00:00Boom! We're here!
00:0712 strangers from across Britain...
00:09I feel like I'm in Jumanji.
00:11..are embarking on the biggest challenge of their lives.
00:14Here we go.
00:16An unforgiving 18-day trek through the hostile jungle of Langkawi, Malaysia.
00:22I just hate this so much.
00:24If they reach the end, they could share £300,000 between them.
00:30Oh, my God!
00:31But standing between them and the money...
00:36..we've created a series of incredible temptations.
00:40It's a miracle!
00:42Oh, my God, a pub!
00:48Shampoo? There must be a shower somewhere!
00:50The catch, they come at the world's highest prices.
00:55£200 a minute?
00:59For a Chinese, that's ridiculous!
01:02They can indulge as much as they want...
01:04Tell us what it's like!
01:06Like an orgasm.
01:08..but every pound they spend will come off their shared prize pot.
01:12Do I think about myself? Do I think about others?
01:15I will do whatever I want to do.
01:17Oh, my God!
01:18In a world where we can get whatever we want whenever we want it...
01:23..should we resist temptation for a better future?
01:26We're staying strong so we all go home with money.
01:28Or live in the moment, whatever the cost?
01:31This is what's going to get us through.
01:33So, with a fortune at their disposal...
01:36You're eating chips!
01:37You're treating yourself on the expense of the team.
01:39Why did you come here for?
01:40To test myself!
01:41You could have done that on the treadmill in the gym.
01:43What are they willing to do?
01:45When no-one's looking, he will go crazy.
01:48To get what they want.
01:50This feels a lot like stealing.
01:52If they continue to spend our money, I will drain the tank.
01:58Let the games begin.
02:16Honestly, I am so ready for this.
02:20I do live a very pampered, very soft, very glam life,
02:24but it's time for me to say,
02:26can you find some grit deep inside?
02:29This is going to be the challenge of my life.
02:31Scared of anything?
02:32Oh, here there's a lot to be scared of, but...
02:35No, I'm excited, I'm excited.
02:37I'm a single mum and life's tough,
02:40so money is a massive motivator for me.
02:43I definitely won't take any temptations
02:45because weakness for me is about giving up.
02:49As a vicar, you're constantly under that pressure
02:52to fight temptation,
02:54but these temptations are not like sins against God.
02:58The best way I motivate people is by leading by example.
03:01When that doesn't work,
03:02the tactics I'm planning to use are shame or guilt.
03:05My game plan is to leave with as much money as I can,
03:08and I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of that.
03:11I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of that.
03:23Hello, everybody!
03:27Come on!
03:28Welcome to Langkawi in Malaysia.
03:31Ahead of you, you've got an 18-day trek.
03:35Make it to the end and you'll get your share of £300,000.
03:43Along the way, you're going to face temptations.
03:46Now, those temptations you might really need,
03:49or you might just want.
03:51Now, Tom, how are you at resisting temptations, pal?
03:54I'll do a diet for possibly, like, half a day.
03:57That long?
03:59Yeah, I think I'm going to be banging travels.
04:02Oh, dear.
04:04Imani, are you used to the finer things in life?
04:08My car, my nails, my exfoliating routine.
04:11Oh, my God!
04:13Well, you can quit at any time, but if you do,
04:16that's £30,000 out of the prize pot,
04:19and, of course, you'll be going home with nothing.
04:23So, if you look round over there,
04:26you'll see everything you need, all your clothes,
04:29to get you through this journey.
04:31But we are not messing about this year.
04:35It gets hard right now.
04:37Yeah? So, you're straight in in these outfits,
04:39and you swim in there.
04:41Wait, what if you don't have underwear on?
04:43Oh, darling, you're saucy!
04:46Wait, excuse me.
04:48Is it likely that water's going to damage our clothes at all?
04:51Yeah, yeah, I think you're going to get in there and...
04:54Can I take my belt off? The belt's quite nice.
04:57When we win the money, you can buy back the clothes.
05:00I don't know whether my spending habits are like most students.
05:03I don't have a student loan.
05:05The sort of holidays that I go on, you know,
05:07might be an expensive hotel, a nice beach, comfortable.
05:10I'm taking part in this experience to, you know,
05:13kind of strip me away from, like,
05:15the materialistic things and the home comforts.
05:18And I'm just curious to see, like, how I fare.
05:20Don't discount me until I'm actually...
05:22You've seen me kind of at the end of 18 days.
05:24Best of luck, everybody, and hopefully you'll make it
05:27all the way to the end. Right, go on.
05:30Let's do this, guys. Make sure we support each other.
05:33Yeah. Get yourself in! Off you go!
05:36Let's start the adventure!
05:45Oh, gosh, I don't know.
05:50Should I sit down and slide?
05:52Come on.
05:54Cheer her up a bit.
05:56Oh, God!
06:05What a lovely start.
06:07But will they have the same attitude
06:10when it gets a whole lot tougher?
06:12And trust me, it's going to do exactly that.
06:17Oh, my gosh, I'm dishevelled.
