9-1-1 S08 E09
00:009-1-1, what's your emergency?
00:08Is anyone there?
00:10Please, I need help.
00:13Of course. My name's Maddie. What's yours?
00:16You can just call me John.
00:18Where are you calling from, John?
00:20I don't think I should say.
00:22I just want this to end.
00:27Are you thinking of hurting yourself?
00:28Every day. I hate what I've become.
00:32I don't know. I don't know what to do.
00:34Alert crisis response. I have a caller who says his name is John.
00:37Probably not his real name. He's considering self-harm.
00:39Do you have his location?
00:41Pinging the cell towers now.
00:43I'll have an RA unit standing by.
00:45John, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Okay?
00:47You're not alone.
00:49I know. That's a problem.
00:52I didn't want to take her this time.
00:54I wasn't going to, but she looked so sweet. So lost.
00:56Who is she?
00:58She said her name is Jaina.
01:00I'm afraid I'm going to do something terrible.
01:03This isn't a suicide. It's a kidnapping.
01:07He's got somebody else with him. A possible minor named Jaina.
01:09I can hear her screaming through a gag.
01:11I think she's a really good person.
01:14I got his location.
01:16Okay. Keep him talking.
01:18John, tell me about Jaina.
01:21All units, code three.
01:22Respond to 121 Blythe Avenue.
01:25We have a possible hostage situation.
01:27Unknown male suspect to be considered warrant and dangerous.
01:30727L30 in route.
01:33I thought I could save her.
01:35But they don't want to be saved.
01:37They don't. Do they, Maddie?
01:39Everybody wants to be saved.
01:41I think that you did too, and that's why you called me.
01:43I know I'm never going to make it to heaven.
01:46But maybe I should send her there.
01:48Okay, just stay with me.
01:50Listen to me.
01:52Listen to the sound of my voice.
01:54Okay, I'm here with you.
01:56We're going to get through this.
01:58You, me, and Jaina.
02:00I know you're tracing this call.
02:03I'm not.
02:05You're lying. The police are coming. I know they are.
02:08No, the police go to where I tell them to.
02:10And if you let Jaina go, I will make sure they never find you.
02:16I don't believe you. You think I'm a monster?
02:22I don't.
02:27I understand you.
02:29How could you?
02:31Because I know what it's like
02:34to want nothing more than to keep a child safe.
02:40But knowing that it was me who was the danger.
02:43What did you do?
02:45I ran.
02:49I ran away from everything.
02:50So that's what I'm telling you to do now, okay?
02:537-2-7-0-30. How close are you?
02:57Three blocks out. Killing my sirens.
03:00Just run.
03:02Run away, and I will make sure that the police never find you.
03:08I wasn't a monster.
03:11Neither are you.
03:13What about Jaina?
03:15I'll take care of her.
03:17I promise.
03:18And you won't send the police after me?
03:23I gave you my word.
03:35There's nobody here.
03:37You're sure you're at 121 Blythe Avenue?
03:39I'm sure.
03:41Did you search the location?
03:43There's nothing to search. It's a vacant lot.
03:48You lied to me.
03:50You said you wouldn't send the police. You lied.
03:53He's watching this.
03:55PD, be advised. The suspect may have eyes on you.
04:00You were wrong, Maddie. I am a monster.
04:05Hey, John. Please. Please listen to me.
04:08No. I'm done listening.
04:19It's creepy, right?
04:21I mean, it's one thing to get a friend request from your old boss, that's fine.
04:25But Gerard?
04:27Every picture on his profile, he's holding up a fishy card.
04:30Check this out.
04:32Wait, he requested you to?
04:34Ten miles from my parents' house.
04:36Prime zip code in El Paso.
04:38What do you think?
04:41It's kind of run down, isn't it?
04:44It's all I can afford.
04:46It's all I can afford.
04:48Well, maybe you should keep on looking.
04:51It's a fixer-upper. I'll fix it up.
04:53I don't know. Renovation is a gamble.
04:56I've binged Property Brothers.
04:58People always run into problems with the subflooring.
05:01I already put a down payment.
05:07Wait, so this is really happening?
05:10Yeah, of course.
