9-1-1 S08 E07
00:00Oh, Demon Legion. Flash Rob here. Last month, we hit the Galleria. Then, we took the Grove.
00:14Next, I think you deserve an easier target, with even deeper pockets. Details in the chat.
00:24Let me know who's in.
00:27Good hunting.
00:42Hello, friends. Please put your valuables on the floor and do not move.
00:48This is a, well, you know.
00:57Bitch, did you not hear what I said? Vipe was on the ground.
01:07I think I'll hold on to these, thanks.
01:10Hands! In the air.
01:12Freeze, sir!
01:14Drop the scope off.
01:22Congratulations, minions.
01:25You just walked into an LAPD sting. You're all being arrested.
01:30You should be more careful about who you let into your Discord chat.
01:34But I tell you what, whoever wants to tell me who Flash Rob is gets a get-out-of-jail-free car.
01:40Nobody knows.
01:43Well, it was worth a shot.
01:46Aw, don't look so sad, friend. At least you're going home with bracelets.
01:53Let's go.
01:55Congratulations, Sergeant Grant. This is the biggest Flash Rob bust in Southland history.
02:01Yeah, well, I'd be feeling a lot better right now if I had gotten cuffs on Flash Rob himself.
02:06Who knows? Maybe we did.
02:08Yeah, maybe. I'm gonna go talk to the owner.
02:11See you back at the station. You got it.
02:18I think they're closed for the day.
02:21Damn. Well, what happened here?
02:24I like your tattoo.
02:28You're welcome, Flash.
02:31Do you prefer Rob?
02:33Oh, I know what you're thinking right now.
02:35You got a phone full of incriminating evidence and you think it might be better to just run for it.
02:41But that would be a very bad idea.
02:44Damn it!
02:52Too slow, son! I told you!
02:58Who's too slow now?
03:12Come in.
03:14Hey, guys. Thanks for coming over.
03:16Hi. How you holding up?
03:18I'm okay. You know, a little lonely, but getting by.
03:21Nothing to raise the spirits like some good spirits.
03:23I actually have a Malbec breathing.
03:26No, Giana night.
03:28No, we are taking advantage of the sitter while she's still in town.
03:32Oh, and none for me. My trainer says I need to lay off the booze.
03:36Okay. Does he want you to lay off dessert? Because we were going to have baked Alaska.
03:40Baked Alaska? Since when do you make baked Alaska?
03:44Since Tommy dumped me. I've been on this baking kick.
03:49Anytime I get the urge to call him, I just channel the impulse into something positive.
03:54That's very healthy.
03:55Oh, you guys are taking home a lemon loaf, by the way.
04:00And a walnut loaf.
04:03And a pumpkin loaf.
04:05Seems like a lot of loaf.
04:07Don't discourage him. I love loaf.
04:09I don't know that this qualifies as a more positive response.
04:13Wait, so you think I should call Tommy?
04:15Maybe you should start thinking about what's next instead of what's past.
04:18Yeah, it's time to jump back in the pond.
04:22I don't know which pond to jump back into.
04:26I think that you have to trust the universe is going to bring you a special person.
04:31For now, take a deep breath and step away from the baked goods.
04:35That's my baked brie.
04:37You baked brie?
04:38Yeah, your favorite.
04:41Beautiful, right?
04:44What's wrong? Why do you look like you're going to barf?
04:47I can't really do this stinky cheese right now.
04:50Brie is not a stinky cheese.
04:51It is to me, so if we could just...
04:54Okay, you love brie.
04:56The only time I've ever seen you turn down brie is when you were pregnant with...
05:04You're pregnant.
05:07That's why you didn't drink the wine.
05:09That is why I didn't drink the wine.
05:12Why didn't you tell me?
05:13It's just the first trimester.
05:15And you're a blabbermouth.
05:16And, you know, we know that you're going through a hard time,
05:20and we didn't want to rub our good news in your face, so...
05:24This isn't good news.
05:26This is the best news.
