00:03The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, starring the entire Nelson family.
00:07Here's Ozzie ...
00:11Here's Harriet ...
00:14Here's David ...
00:17And here's Ricky.
00:22Here they are, America's favorite family ...
00:28Go ahead, Ricky, ask him.
00:29You ask him. He's your father.
00:31He's your father, too. You ask him.
00:33Somebody afraid or something?
00:35What's the big consultation all about?
00:38We want to ask you a question, Pop.
00:40Well, here I am. Go ahead.
00:42We were just wondering ...
00:44Can we go to the movies this afternoon?
00:46Well, sure. Why not?
00:47Gee, thanks, Pop.
00:49Now ask him the rest, David.
00:52Well, go ahead, Dave.
00:54Well, it's the funniest thing.
00:56We don't seem to have any allowance left.
00:58Isn't that the funniest thing?
01:01Where'd your allowance go?
01:03I don't know, Pop.
01:04Mine went to Mr. Schultz at the ice cream store.
01:07Well, you guys spent your allowance.
01:10You spent it. I'm sorry.
01:12Gee, we're very sorry, too.
01:14We thought maybe we could have a little advance.
01:16What's this about an advance?
01:17Oh, it seems the boys have gone through their allowances already.
01:21Well, you just got them the day before yesterday.
01:22What happened?
01:23I don't know, Mom.
01:24We're just big spenders, I guess.
01:27All well and good, but I think it's about time you guys learned to appreciate the value of money.
01:31Oh, we do, Pop.
01:33Well, evidently Ricky doesn't.
01:34Sure I do, Pop. He can't buy anything without it.
01:38That's not exactly what I had in mind.
01:41I think if you guys had to earn your own money, you wouldn't be in such a hurry to spend it.
01:45You mean we could get jobs after school?
01:47Well, no, that isn't necessary.
01:49If you guys want to earn some money, there are plenty of jobs you can do right around the house here.
01:53Make things a little easier for your mother.
01:55Sounds very interesting to me, dear.
01:56It means you, Pop.
01:58How about you, Rick?
01:59I'd rather hear more of the details.
02:02Well, I haven't figured out any details yet.
02:05Tell you what I'll do, though.
02:06I'll write down a whole list of household chores you guys can do.
02:09That is, if your mother doesn't mind having her work made a little easier.
02:12Where are you, Harriet?
02:14I'm right here, and it sounds fine to me.
02:16I brought you a book and a pencil.
02:17Oh, fine.
02:20When do we get paid?
02:22After class, you'll get paid.
02:24See, I'm going to devise a point system.
02:26For every job you do, you'll get a certain number of points.
02:29What are the points for, Pop?
02:31Well, for instance, if you help your mother clear off the table,
02:35that'll be, say, five points, and you guys will get paid a penny a point.
02:39That sounds like a good idea to me.
02:41There's only one thing, though.
02:42Suppose the boys get lazy and decide they've made enough for one week.
02:46Well, then we could use a system we use at Boy Scout Camp.
02:49We could give them demerits.
02:51What are those?
02:52Well, if you don't do a job, that counts against you.
02:55I thought it sounded too good.
02:57Well, that's fair, isn't it?
02:59Like what, Pop?
03:00Well, for instance, suppose you comfort the table without washing your hands.
03:05That'd count points against you, and at the end of the week,
03:08those points would be deducted from the points you earned for doing various jobs.
03:12Heck, I'll wind up with minus points.
03:14You just have to remember to wash your hands before coming to the table, that's all.
03:17I do, Mom.
03:18There must be something wrong with my hands.
03:20I just can't seem to get them clean.
03:22Well, David seems to manage all right.
03:24Oh, yeah, Mom, but he uses soap.
03:28Well, I think you can work this out very equitably
03:30and at the same time save your mother a lot of work.
03:32How else can we earn the points, Pop?
03:34Oh, there'll be various things you can do around the house.
03:37I'll make out a whole list of things and the points you get for each thing you do.
03:41We'll be rich in no time, boy.
03:43You better not count your chickens before they're hatched.
03:45Chickens? Heck, I thought we were going to get money.
03:48Well, sure you are, but your father doesn't want you to have it all spent before you've earned it.
03:52I'll tell you what I'll do.
