00:00The following program is rated 14+, and may contain coarse language, violence, nudity, mature subject matter, or scenes which may not be suitable for all viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:30The following program is rated 14+, and may contain coarse language, violence, mature subject matter, or scenes which may not be suitable for all viewers.
01:01Oh, Jesus. Oh, God.
01:06I barely made it.
01:07Coffee hit your lips, you got a shit, am I right?
01:09You might want to clear out, Taze. I gotta drop a nuke.
01:11Just did a bombing run. Upper Decker.
01:28Hey, Todd.
01:29Oh, shit. Just on my way up.
01:31Yeah, no worries. Whenever someone's ten minutes late, I give a courtesy call.
01:34You okay? I can't see you.
01:36I'm all good. I'll see you in a few.
01:39What did you want to talk about?
01:40A new general foreman position opened up. I went to bat for you.
01:44There, surprise ruined.
01:47Uh, Todd?
01:51Oh, uh, fuck. Thanks.
01:55Uh, it comes with an office and a fancy coffee machine.
01:58I really appreciate the offer, but things changed for me after the flare stack weld.
02:04I miss being back on the tools. Made me realize not everyone can handle the rod like Todd.
02:11Oh, shit.
02:12Uh, so you want to be back on the tools? I mean, I'm fine with that.
02:17No, not in Imperial Valley. I got a job working pipeline that starts next week.
02:22I feel like I need the time away, and with you back as site manager, I feel like this place is in good hands.
02:30You really fit in well around here.
02:32Thanks, but shit.
02:37Uh, well, at least come say goodbye after you wash your hands.
02:42I hope you didn't see too much.
02:44Can't see you, but I can hear.
02:46I've seen a few.
02:48Oh, for fuck's sakes. Are you kidding me right now?
02:52Fuck a nice one tease, you stealthy prick.
03:17Another one in the book for Goldenarm. How's she looking?
03:20Any prettier, I'd lick it and try to stick my dick in it.
03:23You trying to get me hard?
03:25Carpenter slowing you down? Passing a wooden rod or what?
03:28Hey, hey, the good Lord Jesus was a carpenter.
03:31God must have been a welder.
03:32Amen, Ronnie.
03:34But Todd bothered throwing in another masterpiece, Ronnie.
03:36It's all right.
03:38Well, let's get it tested and hustle back to camp. It's poker night, boys. I'm starving.
03:42Ready to fuck the shit out of some crab legs, big boy?
03:45Damn straight. No man's leaving this camp without gout.
03:48Fucking love gout.
03:50What in the Tommy fuck is... For shit's sakes, the truck's got a tail again.
03:54Ronnie, you fucking prankster.
03:56The guy's a fucking child.
04:04It's a total babe magnet.
04:06They respect authority.
04:08It's not about the power, dude. It's about the paycheck.
04:11Gee, that's when you wear the hat when we make sex.
04:14Yeah, when they see the white hard hat coming, they drain your nuts and take your bucks.
04:17Oh, I am being used.
04:19Well aware of it, Batays.
04:21She had an earring.
04:23On her woohoo?
04:24Is it piercing?
04:25No, that's a walk in the park. I had a girl one time, she had three...
04:28Three piercings down there?
04:31Not three piercings, three tits.
04:33Triangle pattern or total recall?
04:36And how do you motorboat that?
04:39Wouldn't you like to know?
04:44Stupid thing.
04:46Get the gate.
04:47I'm above this grunt world.
04:53Dan, the man sees all.
04:55Don't give him a reason, Tayes.
04:57He'll tan your ass.
04:58I don't give two shits about you, lover.
05:00Lifted your legs, QC.
05:02Our security booth ain't no dumpster, dipshit.
05:07Yeah, I'll get it, boss.
05:08I'll give the booth a good clean.
05:10I told you, he sees all.
05:12All right, you both up.
05:13Under housekeeping policy 27A.
05:16Back-licking rat, get the gate.
05:21Oh, fuck!
05:24Look at these brazen casuals.
05:26I'm getting flashbacks from the strike of 88.
05:28Fucking scabs everywhere, they'd pull any ass off the street.
05:31These guys don't know they're dicks from their noses.
05:35Come on.
05:36Give him his ladder back, he's gonna break his legs.
05:38Get back up there.
05:39No, I got strong arms.
05:41And fingers.
05:42They're always up your nose, you booger-eater.
05:45I don't eat my boogs.
05:46I, like, roll them and flick them.
05:49Why did this Danny fuck just bring in all these non-union wingnuts?
05:53Same reason as always.