05:28Guys, hey, come here. I'm so happy for you.
05:32Thanks, buddy.
05:34Don't tell anyone you're dead.
05:38911. What's your emergency?
05:40I'm calling from Encino Studios.
05:42It's a bloody mess out here.
05:44Is this Brad Torrance?
05:45It is, love. Send help.
05:57Telling me there wasn't another fire company to take this call?
06:00Captain Nash. Thank God. Grady's this way.
06:02Grady Stuntz?
06:03Afraid so. There was an incident during a take.
06:05He fell off the aerial ladder. How did this happen?
06:07Because that limey bastard doesn't know a pedestal knob
06:10from the one between his knees.
06:12Brad was operating the aerial with a stuntman on the ladder?
06:15He was swinging it so fast, hither and thither, he knocked Grady off.
06:19Bet he didn't mention that on the 911 call, did he?
06:22Have you tried retracting it?
06:23Yes, we tried retracting it.
06:25Problem is, Captain Dingus over there
06:28fried the ladder's gearbox. It's stuck.
06:31Did he hit his head when he fell?
06:33No. He was just dangling there, and then he passed out.
06:35Buck, Eddie, you're going up. Let's bring him down. Let's go.
06:38Copy you, Cap.
06:42Sir? Can you hear me?
06:46No response. Starting a sternal rub.
06:55Okay. All right. Stay calm.
06:57All right. Can I get you down, okay?
06:59Tell me they got him.
07:01Got what?
07:02The shot. Tell me they got the shot.
07:04He's responsive, Cap. Coming down now.
07:07Copy that. Good job, guys.
07:09Why would you ever allow an actor to operate the aerial?
07:12Because he said it was his close-up.
07:14You're the tech advisor. It's your job to explain to him
07:17that it's a bad idea, that it's not safe.
07:19Yeah, well, you try telling that
07:21to that half-wit Royal Shakespeare Company reject.
07:25Hey, buddy. How's it going?
07:28It'll be going a lot better once my mate Grady out there
07:30is returned to solid ground.
07:32And once I have a latte in my hand.
07:34Coming right up. He loves my lattes.
07:42Hollywood Bob.
07:44It is so lovely to see you again, mate.
07:47Good to see you too, Brad.
07:51Can't tell you how nice it is to finally have some real talent on set again.
07:57Yeah. OK. I got it. Thanks.
08:02You wanted to see me, Captain?
08:04Yeah. Come in, Sergeant. How's the leg?
08:06Oh, barely even noticed it.
08:08Any word yet from Robbery Homicide on Flash Rob?
08:11He's still in the wind. Damn.
08:13Yeah, but focus on the positives here.
08:15We smashed a major theft syndicate,
08:17booked 21 out of 22 perpetrators.
08:20Take the win.
08:22A snake isn't dead until you cut off his head.
08:24I still can't believe I let him slip away.
08:27You didn't let him slip away.
08:29You pulled a hamstring.
08:34I know this is probably not what you want to hear right now.
08:37You do not need to put me on the IR, Captain.
08:39The doctor said it was a tweaked muscle, glorified twinge, really.
08:43You're not fooling anybody trying to hide that limp, you know?
08:46Limp? What limp? I'm fine, Elaine.
08:48I don't need any time off.
08:50Son, is there a reason why you're hovering closer than my shadow?
08:53Sergeant Grant, this is Probationary Officer Sparks.
08:56I can't tell you what an honor it is to be riding with you.
08:59Riding with me?
09:01What is he talking about?
09:03That's what I've been trying to tell you.
09:05Sparks will be joining you out on patrol.
09:08You know I work best alone.
09:10Not wet-nursing some greenhorn.
09:12No offense, kid. No, don't take him out.
09:14I know you're a lone wolf, but even lone wolves can use company sometimes.
09:18Oh, I see. You're giving me a caretaker.
09:21No, Sparks has been lobbying to train under you
09:24since he graduated from the academy two months ago.
09:26It's true, ma'am.
09:28It's sergeant, not ma'am.
