• 4 days ago
Diamond Select The Walking Dead Comic Series 1 Rick Grimes Figure


00:00When you're stuck fighting corpses in comics,
00:04here's a look at the Diamond Select The Walking Dead Rick Grimes Deluxe Action Figure.
00:24Rick Grimes is a Kentucky deputy who walks from a coma
00:28to find that the dead have risen and now walk the earth, eating those that lay in their path.
00:32Joining other survivors, he becomes their leader, only to find that the biggest threat
00:36in the world is not the dead, but the living who will stop at nothing to take what they need
00:40and to protect what is theirs. Grimes must struggle to keep his humanity intact
00:44while trying to keep his family and friends safe. This one-tenth scale action figure
00:48of Rick Grimes is based on his appearance in The Walking Dead comic books and graphic novels.
00:52It features multiple points of articulation and a variety of accessories.
00:56Unlike maybe the pages he appears in, Rick will find that right and wrong isn't just black and white.
01:00Before we get a closer look though at the comic version of The Walking Dead's Rick Grimes,
01:04I'd like to first send out a big thank you to the folks over at Diamond Select
01:08that were kind enough to provide this sample. As for though measuring off Rick Grimes,
01:12I'm measuring him right now at least with his hat on. You don't have to have him necessarily displayed with that
01:16as the figure does come included with two swappable heads. Two. Two.
01:20At least sticking with this one right now, Rick Grimes is going to stand at seven inches in height.
01:24Translating to a figure that's seventeen and a half centimeters tall.
01:28Mentioning already that Grimes comes included with two head portraits,
01:32but for accessories, the figure comes with so much more.
01:36First, he comes with eight pairs of interchangeable hands. Say what?
01:40Eight pairs of interchangeable hands. Two closed grips
01:44are currently on the ends of his forearms, but so easily could be swapped out for the following things.
01:48The figure comes included with trigger-firing finger hands, good for holding the shotgun,
01:52good for holding the M16, good for holding his side pistol.
01:56The figure also does come included with another gripping hand, good for holding the axe.
02:00Say what? The axe.
02:04We're going to have a look at all of those in a second. And he also comes included with a couple of mauling hands,
02:08grabbing hands. If he wants to strangle the governor, I suppose he could have hands for that.
02:12Some of these hands you may notice also as well are bandaged.
02:16This one on this side is bandaged. This hand on this side,
02:20even though they're colored the exact same way, this one is not sculpted with the bandage.
02:24The figure does also come included, as already mentioned,
02:28several accessories. First of all, the figure comes included with an M16.
02:32I think this is an M16, sculpted though here in black.
02:36Black, white, and gray are all basically the palette of this figure, so kind of get used to those colors
02:40as we look at everything, run through everything. M16,
02:44which does have a strap, which does really have a means, I suppose, if you want to have this over his shoulder.
02:48I kind of had that at the beginning of this review. I may even continue to do that,
02:52moving forward with having the figure displayed on my shelf. The figure does also come included with a shotgun.
02:56The shotgun, though, looks to be probably
03:00cast, I'm guessing, in black plastic, maybe. The barrel and the back,
03:04I guess, back stock section of the gun is painted here in gray.
03:08Now, he does also have a bag, by the way. The bag is all cast here in black,
03:12but it does give you at least some afforded real estate space to store the extra
03:16accessories. So, if he doesn't have a place, for example, if he's not going to be holding the shotgun,
03:20ideally, you could really put the shotgun in the bag. The only one thing I will say,
03:24and I'm going to take the shotgun out for right now, I wish, though, the strap of the bag
03:28was longer or a little more slack. The reasoning why, though,
03:32is if you're going to put this on Rick's shoulders or just like across his
03:36back here, it doesn't really give you enough space to kind of stretch this across.
03:40Ideally, I kind of would have wanted this to be angled across his torso. Maybe there's a
03:44way to heat this, but the last thing I really would want to do is start to split or
03:48crack the plastic there on the top where it's attached to the rest of it. If it was just a little
03:52bit more slacked, maybe if it just bowed out a little bit more,
03:56I'd probably be able to fit it. Like, even if you take off the figure's head, because I was kind of thinking for myself,
04:00well, maybe if I can stretch this across, there might be a means,
04:04but like already you can see, just with a little time I've done this, I've actually tried
04:08this earlier as well, you can already see stretch marks developing on the top of the strap.
04:12So I'm going to resist doing that. I'm going to put this down here for a second.
04:16Let's go right now and put back Rick Grimes' head. Yeah, I just kind of wish that the bag strap
04:20was longer. If it was only just a little bit longer, just a little bit,
04:24I'd then be able to have that across his torso instead of just on one side.
04:28Just a quick look though at the bag. And again, like you can see, just with a little bit of time
04:32I've done that, there's a stress line right there.
