00:00The only reason why I offered to even give her anything is because she's my sister.
00:03She's my sister, I'll eat the losses, and here's your 480, I'll wash my hands of it.
00:07My mom don't have to call me no more.
00:09Unfortunately, that's not enough for her.
00:11She wants a whole lot more.
00:12I understand that.
00:13But she's, you know, you don't always get what you want.
00:15I want her to be 5'8".
00:17It didn't happen for me.
00:18Fair enough.
00:19You know, they said, look, all you're entitled to is five feet.
00:22And I had to live my life that way.
00:24So $480 was, let's make it five even.
00:28That's what he owes you in wages.
00:30Now, you want to tell me, because you have a counterclaim, what is it that you want?
00:35OK, so the 480 that he's speaking of is from that load.
00:38But that Friday, $1,100 was supposed to be paid out from prior that I never got.
00:44So the money he's talking about is-
00:46Well, he said actually two trips.
00:47No, he's speaking about this one week of loads.
00:50That's the 480, even five, that he's speaking about.
00:54Because I can't prove him otherwise, I didn't even fight him on it.
00:57He owes me $1,100 that was supposed to pay out that Friday,
01:01based on the work I had done before.
01:03You mean the work that you had done before your mother mediated?
01:07You're talking about the work that you did by miles or by weekly salary?
01:12OK, so when you work for him for four weeks,
01:14you're supposed to get a week off with half of your pay.
01:18So when it was time for me to take my week off,
01:20I had this whole big thing planned for the person I was dealing with.
01:23It was the 50th birthday.
01:25So I had hotel stays and all this other stuff set up.
01:28My brother calls me on the Tuesday of July 16th,
01:31and he asked me to leave my hotel stay and go meet with this girl
01:36who wasn't doing what she was supposed to do.
01:37She's not doing her load.
01:39Can you go pick up the truck?
01:40And I agreed, even though we had been fighting tremendously.
01:44I said, sure.
01:45He said, it should only take an hour.
01:47I said, if I go, I need you to get me a Uber from my mother's house,
01:52that Whole Foods, to the city because I have to be at the hotel by 3.
01:56The wine tasting and dinner is at 5.
01:58And then my Broadway tickets.
02:00He said, OK.
02:01When I left the hotel and I got to where the girl was,
02:04the cop wouldn't give us the information.
02:07It turned into a long situation.
02:10I was not able to just go get the truck and leave.
02:12Finally, I had to do faxes and all this other stuff.
02:15Finally, I got the paperwork.
02:16When I went to pick up his trailer, they wanted a lot of money in cash.
02:19I don't remember the number, maybe like $1,200, something like that.
02:23But they wanted it in cash to pick up his trailer.
02:26I didn't have it.
02:27So my brother said, OK, we got to figure out how to get it.
02:30I said, I'll go to a chase if you could send it to me.
02:32He couldn't do that or whatever.
02:33I said, you want to cash app it?
02:35Whatever, whatever.
02:36While I'm driving, he calls me and he says, you know what?
02:40We're going to just hold on a second.
02:41I'm still trying to figure out how to get the cash to you.
02:43I said, Prince Adam, if I miss the things that I've already paid for,
02:47you're going to have to help me with some of that and reimburse.
02:50I have the Broadway tickets and I have the wine tasting and all of this stuff.
02:54I said, that's going to be about $190.
02:57And he said, well, hold on.
02:59Then he called the guy back where the trailer was.
03:01And the guy with the trailer said it would only cost him $140 for him to let the trailer stay
03:06there till the next day.
03:08So he calls me back, says, you know what?
03:10Go ahead to drop off the truck.
03:12And then I'll send you to your thing.
03:14Then as I'm driving, I said, great.
03:15As I'm driving, he calls me back.
03:17He says, wait, can you just go to the Western Union?
03:20I'm going to have it sent to you.
03:22I said, Prince Adam, if I'm going to go to the Western Union, this has to happen right now.
03:25I have to do it now.
03:27He says, OK.
03:28I get to the Western Union.
03:29I don't know.
03:30Maybe it's just what was going on in the Ethos, but it turned into this long thing.
03:33The money wasn't coming.
03:34We don't know why it's there.
03:35We're on the phone with the headquarters.
03:37Long story short, I didn't get to the hotel in Manhattan by Central Park until 6 o'clock.
03:43It was like 6, 630, right?
03:45So now I've already missed the wine tasting, whatever, whatever.
03:47By the time I get to the Broadway show, they're literally going into intermission.
03:53I text my brother and I say, Prince Adam, it's cool.
03:55I said, if you can just help me with some of it and hit me with just 120.
04:00Don't worry about the other ticket because the deadbeat dude didn't show up.
04:03He starts to come back at me on a text.
04:06Why are you trying to get this?
04:07I already sent you in an Uber.
04:08I can't believe you're trying to make your money back.
04:10I get upset.
04:12Did he send the Uber for you?
04:13Well, the Uber was before all of this.
04:15The idea was he would send me...
04:17That was before I left my hotel.
04:19That if I do this for you, you'd have to get me there in an Uber.
04:22But after that, I told him if I missed my stuff, you had to reimburse me a portion of it.
04:28So when I asked him for the 120, I guess he got offended.
04:31He starts screaming on me.
04:33I'm going through a lot emotionally.
04:34I block him.