Come Dine With Me S2025 E30
00:00On today's show, posh passengers.
00:07If I was running an airline, I would upgrade Andrea.
00:12I just think you're just really classy.
00:14Him thinking that I'm a classy bird, little does he know.
00:17Wobble, wobble, a frosty fanfare.
00:20There's a few bum notes in there.
00:23It was a bit weird that we're laughing, you know, because it was really serious.
00:28And creamy confusion.
00:29So I went up to an ice cream van and asked him for a poke.
00:32He would give me an ice cream.
00:33I think it's called a poke because the bottom of the cone is a poke,
00:36like poke it in your hand.
00:37Maybe because you can poke people with it.
00:39As five diners have a right old ding-dong for some dosh.
00:52It's the final night in Belfast, home to the world record
00:55for the loudest words said by one person.
00:58And that word was...
01:01I was only asking.
01:06And hoping to be in with a shout tonight is private pilot James.
01:10Last night was good.
01:11My night's going to be better because I'm going to have attention
01:14to detail on everything and make everything from scratch.
01:19The festivities got underway on night one where food bank
01:22volunteer Donna threw a party that was a gas.
01:28My fart came out of my backside.
01:31I thought I was going to have to go to A&E.
01:34My night was very nerve-wracking, but I think it went well.
01:41Night two saw finance worker Andrea perfect pasta.
01:45Oh, it's too thin.
01:46Well, kind of.
01:49I absolutely love it.
01:51I think I'm in the lead at the minute.
01:54Well, I mean, I'm the only one that's made my own pasta.
01:58On night three, drag artist Aidan...
02:00Please get up, please dance.
02:02..stepped up to host.
02:03Do the time warp again.
02:06But it was dessert that gave his guests the horrors.
02:09Do you want to be steaming for the time?
02:13I don't think that there's been a course that people have
02:16neglected as much as that term has said.
02:20Accountant Kirstie's Ibiza night last night...
02:23Woo! She's in there!
02:25..saw some corners cut.
02:27What's your sauce?
02:28Creamy herb and garlic sauce.
02:30Did you make that?
02:31No, I did not.
02:33I think I still have a chance of winning
02:35because I was a great hostess last night.
02:38Sadly for you, it's Andrea who's in the lead with 33 points.
02:42But Kirstie did host a night rich with revelations.
02:46This isn't fancy dress.
02:48No! No!
02:50Get out of here!
02:52No way!
02:55Oh, my goodness.
02:56James, every day, James just surprises me.
02:59If James' food is anything like what you would get on an airplane,
03:03I think it might be the first night
03:05that I actually don't clear the plate.
03:07Ladies and gentlemen, your captain has an announcement to make.
03:10This isn't going to be plain food.
03:12There's been a lot of effort put in,
03:14so hopefully it'll lead them on cloud nine.
03:16You haven't started yet.
03:18First on James' pre-flight checklist is dessert.
03:21Homemade chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream.
03:24Oh, when you bite into a brownie,
03:26if you get that little run of chocolate...
03:30It's kind of a...
03:32..a plain but yummy dessert.
03:34And it's so James.
03:36What sort of dessert?
03:38A plain...
03:40..but yummy dessert.
03:42You can have that one.
03:44All right, all right.
03:46Over at the imaginary airport, James is ready for take-off.
03:49I can never just master cracking eggs.
03:52I just go...
03:54I'm going to clear the area before we start the plane.
03:57Shout, clear prop.
03:59Clear eggs!
04:06I swear, that's the best I've ever cracked an egg.
04:09It's very exciting.
04:11In goes sugar and...
04:13Clear gas.
04:16Hang on.
04:18Going in.
04:21After a stalled engine, it's chocks away into melted butter.
04:25And then on to vanilla essence.
04:27It's quite pricey. Does it look pricey?
04:29Absolutely first class.
04:31The gooey mix meets the eggs before flour boards.
04:34And it's poured.
04:36Wobble, wobble.
04:38Before landing in the oven.
04:40The key to a good brownie is that it is brown.
04:44I was hoping for a little more insight than that.
04:47Otherwise, there's a blondie.
04:49No, not in a brownie.
