• 2 months ago
Episod 780 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 31 Januari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 27-28) Halaman 224

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 27-28 halaman 224 ini adalah:
* Pendustaan kaum Nabi Nuh terhadap ajaran yang dibawa oleh Baginda AS (27)
* Balasan hujah Nabi Nuh AS terhadap kaum kafir (28)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 27-28 halaman 224:
* Jangan merendah-rendahkan orang lain hanya kerana miskin dan hina (27)
* Menjadi seorang pembesar yang sentiasa merendah diri terhadap kebenaran (27)
* Sentiasalah berdoa agar dikurniakan rahmat dan hidayah daripada Allah SWT (28)

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00:16But when we look at Surah Hud, which provides us with guidance on how to live our lives, Allah brings to us
00:23Apakah chabaran apabila kita ingin mengajak rakan-rakan orang-orang sekeliling kita untuk menuju kepada
00:30Kebaikan dan kebenaran kita ikuti diskusi dalam episode kali ini
01:23Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala
01:35Shadadillah, ilah illallah, shadadina muhammadan, abduhu wa rasuluh, allahumma salli ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
01:42amma ba'du
01:43Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdul
02:23suro asada
02:25Javatan kastan diraja Malaysia Putrajaya assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
02:34Assalamu alaikum
02:43Ahlan wa sahlan pada semua dan juga pada grup istiqamah yang berada di studio yang berada di rumah mari sam-sama kita mulakan dengan do'a subhanakallah
02:50a'ilma lana illa ma'allam tana innaka antala alimul hakim rabbi zidni a'ilma amin ya rabbala amin
02:58kita saksikan apakah ringkasan bagi dua ayat pada hari ini
03:01yaitu pada ayat yang ke-27 pendustaan kaum nabi nuh terhadap ajaran yang dibawakan oleh baginda nabi nuh alaihissalam
03:10dan diikuti pada ayat yang ke-28 balasan hujah nabi nuh terhadap kaum yang tidak bersyukur yang kufur kepada wahyu daripada Allah
03:19mari sam-sama kita membaca dua ayat ini terlebih dahulu dipimpin Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi Abdul Rahman silakan
03:25makasih Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi Abdul Rahman silakan
03:27assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh alhamdulillah
03:30salatu wassalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala
03:34Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala ali sayyidina Muhammad
03:37ayahnya dan bonda tuan dan perempuan muslimin dan muslimat sahabat Al-Quran
03:41kasihidah rahmat Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
03:43pekhabar hari ini alhamdulillah sihat semua alhamdulillah
03:47dikurniakan oleh Allah kesihatan yang terbaik
03:49untuk kita memperbaiki dan meneruskan ibadah kita kepada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
03:55amin ya rabbal alamin
03:57kita berada di penghujung halaman 224
04:00hari ini kita berada di dua ayat
04:02ayat 27 dan ayat yang ke 28
04:05jadi untuk bacaan permulaan ini sebelum kita ikuti tadabur
04:09belajar kita tadabur hari ini
04:11kita baca dulu dua ayat
04:13ayat 27 dan 28 menggunakan permulaan dengan taranum bayyati
04:18taranum apa ibu ayah sekalian?