06:21I'm Ted. Hello, Martha.
06:23I love that name. You're going to be Teddy for the rest of the trip.
06:25Yeah, yeah. Teddy bear.
06:27Teddy bear!
06:29I'm nearly 60, that magic number.
06:31Nearly got a bus pass in Wales.
06:33I'm retired. I've missed the crack of being part of a team,
06:36so I'm going to try and challenge myself
06:38and try and get other people through.
06:40I hope to be a temptation avoider.
06:42What would you do? I'm a vicar.
06:44You're a vicar? Yeah, yeah. You're a gasbag.
06:46No, you're a gasbag.
06:48I don't look like one.
06:50As a vicar, I think people would expect me
06:52to be one of the goody-two-shoes,
06:54but if I haven't got this dog collar on,
06:56who knows, I might switch up.
06:58What's your name? Enri.
07:00Enri. Sam.
07:02I've already figured out the weak from the strong.
07:05Guys, do you think we're going to get to rest after this?
07:08I think the weakest will be Imani.
07:10My only mission being here is to get to the end without any broken nails.
07:13I can't listen to nail talk, I'm a woman,
07:15but I can't listen to nail scouts, honestly.
07:19So far, it's not looking good.
07:23I'm going to hide, everyone's excited.
07:25What's your name? Nathaniel.
07:27But once the reality sets in that we're in a jungle,
07:31I think people are going to want to take temptations.
07:34I think people are going to break.
07:38Right, everyone, we've got the map.
07:41Over the next 18 days,
07:43our fortune-seekers will be pushed to their limits,
07:47braving the sweltering Malaysian jungle
07:50with its steep mountainous terrain and menacing waters
07:54in temperatures reaching 36 degrees and 98% humidity.
08:01To reach the £300,000 prize,
08:04they'll have to trek over 120km
08:07to a series of campsites across the length and breadth of Langkawi.
08:13But there'll be temptation lurking around every corner
08:17and it'll take all their resolve
08:19to resist what we've created just a little deeper into the jungle.
08:24We can do it. Come on, let's go!
08:26Come on, team, let's go! Let's go!
08:28Let's keep moving.
08:30What's the worst that could happen?
08:33For their first flavour of jungle life,
08:36the group face a punishing trek up sharp inclines.
08:43OK, careful underfoot, guys, it is a bit rocky.
08:46I guess we're off as the scout leader now, yeah?
08:50When it comes to willpower, I'm very impulsive.
08:53I get like a... like a fuck it moment.
08:55I think, fuck it, I'll worry about it later.
08:58You OK, guys?
09:00So I want to test myself.
09:02I want to come out of here with something in my pocket.
09:05Come on, David, you got this. You got this, mate.
09:07I grew up on the council estate.
09:09I'm used to being in the inner city,
09:11so I'm wondering how I'm going to handle the camping,
09:14the wildlife, the trekking.
09:17The bag just takes you because it just is so frigging heavy.
09:21I'm taking part in this experiment to prove that age is no barrier.
09:25People definitely underestimate me,
09:27but I think they'll find out that I've got bigger balls than most men.
09:36With one kilometre down and five to go,
09:39the jungle conditions are starting to bite.
09:42Oh, my gosh, I didn't realise it was going to be this hot.
09:45I've sweated from places you don't even know existed.
09:48Anybody overheating, take plenty of fluid, everybody, now.
09:53I don't think I've ever sweated this much in my entire life.
09:56Not even when I'm walking on a 15 incline at the gym for two hours.
10:00This is madness.
10:01It's hot.
10:02I feel like a lot of people haven't been in these environments before,
10:06so, yeah, it's tricky.
10:08I mean, it's just boiling.
10:10It's really warm, isn't it? Humid.
10:12Teach me humid. Humid.
10:14I'll teach you, cut me. All right? It's fucking hot.
10:24Oh, my arsehole, it's just twitched.
10:27OK, jump.
10:29Don't, don't stand on that!
10:32At home, I walk to my car and I walk to my fridge and that's about it.
10:37You've got this.
10:38I'm just not enjoying it. You'll be fine. You'll be OK.
10:42I do very minimal exercise,
10:45but my biggest motivation is my daughter,
10:48and hopefully I can show her that if you put your mind
10:52to something, you can achieve.
10:54I have only got little legs,
10:56so I feel like I'm taking two steps to everybody else's one
10:59and climbing these rocks, like...
11:02I'm not a rock climber.
11:04Oh, babe, what was that? It's sticks.
11:07Just stay still. Stay still. Do not move.
11:10It's not an animal.
11:11Shh! It's OK.
11:15This is brutal.
11:16I thought I'd started off on there.
11:18At least I've done it at once.
11:20But to be honest, I think some people are going to struggle.
11:23I swear on them temptations.
11:26After their first taste of life in the jungle,
11:29they're going to want somewhere to rest and recover.
11:33But guess what?
11:34They're headed towards the most basic of basic campsites,
11:38with hard wooden boards to sleep on
11:40and bog-standard toilet facilities.
