00:08Portions my best friend and I'm her biggest cheerleader. I need the same for me
00:12I should have an Oscar for how I made my marriage look like it was all together. I am married to Charles
00:17Oh, please divorce is not an option
00:19Impossible to move on while I'm living with my strange husband all in a split second everything changed now
00:25I have to talk about sucking dick with my mother. I
00:28Don't give a damn what the public thinks. Why does she take that woman to hide your husband hide your wife?
00:45You know, I had to circle the block and I'm back
00:49Life has been amazing. I've been traveling living my best life and Pilar is getting so big and beautiful and smart
00:57And I've been so blessed in so many ways, but you know life doesn't always have a fairytale ending. I
01:04Found for a divorce a couple months ago
01:07We had financial issues. We had serious trust issues. He just wasn't the man that I thought I was married
01:19Pilar and I are still living in the marital home
01:21But things are getting really stressful with the divorce and I'm trying to figure out a way forward
01:28From the looks of it. You all were the perfect couple. Their thing was to not go to bed angry and co-parented
01:41Finding out one piece and then you look into another piece. It makes you think how much of it was real
01:45I let my guard down because I felt like it was a safe space. I still love this person
01:50I really really hate all of this
01:58A lot of people they say well this could be her karma or whatever
02:02However for me, I guess with bad karma comes good karma because I always come out. Okay
02:20Hey, hey, where is Shia?
02:37How many kisses should I give you today?
02:47People only know me as Porsche's ride-or-die
02:53My snow bunnies
02:56My name is Regina
02:59But I mean there's way more to me and I can outshine the best of them
03:05My nine million dollar house was the second largest sale in Georgia that year, but you know what?
03:10I don't even get down like that
03:11I hate being defined by my wealth if you can afford to buy me the cheapest house tequila at the bar
03:16Let's do it. You know, I might
03:18Spit it over there and then buy us the good stuff
03:27Like it sucks having a birthday like at Mother's Day
03:30I've not had any parties at my home since I bought my home my birthday party. This is my first big party
03:37It's a party I'm gonna party and it don't have to be a twerk. I mean I can't work
03:45I'm super excited because I invited all my family
03:48One thing you better know about me is family is the most important thing is my priorities God and then family
03:54So Mia, look at daddy play. What's it good?
03:59Wait to the birthday girl
04:01We try you you gotta stop working all the old-time shoddy. I know career wise
04:06I like to coin myself like the female Jamie Foxx. I'm a quadruple threat
04:11I am an actress a singer a dancer a host. It just kind of happened that way because I'm a lover of music
04:17I'm a lover of arts. I'm a lover of people. I'm blessed to be able to do it all I'm gonna beat you
04:23Yes, I am
04:26Yes, I am I've just been through it with just trying to grow my family oh man, how do you always win?
04:36Have two girls Shia is five years old and Shiloh is 15 months
04:43Shiloh was born
04:44Prematurely via surrogacy with Shiloh's medical complications over a dozen surgeries the nurses around the clock
04:52So the fact that I even want to continue to grow my family is love. She's late
04:57I'm gonna go get comfortable. You want to hold her mom?
05:00Okay, I'm gonna go change real quick. I'll be right back
05:07My husband not ten years we've been together so I met Jerome's my Kenyan King at Rose Bar nightclub
05:14He's like help yourself some drinks. I'm like, thank you, but he says nothing else to me the whole night
05:18So I'm like he gotta be like had a lot of baggage
05:20But ain't nobody just letting this good man just walk around Atlanta my girlfriend's like you have to come to his cookout
05:26I'm like, I'm not going to that man house going house. It's family running around. I'm like one of these gotta be his kids
05:30He's like welcome. I'm like, is this your kid? No, I don't have any kids. I'm like
05:35And then I was like, okay
05:40And I see it one two seconds, I'm almost done he comes sits by me we kick it off
05:44We have the best time now my you my car still let fits my purse. Everything is still in the car
05:53I'm gonna be stuck at this man house. And you think I'm trying to sleep here. I'm like, no
06:01No, no, I'm just gonna lay here, okay
06:04So around about 430 my stomach start
06:08He says, oh you can use this bathroom here. I sit on the toilet and it is like a full
06:16symphony orchestra I
06:19Got in my car the man called me back. I was like he want a date. I said hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus
06:24This man accepted me for me and all everything I did to that man bathroom and we in parted ways since so ladies
06:29She's in this bathroom first night market territory
06:34The man loved me
06:35Next time I went back to his house. He had wipes
06:40You know last I didn't get a party I didn't even get a birthday cake Shiloh was still in the NICU
06:45So this year I'm pulling out all the stops
06:48Okay, I'm looking for y'all to meet some friends some of my new friends like Kelly Brit
06:52They know how to have fun like no holes bar
06:55And of course my old friends day ones like Portia to be there, too
06:59I was born and raised right here in Atlanta, Georgia
07:02So y'all already know I got friends in long places portion. I've known each other decades
07:07She's the one that told me I need to start shaving my vagina
07:09She's like when you finally have sex, but I don't see all that hair and I was just like, oh, okay
07:16Through Portia. I've been hanging out with Cynthia and Kenya for a decade
