• 5 years ago


00:00Hot Point Quality Appliances presents America's favorite family comedy, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, starring the entire Nelson family.
00:18Here is Ozzie, who plays the part of Ozzie Nelson. And of course, his lovely wife Harriet, as Harriet Nelson.
00:25The older of the Nelson boys, David, appears as David Nelson. And his younger brother, the irrepressible Ricky, played by Ricky Nelson.
00:33The Nelson's next door neighbor, Thorny, is played by Don DeFore.
00:41Yes sir, spring is here again. Isn't it a wonderful time of year? The flowers come into bloom, the birds start to sing again.
00:50It's a happy season. A season for frolicking and playing in the park. A season for family picnics with dad and mother and the kids.
00:59And most of all, a season for falling in love.
01:03Yes, spring's a wonderful time of year. No wonder the poets write beautiful poems about it.
01:08Happy, carefree, romantic spring, we bid you welcome.
01:13Out in back of the Nelson's house, there's usually some extra activity along about this time of year too.
01:18The three Nelson boys, David, Ricky, and the biggest boy, Ozzie, who should know better, get out the old baseball equipment and start throwing and batting a ball around.
01:29Hey, that looks like fun.
01:33Oh, careful now Ozzie, you're not getting any younger, you know.
01:46I hope you know I was safe.
01:49Oh, Pop, you were out.
01:51I was not, I was safe. I got to touch you with the ball, you never touched me.
01:54Oh, I did.
01:55You did not, I was safe a mile.
01:57Oh, you were out, Pop.
01:58I was not, you guys need a pair of spectacles each.
02:02I think you need a new pair of pants.
02:05This is my old pants.
02:08Well, I think I had enough.
02:10Oh, aren't you going to play any more, Pop?
02:12No, no, thanks very much for the game boys.
02:14Okay, Pop.
02:22Oh, hi.
02:28Ozzie, where'd you get all that mud?
02:30Oh, there's plenty more outside if you want some.
02:35Oh, no, no, you don't, you're not going to track that mud through my nice clean house.
02:38Well, I'm just coming in the kitchen here to get a sandwich.
02:41No, sir, I told the boys time and time again not to come in the house with their dirty old shoes, and now look at your clothes.
02:47Are you subtly trying to get rid of me?
02:49That's exactly what I'm trying to do.
02:53I can see that the coming of spring doesn't affect you the same as it affects me.
02:57Oh, well, I must admit, dear, you look irresistible, but really, I have to get lunch.
03:02Now, why don't you go outside and play some more mud pies, and I'll call you when lunch is ready.
03:07That'll just about give me enough time.
03:10Time for what?
03:11Oh, wouldn't you like to know?
03:22Oh, hi, Tony.
03:23Hi, Oz, hi.
03:25Beautiful day, isn't it?
03:26Well, not bad, not bad.
03:28Say, it just reminded me, I have to order some fertilizer for our garden.
03:34You can't make me mad, Tony, not on a beautiful day like this.
03:37No, on a second thought, Oz, maybe you better come over and stand in our flower garden when you brush your clothes off.
03:43I was out playing baseball with the kids, and I split into home plate, and it was just a little muddy, but these are my old clothes.
03:49Well, I hope so.
03:51Hey, would you like to take a walk downtown with me?
03:53Well, don't tell me you're going downtown looking like that.
03:55Well, yeah, lunch is going to be ready in a couple of minutes, and I want to go down there and buy Harry a little bunch of violets.
04:02Yeah? What's the occasion?
04:04Oh, there's no special occasion.
04:06It's just that, you know, it's spring, and romance is in the air.
04:11And, well, when Harriet and I were first going out together, see, I couldn't afford anything else.
04:17So on all these occasions, I used to buy her a little bunch of violets.
04:21And I just continued it along as sort of a sentimental little family tradition, you understand.
04:27Oh, sure, sure, Oz.
04:29But, gee, after all these years, you ought to have a little dough saved up.
04:32Why don't you break down and buy her something that she'll really appreciate, like, well, like an orchid.
04:40What do you think I am, Cranston Poole?
04:42Cranston Poole?
04:44What is that, some summer resort?
04:47It's a guy that Harriet and I used to know.
04:50He used to send Harriet orchids all the time.
