00:18Hop Point Quality Appliances presents America's favorite family comedy,
00:23The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.
00:25Starring the entire Nelson family, Ozzie, Harriet, David and Ricky.
00:29So settle back in your easy chairs and enjoy another delightful half hour with all the Nelsons.
00:34Ozzie Nelson, of course, plays the part of the head of the Nelson household, Ozzie.
00:38And here is his lovely wife, Harriet Nelson, who keeps the family on an even keel.
00:43Hello, Harriet.
00:44The smiling young teenager we now see is David Nelson,
00:47older of the two Nelson boys and played by David Nelson.
00:51And here we have the youngest of the Nelsons,
00:53the little guy with the twinkle in his eye, Ricky Nelson, played by Ricky Nelson.
00:57The Nelsons' next door neighbor, Mr. Thornberry,
00:59better known as Ozzie's pal Thorny, is played by Don Devore.
01:15Come on, David, stop being such a coward.
01:18What are you talking about?
01:19Let me hit you once in a while.
01:20What, do you think I'm crazy or something?
01:22You're supposed to be my sparring partner, aren't you?
01:24So what?
01:25The sparring partner's supposed to let the other guy hit him.
01:27That's what a sparring partner's for.
01:30You're thinking of a punching bag.
01:31Come on, David, let me just hit you one good sock on the chin.
01:34I will not.
01:36I want a chicken.
01:37Let me hit you in the stomach.
01:39Come on, you want a boxer, don't you?
01:41All I'm doing is blocking.
01:42I promised I wouldn't hit you.
01:43What more do you want?
01:44Just one short jab on the nose.
01:46I promise I won't draw blood.
01:48And the answer is no, and that's final.
01:51You want to be a big bully.
01:53Why can't we do something that I want for a change?
01:56Stop arguing, boys.
01:58And David, stop picking on Ricky.
01:59Let him have his way once in a while.
02:01Are you kidding?
02:03You know what he wants me to do, Ma?
02:04No, but I'm sure it won't hurt anything.
02:06Oh, nothing but my face.
02:08He wants me to let him punch me in the nose.
02:09Well, what are you doing with those boxing gloves on anyway?
02:12We're boxing, Ma.
02:13Yeah, Ricky's gonna box Iggy Schwartz at the Boy Scout Rally tonight,
02:16and I was trying to give him a few pointers.
02:18But he keeps bouncing around like a chicken.
02:20Oh, yeah?
02:20You're just jealous because I'm so fast.
02:23Pour some water on me, Mom.
02:25Oh, don't tempt me.
02:26What's this?
02:28A lot of magnesium?
02:29It looks like it, doesn't it?
02:30Come on, let's sparkle the rounds, Pop.
02:32You ought to be resting up for tonight.
02:34You get in the ring there, you won't be able to lift your gloves.
02:37I don't know how I can lift them anyway.
02:38They look like a couple of pillows.
02:40Well, that's a good idea.
02:41Then the boys won't hurt themselves.
02:42I don't mind saying I don't like this whole idea.
02:45Oh, Harriet, they'll be fighting with these great big gloves,
02:48and I'm sure the Scoutmasters will be careful they box boys their own age and weight.
02:52You used to box, didn't you, Pop?
02:54Well, not professionally, David,
02:56but I used to fool around a little at Boy Scout camps and stuff like that.
02:59Did you ever win?
03:00Oh, sure.
03:01As a matter of fact, our tent held the camp championship for two years in a row.
03:05No kidding.
03:06We had some good boys up there.
03:08One kid they called K.O. Kelly.
03:10Another kid named Jabber Jackson.
03:13What'd they used to call you, Pop?
03:15Uh, I don't recall.
03:17How about Nosedive Melton?
03:19I give a pretty good account of myself, Harriet.
03:23I bet you were the best one of them all, Pop.
03:25Well, I wouldn't say that, Ricky, but I was a crowd pleaser.
