• 5 years ago


00:00And now, the makers of Hot Point Home Appliances are happy to bring you a repeat performance
00:11of one of the best-liked of the adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, starring the entire
00:15Nelson family.
00:16Here is Ozzie, who plays the part of Ozzie Nelson.
00:20And of course, his lovely wife Harriet, as Harriet Nelson.
00:24The older of the Nelson boys, David, appears as David Nelson, and his younger brother,
00:29the irrepressible Ricky, played by Ricky Nelson.
00:32The Nelson's next-door neighbor, Thorny, is played by Don DeFore.
00:44Oh, hi.
00:44I've been looking for you.
00:45Oh, yeah?
00:46Would you help me paint the chairs?
00:48Oh, gee, I'd like to, Harriet, but I have quite a few things I have to do.
00:51Oh, come on.
00:52It'll only take a minute.
00:53Grab a brush.
00:55Oh, gee, I'd like to, but I have to wash the car.
01:01Don't tell me you're going to wash the car.
01:02Well, no, I'm not going to wash it all by myself, but I was figuring on driving it down
01:07to the garage.
01:08They always do a much better job.
01:11I'll be back in time to help you finish the chairs, though.
01:14How long will you be?
01:17How long do you figure it'll take you to paint them?
01:20Okay, I know when I'm late.
01:23Why, just the boys.
01:24I'm sure they'd be happy to do it for you.
01:26Oh, David's out selling tickets to some charity bazaar.
01:29Oh, really?
01:30Who talked him into that?
01:31Well, it seems little Nancy Baker had to sell 20 tickets to win a prize or something, so
01:35she asked David to help her.
01:37Isn't it remarkable how little boys always let little girls talk them into things like
01:42I should think David would be too smart to fall for stuff like that, though.
01:45You mean girls?
01:47No, but obviously she flattered him into it.
01:50You know, that's been going on since time began.
01:52Every time a gal wants a guy to do something for her, she just butters him up a little,
01:56gives him the old flattery routine, and the first thing you know, another sucker gets
02:00Oh, I don't know, dear.
02:01Maybe David volunteered to help her.
02:02You know, he's a lot like you in so many ways.
02:05So generous, kind-hearted.
02:06Well, I thought you said she asked him.
02:08Well, she did.
02:09She asked him, and he volunteered.
02:13I think David's too intelligent to fall for flattery.
02:15As I say, he's a lot like you.
02:17Well, yeah, but I mean, he's also pretty naive and pretty young, and she might have been
02:21subtle about the way she approached the whole deal.
02:24Oh, no, I don't think so.
02:25He's just being helpful like his kind, good-natured father.
02:30Oh, be careful, dear.
02:31I don't want to splash any paint on that new tie.
02:34New tie?
02:35Yes, isn't that a new tie you're wearing?
02:37No, no, I've had this quite a while.
02:39You like it?
02:40Oh, very much.
02:41You should wear it more often.
02:42It brings out the blue in your eyes.
02:44Oh, really?
02:47Say, have you been working out in the yard recently?
02:49Well, I was out there fooling around with the sprinklers this morning.
02:55I thought so.
02:56Your face is getting so nice and tan.
02:58Oh, really?
03:00I just love the way that little lock of hair falls over your forehead.
03:03It looks so rugged.
03:04No, it does not.
03:06It does so.
03:08You know, I've got a pretty handsome husband.
03:09No, cut it out.
03:12Well, I have.
03:14I better not stand here talking.
03:15I better get out of these chairs.
03:17Oh, never mind.
03:18Here, I'll paint them for you.
03:19Oh, you really don't have to, dear.
03:21Oh, no, I think I should.
03:23After all, you've worked hard enough for it.
03:35Oh, good morning.
03:36Good morning, young man.
03:37Is the lady in?
03:38No, I'm sorry.
03:39She just stepped out for a few moments.
03:40May I help you?
03:41Well, I usually talk to the lady.
03:44Is something the matter?
03:46No, nothing.
03:47Just these darned old bunions of mine.
03:49That's quite a hill you've got out there.
03:51Oh, yes, it is, isn't it?
