• 4 days ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse The New 52 Cyborg Superman Figure


00:00he's the man of steel even more than the man of steel here's look McFarland toys
00:04DC multiverse the new 52 cyborg Superman
00:09after a flashpoint Superman's uncle Zor-El escaped Krypton's destruction
00:30thanks to the collector of worlds Brainiac subjected to cybernetic
00:33augmentation that deranged his personality Zor-El became cyborg
00:37Superman Brainiac scout for a stronger species in the universe he attempted to
00:41conquer earth battling Superman and his own daughter Kara Zor-El but somehow
00:45escaped the black hole doom that befell Brainiac after surviving the rebirth
00:49event cyborg Superman reinvented the dead Kryptonians of Argo City and again
00:54attacked earth only to be defeated by Supergirl and Superman one part
00:59Kryptonian two parts Brainiac what's the worst that can happen before we find out
01:03what happened let's take the tape measure and see how tall the new 52
01:06cyborg Superman stands I actually found this guy over on Amazon for a while he
01:12was in my sights but unfortunately the price that this guy was going for online
01:15we're talking 60 to 90 dollars online well needless to say I wasn't gonna be
01:20paying that stupid money for this figure as good as he is finally though like I
01:24said Amazon Amazon came through and had a big sale after Christmas this guy was
01:28able to scoop up with a bunch of other DC multiverse figures for about twenty
01:32five dollars a piece Superman is gonna stand in this case about seven and
01:36three-quarters of an inch in height translating though to a figure that's
01:39about 19 centimeters tall maybe not of the same universe no but at least we
01:43finally have ourselves somewhat of a reign of Superman here's what cyborg
01:47Zor-El's cyborg Superman looks like along with steel eradicator and also
01:52Superboy now I think up to this point we don't have any other iterations of these
01:56although I believe it's been announced we are getting ourselves finally a
01:59classic Superboy and I hope the rest of the reign of Superman follows suits
02:03speaking of suits here's soups here's what the figure looks like with the DC
02:08multiverse gold label collection Superman with now the cloth cape we just
02:11recently had look him here on this channel and of course if you're gonna be
02:13talking about the reign of Superman you have to make some mention as well here's
02:16what the figures also look like if I don't knock everybody off in the process
02:19there's also what they look like with a towering doomsday nothing got knocked
02:23over let's hope those cyborg doesn't get knocked over when we look at the
02:26accessories that come packed along with him the figure first concludes a trading
02:29card the trading card has the new 52 version of cyborg Superman so it's a
02:33little bit different from the one that we saw from the 90s I do like the look
02:37of cyborg Superman and it still retains a lot of the design of the character had
02:41back in the day when I was of course reading the death and reign of Superman
02:45on the back of the card though one of the longest reads boy that was took me
02:49some time the read up though also listed above it his real name is Zor-El if you
02:54wanted to pause and suffer a similar fate as mine you can certainly read it
02:58for yourself but I mean I have already done that I've done it at the beginning
03:00of this review let's put that card off to the side it will be going into my
03:03sheet protectors shortly the figure also comes included with a flight stand now
03:07while he doesn't unfortunately come included with any other accessories at
03:10least though they jazz things up by including a flight stand the flight
03:14stand includes two parts so of course you got your regular base you don't have
03:17to necessarily attach this piece either if you wanted to just leave it on its
03:21own the peg still is there to attach on to the bottom of the figures feet there
03:24still is the DC logo down below so it's a serviceable enough stand I used at the
03:28beginning of this review but if again you want to have the two pieces
03:31connected together there's a little lip of plastic right there and there's a
03:35little slot right here take the two shapes connect them to course together a
03:39little bit of a snap required on your part and finally got yourself a flight
03:43stand the flight stand does have some adjustability this top piece does rotate
03:48up and down so if you want to have them in flight you just basically keep the
03:52loop down if you want to have them floating you basically bring the peg up
03:55like this and this does also open up both sides and so basically just take