09:31Yes, ma'am. Sergeant.
09:33Sparks graduated top of his class from the academy.
09:36I want him to learn from the best.
09:38And with all due respect, ma'am, that is you.
09:40You've led the station in arrests for 110 consecutive months.
09:43Three patrol service ribbons, three police medals of valor.
09:46If I wanted my greatest hits, I'd Google myself.
09:50And it's 104 months, so get your facts straight.
09:53Copy that, sergeant.
10:02All right, guys. Lunch is up.
10:05Smells amazing. What are we having?
10:07Fresh-baked garlic bread, baked ziti, and bread pudding for dessert.
10:12Since when did you become a master baker?
10:14Uh, when Tommy dumped me.
10:16Now, whenever I feel tempted to reach out to him, I just...
10:21No, it sounds dumb.
10:22It's not dumb.
10:24You found a coping skill to deal with cravings
10:26who do the same thing in recovery.
10:28Well, I don't feel anywhere near recovered.
10:30What I feel is a tractor beam pulling me towards my phone
10:34to see if he's texting me.
10:36You know that feeling. Stay strong, man.
10:42Oh, my God. What?
10:44He's bubbling me. Tommy is bubbling me right now, finally.
10:47So what did he say?
10:51They went away.
10:53I don't get it. Why would he type, type, type, and then not send anything?
10:56Maybe he just changed his mind.
10:59You think I should call him, right?
11:01Definitely not.
11:02What if he's in trouble and he needs my help?
11:04That's probably not it.
11:06Yeah, I'm gonna call.
11:08Sorry, can't let you do that, buddy.
11:10Okay, come on, give it back.
11:12Give it back. I'm serious. Give it back.
11:14For your own good. We know you're serious.
11:16We know you're serious. That's what scares us.
11:18Can you help me, please? He's got my phone.
11:20Eddie, come here. Guys, this...
11:22Hope I'm not interrupting.
11:25Chief Simpson, didn't realize you were stopping by today.
11:28I can see that.
11:30Captain Nash, may I have a word, please?
11:32Yeah, of course.
11:35Sorry to just drop in, Captain,
11:37but I felt I had to have this conversation with you in person.
11:40Sounds like this is serious.
11:42You could say that.
11:44I got a call from Hotshot's production today.
11:46Everyone's thrilled with how you and your team
11:48handled the situation with the Stuntmen.
11:50That's good to hear.
11:52They're all big fans of yours,
11:54especially the star of the show, Brad Torrance.
11:56A proper bloke, is how he described you on the phone.
11:58That's high praise coming from Brad, I think.
12:00I thought you were here to tell me I was in trouble.
12:02Well, you are, in a manner of speaking.
12:04You see, you know who Mr. Torrance isn't such a fan of?
12:06Vincent Girard.
12:08So how's that my problem?
12:10Because Brad wants you back on Hotshot's.
12:12He doesn't like or trust Girard,
12:14says it's affecting his performance.
12:16Chief, I'm a fire captain with the LAFD,
12:18some TV star can't just snap his fingers and change that.
12:20Can he?
12:22The Hotshot's franchise donates a tremendous amount to our budget.
12:24The point is,
12:26one way or another,
12:28we need to make them happy.
12:30Chief, what exactly are you asking me to do here?
12:32I want you to go back to that set
12:34and help Girard become a more likable version of himself.
12:36With all due respect,
12:38I'm a fire captain, not a miracle worker.
12:40Then if you want to stay in this firehouse,
12:42you better start praying.
12:58What exactly are you writing, Proby?
13:00Oh, just...
13:04Such as?
13:06Oh, well,
13:08I notice you always leave half a car length
13:10behind the car in front of us.
13:12I'm guessing in case you need to make a quick exit.
13:14You need a whole page for that?
13:16No, I don't.
13:18I've got a lot of work to do.
13:20I've got a lot of work to do.
13:22I've got a lot of work to do.
13:24I've got a lot of work to do.
13:26I've got a lot of work to do.
