Art et designTranscription
00:00♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
00:06Hey gang, we're now passing over the North Pole.
00:09Wrong, Finny. It's the South Pole, and we're miles off course.
00:12Hoppy, you're holding the map upside down.
00:16See, it's the North Pole, and we're heading for Alaska.
00:19Oh, well, see one pole, and you've seen them all.
00:22Never mind that. Does anybody see tall, dark, and creepy?
00:25If you mean Crumbden and his kooky crew, they're nowhere in sight.
00:29♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
00:55♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
01:09♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
01:39♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
02:06Now, Smurky, the ice slicer, if you please.
02:10♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
02:17Hey, who's throwing that sludge?
02:20Who else? The loving Goonfuls.
02:22I had a hunch it was Crumbden's no good bunch.
02:25And he's cut us adrift on a block of ice.
02:28And thinner, is it that?
02:32Au revoir, Pini-Pog!
02:36Au revoir, Pini-Pog!
03:01Hey, what's going on?
03:03It seems we've hitched a ride on a whale.
03:05And that's what I call a whale of a break.
03:08Hoppy, can you spot the balloon?
03:11There she is, dead ahead!
03:15Going through!
03:19Hey, how do you steer a whale?
03:21Who cares? Full speed ahead!
03:23♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
03:28Land ho!
03:29You mean iceberg hole?
03:31Right, and we're on a collision course with it.
03:34Hang on, here we go!
03:36Isn't there any way to stop him?
03:38Yeah, put out your hand.
03:40Maybe he'll make a left turn.
03:42Not a chance, hold on to your hats.
03:44♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
03:49Whoa, watch out!
03:51♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
03:55Are you okay, Jenny?
03:56I'm fine.
03:59How about you, Hoppy?
04:00Not a scratch.
04:01I landed in this nice furry snowbank.
04:04Did you say furry snowbank?
04:09Hoppy's landed on a polar bear.
04:14And he's more of a snowcrank than a snowbank.
04:17You must have disturbed his nap.
04:18Hold it, Hoppy!
04:20This picture will be worth a thousand words.
04:24Well, here's one word.
04:29Wow, that bear sure can buck.
04:35And that fish sure can bite.
04:39Mwam mwam mwam mwam mwam
04:41I think old Buck is hungry.
04:43Here's a fish, old bear buddy.
04:45Mwam mwam mwam mwam mwam
04:48Looks like we've made a new friend.
04:50And lost an old one.
04:52Cromden's got the balloon.
04:54Yes, I have your balloon.
04:56And soon, the million pounds will be all mine.
05:00You mean ours, don't you, Crom?
05:04This is what you'll get if you don't hunt to it.
05:08Ta-ta, Finny Fog.
05:10Enjoy your deep freeze.
05:16We'll never catch them now.
05:18This is a fine kettle of fish.
05:20Fish? Say, that gives me an idea.
05:24How do you like our one bear power?
05:26Great! How many miles to a fish?
05:28If he catches it, we're out of gas.
05:34Uh-oh, more pests.
05:36It's 12 o'clock, Crom.
05:38Dash, crash, and double dash.
05:40I can't bear it.
05:42Quick, behind that snowbank.
05:46I don't see any sign of Cromden.
05:48But you will.
05:50All the way to the bottom.
05:52All set with the fake snow scene.
05:54Splendid! Here they come.
06:00Man, we're really moving.
06:02Yes, and your next move will be downhill,
06:05at 1,000 miles an hour.
06:10Hey, there's something weird about that snow scene.
06:12Like what?
06:14I don't know, Crom.
06:16I don't know.
06:18Hey, there's something weird about that snow scene.
06:20Like what?
06:22I see what you mean.
06:24Who ever heard of palm trees in Alaska?
06:32Well, there they go.
06:34A one-way trip, straight down.
06:38Another sneaky trick.
06:40By that dumb Cromdom.
06:42Never mind Cromdom.
06:44We're gonna hit a shack, Jack.
06:48C'est parti, Jenny.
06:56Tu vas bien, Jenny?
06:58Oui, c'est bien.
07:00Je n'ai jamais skié avant.
07:02Regarde, pas de mains.
07:06Arrête de te moquer.
07:08Prends cette pose, Buck.
07:14Regarde, il y a Cromden en dessous.
07:17Bonne chance, on va le couper.
07:23Regarde cette forme.
07:25Oui, un champion olympique.
07:27Il se dirige vers l'arrière.
07:31Cromden, les oiseaux volent.
07:33Bien sûr que non, mon petit cerveau.
07:35Peut-être que c'est un super oiseau.
07:41Ne t'en fais pas, je le vois.
07:43C'est bon, Crom.
07:47Je t'ai dit de tomber dessus.
07:49Quelqu'un s'attache à son dos.
07:52C'est ce ballon explosif.
07:54Sors-le, Smurky.
08:01Là va notre ballon.
08:03Et là va Buck.
08:11Un parfait landé à un point.
08:13Oui, sur le point de Bumbler.
08:17Là va notre ballon.
08:19Et on a une chance.
08:21Si je peux prendre cet oiseau.
08:23Et là va.
08:27Il l'a.
08:29N'y va pas, je serai là-bas pour t'attraper.
08:35Hé, Cromden.
08:37Fais-lui donner la roue.
08:39Je suis le chauffeur ici.
08:41Ne sois pas un dimwit, Bumbler.
08:43Et ne le fais pas en colère.
08:49Tu as compris?
08:51Buck prend des cours de conduite.
08:53Correction, Jenny.
08:55Il les donne.