04:53He sounds like a pretty nice guy to me.
04:56Say that if you could see him.
04:57Really a silly looking guy.
04:59What did he look like?
05:00Oh, he had a nose and two eyes.
05:06Nose and eyes?
05:07Yeah, he really must have been silly looking.
05:11If you must know the truth, I've never seen the guy in my life.
05:14Well, he was probably a very nice fellow.
05:16Well, anyway, Sonny, with all his dough and all his orchids, Harriet married me.
05:21Hiya, Pop. You want to play some baseball?
05:23Oh, well, thanks, Son, but I'm going to take a little walk downtown and buy something for your mother.
05:27Can I go with you?
05:28Well, I have to change your clothes first and get a little cleaned up.
05:32Well, what about you?
05:33You look like you just got run over by Cranston Poole and his stunts bear cat.
05:37Well, maybe you're right, Sonny.
05:40Okay, Rick, we'll make it a go-as-you-are party.
05:42Better put the glove away, though.
05:44Well, I'll see you then, Sonny.
05:47Okay, Oz.
05:48Remember, don't stand too close to any seeds.
05:50You might wind up with a row of sweet peas growing right out of your pocket.
05:53Oh, Oz, take this a second before I go.
05:55Give me a second. Do you mind if I borrow this?
06:09You don't look so worried.
06:10You look as if you're afraid I won't give this back to you.
06:12Well, that's just it. I'm afraid you will.
06:21Do you have any violets?
06:25I believe we do.
06:26I'd like to buy some, please.
06:30These are all we have. I'm afraid they aren't very fresh.
06:33Oh, they're okay.
06:35You sure you wouldn't prefer something else?
06:37No, no, no. Violets would be fine.
06:39I should have kept them in the fridge.
06:41No, no, no.
06:42I'm afraid they aren't very fresh.
06:44Oh, they're okay.
06:45You sure you wouldn't prefer something else?
06:47No, no, no. Violets would be fine.
06:49I should have kept them in the fridge,
06:51but we had a shipment of orchids and there was no room.
06:54Oh, uh, how much are they?
06:56Uh, the orchids?
06:57No, no.
06:58No, the violets.
07:00Oh, yes, yes, of course.
07:02Well, they usually sell for 50 cents a bunch,
07:05but these are a little wilted, so...
07:07shall we say 35 cents?
07:10That's 35?
07:14I hope you'll forgive my appearance.
07:16I didn't get a chance to change my clothes
07:18before I came down.
07:19Oh, don't apologize.
07:20You look fine.
07:22After all, we're both working men.
07:24Oh, well, no.
07:26I haven't exactly been working.
07:29Well, then, shall we say 20 cents for the violets?
07:34I, uh, I thought you said 35.
07:36Yes, but they're really so wilted.
07:3820 cents is about all they're worth.
07:40Well, whatever you say.
07:41I don't want you to cheat yourself.
07:43Why don't you pay me later?
07:44I have some change right here.
07:49Oh, here we are.
07:51Here's 10, 15, 16.
07:55The 16 cents will be enough.
07:56They're really so wilted.
07:57No, I have a couple more.
07:59Do you have a couple of pennies there, son?
08:06Oh, thank you.
08:07That's enough.
08:08I know I have the other...
08:11Oh, for goodness sake.
08:13Dropped in the cuff of my pants.
08:15I left my wallet in my other pants.
08:17I'm sorry to cause you all this trouble.
08:19Well, I'll have the violets delivered this afternoon.
08:21Oh, that won't be necessary.
08:23I can take them right along with me.
08:25Oh, but there's no extra charge for delivery,
08:27and it makes the gift so much more exciting.
08:29Oh, yes, I guess it does at that.
08:32Well, now, if you'll just fill out this delivery form,
08:34just write down your name and address.
08:38You just tell me your name and address,
08:40and I'll write it down for you.
08:41See, this pen is a little leaky.
08:44Oh, that's okay.
08:46A couple more spots on these clothes
08:47wouldn't even be noticed.
08:56Very good.
08:59Well, I hope you won't go out of your way
09:01delivering these.
09:02Oh, not at all.
09:03Oh, well, thanks for everything.
09:05It's a pleasure.
09:06Come on along, son.
09:09And just remember, be sure to drop by
09:11whenever you feel that you can.