07:22And I met Kelly cuz she came in on my radio show
07:24She offered to cook for me when I was in the NICU with Shiloh
07:29I was like, this is gonna be my friend
07:31And of course, she is good friends with rip who I actually met way back in the day through a good friend of mine
07:37They like to have fun. Let's say hair down
07:40They titties out
07:41So me and drew we did a film together
07:44Ten years ago on TLC biopic and then drew is really good friends with the Angela Oakley
07:51I don't really know Angela like that
07:53I know Charles because of the NBA and you know me hosting all-star games Charles is a legend
07:58I mean who wouldn't know Charles Oakley? Hello. So, of course if he married her she got to be the bomb
08:04Everybody knows I'm Atlanta's best friend and in this friend group. I am the glue trying to
08:10Be friends to multiple people that don't always see
08:14Either I that's like the thing like right now in my life
08:18We shouldn't have to worry about that like friendship should be easy
08:20If you gotta think about it this much maybe rethink who your friends are
08:49Guess I'm so tired. Mommy's going to get some water
08:52I'm out of breath. Shoot. Hey, that's just a little crazy. It's a lot of change
08:59It's disheartening this divorce. It's been a year now
09:02I would have hoped that Ralph and I could have mediated on our own
09:06But kind of the reason why we are going through the forces because we couldn't ever agree on anything
09:10Were you faithful to her it would have came out already. That's not the question. Our divorce is dramatic
09:16It's a roller coaster. It's a show
09:33Okay, you guys gonna play Barbies
09:35Okay, go have fun girls. Yeah, so a lot has changed. This was actually Ralph's office. Where is he? So
09:43Basically, we had a court order when we went to court and he got moved to the basement
09:50Don't know. Did you go see if he's downstairs? Let me go turn on the lights. See if daddy's down there. Okay, okay
10:07Are you allowed to go down there? No now without permission
10:10He has a whole different entrance and every first third and fifth weekend
10:14Ralph being banished in the basement
10:16I was expecting him to take that opportunity to move out and do the things that really excite him
10:20Which is being out in the streets
10:25Divorce is crazy
10:27But you don't talk. I mean we talk about the kids
10:30We have to communicate through an app and the judge can like use it as evidence and they oversee it
10:34He likes to go in the app and fight
10:36He likes to go in there and be petty in the app and I would love to type a couple of middle finger emojis
10:41But the judge could see everything so I'll let the judge decide so what is drew doing?
10:46I literally did five movies last year and then I'm doing my music. Of course. Yes
10:53I was just asked to open up for tank in Chicago
10:58Girl, you know, I lived in Detroit south and I family there, you know, Dennis is from Detroit, too
11:04Dennis Dennis Dennis, that's who I'm partners with a music Dennis
11:12I'm pregnant
11:20Looking like her daddy's nose
11:23Apparently he's been doing music for a very
11:26very long time
11:27Hey, bro
11:29What's going on?
11:35This is my best work yet
11:45Wait a minute, so how does Portia feel about this? So she was just like girl, yeah
11:52I was like, I'm just very grateful for
11:55Dennis and who he has been in my life and showing up as like my angel on earth
11:58Yeah, because literally there were days I couldn't get out the bed crying. But because I knew I had a session I would get there
12:05He was my saving grace when I was going through all what I was going through with that. It was all good
12:11He's a very stand-up guy who wants to be there for his daughter. He's like look this music is gonna help me pay for my
12:15Daughter's college. We're all on the same team. This is a family
12:19I didn't he ever produce anything for her because you know, she tried to put out a song a while ago and it didn't go
12:29Maybe he wasn't into music then but you said it's been his passion. I don't know how long
12:35He told me that he did talk to Portia to get her blessing
12:41I was like cool. Let's go
12:43so I don't think she would sit around and just like
12:46You know not speak up Portia just seems like somebody that would definitely speak her mind
12:55Coming up next Portia is going through divorce
13:23My god, this is like the cutest
13:26Cup for the tea party. Oh my god. What are my kids doing? Are you gonna order tea?
13:33You can order whatever you want autumn will help you. We're gonna start with happy birthday
13:38Okay, it's a show in the room with D&D cures all
13:44Chloe is 17. Can you believe it? It's your first born now the birthday. Oh
13:50That's just chances like she came home with marker all over her arms in her legs
13:55I think this single mom life is definitely not for the week
14:00Especially being a mom of four beautiful daughters
14:03Chloe is 17 chance is 11 and I have identical twin daughters Chastity and Chelsea. They are eight
14:14I feel like I have a sorority house right now and it's just never a dull moment with them. Make a wish a pink Birkin. I
14:28Definitely blame myself for Chloe taking great taste
14:37Chloe ain't get no pink Birkin for me. I have to work for that Birkin. Okay, what's going on with the divorce? Oh
14:43Two months I should be divorced
14:46And how do we feel?
14:48Amazing. Okay, it's been a long
14:51Two and a half years. I just want to cut that phase of my life completely out and take my name back
14:58Mark is my soon-to-be ex-husband the father of three of my daughters, but it's definitely been hard
15:03I have to say we were married for 11 years. I got married. I had children
15:08I created a business and all of those amazing things. So how do we turn from that to complete enemies?