11:43And, yes, that means pooning a bucket.
11:46But if they don't want to rough it, well, there's another option.
11:54To test the water, their first temptation will offer
11:57up to four of them a night in luxurious double beds
12:01with comfy mattresses, clean sheets, mosquito nets
12:05and a stunning sea view.
12:07But it'll come at a price.
12:22The group has been walking for over two hours,
12:25but their back-breaking trek is far from over.
12:31David, let's look at this map, please,
12:33cos I need to know there's light at the end of this disgraceful tunnel.
12:37Yeah, so we're roughly around... OK. ..around here.
12:40Are you sure? Yeah, yeah. So just a little bit more.
12:43So, hang on. We're there, so we're one third of the way.
12:46I don't know what sufferation is.
12:49I don't know if my body, mind or soul can take it.
12:52I'm scared to touch anything.
12:54I'm definitely going to try to resist some temptations,
12:57but if the experience is out of this world,
13:01regardless of the price, I do like to indulge.
13:04Oh, God, I just hate this so much.
13:06Imani, giving in to temptation, I think, might be a possibility.
13:10Obviously, it's the first day. We'll see how we get on.
13:12I can't even wipe the sweat away fast enough,
13:15because by the time I've wiped it, there's more.
13:17Talking will use your energy, so just be mindful.
13:20OK. Am I getting told off, Nathaniel?
13:23Imani said if she breaks a nail, she's going on, so...
13:26Yeah, I know.
13:27I haven't heard her talking about taking any temptations
13:30or anything like that, so...
13:31I think once she gets to the camp... Yeah.
13:33..she'll be sweet and we'll just cheer her up and have a laugh.
13:36Yeah, yeah.
13:37We've got a few big girls' blouses in the camp.
13:43You know, it's not easy.
13:45What did we expect? It wasn't going to be a walk in the goddamn park.
13:49The past two, three years has been really tough for me.
13:52I used to own a beautiful restaurant, but recently I had to close it.
13:56So, if the money's going to come in really handy,
13:59I definitely won't take any temptations.
14:01I'll try and sway everyone else not to spend as well.
14:04If they're going to be a complete pussy, then they're going to get told.
14:07You're a knob, you're a knob, man up.
14:11Oh, guys, we're at the beach!
14:14Oh, my gosh! Yay!
14:16Are there any loungers?
14:20Oh, that breeze is actually nice.
14:24After a five-hour trek,
14:26the group has finally made it to the first campsite.
14:30All right, everyone, shall we head and try and find camp?
14:32Yeah, best to.
14:34Time for the first test of their willpower.
14:39Guys, there's a temptation!
14:42Oh, guys, I can see beds!
14:45Ah! With fairy lights on it!
14:48Shut up!
14:52If anyone takes a comfy glamping bed,
14:55the money will be deducted from the group's shared prize pot.
14:59This looks so good.
15:01All right, book of temptation.
15:03Tonight is your first night of camping in the jungle.
15:06You have the choice of using the bed or the tent.
15:09In the jungle, you have the choice
15:11of using the basic camping provided,
15:13or you can upgrade to this glamping option.
15:16However, there's only room for four people to take the upgrade.
15:19What's everyone saying?
15:21Surely we all want to be together on our first night.
15:23Well, it would be rude not to test it.
15:25I'm sorry, but it would.
15:30Oh, my God, the fan!
15:34This is nice, isn't it?
15:36I'm not here to make enemies,
15:38but if people can't convince me
15:40to do something that I don't want to do,
15:42it's just never going to happen.
15:50Oh, bliss!
15:52This feels great.
15:54Imagine under the stars.
15:56Let's have a look at the prize, guys.
16:01The prize. Do you want to press the prize?
16:07That's daylight robbery.
16:09Guys, we're going to go around here to see who wants it.
16:11What are you saying, yes or no?
16:13Temptations on the first day.
16:15Diabolical. I would never do that.
16:17Sam, Sam, what are you saying, Sam?
16:19I'm not even going to answer that.
16:21It's our first night in the jungle, so I'm not taking it, no.
16:25I could literally sleep anywhere.
16:27I could sleep in a bed of nails.
16:29I'm so tired right now.
16:31I'm telling everyone right now,
16:33just so that people are aware,
16:35the decisions I will take if I want to.
16:37I know what I need.
16:39It's about my well-being.
16:45Ain't anyone going to try and talk her out of that?
16:47I will do whatever I want to do,
16:49so obviously people are going to get upset, but that's their issue.
16:51We've literally just arrived,
16:53and you want to take the first temptation that comes your way.
16:55Right now, I am really worried,
16:57with people like that,
16:59there's going to be no prize pot left at the end.
17:0512 strangers are on a gruelling 18-day trek
17:07through the Malaysian jungle
17:09to claim a share of £300,000.
17:13I'm telling everyone right now,
17:15just so that people are aware,
17:17certain things I will take.
17:19Five hours in,
17:21and they're facing the first temptation
17:23to test their willpower.