09:13Thanks again.
09:23Yes, dear?
09:24Who was that?
09:26Just a customer.
09:27Didn't look like a customer to me.
09:29Did he buy anything?
09:31Yes, he bought a bunch of violets for his wife.
09:34What are you smiling about?
09:36Martha, I'm going to spread a little sunshine today.
09:39What's this?
09:41Oh, you should have seen that poor devil
09:43scraping his last few pennies together.
09:45So what?
09:47Simply this.
09:48I'm going to give them a wonderful surprise.
09:50Instead of those mangy little violets,
09:52I'm going to send them to beautiful orchids.
09:57You're going to hand out orchids
09:58to every bum that walks in here.
10:00He was not a bum.
10:02He looked like a bum to me.
10:04Oh, I'm surprised at you, Martha.
10:06It's not going to break us
10:07just to bring a little happiness
10:08into some woman's life.
10:09Oh, well, come here.
10:12You've been drinking again, haven't you?
10:16You know very well
10:17that I haven't had a drink since New Year's Eve.
10:19And what's more, I'm getting very fed up
10:21with this ugly disposition of yours.
10:23The trouble with you, Martha,
10:24is you're not sensitive and romantic like I am.
10:30How can you be romantic in a place like this?
10:32Nothing but flowers day in and day out.
10:34Flowers, flowers, flowers.
10:36Oh, shut up.
10:46Is that you, boy?
10:47No, dear.
10:48It's your old sweetheart, Ozzie.
10:50Oh, hello there, sweetheart.
10:51I've been looking for you.
10:53Isn't it wonderful?
10:55Spring is really here.
10:57Yes, I guess it is.
10:58Here I come looking for you.
11:01Here you are, dear, waiting for me.
11:03Well, I'm glad you found me, dear.
11:06Oh, thanks.
11:07And I'm glad you found me, too.
11:09So am I.
11:11Yes, dear?
11:12What is it you're trying to tell me?
11:14That you missed me
11:15and you're happy I'm home again?
11:17Well, yes, dear.
11:19The sink has stopped up.
11:21Oh, the...
11:26In the upstairs bath.
11:27Harriet, how can you be so unromantic
11:29at a time like this?
11:31What's this all about?
11:34Well, I'll tell you this much.
11:38I went downtown and I brought you a little surprise.
11:42Oh, how wonderful.
11:43What is it?
11:44No, no, no.
11:45I'm not going to tell you anything more.
11:47It'll be arriving in just a little while.
11:50Oh, how nice.
11:51What's the occasion?
11:52Oh, there's no occasion.
11:55It's just that spring is in the air
11:59and my fancy has turned to thoughts of love.
12:04Well, where's the plunger?
12:19Ozzie, it's nine o'clock.
12:24Hey, Mom.
12:25Oh, here's a box for you.
12:27For me?
12:28Oh, aren't they just gorgeous?
12:30What are they?
12:31Well, they're orchids.
12:32Aren't they beautiful?
12:33There's no smell to them.
12:35Well, there isn't supposed to be,
12:36but they're very expensive flowers.
12:38Well, it costs a lot to take the smell out, huh?
12:41They're very special flowers.
12:47You gonna put those in your refrigerator, Mom?
12:49Oh, sure.
12:50That's what you always do with orchids,
12:51put them in the refrigerator.
12:52Can I have a cookie?
12:54Well, just one.
12:55You're awful small, Mom.
12:57Well, all right, you can have a couple.
12:59Hey, Ricky.
13:01I gotta play baseball, Mom.
13:03Well, don't get all muddy again.
13:06I hear somebody mention my name.
13:08Well, if it isn't Mr. Romance himself.
13:10Oh, you got my little surprise.
13:12Oh, the flowers were beautiful, dear.
13:14Oh, thanks very much.
13:16Really nothing, just a little thought.
13:18Why, they're the most beautiful orchids I've ever seen.
13:21No, no, no.
13:22They're not orchids, they're violets.
13:23Aren't they beautiful violets?
13:25They look like orchids, don't they?
13:26Oh, no, look here, dear.
13:27I'll show you.
13:28These are orchids.
13:30Aren't they lovely?
13:32Harriet, I didn't send you those.
13:34I sent you violets.
13:36Are you sure?