15:15It took me a minute to file my divorce. I went through a few months of
15:20Hell police being called numerous times. It just became a really unsafe environment for me
15:28That's all I'm gonna say
15:30in order for me to
15:32Go to my next level and truly like flourish where I need to be. I can't do that until I release
15:37I want to go back to the original KP. Okay, originally I'm from Baltimore and I came to Atlanta in
15:452003 and then I started the restaurant in
15:492016 Nana's chicken and waffles. I mean that's like my fifth child
15:53I named the restaurant after my grandmother and it's little 1500 square foot restaurant turned into this huge success
16:01I have a 24 karat gold maple syrup that was recently featured in Forbes a line of waffle mix
16:06Cajun grits a cookbook and I am so
16:10Excited about my mimosa mix you can pretty much put that shit in everything
16:14when somebody's constantly like tearing you down and trying to take and
16:18Be me and spiteful and when we went to court that last time and he threatened me like my daughters don't deserve that
16:25They came from a loving home. They can't see him right now. It's hurting them
16:29They love their father and they should Chelsea cried so bad the other day. I mean, she literally had me in tears
16:45Said Chelsea Mariah is like the coolest kid ever and she pranks me every morning
16:53Oh, you can't try my tea
16:59Let's bring some gifts in please
17:08These nice gentlemen
17:30You have your first one way back so I gave Chloe's 17 gifts for her 17th birthday for Chloe
17:37Purses seem to be her thing and honestly, she's been a really good girl
17:41My personal struggles shouldn't affect the kids because they don't deserve that
17:45I come from a history of strong independent black women and I want them to see what strong looks like to
17:51This is nothing new for them. This is what they've always been exposed to the same as I did for Chloe today
17:57I have to do for the next three. I'm ready to build this motherfucking waffle Empire one waffle at a time
18:03the end
18:05Can we have more whiskey, please?
18:24It is definitely crazy having to call Randy again and saying I got a file for divorce
18:32You doing well, how are you good my divorce from Simon? I haven't dealt with the emotional part yet
18:38I've had to deal with
18:40Logistics ready. Yes
18:44It's really weird. It feels really cold. Thank you for coming back to us. It's um, it's good to be in your life again
18:49I'm sorry. This is why I mean even in the first divorce
18:52I knew that if I wanted to go to court you would go to bat for me you walked away from a lot
18:56Cordell my stuff up like I'm some random karma has a name and that name is bitch and it's gonna get him
19:03It's gonna fight him in that big bubble
19:05But and in this case I was smart enough to do a prenup to do it the right way
19:09I had to be more responsible this go-round because I have a child in my relationship with Simon
19:15I felt that if I had him by my side, we could conquer anything. However, I started just realizing a lot of different things that
19:22Turned out to be untrue
19:24He wouldn't tell me what our finances were
19:26I'm not gonna let a foreclosure notice come to my house and I can't pay it
19:30So I wanted to make sure if it happens, I have the money to help us do what we need to do
19:35I felt the need to file
19:38When I did to protect assets our home is very important to me
19:42It literally was what we both wanted when we envisioned the future and you know
19:47I have definitely made it a home
19:49But both of us have 50-50 interest in the house
19:51So him now saying he doesn't want me to film in my home is an issue
19:56The court gave you the right to live in the house
19:57So we're gonna try to do an extra document that says the court is telling
20:02Anyone that wants to film the house that you have the full right to do that
20:05So we're just gonna go ahead and file as an emergency request so that the court can see hey
20:08This is impacting her longevity her ability to earn income right because Simon sent a cease and desist
20:15I can't film in the house. You don't play with where I make my money. Don't do that
20:20It's not that I was sitting here like some dumb little wife and just enjoying some money
20:25No, I actually asked my husband what is going on? Why when we go to the airport? Do we have to stand in secondary line?
20:31Why do we continue to have to go through these issues?
20:34But just so happened all of this information that I had asked him about and he lied about
20:39Came out about him being him not having a real green card and him trying to get citizenship and fraud
20:46information from back in the day and scamming my back was so against the wall the only way for you to really protect yourself at
20:52End of the day if you have a prenup is to enforce it and you only enforce it by doing a divorce
20:57For me and our relationship. I used to pride
21:00myself on us having great communication and
21:04when communication
21:07started to lack it
21:09Felt intentional. We actually had a bad argument on Valentine's Day, but you know when you're married, I'm old-school
21:15You don't go out and tell people what's going on in your house
21:18I know it looks like too many people like oh, she posted this perfect life
21:22But I look back and I can think to myself. I definitely posted this knowing we were not
21:28Okay, there's been some bad stuff that has been out there and you've just taken the high road
21:32Always take the high road not just because it's good life advice, but it's also good court advice
21:36I reached out to him recently
21:38Not long ago about two weeks ago trying to just see where we can find some peace in this and now he doesn't want to
21:44communicate at all
21:55I've just given up on that part. So now I have to become the person he's saying, you know
22:00I have to be cold now
22:02You know move forward in the court process
22:04one of my joys was getting up in the morning and just thinking about what I could do to make him happy and
22:12I genuinely felt he was the same way about me. I would have rolled to the end of the world with this man, you know
22:20But the person I'm now mourning he was not real
22:26Now I just want to be let go and I just want to just move on
22:36Coming up next is it five of you guys going through a divorce Mary? No, I'm married. That's my second ready range from a different guy
22:53Welcome to my beautiful. How are you? I have a reservation for three
23:16My husband is all about making sure I'm that girl
23:19I went from seven and a half carats and now I have a ten carat solitaire. Let me clean it a little bit
23:33Mean Kelly met through a mutual friend. You'd be an insurance agent
23:38I'm always going to all of the like fly is sexiest events in the city and one of my good close girlfriend
23:44She was like, I think you were like Kelly
23:46She's over-the-top like you the second we met like I already knew it was gonna be a vibe
23:52Dancing, you know and when I start drinking shoot, I gotta I gotta make sure my titties stay in
23:58It gets wild and when I saw her titties popping out that night, I was like, okay, that's gonna be my girl
24:04We've all got to be on nipple patrol. Would you like to get the drink right now shots with him?