13:28I've got a lot of work to do.
13:30I've got a lot of work to do.
13:32I've got a lot of work to do.
13:34I've got a lot of work to do.
13:36I've got a lot of work to do.
13:38I've got a lot of work to do.
13:40I've got a lot of work to do.
13:42I've got a lot of work to do.
13:44I've got a lot of work to do.
13:46I've got a lot of work to do.
13:48I've got a lot of work to do.
13:50I've got a lot of work to do.
13:52I've got a lot of work to do.
13:54I've got a lot of work to do.
13:56I've got a lot of work to do.
13:58I've got a lot of work to do.
14:00I've got a lot of work to do.
14:02I've got a lot of work to do.
14:04I've got a lot of work to do.
14:06I've got a lot of work to do.
14:08I've got a lot of work to do.
14:10I've got a lot of work to do.
14:12I've got a lot of work to do.
14:14I've got a lot of work to do.
14:16I've got a lot of work to do.
14:18I've got a lot of work to do.
14:20I've got a lot of work to do.
14:22It's in the academy, right?
14:24T Top.
14:25So why do you want to slum it out here in these streets?
14:28My Dad.
14:30He was a cop?
14:32God, no.
14:34No, he's a-
14:36he's a con man,
14:38not a very good one either.
14:39He used to be too drunk all the time.
14:41Come home, take it out on me and my mom.
14:43Sorry to hear that.
14:45One night,
14:47neighbors called 911,
14:49cops came,
14:51Finally take him away
14:55But I've never seen him afraid like that before you know, and I thought that's real power
15:04Still get a rush just thinking about it now
15:07We don't do it for the power
15:10Or the rush. No, of course not
15:12We do it because we care about what's right and no one cares more than you
15:16Take this flash rob case everyone else is patting themselves on the back for this big collar, but not you
15:21Flash Rob is still out there, but see exactly the good ones relive their wins, but the great ones they can't let go of their losses
15:30Okay, I can't tell you what an honor it is to get to ride with you before you retire
15:36Close your eyes
15:40Okay, we've been sitting at this corner for 30 seconds tell me who's sitting on that bus bench three feet to your right
15:53Crap, it's okay
15:55Go ahead and open them
15:59It's a cop killer with a shotgun
16:01And you just got your brains blown out because you're too busy chit-chatting and because you weren't watching I'm dead, too
16:08I'm sorry you did
16:11So how can you be sorry?
16:19Don't know
16:21Something about the kid just rubs me the wrong way, so you don't think he's up to the job
16:27Thank you
16:29He was the top recruit at the Academy. He's a rock star. I mean he's definitely up to the job
16:41You know he's just one of those pick-me types always has his hand up in the air always got to rush in first
16:47He's just so
16:53Weren't you hungry when you hit the streets? Yeah, but I was hungry for justice
16:58Part of me worries this boy's hungry for something else. Why what power?
17:07And what about the other part of me?
17:09The other part of me worries that he might be in it for all the right reasons
17:13Then my main problem at the moment is that it's hard for me to keep up with him
17:21How's that feeling by the way
17:23hurts my health
17:26You know Bobby wants me to use a crutch
17:28But I am NOT gonna be shuffling around here like some granny with a cane
17:32That would be quite the sight though. Yeah one. You'll never see
17:35You know my doctor says that I might be losing a step
17:38Can you believe that
17:40Well, yeah, what listen there's no shame in it Athena
17:45You've been patrolling the streets for how many decades watch it now listen my point is there's bound to be some wear and tear
17:52But whatever you lose in speed and power you gain in wisdom and instinct that sounds like a nice way of saying old
18:02So what do you think I mean should I just get over myself and cut the schism slack
18:09I think you should get over yourself
18:14Follow your instinct
18:25So Callum
18:27Hey, Trish. Hey kid kid
18:30This latte is Luke. I don't do Luke a latte
18:34That's it. Yeah, how the hell do you get a drive on?
