9-1-1 S08 E04
00:00The problem with the 118 is that everybody got soft.
00:10Uh, I don't think we're soft.
00:13Like a baby's belly.
00:16But that's what happens when you cough and coddle.
00:19Nash was a coddler. He coddled.
00:22Uh, sir, I don't think that's true.
00:25I mean, yeah, yeah, sure.
00:27He's a great guy. Beloved.
00:30Know what no one's ever accused me of being?
00:35Damn straight!
00:37Because when it comes to leadership, it is better to be feared than loved.
00:43We were living in an age of snowflakes and liners.
00:48So they took my house from me.
00:50It was humiliating.
00:52Well, sorry, sweetheart, but I'm back!
00:57Holy smokes!
01:00If somebody downtown understands my worth, we're gonna prove it to them that they were right.
01:06Little buddy, we're gonna make the 118 the leanest, meanest firehouse in all Los Angeles.
01:13Uh, we are?
01:15Yeah, you've been working with these mooks the last several years.
01:18You know who's who and what's what.
01:21Uh, yeah, I guess so.
01:24Which is why you are gonna tell me who to fire!
01:31Who to fire?
01:32Mandated budget cuts from upstairs. Ten percent across the board.
01:36But we are gonna do better.
01:38We'll cut 12, starting with playoffs!
01:43Wait, you want me to pick someone for you to fire?
01:46That's what happens when you save the boss's life.
01:49Instead of being on the list, you get to make it.
01:54We better go. We'll miss our tea time.
01:57Hustle up!
02:04I like the flow. How everything opens up to the backyard, similar to the old house.
02:08I don't know. I mean, not really.
02:12Well, one big difference is it's a lot more space.
02:15The loudest 10,000 square feet is bigger than what we had.
02:17Yeah, but do we really need bigger? I mean, it's just us.
02:21Well, I thought you wanted more space.
02:23How about that ADU? That's a plus.
02:26Be great for when your parents come to visit.
02:28Yeah, but not so great for adult kids who might be tempted to move back in.
02:31Closer to the firehouse.
02:33A lot further from the studio.
02:34Well, that's another thing in its favor.
02:38I mean, the kitchen's nice.
02:40Look at the size of that island. That's certainly enough room for us to cook together.
02:43I suppose it is.
02:45Let me guess. You don't like it.
02:46It's fine.
02:47Uh-oh. The F-word.
02:51It just doesn't feel like home.
02:53Well, maybe it will if we buy it and live in it.
02:56Look, this is not us.
02:58All right. You said that about the last two places we looked at.
03:00Yeah, because they weren't right either.
03:03Well, can you tell me what would make it feel right?
03:05Well, I don't know, but I'll know it when I see it.
03:09And this? This ain't it.
03:14All right.
03:16Another name announced today in the race for mayor.
03:19Councilwoman Olivia Ortiz says that she's declaring her candidacy now for the top job,
03:24and she's doing it for a very personal reason.
03:27Last year, I lost my son Kyle to an automobile accident.
03:30The first responders on the scene failed to administer the care he needed,
03:34and as a result, he succumbed to these injuries.
03:37I am running for mayor in his memory.
03:40So today, in addition to announcing my candidacy as mayor,
03:43I am also a proud sponsor of the ICE and EARS pilot program,
03:47which is the first step to holding all those responsible for the safety of our citizens accountable.
03:54What the hell does that mean?
03:57Show of hands. Who loves being a public servant?
04:05Love the enthusiasm.
04:07And as a public servant, who do we serve?
04:12Home. Not to be a pedant, but it's home.
04:18I'll repeat the question. As a public servant, who do we serve?
04:26Uh, the public.
04:30And what should the public demand of its public servants?
04:43A body cam. But we're not cops, we're firefighters.
04:46But when 18 has been chosen to test a new program,
04:50body cams will be activated when in the field and when interfacing with the public.