05:12Did you talk to Cap yet?
05:16And please, do not say a thing to anyone.
05:20I want to get my ducks in a row before I give them my notice.
05:23I mean, this is a pretty big duck. What else is there?
05:26I already signed a new one-year lease on my place here.
05:29If I don't find someone to sublet, I'm going to be bleeding cash.
05:32Which is what I'm going to have to live with because I do not want to be parenting on FaceTime.
05:37I need to be there.
05:38So, we get your place sublet. It can't be that hard.
05:42I can help.
05:45Yeah. You know, we get this deal done together.
05:49One-two punch. Like the Property Brothers.
05:54Thanks, man.
05:57I do not know what I'm going to do without you.
06:08I love you.
06:39Hey there, pal.
07:08Come here.
07:38Come here.
08:09911, what's your emergency?
08:11Send somebody to the rescue.
08:13Yes, ma'am. Can you tell me where?
08:15The rescue. Wilshire Animal Shelter. It's on fire.
08:28Dispatch, building is well-involved on the Bravo Charlie side.
08:32Requesting additional R8 task force and animal rescue.
08:35Still inside. Requesting additional R8 task force and animal services.
08:39I got 28 still inside.
08:41Buck, Eddie, search and rescue. Grab the rotary saw.
08:45Dogs are in two rooms. Once you reach the main kennel, head down the hall to the quarantine room.
08:50Copy that.
08:52Hey, hey. I got one right here.
08:54Okay, buddy. There you go. I got you. I got you.
08:56I got you.
09:04We're in. Come on.
09:06Come here, big guy.
09:08There we go. I got you.
09:15Right over here.
09:17Come on, buddy. There we go. Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. Good boy.
09:27It's okay, buddy. I got you.
09:31We got a runner! Buck!
09:34Hey, hey, buddy. Hey, hey. Come on. Where are you going? No, no, no, no. Come on. Come on.
09:38Here, boy. Come on. I'm not going to hurt you.
09:41You seen any smoke inhalation?
09:43I see wagon tails. I set up low by oxygen, but I think he pulled them all out and died.
09:48Where's Buck?
09:50He went after a stray.
09:52There you are.
09:54Come on, buddy. You're okay.
10:00Buck, what's the status in there?
10:02The roof's going!
10:04Then you should be, too.
10:12I'll just surround the other guy.
10:14Buck, do you copy?
10:16Come on, bud.
10:27Here he comes!
10:38You good?
10:42Okay, that's the scare, boy.
10:44Sorry, guys.
10:46She was talking to the dog.
10:48Thank you so much. We'll take him from here.
10:52Okay, buddy.
10:53You're going to go with them now, okay?
11:00Good boy.
11:09Hey, where's he going?
11:11El Segundo. Our sister shelter's pitching in, time being.
11:14And then what?
11:16Same as usual. Pray he finds a home.
11:35Thank you for arranging this, especially because I know what I'm about to say and they might sound crazy.
11:40Well, the one thing cops are used to hearing is crazy.
11:43So tell me more about this missing persons detective.
11:46Detective Amber Braeburn. I only know her by reputation, but she's a bloodhound.
11:50Tough, blunt, and she doesn't suffer fools.
11:54Okay, you're not making me less nervous.
11:56Oh, no. We're in great hands.
11:58She has found more missing kids than anyone in the past 15 years.
12:02And she was the first one in her department to put her hand up when I said that this might be more than a hoax.
12:10Sergeant Grant.
12:12Detective Braeburn.
12:14Amber, I've heard the legend of Athena Grant for years. It's an honor to finally meet you.
12:18And this is Maddy Hahn, the dispatcher who took the call.
12:22And it's an honor to meet you, too. You are very good at what you do.
12:26You listened to the call?
12:28On repeat. The way you connected with the kidnapper, gained his trust. Masterful.
12:32Gained it and then lost it. I made one very big mistake.
12:37I lied to him.
12:39You listen to me. I've traced your phone and dispatched police to your address.
12:44If you touch that girl, I swear you will pay the price.
12:46I know you couldn't help me, but you judged me. There's no point. I'm sorry, Holly. I'm so sorry.
12:57And you're positive that's the same voice?