18:40Maybe we should go for a walk. I can't believe Brad
18:44Action hero and whining to the chief behind my back
18:49He didn't say a word about being unhappy
18:51Welcome to Hollywood. Well, how do I fix it? It's not an easy way for me to say this
18:55You need to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror when it comes to interpersonal dynamics
19:00You can lean a little don't soft soap it Nash
19:04Spit it out. You can be a dick a dick
19:08How can I be a dick you just finger snap that PA who has a name by the way?
19:13It's Haley not kid. Just I'm sorry. Just smile a little bit more say please and thank you be polite
19:21Look I know I'm the last person you want to hear from about
19:25Etiquette right wrong
19:28One of everything that sarcasm I can't tell I'll do anything you want
19:34But you got to do something for me. What take Brad to dinner
19:38Convince him. I'm not a bad guy and that I can
19:43Vincent the guys the TV star. I can't just ask him out to dinner. Yes, you can you want to know why?
19:48He loves you and he hates me. I'm sure he doesn't hate
19:52Yes, he does just like everybody does when I have to walk in your footsteps from the 118 to the hotshot set
20:09Twice in one week. What a blessing. Yeah
20:12We're ready for you Brad. I appreciate you Bobby
20:16A big rescue scene tonight Brad, you're gonna crush if you want to go over anything. I'm here. I'll go. Thanks
20:25Hey, are you crying? Why are you crying Vincent?
20:30For the first time in my life I have a job I really love
20:35Please don't let them take it away
20:38Bobby, please tell me you're gonna talk to him. I'm begging you I
20:43Will talk to him
20:49Probably hey, good morning. Sergeant Grant. You must have gotten up pretty early this morning to get a sheen like this going
20:55I've never gotten a bad actually spent most of my night in Hush Alley
21:00Do I even want to know I shall it's not a real alley
21:03It's part of the dark web
21:05Never heard of it. Well, that's kind of the idea a lot of not strictly legal deals are made there
21:10But it's one place you could go if you were looking to say join a flash mob robbery
21:16You were looking for flash rob. I think he's moved on to a different platform, but he was definitely there
21:22So he posted this after he hit a box store in Claremont. I think it's from inside the back of a delivery truck
21:34Okay, I booked marked a few more of these
21:36Check it all this from one haul
21:42The last one's over nine months old so I know it's probably not much to go on
21:47No, I think you may have helped me break this damn case open
21:51How tell you on the road here?
21:57Wow, thank you. Let's shake a leg rookie
22:07Excuse me, we're looking for a supervisor. That's me. I'm Justin. I'm Sergeant Grant. This is officer Sparks
22:14Hello, how can I help?
22:15We believe that one of your trucks was used to transport stolen goods in a series of flash robberies
22:22No, that's impossible. Well plate reader on 2nd Street picked up a truck
22:283d hi 8 3 2 near a jewelry store smash-and-grab earlier this week
22:33That one of yours
22:35Yeah, it is
22:36We like to check his GPS history to see if it was near any other robbery sites in the past
22:41This much as I'd love to help you. I can't share company records without a warrant. Okay, forget the records
22:47Just tell me this you don't happen to have a skinny brown haired kid here with a tattoo on his neck
22:52Do you dollar sign with devil horns and a tail? Yeah, I do actually
22:58Caleb Sandstrom you got a picture of Caleb
23:00That's him there
23:05We got a couple of questions for you
23:08Don't even think about it
23:12Come on
23:23Of course
23:26Of course
23:30727 l30 we just had an ADW with the vehicle and two PO's copy you sergeant grant
23:48Suspect he's doing 50 he's found on Carson. My guess is he's headed to the 710 freeway
23:53I need your help to stop him before he does on it. I need all available units to Carson and Atlantic for an active pursuit
24:06You better have a hurry unit standing by my probes hanging on to the back of that truck I'll tell the ambulance to hurry
24:31Need you to jump off
24:34No, no, no negative negative
24:37Did you just say negative I got a better idea, but I'm gonna need a distraction
25:10Here we go
25:42Stop truck gotcha
26:05Caleb Sandstrom, you're under arrest. Should I say flash around?