04:56And if you break it, you bought it.
05:05Let's go!
05:11Let's go!
05:21Let's go, Weston!
05:25Weston! Weston!
05:33Go Weston! Go Shelby! Go Weston!
05:36Go Shelby! Go Blue Jays! Woo!
05:40I'm obsessed with your mom.
05:42She has more soul spirit than half of our cheer squad combined.
05:45She's just trying to make up for my dad not being here. Again.
05:49Sorry, Wes. The worst sucks.
05:52It's not like he came even when he still lived at home.
05:54Maybe if I was on the team instead of cheering for it.
06:13Go Weston!
06:25Weston! West, honey! West, honey! West!
06:29West, honey, I'm here!
06:31West, I'm here!
06:44911, what's your emergency?
06:46The cheerleader is ass backwards!
06:57Everybody, body cams on!
07:00Get used to it.
07:03Ever play any pigskin?
07:05High school tight end, sir.
07:07Tight end.
07:09Cheerleader's name's Weston.
07:11Look, I'm EMT certified, but this is beyond my scope of practice.
07:15We got it.
07:21Please, please, can you help him?
07:23We're going to do our best, ma'am. If you can just give us some space to work, okay?
07:26There you go.
07:31Patton, you ever seen anything like this before?
07:34Is the medical textbook count?
07:36I have. In Afghanistan, calf has an open book fracture. Broken pelvis.
07:40Problem with that is the pelvis is lined with arteries.
07:43Then we work fast. Diaz, you take point with the stretcher fetchers.
07:46Tight end. We're triage.
07:49Weston, hi, I'm Eddie.
07:51We're going to check you out, okay?
07:53Okay. Is it bad?
07:55Oh, you're talking. That's good news.
07:57BP's 90 over 60. Heart's racing at 120.
08:00Let's give him something for the pain.
08:02What's happening? Is he going to be paralyzed?
08:04You have to move him very carefully.
08:06We don't want to shift anything else.
08:10Pelvic sling.
08:12Good job.
08:14We're going to lift you up on three.
08:16One, two, three.
08:22You're doing great, buddy. Good job, Weston.
08:25All right, roll on one, two, and...
08:33I've got the life pack.
08:35Come on.
08:37Lift him on three. One, two, three.
08:45Weston. Yeah?
08:47Can you feel this on your foot, buddy?
08:49Yeah, yeah.
08:51That's good, right?
08:53That's great.
08:55Can you make a thumbs-up for me?
08:59All right, can you put your hand in the air?
09:01As you can.
09:09Let's go.
09:16I'm right here, baby.
09:18Go and get your dad to tell him to meet us at the hospital.
09:20Don't, don't.
09:22He needs to be here.
09:24It's fine. He wouldn't...
09:28Wes? Weston?
09:30Guys, I'm losing him.
09:32BP's bottoming out. He's probably bleeding internally.
09:34We can't treat him here. Then we do it on the ring.
09:36Let's go double-time.
09:43It's two liters.
09:45The liquids aren't working. He's losing too much blood.
09:47Jim, how long till we have Presbyterian?
09:4912 minutes to the Trava Bay doors.
09:51Can you make it four?
09:53I'll do what I can.
09:55Hang in there, Weston.
09:57We're gonna lose this kid.
09:59You've done a report, right?
10:03On solid ground.
10:05In a moving vehicle.
10:07Threading a balloon through an artery.
10:09That's insane.
10:11At least these streets are paved.
10:13I did two in a convoy in Kandahar.
10:15How'd that go for you?
10:18That's better than zero.
10:20Try right here. You got the ultrasound?
10:31Find the artery.
10:33It should be the femoral.
10:43Oh, Jim, you gotta keep it steady.
10:45Sorry, guys. I'm doing my best.
10:47My hand slips.
10:49I puncture his artery.
10:52Copy that.
11:05Okay, got it.
11:07Now here's the tricky part.