04:00yourself your figure yeah I know he doesn't have a cloth cape and this just
04:04fits around his waist so again if you want to have him levitating I don't know
04:08if I would necessarily have this guy flying when we did look at Superman
04:11earlier in this week I had at the end of this review kind of a bad review at
04:15least I had the action comic Superman in flight I think I'd rather actually
04:18like to have the cyborg Superman sort of just levitating like this I might just
04:22do a little bit more obviously with what I got with the hands right now but you
04:25know I might just end up doing that let's just move this off to the side
04:28though and I'm sure we will bring it back for the final looks of the figure
04:32because of course that's the only the only thing unfortunately comes included
04:35with them cyborg Superman let's talk a little bit about this guy shall we what
04:40is little left of this guy I mean basically is augmented to death here
04:45by Brainiac it does make though for rather interesting looking cyborg now
04:49cyborg Superman though again the problem that caused me to delay getting a review
04:54like this underway was just the price of what this guy was going for still there's
04:57online sites that are still stupidly selling this guy for $97 I kid you not I
05:03wasn't willing to pay that price even as good as cyborg Superman turned out but
05:07at $25 the price that Amazon was offering him yeah I could certainly get
05:11behind a cool-looking figure like this he looks again enough like cyborg that I
05:16don't feel I'm bothered by the fact that we're pulling this from the pages of new
05:1952 still has the lower half of his jaw completely missing here I mean who
05:24really did think that cyborg Superman was gonna be the original Kal-El my hope
05:29with my vote basically was on eradicator but the look of Superman was quite
05:32impressive so much so that you know he's lasted the test of time has various
05:37different looks over the pages in the years of the comics but sort of again
05:40has retained somewhat of a very similar look Superman's face again you know what
05:45was left of it at least you've got now the red eyes which I think work really
05:48quite well for this figure the lower half of his face well you know again you
05:52got like an endoskeleton similar to a Terminator painted really well though I
05:56will say in silver the one thing about the silver though is there's not really
06:00anything in the way of a wash to it so whatever we're getting treated to silver
06:03that's the only color we're getting maybe a little bit of a wash of black
06:07could have helped to bring some of those details out they have certainly scuffed
06:10up the symbol with a little bit of black there I do also appreciate the fact they
06:14added some texturing to the yellow behind it
06:16that was a good size too it's very similar to like the original action
06:20comics Superman where the emblem took up the majority of his torso so when we
06:24look at his cape now the cape is a rather interesting thing because it
06:27consists of what it looks like it's two pieces the front half pieces look like
06:31they were molded to his torso but yet though the back half of the cape and I
06:35think this is correct to the comics back half looks like it's a separate
06:38piece and it is unfortunately though because this was still the time that
06:41they were making plastic capes for these figures yeah unfortunately does have
06:44plastic for the material that they chose but again like the plastic cape still
06:47works well they've got some nice little tears and and ripped away sections to it
06:51it's all torn and tattered down below there as well it's like a really neat
06:54looking cape I don't mind it all that it's plastic you know fabric I know is
06:59really again the way that we're going with a lot of the multiverse figures now
07:01moving forward but plastic there is still something to be said I mean it's
07:04got a nice form to it I mean it's just pretty close to his body granted but it
07:08still has a really nice form the back of his body by the way just as much detail
07:12that is to the front again you've got a combination of silvers and blues there's
07:16just a little bit of red traced in there as well you got the Superman emblem for
07:20example suggested there for the belt and you also got some additional right down
07:24below sort of giving the suggestion of boots one of the notable things though
07:28that I like about cyborg Superman's while he does have just a standard
07:31looking arm standard standard looking arm there's definitely though a
07:36combination of again the metallic body underneath and then the like similar
07:39Superman suit over top of that one can't help but overlook I mean how could you
07:44even look over look this this giant clawing hand that he has on the other