03:29I used to take a pretty good punch.
03:32Yeah, I was a pretty tough customer.
03:33Well, I can be a pretty tough customer, too,
03:35unless you clear all this stuff out of here.
03:36Come on, take it out the garage.
03:38Come on, give me a hand here, Ricky.
03:39Yeah, I'll take the gloves for you.
03:40Thanks, Pop.
03:42Let's go, Steve.
03:43Come on, David, let me hit you one rabbit punch.
03:48Boy, they sure are excited about that boxing tonight.
03:50Well, I wish I'd known about it before.
03:52I'd have never let them get into it.
03:54Oh, Harriet, it's a good idea for the kids to know how to defend themselves.
03:57I don't want them to get too interested in it and get all banged up.
04:00Well, golly, you can get banged up in a lot of ways.
04:03You can slip and fall in the bathtub or you can walk into a door.
04:07Hey, where are you going?
04:08I want to take these out to the garage where they belong.
04:12Oh, dear, are you all right?
04:15Oh, my head.
04:17Who the heck let that door close like that, Harriet?
04:20I guess the boys did.
04:21I hope you didn't walk into it just to prove your point.
04:25How's it look?
04:26Look on the corner there.
04:27Oh, you take your hand away so I can see.
04:30Swelling up, isn't it?
04:31Oh, yes, it is.
04:32I better get some liverwurst for that eye.
04:35You're supposed to use beefsteak.
04:36At these prices?
04:37Are you kidding?
04:45What's the matter?
05:01Is your eye bobbing?
05:02No, I don't know.
05:04It might be my imagination, but it seems to me to be swelling up a little there.
05:08Do you think so?
05:09Oh, goodness, yes.
05:10And is it discoloring just a little bit?
05:13Looks like a sunset on the Taj Mahal.
05:17I guess I must have banged that door a little harder than I thought at first.
05:22Nobody's going to believe this, you know.
05:24Well, who left the boxing gloves here?
05:26Oh, oh, I did.
05:28I'm going to take them out to the garage.
05:30I thought you were going to do that a half hour ago.
05:32Well, I was, but I started out there a couple of times and I was thinking about this eye
05:38and I sort of rested up a little bit.
05:41Putting a little cold water on the eye, I think it'll be all right.
05:49Are you going out towards the kitchen a little while?
05:52Well, not that I'm superstitious or anything, but I wondered if you could kind of guide me
05:59through the doors and the treacherous corners.
06:02You let me know when.
06:03I'll run into Pierce for you.
06:10Hey, Hans.
06:19Oh, hi, Arnie.
06:21Hey, what are you hiding about?
06:23I'm not hiding.
06:25Holy smokes.
06:26Hans, is it a little early in the season for watermelon?
06:28It's kind of a bump, isn't it?
06:32Yeah, gee, I think that eye's going to turn black.
06:34Where'd you get it?
06:35Don't tell me you bumped into a door.
06:38Well, you won't believe this, Thorny.
06:41Sure, I believe it.
06:42David's a pretty big boy.
06:44No, no, I actually did bump into a door.
06:48Come on, Oz.
06:50No, no, no, I really mean it.
06:51Sounds like a stale excuse.
06:52I know, but it's the truth, Thorny.
06:54Oh, Oz, nothing to be ashamed of.
06:55Just because David hung one on you was probably just a lucky punch.
06:58Or was it Ricky?
06:59No, no, nobody hung one on me.
07:01I bumped into a door.
07:02Oh, sure.
07:03Is that why you were going to burn those boxing gloves in the incinerator?
07:06I wasn't going to burn any boxing gloves.
07:09Well, as a matter of fact, I was just in there sparring with my boy, Will.
07:11Kid looks pretty good, too.
07:13Oh, I wonder what you were all dressed up for.
07:17You were boxing, you say?
07:18No, I was just giving him a few pointers.
07:21Showing him the old Thornberry crouch.