11:09Eddie, his pulse is barely registering.
11:16How am I looking?
11:18It's hard to say. Everything's twisted.
11:26Wait, wait, wait, wait.
11:28You're in the air order.
11:30Inflate the balloon.
11:32Ten cc's going in.
11:43BP's back, and so is our boy!
11:59You're gonna be okay, kid.
12:01The patient is a 16-year-old male with an open book fracture.
12:04He was crumping in the ambulance.
12:06We placed a revoer four minutes ago with central aortic blood pressures in the 90s.
12:09A revoer? In the field?
12:11Technically, it's a partial revoer.
12:13It's supposed to bind his kidneys and everything below the balloon more times.
12:15Nice work. Let's get him to the OR.
12:18Weston, I'm here, baby.
12:24How does one hell of a save, you two?
12:26You got us here.
12:28I'm gonna go, uh, get the paperwork started.
12:33You okay?
12:35I think he misses his kid.
12:40Let me remind you all that this is a hearing at the request of petitioners Karen and Henrietta Wilson,
12:46the subject of which is the reinstatement of the petition.
12:49This is a hearing at the request of petitioners Karen and Henrietta Wilson,
12:51the subject of which is the reinstatement of their foster care license.
12:55Was there a determination of unsafe conditions or abuse in the home?
12:58Not as such.
12:59Not at all.
13:00Your Honor, my clients have an impeccable foster record.
13:03The child was removed from their home without as much as an investigation.
13:07Where is the child now?
13:09With your permission, we'd like to introduce these photos into evidence.
13:19Your Honor, these photos of the child with the petitioners appeared at our offices, time-stamped.
13:25The other two adults are the child's current foster family,
13:28who, it turns out, are both close friends of the petitioners.
13:32This was not made known to us at the time.
13:34Ms. Vasco, were you aware of your client's continuing contact with the child in this manner?
13:40I, I was not, Your Honor.
13:43Your Honor, we would ask that the petitioner's foster license not be reinstated
13:48and that the minor child be returned to the group home.
13:51No, no, you can't.
13:52Ms. Wilson.
13:54Your Honor, may I speak?
13:56Go ahead.
14:00Yes, it's true.
14:02We've, we've been in contact with Mara.
14:06Because we're not the petitioners.
14:09We're her parents.
14:12She never should have been taken from our home, from her home.
14:17She's being used as a pawn by, by someone who has a vendetta against me.
14:23A very, very powerful someone.
14:27I don't care. It's the truth.
14:30Councilwoman Olivia Ortiz blames me for the death of her son.
14:36So now she's, she's using her power and her position and the life of a little girl to punish me.
14:46Judge, I'm begging you.
14:52Do not let her.
15:02911, what's your emergency?
15:04Hey, Maddie.
15:06Hey, where are you?
15:08We're still at the courthouse.
15:11How did the hearing go?
15:12Not great.
15:16You think you or, or Jim can give Denny a ride home?
15:21Yes, you're not coming here?
15:23We can't.
15:25Not while Mara is there.
15:29The judge ordered no contact.
15:32We can't even talk to her.
15:35I'm so sorry.
15:36You'll take care of her for us?
15:38Yeah, of course we will.
15:40Thanks, Maddie.
15:47Good morning.
15:49More like good afternoon.
15:51When did you get in?
15:52The sun was coming up. Not a night shoot.
15:54I don't know how that crew does it. It's not civilized.
15:56There has to be a more efficient way.
15:58Shoot during the day?
15:59Well, I think fire looks better at night.
16:01When are you going to call Chief Simpson and see if he can find you another house to captain?
16:05I don't want another house. I want my house.
16:07Well, maybe you can steal another fire truck from the show and drive it home.
16:11No, I'm considering it.
16:15What's that?
16:16Oh, um, we can talk about it when I get home.
16:20I won't be here.
16:25Well, I was thinking.