04:51Any excuse for a bit of Debbie?
04:53Let's get on with the ice cream.
04:56That would make my dad if he didn't make his own ice cream.
04:59He probably is going to make his own ice cream, the wee...
05:02The wee scamp, the wee rascal, the wee...
05:06There's no need for that.
05:08Cream and milk, get together.
05:10This is the best ice cream ingredients that you can get.
05:15This is a top-secret recipe, so I'm not going to tell you what it is.
05:19After a chill, the secret ice cream meets its maker.
05:23Maybe he's going to make the brownie into an airplane
05:25and then the ice cream's going to look like the clouds,
05:27like the plane floating over the clouds or something.
05:30Cloud cuckoo land, perhaps?
05:39So good.
05:40The ice cream gets the cold shoulder
05:42and will be served with his warm brownie tonight.
05:46Starter next, chilli beef nachos with guacamole and sour cream.
05:51I absolutely love Mexican food.
05:54Absolutely one of my favourites.
05:57First, the spice mix.
05:59I have some lovely spice jars,
06:01but what says on the spice jars isn't what's actually inside them.
06:06That's a completely ridiculous way to do things.
06:09Margarine. It's not actually margarine, this is chilli powder.
06:13It's chilli beef, though.
06:15Bit spicy on it. Hopefully it's not that spicy.
06:18I think he knows that I don't like a lot of chilli,
06:21so I think he's going to do a nice one for me
06:23and he's going to do a banging hot one for himself.
06:26Pay close attention to this safety briefing.
06:29I think with the chilli powder, we're going to go with two tablespoons
06:32instead of teaspoons. Proper spicy.
06:34James mixes six more spices,
06:37chucks it in with beef, onions, tomatoes and beans,
06:40then pops it in for a bake.
06:42My engine temperature is checked.
06:44We're at 200 degrees.
06:45Looking smug.
06:46He'll serve with baked, chopped-up tortillas later.
06:50Last to prepare is the main,
06:52barbecue and chipotle chicken with wedges.
06:55I love barbecue chicken and, like,
06:57the chipotle sauce is actually really nice.
06:59James measures his saucy stuff.
07:02Everything has to be precisely measured out.
07:05It's perfect.
07:07Then he dumps out chipotle paste.
07:09I mean, that's quite a lot.
07:12Barbecue and chipotle, chipotle chicken.
07:16That's easy for you to say.
07:18She likes that look.
07:20Listen, some people pronounce it chipolata.
07:23No, they don't.
07:27Oh, I stand corrected.
07:29James slops in his saucy ingredients and they feel the heat.
07:33I'm hoping that the barbecue sauce will give it a bit more of a
07:36smoky flavour than a spicy chilli flavour.
07:38Here's hoping.
07:40He stirs, he chucks chopped chicken in.
07:43I am all about that spice.
07:45So, absolutely, galangal.
07:48Go on, James, get it in you.
07:52How is it?
07:53It's really nice.
07:55It's quite spicy.
07:58I'm in trouble.
08:00It's really spicy.
08:01Good luck, Donna.
08:03Beans and carrots parachute in and he'll cook with wedges later.
08:07It's been a pleasant flight so far.
08:09Let's sit up and prepare for the final approach.
08:11You've not even boarded the plane yet.
08:13Anyone got any pre-flight nerves?
08:15I like everything on the menu.
08:17So, yeah, I'm a bit worried about tonight.
08:20I'm like...
08:26This is the final call for the captain.
08:29Please proceed to your front door immediately.
08:32First passenger at the gate, it's Donna.
08:36Hello, James.
08:37How you doing?
08:39Welcome to my home.
08:41Come on in.
08:42Oh, my gosh, you look so dapper.
08:44Thank you very much.
08:45I thought you'd want me to be James Bond tonight.
08:47Wow, you look good.
08:48Can I still be Moneypenny?
08:49You can be my Moneypenny any day.
08:50Here's a little gift.
08:51Sorry, I wasn't in the park.
08:52Donna always leaves me shaking and stirred.
08:54Do you mean shaken?
08:56Literally shaking.
08:57Oh, I see.
09:00Next in is Spooky Panda, Aidan.