03:53Say, why don't you come in and relax for a while?
03:55I'm sure my wife will be right back.
03:57Oh, that's very sweet of you.
03:58I could use a breather.
04:00I guess I'm not as young as I used to be.
04:02Wait a minute.
04:03I'll get that suitcase.
04:04It looks pretty good.
04:05Oh, thank you kindly.
04:07Just sit right down over there.
04:08That's one of our more comfortable chairs.
04:10Thank you so much.
04:13Oh, my, this really is good.
04:15Yeah, I guess this door-to-door selling
04:17must be pretty fatiguing.
04:18Oh, I rather enjoy it.
04:19One always meets such nice people.
04:22Do you mind if I just take off my shoes for a little bit?
04:26Oh, no, no.
04:27Make yourself right at home.
04:28Make yourself comfortable.
04:29Thanks a million.
04:31Say, why don't I get you a nice, cool glass of water?
04:34Oh, no, no.
04:35They'll be all right.
04:36I'll just let them wiggle a little.
04:40No, no.
04:41I was talking about yourself.
04:42Oh, no.
04:43Please don't bother.
04:44I'm fine.
04:45I just get a little tired trudging from door to door.
04:48Oh, sure.
04:49What are you selling?
04:50Oh, I have a very wonderful and guaranteed spot remover.
04:53I have a few samples there in the case
04:55if you'd care to look at it.
04:56Oh, yes.
04:57I'd be very interested.
04:58Well, you just open it right in the front there,
05:00that little catch there.
05:02Oh, yes.
05:03I see.
05:04I make the stuff myself.
05:05Oh, fine.
05:07Widow Whistler's spot remover.
05:10Oh, are you Mother Whistler in person?
05:13Yes, I am.
05:14Oh, well, congratulations.
05:15Oh, thank you.
05:17Yes, this looks like very nice stuff.
05:19How much does this sell for?
05:20Well, I'm making a special introductory offer
05:22to the people of this neighborhood.
05:24Only 50 cents a bottle.
05:25Oh, say, that sounds very reasonable
05:28for such a good spot remover.
05:30Uh, may I buy some?
05:32Just help yourself.
05:33Oh, fine.
05:34We have kind of a sloppy family here,
05:37isn't everybody these days?
05:39Maybe I ought to buy two bottles, huh?
05:41Well, it's very good stuff to have around the house,
05:43especially where there's children.
05:45Yeah, well, we have a couple of growing boys here.
05:48Say, why don't I buy four bottles?
05:51That's a bottle for each member of the family.
05:53Then nobody will be using somebody else's spot remover.
05:58Come to think of it,
05:59I have a pretty darn sloppy neighbor too,
06:01a Mr. Thornberry.
06:02I think I'll buy a bottle for him.
06:03Why, that's a lot of spot remover.
06:05Are you sure you can use five quarts?
06:07Oh, sure.
06:08Very easily.
06:09Oh, say, wait a minute.
06:10I don't think I've got all that with me right now.
06:13See, these are my samples.
06:14I see.
06:15I'll tell you what.
06:16You keep that,
06:17and I'll bring the rest,
06:18deliver it this afternoon sometime.
06:19Oh, that'll be fine.
06:20I'll just put this over here
06:21so we won't get it mixed up.
06:22That's right.
06:23Now, give me my order book
06:24there in the little room there.
06:25Yes, ma'am.
06:26Uh, now.
06:27No, no, no, no.
06:28You relax.
06:29I'll take care of everything, Mother Whistler.
06:30Oh, thank you.
06:31Just tell me what to do.
06:32Well, put your name and your address
06:34and the amount of the order.
06:36I see.
06:37That's, uh, five bottles.
06:41Mother Whistler's.
06:43Spot remover at 50 cents.
06:46Five times 50 cents.
06:48Five times five is 25.
06:50Zero times zero.
06:51Okay, that's, uh, zero.
06:53That's, uh, $2.50.
06:57I'd better put down here
06:58that I've taken one bottle.
07:00Go for it.
07:01You see, for one bottle,
07:02I'll just initial that.