04:36I just hate that it's there. But the bag is quite roomy though. I mean, I don't know how many
04:40people would be able to live inside of a bag this small. Stop that. But I suppose you probably
04:44could put a couple of accessories in there. I mean, really the only accessory, the M16
04:48technically could fit in there, but you'd have to kind of squish the cording, the strap
04:52with it. So I probably won't end up putting the M16 in there, but by all means, yeah, shotgun
04:56right in there. The figure does also come included with his axe.
05:00Now the axe and also his magnum are probably the two smallest
05:04accessories the figure comes included with. Whereas the axe doesn't really have a place to store
05:08other than in his hands, the gun at least that he comes included with, a little pistol
05:12can most definitely be holstered on the side of the figure's leg. Located here on the
05:16side, just below his jacket, there is a holster so you can take yourself the gun, slide it right in place
05:20and you'll see the end of the barrel sticks out at the bottom. So a nice little place to store that.
05:24Lastly though, it comes included with Rick Grimes, you get yourself an alternate head portrait.
05:28And what we'll do also, we'll go back to the hands in a second.
05:32Get yourself an alternate head portrait. Not only though is it just the difference of one is wearing a hat
05:36one isn't wearing a hat, but you can also see as well, he's got a different expression altogether.
05:40Personally though for me, I like really the one with the sheriff's hat. Now if you choose not to have
05:44the deputy hat, if you choose not to have that, it's just simply a case of popping off the head that
05:48he has and replacing with this one instead. Just to show you guys what that looks like from
05:52the sides, it's a nicely sculpted head. Full amount of hair there on the back of his
05:56head as well. Like the expression, I just think
06:00that this is the better of the two heads. One of the things also I did
06:04want to also talk about too is the swapping of the hands. Now I know we kind of have to rewind
06:08a little bit to the beginning of this review, but one thing I do like though about the hands is that
06:12they're extremely easy to change out. So let's say for example we go back
06:16to this trigger firing finger hand. The length of the peg, we'll go ahead and just
06:20remove the hand that he has right now. The only reason why I'm really going back to that
06:24point in this review is just because I want to show you how easy it is to change out the hands.
06:28Just pop that in place, and when you're ready and good to go, you can just easily pop the hand out again.
06:32No fighting and struggling with the pegs. It's really easy to change out these hands.
06:36And of course if you wanted to, you can get yourself... where's the pistol? Oh right, yeah, I've got the
06:40holster on the side. The one thing I will say though is you're probably going to have to heat the hands in hot
06:44water. I've noticed though, while they're not connected necessarily to the thumb,
06:48the plastic though for these is a little bit resistant to bending
06:52it by hand. So you may in fact want to kind of heat this up in hot water before you start putting
06:56accessories into his hand. In the meantime though, you can also as well take the axe. I know
07:00clearly that's not the hand that belongs with the axe. I don't think anyone really holds their axe
07:04with their finger out like this. Maybe some people do, I don't know. But just to show you,
07:08he does have proper means to hold the accessories with the hands that he's provided.
07:12Let's change out the head. Just move that off to the side. Let's just change out
07:16the head one last time to show you guys what the head sculpt looks like. By all means though,
07:20let me know down below in the comments which do you think is the better of the two heads. I still like
07:24this one honestly. By the way though, just popping off
07:28the ball joint. It's easy peasy as that. We're going to go ahead and just put the new head in place.
07:32There we go. And now you've got yourself Rick Grimes without a hat.
07:36Some people would prefer probably to have Rick looking like this. Again, I just think the other one
07:40is a little bit nicer. Full head articulation. I know we're not going to talk too much
07:44about posability just yet, but full head articulation, even though he does have the furry collar
07:48on the sides, it doesn't seem at all to limit all that much when it comes
07:52to rotating the head all the way around, whether you use this head or use the other head that we already
07:56started with. But before we of course digest all the figures posability, running
08:00through though the rest of the figures details, of course he does have himself the police jacket
08:04on there. Nice little badge there on the side. This seems though to be a separate piece from the rest
08:08of his body. It looks like it's probably, maybe it's glued on the
08:12top by the shoulders here, because while you can pull it away from the rest of his body,
08:16at least giving him freedom to move his body and upper torso around,
08:20it looks like though it might be attached somewhere here in the top of the shoulder
08:24doesn't seem like he can pull it off completely. Even if you were to really pull off the jacket
08:28anyways, he'd still only still manage to have the deputy sleeves still in place
08:32anyways. Of course down below he's also got himself his belt. Looks like
08:36he's got a couple of pockets there on the side, maybe holding additional ammunition, the holster we've already
08:40established. And down below we've got some nice rips and tears that they've got added
08:44into the pants. Looks like some little slash marks there too. And of course down below
08:48Rick Grimes doesn't look like he's wearing like cowboy boots, but it does certainly look like he's wearing
08:52himself a pair of generally pretty clean sneakers. That will change
08:56I'm sure as the issues progress. Now for the figure's articulation, going back to
09:00Rick's head, I already mentioned already that you could turn the head technically all the way
09:04around. The only thing I will say though, just kind of be careful because as you're rotating it
09:08you really don't want to flake the paint that's on the top of the collar. Like it doesn't really
09:12have much give really to the collar, and you don't want to start to flake the paint or scratch the
09:16paint on the bottom of his chin. So with that in mind you can move the head back and forth, you can move
09:20it up, up, you can move it down, and you can also rock it back and forth as well.