16:27Maybe the reason that I can't find a house that I love
16:31is because none of them are in the place that I love.
16:35I don't know.
16:36The reason that I can't find a house that I love
16:39is because none of them are in the place that I love.
16:43We have the land.
16:44Why don't we just rebuild?
16:46All right, that's an option.
16:48Should we call an architect?
16:49I already did. The one who built the house.
16:58These are the old plans.
16:59Yeah, he had his office send them over.
17:02Oh, that was nice of him.
17:04For the first time in this whole house hunt,
17:06I'm actually getting excited.
17:22Firefighter Wilson.
17:23I assume you're not here to volunteer?
17:26If that's what it takes.
17:29Would you please give us a room?
17:31Of course.
17:40This is Mara.
17:42This video was taken about a week
17:44before CPS removed her from our home.
17:48Hi, Mama.
17:49I hope you're having fun at work.
17:51You said to make a list of what I want for my birthday.
17:54World. Disney World.
17:56Denny, do not coach her on her birthday wishes.
17:59Sorry, Mama.
18:00Love you.
18:02She's adorable.
18:04When she came to us, she was non-verbal.
18:07Completely closed off from the world around her.
18:10Having a real family that loves her
18:13opened her up.
18:16Mara needs her.
18:18She needs her.
18:20Opened her up.
18:23Mara needs her family back.
18:25We're all she has.
18:31God was all I had.
18:34And I'm expected to go on without him.
18:37Maybe young Mara
18:38would have to learn to do the same.
18:43Please don't punish her
18:45because you can't forgive me.
18:47If I could go back and change
18:49the outcome of the night that your son died,
18:52I would.
18:53I am truly sorry for what happened.
18:58You're sorry now,
18:59Firefighter Wilson.
19:01But you were sorry that night,
19:03or do you think I'll get what he deserved?
19:08Maybe you should think about what you deserve.
19:13And this is all I have time for now,
19:14so if you'll excuse me.
19:21Give my regards to your captain.
19:23My captain?
19:25Vincent Gerard.
19:27We're old friends.
19:31You're the one who put him there.
19:33Think it was a good call,
19:35given the lack of leadership in your firehouse.
19:38Don't you agree?
19:46Knock, knock, knock.
19:55Is my phone off?
19:56No, I didn't call.
19:59I did travel around the block about three times.
20:03Must be serious.
20:04It is.
20:08Let me get you a cup of coffee.
20:11You guys gonna build?
20:14Uh, thinking about it.
20:16This looks kind of like...
20:25what's got you circling the block?
20:28It's Gerard.
20:29And no, if you've got a problem with your captain,
20:31I'm really not the person...
20:32He is not my captain.
20:35You are my captain.
20:37No, I resigned, you remember?
20:38No, you didn't.
20:40Your house burned down,
20:41and then you ended up in the hospital.
20:43Yes, but at the time,
20:44I let Chief Simpson know my intentions.
20:46Chief Simpson is not the reason Gerard has your spot cap.
20:51I am.
20:53What does that mean?
20:54City Councilwoman Ortiz
20:56is the one that reassigned Gerard to the 118.
20:59Not the chief.
21:01It's because of me.
21:02She has done a deep dive into my history.
21:04She knows just where the pressure points are.
21:07She saw an opening, and she took it.
21:10So what do you want to do about it?
21:12I have to quit.
21:14I can't take being his favorite anymore.
21:17He calls me his little buddy, and he touches me.
21:20No, not like that, but, you know, still.
21:23Buck, you can't quit because your captain likes you.
21:26He wants me to be his henchman.
21:28He has to make budget cuts,
21:29he says he needs to fire someone,
21:31and he wants me to pick who.
21:32That is not your responsibility.
21:34It just pisses me off.
21:35I mean, here's a kid who actually wants his dad in his life,
21:38and he doesn't even bother to show up?
21:40You sure we're not talking about a different father and son?