13:00I have no doubts at all. Except that call came into L.A. dispatch ten years ago.
13:05The police responded to the address and it was abandoned.
13:08Holly Martinez. She was found five days later in Griffith Park.
13:12I remember near the merry-go-round. No signs of essay or torture. Just killed and dumped.
13:20Two calls in ten years. I mean, if he is what we're all thinking he is, that's a pretty long cooling off period.
13:26Yeah, I had that thought, too. So I checked a Reddit page for dispatchers.
13:30Asked if anyone had ever had a similar call from a weepy voice.
13:37A dispatcher in Portland.
13:38Three years ago, from a spoofed number, said he kidnapped someone named Angie.
13:43Angie Bixby was found dumped in the woods one week later.
13:47A week after he placed the 9-1-1 call.
13:50I don't think he wants to be doing what he's doing. Or at least some part of him doesn't.
13:56Maybe that's why he keeps them around so long. He's trying not to kill them.
14:01So you think Jayna could still be alive?
14:03I have to believe that.
14:04No Jayna's have been reported missing locally.
14:08Not locally.
14:10Jayna Whitlock was last seen at a bus stop in Bakersfield, nine days ago.
14:15You're going to put me out of a job.
14:22No, it can't be this easy.
14:28Richard Bullock.
14:30Frequent flyer and registered sex offender.
14:34He lives at a transient hotel, right by the downtown bus station.
14:38I've connected him to three other runaways who have gone missing.
14:42And the hotel was the last known address for all of them.
14:45I have been after this guy for a long time.
14:48I don't know.
14:50Maybe I just wanted to be him.
14:52Well it sounds like we may need to hold him accountable.
14:54I agree. Unfortunately I can't.
14:57Wait, why not?
14:59Because I've gone after this guy so many times and come up empty handed.
15:03He filed a complaint against me with the city.
15:05Now I can no longer go near him without hard evidence where it's considered harassment.
15:09Someone else is going to have to talk to him.
15:12Well I've never been above a little harassment.
15:15All right.
15:17I'm going to call you back.
15:20Well I've never been above a little harassment.
15:23All right. What do you think?
15:26Uh, looks flowery.
15:29Take over my lease flowery or sorry your mom died flowery?
15:33First one.
15:35Okay. Hey, here we go. You got this.
15:45I'm Eddie.
15:48So, water and internet are included?
15:51Plenty of driveway parking.
15:52Yeah, for if you have any friends over.
15:54That won't be necessary.
15:55No car?
15:56No friends. I love that arched doorway.
15:58There's even room for the piano, hon. You play?
16:01She does. I just listen.
16:03Just don't put it in that corner. The floor is a little squishy.
16:08Well it's all about the community for us.
16:11Yeah, totally. There's plenty of kids his age around here.
16:14Top elementary school just down the street.
16:15And there's a playground within walking distance.
16:18Yeah, we're in a big monkey bar space right now.
16:21Me too, dude.
16:26How's the kitchen?
16:27Oh, the kitchen. It's this way. You're gonna love it.
16:30Yep, great natural light.
16:32Not a chef's kitchen, that's for sure, but it will get the job done.
16:36What did you say you do for work?
16:38I'm a chef.
16:40I like that it's a straight shot to LAX. I travel a lot for work.
16:44Oh, that's great. You know, if we listen right now, we might even hear a plane overhead.
16:49Wait, it's on the flight path?
16:51Not on it. Under it.
16:54So are you friendly with your neighbors?
16:56No, almost all of them. Or at least you thought you did, right?
17:01Wait, what does that mean?
17:03Yeah, there's just this one neighbor, Jim.
17:06But he lived at the very end of the street.
17:08Oh, okay, so get this. We respond to a fire at this guy's house. We're firefighters.
17:13The guy is running a meth lab out of his garage.
17:16He's head of the Neighborhood Association. How crazy is that, right?
17:19Barry, I don't think this is gonna work.
17:29Say bye.
17:31If it helps, I can repaint.
17:33Oh, no.
17:34If it helps, I can repaint.
17:36Oh, no, it doesn't. All right, let's go.
17:39All right, thank you for coming.