07:23See, you keep your body as low as possible.
07:25And when you get hit, you don't have so far to fall.
07:28I don't mean to sound insulting, Thorny,
07:30but somehow I've just never thought of you as a boxer.
07:33Well, now that you mention it, I never thought of you as a boxer, either.
07:36You always struck me more as a cocker spaniel type.
07:41What's that about a crouch, you say?
07:43Well, it's just a trick I picked up when I was a kid.
07:46You see, I sort of crouch forward and then I sway back into position.
07:52That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life.
07:55You're not supposed to have your right foot extended.
07:56You're supposed to have your left foot extended
07:58and your left arm extended for jabbing purposes.
08:01No, no, no, Oz.
08:02This is a whole basis for my strategy.
08:05Believe me, the only confusion will be when I pick you up off the ground.
08:08You actually mean that you're a fighting position?
08:11Looks pretty tricky, doesn't it?
08:13Well, Thorny, this is silly.
08:14Your right arm is hanging down there, absolutely useless.
08:17And you've got your left arm.
08:18Well, this looks like a traffic signal or something.
08:20Oz, it's a decoy while my opponent is watching that.
08:26What the heck are you doing, Thorny?
08:28He ought to have you in a cage or something.
08:30Gee, Oz, I'm sorry.
08:31I didn't realize you were so close.
08:33Did I hurt you?
08:34Well, you grazed my lip here.
08:37That doggone punch of mine always catches a guy off guard.
08:40Off guard?
08:41Are you kidding?
08:41I didn't even have my guard up.
08:43I'm just showing you what's wrong with that ridiculous clumsy stance of yours.
08:47Holy smoke, Oz, that lifts me in the bleed.
08:49Well, I think I bit it a little in the confusion there.
08:53Gee, I really hung on to you.
08:54I didn't realize I had such a terrific punch.
08:56What are you talking about, Thorny?
08:58I wasn't ready and you know it.
08:59Oh, now, don't get mad, Oz.
09:00I feel bad as it is.
09:02First, David hangs one on you.
09:03David did not hang one on me.
09:05Well, Ricky then.
09:06First, Ricky hangs one on you.
09:06Ricky didn't hang one on me either.
09:08I walked into a door.
09:09Well, anyway, I feel terrible.
09:11Sometimes I don't realize my own strength.
09:13Oh, Thorny, I practically had my back turned to you.
09:16You'd never hit me.
09:17Oh, you better put something on that lip.
09:18That's beginning to swell up.
09:21Nothing at all.
09:22Here, now take your position again.
09:23I'll show you what's wrong with it.
09:24Oh, no, no, you don't, Oz.
09:26I beat you fair and square and I'm not going to do any more fighting today.
09:30I just want to show you what's wrong with that silly posture of yours.
09:34I'm sorry, Oz.
09:34My wife's calling me.
09:35Coming, Catherine.
09:36But, Thorny.
09:37Oz, there's just one thing.
09:38You don't have to go around the neighborhood telling everyone I beat you up.
09:42I'll do it myself.
09:51I mean, for goodness sakes.
09:53Your lip is swollen up like a balloon.
09:55It's nothing at all.
09:56You ought to be more careful, dear.
09:58Which door did you bump into this time?
09:59The one in the garage?
10:01No, no, no.
10:02I didn't bump into any door.
10:04It was that clumsy Thornberry.
10:06I'm outside trying to show him a few things about boxing and all of a sudden he stumbled
10:10into me when I wasn't looking.
10:12I better get an ice bag.
10:14You had no right to box with him.
10:16Harriet, we weren't boxing.
10:18In the first place, you should see the way he boxes.
10:20I can see perfectly and it's swollen up like a balloon.
10:24Yes, yes.
10:25You said that a moment ago.
10:27Thornie had no right to hit you.
10:29Harriet, he didn't hit me.
10:30I tell you, we weren't boxing.