09:03James Bond.
09:04How you doing?
09:05That is for you.
09:06Thank you very much.
09:07Come on in.
09:08What do you think of this guy tonight?
09:09Oh, my God.
09:10Very suave, very slick.
09:12Always like to make an effort.
09:13James Bond.
09:15Are we Charlie's Angels?
09:16You can be Charlie and we'll be the angels tonight.
09:25That one's not for James, I promise.
09:27I should hope not.
09:30Third to the party is...
09:33Come on in.
09:34Wow, look at you.
09:35How you doing?
09:36Smart as always.
09:37How you doing?
09:39Oh, thank you so much.
09:40You're like a little James Bond.
09:43Finally, soon-to-be self-proclaimed Dancing Queen, Kirstie.
09:46Hello, Kirstie.
09:47I love you.
09:49Oh, my God, you're amazing.
09:50The Dancing Queen has arrived.
09:53Told you.
09:54Oh, gorgeous man.
09:55Has everyone got their dancing shoes on tonight?
09:58Oh, yeah.
09:59Let me see what shoes you're wearing, James.
10:02The black skill shoes.
10:04Kirstie, you've definitely won those shoes this week already, though.
10:07I thought you'd have had a lot more shoes than this.
10:11At least my shoes are more expensive than the pair of school shoes he's had for about ten years.
10:17Cheers, my dear.
10:19Coming up...
10:20It's so good.
10:21A budget betrothal.
10:23I actually had my wedding reception at McDonald's.
10:26No, you didn't.
10:27Did you have chicken nuggets for your main meal?
10:29I think I did.
10:30I think I did.
10:31I think I did.
10:32I thought so.
10:33At least there's no speeches unless you got an unsaturday over the intercom.
10:37And someone wins the wonga.
10:40In fourth place.
10:47It's the final night in Belfast.
10:50Come on, man.
10:51Where private pilot James is hoping to take his guests to Cloud Nine and land himself the £1,000 prize.
10:59I'm away to go make starter.
11:03While things heat up in the kitchen.
11:05These are hot, spicy jalapenos.
11:10The gang get a better picture of their host.
11:13Such a beautiful house.
11:14Look at the keyboard over there.
11:16Guys, look at this.
11:17Oh, wow!
11:18Did he get married at McDonald's?
11:21Let's face it, he loves chicken nuggets.
11:23Maybe that was their wedding meal.
11:24I'm sorry, Donna, it looks like your days of being Miss Moneypenny are over.
11:28Yeah, it looks like it.
11:30Yes, he's only got golden eyes for his wife.
11:35This is my first time actually doing this.
11:37You cut through the stone?
11:39There's a stone in the middle of it?
11:41I'm not really sure what I was expecting to find.
11:44That looks edible.
11:46I think that bit's not edible.
11:49Just hand me the last one.
11:50Run the knife all the way around the stone, then twist and pull.
11:54Shut up.
11:55Well, that's gratitude for you.
11:57James blitzes and seasons his avocado and the starter's ready.
12:02So we're off to Mexico tonight, but our first stop is chilli.
12:05Fasten your seatbelts, it's chilli beef nachos and the revelation that is guacamole.
12:19I would really love to feed you, since you're a pilot.
12:23It's a bit weird.
12:24OK, you ready?
12:25Oh, he's coming.
12:27Here comes the aeroplane.
12:28Here we go.
12:34Down the hatch.
12:36To be fair, the nacho crisps look like planes, they're like Congo.
12:41I think you've got cabin fever, my friend.
12:43Mexican food is my absolute favourite.
12:46Did you make the guacamole yourself?
12:48Yep, made the guacamole all from scratch.
12:50It just tastes like avocado.
12:51He took a good whack at it, or maybe you should say he took a good guac at it.
12:55No, you should not.
12:57I really like the guacamole, and I can't believe you made it yourself,
13:01and, like, I'm really proud of that.
13:03The only thing is, obviously, it's a wee bit spicy.
13:06It's my type of food.
13:08I'm kind of scurrying around, hoping I don't hit an jalapeno.
13:11Tiny bit bland, being honest, but I ate it all.