24:16Thank you, can I just tell you something like I am so proud of you and I'm so inspired like
24:22Just how you are kicking motherhood's ass right now seriously, like I know it's been like a journey with the baby
24:42Here we go, let's go
24:45I'm gonna have a birthday party. So who's coming to the party? My best friend Portia
24:50Of course she's going through a divorce. I'm sure it's so public
24:56I think she's gonna she's gonna come out on top, you know for sure she will
25:09No, first of all, let's be clear Simon and his ex they were very public with their separation
25:16It was a little it was a little gray area there was no crossover
25:25From the outside looking in all I'm saying is to come to somebody's home be greeted by their husband
25:33Simon everyone and then you wind up marrying that person
25:37Absolutely, that's look crazy. I think we've all looked at Portia's
25:43Situation with Simon with a side-eye
25:45Clearly, it's the biggest question that we all want to know y'all are speaking like y'all know stuff for a fact
25:50I don't know
25:53I think they all messy to be honest. Whoa
25:57Kelly you can't just be out there believing the blog
26:00Pull it back because I want you to get to know Portia for yourself
26:02I know Portia reached out to both of them Simon and his ex-wife almost like hey, I'm here for you
26:08Listen I'm not gonna reach out to nobody's husband. I just think it's a fine line. It is who says she crossed the line
26:15You or room portion. I've been friends since we were children. I love her and I feel obligated to have her back
26:23So we got Kenya's coming
26:25Drew's coming and I invited Ralph cuz I wasn't really sure like what was what I don't know
26:38It is out there that they were
26:40Working together people know that's where she's my best friend
26:43I've called me and said they saw them out at the club
26:48Hold a hand here that they were booed up. I don't really know drew that
26:53well, but I heard some things about you and it's a
27:00Dennis was in my DM. What? Oh, I posted a bathing suit photo and he was like, it's no way you got four kids
27:07OMG I'm like
27:08Did you respond? No, of course. I didn't respond. He wants to see his hot dogs. I went on one date with Dennis
27:17He came on the date brought me a diamond necklace as a as a gift on the day that's the one you wear
27:23No, absolutely not
27:33Because he didn't know me and he came bearing gifts
27:36So you were definitely the girl that girl back in a day like
27:43High school girl
27:46Magazine all the magazines back then. Yeah
27:50Nothing happened. There was no sparks, but you know diamonds are a girl's best friend. So I definitely wasn't returning any gifts
27:59Let's make a final toast to best friend
28:07Are you rude?
28:11Love you
28:38Hi ladies
28:41Doubles double Hennessy double classical and I come back. Yeah, perfect
29:01With my divorce being so public so stressful I have not been outside for real
29:06Mia is
29:08Such a great friend and if she says that
29:12Ass-clapping and shots is gonna make me feel better. They're not gonna roll with her on this
29:19You can sit this my mouth ain't been over your mouth has definitely been somewhere where's been my mouth is dry
29:25Did you talk to him Simon?
29:28No, he texted me this morning Eli. I swear he says congratulations on the peach
29:33Can't wait to see you and Gerald in that beautiful Buckhead mansion. Thanks, bro
29:37It was supposed to be all of us have other things to be concerned about then peach
29:40I feel like he's chasing anything that's attached to you. He's been in the blogs every day every little thing
29:46Everything his postings his constant attacks him talking to all my friends him lying. He's a nightmare
29:54You definitely shouldn't call him bro, he's not bro. All right, he's not okay. He's Simon
29:58That's who he is. So cuz the girls brought it up yet last night and they were like
30:02Kelly and Brittany Kelly was like, well, why should take that ladies, man?
30:08That's her energy I did a real everybody talking about my divorce they want to smear my name
30:14I mean if she has an opinion
30:17join everybody else online like
30:20You can get blocked
30:22Well, I was just kind of like you need to get to know Portia for you. No, she doesn't need to get to know me
30:26That's the first time I let her know my boundaries are set to where if a bitch coming to me wrong
30:30I don't have nothing for you. She trying to promote the chicken shack and things like that. You got a bit of shag
30:36I've never seen it. Wait, I feel like you're nursing. Let's go. I'm trying to finish getting a tea. I'm good
30:41Oh, you're gonna get some more
30:47No, but um, they asked me about
30:52Cuz I heard you and Dennis been hanging out a lot I
30:56Had people call me and said they were the club for her birthday
31:01Another night
31:06On my face
31:12Drew who's someone I supported I considered a friend. They have come for me about everything in my life
31:27See that's that's all I need your support
31:30Has always been everything
31:32Even right now drew is an influencer for my company go naked hair
31:35But all this behind-the-scenes bullshit sneaking around with my child's father to me. That is just
31:44crossing the line
31:45Your party sounds it's gonna be interesting
32:07Think tonight, I'll be nice, you know, just keep in mind, you know
32:22We got so much party
32:25You are Jesus's favorite daughter you can get a direct call to him
32:30I need you to tell him rain
32:35Go away
32:39Come again some other day
32:44show me a
32:46Splendid birthday party right now, and she just wants to slay
32:53So rain rain rain rain rain go away
33:14My god, it looks like your glam is done. You look gorgeous
33:17Look what I can't talk about my ages day cuz I got on some plastered on some new ones
33:23Don't let the wind blow it back
33:31You and I fall fast, that's first of all, yeah, we do
33:35And I appreciate you texting me and checking on me it's just about just trying to move forward, you know
33:48When I found out my 44% I found out it was in Nigeria, honey, take on one of my sisters right here
33:55Nigga what's your tribe? Yeah, you're about we're the same. I am your sister. I used to be our wife
34:08She has a great support group Dennis has been really there for her she said and
34:33Outside oh, yeah very much outside was waiting on me and I didn't even know I was like, okay outside
34:47Wanted you to come early cuz I wanted to talk to you and Porsche is my friend
35:11Your home is beautiful.