07:04Does that look...
07:05No, mark it COD.
07:11I'm only a salesman.
07:12I'm a juggler as well.
07:14Does that look okay?
07:16Oh, that's very good.
07:18Oh, fine.
07:19Well, I guess I'd better
07:21be running along.
07:22I'm glad you stopped by,
07:24Mother Whistler.
07:25So am I.
07:26This reminds me
07:27of one of my old saxophone cases.
07:29I used to be a musician
07:31in my younger days.
07:36just notice you have
07:37a little bit of a spot
07:38on your coat here.
07:39Why don't I get
07:40some of your spot removed
07:41and I'll take it right off
07:42in a jiffy?
07:43Oh, no, no, no.
07:44I'll wait until I get home.
07:45A little soap and water
07:46will take care of it.
08:01Say, I got a little present
08:02for you.
08:05Oh, I see she stopped
08:06by your house, too, huh?
08:07You've seen the young lady, huh?
08:08Oh, yeah.
08:09Quite a gal, wasn't she?
08:10Yeah, sure was.
08:11How'd you like that blond hair
08:12and those big blue eyes, huh?
08:14Oh, now, Thorny,
08:15I don't think it's nice
08:16to joke about a poor old woman
08:17who's trying to earn a living.
08:18Poor old woman?
08:19Well, she wasn't
08:20a day over 23,
08:21and what a beauty.
08:23Oh, Thorny,
08:24that's not a nice thing
08:25to joke about.
08:26Well, who's joking?
08:27She was a very
08:28attractive young girl.
08:29You saw that yourself.
08:30Thorny, I bought this
08:32from a very nice young girl.
08:33I bought this from
08:34a very nice old woman.
08:35Say, wait a minute.
08:36What kind of a story
08:37are you trying to cook up?
08:38I've seen the girl.
08:39She had flashy blond hair,
08:40big blue eyes,
08:41and a very lovely
08:42orange sweater.
08:43Thorny, I don't know
08:44who you bought this stuff from,
08:46but I bought mine
08:47from a very nice old woman.
08:49That's the truth.
08:50Wait a minute, wait a minute.
08:51Oh, Oz, you sly old dog.
08:53For a minute there,
08:54I thought you were serious.
08:56I am serious.
08:58Sure you are, Oz, sure.
08:59I forgot we'd have
09:00explained this to our wives.
09:02Oz, at times,
09:03you show a flash
09:04of true genius.
09:05What the heck are you
09:06talking about, Thorny?
09:07Your story, Oz,
09:08is perfect.
09:09We felt very sorry
09:10for the poor old woman,
09:11so we went...
09:12Now, now, wait a minute,
09:14Cross my heart.
09:15I bought this
09:16from an old woman.
09:17Sure, Oz, so did I.
09:18Now, just so we'll
09:19tell the same story,
09:20let's figure out
09:21what she looked like.
09:22Oh, this is futile, Thorny.
09:23I'll see you later.
09:25Oh, by the way, Oz,
09:26what are we going
09:27to call the woman?
09:29Well, her name happens
09:30to be Mrs. Whistler.
09:32Oh, very appropriate,
09:33very appropriate.
09:34What's appropriate?
09:36Her name.
09:47Oh, hiya, Pop.
09:48Oh, hiya, boys.
09:49You want to buy
09:50a ticket to the
09:51Charity Bazaar?
09:52Only 50 cents.
09:53Only one-tenth of a dollar.
09:55Your salesmanship
09:56is better than
09:57your arithmetic.
09:58I'll take one.
09:59Oh, thanks, Pop.
10:00That makes 11 tickets
10:01I've sold today.
10:02Good for you.
10:03He's selling them
10:04for Nancy Baker.
10:05Oh, keep quiet, will you?
10:06He's a pretty smart
10:07dame, if you ask me, boy.
10:08Nobody's asking you.
10:10You never see me
10:11getting stuck like that.
10:12Who's getting stuck?
10:13I'm just playing it smart,
10:14that's all.
10:15You look pretty dumb
10:16while you're doing it, boy.
10:18What's everybody
10:19doing in the house?
