• last month
A New South Wales police strike force monitoring antisemitic attacks has arrested and charged a man accused of stalking and intimidating a woman in Sydney’s east. It comes while several ongoing investigations into potential antisemitic attacks are ongoing across Sydney.


00:00They relate to an incident that's alleged to have happened on Saturday morning when
00:06a woman actually flagged down police officers from the unit Strike Force Pearl.
00:10What's interesting about that in of itself is that Strike Force Pearl is a police unit
00:15that specifically deals with investigations into anti-Semitic incidents.
00:20And it's here she told police that a man allegedly harassed her using anti-Semitic language while
00:25she was at a private residence along Flood Street where I am here in Bondi.
00:30Now shortly after police began investigations and it was yesterday afternoon that they arrested
00:35the man and he was taken to Newtown Police Station in the inner west and was eventually
00:40charged with stalking and intimidating a person as well as a slew of other charges relating
00:45to unrelated offending including damaged property.
00:48Now he is scheduled to appear before court today, Gemma, but that investigation in of
00:53itself seems to have found someone relatively quickly because we know in other instances
00:58into alleged anti-Semitism that they have been quite tricky and hard to track down people.
01:04In this instance police were able to arrest and charge someone promptly.
01:09And there are several other investigations that are going on separate to that incident.
01:13Where are they at?
01:16Well let's just start while I'm in Bondi with another alleged incident that's believed to
01:20have taken place in Bondi over the weekend not far from where I am just off Campbell
01:24Parade here in the heart of Sydney's east.
01:27It's believed that three men actually had a carton of eggs and pelted them at a group
01:32of five women and police are now searching for these three men.
01:36No arrests or charges have been laid at this stage.
01:39They believe the reason and motivation for throwing eggs at these women is largely or
01:47could be at least related to the clothing they were wearing and that is what has made
01:51this a potentially anti-Semitic event.
01:54Now investigations remain ongoing.
01:56Part of that is that police have discovered a car that crashed in not too far away from
02:01where the incidents believed to have been taking place.
02:03But already just the climate right now in Sydney has seen leaders within the states
02:09take charge including Chris Minns the Premier of New South Wales who says that no stone
02:13will be left unturned and every resource will be expended to catch people believed
02:18to have committed allegedly anti-Semitic offences.
02:24We are throwing every bit of resource at this we're leaving no stone unturned and I think
02:29the public would expect not just the Jewish community everybody in New South Wales would
02:33expect that if you've committed this offence we are going to throw the book at you if for
02:38no other reason that we try and convince some bastard from committing the exact same act.
02:46So that's the Premier Chris Minns there discussing the resourcing that's been thrown at this.
02:50Now I mentioned Strikeforce Pearl earlier.
02:53Now the reason they're a particularly significant strikeforce within the police operation is
02:58because they've actually had more resources shifted towards them from a separate police
03:02operation called Operation Shelter.
03:04They dealt largely with proactive responses to patrol Jewish sites of significance including
03:10schools as well as synagogues.
03:12Now a lot of officers have now moved into Strikeforce Pearl but there will be some new
03:16police resources also afforded to this strikeforce and we're going to see them in proactive patrols
03:22right throughout the city across this week and indeed into the forthcoming weeks especially
03:27at synagogues but also at schools during drop-off and pick-up times.
03:31Many schools this week, Gemma, do return to school so that will be something the community
03:35will notice as investigations into incidents that have occurred continue.
