Not Rated |13min | Comedy | 2020 (Nigeria)
Kbrown and Baze 10 contract Corona Virus as they pretend to be NCDC staff in a bid to make money helping men who are tired of being in lockedown with their wise escape by having them pretend to be covid 19 positive, and then take them to an hotel of their choice while their wives think they are being taken to the isolation centre.
Director: Daniel Julius
Writers: Mark Angel Comedy
Stars:Mark Angel, Emmanuela
Kbrown and Baze 10 contract Corona Virus as they pretend to be NCDC staff in a bid to make money helping men who are tired of being in lockedown with their wise escape by having them pretend to be covid 19 positive, and then take them to an hotel of their choice while their wives think they are being taken to the isolation centre.
Director: Daniel Julius
Writers: Mark Angel Comedy
Stars:Mark Angel, Emmanuela
00:00my brother my problem now is this girl that is inside my house she she has been here for
00:21one week and there's no way she can go my brother how can i be in the house with one
00:26girl for one whole week and you go out now you know now explain so that is how can i
00:31be with just one girl since one week and you sure that is not happy matters if you go out
00:36now this amipo will embarrass you okay brown do you really want to go out i said i want
00:46to go out see since there's no way she'll go out okay let me go out see i have the perfect
00:51excuse for you i can make you leave the house are you serious yes but you know what you have
00:57to pay me my brother any excuse they are going to bring that is going to make me leave this house
01:02i'm willing to pay yes you pay me two thousand naira two thousand yes thousand there is no
01:07problem as far as it will work see just start coughing like corona virus yes no no no god
01:16forbid i can't do that i don't have corona virus yes you don't have corona but for now you need
01:20it so just start coughing so i should start coughing start coughing cough cough i'm coming
01:34honey what is the problem it's like i'm still developing dry cough dry cough yes it's like i'm
01:40having sore throat sore throat yes and it's like my temperature is still rising and i'm finding
01:48difficult to breathe i suspect that i've developed this corona virus
01:53god forbid holy ghost fire
01:57somebody help her somebody help her
02:02somebody is coughing here who is coming in this compound
02:05stay away from him stay away from him move back move back calm down calm down man just calm down
02:10man oh my god he has the virus please stay back stay back we're taking him to the hospital for
02:16quarantine stay back stay back let's go let's go he'll be back in the next 14 days okay tell her
02:22to in two days sorry i mean to in two days okay no problem i want to come back in fact no no no
02:38i told you i have the perfect plan for you
02:46it's nothing see i'll cross you are you sure
02:49wait let me wear my mask well oh yeah be coughing be coughing
02:55hey he's sick sir we need to quarantine him sir go go go go
02:59go go go go
03:02you see even Amiduwa is scared
03:05keep coughing keep coughing we're almost there hey come here come here come here come here
03:14i'm from ncdc let me remove this mask
03:21where are we going to let's go to a hotel okay let's go let's go let's go wait come come come
03:31see do you know that this thing you did now has given me business idea
03:37yes well yeah tell me tell me about it now there are many men at their houses
03:41they want to leave their houses because their wives are choking them in the neck
03:44and they don't know a way to break out now we'll be the people breaking them out
03:49that's a good idea they will pretend like they have corona virus
03:53they will not call us we will not come as a quarantine team to come and quarantine them
04:00you have said yes yes we're going to use it as business we're going to start up a
04:05group on facebook and we're going to name it team breakout no no no no why don't we call it
04:10breakout team yes we are breaking as a matter of fact i still have a nose mask and cover up so what
04:17will happen is that uh hi i don't have a handglove
04:20oh forget about handglove we use hand sanitizer
04:23we sanitize our hands what is there again what is there again we carry them we break them out
04:50it's like all the intercommunist hotel are not working
04:53it's like this one here is even for fans i don't know but i like it here
04:57uh-huh see i have created a facebook page oh that is that is very good that is very good
05:05i don't know if i should message them back so you can stack a divya inbox no they should call us
05:09didn't you put phone number there i i put phone number that is good hey which phone number did
05:14you put your phone number ah why did you put my phone number why didn't you put your own