10:20Oh, hi.
10:21Well, the boys
10:22are just having a rather
10:23lively discussion
10:24about David's selling ability.
10:25He's been doing very well.
10:26There's been quite a bit
10:27of selling going on
10:28around here this afternoon.
10:29You should see
10:30the cute salesgirl
10:31that Katherine Thornberry
10:32and I saw.
10:33Was she selling tickets
10:34to the charity bazaar?
10:35No, she was selling
10:36spot remover.
10:37Has she been by here
10:38by any chance
10:39or did I get home in time?
10:42Well, uh,
10:43you say she was
10:44a young girl?
10:45Yes, very attractive, too.
10:47Little on the sharp side,
10:48but pretty cute.
10:50Harry, this is
10:51a remarkable coincidence.
10:53Oh, then I didn't get
10:54home in time.
10:56Evidently, there were
10:57two women selling
10:58spot remover
10:59in this neighborhood.
11:00You see, this woman
11:01came to the door.
11:02A nice elderly lady
11:03and you felt sorry
11:04for the poor old dear
11:05and wanted to help her out.
11:06Well, yes.
11:07How did you know?
11:08That's the same story
11:09that Thorny tried
11:10to tell Katherine.
11:12One question.
11:14Did it work?
11:16No, I wouldn't try it
11:17if I were you.
11:18Harriet, it's the truth,
11:19so help me.
11:20I saw the woman, Mom.
11:22There you are.
11:23Ricky saw her.
11:24She was an older woman,
11:25wasn't she, son?
11:26Heck, yeah.
11:27She was about 21.
11:29Oh, what did she
11:30look like, Ricky?
11:31Well, it's not polite
11:32to whistle at the table.
11:35Harriet, I tell you,
11:36I bought this spot remover
11:37from an elderly woman.
11:39Oh, it doesn't make
11:40any difference, dear.
11:41If I'd have been a man,
11:42I'd have probably
11:43bought some, too.
11:44How many bottles did you buy?
11:46Oh, of course.
11:48I bought five.
11:51She really did all right
11:52for herself, didn't she?
11:53Harriet, I tell you,
11:54I wasn't hooked
11:55by any attractive young girl.
11:57Oh, who were you
11:58hooked by?
11:59By an elderly woman.
12:00She came to the door
12:01selling this spot remover.
12:02I felt sorry for the poor old...
12:03It's all right, dear.
12:04Don't say she was
12:05an elderly woman.
12:06She was an elderly woman.
12:07Okay, then you go
12:08right on believing
12:09that I got taken in
12:10by some young siren
12:11in an orange sweater.
12:12Wait a minute.
12:13Who said anything
12:14about an orange sweater?
12:16You didn't say she was
12:17a shapely young blonde
12:19with an orange sweater?
12:21No, but she was
12:22a shapely young blonde,
12:23and she was wearing
12:24an orange sweater.
12:25It doesn't make
12:26any difference, dear.
12:27It's probably
12:28a very good spot remover.
12:29Does it really
12:30remove spots, Pop?
12:32Ricky, every once in a while
12:33a man finds himself
12:34on a spot,
12:35and nothing can remove him.
12:48Oh, Harriet,
12:49I'm glad you came in.
12:50Would you sit down a second?
12:52I have a feeling
12:53that you and Harriet
12:54are still not convinced
12:55that I bought
12:56this spot remover
12:57from an elderly woman.
12:58But dear, I don't care.
12:59Honestly, I don't.
13:00No, no, no.
13:01Wait a second.
13:02She's coming over here
13:03later this afternoon
13:04to deliver the rest
13:05of the stuff.
13:06Why don't you stay around
13:07here and meet her
13:08and see her for yourself?
13:09Well, okay,
13:10if you insist.
13:11I do.
13:14Oh, Harriet,
13:15this is ridiculous.
13:16That's what
13:17I've been telling you.
13:18Look, if you have
13:19anything else to do
13:20this afternoon,
13:21you go ahead and do it.
13:22Oh, trying to get rid
13:23of me, huh?
13:25What's this?
