• 3 days ago
Mattel He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Hordak


00:00The Horde's commander gets cartoon colors. Here's a look at the Mattel He-Man in the
00:05Master Universe Hordak, ruthless leader of the evil Horde.
00:22This Master Universe Origins Hordak figure from the cartoon collection is
00:26inspired by the original She-Ra Princess of Power TV series from the 80s and
00:29celebrates the 40th anniversary of the show. The leader of the evil Horde is
00:33designed with the vintage look at five and a half inch scale, but the modern
00:36posability of 16 movable joints. This MOTU toy comes with a removable harness
00:41and a time-stop device inspired by the Princess of Power episode,
00:44Lookie Lends a Hand. A mini comic is included for story context. Lookie, what I
00:49finally found, but I didn't find him locally. In fact, I actually had to order
00:53this one on Entertainment Earth because the chances of finding anything cartoon
00:56collection or Master Universe otherwise in Canadian stores, forget about it, but I did
01:02though find it at Entertainment Earth. I had to wait a couple of weeks just
01:04because of the way the strike was happening here in Canada. Postal strike
01:07is over. We're finally getting this stuff ordered. At least we ordered online.
01:10Finally starting to show up at our doorsteps. Let's take though the tape
01:13measure and see how tall the cartoon collection Hordak actually stands and
01:16then we'll look at his rather disappointing accessories. Say what?
01:20We'll talk about that more in a moment. Hordak though is gonna stand at six
01:23inches in height or the filmation release of Hordak's leader is gonna be
01:27about 15 centimeters tall. As for the other offerings of Hordak, we did get
01:31ourselves two releases from the origins. A regular released Hordak and then the
01:34deluxe Buzzsaw, which I've actually pillaged the Buzzsaw smiling face
01:38because I think it works a little bit better on the regular release. We did
01:40get also graced one in the Turtles of Greyskull and while unfortunately I
01:44think the one thing it's lacking on the figure's face is some added panel lining
01:47of black. Other than that though, the added wings in the back of his body made
01:50this Hordak one that you don't want to miss out on picking up. For the cartoon
01:54collection figures, we did also get ourselves a Mantenna. He really is the
01:57only other character that we've gotten from the Hordak. Of course we did also
02:00get ourselves a She-Ra and here's also what the figure looks like with Skeletor.
02:04Do you prefer paper or plastic? Well looking at least the paper offerings
02:09that come included with Hordak, first of all you get yourself a paper pamphlet.
02:12What's on the paper pamphlet you may ask? Just the swappable parts illuminated
02:16here. I don't want to say illuminated, shadowed here in gray. You can pop up the
02:19side of the arms, you can also remove his face, you can detach his lower half
02:22from his body from the top half of his body and you can remove his Hordak
02:26booties. This will be discarded quickly quickly into the recycling. Let's grab
02:31also the mini comic which we've had also seen before, Slime Lord part 2 of the
02:36Horde invasion. Quickly flipping through this, I'm sure if you guys have already
02:40seen my reviews, thank you for that by the way, you probably are already quite
02:43familiar with the pages that we see inside. I do think that the illustrations
02:48in some of the places look better than others and some of the areas like this
02:51version of Triclops, even though we are getting Triclops, we will be looking at
02:54him in an upcoming review and I have to say like He-Man and Tealer are a little
02:59questionable but some of the other animations here like Hordak looks really
03:02good here in the back, Modulok, there's Leech, there's also Mosquitoor.