26:24Were your ears burning Captain Mundy from robbery homicide was just giving me hell about patrol taking down flash rob without them
26:32It wasn't me who put him in handcuffs. They're not too thrilled with the boy wonder either to be honest. Neither am I I
26:39Got a bad feeling about this kid. What are you talking about?
26:42You just broke a huge case together the kid ticks every box. I agree on paper. He's a rock star
26:48But in here, I'm not so sure
26:50You know the other day he told me that he was drawn to patrol because he likes the power
26:54I'm sure he didn't mean it like that when somebody tells you who they are
26:59Believe them we could have easily brought that truck under control using stop sticks doing it the right way
27:05But this kid went full lethal weapon. He's young
27:09Russia blood to the head it usually is right before somebody makes the biggest mistake of their life
27:15I don't want him near my cruiser ever again
27:20I'll tell you what effective immediately. I'll assign him to officer Vargas
27:25How does that sound like a half-measure?
27:28My instincts are telling me that this kid should not be in a uniform
27:33Elaine the department spends 200 K on every recruit
27:37We can't just go cutting them loose every time somebody gets a bad feeling. He is a time bomb Wow
27:43Yeah, I really thought you were better than talking trash be on my back such a grant
27:48It's not talking trash if it's my professional opinion, which is going in my supervisor's report
27:54Well, then I just hope you have the integrity to tell them the real reason you have a problem with me
27:57Which is sour grapes?
28:00I am faster than you. I am hungrier than you and I am younger than you
28:05Hell of a lot cockier, too
28:07I hope the 200k was worth it
28:18Hey Maddie, what's going on? Hey, what are you doing tonight? Nothing much you weren't baking were you?
28:28No, not technically yet
28:32A blind date Maddie. I'm I'm not ready for that yet. What's it one second?
28:38Here she is
28:41Well when you said special person
28:44You didn't say the most special person
28:47I'm sure you didn't mean it
28:50I'm sure you didn't mean it
28:52I'm sure you didn't mean it
28:54I'm sure you didn't mean it
28:56I'm sure you didn't mean it
28:58I'm sure you didn't mean it
29:00You're the most special person in the whole entire world. Come here G. Oh, I got you. We'll be back by 10
29:06G. Take care of your uncle Bob
29:08Have fun. Okay
29:10I have been making cookie dough. So do you want chocolate chip?
29:15peanut butter
29:16or snickerdoodle
29:18I want all of them
29:20What? That's the perfect answer
29:22Okay, yeah
29:24So we're gonna scoop
29:30Welcome to the Wolford lounge
29:32I know i'm not supposed to say it, but i'm a big fan. Mr. Torrance. Oh, you are too sweet
29:36Maybe we have a little selfie after dinner, right? That would be amazing. Thank you
29:41Can I get you gentlemen anything to drink? Well, it's on me so bombs away. No, it's on the lafd chief's orders
29:47Well in that case i'll have your most expensive gin martini dry stirred with three pit in olives
29:53And i'll have a club soda, please. Thank you. Great. I'll put that in right away. Hey, listen brad
29:57I really appreciate you taking the time to sit down with me. Are you mad?
30:01I'm always up for breaking bread with hollywood bob
30:05What do you want to talk about the show I do specifically the tech advisor vincent gerrard
30:12Don't want to talk about him for more. I know his bedside manner leaves a little something to be desired
30:17But gerrard has promised to work on it. He is eager to please. Yeah. Yeah, i've noticed
30:21He just doesn't get it get what?
30:24I want to be recognized by the public as an authentic
30:28Fire captain, right?
30:30So to do that
30:31I need someone like you a leader of men to guide me not a knob like gerrard
30:36Look, brad. I have a fire team at the 118 that depend on me and I can't abandon them. I won't
30:44I see
30:45Okay, i've got a club soda. Thank you and a dry stirred martini
30:52Did we decide on any appetizers
30:55Tell me something love
30:57I know you're only a waitress. Hey perchance. Do you recall how many olives I ordered?