35:13Thanks, beautiful.
35:14I wanted you to come early because I wanted to talk to you.
35:17Portia's my friend.
35:19And you're my friend.
35:20And so when we were at dinner, and you
35:22were asking me all these things, and you were like,
35:24why she steal that girl's man, you know?
35:26I felt a little uncomfortable.
35:29I'm sorry.
35:30I would never want you to feel uncomfortable.
35:32I didn't want to seem disingenuous or, like, shady.
35:35But I have to let you know, I did tell Portia.
35:37Well, clearly you did, because she already seen the blog.
35:40There's a girl named Kel, and she apparently owns
35:44restaurants and stuff like that.
35:47I don't know about her.
35:49I don't know.
35:50I don't know.
35:52Portia, you definitely know the name, baby.
35:53Don't nobody call me Kel.
35:55You better announce me as Kelly or the Queen of Waffles, honey.
35:58I'm going through a divorce just like Portia, right?
36:01And I know what it feels like to be cheated on,
36:03and so I'm very passionate about those things, you know?
36:07So I didn't know that there was infidelity.
36:10So it kind of explains a little bit more about why you
36:13were so strong about it, I guess.
36:14Yeah, for certain.
36:15I appreciate you sharing that with me tonight.
36:17She's going to be here any time you got questions about Portia,
36:20ask Portia, because I want y'all to be good,
36:22but if y'all decide y'all ain't good,
36:24I don't want to be in the middle of it.
36:25I am here to celebrate you this evening.
36:27Can we do that?
36:28Yes, we can.
36:29We're going to have so much fun tonight.
36:30I'm ready.
36:30Oh my god.
36:31Oh my god.
36:42This is how amazing Shamia's house is.
36:44It didn't even come with an address on the invite, honey.
36:47It just says Sterling Hall.
36:49This is a house?
36:50Somebody lives at Sterling Hall?
36:52Like, this is wealth, honey, OK?
36:58He's an African king.
36:59That is totally not true.
37:02No, he does HVAC.
37:03Some of the airports that you've walked through,
37:05my husband has built, manufactured,
37:07and installed the HVAC.
37:09So there you have it.
37:17Oh, this is beautiful.
37:20I don't mind if I do.
37:22I'm married to NBA legend Charles Oakley.
37:24Charles started with the Chicago Bulls, then the New York Knicks.
37:27We've been married for eight years now.
37:30You can't even make 5 out of 10.
37:32How much you want to bet?
37:33I saw your average in the NBA.
37:38You're the wrong guy.
37:39That's the other guy I used to go out with.
37:40Oh no, it's only you.
37:42To some people, he may come off, you know, a little direct.
37:44He's definitely a straight shooter.
37:46I can get what I want out of him.
37:47I'm an alpha female.
37:49I can work my way around Charles.
37:52Come with all that makeup and all that new shit.
37:56All that extra hair.
37:57I need a napkin.
37:59Oh, hi.
38:02Nice to meet you.
38:02I'm Kelly.
38:03I've heard so many great things about Nana.
38:05So I have never been there yet, but I got to give her a drink,
38:08and I will join you inside.
38:10I'll see you in a second.
38:11OK, baby.
38:12Now, just to be clear, you don't come with the drink, right?
38:15I mean, I don't think so.
38:16It's so pretty.
38:20Do you have children?
38:21I have four daughters.
38:22My oldest daughter just turned 17.
38:24So she's a tourist.
38:25She's a tourist, girl.
38:26What's your sign?
38:27I'm a Pisces.
38:28I'm a Pisces.
38:29Are you serious?
38:30I thought I could pick up some Pisces energy from you.
38:33I love that.
38:34I think we attract drama, though.
38:35I don't think we attract it.
38:37I think it finds us, you know?
38:39Yeah, I had to have like a little uncomfortable
38:41conversation with Shamia earlier.
38:45Just a little bit.
38:46Just about Portia.
38:48I'm just like, well, why did she steal that lady's husband?
38:50Oh, my Lord, Jesus.
38:51Well, damn, if coming in hot was a person,
38:53it would be Miss Kelly.
38:54Do not let Kelly's size fool you.
38:56Ain't nothing small about Miss Kelly.
38:58No, she's never, you know, shy.
39:02Neither am I.
39:06Coming up next.
39:08Drew, I would be inauthentic if I didn't ask.