05:56Okay, yeah, but Chelsea's site manager.
05:57She could cam his ass and clean this up.
05:59It's not that simple.
06:00Corporate's pulling the strings like the Wizard of fucking Oz.
06:03The new G.F.?
06:04He's a conk-wacky with a mission for union decertification.
06:08Thanks again, Todd.
06:09Did you catch those no-name junk foods that they've been stocking the vending machines with?
06:12They're trying to poison us slowly.
06:14You don't have to eat it, man.
06:16Oh, you sweet summer child.
06:17You still think we have choices?
06:19But I'm on to these motherfuckers.
06:21I've hired a dietician.
06:22I've been fasting.
06:23Maddie's his new food guru.
06:24Maddie's a quack now.
06:26Now my arms are actually getting tired.
06:29Okay, joke's over.
06:30Somebody go help him.
06:34Uh, hi, boss.
06:35It's, uh, 10 a.m. in Washington.
06:38It's, uh, 10 a.m. and we've already set a new record for safety violations.
06:41Union guys, by chance?
06:43No, it's primitives again.
06:45And I'm wondering, when are you expanding my team?
06:47Because I can't keep up with it all.
06:49We need experienced personnel here.
06:51Don't bet on it.
06:54You know, if Todd were still around, none of this bullshit would be happening.
06:56But he abandoned us like a deadbeat dad.
07:02Wow, okay.
07:03There you have it.
07:04I think I pierced my bag with a screwdriver, man.
07:08Oh, yeah? What kind?
07:09Phillips? Flathead?
07:13Oh, jeez.
07:15No, man, a metal one.
07:16He doesn't know.
07:18He doesn't know.
07:19Is that a ham sandwich in your pocket?
07:24Just a little bit.
07:25Just a little bit.
07:26Just a little bit.
07:28Guys, stop hugging me.
07:32Jimmy, you're killing me.
07:33Get out.
07:35Give me a wrench.
07:41Another fucking flashlight, huh?
07:43Wow, just brilliant.
07:44It's brilliant.
07:45And yet they replaced me.
07:46Imagine that.
07:48Oh, I'm sorry, man.
07:49Stocking stuffers?
07:51You gotta make me proud.
07:53You ready to do the rounds?
07:54Are you ready?
07:55QC is just the tip of the dick, doo-doo.
07:58Put it in the hole.
07:59Show me that you're ready.
08:04No open beverages on the floor.
08:06Tripping hazard in a mock zone.
08:09Get a mopping bucket to clean up the mopping bucket.
08:12Does this negative reinforcement really work?
08:14It kind of feels like when my dad would lock me in the furnace room with no light for hours.
08:19It's like training a dog.
08:21You gotta break the spirit without breaking the soul.
08:24All right?
08:25All right, all right.
08:28So we're perfectly clear.
08:30So we're perfectly clear.
08:33All you union potatoes are very replaceable.
08:37Like you, biscotti.
08:39And don't think your pretty little union will protect you.
08:42You know what I can do.
08:44Malibu safety.
08:45What's the fucking deal with the stripper tie?
08:47Well, Roach nearly tore off a scrotum, so I shut it down.
08:50Not your decision safety, chick.
08:52That comes from the higher power.
08:54All knowledge.
08:55Here we go.
08:56Come on in.
08:57In your hand.
08:58Magic eight ball.
09:00One shake is the same as eight with these things.
09:02It's gonna be.
09:03One time, just flip it over.
09:06Better not tell you now.
09:08I'll let you know later.
09:10On brand.
09:12Oh no, what's he doing?
09:13Do it.
09:14I'll get you another one, boss.
09:15I'm gonna take one for the team.
09:17That's God's Gatorade.
09:18Drink it.
09:19No, no, no.
09:20Dewey, don't drink that.
09:21That is not water.
09:23It's knowledge.
09:25It's good, boss.
09:29Deal me in.
09:31Time to lose, ladies.
09:32Chicklet set your one beer quota.
09:34We don't want you pissing the bed.
09:38Well, this week's welding, champ.
09:40Ten weeks in a row.
09:42Easy there, curly fries.
09:43Get your hands off my property, bud.
09:45Well, you boys were out getting matching suntans.
09:47We had an extra weld.
09:48This welder and his helper?
09:49We're pretty good at math.
09:51That puts us up, all right?
10:03Good times don't last forever, boys.
10:04Let's talk about layoffs.
10:08Who misses their boyfriend back home?
10:11Hey, I hear that the Corn Pulse Bag Lickers
10:13are running away with the softball league again this year.
10:16Those dickwacks and cheaters.