17:43Man, I really thought we had her.
17:46What are you doing?
17:48What do you mean?
17:50You've been sabotaging every one of the showings.
17:53Sabotage? Meth lab, Jim?
17:56Oh, come on, it's a fun story. It shows the neighborhood has character.
18:00It's about to have one less. You're leaving.
18:04Come on, I'm gonna help.
18:06No, just go, please. I can handle this myself.
18:13Hey, come on in.
18:16Hi there. I'm Nick. This is my wife, Kelly.
18:22So, what's wrong with it?
18:26Oh, I think what my husband meant was, it's such a great house. Why would you want to sublet it?
18:29I'm moving to Texas.
18:31Job opportunity?
18:34Los Angeles was actually the job opportunity.
18:37But no ties here. Everything that matters is in Texas.
18:42Here, let me show you guys to the kitchen.
18:57Yeah, you're so cute.
18:59Hey, I know that pooch.
19:01This smells like smoke. What's he doing here?
19:04Buck rescued him.
19:06I know, I was there.
19:08No, from the shelter.
19:10You adopted him?
19:12Buck is now a proud dog daddy.
19:16Yeah, you sound surprised.
19:18You didn't mention you were thinking about it.
19:20Would I have to run everything by you now?
19:22Well, you could have run it by me.
19:24Especially if you're gonna be bringing him in here.
19:26Oh, come on, Cap. Look at him.
19:28Plus, every firehouse needs a dog.
19:30Since the 1900s, maybe.
19:32Why did firehouses all have Dalmatians?
19:34They calm the horses that pull the rigs.
19:37Well, then this dog will calm Buck.
19:39Exactly. This is my new best friend. Isn't that right, Blaze? Isn't that right?
19:45Yeah, Flaze. On account of how we met.
19:48And Cap, I won't bring him every day. I just don't want to leave him alone right now.
19:52Don't want him to think I'm an abandoner.
19:55I thought your landlord didn't allow you pets.
19:58He doesn't.
20:00If it is, I'll move.
20:02You're gonna move? For a dog?
20:04Yes, Eddie. I'll move.
20:08You're not the only one who can do that, you know.
20:13Okay, are we missing something here?
20:15You're moving?
20:17Yeah. I wasn't really ready to say anything yet, but now's as good a time as any, I guess.
20:25Cap, I need to put in my notice.
20:28What? No.
20:30I'm going back to Texas.
20:32The only reason Christopher is there is because of me.
20:35And he's thriving.
20:37I don't want to just yank him out of that environment.
20:39I need to be there to raise my son.
20:43Of course you do.
20:47This is the right move. I understand.
20:50You're a good father. We are all going to miss you here.
20:53We are.
20:55Thanks. And it's been more like three weeks rather than two. I still need to sublet my place here.
21:00Whatever you need.
21:02Oh, yeah. This feels like a weight off.
21:07Thanks, Buck.
21:09You're welcome.
21:11Richard Bullock, you in there?
21:14Richard, open up. LAPD.
21:40Richie don't live here no more!
21:42You know where he is now?
21:46I hope he's rotten in hell and you can go there too.
21:51Go away, I don't talk to pigs.
21:56What if I could give you something that you really want?
22:00Like what?
22:08Come in.
22:11Can I get you a coffee, officer?
22:13As long as you don't poison it.
22:15And Athena's fine.
22:17I'm Isabel.
22:19So how long's he been gone?
22:22Uh, I kicked him out almost two weeks ago.
22:25What happened?
22:26I caught him hitting on some girls that were hanging out down the hallway
22:30and they looked about 15, so that was the final straw.
22:33When's the last time you heard from him?
22:35Uh, he called a couple of times.
22:38Uh, he called a couple of times over the weekend crying,
22:42begging me to take him back.
22:45But I blocked his ass.
22:49Oh yeah.
22:50He full on sobs like a little bitch.
22:53Used to make me feel sorry for him but now I just think it's pathetic.
22:56You have any of that on voicemail?
22:59What's this about, Athena?
23:04Do you recognize this girl?
23:06Maybe you've seen her around the motel.
23:14No, maybe, I don't know.
23:17I mean so many kids come in and out of here and I work nights.