13:26You didn't think
13:27I'd take you up on it,
13:28but I fooled you, didn't I?
13:29Why are you trying
13:30to get me out of the house?
13:32Okay, you don't believe
13:33I bought the bottles
13:34from an old lady.
13:35But I do, honestly.
13:37I believe you bought
13:38the spot remover
13:39from an elderly woman.
13:41What makes you so sure?
13:44Well, because you say so
13:45and I don't doubt your word.
13:46You've never fibbed to me yet.
13:48Haven't I?
13:49Have you?
13:50No, of course not.
13:52Don't you know
13:53that a wife can always sense
13:54when her husband's telling
13:55the truth and when he isn't?
13:56Well, yes,
13:57but I just didn't want you
13:58to think that I was
13:59taken in by a pretty young girl.
14:02Do you think I'd be jealous
14:03or something?
14:04Weren't you?
14:05No, of course not.
14:07I mean,
14:08when you knew
14:09that this shapely young gal
14:10was working her way
14:11through the neighborhood,
14:13weren't you just
14:14a little worried?
14:15Well, certainly not.
14:16I thought running home
14:17would be good exercise.
14:20You say she was
14:21an attractive young girl.
14:23Oh, yes, very.
14:25Isn't it a strange coincidence
14:26that there should be
14:27two women working
14:28the same neighborhood
14:30selling the same stuff?
14:32One a nice old lady
14:34and the other
14:35this attractive
14:37shapely young girl.
14:40Luckily, I drew
14:41the old woman.
14:45Yes, dear?
14:47What's so lucky about that?
14:52Are you Mr. Nelson?
14:53Yes, I am.
14:54Oh, I've been
14:55so anxious to meet you,
14:56Mr. Nelson.
14:57Mother told me
14:58how nice you were to her.
14:59Your mother?
15:01Mrs. Wessler.
15:03I brought your order
15:04of spot remover.
15:05May I come in?
15:06Oh, well, yes.
15:07Come in for just a moment.
15:10Oh, my,
15:11what a beautiful home.
15:13Oh, thank you very much.
15:15I don't want to keep you.
15:17I'm sorry.
15:18Thank you very much.
15:19I don't want to keep you.
15:21I stopped by earlier,
15:22but I guess you weren't at home.
15:24Uh, no,
15:25I was next door
15:26talking with my neighbor.
15:29Well, here,
15:30I'll take these off your hands.
15:31Oh, thanks.
15:32And thanks for buying so much.
15:35Oh, aren't those drapes lovely?
15:37Oh, uh, yes.
15:38Well, my wife takes care
15:40of all the interior decorating.
15:42She's my wife
15:43and she'll be back
15:44any minute now.
15:45Oh, well,
15:46I want to pay you.
15:47This is $3, I believe.
15:49Or $2.50, was it?
15:51Uh, $2.50 out of three.
15:55Oh, well,
15:56thank you very much.
16:03Well, I, uh,
16:04I know you want to
16:05be on your way,
16:06so thank...
16:07Oh, no, there's no hurry.
16:08This is my last stop for today.
16:10Do you mind
16:11if I sit down for a moment?
16:12Well, uh,
16:13to be honest with you,
16:16Oh, my,
16:17what a nice, comfortable chair.
16:18Oh, well,
16:19thank you very much.
16:20You know,
16:21you made quite a hit
16:22with my mother this morning.
16:23I can see why, too.
16:24You're such a nice,
16:25friendly type man.
16:26Oh, well,
16:27thank you very much.
16:32Mother's a very nice person.
16:34Yes, isn't she?
16:35Poor mother.
16:36She has to work so hard.
16:38I hope I'll be able
16:39to take care of her
16:40when I graduate from college.
16:41Oh, uh,
16:42do you go to college?
16:43Well, I plan to start
16:44this fall.
16:45That is,
16:46if I win the contest.
16:48what contest is that?
16:49The magazine
16:50subscription contest.
16:51Are you familiar
16:52with the Badger publications?
16:56I don't believe I am.
16:57They publish
16:58some of the leading magazines.
17:01they're giving this contest,
17:02and the girl
17:03who sells
17:04the most subscriptions
17:05wins $5,000.