03:53I'll take this in the other room and I'll figure out the whole deal,
03:56the jobs you do and how many points for each job.
04:06Just a minute.
04:10Well, hi, Barb. Come on in.
04:11Well, I just dropped by for a minute.
04:12I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd try to talk you to come to the PTA meeting this Wednesday.
04:16Well, fine. Come on in and sit down.
04:18I'm going to surprise you. I think I can probably make it this week.
04:21Oh, well, that's wonderful, Harriet.
04:23You haven't been to a meeting in ages. Everybody's been asking about you.
04:26Oh, thank you.
04:27Well, I think I'm going to have a little extra time from now on.
04:30Oh, is Ozzie going away on a trip or something?
04:32No, but the boys want a little extra spending money,
04:34so Ozzie's worked out a system for them.
04:36Well, I didn't even know Ozzie played the horses.
04:42This is a household merit system so the boys can take over a few of my daily chores for me.
04:46Oh. Well, how does the system work?
04:48Well, he's made up this list of things for the boys to do
04:50and they get a certain number of points for each job.
04:52Oh, well, that sounds interesting. May I see it?
04:54Mm-hmm. I haven't even seen it myself yet.
04:57Mowing the lawn, 25 points. Carrying out the trash cans, 10 points.
05:02My goodness, Harriet, do you mow the lawn and carry out the trash cans?
05:05Oh, no. Ozzie does that.
05:07Oh, well, I thought.
05:08Wash the car, 20 points.
05:10Ozzie usually does that, too.
05:13Hey, wait a minute, Barbara.
05:15Cleaning out the garage, painting the screens, repairing the workbench.
05:20Was something wrong?
05:21Oh, no. No, it's a beautiful list as far as it goes.
05:24It's just that by a strange coincidence, all these things are jobs that Ozzie always does.
05:29Oh, my goodness, Harriet, you've got lots of pages in that book.
05:32Fill them up with a few jobs you'd like to get out of.
05:34Mm-hmm. By a strange coincidence, that's exactly what I had in mind.
05:38Well, boys, I've got the list all made out with your various duties.
05:41Now, Harriet, I'd like you to take a look at this, too.
05:43Oh, I'm very interested, dear.
05:45See, I've got this little book marked off into days,
05:48and at the end of the week, it's a space for the credits that the boys have earned.
05:52See, and right in this column is a total so they can see at a glance just where they stand.
05:56May I look at the book for a minute?
05:57Yeah, sure.
05:58Uh, do you mind if I make a few suggestions? I'd like to add a few things.
06:01No, no, no, go right ahead. I'll write them down.
06:03All right, let's see.
06:05I think the boys could get credit for making their beds and cleaning up their room,
06:09for putting towels away, setting the table.
06:12Oh, Harriet, we don't want to make sphincters out of them.
06:16Well, they do all those things at camps. Soldiers do them. Sailors do them.
06:20Let me see. What else?
06:22Let me look at that.
06:24You've got the boys washing the car, carrying out the trash, mowing the lawn.
06:29For goodness sakes, dear.
06:31Tell you what?
06:32You've left yourself out.
06:34Oh, well, naturally.
06:36Well, I don't think that's fair to you. You ought to get paid for that.
06:39Well, I don't think that's fair to you.
06:41Well, I don't think that's fair to you.
06:43Well, I don't think that's fair to you.
06:45Well, I don't think that's fair to you.
06:47Well, I don't think that's fair to you. You ought to get paid the same as the boys.
06:50Oh, but I was going to get out of them.
06:52I mean, I want to let the boys enjoy themselves.
06:57We don't mind, Pa.
06:58Heck no.
06:59Say, I have an idea.
07:01Why don't you do the outside chores, and that'll leave the boys free to help me with all the bothersome little things.
07:06But, Harriet, this changes the whole plan.
07:10Oh, no, dear.
07:11Now, let's figure this thing out.
07:13A man is paid according to his ability to produce.
07:16Therefore, you should definitely be paid more than the boys.
07:20Suppose we make yours a dollar a point.
07:23Oh, a dollar a point. Well, yes, yes. That's not bad.
07:26And a man is taxed according to his ability to pay.
07:30Therefore, you should be fined a dollar a demerit.