17:25A luxury glamping bed for a cool £1,200.
17:31So, guys, are we taking it?
17:35Let's have a night together.
17:37I will do whatever I want to do.
17:45If it came with food, I would take it.
17:49The bed is nice, but...
17:51I want food, and there's none there.
17:55I'm not going to take it.
17:57Come on, we're going to get to the camp now.
17:59Yeah, come on.
18:01That was absolutely fucking pathetic.
18:03I've got to get on to her quickly.
18:05I really thought Imani would get involved
18:07with the temptation today.
18:09Just the bed is not enough for me.
18:11I do have to watch her,
18:13but for now, the threat has been eliminated.
18:17The first temptation resisted,
18:19and the group's £300,000 prize fund
18:21remains intact.
18:23But those comfy beds will be available all night,
18:27should they change their minds.
18:31Oh, my day.
18:33You've gone from that to this.
18:35For now, though,
18:37they're all going to be roughing it together.
18:41We've got to put the tent up here.
18:43Mm-hm. And the fire, and cook.
18:45Look at those toilets!
18:47You are having a laugh.
18:51Guys, I'm sorry,
18:53I am just going to take control right this second.
18:55There really has to be teams now,
18:57so some on tents, some on water,
18:59some on fire.
19:01Hands up for tent.
19:03Right, one, two, three.
19:05So, she's taken over,
19:07which I think, to be fair,
19:09I think it's a good idea.
19:11Did you say you were going to cook?
19:13I'm going to cook, and Vicky's going to do fire,
19:15so we're going to work together.
19:17Right, tent, people, this way.
19:19Can you pop that in here,
19:21so we can wash it?
19:23Their diet for the next 18 days
19:25consists sorely of rice and beans.
19:27A daily intake of just 1,200 calories,
19:29so every mouthful counts.
19:31The reason why I chose this job
19:33is because anyone that upsets me
19:35is going to get less rice and beans.
19:37Right, so I've been tasked with fetching kindling,
19:39so hopefully there is some of that round.
19:41I think kindling's the thing that actually lights the fire.
19:43I don't fucking know.
19:45We've got the fire, guys, we've got the fire!
19:49Can I just check how much is in each one?
19:51Does it need more?
19:53Yeah, it's too much rice in one.
19:55But we've only got two pots.
19:57Well, we have to store some and then put some more on.
19:59Why are you doing it in stages
20:01if we've only got one fire?
20:03Sam said that I ain't going to cook,
20:05and she just took over, so I let her.
20:07Honestly, it only takes ten minutes.
20:09I would say to put it all together, I would.
20:11Marnie, I've been a chef for 25 years.
20:13That rice is not going to cook all in that tub.
20:15Sam is already sussed out by me.
20:17She's an absolute control freak.
20:19She cannot bear
20:21to not be in control of the fire.
20:23It's going to be hard,
20:25and then you're all going to say,
20:27I can't eat that, it's going to taste terrible anyway,
20:29what's the difference?
20:31If you all want to put it all together, that's fine,
20:33but don't cry to me when it's ruined.
20:35Everyone wants it in one pot,
20:37so that's just what we're doing.
20:39Don't listen to me.
20:41I'm trying to tell her what to do,
20:43but that wasn't taken very well.
20:45Have you ever cooked before?
20:47No? OK, well, I know how to cook.
20:49I am a little bit concerned
20:51that we may have put too much water in it,
20:53but we will see.
20:55There's no reasoning with unreasonable people like that,
20:57so what's a waste of my breath?
20:59Just let it all go to shit.
21:01I'll just sit and watch the show.
21:03I just don't think we can serve this to people.
21:05I think it's just a step too far.
21:07It's because there's too much in there.
21:11OK, right, so, OK,
21:13basically it's hard rice and beans for tonight,
21:15and that's just that.
21:22There's a decent amount of friction in camp at the moment.
21:27We're all knackered and hungry,
21:29and it causes angst amongst the group.
21:31I need to take these boots off.
21:33My feet are soaked, and I need to have a shower.
21:35Armani and Sam, they get on each other's nerves.
21:39Oh, my gosh, this is such a disgraceful lifestyle.
21:43I don't know if I can do too much of this.
21:46I'll be so honest with you.
21:48There's bugs everywhere.
21:50I hope a snake doesn't attack me while I'm here.
21:52There's got to be a certain time at night
21:54where we all stop whining,
21:56and my brain can't take much more of today.
21:58Don't tell me to quieten down, don't tell me to quieten down.
22:00I will when you do.
22:02If you don't like it, move somewhere else.
22:04I'm right here, I'm doing my own thing.
22:06And I'm right here, and I'm right here.
22:08And me and David will survive.
22:10Oh, my gosh.
22:12No, I won't, no, I definitely won't.
22:14No, I won't.
22:16Oh, my gosh.
22:18No, I won't, no, I definitely won't, shut up.
22:20You're not going to speak to me like that.
22:22Armani, please, for the camp, can we allow it now?
22:24Can we move on, please?