17:06Oh, jeez.
17:07If I win,
17:08I plan to go to medical school.
17:10that's a very laudable ambition.
17:13oh my goodness.
17:14Something wrong?
17:15I seem to have caught
17:16the back of my sweater
17:17in the chair here.
17:19it's probably
17:20one of those little buttons
17:21in the, in the...
17:23could you loosen it for me?
17:24I don't want to tear it.
17:25It's down the back.
17:27Right back here,
17:30a little lower.
17:32right, right there,
17:35there's something else
17:36in your tickling hair.
17:39Come here.
17:43this is, uh,
17:44this is Miss Whistles,
17:48this is my wife,
17:55this is the girl
17:56I wasn't telling you about.
18:00I believe you were here
18:01this afternoon,
18:02weren't you?
18:05it was,
18:06it was this morning.
18:08that is,
18:11you say?
18:12I came by to deliver
18:13Mr. Nelson's order
18:14of spot remover
18:15and also to thank him
18:16for being so nice
18:17to my mother this morning.
18:18Your mother?
18:19An elderly woman.
18:21he was very nice.
18:22He even offered
18:23five bottles.
18:24Oh, yes,
18:25I know,
18:26he told me about it.
18:27He's an older type woman.
18:28Hey, Mom!
18:30Yes, David?
18:31Can you come here a minute?
18:33will you excuse me a minute?
18:34They're paging me upstairs.
18:37I want to thank you again
18:38for your kindness,
18:39isn't she?
18:40You are too.
18:45You call me, Dave?
18:46I sold all my tickets
18:47to the Charity Bazaar.
18:49Well, that's wonderful, dear.
18:50Nancy Baker won first prize
18:51and she gave it to me.
18:53Well, that was generous of her.
18:55Only thing, though,
18:56what am I going to do
18:57with a charm bracelet?
18:59What did Nancy suggest
19:00that you do with it?
19:02Well, she said it would make
19:03a nice gift for some girl
19:04on her birthday.
19:06She have somebody special
19:07in mind?
19:08I think so.
19:09She said it's her birthday
19:12Why don't you give it
19:13to her, then?
19:14Yeah, I think that's
19:15a gentle idea.
19:16Hey, did you hear the news?
19:17David sold all the tickets.
19:18Yeah, so I hear.
19:19Nancy Baker kissed him.
19:22Right in the face, too.
19:24How about that?
19:25Why don't you keep
19:26your big mouth shut, Ricky?
19:27She kissed him twice.
19:29He let her kiss him, too,
19:30and he's bigger than she is.
19:33Stop snitching.
19:34Pretty disgusting, boy.
19:36You do a favor for a girl
19:37and right away she kisses you.
19:42All right, you two.
19:43Cut it out.
19:45Talk, talk.
19:46Why don't you keep quiet?
19:47Aren't you even
19:48going to wash your face?
19:50Well, I hope you
19:51enjoy college life.
19:53I'm sure I will, Mr. Nelson.
19:55Well, thanks again
19:56for everything.
19:57Oh, you bet.
19:58It's a pleasure.
19:59Well, bye.
20:03Is she going to college?
20:04Oh, Harriet.
20:05Yes, she is
20:06and she wins the contest.
20:07What contest?
20:08Well, they have this
20:09magazine subscription
20:10selling contest.
20:11They have a first prize
20:12of $5,000.
20:14You see, they give
20:15so many points
20:16for each magazine subscription
20:17the girl sells.
20:18For instance,
20:19if she sells a year's
20:20subscription to the
20:21American Indian,
20:23by the way,
20:24that's good for 20 points.
20:26The American Indian?
20:27Uh, yes.
20:28It's very popular.
20:30Yeah, I imagine
20:31this is Indian.
20:33No, no.
20:34It's very interesting.
20:35It's got some wonderful
20:36pictures in it
20:37and some good stories.
20:38I think Dave and Ricky
20:39will like it.
20:40Don't tell me you took
20:41a year's subscription.
20:42Well, yes.
20:43It gives the girl
20:4420 points, Harriet.