07:34Well, now, I don't want to be shown any favoritism, Harriet.
07:37If the boys are only paid a penny a point, then I should only be paid a penny a point.
07:41Oh, no, dear. That wouldn't be fair.
07:43It's okay, Harriet.
07:44And if the boys are only fined a penny a demerit, then I'm willing to go along with that, too.
07:51Honey, Pa, I want to get a dollar a point.
07:53Same here.
07:54Well, okay, if that's the decision, then I'll get paid a dollar a point, and I'll be fined a penny a demerit.
08:01Oh, no.
08:02You get paid and fined the same amount.
08:05Uh, Harriet, maybe you'd like to take over the book.
08:09Oh, thank you, dear.
08:12Now, for carrying out the trash, you ought to get 10 points.
08:18For washing the car, 20 points.
08:23For helping me carry out the dinner dishes, 5 points.
08:28Oh, for goodness sakes, for those three things, you got $35. Isn't that wonderful?
08:31Oh, that's marvelous. Who pays me?
08:35You pay yourself.
08:36I'm afraid we'd better get somebody cheaper. I can't afford me.
08:40You owe it to yourself.
08:42Oh, no, you know how I hate to owe people money, and you know how tough I am about getting paid the money that's owed me.
08:48Oh, I think you've hit on a wonderful idea.
08:51Oh, thank you.
08:53Certainly we'll get things done. Beds made, car washed.
08:57Car washed? Who said anything about washing the car? It doesn't need washing.
09:01I think you'd better wash it tomorrow. Besides, I have several other things you can do.
09:06Oh, you'll be earning lots of points.
09:08No, Harriet, don't go to any trouble on my account.
09:11Oh, it's no trouble at all. I have lots of things I want done.
09:14I've really created something here.
09:17Well, you'll be having quite a busy day tomorrow, dear, so why don't you go downstairs and read your paper and relax?
09:23Well, no thanks. I'm more in a book-reading mood.
09:27Well, I'll get it for you, Pop. What book do you want to read?
09:30No, the book is downstairs, David. Don't bother.
09:34It's a book I feel a peculiar kinship for at the moment.
09:37What book is that, Pop?
09:38Well, it's all about a man who had a brilliant idea.
09:41Gee, just like you, huh, Pop?
09:43Yes, I'm struck by the similarity.
09:46What was his name?
10:00Hi, Oz.
10:01Oh, hello, Barney.
10:02Hey, what's the matter with David?
10:04Why, I just saw him dashing off down the street with your suit on his arms.
10:07Oh, he's just trying to earn a little extra money.
10:10Yeah? Well, I bet he doesn't get more than five dollars for it.
10:13No, he's not trying to sell it. He just took it down the cleaners for me.
10:17Well, that should give him about ten points.
10:20What do you mean, ten points?
10:21Well, see, I worked out a little system for the boys.
10:23They do little household chores, and they get so many points for each job.
10:27And then I pay them a penny a point. It's a good deal.
10:31You sound to me like you've figured out a cheap way to get them to do all the work around the house.
10:34No, no, no, no. They just do the light stuff. I do all the heavy work.
10:38Well, exactly what do you consider heavy work?
10:40Folding the napkins, removing the rubber band from the morning paper?
10:43No, no, no. I mean real heavy stuff, like carrying out those big trash cans or polishing the car.
10:50You know, stuff like that.
10:51Oh, yeah, yeah. That is tough work.
10:53Oh, this is terrible, Thorny.
10:55What's the matter?
10:56Well, I was supposed to carry out the trash cans last night, and I forgot all about it.
11:00Well, you were probably so busy washing the car, it just slipped your mind.
11:03Yes, that's a good excuse, but why did I forget to wash the car?
11:07You mean you didn't do that either?
11:09I forgot all about it.
11:11Wow. That's $30.
11:14Now, wait a minute, Oz. You mean to tell me you get $30 for not washing the car?
11:18What do I apply?
11:20No, no, no, no. It's a demerit system as well as a merit system, you see.
11:26Oh, boy.
11:28Well, how about helping me carry out these trash cans?
11:31How many points do I get?
11:34Now, what's the matter?
11:35For goodness sakes.
11:37Well, somebody evidently carried them out for me. There they are right out there by the curb.