10:17I know.
10:18They need our bats.
10:19So I say maybe we go back there,
10:20get some W's and some dingers,
10:21and maybe we make it to the finals this year.
10:23How did you know this?
10:24Taser writes me letters.
10:26He's the only one who talks to me.
10:28I know what you're trying to do.
10:29I've been ignoring this call-in for too long,
10:31but I love it here.
10:32So do I.
10:33Well, I'm having fun,
10:34and I'm finally getting to do something for myself.
10:36Why is everyone so pissed off at me?
10:37What the hell did I do?
10:38You fucked the dog and sold the puppies.
10:40Realistically, they're jealous.
10:43I mean, we didn't really have to come out here.
10:46I needed to.
10:47I get it, man.
10:48Deal me in, boys.
10:50You won the Belfair Square, boys, okay?
10:52Here you go.
10:53Cheers, you chicken-headed fucks.
10:55Thanks, Ronnie.
10:56Thanks, Ronnie.
11:01Look, I've been trying to be respectful
11:03and keep you out of it as long as I could,
11:05but the guy they hired instead of you
11:07is a piece of shit in a toilet bowl
11:09that will not flush.
11:11The place is an absolute clusterfuck.
11:13I'll raise 500.
11:15Well, that sucks for them.
11:17I call.
11:18For them?
11:19You mean our crew?
11:21It does.
11:22You know Hollywood Pete?
11:23They just tanked his ass after 32 fucking years.
11:26I'll raise 1,250.
11:28What did he do?
11:29He didn't have earplugs.
11:31But he's deaf.
11:32I know.
11:34Anyways, this Danny guy is running maintenance
11:36like a fucking turnaround.
11:37He's making everybody's lives a living hell.
11:39I'll raise 5,000.
11:42Did you say Danny?
11:43That sounds like that son of a bitch
11:45they brought in the Goose Bay.
11:46Goose Bay was booming until that footjacker
11:48ran it into the fucking ground.
11:49Danny McFuckingrules.
11:51What a fucking asshole he was.
11:54Fake southern accent.
11:55Looks like he's 12 months pregnant,
11:56eats 10 pounds of bacon a day,
11:57and smells like ball cheese.
11:59Not only did that fuckblanket ruin my town,
12:01he stole my fucking bitch.
12:04That cuts deep.
12:05Her name was Tatiana.
12:11I'll raise 10,000.
12:13Holy fuck.
12:15Are you fucking high?
12:16Are you seriously thinking about doing this?
12:18What you gonna do, Goldnar?
12:19Sorry, man.
12:23You know, I'm good for the cash.
12:26I'm willing to put all of my rig checks
12:29into the pot.
12:30This is some big fucking dough here, brother.
12:33I'll put my actual rig in the line.
12:36You elders make too much fucking money.
12:45Ace is full.
12:52Quad kings.
12:58I guess that's that.
12:59Oh, you just won a fucking truck, Todd Peter.
13:07Morning, Todd.
13:09What do we have here?
13:10That's romantic.
13:13And that needs to come down.
13:17Gently, gently.
13:18We got it, we got it, we got it, we got it.
13:20Homer, you're doing so well,
13:22you need to stick to the plan.
13:26I can't.
13:28I'm sorry.
13:29Jason, Jason.
13:30You gotta help me, man.
13:32I'd buy your B7,
13:33but somebody put cock in the slots.
13:36Who would do that?
13:37Yep, someone put some cocking in there.
13:38Good on them, though.
13:39None of us should be eating any of that garbage.
13:41My body's eating itself.
13:43Whoa, whoa, whoa.
13:44Are you okay, buddy?
13:45Just one chip.
13:46One lick.
13:47Yeah, don't damage company property.
13:49There's fucking cameras everywhere.
13:52You better fix this machine, Minnie.
13:54I swear to God I'll eat you if I have to.
13:56Your system is realigning.
13:58What are you gonna do,
13:59throw a chair through the glass?
14:01Good idea.
14:02No, no, no, no.
14:03Don't make me fire you as a client.
14:05I should fire you.
14:06I'm going in.
14:09What has gotten into you all?
14:12God, just calm down.
14:14Now, we're all feeling some pressure from the top down.
14:17There's cameras in the lunchroom.
14:18What's next?
14:19The pisser?
14:20No, he's not gonna do that.
14:21That's illegal.
14:22Damn right it's illegal.
14:23I'm telling you,
14:24there's gonna be videos of us
14:25taking a shit on the dark web.
14:29Gonna have some fun tonight, boys.
14:30I guess you guys are buying?