09:24For Rick's arms, Rick's arms do rotate all the way around.
09:28They're a little on the more tighter side. I did notice though with Rick's arms, I can't
09:32get him at a full 90 degree angle bend. Right around here, right around
09:3645 is where it stops and it tells me I can't go any further. I'm willing to
09:40listen to the plastic. I'm not going to go any further because the last thing I would want to have is
09:44upset. The figure does have though a swivel in
09:48his elbow does also give him a bend. Single hinge or single hinge in the
09:52elbow, a hand rotation all the way around. Good generous ball joint for the top of his
09:56body. Equally a ball joint at the base of his body by his abdomen area.
10:00Legs split out even though he does have the holster on the one side. The holster
10:04at least though is attached up here and it's not nowhere near attached to the
10:08leg. So when it comes to moving the legs out, the holster stays out of the way.
10:12The figure does have though a swivel cut about three quarters up
10:16the thigh. He also possesses a single hinge only in his knee.
10:20At least the lower leg does rotate back and forth. Again, your standard articulation here for the
10:24ankle. Up and down, rock back and forth. The figure does have
10:28even though he doesn't have a display stand accompanying him, he does have at least the means as
10:32he has peggles in the palms of his feet. Rick Grimes, nice looking figure.
10:36If you like the classic Walking Dead comics all done in black and white,
10:40you're probably going to love this line quite a lot. Not only were they nice enough to send over
10:44to Rick Grimes, but they also were kind enough to provide Michonne, which we will be looking
10:48at in an upcoming review. For the accessory things that come included with Rick Grimes,
10:52I do like the bag, but again, I kind of wish that the bag could have had a little bit more slack.
10:56Just because then you could have draped it across. Well, you could have crisscrossed
11:00his torso instead of just running up the side of his body.
11:04I have tried that and again, you already saw in this review, just doing it with little time
11:08I spent doing it caused a stress mark on the top. I didn't cry, but I was pretty
11:12sad by seeing a white line developing on black plastic.
11:16The rest of the accessories are good and still in the end, while I'm going to be displaying the figure
11:20with the Rick Grimes deputy hat on top of his head. I do like the idea
11:24at least that Diamond Slack gave us options. That's one thing that Rick Grimes
11:28has going for him. He doesn't have much though in the way of color, but what he does have though
11:32at his disposal is a ton of accessories. Diamond is doing the dead in black and white.
11:36Wait, what? What I do really like about this line is the fact that
11:40so often we have gotten ourselves figures from the TV series of Walking Dead and so very
11:44little figures we've gotten from the actual comics and graphic novels.
11:48Until of course now what we're getting here from Diamond Slack. So far I feel like they've
11:52only released the Rick Grimes and the Michonne, but I hope though that trend continues with
11:56other future figures. A Negan though in the black and white comic treatment
12:00would be fantastic. Not just though getting the figures alone, oh no.
12:04As you saw in this review, Rick Grimes gets quite a heaping helping
12:08of, I want to think of something that was wrong, starting with H had something to do with the dead.
12:12I can't think of anything. A heaping helping though of accessories
12:16to kill the walkers. Some of the accessories though work a little bit better than others
12:20while the M16 can easily strap across his shoulders. Unfortunately the same can't
12:24be said for his bag. If again the bag was just a little bit more slacked, it would
12:28be so much easier to stretch that across his entire torso and not just straddle
12:32it on one shoulder instead. What do you guys though think of Rick Grimes? Let me know down
12:36below in the comment section. Are you also more familiar with the characters from Walking Dead? Maybe reading
12:40them first in the comics before they became more mainstream? Or was your first
12:44introduction to the Walking Dead through the TV series? I'd also again like to thank the folks
12:48over at Diamond Select that did provide this sample of the comic inspired Rick Grimes.
12:52We had the chance to have a look in this review. As already mentioned we will also be looking
12:56at Michonne, so that will be coming up probably this week too. Make sure
13:00that you're not missing out on any of those upcoming videos. First though you can do it
13:04all if you like this video hit it with a like. If you guys don't want to stick around for more
13:08reviews of Walking Dead then make sure you hit that subscribe and make sure of course you turn
13:12on the bell notification. As always thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