11:41Well, honey, I like that.
11:43Gee, that's strange.
11:45Well, I'd better get to work polishing the car. How about giving me a hand with that?
11:49Now, wait a minute, Oz. I agreed to help you take the trash cans out.
11:52Washing cars is just out of my line.
11:55Well, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll compromise.
11:57I'll come over and watch it.
12:00Well, that's mighty nice of you, Thorny.
12:03Just don't strain yourself.
12:10Hey, wait a minute, Oz. This car's already been polished.
12:13I've never seen it look so spick and span.
12:15Well, what the heck is going on around here?
12:18Now, wait, Oz. I think you've been working too hard.
12:20You better take it easy or you're going to crack up.
12:22Thorny, I didn't polish this car and I didn't carry out those trash cans.
12:27How about this?
12:29David and Ricky have been doing their jobs and mine too.
12:32Are you complaining?
12:34Well, yes, Thorny. I mean, I want to do my own work.
12:37I was supposed to set an example for the boys.
12:39Well, I think you're setting a fine example for them.
12:42You're sure setting one for me.
12:44Just watching you, I've learned how to become a very successful bum.
12:47Thorny, don't rub it in.
12:50Gee, I'd better hunt up a few chores I can do.
12:53Why don't you come over and polish my car?
12:55No, no thanks. There's plenty I can do right around my own house.
12:59Holy smokes.
13:01I'm supposed to be in the kitchen right now helping Harriet polish the silver.
13:05Boy, you're sure batting a thousand a day.
13:08I'd better wait for the kids to do that too.
13:15Oh, there you are.
13:17I'll bet you thought I'd forgotten I was supposed to help you with the silver.
13:20Yes, I did.
13:22Well, I didn't forget.
13:24I must admit it slipped my mind temporarily,
13:27but then it came to me like a flash.
13:30Well, where do we start?
13:32Well, thank you, dear, but I've just finished.
13:35Just finished?
13:37Well, I'll help you put it away then.
13:39Oh, no, that's all right. I'll put it away. I know where everything goes.
13:42Oh, gee, I wish you'd waited just a few more minutes.
13:45It's only 3.30, Harriet.
13:47Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I wanted to get it out of the way before I got dinner started.
13:50Oh, yes. Oh, here, I'll put this polish away for you.
13:55I don't know how this slipped my mind.
13:57Well, you can't be expected to remember everything.
14:00Well, it's one of my jobs.
14:02Oh, I don't mind.
14:03Whole thing's working out beautifully, isn't it?
14:06Well, the boys are sure doing a good job.
14:09Well, you're doing a good job too.
14:11Oh, I'm in there pitching, but I'm not hitting very well.
14:17Don't worry about the silver.
14:19Washing the car and taking the trash cans out must have been quite a job.
14:22Uh, yeah, I imagine so.
14:25You look all worn out.
14:27Oh, no, I'm not too tired.
14:30Well, you look tired.
14:32Why don't you go and lie down and rest for a while, and I'll call you when dinner's ready.
14:35If such a thing is over work, you know.
14:37Oh, well.
14:42Hi, Pa.
14:44Oh, hello, son.
14:46Don't you feel very good?
14:47Oh, yeah, sure.
14:48I'm just resting my eyes here for a moment.
14:51What have they been doing?
14:53Well, they've been trying to keep up with you and David.
14:56Don't you think you two guys have been overdoing this a little bit?
14:59What do you mean, Pa?
15:00Well, I mean, it's nice to be ambitious,
15:02but I think you guys have been working a little too hard.
15:04We want to make a lot of money, boy.
15:06Well, I know, but carrying out those big, heavy trash cans
15:09and washing the car all in one morning,
15:12that's a little too much.
15:13Gee, did we do that?
15:15Well, didn't you?
15:17How many points is it worth?
15:19About 30 points to you guys.
15:2230 points?
15:23Gee, I guess we did do it, Pa.
15:25Now, wait a minute.
15:27Did you and David carry out the trash cans and wash the car, or didn't you?
15:31No, we didn't.
15:33Did you and David carry out the trash cans and wash the car, or didn't you?
15:37If you say we did, I guess we did, Pa.
15:39You're the boss.
15:40I know, but you don't want to take credit for something you didn't do now.