10:33My back was practically turned and the man stumbled forward in that clumsy way of his
10:38and happened to hit me in the lip.
10:40He knows absolutely nothing about boxing.
10:42He's a menace to the neighborhood.
10:44Don't you think you better lie down for a while, dear?
10:47I feel fine, I tell you.
10:48Well, you look awful.
10:50I better get an ice bag.
10:52My eye bothers me more than my lip.
10:54Gee, what happened to you, Pop?
10:56Oh, uh, I bumped into a door, David.
10:59Gee, your lip's all puffed up.
11:01Oh, all that?
11:02Oh, it was just a little accident.
11:05See, I was fooling around with Mr. Thornberry outside and he accidentally hit me.
11:09He must be a good boxer.
11:11Oh, no, no, no, we weren't boxing.
11:14Matter of fact, Mr. Thornberry knows absolutely nothing about boxing.
11:19Gee, your lip's all swollen up like a balloon.
11:22Holy smokes, what happened to your lip, Pop?
11:24Oh, it was nothing, it was just a little accident.
11:27Who hit you?
11:28Mr. Thornberry.
11:30Were you and Mr. Thornberry boxing?
11:31Oh, no, no, no, no, Ricky, it was a lucky punch.
11:36See, we were outside and Mr. Thornberry stumbled forward,
11:40and it's lucky I was there.
11:41He might have fallen on the ground and hurt himself.
11:45You're a good boxer, aren't you, Pop?
11:47Well, I wouldn't say that.
11:49I used to be able to take care of myself pretty well.
11:52Our scoutmaster didn't know you used to be champion of the Boy Scouts.
11:56Who told him that?
11:57I did.
11:59Oh, Ricky, you shouldn't have done a thing like that.
12:01See, I told you.
12:03Well, Thornberry was bragging about his father.
12:06Bragging in what way?
12:08Well, saying what a great boxer he is.
12:11Oh, that's ridiculous.
12:13I mean, Mr. Thornberry's a very nice man and a good neighbor,
12:17but he knows absolutely nothing about boxing.
12:20Don't you think you better put some on that lip, Pop?
12:22It's okay, David.
12:23Our scoutmaster said to ask you if you'd like to put on the gloves tonight.
12:27Put on the gloves?
12:29Yes, sir.
12:29You and Mr. Thornberry.
12:32He wants Mr. Thornberry and me to put on the gloves?
12:35Yes, sir.
12:35Mr. Roper thought it'd be an added attraction.
12:38Who, David?
12:39Mr. Roper, our scoutmaster.
12:41Oh, well, tell him thank you very much.
12:44It's very nice of him to think of me,
12:47but I'm sure Mr. Thornberry wouldn't want to do anything like that.
12:50In fact, you better not even mention it to him.
12:52I wouldn't want to embarrass the poor man.
12:54Oh, we already asked him, Pop.
12:57David, you shouldn't have done that.
13:00What excuse did he give?
13:02Oh, he said he'd be happy to do it.
13:06Absolutely ridiculous.
13:08I mean, the poor man doesn't even know how to hold his hands up
13:11or how to stand or anything.
13:13Come on, Pop, what do you say?
13:14Will you do it?
13:16Oh, boy, I knew you would, Pop.
13:20Wait for me, David.
13:22Here's your ice bag, dear.
13:23What's all the excitement?
13:25Oh, all of the boys have got some idea
13:28that they'd like to have Thorny and me
13:30put on a boxing exhibition over at the scout rally tonight.
13:34That is, unless you'd rather I wouldn't.
13:37Well, it's entirely up to you, dear.
13:39At least if you get hit by a person, you'll be able to fight back.
13:43Yes, I know, but Thorny is so clumsy, you know.
13:46I'd hate to have him hurt himself.
13:49Not only that, when a person doesn't know anything about boxing,
13:53his awkwardness makes the other person look ridiculous, too.
13:58Well, here, you'd better put this ice bag on your lip.