03:07Looking forward though to a cartoon release of Mosquitoor and that's a
03:10really nice image there of Hordak. I'm gonna spend the time to go through and
03:14read the story to you but I will say though on the back of this, many faces
03:17with the only cartoon collection that we've looked at so far thus far of this
03:21wave Hordak we're currently covering off right now. Triclops will be coming in a
03:26moment's notice. You have to wait a little bit more than a moment. Let's move
03:29that off though to the side. Here's one of the big bummers about Hordak. The
03:34figure comes included with a time-stop device. Now the time-stop device is seen
03:38in the episode Lookie Lends a Hand. Not a bad episode. The thing about it though is
03:41while I do appreciate the fact that they included this Horde-like sign, doesn't
03:45look like a big mug he'd be serving off a brew. Making sure you pour it on a
03:50tilt so that you don't fill it all with head but I mean it looks okay. It looks
03:55fairly accurate to the way it looked in the cartoon. My big real issue with this
03:58is the fact that we get something like this which almost does look like you'd
04:01be able to open it up but no it doesn't look like I don't think you can. I'm just
04:05gonna leave it. I'm just gonna leave it. It can be though held in his hand. The
04:09figure does actually have two gripping hands so if you wanted to put this into
04:12Hordak's hands just take yourself the time-stop device. Plug it in just like
04:16that. I mean again it it looks cartoon accurate but it does kind of look like
04:20he's carrying around himself a big brew of ethereans. A brew like coffee. I guess
04:25not even coffee like maybe a beer. My big issue if I can kind of backtrack I know
04:30I was kind of wandering around for a little bit there. The big point I did
04:34want to talk about though is the fact that we had this plastic wasted for an
04:37accessory like this. Mantena didn't come included with any accessories at all so
04:42I feel like if anything they could have included the time-stop device with him
04:45and Hordak what I would have done instead is giving him an alternate
04:49cannon arm. I mean we already know how these things swap out. Just like
04:53obviously you're just gonna pull the peg and remove it from his torso. So we've
04:57already done this. We've already established the fact you can't swap the
05:00parts around. Why in their infinite wisdom did Mattel choose not to
05:04include a cannon arm when Hordak's seen frequently doing it in the episodes?
05:09Anyways though, while not unfortunately including that, Hordak looks really good.
05:13I will say right away it's probably one of the best Hordak figures we've ever
05:16gotten. The panel lining certainly wasn't missed at all. They've
05:20done it nicely here around his eyes. A little nasal cavity. How does Hordak smell
05:25by the way? The answer is still quite bad. Also they've gone in there and painted
05:29the coloring around just below his teeth so he does certainly have a lot of the
05:33budget spent for paint. Still though he really needed the cannon arm. The other
05:38thing I wanted to mention though is while having Hordak in hand and bringing
05:41back in Skeletor, I don't know if it's just me, but the plastic makes these
05:45figures feel a little bit lighter. Hordak, if I was kind of... I don't have a
05:48scale in front of me so I'm sort of just gauging it by just my hands alone. I feel
05:52like Hordak is lighter than Skeletor. Maybe the plastic that they've
05:56used is sort of a little thinner variety. Maybe they found a way to kind of just
06:00use cheaper plastic. But he does certainly feel a little bit lighter.
06:04One thing though about Hordak is that he does have his collar piece. Now the
06:08collar piece is attached already to his torso. Now the torso can be removed if
06:12you want to attach the armor. In fact, the armor was very easy to remove. It's
06:16just that it's got a tab on both sides. If you were to detach it, basically what
06:19you'd be looking at is just a cartoon collection body underneath. The plastic
06:24again feels a little on the more rubberier side for his torso. But in order
06:27to take this all off, you'd have to remove his head first because the collar
06:31piece is already attached completely to the torso. So when you are trying to
06:36rotate his head, for example, you're going to be rotating his head separately.
06:38Don't try to rotate his entire collar. The original Origins would do that. The
06:42cartoon collection says no dice. Not on my watch. The horde coloring is nicely
06:47done here in the red. Of course you got the bone painted well in here gray.
06:50Painted all around the collar. Painted down the sides of his armpit as well.
06:53Got some nice gray also on the top of his his loincloth there too. Still has
06:58the flipper feet. No real different than regular Hordak. Actually you know we can
07:01just bring back a regular Hordak so you can see. The Origins would have had
07:05also the limbs done in gray. I mean if you are though watching the cartoon,
07:09you'd be like looking at this and thinking, wait a minute, wait a minute,
07:11Hordak should have blue limbs. Clearly though the cartoon collection corrects
07:15that. Now the figure's articulation going to go back to Hordak's head. Because
07:20again you can't go in there rotate the collar separately. You have to go and
07:23move the head on its own. So the head's gonna rotate back
07:26and forth. It moves up, it moves down and again you can also rock it back and
07:30forth as well. So good of a head sculpt. I've actually kind of been tempted to
07:33get a maybe like a Horde Trooper for example and just take the head off of
07:37Hordak here and pop it on the Horde Trooper's body. I mean that would involve
07:40me obviously having to order another one online because the luck of finding these
07:43things in the wild, forget about it. The upper waist is gonna be on straight
07:47swivel. The arms gonna go of course rotate all the way around. They hinge out
07:50at a 90 degrees. So if you are one that likes your T pose on figures, you can
07:54pull that off here nicely with Hordak. He doesn't have a swivel though at all
07:57in his bicep. What he does possess though is a swivel back and forth on his forearm.