15:44I guess David did do it by himself.
15:47Holy smokes, that's too much work for David.
15:51I mean, he'll overdo it.
15:5430 points is no good to you if you're lying in bed dead tired.
15:58No fun in that.
16:00Well, you could count your money.
16:02I don't mean to bother you, dear.
16:04Oh, no, that's okay. Hi, Dave.
16:05Hi, Pa.
16:06Well, if it isn't too much trouble, David would like to figure out the point.
16:09So would I, Pa.
16:11Oh, gee, isn't it a little early for that?
16:13No, I don't think so. They've accumulated quite a few.
16:16There's a little book over here that's got everything listed.
16:19Oh, okay.
16:20Here's the pencil, Pa.
16:26Well, you guys call out the jobs you've done, and I'll mark them down.
16:30Okay, Dave, you go first.
16:31I took your brown suit to be pressed.
16:33Pressing suit.
16:36Ten points.
16:40I took your brown suit to be pressed.
16:42Wait a minute. David took my brown suit to be pressed.
16:45Yeah, but he got it awful wrinkled on the way back, Pa.
16:50Okay, ten points for Rick.
16:54I helped Mom carry out the breakfast dishes.
16:57Carrying out dishes is five points.
17:00Well, Ozzie, you're in this too, dear.
17:02Oh, well, I figured I'd tabulate the boys' points first.
17:08Oh, no, you go ahead, Pa.
17:10Well, let's see.
17:14Oh, this morning at breakfast, I poured orange juice in all the glasses.
17:20If you recall, that's not worth more than, say, one point, I guess.
17:31Or let's make it a half a point of 50 cents.
17:38Oh, 20 cents.
17:4120 cents for Dad.
17:46I made my bet.
17:48You're making a bet, let's see.
17:51Ten points.
17:53I made my bet too, Pa.
17:55Ten points.
17:59Now it's your turn again, dear.
18:03Well, I went out to the front door and got the morning paper.
18:11That's, say, ten cents.
18:14Gee, the paper only costs seven cents.
18:18Well, let's make it seven cents then, shall we?
18:24Seven cents, Pa.
18:28I emptied the wastebaskets.
18:31Wastebaskets, three points.
18:35I lit the match.
18:39Gee, only one point.
18:40That's a pretty dangerous warrant, Pa.
18:43Well, I know, but it's also a lot of fun.
18:46Besides, don't forget we're not giving you any demerits for fooling around with matches.
18:50Your turn, Ozzie.
18:52My turn again?
18:55Let's see.
18:59I took the rubber band off the paper when I brought it in this morning.
19:05Well, isn't that part of getting the paper?
19:07Part of getting the paper, yeah.
19:10Let's see.
19:15Oh, last night, Ricky kind of used it as an excuse to get up out of bed.
19:23I used to do the same thing when I was a little boy.
19:25But he said he wanted a glass of water, you see.
19:29So I got Ricky a glass of water, ten cents.
19:36I drank it, five cents.
19:40Ricky, we don't give points for drinking water.
19:43How much you got so far, Pa?
19:45Uh, let's see.
19:50Uh, David, you have 28 points and Rick has 26.
19:54Can we have the cash right now?
19:56Oh, I guess so.
19:58I get 26 cents, Pa.
20:00Honey, hi.
20:03Thanks, Pa.
20:0598, there you are.
20:06Thanks, Pa.
20:07Okay, you earned it.
20:08Can we spend it at the mall, Chuck?
20:10You can spend it any place you want.
20:11It's your money.
20:12Come on, Ricky, open the door.
20:13How many points?
20:15Open the door, will you?
20:17See you later, Mom.
20:18Pa, don't be gone too long, boys.
20:20We won't, Mom.
20:22Well, the boys really did all right, didn't they?
20:25I say the boys did all right for themselves.
20:27Well, for goodness sakes, Ozzie, look.
20:29You didn't put down carrying out the trash and washing the car.
20:32Oh, well, David didn't mention it.
20:36Well, David, what's he got to do with it?
20:38Oh, well, I might as well tell you.
20:40Well, Harriet, I forgot to carry out the trash cans,
20:42and I forgot to wash the car, too.
20:45David did both of those jobs for me.