14:03Hey, you know, this might be a good idea.
14:07Instead of my putting on this exhibition with Thorny,
14:10why don't Ricky and I put on sort of a comedy exhibition?
14:14You know, I put on a pair of long flannel underwear
14:17and I put some padding in my stomach
14:20and he keeps hitting me in the stomach.
14:22I don't know, dear.
14:24I think the boys would rather see you box with Thorny.
14:28The only thing, though, is the man is so clumsy, Harriet.
14:32So awkward, he knows absolutely nothing about boxing.
14:37You want to see the way he stands.
14:39He puts his right foot out like this
14:42and then he has his left arm that he extends like a crowbar.
14:46He hangs his right arm down by his side
14:49and he moves this one up and down like this.
14:52It's true, like, like, like that.
14:54It's the silliest.
15:01Funny nobody's ever thought of that before.
15:16Oh, hello, Mr. Nelson.
15:25Oh, hello, Annie Lou.
15:26Keep going, you're doing fine.
15:27Oh, thank you.
15:28What kind of a dance is that you're doing?
15:29Oh, no, I'm not dancing.
15:32I'm shadow boxing.
15:33You've certainly been getting the worst of it.
15:36Oh, you mean my eye and my lip?
15:38Well, there were a couple of little accidents
15:39that occurred this morning.
15:40Your eye and your lip look so swollen.
15:42They must be terribly painful.
15:44Uh, well, Annie Lou, the boxing game is a tough one.
15:47You've got to expect to take it on the chin once in a while.
15:49You're so brave, Mr. Nelson.
15:50Well, not necessarily.
15:52I'm a fighter like this.
15:54I believe it's perfectly okay to take a few punches
15:56in order to hand them out.
15:57When did you have the fight?
15:59Oh, I'm not fighting until tonight.
16:02See, these are just little accidents.
16:04But as I say, boxing is a tough game.
16:05You've got to expect it.
16:06Oh, I know.
16:07Where are you boxing tonight?
16:08At Over the Boy Scout Rally.
16:10Oh, how wonderful, Mr. Nelson.
16:11Which scout are you fighting?
16:14No, I'm not fighting a boy scout.
16:16My opponent is much more formidable than that.
16:18Who is it?
16:19Mr. Thornberry.
16:20Mr. Thornberry?
16:22Funny, but I never thought of him as a boxer.
16:24Is he very good?
16:25Well, no, actually, Annie Lou, I hate to say this,
16:27but Mr. Thornberry will never make a good boxer.
16:30Why is that, Mr. Nelson?
16:31Well, for one thing, he has a completely unorthodox stance.
16:35See, he fights with his right foot extended,
16:38and there never has been a good fighter
16:39who's fought that way.
16:41You see, you're supposed to fight with your left hand extended
16:44and your left foot extended.
16:46He has the silliest...
16:48You be Mr. Thornberry.
16:49Oh my goodness, do you think you'll mind?
16:52Put your right foot out.
16:54That's it.
16:55Now he has his left arm right across there.
16:59Heavens, I can't see.
17:01Well, no, here's the way it was.
17:02Yes, that's the way it was,
17:03because I remember it looked like a traffic signal.
17:06His right arm hanging right by his side there.
17:10Like this?
17:11Now that is Mr. Thornberry's boxing position.
17:14Can you believe it?
17:15Have you seen him?
17:16Yes, he and I were fooling around a little this morning.
17:18Oh, so that's how you got the black eye.
17:20Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
17:22That's how I got the swollen lip.
17:24He must have hit you pretty hard, Mr. Nelson.
17:26Well, actually, it was a very sneaky, cowardly punch.
17:30I wasn't looking.
17:31I was talking to the man,
17:33and be darned if I can figure out how he did it.
17:37His left hand was out like that,
17:40and his right hand was down there.
17:45Now, he was talking to me,
17:46and I was looking at his left hand, I remember.