13:15I don't think they were expecting me to be able to cook this well.
13:19I wasn't expecting me to be able to cook this well.
13:22I love to travel, and the most bonkers travel experience I have
13:26was I actually once hitchhiked from Belfast as far away as I possibly could,
13:31and I reached Cologne, the other side of Germany.
13:34Oh, my God.
13:36So I didn't spend a single penny.
13:38Someone managed to blag someone to buy us a flight to Gatwick.
13:42We then managed to blag a hotel stay.
13:45So, no, we only got as far as...
13:47You're not paying for anything?
13:48I'm not paying for anything.
13:49I want tips from you.
13:50I want a free holiday.
13:52Well, how did you manage this?
13:53So we were doing it for charity,
13:55and we raised about £3,000 for charity.
13:57How did you get home?
14:01If I was to go hitchhiking with anybody, I would go with James,
14:04because he seems quite an organised guy.
14:06I definitely wouldn't go hitchhiking with Aidan.
14:09He would have us lost.
14:10I don't know where I would end up with Aidan.
14:13I would probably have to stop probably about a mile down the road
14:18and just give up there and go home, get a coffee.
14:21If it took you that long to get to Cologne,
14:23how long do you think it would take Kirsty to get from Belfast to Ibiza?
14:28Knowing Kirsty, she could get to Ibiza in probably an hour.
14:33And you'd be the one flying the plane.
14:35James, you bet. That'll be class, meeting you in Ibiza.
14:38Me and James will have a big twerk-off in Ibiza.
14:40A twerk-off? Mind if I tag along?
14:43Of course you can come.
14:45But I'll still win.
14:47That's what you think.
14:49Meantime, James slathers his chicken over wedges and the heat is on.
14:54I tried it earlier and I found it really spicy.
14:58So Donna's going to need to find her parachute.
15:00Kirsty's going to need to get her ejector seat out.
15:03The others, though, we're going to love it.
15:05Two out of four ain't bad.
15:06Soaring on to the main, it's fancy chicken, chips and beans.
15:11Oh, thank you.
15:19You all right, Donna?
15:22It reminds me like I'm eating a baked potato with baked beans.
15:26It tastes like beans in a baked potato, which I love, by the way.
15:30I didn't get a chipotle or a barbecue.
15:32I didn't get a barbecue taste at all.
15:34It's just too spicy for me.
15:36I don't like the beans.
15:38And I don't like potatoes with skins on them.
15:42Obviously, it's a bit too spicy for me.
15:44Wish the wedges were a bit crispier.
15:47To be honest, I would prefer pasta and rice.
15:50I was a wee tiny bit disappointed.
15:52I wanted a wee bit more spice to it.
15:54I wanted a wee bit more of a kick.
15:55Hopefully, everyone will be more enthusiastic
15:57about James's big day at the drive-thru.
15:59I actually had my wedding reception at McDonald's.
16:02No, you didn't.
16:03James, I said you ate there.
16:05I just thought you needed to maybe just stop by
16:07on the way to the reception or something.
16:09No, we didn't stop by on the way to the reception.
16:11That actually was our wedding reception.
16:13Oh, my goodness.
16:14I just wanted to get married and have a good time.
16:16I want to have a good time.
16:19Did you have chicken nuggets for your main meal?
16:22I think I did.
16:23I actually did have chicken nuggets.
16:25I thought so.
16:26So, we actually did it outside.
16:28So, people parked up outside.
16:30Did you eat them in the car?
16:31And we just all ate them in the car.
16:34He's a bit of a cheapskate, actually.
16:37I mean, if some guy said to me,
16:39do you want to get married at McDonald's?
16:40I'd be like, catch yourself a one.
16:42And then she would, like, dump him there on the spot.
16:44At least there's no speeches
16:45unless he got an unsat at over the intercom.
16:47Would you like a wife with that?
16:51And with James, the surprises just keep coming.
16:55Oh, my God.
17:09French horn's not really for me,
17:11but he can play it.
17:14Yeah, he's very good at playing it.
17:19He's been blowing his own trumpet all week
17:21and now he finally blew his own horn.
17:34There was a few bum notes in there.
17:39I actually felt really sorry for him.
