• 2 months ago
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta membuktikan cepatnya proses penerbitan Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung (PBG) di Mal Pelayanan Publik.

Hal tersebut turut disaksikan Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi mendampingi Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian dan Menteri Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman (PKP) Maruar Sirait, saat meninjau kemudahan layanan PBG di Mal Pelayanan Publik DKI Jakarta.


00:00The Government of DKI Jakarta is speeding up the approval of the building to support the 3 million house development program.
00:14For houses with a maximum of two floors, the approval of the building can be completed in 17 to 30 minutes.
00:22The Government of DKI Jakarta is speeding up the approval of the building to support the 3 million house development program.
00:35The speed of approval of the building is done by utilizing the latest technology that integrates various data related to building.
00:46Such as permission data system, housing, area retribution, as well as spatial geospatial space and information in the DKI Jakarta area.
00:57According to the Government of Jakarta, all types of housing can be processed faster.
01:05For houses with a maximum of two floors, the approval of the building can be completed in 17 to 30 minutes.
01:13For houses with a maximum of two floors, the approval of the building can be completed in 17 to 30 minutes.
01:18Especially related to the ease of speeding up the building, we report to the Minister.
01:26As long as the technical requirements are complete,
01:31the approval of the building can be completed in less than 30 minutes.
01:43We report to the Minister.
01:53As long as the technical requirements are complete, the approval of the building can be completed in less than 30 minutes.
02:03As long as the technical requirements are complete, the approval of the building can be completed in less than 30 minutes.
02:17The Government of Jakarta also implements the freedom of retribution for the permission of PBG
02:22for low-income people or MBR in the 3 million house development program.
02:30Through this effort, it is hoped to speed up the construction of a house like Huni for MBR
02:35and make a real contribution to the National Hunian Provision Program in Indonesia.