04:22mari kita dengar dan kita gemarkan studio kita
04:26dan di rumah bang kali kita sama-sama baca
04:29ayat 27 dan 28
04:43ayat 28
05:13ayat 29
05:43ayat 30
06:13ayat 31
06:43seruqallahul'azim kita bacaan ayat yang ke 27 dan 28
06:46daripada surah Hud
06:48surah yang membekalkan panduan untuk istiqamah
06:50dalam kita ingin istiqamah dalam hidup kita
06:53Allah bawakan penghujahan di dalam Al-Quran ini
06:56daripada atas, daripada belakang, daripada depan
06:59ini yang kita belajar nanti pada surah yang ke 36
07:02surah Yasin
07:03yaitu daripada atas, Quran maksudnya
07:05daripada wahyu Allah beritahu
07:07tetapi ada juga penghujahan dalam Quran ini
07:09daripada depan apabila Allah bawakan
07:11sesuatu yang boleh kita perhatikan
07:13daripada matahari, bulan, fenomena yang berlaku
07:15dalam kehidupan kita
07:17dan kalau daripada belakang
07:19Allah bawakan sejarah
07:21Allah bawakan kisah sejarah Nabi Nuh pada ayat ini
07:23apabila dalam episode sebelum ini
07:25Nabi Nuh menyatakan bahwa
07:27aku memberi khabar amaran
07:29yang jelas nyata
07:31maka balasan daripada Malak
07:33pembesar-pembesar pada waktu itu pada ayat 28
07:35فَقَالَ الْمَلَأُ الَّذِي نَكَفَرُ
07:37pembesar yang kufur itu
07:39daripada kaumnya
07:41مَنَرَوْكَ إِلَّا بَشَرًا مِثْلَنَا
07:43yaitu kami ni takdelah
07:45nampak kamu ni macam
07:47manusi biasa je, takde special pun
07:49lebih kurang begitulah perkataan daripada
07:51pembesar-pembesar tersebut
07:53dan lebih daripada itu mereka kata
07:55وَمَنَرَوْكَ تَبْعَكَ
07:57إِلَّا الَّذِي نَهُمْ
08:01dan kami melihat yang ikut kamu ni adalah
08:03orang yang low class
08:05orang yang tak berapa
08:07tak kaya
08:09ataupun cara berfikir mereka ni
08:11low class, ini istilahnya
08:15dan mereka tambah lagi
08:17mereka kutuk lah sekarang, dia kata apa
08:19بَدِيَ رَعِي
08:21yaitu bada'ah
08:23ni maksudnya mula kan
08:25benda yang macam
08:29jadi dia kata bahawa pendapat mereka ni
08:31mereka ni adalah orang yang
08:33berfikir rendah, yang short sighted
08:35yang entah apa-apa
08:37berfikiran singkat, mereka kutuk lagi
08:39dan lebih daripada itu mereka mengatakan
08:41وَمَنَرَوْكُمْ عَلَيْنَا مِنْ فَضَلِ
08:43kami tak nampak apa-apa pun
08:45yang kelebihan pada kamu ini
08:47berbandingkan kami, kami ni pembesar
08:49kaya, berfikir bagus
08:51belajar tinggi
08:53بَلْنَرُنُكُمْ كَرِبِين
08:55kami rasa kamu ni penipu je
08:57bertubi-tubi kan, ya, dikutuknya kepada
08:59Nabi Nuh Alayhi Salam
09:01dan juga kepada pengikut-pengikut
09:03Nabi Nuh. Apa yang kita belajar daripada sini
09:05bercakap tentang istikamah dalam hidup kita
09:07bersedialah ada orang yang
09:09kutuk kita. Dia kata
09:11macam, eh ini apasal
09:13kalau kita ambil daripada tadi
09:15إِلَّا بَشَرْمِ السَّلَانَةِ
09:17kalau ada lah kita nak bawakan pembaruan dalam organisasi
09:19ataupun anak-anak kita nak buat kebaikan
09:21akan ada orang yang
09:23akan kutuk lah. Dia kata, engkau sama je
09:25belajar dengan aku engkau dulu
09:27dia akan pandang sini sebegitu
09:29maka bila kita membaca ayat ini
09:31menjadi terapi, menjadi
09:33syifah kepada hati kita
09:35kuatkan semangat untuk bersama
09:37kebaikan dan kebenaran. Sebagai
09:39mana Nabi Nuh terus sahaja
09:41melakukan tugas, kerana apa?