31:03Three, so why are there four bobbing around in my glass? I just thought if you wanted three you might like a bonus one
31:12If I wanted four then I would have ordered four brad take it easy I can take it back no, it's okay
31:19We can just fish one out
31:22Fish it out
31:23No, i'm, okay
31:26Man alive are you bloody joking? What is it?
31:32This olive
31:34Is pitted
31:36I thought that's what you said three pitted olives. No love. I said three
31:40Pit in olives. I was very clear
31:43Are you hard of hearing or are you just daft? I can take it back to the bar and fix it. I'll do it
31:49I'm, so sorry. Mr. Torrance. It's okay. You have nothing to apologize. I just didn't understand. Maybe it was the accent
31:55It was my mistake. I think we have well established that
31:58Is it your first day on the job love?
32:01Hey, i'm, so sorry. Oh, yeah, there she goes. She's gonna bloody cry now boo bloody brad what that's enough
32:09You owe her an apology I owe her an apology. Yes, you do
32:13What if I don't feel like it if you don't feel like it
32:17You want to play an authentic fire captain? Well, the only thing I can buy you as is an entitled man child now go say
32:22You're sorry
32:28Or what or i'm gonna kick your limey ass
32:429-1-1 what's your emergency?
32:44I am at pico and motor and I am being menaced by thugs with guns
32:49They're surrounding my car and they won't let me leave. How many are there ma'am two?
32:52Okay, can you describe them for me? They're dressed in black and they won't let me leave. I'm feeling very threatened
32:59Okay, it looks like i've already got a police unit in the area. Do you see them?
33:03Oh, yes
33:04I see them. They just pulled me and my daughter over
33:09Ma'am, would you please roll down your window? I don't have to
33:12The 65k 20. Did you just stop the female motorist on pico correct dispatch drivers refusing to roll down our window or identify herself?
33:19Ma'am, you need to lower your window for them. I don't trust these jack boots
33:24If you don't roll down the window, they're gonna break it. You said your daughter's in the car
33:30Okay, you don't want her to see that do you for her own safety?
33:36But I will be live streaming every move these fascists make. All right, but try to stay
33:437 2 7 0 30 requesting backup at hope and pico for a driver refusing to exit her vehicle copy dispatch
33:49I'm en route. I need you to power down your window now. I will be filming every word. That's fine
33:57We are too ma'am don't you tread on me there will be no treading
34:08Really said to roll it down you didn't say how far license registration and proof of insurance first
34:14Tell me what i'm being pulled over for driving with illegal plates. There's no issue with my plates
34:18I'm a sovereign citizen
34:19There is actually because they're not issued by a legal entity and state law requires that a driver present id when stopped
34:25I'm, not driving. I'm traveling a federally protected activity us code 18 section 245
34:32I am a natural citizen and I am exempt from your authority. Mommy. What's wrong? It's okay, honey
34:38Mommy's just fighting oppression
34:40Sir, you mind if I give it a try? I kind of know how these people think knock yourself out kid
34:47Good evening, ma'am
34:48My name's matthew. I totally get where you're coming from. Okay, my uncle pete
34:52Lives in montana. He has the same plates only his say freemen
34:56instead of private
34:58My husband has that plate. There you go
35:01Don't worry. No one's trying to oppress you. Okay, we just need your license and registration so we can wrap this up
35:05And i'll move on with our day kids good
35:08He certainly thinks so you do what we say. We'll give you a citation
35:12And you can do what my uncle pete does every time he gets a ticket
35:15Tear it up. Uh, you said it not me
35:18Your uncle really is a montana freeman. He's a founding member of the just us township. Then he must be so
35:27Damn ashamed of you
35:30Look at this traitor everybody. He's just a bully with a badge
35:38Lower the window no, or I will break the window and I will pull you out. No, you will not out of the vehicle
35:44Backseat of that car
35:54Do not reach
36:34I'm applying pressure now check on the child sparks. Get me the man kid
36:44I know ma'am. I know just try to lie still help is on the way kids. Okay?