22:26Darling, I will move on when I'm ready to move on.
22:28I will move on when I'm ready to move on, sweetheart.
22:30I will move on when I'm ready to move on.
22:32I will move on.
22:34We can all shout!
22:36Here we go.
22:38Oh, darling.
22:40You like the sound of your voice a bit too much.
22:46People's true colours are really coming out,
22:48and I have to say, I usually like colours,
22:50but these are quite possibly
22:52the ugliest colours I've ever seen.
22:54Don't speak to me like that.
22:58You know, she's just completely dramatic, isn't she?
23:00I'm just asking at a certain time at night,
23:02quiet and down,
23:04but she just obviously wants everyone to hear,
23:06and it's just not okay.
23:08I am not enjoying
23:10being at the camp right now,
23:12and I just want to be away from it all.
23:16I just want to be away from it all.
24:12Oh, my gosh.
24:14It's early morning in Malaysia
24:16and day two of the fortune-seekers' journey.
24:20I'm going to go and cool off quickly.
24:22Oh, here you go.
24:24We've got matching pants, bro.
24:26Oh, God, love it.
24:30Oh, wow.
24:32How stunning!
24:34Imani's taking the bed.
24:36Oh, my God.
24:38I think it's really selfish.
24:40She doesn't care.
24:42We went camping last night.
24:44It's all about Imani, Imani, Imani,
24:46and people like that.
24:48A week.
24:50How much was the beds last night, then?
24:54Over the 18 days,
24:56she might spend
24:58a shitload of money.
25:00Imani's night alone
25:02means the £300,000 prize pot
25:04is no longer in tight.
25:06I took the temptation
25:08to let people know
25:10that if you're going to be disrespectful
25:12to someone, then that someone
25:14is going to have to take care of themselves.
25:16And rather than
25:18sleeping in a tent full of betrayal,
25:20I took care of me.
25:24Back to the miserable camp now.
25:38How are you?
25:40I'm OK, you all right?
25:42You're looking good.
25:44Oh, am I?
25:46Looking fresh.
25:48What are you saying?
25:50About everything, you all right?
25:52I think my issue is Imani.
25:54I'm not in favour of anything.
25:56She doesn't give a toss
25:58that people think about her taking stuff.
26:00She isn't even willing to challenge herself.
26:02Do you know what?
26:04Are people going to take it for the sake of it?
26:06Even if she doesn't want it, she'll take it.
26:08I have no respect for her at all.
26:10So she's made her best,
26:12she can lay in it.
26:24With the first dent in the prize pot
26:26raising temperatures in camp
26:28and the mercury already hitting 36 degrees,
26:30we've got just the thing
26:32to cool them off.
26:36Our very own
26:38chill-out area.
26:40A bespoke, cooling,
26:42air-conditioning booth
26:44where they can escape the punishing heat
26:46and humidity of the jungle.
26:48But as we know,
26:50our temptations don't come cheap.
26:54What is that?
26:56Is that a shower?
26:58What is it? Is that acorn unit?
27:00I thought it was going to be food.
27:02Can we test it out?
27:04Put yourselves in.
27:06Oh my God.
27:12Oh my gosh,
27:14it's even better up here.
27:16I'm going to see how much it is.
27:20Boys and girls, shall we look at the price?
27:22Let's find out.
27:24Three, two, one, go.
27:30200,000 minutes?
27:32We're coming out into the heat as well,
27:34so you'd have to spend a lot of time in there
27:36to make it worth it.
27:38This will provide you a short-term relief.
27:40Imagine coming out of here,
27:42it would be ten times worse.
27:44OK, I'm impressed, I'm overheating,
27:46I've got a headache, I'm sweating like a pig.
27:48So after the day I had yesterday,
27:50I'm feeling awful.
27:52That really hard night in the bed.
27:54Oh, no.
27:56I'm talking more about
27:58the lack of healthy communication
28:00in the group.
28:02That's actually what I'm talking about.
28:04I'm going to blow my own brains out in a minute.
28:06There's no point in trying to convince me,
28:08save your energy for the trek, because I'm actually going in.
28:10Come on, let's go back to camp.
28:12This is what is going to happen
28:14if she feels ostracised.
28:16Oh, my God!
28:18Oh, my God!
28:20Oh, my God!
28:22Oh, my God!
28:24Oh, my God!
28:26Oh, my God!
28:28I am not fucking sworn by now.
28:30Such fucking selfish people.
28:32I don't understand people's mentality.
28:34Just say no.
28:36I can't listen to that voice for another 17 days.
28:38I will fucking bury her in the jungle somewhere.
28:40I really will.
28:42There has to come a point
28:44where you have to draw a line.
28:46She might take and take and take.
28:48Marnie's, so far,
28:50she's been impulsive,
28:52taken a lot of temptations,
28:54and I feel a sense of betrayal.
28:56To be honest, in the art of warfare,
28:58she has made her first move.
29:00She's going to shop till she drops now.
29:02Oh, I feel
29:04like a new
29:08Oh, my God!