17:51I'm so sorry for laughing.
17:53All I could think about was Donna doing a toot.
17:56It was a bit weird that they were laughing,
17:58you know, cos it was really serious.
18:00For me, playing the French horn, it's quite a big part of my life.
18:03And now I'm going to blow them away with my ice cream.
18:05It's not just them James is blowing away with dessert.
18:09So good.
18:11Brownie's warmed. Oh, it's happening again.
18:14It's so good.
18:18The put's prepared. Mind-blowing brownie and ice cream.
18:27I love chocolate. It's a good brownie.
18:29You've perfected this. It's so warm.
18:31It's absolutely gorgeous. It's so good.
18:33Like, my favourite course tonight.
18:35What do you think of the ice cream?
18:37Lovely. Did you make it?
18:39I made the ice cream.
18:41It's perfect. I mean, you should be a baker.
18:44The brownie was spot-on.
18:46I honestly don't think that could have gone any better.
18:48You know a pokey van?
18:50Yeah, where you get ice cream, comes round your streets?
18:52Yeah. I don't like that ice cream.
18:54Cos it's too fake.
18:56So this one's only come out of the ice cream machine?
18:58It's a pokey.
19:00You know, like with whipped cream, you get out of the ice cream van.
19:02So if I went up to an ice cream van and asked him for a poke,
19:04he'd give you an ice cream.
19:06But you just called it a poke, so he's giving me an ice cream.
19:09Aye, wee poke.
19:11Cos that's a wee poke.
19:13I just don't get that.
19:15Me neither. Why is it a poke?
19:17I think it's called a poke because there's a...
19:19Obviously, the bottom of the cone is a poke,
19:21like, you just poke it in your hand.
19:23Maybe because you can poke people with it?
19:25I don't know.
19:27Maybe when you put it into your mouth, you're poking your mouth.
19:29I don't know.
19:31So no-one knows, then.
19:33If I was running an airline and I got to upgrade any of you
19:35to first class, I would upgrade Andrea.
19:39I just think you're just really classy
19:41and I think you'd suit...
19:43I feel offended!
19:45I think you'd suit first class.
19:47I can just imagine you sitting there with a glass of wine
19:49and you'd just be partying.
19:51Him thinking that I'm a classy bird,
19:53little does he know.
19:57I actually wasn't thinking about
19:59who would I take on first class.
20:01I was thinking about who would I kick off the plane.
20:05I'd kick Don off the plane, you know why?
20:07Cos you'd cast me out!
20:11Time to see who'll win the grand.
20:13See if I come last or something, I'll be gutted.
20:15There's no way I can come last with this food.
20:17I've literally cooked everything from scratch.
20:19The only thing I didn't cook from scratch
20:21tonight was my sour cream.
20:23James needs 34 or more
20:25to beat current leader Andrea.
20:29It was a first class night,
20:32but unfortunately some of the food was economy,
20:34so for that reason
20:36I'm going to give James a 7.
20:38I absolutely loved his dessert,
20:40so that's why I'm scoring
20:42James an 8.
20:44He made a great amount of effort,
20:46so for great effort
20:48I'm going to give him a great 8.
20:50The dessert was delicious,
20:52so tonight I'm scoring James a...
20:54Bryce! Bryce!
20:56We'll find out together!
21:06Good luck everyone!
21:08So in 5th place
21:10we have...
21:16In 4th place
21:18we have...
21:24Give us a twerk!
21:26Give us a twerk!
21:28And we have
21:30a joint second
21:32between Donna
21:34and James,
21:36which means the winner is...
21:40Kirsty scored James 7,
21:42giving him a score of 30.
21:46I'm so happy for Andrea.
21:48The experience has just been incredible
21:50and the people are just an absolute hoot.
21:54I'm so glad I didn't come last.
21:57That would be such an embarrassment.
21:59I'm so thrilled
22:01James and I came second
22:03because he's my James Bond
22:05and I'm his money penny!
22:09I'm really proud of the things
22:11that people said about my food
22:13and how good it was.
22:17I have had an absolutely amazing time
22:19and this was just a bonus,
22:21but it's my bonus.
22:25I'm off.