• 4 days ago
How to identify the needs of a community and calculate the profits - not only economic - that a given project generates? The SEROI+ method meets these requirements.
00:00Seroi plus methodology is a really interesting methodology because, first, Seroi comes from
00:11social economic return of investment.
00:13That means that you analyse the interventions not only from the financial aspect, from the
00:19monetary aspect, but also you consider societal and environmental values.
00:24When you are making public interventions, the societal part and the environmental part
00:28is also really important.
00:33This hub here in Donegal, of course, is going to have a return of investment in terms of
00:37the companies that maybe could be here having economical activity, but also can have an
00:42environmental aspect of people not having to commute to Letherkenny, that is the main
00:47town where the activity is happening, so that is also saving CO2 emissions, and also a societal
00:54aspect of building the community, families staying in their own area, consuming in the
01:00local businesses.
01:01So we analyse that part that not only considers the monetary part, but also those values.
01:11And then we work from the very beginning of the project with our stakeholders.
01:14It's not just analysing the case by ourselves, but also involving the people that know what
01:20could be the values, and consulting them what could be the impact, and also to have
01:25more information about the needs, and then to direct the interventions in a way that
01:31fits into those needs.