17:50I can't figure out how he could possibly hit me from this position.
17:53You mean like this?
17:54Oh, oh, I'm terribly sorry.
17:57I didn't hit your sore lip, did I?
17:58No, no, it's all right, Emmy Lou.
18:00You hit me in the nose.
18:01Oh, dear, I must have had a flea.
18:05Now, you see what I mean?
18:06How could any man ever be a good boxer
18:08with a ridiculous, clumsy stance like that?
18:10Oh, careful, Mr. Nelson.
18:11It's dripping all over your tie.
18:14I'll probably have the only nose plate and necktie in town.
18:18Do you want to borrow my handkerchief?
18:19No, I think I have one right here.
18:22Oh, it's still bleeding, Mr. Nelson.
18:24Maybe you better go in and lie down a little while.
18:26You look kind of beat up.
18:27Oh, no, I'll be...
18:28What was that?
18:31Thought I heard a bell.
18:32I guess we just...
18:35I think I will go and lie down a while, Emmy Lou.
18:38It's always good to rest up before a fight.
18:42Goodbye, Mr. Nelson.
18:43Goodbye, Emmy Lou.
18:44I'll see you.
18:53Hi, do you know where the evening paper is?
18:55Mm-hmm, it's right over there on the table.
18:58Oh, I'll go get it.
19:03For goodness sakes, what happened to your nose?
19:06It's all swollen up.
19:08Don't get excited about these little things.
19:10I was just fooling around outside and it was a lucky punch.
19:14Well, Thorny does all this to you before the fight.
19:16What is he going to do tonight?
19:19For goodness sakes, Harriet, that's a laugh.
19:22You must have a fine idea of my boxing ability.
19:25You don't think Thorny could do a thing like this to me, do you?
19:28Well, who did do it?
19:30Uh, Emmy Lou.
19:33Emmy Lou?
19:34Well, I told you it was a lucky punch, Harriet.
19:37She and I were fooling around outside.
19:39Not exactly fooling around.
19:41I mean, I was showing her that ridiculous clumsy stance of Thorny's
19:46and all of a sudden, somehow she hit me the same way.
19:51It was a lucky punch.
19:52I wasn't even ready.
19:54You look like you're coming home from a fight instead of going to one.
19:57I guess this is my lucky day.
20:01Maybe it'll rain tonight and they'll call the whole thing off.
20:05Harriet, you act as if you think I can't beat Thorny.
20:08I'm positive I can beat him.
20:11Just not sure.
20:14Without me, I think the smart thing to do would be to chicken out.
20:18Chicken out?
20:19Harriet, I've never chickened out of anything yet and I'm not going to start in now.
20:23All right, never mind, dear.
20:24You'll feel better after dinner.
20:27What are we having for dinner?
20:28Your favorite meal.
20:32What is that?
20:35Harriet, please.
20:38Come in, Thorny.
20:44Oh, hiya, Thorny.
20:45Holy smoke, Oz, what happened to you?
20:48Oh, boy, that punch I gave you sure must have covered a lot of territory.
20:51Hiya, Thorny, how about staying for dinner?
20:53No, thanks, Harriet, just finished.
20:54However, I could be talked into a small portion of dessert.
20:57All right, I'll take you up on that.
21:00What about the fight?
21:02Oh, well, if I'm going to have to fight for it, never mind.
21:05How about a cigar?
21:06Oh, no, you shouldn't smoke, Thorny.
21:09For goodness sakes, think what it'll do to your wind.
21:12You'll get into the rain tonight and you won't be able to...
21:17Yeah, here, Thorny.
21:18When you finish with that one, have one of mine.
21:21Here you are, stay.
21:26Thorny, I'm not going to take advantage of you.
21:28Don't you realize what a big, heavy dinner and that smoking is going to do to your speed?
21:32Well, who needs speed?
21:35Well, when you get into the ring tonight, you want to move around a little.