20:47Oh, I see.
20:48If he didn't do your work, that's 30 demerits.
20:50No, no, no, wait a minute.
20:52You can't give demerits to work that was done.
20:54The only fair thing is to give the points to the person who did the job.
20:58Just put down 30 points for David, and I'll give him the 30 cents later on.
21:02Okay, if you think that's fair.
21:04Well, sure.
21:05Now, wait a minute.
21:07You're putting down the 30 points under Harriet.
21:09Well, naturally.
21:10I did the work, so I get the 30 points.
21:14You mean you polished the car and you carried out those heavy trash cans?
21:18Well, sure.
21:19I wanted to have some fun, too.
21:21I thought I felt calluses on your hands when we shook hands goodnight last night.
21:27I also polished the silver for you.
21:29That's five more points.
21:31Okay, put down 35 cents.
21:34Oh, no, dear.
21:35Don't you remember?
21:36We grown-ups get a dollar a point.
21:38You owe me the grand total of $35.
21:43This woman has a heart of stone.
21:46I'll get your wallet for you, dear.
21:48It's right here in your coat, isn't it?
21:50Oh, no, don't bother.
21:51Get up.
21:52Are you kidding?
21:53I don't believe I can get up.
21:55I'll admit it is quite a lot of money.
21:58I'll make a deal with you.
21:59I'll settle for $15.
22:01Well, I'm not exactly in a bargaining position.
22:04What can I do?
22:05I'll accept your offer.
22:06There's a beautiful hat at the Emporium.
22:08$15 is just what it costs.
22:10I saw it yesterday, and it's really lovely.
22:13Okay, put it on.
22:14Let me take a look at it.
22:16I've got it here.
22:17Oh, oh.
22:19Well, at least you were honest enough not to buy it until...
22:22It's hidden in the hall closet.
22:25Mary, do you mean to say this whole thing was a scheme of yours just to get a new hat?
22:30Well, no, dear.
22:31Of course not.
22:32Don't you remember?
22:33The whole thing was your idea.
22:34Well, yes, it was my idea that the boys earn their own money.
22:39I'm just trying to figure out where it detoured.
22:43I guess you wouldn't exactly call it a scheme, though, would you?
22:46Of course not.
22:47In the first place, you never scheme against me.
22:50Of course I don't.
22:51But you do play little jokes on me occasionally.
22:55And this was a little $35 joke.
23:01Oh, yes, the $15.
23:03Husband and wives are always playing little jokes on each other.
23:08There's no harm in that.
23:09None at all.
23:10I mean, that's all part of married life.
23:13Playing little jokes on each other, having fun like that.
23:17You certainly couldn't call that scheming.
23:19Oh, I should say not.
23:24By the way, dear, my back itches.
23:27Would you mind scratching it for me?
23:29Oh, well, certainly.
23:30Where does it itch?
23:31Just a little above the knife.
23:38Oh, there you are.
23:39I was looking for you.
23:40Oh, I was looking for you, too.
23:42How do you like it?
23:43How do I like what?
23:44Well, my new hat.
23:46Well, maybe I need Polaroid glasses or something.
23:51Is it a 3D hat?
23:52I can't see it.
23:53Oh, I forgot.
23:54You can't see it from the front.
23:56Oh, yeah.
23:57It's a beanie.
23:58You like it?
23:59Oh, yeah.
24:00It's very cute.
24:01I think you should have gotten it for half price, so it's only half a hat.
24:05Speaking of new things, how do you like my new coat?
24:09Oh, that's very smart.
24:11It isn't like your hat.
24:12You can appreciate this from the front or the back.
24:14Oh, you stop picking on my hat.
24:15I think it's cute.
24:16Oh, yeah.
24:17I do, too.
24:18You know, it's a funny thing.
24:19The boys usually don't make much comment about my new clothes.
24:23But they really like this coat.
24:25In fact, Ricky got so enthused, he slapped me on the back a couple of times.
24:29How about that?
24:30Yeah, and then I hate to seem immodest, but I took a little walk around the block,
24:36and golly, you should have seen all the people staring after me, looking at the coat.
24:43Gee, I made quite a hit.
24:45You like it, huh?
24:46Oh, it's very nice, yes.
24:48See if you like it from the back.