20:46How much Wampum
20:47did it cost?
20:48Only $3 a year.
20:51This is a very reputable
20:52firm we're dealing with.
20:55It seems to me
20:56I've heard of the
20:57Badger Publications,
20:58haven't you?
20:59No, but I've heard
21:00of the Badger Game.
21:01Oh, Harriet,
21:02don't say that.
21:03She's a very nice
21:05Oh, please, dear.
21:06The mother may be
21:07an elderly woman,
21:08but the daughter
21:09is not a little girl.
21:10Well, and she's
21:11a nice big girl.
21:13After all, this has
21:14a twofold purpose.
21:16Not only get a lot of
21:17very interesting
21:18reading material,
21:19but we help send
21:20a girl through school.
21:22You'll feel different
21:23when you see your first
21:24issue of Glorious Womanhood.
21:28Glorious Womanhood.
21:30That's 20 points.
21:32So I got this issue
21:33from David and Ricky
21:34and a subscription
21:35for Glorious Womanhood
21:36for you.
21:37And what did you
21:38get for yourself?
21:40Sort of an outdoorsy thing.
21:42A farm-type magazine.
21:43It's called Poultry Life.
21:47It sounds as though it
21:48ought to be worth
21:49at least 30 points.
21:50Uh, 40.
21:52I can hardly wait
21:53to read them.
21:54The American Indian
21:55Glorious Womanhood
21:57and Poultry Life.
21:59Yes, but doesn't it
22:00make you feel good to know
22:01that we're sending a girl
22:02to a medical college?
22:03Yes, but I wish
22:04she'd operate
22:05on somebody else.
22:07I guess you'd think
22:08I have no sales resistance.
22:09Well, I don't know.
22:10You don't seem to have
22:11much trouble when
22:12it comes to men.
22:13They've never been
22:14able to sell you anything.
22:15Well, now wait a minute.
22:16That isn't true.
22:17After all, I bought
22:18a ticket to the
22:19Charity Bazaar from David.
22:20Oh, well, that's different.
22:21Three magazine subscriptions
22:22and five bottles
22:23of spot remover.
22:25I think somebody else
22:26better answer the door
22:27from now on.
22:29Starting right now.
22:30Ricky, will you
22:31get the cookies?
22:32Okay, Mom.
22:39Would you like to buy
22:40some cookies from
22:41the Girl Scouts?
22:42I thought the drive
22:43was all over.
22:44Well, it is, but we have
22:45a few boxes left.
22:46How much are they?
22:47Fifty cents.
22:48Gee, I don't know.
22:49Are you Ricky Nelson?
22:50Yes, I am.
22:51My, you're nice looking.
22:53Maybe I will buy a box.
22:55You're handsome,
22:56but you're generous, too.
22:58I might as well
22:59buy two boxes.
23:02You know, I like
23:03the way you comb your hair.
23:04It's very unusual.
23:06Yes, very unusual.
23:08Well, I might as well
23:09buy all the boxes.
23:10I can borrow some money
23:11from my father.
23:23Hi. Hi.
23:25What's so funny?
23:27Well, you know the old
23:28he who laughs last business.
23:31Looks as if I have
23:32the last laugh on Harriet.
23:33Yeah? How's that?
23:35Well, you know, of course,
23:36I have absolutely
23:37no sales resistance.
23:38I mean, a nice old lady
23:39came in and I bought
23:40all the spot remover from her.
23:41Then the gal came in
23:42and I subscribed
23:43to the magazine
23:44and Harriet's been
23:45kidding the pants off me,
23:46you know.
23:47You're awful cheerful
23:48about it.
23:49Well, now listen.
23:50Harriet went downtown today.
23:51She's the smarty one,
23:52you know.
23:53So she went down there
23:54and this sales girl,
23:55probably very sharp,
23:56sold her practically
23:57the whole store.
23:58Couple of new hats,
23:59couple of new dresses,
24:03So now I have
24:04the last laugh on Harriet.
24:07She's the one who's so smart
24:08and she buys all those.
24:14What am I laughing about?
24:16I've been hooked again, Thorny.