21:43I miss him so much, Cap.
21:47I'm trying to respect his wishes,
21:50but he's Zoomed a couple times a week,
21:53barely says a word to me.
21:55Are you sure it's not the, uh...
22:01That's not...
22:02You don't like it?
22:04No, I love it.
22:05It just kind of looks like your old house.
22:08Because it is.
22:09It's the house Michael designed for her.
22:11Well, you don't sound too thrilled.
22:13Well, I...
22:14You know why?
22:15Because this isn't the house you should be rebuilding.
22:18Come back to the 118. It needs you.
22:21The 118 has a captain.
22:25You know my feeling?
22:26I think Gerard doesn't even want to be there.
22:28I mean, he was going to retire.
22:30The only reason why he said yes
22:32is because an eagle wouldn't allow him to say no.
22:34He's always got to be right.
22:36He's always got to be the smartest guy in the room.
22:39Honestly, I think that's why he's always hanging around with Buck.
22:48Thank you so much.
22:50Cool. Thank you.
22:51Dr. Craig?
22:53I'm Sergeant Grant.
22:55I was told that you were having some kind of issue with a patient.
22:59Yes, a guy came in with major wounds to his neck and chest
23:02and a gash on his arm so deep it was down to the bone.
23:05Says his pit bull bit him.
23:07I was called down here for a dog bite.
23:09Normally I just work them up for rabies shots as a precaution,
23:12but my concern is these bites or whatever they are,
23:15they tore through muscle, exposed bone.
23:18I don't think we're dealing with a pit bull.
23:20So he's lying.
23:22What's his name?
23:23Carl Gates.
23:24He's pretty doped up.
23:29You're the police.
23:30Why are the police here?
23:32Mr. Gates, I'm Sergeant Grant.
23:34I understand you were attacked by your pit bull?
23:39No, I wouldn't call it an attack.
23:42We were playing too rough with his pull toy and he got excited.
23:47That's all.
23:48It looks like you were the pull toy.
23:50Look, Bing's really no trouble.
23:53He never even leaves the apartment.
23:55It's just us. We're fine.
23:57Mr. Gates, now you need to tell me right now,
24:00what do you have living in your apartment?
24:11Mr. Gates?
24:13It's Patty.
24:17I'm here to collect the rent.
24:21Mr. Gates, I've given you grace periods and courtesy,
24:24but I need that rent.
24:26You're four months behind.
24:28And what is that smell, Mr. Gates?
24:31We're getting complaints.
24:35Mr. Gates, I can hear you in there.
24:38Open up.
24:45Mr. Gates?
24:50Oh, God.
25:05911, what's your emergency?
25:07I'm bleeding out.
25:09Where are you?
25:10In the bathroom at the Mariposa Apartments, Unit 8C.
25:15I was attacked.
25:16Is the attacker still there?
25:18Yes. It's in the other room.
25:22It's a tiger.
25:24Please hurry.
25:26Help is on the way. Can you tell me your name?
25:28Patty. My name's Patty.
25:31Patty, you said you were bleeding?
25:33Yeah. It clawed my leg.
25:36I made it to the bathroom and shut the door,
25:39but it's trying to get in.
25:41Okay, we've got help coming to you now.
25:43Can you tell me what you see around you?
25:46We're gonna try and stop the bleeding.
25:55Well, she shouldn't have gone into my apartment.
25:57She had no right.
25:59When's the last time you paid rent?
26:01Or a damn pet deposit.
26:04You explain to me how you managed to get a 400-pound Siberian tiger
26:08into a studio apartment.
26:12He wasn't 400 pounds when I got him.
26:15He was an adorable cub.
26:19They're not gonna hurt him, right?
26:21If I were you, I'd be more concerned about your landlord.
26:24Because what you actually get charged with
26:26will depend on how she comes out of this.
26:34Stay with me. You're doing great.
26:36First responders are arriving now.
26:39Listen up!