23:20You think that perv took up with this sweet looking girl?
23:23I think he may have done worse than that.
23:26She disappeared ten days ago.
23:28You think he kidnapped her?
23:32We need to find him, Isabel.
23:35So if you know where he is, I need you to tell me right now.
23:55Two on Branford Street, if you need more you let me know.
23:58Let's hope I don't need to.
24:01Freeze, freeze, move, move.
24:03Go, go, go.
24:04LAPD, Richard Fullick, show yourself.
24:21Looks like he was in a hurry.
24:24Check it out.
24:29Didn't finish his lunch.
24:31He forgot his meds.
24:35Maybe the ex-girlfriend tipped him off we were coming?
24:56I got something.
25:01Jaina's blood.
25:06It's her wallet.
25:09Dispatch, let everybody know that the scene is secure, officers are safe, Fullick got away.
25:15And it looks like he took Jaina with him.
25:229-1-1, what's your emergency?
25:26Is that you?
25:29Oh, thank goodness.
25:30It took four tries.
25:32I know that your name is Richard.
25:34I wanted you to know I tried my best, Maddie.
25:37I really tried.
25:38I kept her alive longer than the others.
25:40Did you hurt her?
25:42Not yet, but I don't think I can wait any longer.
25:46Looks like his GPS is currently at 1504 St. George.
25:49Looks like his GPS is currently at 1504 St. George.
25:53Single residence, foreclosed on a year ago, address is probably spoofed.
25:56I'm sending everybody anyway.
25:59All available units, code 3.
26:011504 St. George, roll silent.
26:05Richard, keep talking to me, we got all the time in the world.
26:08You think I'm going to fall for that again?
26:10I know you talked to Isabel.
26:12She's a drug addict, you know that?
26:14What lies did she tell you?
26:16The same lies you told me?
26:17Okay, how far is the closest unit to that address?
26:19Twelve minutes, if it's even the right address.
26:22That's a big F.
26:24You're all she's got now, Maddie.
26:29You're sending the police, aren't you?
26:32But we both know they're not going to find anything when they get there.
26:35They might find something.
26:37Look, I'm not lying to you anymore.
26:39I did before and I'm sorry if I hurt you.
26:42You did.
26:43And I called you for help.
26:44I believed in you.
26:46I showed you my pain and you betrayed me.
26:48And I never wanted to add to your pain.
26:51I only wanted to do the same thing you wanted.
26:53To save Jaina.
26:55The last time that we spoke, you said that you didn't want to hurt her.
26:57Did you know that even with your jugular cut,
27:00it can take ten minutes to bleed out from having your throat slashed?
27:04It's pretty awful.
27:05I don't want her to go through that.
27:06No, of course you don't.
27:08Can you imagine your daughter going through that?
27:17No, I can't.
27:18I have a gun this time.
27:20It'll be quick.
27:24Everything's going to be okay.
27:27Wait, Richard.
27:28Listen to me.
27:29What else am I supposed to do?
27:31Look, you told me that you wanted to find a way out of this.
27:33That you wanted to make it stop.
27:35And I've been thinking a lot about that.
27:39I think I can help you make it stop.
27:41I can't go to prison.
27:42No, of course not.
27:43I'm not talking about prison.
27:44There's only one way to end all the pain.
27:47You know how.
27:49The answer is right there in your hand.
27:52It'll be quick and painless.
27:55Why would you tell me to do something like that?
27:57You said I wasn't a monster.
27:59I don't think that you are.
28:00I think a part of you is that there's another side to you.
28:03A good man who doesn't want to hurt anybody.
28:05And that's the part that called me.
28:07But it's a sin.
28:08If I do that, I won't get into heaven.
28:10God will understand.
28:12You have to be brave now, okay?
28:13You have to slay the monster.
28:16Do it for Jaina.
28:17For all the other girls that will come after.
28:19Quick and painless.
28:20Just like you said.
28:21I can't do it.
28:22You can do it, Richard.
28:24No more tears.
28:26Just peace.
28:29Slay the monster, Richard.
28:38Richard, are you there?
28:41Richard, say something!
28:48LAPD's on scene.
28:53And Bullock?