08:01There's a hinge, single hinge there in his elbow. The hands rotate also all the
08:04way around. Standard leg splits because you got the ball joints working behind
08:08the scenes. The legs move forward, the legs move back. A little bit of a swivel
08:12there at the top. Single hinge only in the lower leg. The lower leg also
08:15rotates. The lower boot rotates. And his flipper feet, flipper feet move up and
08:20down. And then a nice little rock back and forth as well. I mean it's a perfect
08:24looking Hordak. There's nothing at all I would have changed other than, other than
08:27maybe the included accessories. Let's put him here for a second. Well again I do
08:31appreciate the fact that they continue to throw in episode specific accessories
08:35like of course the time stop device. I mean Lucky lends a hand as a fine enough,
08:38good enough episode. But I don't think it would be enough to justify giving him
08:42this as an accessory rather than the canon arm. Just though, full disclosure, I
08:46don't, I'm not disappointed the fact that the things that he had come include
08:50with the figure. I'm kind of more disappointed the figure, the things that
08:52the figure didn't come included with. Again bringing back in Skeletor. I don't
08:56know if again, I just feel like the plastics a little lighter now on Hordak.
08:59And of course here's what he also looks like with Mantenna. Two characters so far
09:03from the Horde. I think we're actually getting a couple other ones as well. Are
09:06we getting a leech? I think we are getting, yeah we are getting, we are
09:08getting a leech. So I'm looking forward to filling the ranks of the Horde. Hordak
09:12though is a welcomed new addition to my collection. The colors are great, face
09:16sculpt is perfect. He only just needed the canon arm to make him feel complete.
09:20I tend not to be a collector that displays any of these cartoon collection
09:24figures with their accessories. I think really the only exception to that right
09:28now is Man-at-Arms. I have Man-at-Arms right now currently
09:30displayed with the gadget that he came included with. All the rest of these sort
09:34of end up just sitting inside of a bag. My long-term plan really, and I did
09:38mention this in another review, my Snake Mountain. Maybe in the back dwellings of
09:42their basement. I can store some of the treasures that they've acquired and
09:46stolen through their missions, and maybe I might just end up putting the time
09:49stop device down there. Hordak though, if you're gonna spend any dedicated plastic
09:54budget into producing this figure, I think a canon arm would have made a lot
09:58more sense, if you ask me at least, rather than giving him something that only
10:02appears in one episode. Look, he lends a hand is fine and good, but I don't think
10:06it's as good of an accessory had they included the canon arm instead. If not
10:11for that, Hordak is a perfect rendition of the character. From head to toe, a
10:15perfect-looking head, all the way down to his flipper feet. Again, I did order this
10:19one from Entertainment Earth. Had had no luck, and continue to have no luck
10:24finding these in the wild, but Entertainment Earth was the place that I
10:27ended up picking up. I think right now they're actually gone back to pre-ordering
10:30these, so if you guys are interested and haven't had any luck, even though the
10:34listing right now is pre-order set, you can at least click the link and also
10:38as well, that affiliate link will save you 10% on anything that's
10:41currently in stock. If you are interested to get any Master Universe, and at least
10:45they are in stock, you can save 10% right off the bat. What do you guys think of
10:49Hordak? Let me know down below in the comment section, and as also as well, let
10:52me just throw this as opposed to debate. Would you have preferred the figure
10:56coming clue with a canon arm, or do you like that he has the time stop device
11:00instead? Wayne, what you guys think down below? If in the meantime you guys did
11:03enjoy this video, you can do it a salt and throw it a like. You guys want to
11:07stick around for more so? I certainly hope so. You can hit the subscribe, you
11:11can turn on the bell, but you can also come back to this channel because we're
11:14not wrapping up Motu at all for the rest of this week. In fact, there's
11:17actually gonna be a couple more videos coming your way. As always, thanks for
11:20watching. See you guys next time!