07:47the way they've posed this I mean it kind of just looks like he's reaching
07:51and he wants to grab your soul love that these are actually made pretty soft and
07:56plastic so the actual fingers themselves have a little bit of quite well I should
08:00say a lot of give to them and a decent-looking figure at least of
08:03figures arm unfortunately though because he's using the larger arm like this the
08:07figure unfortunately only has just a single hinge on this elbow here while
08:10the figures elbow on this side does still get a double hinge I don't think
08:15he necessarily needs to have a double hinge on this side I mean it still does
08:18exactly the thing that you probably would just I mean I guess if anything
08:20you probably would if those that could make the argument if a double hinge was
08:24maybe given to this figure you get if anything brought the hand a little bit
08:27closer to his face but that's probably the way I'm gonna have this guy
08:29displayed on the shelf oh wait no no gonna maybe just bend the knee a little
08:33bit and I'll have this guy floating love it now for the figures articulation we're
08:38gonna go kind of back to the basics or back to the where we started this review
08:41we're gonna start with his head sculpt here so cyborg Superman Zor-El does have
08:46a ball joint that allows at least the head to rotate all the way around it
08:50hinges down really far down a lot lot lower down than I was expecting the head
08:54can also look up so if you do want to have this guy in a flight pose the head
08:58actually will give you enough clearance to do that as for the arms whether you
09:02want to use this arm or you use this arm as the example they both rotate all the
09:07way around they also hinge out at about a T pose even though he has all these
09:11extra spikes on the tops of his shoulders at least they are far enough
09:14down on the shoulder that you can pull off somewhat still a completely a
09:18complete perfect 90 degree the only thing again that the figure is gonna be
09:22a little bit less on on this arm while he does have a swivel in his bicep like
09:25this one he only again it has just a single hinge on his elbow hands do
09:29rotate all the way around this giant hand does hinge back and forth there too
09:33and while this hand unfortunately only just has the closed fist he doesn't have
09:38any other swappable options available but he does have at least a double hinge
09:42on this side of his body as for his upper torso upper torso does have a good
09:47generous ball joint he does have one of those cases again like where the trunks
09:51are using a softer plastic so it does unfortunately leave a little bit of a
09:54gap space you can see where like his abdomen ends and then the rest of his
09:58lower torso begins but at least that does give him some clearance when it
10:02comes to rotating his abdomen area this again is using a pretty soft plastic
10:06try not to squeeze stay away from his groin if I can the legs split out quite
10:11easily you can take the legs and move them forward and move them back there's
10:14a enough space as well to allow for a swivel there at the top of the thigh
10:17nice double hinge on the knee and again you've got your articulation there in
10:21his ankle back and forth rocking and again you got yourself the toe
10:25articulation there too I don't think there's really anything I would have
10:28really changed to cyborg Superman the coloring for the most part is really
10:31good you can really see like what the blue it looks like they've painted the
10:35blue over top of a darker color so like there's a little bit of areas where you
10:38can see like the blue is not as finished as perhaps it could have been but the
10:42rest of Superman though the cyborg cyborg Superman looks stellar at one
10:47point I wanted this figure so bad that I was actually kind of even tempted to pay
10:50the price that I was seeing for him selling online and then I realized like
10:53you know just wait it out sooner rather than later I'm sure this guy's gonna get
10:57marked down and of all things of all things I just decided to check out what
11:01was going on over on Amazon and yeah Amazon had not just a sale on cyborg
11:05Superman they had a sale a whole bunch of DC multiverse figures which probably
11:09is why you're gonna be seeing a whole lot of them coming up onto this channel
11:11and even though again like it's not gonna be it's only gonna be a temporary
11:15stand and I feel to have these guys on display as the reign of Superman because
11:19I know ideally they're not the true classic look to the characters I mean
11:22like look at the look of eradicator for example he doesn't look at all well he's
11:26got the glasses he's got the glasses and he's got the way that the emblem goes