39:09Are you dating Dennis now?
39:18Here's to Shamia's birthday.
39:27It's a vibe.
39:28It's beautiful.
39:33You look amazing.
39:34So do you.
39:35Oh, this is my husband, Mike.
39:37Hi, nice to meet you.
39:38This is my husband, Charles.
39:39This is Britt.
39:40I'm Britt.
39:41Nice to meet you.
39:41Hi, guys.
39:44I'm starving.
39:46I know, I'm a little hungry.
39:47So y'all see Shamia has my cookbook in the kitchen.
39:48I love your cookbook.
39:49I was like, I'm going to have to get all my girls
39:51some cookbooks.
39:52Oh, I like that.
39:53My husband cooks.
39:53You guys should get together.
39:55Oh, my husband throws down.
39:57Well, my husband doesn't eat any of my food.
39:59He just does not.
40:00But it's all love, because I prefer not to cook.
40:04I'm here for Angela.
40:05I am married to Charles Oakley.
40:09Put some respect on my husband's name, right baby?
40:11Right, baby?
40:12Yeah, I will, too.
40:15The last enforcer.
40:17Yeah, I love it.
40:19It is beautiful.
40:21It's raining.
40:21What's your name?
40:22I know a sprinkle, tinkle, little star when I see it.
40:26All right.
40:26So pretty.
40:29I love it.
40:34You look amazing.
40:35I'm Britt.
40:36Nice to meet you.
40:38You look good.
40:39You look beautiful.
40:40I was eating your lobster and waffles.
40:43I'm Britt.
40:43I'm Britt.
40:44I'm Britt.
40:45I'm Britt.
40:46I'm Britt.
40:47I'm Britt.
40:48I knew of Kelly through my social media manager.
40:51He brought me some of her chicken and waffles.
40:53She makes really good waffles.
40:56Hi, baby.
40:57What's up?
40:58How are you?
40:58What's up?
41:00Drew and I share the same hairstylist.
41:01We actually spoke for the first time maybe three years ago.
41:05I like her personality.
41:06She's chill.
41:07She's from Chicago.
41:08I'm going through so much over here.
41:09I'm sorry.
41:10I'm here for you.
41:11We don't bleed on each other.
41:13We're shot down, girl.
41:14Who I got to beat up?
41:15Who I got to beat up, Drew?
41:19We got to catch up, ma'am.
41:21I haven't seen you since you arrived.
41:23Girl, girl.
41:24No, we have so much to catch up on.
41:25I have so many questions.
41:26I have so many not answers.
41:28Ooh, ooh.
41:29You got some explaining to do, ma'am.
41:30Let's talk about it.
41:32Are you guys publicly dating?
41:35Like, is he publicly dating?
41:36Are you publicly dating?
41:38I mean, I have people that are showing interest.
41:40But I just feel like I have to put a dot and a period
41:42on this situation because there's a lot going on.
41:46Excuse me, ladies.
41:47Excuse me, ladies.
41:48Don't talk about glue in this heat.
41:50I'm melting.
41:51Yeah, you.
41:52Y'all, what's with that?
41:53You need to go to the restroom and check out your hair.
41:55Oh, baby.
41:56Stop doing it.
41:57I didn't know it worked that way.
41:58No, it's popping.
41:59You need to go look at it.
42:01Today, I thought I was being cute.
42:03However, it was so hot.
42:04So I'm trying to use the fan to stop the wig
42:07from running from my forehead.
42:08But the wig was just leaving.
42:16You look beautiful.
42:17My baby.
42:17Mwah, mwah, mwah.
42:19How are you?
42:21This is gorgeous.
42:22Is it?
42:24Nice to meet you.
42:24Nice to meet you, too.
42:25What's your name? Kenya?
42:26I'm Kelly.
42:27Kelly and Kenya.
42:28Nice to meet you.
42:28Nice to meet you.
42:29I'm Brett.
42:30Hi, Brett.
42:31Nice to meet you, too.
42:32You guys look so beautiful.
42:34This is the girl of the hour.
42:35I think she's still getting ready.
42:37And where's Portia?
42:41Girl, are y'all divorced at this point?
42:46Is it, is it, is it fine if you guys go through a divorce?
42:49Two years.
42:50You're going through a divorce.
42:50You're going through a divorce.
42:51You're going through a divorce.
42:52Portia's going.
42:53You're married.
42:54Oh, because you don't have your other ring.
42:55Are you, you married or engaged?
42:57No, no, I'm married.
42:58This is my second ready ring.
42:59This is a second one, yeah.
43:01Oh, from a different guy, or?
43:03No, I only have one husband, one man.
43:05No, I mean, I didn't know if you were married before.
43:07No, uh-uh.
43:08This is, this is the upgrade.
43:09This is the anniversary.
43:10Oh, OK, anniversary of the first ring.
43:15So listen to Kenya's comment.
43:17She's definitely a necessary shade.
43:19I just don't think that you can speak on anybody's ring
43:21if you don't have one.
43:22I did his insurance.
43:23I was his insurance agent.
43:25You are more just a neighbor than a neighbor.
43:28He found out he was in good hands,
43:31and he ain't left my side, too.
43:33Hey, baby.
43:34Hey, baby.
43:36How are you?
43:37I passed you coming in.
43:39I did.
43:40I was running to the restroom.