05:19it's not about the idea i put your phone number now
05:22who is this person i don't know this number
05:26pick the call now do you know whether it's one of our clients that is calling you
05:29remember i put your phone number there
05:34hello hello is this the breakout team yes this is the breakout team good good please i just got
05:40your number from your facebook page yes that is good that is good please i need you people to come
05:44to my house and break me out i will send my address to you through sms and i will send you
05:49my address to you through sms please come as soon as possible that is very good that is very good
05:55see your fee is ten thousand don't worry that's not the problem okay see let me just tell you
05:59something just start coughing okay start coughing just start coughing in the next five minutes we
06:04are coming to rescue you we are coming to break you out all right thank you very much we are in
06:35the ncdc is here the ncdc is here thank god you're here honey
06:39calm down calm down relax just relax madam where is he where is he inside he's inside
06:44just calm down okay please keep your distance keep your distance
06:50don't worry it's going to be all right we're going to quarantine for 14 days
06:53just keep your distance huh please help him get his shoes
07:03don't worry you're going to be fine eh just keep coughing madam please you'll be fine okay
07:13hey i told him to sit at home but he wouldn't listen
07:30okay it's okay it's okay they can't see us it's okay
07:39so where are you going to can you take me to droopy's hotel
07:43droopy's hotel we will take you there but remember our fee is 10 000 naira no problem
07:48okay let's go let's go hey no no no let's take the other side
08:03uh wait can this is yours here wait here wait here wait here let me check
08:09they no longer seen us correct you guys are smart
08:14you guys are very smart so where are you going to just rush me down to a cool hotel
08:22smart man
08:33you're doing well you're doing well just continue just continue
08:37you're doing well you're doing well
08:47see this your idea is really making sense this is a clear definition of what i call
08:53native sense you see in less than three hours we have made
08:5720 000 yes see what's going to happen is that we're going to share it equally no problem no
09:03problem you're my man okay bro you didn't count the money how sure are you that this is 10 000
09:09naira don't worry when it comes to money i don't make mistakes another client
09:17hello hello is this the breakout team yes this is the breakout team please i need you people to
09:23come to my house and break me out right now don't worry there's no problem i hope you know your fee
09:28don't worry 10 000 rb yes you know what will happen my wife will call you i will give my
09:33wife your number she will call you okay i tell you that i have the corona virus okay then you
09:38pretend to be ncdc and then you don't worry we know our job no problem no problem just start
09:44coughing start coughing start coughing she will call you just wait for her call okay
09:49hi my brother hey his wife is calling hello hello hello please is it the ncdc
09:58yes this is the ncdc okay please please i need people to come to my house and carry my husband
10:03i think he has the corona virus please don't worry we're going to take care of him hope your husband
10:08gave you something something like what don't worry don't worry just send your address all right
10:14please come immediately i'm waiting okay don't worry we are coming another job
10:29hey where are these people now you people should come
10:35oh thank god you people are here uh-huh where's the corona virus person
10:39madam keep your distance man keep your distance step back oh he has the virus
10:43don't worry we'll take care of him your distance step back man step back man please
10:48okay let's go don't worry you'll be fine you people should save him for me oh madam don't
10:53worry you'll be fine can i go no no no ma just keep your distance man please keep your distance
10:59you'll be fine ma just step back step and keep your distance
11:02you'll be fine man you'll be fine man
11:41isolation center oh god there is no isolation center which hotel do you want to go let us
11:45take you there yes i have corona virus okay take me to the hospital take me to the hospital
11:51oh god beggy this is your own act himself hello hello
12:11you mean your husband is still there yes now my husband is still here with me
12:15he even gave me money to give to people please come and carry him
12:18if your husband is there then who are we with
12:25why are you wasting my time okay you said okay you said you have what
12:29corona virus can't you see i just came back from italy two weeks ago you mean you have
12:34three coronaviruses
12:38and you have been speaking to me since