28:56He's down.
28:59Looks self-inflicted.
29:04What about Jaina?
29:06I don't know.
29:08What about Jaina?
29:10I'll let you know.
29:48It's okay.
29:49It's okay, Jaina.
29:50You're okay.
29:52You're safe now.
29:55You're safe.
29:56I want my mom.
30:06I have Jaina Whitlock.
30:08She's alive.
30:09Our unit already en route.
30:18They could have stopped it.
30:21They didn't have to.
30:23Because you did.
30:43What did I just do?
30:46What you always do.
30:49Saved a life.
31:21Thanks for the update.
31:25They're still checking Jaina out at the hospital, but the doctors didn't find any serious injuries.
31:33Bullock never hurt her.
31:34Not physically, anyway.
31:36Thank God for that.
31:38The emotional wounds will take time to heal from, but she will.
31:42This is the best case scenario we could have hoped for, Maddie.
31:48I'm supposed to be a lifeline for people on those calls.
31:53Instead, I convinced him.
31:59If I had just kept him talking for two more minutes, he would have come through the door.
32:04Except there was no reason for you to think that I'd be coming through that door.
32:08He spoofed every other call.
32:10So why not this time?
32:11Maybe for the same reasons that he kept calling 911.
32:14He wanted to be stopped.
32:16This was going to be the end for him either way.
32:19I know he wasn't a good guy.
32:24The despair in his voice, it was raw.
32:29It was so real.
32:31I don't know that I'm ever going to get his voice out of me.
32:41We aren't sharing this with the public, but there's something you should see.
32:53We found a waterproof pouch in Richard Bullock's toilet tank after the raid.
32:57Inside it were trophies.
33:00School ID from Holly Martinez.
33:02Driver's license belonging to Angie Bixby.
33:06A girl from Portland.
33:08We don't know who the hair belonged to or the keychain, but we've got forensics working on it right now.
33:15So there were other victims.
33:17You helped stop a monster, Maddie.
33:20Because of you, no lost child will ever have to suffer at his hands again.
33:25Go home, Maddie.
33:27Hug your little girl tight.
33:30Pour yourself a nice big scotch.
33:40Yeah, high five.
33:42Good boy, Blaze.
33:44You got it.
33:46You take it.
33:48You be so smart.
33:50Teaching him everything you know?
33:51Well, he knows how to stay.
33:53Unlike some people.
33:55You got something you want to say to me, Buck?
33:58No, not really.
34:00Ah, so you only like to speak up when Cap's around, is that it?
34:04You only like to speak up behind my back.
34:08I heard what you said to those renters, Eddie.
34:12What are you talking about?
34:14L.A. was the job opportunity.
34:16I don't have any ties here.
34:18Everything that matters is in Texas.
34:22Your words, right?
34:24Oh, my God.
34:26You were spying on me.
34:28More than spying on you.
34:30You know what?
34:32It's all good.
34:34I don't need you, either.
34:36Because I got Blaze.
34:38Yes, I do.
34:40Hey, hey.
34:43Blaze, hey, hey, hey.
34:45Bingo, come here.
34:49It's really you.
34:51I missed you so much, boy.
34:54I've been calling him Blaze.
34:56That suits him, too.
34:58He got spooked by our neighbor popping off fireworks.
35:02Squeezed out of the yard.
35:04We see a lot of animals get separated from their families due to fireworks.
35:07How did you know to find him here?
35:09We've been checking pretty much every corner.
35:10Including the one that burned down.
35:12We recognized him.
35:14Told us which one he'd been transferred to.
35:16But you beat us to the punch.
35:18He's very lucky to have people who love him so much.
35:21We do.
35:27Hey, would it be okay if he said goodbye to them?
35:45Hey, boy.
35:48I guess this is it.
35:53I know we didn't have much time together.
35:56But I will never forget you.
35:59And you don't go running off on your people anymore, okay?
36:06You have no idea how hard it is on them.
36:10Sir, you need to clear out?
36:13I'm glad you got your dog back.
36:15118, let's go.
36:33In a second.
36:46Now is not the time, okay?
36:48I have an appointment to show the house.