43:42This glue is just gone.
43:45Gotta upgrade the glue.
43:48I had to go freshen up.
43:51Oh, my gosh.
43:53Shamir's coming out.
43:59Come on, now.
44:00Come on, Harlem Knight.
44:02She looks so good.
44:04Y'all ready?
44:05Let's do this.
44:06Where the shots at?
44:07Where my homies at?
44:09Let's go.
44:11I gotta thank my husband.
44:12I gotta put him on the spot.
44:13Babe, I love you so much.
44:16Like, look at his fine chocolate.
44:20Everybody give it up for my husband.
44:23It just feels so good to have all my friends
44:26from all of my walks of life under one roof to celebrate me.
44:30But I'm a little bit nervous about bringing
44:33all of these friendships together.
44:35Can we all just hang out, turn up for my birthday?
44:38Let me talk to Portia.
44:39Where is Portia?
44:40I don't know.
44:41I thought I was going to see if you talked to her.
44:43Maybe she's on her way.
44:44I think she should be.
44:45How far is she?
44:46It's 7 o'clock.
44:47She arriving after you?
44:48It's your birthday, girl.
44:50We can go drink.
44:54It's, like, starting to sprinkle.
44:57No, I'm good.
44:58Everything's good.
44:59Kenya was a little standoffish.
45:01A little bit.
45:02She was like, where's your wedding band?
45:03I'm like, sweetheart, all you need to know is I'm married.
45:06You're going through a divorce.
45:08I'm married.
45:09So are you worrying about my wedding band?
45:11You don't see this rock.
45:12Like, there's nothing to worry about.
45:14I'm the youngest of three girls.
45:16And my sisters, they're hard on me.
45:18They're tough on me.
45:19So if you come to me being a hater, trying to try me,
45:22size me up, I pick up on all of that very quickly.
45:25It's all good.
45:26You grabbed attention?
45:27I don't think it was attention.
45:28A little nicey nasty a little bit.
45:30Just a little bit.
45:33Coming up next.
45:34Kelly apparently made the comment about, like,
45:36what's going on with, like, people stealing people's men.
45:38Hide your husband.
45:39Hide your wife.
45:55Where's the food?
45:56Did we figure out where the food is?
45:57I'm starving.
45:58I'm going to eventually eat.
45:59But you know, I got to keep my eyes peeled.
46:01Oh, my gosh.
46:02That lobster.
46:04What is going on?
46:08Now, let me tell you something.
46:10I have a little surprise for you outside,
46:12if you will come with me.
46:18What's up?
46:21Wait a minute.
46:22Hold on.
46:23Wait a minute.
46:24What's underneath it?
46:25What is it looking like?
46:27Happy birthday.
46:29Well, wait.
46:30Let me see.
46:32One, two, three.
46:47Yes, baby!
46:48I'm here for it.
46:50Oh, my god.
46:51Who doesn't want a culinary Rolls Royce?
46:53My husband.
46:54I'm punching him like, I hope you're looking.
46:56Because these are the type of gifts that I want.
46:58If I had these kind of birthday presents,
47:00I might have tried to make my marriages work.
47:02Oh, my gosh.
47:08Oh, Jesus.
47:09It's stars.
47:10It's stars.
47:11Look who showed up.
47:12It's some stars in the car.
47:17That didn't hurt, though.
47:19Oh, my god.
47:22That's such a joke.
47:23Oh, god.
47:24Hey, Jill.
47:25You did that, Jill.
47:26Big doll.
47:27Yeah, yeah, yeah.
47:28Listen, my best friend show up while I'm getting my gift.
47:30You better come around to the other side
47:32and act like you was in the audience and the crowd
47:34the whole time, and I just missed you, OK?
47:36Y'all ain't leaving, is you?
47:37What are we like?
47:38Get out of here now.
47:39Don't, don't.
47:40You a little late.
47:41Let's be clear.
47:42I'm a fan of letting everybody's light shine.
47:44However, in this moment, to the left.
47:53You know that's my boo.
47:54Just a little light shade.
47:56Hey, look at my best friend.
47:58Hey, hey, hey.
47:59You know how we used to do that last time.
48:01All right, let's go somewhere quiet.
48:02Listen, look at him.
48:03Look at him.
48:04That's a Versace walk.
48:06I'm like, I love this house.
48:08This house is gorgeous.
48:10No, I want to change.
48:11Do you need some help?
48:12You want help?
48:13OK, all right.
48:17Girl, I'm so sorry I'm late, girl.
48:19There's nothing I can do about it, so.
48:22You look gorgeous.
48:24Shamir knows my intentions is always to be there for her,
48:27but that time of her party, the traffic was insane.
48:30If you don't leave at this magical hour,
48:32you will be at least two hours late to wherever you're going.
48:34Like, I would never just be late.
48:37Apparently, Shamir hung out with Kelly and Brooke.
48:42Kelly apparently made the comment about, like,
48:44what's going on with, like, people stealing people's meat.
48:47Hide your husband, hide your wife.
48:52I'm just kidding.
48:53I know, I know, I know, I know.
48:55Anyway, long story short, Kel was upset that Shamir went back
48:58and told Portia what they discussed.
49:00Why was Kelly upset about that?
49:02I don't think it's a thing, but in this circle,
49:04a thing can become a thing.
49:06Yeah, I see.
49:07A little thing can become a big thing.