14:32For a guy who just lost a $75,000 truck,
14:35you sure are a chipper.
14:37Nothing like losing touch with the other man.
14:40Sorry about that, man.
14:41This shit again?
14:42This long jock,
14:43he knows what he got in the right of way.
14:44Does it look like he gives a fuck?
14:48Beaver, beaver,
14:49there's rules to this road.
14:52We wrote the rules, fuck brain.
14:54Now listen to me, you chicken shits.
15:02we need to teach this skunk eater a lesson right now.
15:05Let's ram him.
15:06That's a great idea.
15:07So that's the plan.
15:08A head-on collision to start the night.
15:12this was their road long before we showed up.
15:17Listen, man, don't be soft-spoken.
15:19Fuck these birch-bark-tongue-wearing donkeys.
15:21Let's fucking ram them.
15:22You serious?
15:23Fucking ram them.
15:24Fucking ram them.
15:29Here we go, boys.
15:33Brace yourselves, boys.
15:34Big fucking truck.
15:35Oh, yes.
15:41You're fucking crazy.
15:42Chop-chop is undefeated.
15:43Fuck you.
15:44No, fuck you.
15:45You're fucking insane, man.
15:46You almost wrecked my fucking truck.
15:48Uh, my truck?
15:49And what happened to,
15:50let's ram him, Ronnie?
15:56Roach might not be able to have kids.
15:59What happened to Dewey?
16:00He's supposed to be quality control.
16:02Mountain Dewey is quality,
16:04and he is in control.
16:06You're just not seeing it.
16:08These incidents are escalating.
16:10But what if someone dies?
16:12Cost of doing business.
16:13This gator strap cost more than the lizard's life I took.
16:17You didn't shoot an alligator.
16:18You bought that thing at the mall.
16:20And what's with the shitty southern accent?
16:22You're from Alberta.
16:23It makes me likable and sexier.
16:27I see your ex-girlfriend hasn't been showing up to work.
16:31That's too bad.
16:32I'd love me some Scissor Sisters.
16:35It's okay.
16:36I've been gay a few times.
16:38Just never with a new apprentice.
16:40No wonder no one can stand you.
16:42I can't stand them.
16:43I see it all on my monitors.
16:46I even caught a Zen prick trying to steal from the vending machine.
16:49That's suspension worthy.
16:52I'm going to have a conversation with board members about your bullshit.
16:56The Conks want me here.
16:58I'm way closer to the family than you ever were.
17:00You were Charles' gal, but look what you did to him.
17:03He's probably got a face tattoo.
17:06And he's getting rammed in the butt right now.
17:09In the butt!
17:11No matter how you slice it, we have to work together.
17:14Oh yeah?
17:15A tornado's approaching.
17:17And the wind smells like expensive perfume and a Gucci snail trail.
17:24Charles' daughter's coming and she wants her allowance.
17:29Gen Conk is coming here?
17:31Excited to have another woman around?
17:37Come here.
17:39Oh, is that your dog on site?
17:41This little princess is my own personal support animal.
17:45So you're perfectly street legal, aren't you?
17:51Thank you for cleaning my toes.
17:53Oh, my toes are getting cold.
17:54Better put this sock back on.
17:56Might be legal, but it's weird.
17:59Animal cruelty.
18:00Can you help me with this sock, please?
18:03Chelsea, help.
18:07Well, I'd say that's about the closest I've ever come to dying.
18:10Bullshit. Remember when we volunteered for fire school?
18:14He tried to drink from the hose and blew it his fucking vocal cords.
18:17You get any sense or what?
18:18I thought it would make me sound more manly.
18:20More baritone and raspy.
18:22Not you again.
18:23Oh, my dear. Looking lovely?
18:25Let me know if you need any help changing the kegs or anything like that.
18:28I'm here for you.
18:30You gonna seal the deal tonight?
18:31Backwards seal the deal.
18:32Come on, we've been here a dozen times. Get on with it.
18:34Gentlemen, love is patient, okay?
18:36It's kind. Requires some finesse.
18:38Like some witchy troglodytes have no fucking idea.
18:40Boys, the foot just walked in.
18:42It's that fucking hillbilly driver and his inbred friends.
18:45Shit. That is him.
18:47Guy on the left, he's got a knife in his boot.
18:49Two guys who look like sisters. We can fucking take them.
18:51Big fuck in the corner.
18:53Got a bum knee, but he wears brass knuckles.
18:55Should we ram him, Ronnie?
18:57Sometimes you don't think, you just do.
18:59Got it, boys?
19:04It is a dirty grandpa and the two fuckheads.
