess you probably could have flipped
09:38either this way, right? So it looks like... I mean, that would kind of be also ironic,
09:43the fact that Andy's so concerned about the value of something that you then put
09:46the certificate of authenticity being the more front and center. But again, you
09:49got yourself a little background here. Based, again, on the fact that the display
09:53base does have Andy here, and then that little suction tile, it's more specific
09:57to the 40-year-old Virgin. I would gather, then, they're probably gonna be using
10:00this base for a future release. Maybe not as elaborate anymore as what we're
10:03getting with the original movie maniacs, like here, Pennywise the Clown. But again,
10:07like, if you're a big fan of 40-year-old Virgin, whether you question the
10:10legitimacy and whether this guy even needs to exist as a movie maniac figure
10:14release, if though you like the 40-year-old Virgin, the Andy Stitzer
10:17movie maniac might be one that you might want to pick up. So I keep looking back
10:21and forth between the regular release that we looked in this review and the
10:25McFarland Toys digital version of Andy Stitzer. The boxes are exactly the same.
10:29Andy inside the box looks also exactly the same. We talked a little bit
10:34also in this review that his shirt was something I found in the bottom of the
10:36box. So there I thought, okay, like maybe the digital version would have had a
10:41shirt and more reason why you would want to pick up this that release over this
10:44one. But yeah, the shirt I end up finding. So it's not that. The pants are loose
10:48from the rest of his body, which again makes no sense to me. Like, wouldn't it
10:51just made it more sense to mold everything from the costing of tooling,
10:54just mold all of Andy together instead of having the pants being separate? But
10:58if they were loose, you would think, okay, well, maybe the digital version of Andy
11:02doesn't have pants. Not that we really want to spend a whole lot of time talking
11:04about Steve Carell without his pants. But no, no, that's not it at all either. The
11:08inside of the box is exactly the same, unless maybe what's inside the foil bag
11:11is different. But you wouldn't know that until you picked up both. I
11:16don't know if still I'm gonna be opening up the digital version of Andy, just
11:19because again, like from what I can see cosmetically, they're exactly the same to
11:23one another. Now, I mean, obviously you could argue the point of whether Andy
11:26really belongs in the territory of movie maniacs. I think really now Todd and his
11:30team are just kind of sort of grouping all the characters that are sort of like
11:33the island of misfit toys. If they don't belong in any other category and if they
11:38want to be in that and release them as statues, they sort of all group them
11:41together under the banner of movie maniacs. Whether I really feel like movie
11:44maniacs, if that be the case, I think they should just change the name to
11:47something else. Pop Maniacs. I don't know. I could probably think of something. I
11:52could probably think of a better title than that if you guys left it with me a
11:55little bit longer. But like Pop Maniacs, I think would have made more sense.
11:58Because again, like if it's not gonna be covering the area of specifically horror
12:02or characters played by Nicolas Cage, I think not calling it movie maniacs just
12:07for me doesn't make any sense. Although again, like if I'm calling it Pop Maniacs,
12:10Maniacs I would imagine is probably the part of the title that makes the least
12:15sense. Movie. Movie makes sense. Maniac. Maybe it's probably... yeah. Now that I
12:20think about it, Pop Maniacs probably isn't gonna fly either. But again, like from the
12:24look of of at least Steve Carell here, I feel it looks a lot like him. I mean the
12:29figure is sculpted pretty well and I keep making the mistake of calling a
12:31figure when really it is a statue. I do appreciate at least that they included
12:35this back card that as you can see right now also serves as well for the
12:38Certificate of Authenticity. Does he belong as a movie maniac? Maybe no. But it
12:42doesn't mean that he's not a bad-looking sculpted statue. And I think if you are a
12:46fan though of Steve Carell, why not pick this one up? Let me know down below in
12:50the comment section if you guys have had the chance to pick up the Andy Stitzer
12:53from either version, whether it be the regular version or the digital. And if
12:56you have opened up both, let me know if there's a difference between the two. Let
13:00me also know down below in the comment section for your video question for
13:02today. What's your favorite Steve Carell movie? Is it also the 40-year-old Virgin
13:06or maybe it's something else? For me, I probably would still say Ron Burgundy.
13:09Yeah, Anchorman. Not the second Anchorman. I didn't think that the second one was
13:13as good as the first. But the first one and Steve Carell in that. Like all the
13:17characters. Paul Rudd and all the rest of the cast are just gold in the
13:21original Anchorman. That would I would be I would be the one to say that that's my
13:24favorite Steve Carell film. What's yours? Let me know down below in the comment
13:27section. In though the meantime, if you guys did enjoy this video, do a solid
13:31for a like. You guys want to stick around for more so? I hope so. Hit that
13:34subscribe, turn on that Bell, but of course come back. As always, thanks for
13:38watching. See you guys next time.