26:40Dispatch says we got about ten minutes
26:42before Patriot goes in hypovolemic shock.
26:44Where's animal control?
26:46Seventeen minutes out.
26:47We are not waiting.
26:49LA Zoo rushed over this trank gun.
26:52Victim's on the eighth floor.
26:54Second window from the right.
26:55You're rappelled down from the roof.
26:58When you get up there, load the dart.
27:01Keep the safety on till you reach the eighth floor.
27:03Wilson, second that cat goes down,
27:05you and Buckley pop the front door.
27:07I want you on that victim's leg wound.
27:09Diaz, with Han.
27:16Maybe she'll let me do that.
27:20Or not.
27:22Where'd you learn to do that?
27:24I have layers.
27:26Buck, let me grab the gear.
27:29You sure about this?
27:31Hell yeah.
27:33At least we shouldn't have tried to hit him with a paintball.
27:38Patty, how we doing?
27:41Oh, I'm so cold.
27:43Stay with me. You're doing great.
27:45Talk to me.
27:59Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
28:05I don't see anything.
28:07You sure you're on the right floor, Chim?
28:20I'm not sure what they're thinking.
28:22I'm not sure what they're thinking.
28:24I'm not sure what they're thinking.
28:27Uh, yeah, it's the right floor.
28:35All right.
28:44Somebody's at the door.
28:47Do not open that door.
28:49We're going to get you out in just a moment.
28:52118, be advised, patient is going into shock
28:55and is about to open the bathroom door.
28:57Tell her not to.
28:58Double time it up there, Han.
29:03Nice and easy, kitty.
29:06Slow and steady.
29:08Patty? Patty?
29:35He's down! He's down!
29:45No pets.
29:55Help me!
30:01And cut.
30:05Captain Ash, you have a visitor.
30:07Oh, Vincent.
30:09Thanks for making the time to come see me.
30:11Not that bad.
30:12I was curious to see where the chief put you.
30:14This is it.
30:15Hey, Bubby.
30:16How did that last one look, mate?
30:18Uh, Brad, that was great.
30:20Perfect amount of swagger, Brad.
30:22This is Vincent Gerard.
30:24Vincent Gerard.
30:25He's the captain of my old firehouse.
30:27Vincent, this is Brad Torrance, the star of Hot Shots.
30:29Not so loud.
30:30The rest of the cast thinks it's an ensemble.
30:33Pleasure, Captain.
30:35You're a Brit.
30:36Yeah, guilty.
30:38I never would have guessed.
30:40Are you a fan of the show?
30:42No, but my sister is a big fan.
30:44I can't watch firefighter shows.
30:46All I see is what they do wrong.
30:49Well, I think our friend Bobby here
30:51set us straight on a few things.
30:53He's more or less the voice of God around here.
30:58That's Brad Torrance.
31:00That is Brad Torrance.
31:01That's right, yeah.
31:06Pretty sweet setup you got here, Nash.
31:08Yeah, it's not bad.
31:09I'd rather be fighting real fires, though.
31:12You're living the dream.
31:13Ah, it's not my dream.
31:16Listen, I know that the city is talking about budget cuts
31:20and that they're pushing for layoffs.
31:22Let me guess, this is the part where you tell me
31:24that there isn't a single firefighter in the house
31:26who isn't essential to the team.
31:28No, this is the part where I tell you
31:29who you should get rid of.
31:34What the hell are you talking about?
31:36I know you think regaining your command
31:38is some kind of vindication for you.
31:40It's not.
31:41Olivia Ortiz didn't put you there
31:43because she thinks highly of you.
31:45Quite the opposite.
31:47She's been using you, Vincent,
31:48and she's been laughing at you behind your back.
31:52I just thought that you should know the truth.
32:05Damn it!
32:09Mind if I take a look at that?
32:11You a doctor or something?
32:14Well, army medic first.
32:16Today must be my lucky day.