19:08You tit-squirting inbreds almost wrecked my fucking truck.
19:11My truck?
19:12His truck.
19:13That's my beer you're drinking there, big guy.
19:16You best be buying me another round before I put you in the ground.
19:19Just like I put your truck in the ditch.
19:21Listen, you sap-sucking fucking Sally.
19:23You ran us off the road like a cocky tiny little fucking squirrel trying to fuck a grizzly bear.
19:28So trust me, bud.
19:29You and your inbred friends owe us a fucking drink.
19:32Old man, you ran your cracked ass off the road yourself.
19:35You know it. Too busy thinking about all those pipes, eh?
19:37Oh, how am I going to fit this pipe up this motherfucker's ass?
19:41I don't know, because I'm a fucking idiot.
19:43We're talking about pipes fitting, bud?
19:44I'll fit this fucking pipe down your throat.
19:46Yeah, how about my knuckles and your teeth for dessert, you gobbled neck fucktucker?
19:50You looking to get flambéed?
19:51Who the fuck talks like this?
19:53I don't know, there's a lot of talking.
19:56Give me a fucking chance!
19:58Hang on.
20:01Oh, shit!
20:06God, look out over there!
20:08Not my back!
20:11Get off of my brother, you little girl!
20:17Come on, brother.
20:19Are you sure you don't want to go home yet?
20:21Miss all this fucking fun?
20:23Come on!
20:25Fuck you, get him!
20:28Oh, you got a poker in the top sewing needle?
20:30I wouldn't give that to my son!
20:38I fucking love this album!
20:43Here's some fucking salad for you!
20:49Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell
20:56Raise a little hell, raise a little hell
21:07Clean passes. Solid beads. Penetration.
21:11You are one with the rod and pipe.
21:13You are the golden glue.
21:15There is only one.
21:18You are the golden herb.
21:21No one can handle the rod like Todd.
21:24I need a minute, I'm meditating.
21:26That's not meditating, I just heard your weird, kinky-ass self-recording.
21:29Just wake him up, don't be a pussy, like I said, come on, Rich.
21:31He's not sleeping. He's hot, boxing his truck with farts or something.
21:34Here, it's your dad, you gotta take it.
21:36Todd! Todd!
21:39Hey, Dad, what's up?
21:40Ah, finally. It's Odds.
21:42She seemed fine last time we spoke.
21:44Well, she's not showing up for work now.
21:46She's still looking after my house, though, right?
21:49I'm not sure I'd call it looking after.
21:51You know what? Just get your ass home.
21:53You got it, Dad.
21:57Look, dude, I go where you go, right?
22:00Appreciate it.
22:01Now, Audrey's got a whole brotherhood looking out for her,
22:04but, you know, sometimes she just needs to see her own bro, right?
22:07Plus, I miss the smell of H2S in the morning
22:09and the eggs bending at the leaky pipe.
22:11You do miss your boy, though, right?
22:13Oh, yes, my son, Striker.
22:15You named your fucking kid Striker, man?
22:17What the fuck?
22:18Shit, you been there the whole time?
22:19Time for vacation.
22:20I'd give my left nut to see that Danny McRules one more fucking time.
22:24Hey, man, no smoking in my truck.
22:26Whoops. Yoink.
22:27Can't be any worse than that cancer commie chewing in his mouth.
22:31What the fuck are you looking at, Tommy?
22:33Let's ride!
22:34Next stop, Imperial Valley.
22:37Bye, Ronnie.
22:41Yeah, boys!
22:42Here we go again.
22:43I wonder how our little buddy Chop Chop's doing.
22:45Do we need to give this guy another ass whooping?
22:47That's what you get, you little pussy.
22:51Share the road!
22:55Hey, how was your show?
22:57Need any dressing?
22:58Later, you fuck-faced flambe.
23:00Want some croutons?
23:01Have a fucking good day, Chop Chop.
23:03Suck it!
23:05See you, moron!
23:14What the fuck? Are you hiding?
23:18My turn to wear the boot.
23:20Okay, you're the boss.
23:44Everybody needs help
23:48You gotta find your people, then you'll find yourself
23:55You gotta find your people
23:58That'll call your bluff
24:01Who'll ride along when the road is rough
24:05You gotta find your people
24:08The ones that make you feel evil
24:11They pick you up and don't put you down
24:16Help you find your way in the lost and found
24:20In a world full of strangers
24:23You don't know to trust
24:26All you see is danger
24:28Trying to find what you lost
24:31You can't go it alone
24:34Everybody needs help
24:36You gotta find your people, then you'll find yourself