36:50Guy's gonna be here in a couple seconds, so I need...
36:52Well, this will just take a minute, I promise.
36:56It really is always about you, isn't it?
36:58Look, I know that's what this seems like.
37:00Not what it seems like.
37:02But you were there the whole time.
37:04I was trying to be supportive, okay?
37:06I really was.
37:08And you succeeded, up to a point.
37:10I didn't mean to out you in front of Cap and everyone else.
37:13Oh, you absolutely did.
37:15You got mad.
37:17So you acted out like you always do.
37:19But you want to know something, Buck?
37:21If you need to be pissed off of me to make it easier for you,
37:23then be pissed off.
37:25I'm not pissed off.
37:27No, hey, okay, I was.
37:29I don't know, man.
37:32I guess I'm just, I'm having more trouble
37:35dealing with the idea of you not being around
37:38than I like to admit.
37:41I don't like it any more than you do.
37:43But if you're gonna make this
37:45about me having to choose between you or my son,
37:48you're gonna lose every time.
37:51No, come on, of course.
37:53That's not even a question.
37:55He's here.
37:57You should just go.
37:59I promise not to sabotage this one.
38:01Scout's on her.
38:03His name is Freddy.
38:05Okay, great, Freddy.
38:11Hey, what is happening right now?
38:16What is happening is we're taking you out.
38:18For what?
38:20To celebrate.
38:22It's a one-night-tea tradition.
38:24I'm glad you're drinking shoes
38:26because we've got the best designated driver
38:28in the business.
38:30Reservation's in 20 minutes.
38:32We gotta hustle.
38:34Guys, I'm sorry.
38:36I can't right now.
38:38I have a potential sub-letter
38:40coming in a couple minutes.
38:42You still haven't told them?
38:44Told me what?
38:46Well, not to make it all about me,
38:48but it's me.
38:51I'm your renter.
38:52Hey, you're Freddy?
38:54Yep, I am Freddy Fakeman.
38:57Freddy Fakeman?
38:59How'd you let that one sneak by you?
39:01It's more obvious when you say it out loud, okay?
39:03What about your loft?
39:05That's not my loft anymore.
39:07Gave him my notice this morning.
39:09And now you don't need to worry.
39:17You really did that for me?
39:19Yeah, you and Christopher.
39:20I do have a couple conditions, though.
39:25Let's hear them.
39:27I'm gonna need you to look the other way
39:29when it comes to my credit score.
39:31Okay, what else?
39:33Well, I might want to adopt
39:35another pet down the line.
39:37Yeah, well, you did really bond with that dog
39:39in about 10 seconds.
39:41That's kind of what I do.
39:43Hey, man, I'm sorry you had to give him back.
39:45Oh, no, hey, I'm not.
39:47Listen, when Blaze jumped into her arms,
39:50I wasn't sad.
39:52I was happy.
39:54Because he was going back to where he belongs.
39:57And that's why I'm happy for you.
40:00Because you're going back to where you belong.
40:03With Christopher.
40:06You two should just hug this out.
40:12All right, wheels up.
40:14Eddie, don't forget your wallet.
40:16Wait, why?
40:18Because you're buying it.
40:20It's a quarantine tradition.
40:23Let me get my jacket.
40:27Hey, what do you think about knocking out this wall?
40:30Keep walking, Buckley.
40:46Where were you, Aspenji's daddy?
40:48I got lost, muttered Benji.
40:51First, I saw a pack of triceratops.
40:54And then I was chased by a velociraptor.
40:58But I remembered what you said
41:00and followed the sunset all the way home.
41:03The end.
41:06Hey, wherever you go,
41:08I promise to protect you.
41:11I love you, Mama.
41:13Oh, I love you.
41:19Hey, there.
41:21You're early.
41:23I want to hear about Eddie's dinner.
41:25But first, you need to kiss your kid goodnight.
41:32I didn't want to do this.
41:34I swear.
41:36But you made me do it.
41:39You made me do this.
41:41Didn't you?
41:43You made me do it.
41:45You made me do it.
41:46Didn't you?
41:48You made me do this.
41:56You're going to be so mad at me.
42:06My girl.
42:08My girl.
42:16My girl.