29:10Oh, my gosh,
29:12I'm rejuvenated.
29:14After treating
29:16herself for nearly five minutes,
29:18Imani's indulgence
29:20has knocked another thousand pounds
29:22off the group's shared prize pot.
29:24How many minutes did you take?
29:26That's the thing. How many minutes?
29:28It wasn't long. Maybe two?
29:30No more than two minutes.
29:32I wasn't in desperate need
29:34of AC, but I was just
29:36continuing on with the lesson
29:38that I'm teaching, and I think
29:40I got my message across.
29:50We've got a map!
29:52Is it that hill?
29:54I hope not.
29:56Ahead of them
29:58today lies a brutal
30:00six-kilometre jungle trek
30:02with climbs three times steeper
30:04than yesterday.
30:06But for those who can't manage it,
30:08there's an easy way out.
30:10Waiting for them back at the beach
30:12is a ride to their next campsite.
30:14The most expensive
30:16taxi trip on the planet
30:18at 1,500 quid each.
30:24Oh, my God.
30:26Are you kidding me?
30:28That's mega.
30:30Oh, wow.
30:34Just what you want at the start of a hike.
30:36I'm really nervous about this
30:38because it's steep.
30:40Yeah, steep.
30:42And I do a little bit of an incline walk at the gym,
30:44but it's nothing like that.
30:46Let's crack on.
30:48Go, team.
30:50It's just like a staircase.
30:52Watch those spiky rungs.
30:56I have been, say,
30:58completely naive by how hard this would be.
31:02Holy shit, it's getting steeper.
31:04This is fucking hard.
31:06It's really steep.
31:08I'm really feeling my age today.
31:10My bum better look like Martha's
31:12by the time we get out of here.
31:18I'm actually quite enjoying the trek today.
31:20You wouldn't necessarily associate me
31:22with being an outdoorsy person.
31:24I've surprised myself.
31:26It's hard.
31:28It's not easy.
31:30But I'm loving it.
31:34Holy shit, man.
31:38One hour in,
31:40and so far they've only managed to climb
31:42100 metres.
31:44Just 50 metres to go
31:46before they can choose to take the taxi temptation.
31:48No, I can't do it.
31:50Vicky, I will take your bag in the front.
31:52I will go up with two bags.
31:54It's absolutely fine, OK?
31:58Thank you, Tom.
32:00OK, it's fine.
32:02When I came to UK from Poland,
32:04I was 20.
32:06I didn't have a job.
32:08I couldn't speak any English,
32:10so, you know, it was very hard.
32:12But now I'm a firefighter,
32:14so you have to be able to help people.
32:16I believe in this experience.
32:18Money is not everything,
32:20and experience is something
32:22nobody can take away from you.
32:24Don't get me wrong, money is great, yeah,
32:26but experience is more important.
32:32Oh, my God.
32:34I'm really feeling like a fish out of water.
32:36This is so, so different
32:38to my normal life.
32:40Little steps, OK? You're doing grand.
32:42Taking temptations
32:44that are going to get me through this journey,
32:46that's where I will crack.
32:48I can't look down. I'll fucking freak out.
32:52I'm just so scared of falling.
32:54No. Are you all right?
32:56I feel like I'm having a panic attack
32:58or something. Yeah?
33:00All right, take it, take it.
33:02Breathe, breathe. Do you need some water?
33:04Do you need some water?
33:06I just want to get up there.
33:08I just want to get up there.
33:10Thank you. No worries.
33:12Wait, do I just go? All right, cool.
33:14Take your time.
33:24Oh, oh, oh.
33:26Temptation, everybody.
33:28Well done, mate.
33:30That was good.
33:32Look, they're right there. We're nearly there.
33:34We are nearly there.
33:36I just need to get there. Yeah.
33:38That's it. Come on.
33:40Come and give me a snuggle.
33:42I want to sit. I want to sit.
33:44I want to sit.
33:46Do you want to do the honours?
33:48I would love to.
33:50Go for it.
33:52We did.
33:58For God's sake.
34:00Today's hilly trek has only just started.
34:02So far, you have only walked
34:04150 metres.
34:06So we've still got
34:082,350 metres to go.
34:14However, there is a way to make
34:16today easier for you.
34:18Waiting back at camp is a lift
34:20at the end of the route.
34:24OK, so we...
34:26Yeah, we've not even done 10%.
34:28Is the rest of the...
34:30Is the rest of it uphill?
34:32It's still an incline.
34:34What, like this?
34:36Yeah. The whole way.
34:40Oh, my God.
34:42Sorry, guys.
34:44How much is it?
34:52Per person?
35:06Oh, my God.
35:08I'm slowing you all down, aren't I?
35:10At the end of the day,
35:12it's your decision.
35:14After a punishing hour of trekking,
35:16our fortune seekers are facing
35:18the temptation to take a taxi
35:20direct to their next campsite.
35:24Will anyone else cave in?
35:26Trouble is, Imani
35:28has already spent £2,200
35:30of the prize money.