11:29into his cape but there's nothing there at all that really reads like the
11:32eradicator Superman other than those two places of course we got also got
11:35ourselves superboy steel is really the one that's kind of more the clock the
11:39most classic of looks and then again these classic look why not bring in the
11:43action comics version of Superman the cyborg Superman for the price that I
11:47paid I'm happy now to finally have this guy in my collection I probably would
11:51have been stung a little bit to pay a lot more for him so I would say don't
11:55pay 80 whatever the price was going for I mean I've to go on eBay this guy sells
12:00I think he's even now starting to mark down on eBay but at one point stupidly
12:04he was going for 70 to 90 dollars don't pay 70 to 90 dollars for him pay though
12:10closer to 25 dollars to 30 dollars a standard price for DC multiverse figures
12:14because I think the figure is well worth it boy this flight stands having
12:18to work overtime here not just with the additional weight of cyborg Superman but
12:22that also the waist clip doesn't go completely around his torso you know I
12:26feel like if you're gonna include a flight stand like this it has to go with
12:29characters that it will fit that if it has to go around a broader frame like a
12:33torso like cyborg has I feel like you almost have to need to retool a brand
12:38new waist clip you don't have to tool everything from scratch the bottom base
12:42can still stay the same the adjustable neck well the neck piece at least can be
12:47exactly the same but maybe make longer waist clips so that in a case like a
12:52cyborg Superman for example or any other figure that's broad like this it fits
12:56better around the figures like I'm literally just sort of wedged him against
13:00it and hope that just lady luck alone he's not gonna fall while we're talking
13:04wrapping up the review for him wrapping up a review though for a cyborg Superman
13:08involves me talking about a lot of details that went into the sculpting of
13:11this figure from head to toe I would have loved to see what this guy could
13:15have looked like with the original casting black and white or a lot of
13:18times when they first make the molds these figures they cast them in gray
13:21plastic sort of just to kind of get an idea of what they're gonna be looking
13:24like I would love to see what this guy could look like maybe without paint and
13:28even like while I'm thinking about that idea maybe a signature collection
13:32release of this guy where when we've gotten like accent edition black and
13:35white figure releases usually if they're black and white and then there's one
13:38thing about them that are glowing what a color and I was gonna say red but that
13:43red would have been the color I would have chose for an accent edition just
13:45imagine if you will this guy being all black and white and then the only thing
13:49that's red is this symbol on his chest the cape on the back of his body and
13:53those glowing red eyes if they are gonna be releasing though an accent edition if
13:58they aren't though I think that's a great idea for more use out of this mold
14:02because you like to think again with a mold this good he's not just gonna be
14:05released a one-time only what do you guys think a cyborg Superman let me know
14:09down below in the comment section and also if you guys have picked this figure
14:12up what was the price if you're willing to admit it that you paid for him no
14:16again there certainly does make the valid argument and a good example is
14:20cyborg shop around because not every place is gonna be selling this guy for
14:25the same price if you go to one site that's selling him for way too much
14:28don't settle on that price shop around see if you can find it a better price
14:32elsewhere and sure enough that happened to me I went around to a couple of sites
14:36and I saw like $70 $90 as high as this guy is gone and then I just happen to go
14:42over to Amazon and Amazon was selling sky and are still selling him for around
14:4725 thinking you know I may have actually paid around $27 warm but again not a bad
14:52price to pay for a figure this cool again what do you guys think of the
14:55figure let me know down below in the comment section if you guys also did
14:57enjoy this video you can do it a solid by hitting it with a like you guys want
15:01to stick around for more so I hope so hit that subscribe to turn on that Bell
15:04but also you know you can also stick around because we may be wrapping up
15:08things right now with an augmented Zorrel Superman but there will be more
15:12DC multiverse reviews coming your way for the rest of this week so as always
15:15thanks for watching see you guys next time