13:37Well, of course.
13:38I always send you violets.
13:40I never send you orchids.
13:42And for a darn good reason.
13:44Then who are these from?
13:47This is ridiculous.
13:48You haven't heard from Cranston Pool for years.
13:54Cranston Pool.
13:55You know, the rich guy who always used to send you orchids?
13:58Oh, yes.
13:59Cranston Pool.
14:01Well, he's got a lot of nerve.
14:02He knows darn well you've been happily married all these years,
14:05and yet he sends you these darn orchids.
14:08Well, what makes you so sure these are from Cranston Pool?
14:11Well, who else would have that much crust?
14:14Oh, well, look, dear.
14:15If it upsets you so much, I'll throw them away.
14:16Oh, never mind.
14:17That won't be necessary.
14:20Wait till my violets arrive.
14:22You'll see how nice they are.
14:24Oh, well, darling, I like anything you send me.
14:26Well, of course.
14:27You always liked violets.
14:29Cranston Pool used to send you orchids
14:31and take you driving in his expensive automobile
14:34and take you out to dinner and dancing
14:37in these expensive places.
14:39But you fluffed him right off.
14:40You wouldn't even give him time of day.
14:43I was the guy you married.
14:45Yes, you were.
14:50Why was that?
14:53Well, you were more, uh...
14:57That's for good enough reason for me.
15:02Well, dear, I really think you're getting upset about nothing.
15:05I'm gonna go get dressed.
15:06You put these in the refrigerator.
15:20What are you doing, huh?
15:22Thanks, Tony.
15:23What's the idea of sneaking up behind a person like that?
15:25All I was is sneaking up behind you.
15:27What was that you put in there?
15:29Nothing important.
15:30Just a couple of orchids.
15:33Oh, well, okay.
15:35Just so long as it wasn't anything valuable
15:37like grapefruit rinds or coffee grounds.
15:41Hey, uh, wait a minute.
15:43What are you doing?
15:44What are you doing?
15:47Hey, uh, wait a minute.
15:49You look like you lost your best friend.
15:50What's the matter?
15:54Oh, I...
15:56Might as well tell you, Thorny.
15:58Something's happened that's very disturbing.
16:02What's that?
16:05Come on in the kitchen.
16:06I'll tell you about it.
16:09After you, husband.
16:11Honest, enough to drive a man to drink.
16:14You careful with drinks, Thorny?
16:16I'm with you, Hans.
16:17Anything you say.
16:18I could stand a little pick-me-up myself.
16:25Well, you have the homogenized or the skim?
17:07Really hits the spot.
17:09Now, what's it all about, Oz?
17:15Never mind mentioning a guy named Cranston Poole.
17:19A guy with greasy hair, rich man's son,
17:22used to wear flashy clothes and drive around the big cars
17:25and send Harriet Orkins all the time.
17:27Sure, Oz.
17:28What about old Cranston?
17:38Thorny, you won't believe this.
17:42He sent Harriet some Orkins today.
17:50Oh, so that's why you threw them away.
17:53I didn't even know Cranston Poole was in town.
17:56Well, neither did I till the Orkins arrived.
18:00Probably come honking around here any minute now
18:03in his big, flashy convertible
18:05and his fancy clothes and his greasy hair.
18:12Are you positive he sent the Orkins?
18:14Oh, sure, Thorny.
18:16Who else at Buller's stopped like that?
18:18Well, maybe he didn't.
18:21Well, I'll tell you what.
18:23Why don't you call the florist shop and find out?
18:26You must still know what shop they came from.
18:28Yes, I know what shop they came from.
18:31That's one of the things that hacks me.
18:33They came from Orville's Flower Shop.
18:36That's the same place I bought the violets.
18:39His Orkins arrived,
18:41and my violets haven't shown up yet.
18:43I don't know what's going on.
18:45Well, I'll tell you what.
18:47His Orkins arrived,
18:49and my violets haven't shown up yet.
18:52How's that for irony?
18:54Why don't you call the flower shop and find out?
18:57I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
19:01Well, I see what you mean.
19:08Well, I'll let you suit yourself.
19:10Just be running along.
19:12You sure you don't want just one more for the road?
19:14Oh, no, no, no. That's plenty.
19:17Well, cheer up, old boy.