35:32Is anybody else struggling?
35:34Who is struggling?
35:38I'm not a quitter,
35:40but I'm really struggling with this.
35:42We're only 10%.
35:44We were halfway.
35:46Yeah, I'd push on,
35:48but I know I'm at my limit.
35:50What are you saying, Vic, honestly?
35:56I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to go.
36:00All right.
36:02Trish, Vicky, well done, guys.
36:06See you later.
36:08I'll get that fire going, don't worry.
36:10All right, guys, are we ready?
36:12Let's move out.
36:14After giving in to their first temptation,
36:16Vicky and Trish have spent
36:20taking the group's total spend
36:22to £5,200.
36:26I was quite upset
36:28by having to take the temptation,
36:30but it's only cost everyone
36:32£115 each.
36:34Oh, my God.
36:36The whole team, I think, thought it was money well spent.
36:40Taking the temptation
36:42made me feel really guilty.
36:44Everyone might think
36:46we're a little bit selfish,
36:48but I didn't take it lightly.
36:50Oh, no, that's nice.
36:52I'm so glad we did this.
36:56Meanwhile, the rest of the group
36:58have to take the long way around.
37:02Do you wish you'd taken it?
37:04No, you know what, I'm actually OK.
37:06Trish and Vicky,
37:08they definitely needed that today.
37:10100%, yeah.
37:12The difference between Vicky and Trish
37:14taking the temptation
37:16compared to Imani,
37:18Imani was just taking temptations
37:20willy-nilly because she wanted to,
37:22not because she needed them or
37:24she was suffering in any way,
37:26whereas Vicky and Trish were struggling.
37:28See, back there with Vicky,
37:30I'm all for getting her to the end of the journey,
37:32but at what cost
37:34and I'm happy to pay that in my own pocket
37:36to get the girl through.
37:38Cos then if she carries on
37:40and then quits towards the very end, for example,
37:42then that's another £30,000 plus whatever she's spent.
37:44So it's all that we're sort of damned if we do
37:46and we're damned if we don't.
37:48It's just a gift that keeps giving, mate.
37:52How's that, Ted?
37:54How are you?
37:56Not good.
37:58The humidity is just an absolute killer.
38:00I know, it's bonkers, isn't it?
38:02It is.
38:04You looking forward to the rice and beans?
38:14Oh, thank God!
38:16Oh, my God, you're back!
38:20Yeah, we're back!
38:22No way!
38:24We are here.
38:26Finally, after six hours,
38:28the group arrive at camp.
38:30I can't hear them, how many hours?
38:32Do you reckon about 45 minutes?
38:34Yeah, about an hour, I reckon.
38:38Yeah, they've been here for about three hours.
38:40I literally just lied down and then Trish was like,
38:42they're here!
38:44The fire wasn't done, the tent was half put up.
38:46Guys, we just got here 20 minutes before you.
38:48Rubbish, these guys have been here
38:50for about five hours.
38:52I'm going to get the fire going.
38:54It's so bloody warm.
38:56Track today has been tough going.
38:58I do a lot of walking at home,
39:00but this is another level again, you know.
39:02The heat is a killer.
39:04Well, it's killed me today, it's killed me.
39:06I'm going to bed.
39:24Sorry, guys, it's a cypress forest.
39:26It's morning, it's not a sexy breath.
39:28Don't worry.
39:30The hardest thing about this, by far,
39:32is the heat and the humidity.
39:34Guys, it's going to be hot today.
39:36That's like beating down.
39:38It was warm in there as well, muggy, wasn't it?
39:40It's like being in a toaster.
39:42It's like being in a toaster.
39:44It's like being in a toaster.
39:46It's like being in a toaster.
39:48It's like being in a toaster.
39:50It's like being in a toaster.
39:52It's like being in a toaster.
39:54I'm worried about the track today.
39:56It's silly to say I'm not worried.
39:58My 60-year-old body isn't as good
40:00as when I was 17, I suppose.
40:02Oh, my God, it's so hot.
40:04When I went to the toilet this morning,
40:06I literally had to hold a tree
40:08to stop myself from falling.
40:10And the water's warm,
40:12so I don't feel like I'm feeling refreshed.
40:14I'm craving a can of pop.
40:18Come on in, everybody.
40:20This way.
40:24Oh, that sun is strong.
40:26This is where you're going to find a nice snake.
40:28Do not look up.
40:32Today, they're up against a back-breaking
40:34five-kilometre trek
40:36in the blazing sun
40:38to their next campsite.
40:42And once they arrive,
40:44there'll be a surprise in store.
40:46Check this out.
40:48We've only gone and built
40:50a private pool club
40:52right in the middle of a jungle.
40:54Look at this.
40:56We've got luxury loungers,
40:58ice-cold drinks and
41:00the blue cherry on top of the cake,
41:02this gorgeous swimming pool.
41:04But, well, it may come dive
41:06into the prize pot.
41:12Oh, the heat.
41:14I honestly...
41:16I don't think I can take much more of the heat.