32:18This thing?
32:22Hazard of the job?
32:24One of many.
32:26I can relate.
32:28I bet.
32:30Might need to change the guns,
32:31but I should stop it from bleeding.
32:33You got a vehicle here?
32:34Least I can do is knock something off your service charge for you.
32:37Not necessary.
32:38I actually came here to talk to you.
32:42You Stacy's new boyfriend or something?
32:45I'm the firefighter who saved your son's life the other night.
32:48Mind if we sit down and talk for a minute?
32:51Stacy didn't tell me that Wes was in the hospital.
32:54She wanted to.
32:56Weston told her not to.
32:58And yet he blames me for staying away.
33:00You are the adult in this situation.
33:03If she had called,
33:06would you have come?
33:09Me and Weston,
33:11we don't have the best relationship.
33:13I get it.
33:15And sometimes a son just needs his father.
33:17Hell, a father needs a son.
33:18I speak from experience.
33:23You don't miss him?
33:25All the time.
33:27I just got tired of arguing.
33:29But you're missing out on watching him grow up.
33:31On who he's becoming.
33:33You think I want to watch my only son be a cheerleader?
33:37I think you love your son.
33:38You're just confused on how to show it.
33:41Who are you to judge me?
33:43I'm a dad who doesn't live under the same roof as his son.
33:48It's my fault.
33:50And I hate it.
33:53You think being a cheerleader makes your son weak?
33:58Let me show you something.
34:03Go ahead.
34:11I know soldiers who couldn't have survived what your son did.
34:18Your son almost died.
34:21And you weren't there.
34:28I appreciate what you did for my kid.
34:32But you need to leave.
34:37Vincent, I didn't lie.
34:39I was just trying to spare you the details.
34:42It would have been more effective
34:44if we had been on the same page from the start.
34:46We are on the same page.
34:48We share a common enemy.
34:50Henrietta Wilson was the reason
34:52you were pushed out before, remember?
34:54If it's Henrietta Wilson you want to punish,
34:56you're going about this all wrong.
34:58I don't know.
35:00I managed to prevent them from adopting that foster kid.
35:03Good luck getting another hearing.
35:06You have a judge in your pocket?
35:09The judge is a friend
35:11who was happy to do what I asked,
35:13especially since I'm going to be the next mayor.
35:16But why stop with the kid?
35:18There's other people she deeply cares about.
35:21You're going after the wrong family.
35:24It's the 118.
35:26Shut the whole thing down.
35:28The city wants budget cuts.
35:31You shut her an entire house
35:33and suddenly you're a fiscal genius.
35:36That's interesting.
35:39Of course, if I were to propose that,
35:41you would be out of a job.
35:43No, I wouldn't.
35:45Because when you're mayor,
35:47you're going to appoint me as your new fire chief.
35:51And what do I get in return?
35:53I just gave it to you.
35:55Now you know how to break Wilson.
35:57You know what, Vincent?
35:59We are a lot alike.
36:02That's why we make a good team.
36:06Adam Clerk, can you read the final item on the agenda?
36:10From Council Member Olivia Ortiz,
36:12firehouse closure proposal.
36:14Council Member Ortiz, please read your item into the record.
36:17Mr. President, as you are aware,
36:19the mayor has mandated a $22 million decrease
36:22in the LAFD budget.
36:24Rather than nibble around the margins,
36:26I propose that the fire department
36:28and the fire department
36:30decrease in the LAFD budget.
36:32Rather than nibble around the margins,
36:34I propose a permanent shuttering of one firehouse,
36:37specifically Station 118,
36:39and the transfer of all of its members
36:42to other existing houses.
36:44Let's move forward with public comment.
36:47The first speaker is Miss Henrietta Wilson.
36:58My name is Henrietta Wilson.
37:00I am a firefighter paramedic at the 118.
37:04And I speak for the entire house
37:06when I say we oppose the councilwoman's proposal.