21:38Oh, not me.
21:39I'm going to take it easy.
21:40I don't have to move around.
21:42Well, you're pretty darn confident.
21:44You're liable to run into a little trouble.
21:46Ah, I don't think so.
21:47What's difficult about putting on the boys' gloves with them?
21:51Putting on the boys' gloves?
21:52Hey, wait a minute.
21:53Maybe Ricky forgot to tell you.
21:55We're supposed to go over and put on the gloves tonight.
21:57You know, sort of act as seconds for the boys.
21:59Oh, yeah, he did mention it.
22:02Sure, Oz, it'll be a lot of fun.
22:03You can sort of give them pointers on boxing and...
22:06Well, I'm not so sure your face is going to inspire confidence, though.
22:09We're seconds tonight, you say?
22:12And I can't understand why they asked me.
22:14I've never boxed before in my life.
22:17Are you kidding?
22:18Oh, you big phony Oz, you ought to know that.
22:20You had to show me how to stand and how to use my hands right.
22:22Wait a minute.
22:23Is this right?
22:23No, no, no, wait a minute.
22:25If you're going to start that again, I'll watch you from the dining room.
22:30Oh, Oz, I'm really sorry about it.
22:32But of course, you know, if you'd have been ready...
22:33Oh, sure, if I'd have been ready, I would...
22:37You're sure you've never boxed before in your life?
22:40Honest, Oz.
22:41Never had any gloves on in my life.
22:45This is really a joke, isn't it, Harry?
22:49Well, somehow she got the ridiculous idea that you and I were going to box each other tonight.
22:57Because, naturally, I sort of went along with the gag.
23:01She must have misunderstood, Ricky.
23:06Oh, yes, of course.
23:07You see, Ricky came in and he said we were supposed to put on the gloves, you and I,
23:11meaning we were supposed to act as seconds and put the gloves on the boys.
23:15Harriet thought that we were going to put the gloves on and fight each other.
23:19This is marvelous.
23:22She's right, I think I'll go tell her.
23:25Women never get things straight.
23:29She's right out in the kitchen.
23:31I'll be right back, darling.
23:37Harriet, retire to a neutral corner.
23:39Oh, dear, I'm sorry.
23:40I was on the other side in the kitchen and you were on your way.
23:44That's all right, Harriet.
23:45I'm okay.
23:46Are you sure?
23:46Oh, yes, I'm fine.
23:48Uh, Harriet?
23:49Yes, dear?
23:50I know when I'm licked.
23:51Throw in the dish towel.
24:05Does it lighten your eye?
24:06No, no, no, it's fine.
24:09I just want to finish this chapter.
24:11That's okay.
24:12Go ahead and keep reading.
24:14Is your lip bothering you?
24:16No, no.
24:17I think most of the swelling has gone down.
24:23You're sure the boys didn't get hurt tonight?
24:26No, no, no.
24:28All the kids had a wonderful time.
24:29They had those big gloves on, you know.
24:33In fact, they've decided to have another big rally next month.
24:36You mean to say they're going to have boxing every month?
24:39Oh, no.
24:40No, I don't get excited on that.
24:43They're going to have different entertainment each month.
24:45Not boxing all the time.
24:48Certainly hope not.
24:48They'll have all the kids in the neighborhood punch drunk.
24:52What are they going to have next month?
24:54Uh, wrestling.
24:59I don't know.
24:59It'll be a lot of fun.
25:01Did I ever tell you I did quite a bit of wrestling myself up at scout camp when I was a kid?
25:06How's he?
25:06No, no, no, I did, really.
25:09Come on, gorgeous, close your other eye and let's go to sleep.
25:19The part of Emmylou was played by Janet Waldo.
25:22Elmira Sessions played the part of Mrs. Pennyfeather.
25:25Don't forget that a completely different episode of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
25:29is heard every Friday night on radio.
25:32Consult your newspaper for time and radio station.