41:20As temperatures in the midday sun
41:22hit 36 degrees,
41:24Ted's falling behind the rest of the group.
41:26I'm actually...
41:28I'm burning up.
41:30The medical team want to check him over.
41:36I'm just doing a blood pressure, I think.
41:38You've had a mild heat injury.
41:40We need to cool you down a bit.
41:42I think Ted is struggling.
41:44What's up?
41:46He's a tough cookie. He didn't want to give up.
41:48Slowly, slowly, Ted.
41:50You've got this.
41:54Keen to escape the intense
41:56jungle heat, the group
41:58presses on.
42:00Something's telling me we're getting close,
42:02but I don't think we are.
42:04I'm going to jump.
42:08Oh, hold up.
42:10Here we are.
42:14Oh, my God.
42:16Look at this.
42:26Oh, my God.
42:28What the bloody hell's that?
42:30Mate, it's got a fucking pole in it.
42:34Oh, my God.
42:36To see a pole
42:38in the middle of the Malaysian jungle
42:40is beyond bonkers.
42:42Oh, my gosh, look at that fresh food.
42:46I love cheese.
42:48Wow, wow, wow.
42:50That is actually mad.
42:52I didn't even get a ear.
42:54Oh, my God.
42:56Seeing my favourite can of pop
43:00I'm dying inside.
43:02The towels.
43:04This just feels magical.
43:06Imagine you're sitting there
43:08just staring at the scenery.
43:10Oh, this is going to be bad news.
43:12All right,
43:14I'm going to talk numbers for you, Nathaniel.
43:18£2,000 per person.
43:20This is a bargain, darling.
43:22That's a bargain.
43:24Think about it, though, guys.
43:26We're still going to have to set up a fire,
43:28build a tent, we've got to cook food.
43:30We have to enjoy ourselves.
43:32We worked so hard today.
43:34What I indulge in, I love it.
43:36I really, really do.
43:38I've not eaten since I've been here.
43:40I've had three mouthfuls of rice every day.
43:42This is, for me, like, really nice.
43:44Everyone's here for different reasons, guys.
43:46Some people are here for pushing themselves.
43:48Some people are here for money.
43:50What are you here for?
43:52I'm here for memories.
43:54I'm 40 years old.
43:56I'm not going to experience something like that.
43:58When I spoke to you before,
44:00you said you were here to push yourself.
44:02I think that'd be quite boring.
44:04Guys, let's make a decision, man. Decision time.
44:06What's everyone saying?
44:08I'm going to say I'm not taking this.
44:10Sam's gone.
44:12I'm not personally going to take it.
44:14You can get a pool anyway.
44:16You can go to a two-star hotel and have a pool like this.
44:18I'm not going to do it.
44:20I'm out. I'm out.
44:22I'm out. I'm out.
44:24I just can't take it off you guys.
44:26I can't. You guys have helped me too much.
44:32What are you thinking?
44:34I'm thinking it's not an easy decision.
44:36What are you thinking? Let's go through our thoughts.
44:38I would want to party with you
44:40because you're my camp bestie.
44:42So I would want to party with you personally.
44:44I would want to party with you.
44:46That would make my day, honestly.
44:50Okay, guys.
44:52It's time for me to treat myself.
44:56Oh, my God. Are you both going to take it?
44:58Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
45:02When I saw the pool,
45:04I just knew that it had my name
45:06written all over it.
45:08I didn't even need to know about the price.
45:10I wanted that pool.
45:12Just to confirm,
45:14are you guys helping us with camp or not?
45:16If we're playing for a temptation,
45:18then no, we're not going to come and graft.
45:20She's just taking the piss now, isn't she?
45:22Sorry, guys.
45:24You cannot put a price on the swimming pool.
45:26Oh, my God. I can't believe it.
45:28When people are struggling,
45:30sometimes it's important to treat yourself.
45:34Thomas and Imani splashing out
45:36raises the total spend
45:38to £9,200,
45:40with 15 days still to go.
45:46Thomas and Imani disappointed me big time.
45:48Three and two and one and go!
45:52I was four grand out of the total.
45:54Not impressed.
45:56The crew are relying on each other
45:58and if one by one we keep falling,
46:00then it's not looking good.
46:02Oh, they're going to love this now, aren't they?
46:04She's going to fucking lap this right up.
46:06They didn't consider anyone else in the group.
46:08They're spending my money as well.
46:10Oh, my gosh. Two grand is a bargain, I'm telling you.
46:12I know.
46:14That's who they are. They are selfish people.
46:16Next time on Tempting Fortune...
46:20We've got loads of leeches here.
46:22We've got enough leeches in the camp.
46:24I would absolutely love for Vicky
46:26to take in some temptations.
46:28Cheers, guys!
46:30This evening you'll be sleeping in three separate camps.
46:32I'm so glad I joined your group.
46:34Oh, my gosh, it's a pub.
46:36The cheese and chips are £600.
46:38Do you know how it looks?
46:40Don't guilt trip me.
46:42What did you come here for?