49:09All you got to do is just breathe on it.
49:10Yeah, breathe on it.
49:11Just look at it.
49:12Just look at it.
49:13Hey, y'all.
49:14Oh, come on.
49:16OK, number two.
49:22Kenya, can I get a hug?
49:23Because I saw how you greeted me.
49:25Yeah, I greeted you.
49:26Did I hug anybody, though?
49:27Yes, you did.
49:30Cynthia's my best friend.
49:31Let's talk about it.
49:32Y'all over here causing trouble already.
49:34We're causing trouble?
49:37So I talked to my friend.
49:39You talked to who?
49:42So listen, what were you upset about with Shamir
49:47taking information back?
49:49To who?
49:50So, you know, we had dinner the other night.
49:53Me, Shamir, and Britt.
49:55And, you know, I was like, well, why
49:57does she take that man's husband?
50:00Spicy, Kelly.
50:01Oh, hi.
50:12So, you know, we had dinner the other night.
50:15Me, Shamir, and Britt.
50:16You know, I was like, well, why does
50:18she take that man's husband?
50:21Spicy, Kelly.
50:23We cannot acknowledge the elephant in the room.
50:25We gotta be honest.
50:26Go, Kelly.
50:27Kelly, can you get the chair for Kelly?
50:33Y'all been together.
50:34No, I haven't met her yet.
50:36Oh, OK.
50:38How are you?
50:39I'm doing good.
50:40What's up?
50:42Air kisses.
50:43Air kisses.
50:45Hi, Kelly.
50:46Nice to meet you.
50:47How are you?
50:48Nice to meet you, too.
50:49Let's chat.
50:50You caught us right in the moment.
50:53So my question was, why does she take that woman's husband?
50:57That cannot be your opening line.
50:59Go rewrite it.
51:00That was not it.
51:02What is your name again?
51:03My name?
51:04I think you know my name.
51:05My first time meeting you.
51:07Anything else you know besides that?
51:09Like, what's your last name?
51:10Where are you from?
51:11Well, I think you know my last name.
51:12How do you know me?
51:13I don't know you.
51:14I'm just asking a simple question.
51:16So that's how you begin to get to know someone?
51:18I said it's Shamia.
51:20I'm like, oh, my god.
51:21Oh, my god.
51:22Oh, my god.
51:25That was a little spicy.
51:26But that's my girl.
51:27So let's keep it cute.
51:28Kelly, I'm like, girl, I know you're joking, right?
51:31You're joking.
51:32She was dead ass serious.
51:34You still didn't answer the question, though.
51:36I don't want to talk to you no more.
51:38Answer the question.
51:39No, I don't even know you.
51:40You're a perfect stranger.
51:42You've spoken on me.
51:43I spoke on you.
51:44You're a perfect stranger.
51:46This your friend?
51:47This is my girl.
51:48This is my girl.
51:49And let me tell you, Kelly's a sweet girl.
51:51She really is.
51:52I think it was more of a situation
51:54where she was trying to address the elephant in the room.
51:57Just ask a simple question.
51:58The way she said it, she wasn't really coming off
52:01as just being aggressive.
52:03I don't care no more.
52:04It's OK.
52:05I couldn't hear what you were saying.
52:06It's a little loud right now.
52:07I agree.
52:08Can we go somewhere private?
52:09OK, I agree.
52:11You good?
52:12Baby, I'm always good.
52:13I know.
52:14I know.
52:15I know.
52:16I'm a woman that stands on business.
52:17And women who cannot own what they're doing
52:21or what they're saying is a joke to me.
52:23This chick is weird.
52:24She's hard.
52:25She's so long.
52:26Answer the damn question and move forward.
52:29I'm still waiting.
52:31Y'all can only have three big booties on this little girl.
52:35I love that she has an elevator.
52:37I actually would ride this just for fun
52:39if I had it in my house.
52:41Excuse me, where's the concierge?
52:43Where's the golf cart to drive us to the next location?
52:46This is insane.
52:48Oh, Shamia, I love the way you're editing.
52:52This is amazing.
52:53My god, I love it.
52:55We're just going to bring the whole party in here.
52:58What's your sign?
53:01It's tourist season.
53:02I'm a tourist.
53:03Speaking of birthdays, I didn't get invited to your birthday.
53:06Girl, no one got invited to my birthday.
53:08I got invited to your birthday.
53:10And you didn't come.
53:11Dennis invited me to your birthday party.
53:14How did Dennis invite somebody else to your birthday?
53:19It was a surprise for me.
53:20So I didn't know anything.
53:22But I did send my assistant everybody's numbers.
53:25And he didn't invite nobody.
53:27But Dennis, who's your assistant?
53:31Well, Drew, I would be inauthentic if I didn't ask.
53:34Are you dating Dennis now?
53:45Next time on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.
53:48Where there's smoke, there's fire.
53:50I thought it was a little shocking you asked for Portia.
53:52You're being Portia's assistant.
53:53You're coming in hot.
53:54You want to have the baby in this house?
53:56Why does everything have to be so lame?
53:57You're the throat against the wall.
53:58Let's see if it sticks.
53:59You can't see if a baby sticks.
54:01She has to tell me she feels a way in.
54:03You are an awful, fucking slimy ass bitch.
54:06You did, Drew.
54:07So you think I'm banging Drew?
54:08Now you better piss me off.