36:49Okay, you hear that? Your baby's okay
36:52Okay sparks. Where is that? God i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming
36:59Okay little pressure
37:02But you're gonna be okay. Just keep looking up at me. Come on. Just keep looking up at me ma'am
37:13She's not breathing do we start compressions?
37:15No, she still has a pulse. Give me the rescue mask
37:20The what the breather? I I I don't know. Just give me the damn
37:28Breathe for me mama. Come on
37:33Breathe for your baby girl. Come on wake up for your baby
37:42It's okay
37:44You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay
37:51I thought it was my teaser
38:03They're ready for you kid
38:06So what did you tell them the truth and I suggest you do the same
38:11I I just I still don't know how it happened
38:14I reached for the wrong holster
38:16The rush of blood to the head. Yeah, I guess so
38:20Sergeant grant it really has been an honor
38:24Good luck son
38:30He's gonna need all the luck he can get
38:33Depending on how that deposition goes. He's looking at assault with a deadly weapon. Yeah
38:37Well, thank god the motorist survived or it would be manslaughter. Yes, it would
38:42City attorney says that she's gonna have to be offered a massive settlement more than 200k. I'm guessing probably a lot more
38:51I should have listened to you. Athena
38:56Well, I should have listened to me too my body anyway
39:00I am not getting any younger elaine
39:03Me neither
39:05But don't worry, I don't care if you're down to one leg I am never jamming you with another trainee again
39:10Well, you don't have to because i'm officially requesting one
39:15You want another probe? I do
39:18Why if that boy taught me anything is that the next generation could use some guidance out there
39:25Maybe i've lost a step or two over the years
39:28But i've gained more than enough wisdom to make up for it
39:32And unlike speed wisdom
39:35Can be shared
39:36I thought you worked best alone
39:39You're never too old to change
39:48Oh my god, he did not say that this can't be real can't wait
39:52You know, this has to be one of those deep fakes. Harvey levin posted it himself
39:55I told you guys to wash the rig don't watch tiktok. Technically it's tmz
40:00Oh, come on, please. Tell me that's not a video the greatest british smackdown since the war of 1812
40:05Yes. Yes cap it is
40:07Or i'm gonna kick your limey ass. I was afraid that was gonna get out there only to about three million people
40:13What were you doing with him? Anyway, he went to the chief said he wanted me back on hot shots full-time
40:17Wait, you're leaving us again. Uh, relax buck. I think that dream died when cap here threatened
40:26Okay, I did say that hey cat if chief puts you up to this isn't he gonna be pissed
40:30Well, i'm expecting that phone call any minute, but if it's between ticking off the chief
40:35or working with that immature egomaniacal bully, I
40:40Behind me, isn't it?
40:42Brad hello, bob
40:46Hope i'm not disturbing anything not unless the tones go off well before they do I wanted to say that tirade that you unleashed
40:53it was
40:55So authentic it was volcanic your words lasted the entitlement out of me
41:02like a truth animal
41:05And I want to say thank you
41:08You're welcome
41:10No one has been that blunt with me since I was a young boy working at the mill wall docks
41:15Hollywood it is so fake. There are so many sycophants
41:18So when you find as you yanks would say the real mccoy
41:22You have to cling on to him and cling on to you. I must rad
41:26I told you i'm back to being the captain of this firehouse. I'm not going back to your show. No, no, I don't want you to
41:32Uh, you should be in the rough and tumble. It's where you belong
41:35And it's where I can really study you in your natural habitat. What are you talking about? It's all settled
41:41I talked to your chief and he agrees
41:45I'm gonna shadow you
41:4724 7 but don't you have a tv show to go starry? They put me in a coma
41:53Until captain race banner wakes up. I'm going to be playing the role of captain bobby nash's understudy full time
42:02All right 118 let's go
42:07Shut up boys