19:19Now, look, are you sure you don't want to call the flower shop?
19:21No, no, Thorny.
19:23I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
19:27Now, here we are.
19:29Orville's Flower Shop.
19:31Don't worry.
19:58Hey, Oz.
20:01Thank you very much, operator.
20:03For goodness' sake, Thorny.
20:05Can't a man even phone the operator
20:07to find out what time it is without you sneaking back in here spying on him?
20:10Sneaking back in here?
20:11Oz, I resent that.
20:13You deny it?
20:14No, but I resent it.
20:16Very good reason for coming back in here.
20:19Oz, it's okay for you to use my shotgun.
20:22Use your shotgun for what?
20:24Oh, I just thought maybe you want to shoot a little pool tonight.
20:29I'll see you later, Oz.
20:30Oh, and don't forget to disguise your voice.
20:56Uh, hello.
20:57I'd like to get some information, please.
21:00Do you remember sending some flowers to Nelson?
21:03They were orchids.
21:05Yeah, my husband took the order.
21:08Uh, fine.
21:09Uh, well, I know this is rather unusual,
21:12but could you describe the man who bought the flowers?
21:18He was rather, um...
21:21His clothes weren't too...
21:24He was a bum.
21:27A bum?
21:28Well, not exactly a bum.
21:30He just looked like one.
21:33What kind of a face did he have?
21:36Well, I was out in the back room.
21:38I couldn't see him too well,
21:40but he needed a shave
21:42and, uh, had on some old, dirty clothes.
21:46Are you a social worker?
21:48No, no.
21:50Just, you might say, an old friend.
21:53I never dreamed he was down and out.
21:56Well, if you want to send him some flowers,
21:58we have a lovely selection.
22:00Oh, yes.
22:01Yes, I know.
22:03Well, thank you very much.
22:19Oh, oh, Harriet.
22:21Aren't you going to get dressed for dinner?
22:22Oh, yes.
22:24Sit down for a minute, would you, dear?
22:26I'm terribly concerned about something.
22:29About what?
22:30Well, about Cranston Poole.
22:32What about him?
22:33Well, I've been thinking.
22:34We've just assumed all along
22:36that he's still the wealthy playboy he used to be.
22:39Has it ever occurred to you
22:40he might have suffered financial reverses
22:42and he sent us these pitiful little orchids
22:46as a gallant gesture to friends in his hour of need?
22:49Oh, I don't think so.
22:51Well, don't ask me why,
22:53but I have a strange feeling that he needs us.
22:57If only I knew where to find him.
22:59Well, that's a beautiful thought, dear,
23:01except for one thing.
23:02Cranston Poole didn't send me the orchids.
23:05Who did?
23:08I did?
23:09Whatever gave you that idea?
23:11Well, I was naturally curious,
23:12so I phoned the flower shop
23:14and asked the woman to describe the man who sent them to me.
23:17I'm surprised you didn't think of that, dear.
23:20And you recognize me from her description?
23:23Well, naturally.
23:24Well, this is fantastic.
23:26What's fantastic about it?
23:28Naturally, I recognize my own husband.
23:31How did she describe me?
23:33Oh, she said a nice-looking young man
23:35with wavy brown hair and flashing blue eyes
23:38and a romantic smile
23:40and a carefree, disheveled debonair look about him.
23:43Naturally, I knew it was you.
23:52Wasn't it smart of me to phone and find out?
23:54Oh, oh, yeah.
23:58You know something, Harriet?
24:00I just this moment realized how smart you really are.
24:06Well, I don't mess around, boy.
24:17Wouldn't it be funny if Cranston Poole were in town?
24:21I hardly think that's possible.
24:23What makes you so sure?
24:25Well, I'll let you in on a little secret.
24:28There's no such person. There never was.
24:31What are you talking about?
24:33I made him up.
24:34I got the name out of a book I read in high school.
24:37Well, then, who sent you all those orchids you used to get?
24:42Did you ever see any?
24:44I never got any.
24:47Uh, Harriet?
24:48Yes, dear?
24:50Uh, what day does the man come around
24:52and empty those trash cans we've got out in back?
24:55The day after tomorrow.
24:57That's what I thought.
24:59I've got a surprise for you.
25:01You're gonna get two beautiful orchids tomorrow.
25:11THE END