37:09Of course you do.
37:11This is nothing more than Firefighter Wilson
37:14advocating for her own self-interest.
37:16We must think of the good for the community.
37:18I am thinking of the community.
37:21A community the men and women at the 118
37:24have served selflessly for years.
37:27And you will continue to serve,
37:29just from different firehouses.
37:32The 118 isn't just an item in a ledger.
37:35And the people who serve there
37:37are not simply employees.
37:39We're a family, and I will be damned
37:41if I will stand by while you waste your power
37:45and your position trying to break up that family
37:47the way you broke up mine.
37:49I don't know what you're talking about.
37:52If the council president permits,
37:55I'd like to play a recent recording.
37:57Is this on topic, Ms. Wilson?
38:00Very much so.
38:02If there's a way that you would let me connect to your monitors...
38:06Madam Clerk?
38:17Olivia, if it's Henrietta Wilson you want to punish,
38:20you're going about this all wrong.
38:22I object to this. This is outrageous.
38:25I managed to prevent them from adopting that foster kid.
38:28Good luck getting another hearing.
38:30You got a judge in your pocket, too.
38:32I did not give my consent to be recorded.
38:34Oh, you gave your consent
38:36when you demanded the members of the 118 wear body cameras.
38:40While dealing with the public, everything on there is public record.
38:45She isn't wrong.
38:48Look, Vincent, I know you got pushed out of the 118 once before,
38:52and if you think Ortiz is going to repay you
38:55or is going to look out for you on the other side, she's not.
38:58If you're smart, and I know you are,
39:01you'll help take her down before she takes you down.
39:05This is a setup.
39:07Sure the hell is.
39:09Calling a recess. Clear the chambers. Olivia.
39:11Just like that, she brought down an even bigger cat.
39:14No comment. No comment.
39:17You've got to find your people,
39:19the ones that make you feel all right.
39:21I have no people. Just the police.
39:23The kind you want to stay up with all night.
39:27You've got to find your people,
39:29the ones that make you feel whole.
39:33They won't leave your side when you lose control.
39:38The ones that don't let you lose your soul.
39:42Well, they work. There you go.
39:45All right, nice and easy.
39:50I got it. Just like that.
39:52You're doing it.
39:53He's always been a quick study.
40:00I'm sorry it took me so long to get here.
40:03You're here now.
40:08When you're together, you got nothing to lose.
40:12In a world full of strangers,
40:15you don't know that you're alone.
40:18All you see is danger,
40:20trying to find what you lost.
40:23You can't go it alone.
40:26Everybody needs help.
40:29You got to find your people,
40:31then you'll find yourself.
40:36And then I was thinking,
40:40what if we open up the kitchen a bit here?
40:43Athena, I don't want to rebuild this house.
40:49You don't?
40:52I thought you loved this house.
40:54I loved it because I was there with you.
40:57But this was never my house.
40:59Yours and Michael's.
41:02They tell you the truth and wish you well.
41:08You're right.
41:10Let's build something new.
41:12Something just for us.
41:15I love you.
41:16In a world full of strangers,
41:18you don't know that you're alone.
41:21All you see is danger,
41:24trying to find what you lost.
41:27You can't go it alone.
41:29Everybody needs help.
41:31Man, the mick of election.
41:33Cap is fine.
41:35So glad to have you back, bro.
41:37It's good to be back.
41:38I thought you'd gone all Hollywood on us.
41:41Buck, the show shoots in Studio City.
41:43Nobody ever goes to Studio City.
41:45Did you see the news?
41:46I did.
41:47Councilman Ortiz dropped out of the mayoral race.
41:49She's probably going to have to resign her seat on city council.
41:52So how'd you get Gerard to play ball with us?
41:55How did you convince him you didn't do this?
41:58Oh, isn't that hard?
42:06Here's your latte, sir.
42:08I think I'm going to like it here.