09:43Kerana yang penting ialah saya beriman
09:45saya beramal salih
09:47dan saya ini terus ingin merendah
09:49diri pada siapa? Kepada Allah
09:51yang kita pernah belajar pada ayat yang
09:53ke-23. Kita berehat sebentar
09:55main Quran time. Quran, Salat, infah
10:01Al Fatiha
10:35Belajari dan dalami kesempurnaan
10:37bacaan mengikut hukumnya
10:39Fahami dan hayati
10:41maksudnya. Amalkan
10:43dan jadikannya sebagai
10:45panduan kehidupan. Bukan hanya kita
10:47belajar kata buruk, bahkan kita
10:49akan belajar tajuid secara mendalam
10:51dan ada segmen hafazan
10:53Saksikan episode baru
10:55My Quran Time 2.0
10:57Setiap hari 12.30
10:59Di TV Sembilan
11:01Juga di saluran SRO 149
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11:31Setiap hari 12.30
11:33Di TV Sembilan
11:35Juga di saluran SRO 149
11:37Setiap hari 12.30
11:39Di TV Sembilan
11:41Juga di saluran SRO 149
11:43Setiap hari 12.30
11:45Di TV Sembilan
11:47Juga di saluran SRO 149
11:49Setiap hari 12.30
11:51Di TV Sembilan
11:53Juga di saluran SRO 149
11:55Setiap hari 12.30
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12:39My Quran Time 2.0
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16:09Next, we will try to read using Taranum Sohbah
16:14We rarely read Sohbah
16:16What is Taranum?
16:20Can we do Sohbah?
16:22Let's do Sohbah
16:24InshaAllah we can do it together
16:26Taranum Sohbah
16:28I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
16:31So the leaders of those who disbelieved among his people said,
16:40We do not see you except as a human being like us,
16:57and we do not see you following you except as those who are the closest to us in opinion.
17:12And we do not see you as a favor to us, but we think you are liars.
17:30Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
17:36InshaAllah, Nazim, we have read the 27th verse
17:39If we pay attention in this verse, there are several times of the use of the word Ara
17:44Ara means I see or we see
17:49In the first line of the 27th verse, there is the word Menarak
17:54Then Wemenarak, the second line
17:57Then in the third line, Arra'yi
18:01Then Wemenarak
18:03And there are at least four
18:05What I want to say is that the people who are against the truth brought by Prophet Noah,
18:12they just follow their own opinion
18:14I see Nara' according to my opinion
18:18And with that opinion, what kind of glasses does he see?
18:22Physical glasses
18:24He sees him as a poor person
18:26Arra'zi luna
18:28Your followers are all low class
18:30He sees people with glasses that do not reflect the revelation of Allah Almighty
18:39So in our lives, we do not just look at people
18:43For example, in Malaysia, we have visitors from outside
18:51Or sometimes we see a beggar
18:54The beggar, if we see
18:56The mother and father need to teach their children not to look at the beggar
19:01If people like this, this is rich, this is a great person
19:04Sometimes he gets it
19:05Then he looks at other people like that
19:07Don't look at people who wear like this
19:11It must be okay
19:13And people who sit on the side of the road or have no money, poor as a low class person
19:19Because of what?
19:20Because the value of someone's dignity is based on righteousness
19:26Not based on how he wears it
19:29Or his money, his car, his house
19:33And these things need to be paid attention to
19:36If not, then we will see
19:38Okay, if someone is impressive like this, I will honor him
19:42It turns out this person scammed us
19:44This person is the one who will deceive us
19:48You win, you scratch and you win
19:51This is the first prize
19:54Scratch again
19:55But to get the second prize, this Mercedes car
19:57You have to pay a deposit of 50,000
20:00There are people who get it
20:02And this is because of the way they look
20:05That is what we learn from this verse 27
20:09Or those who oppose Prophet Noah
20:13Because the way they look at it is materialism
20:18That verse refers to physical things
20:21And more than that, if we pay attention to the words
20:25At the end of verse 27
20:27What does it mean?
20:29You are short-sighted
20:31Those who oppose Prophet Noah
20:33He said other people are short-sighted
20:35Because Prophet Noah just preached
20:37Immediately believe
20:38But they forgot
20:39You are the one who is stubborn
20:41You are stubborn because you do not change quickly
20:44That's why sometimes there are people among you
20:47Listening to religious speeches
20:48Immediately impressed and changed
20:51And there are people who are curious
20:53Since when has the Quran changed?
20:56Want to be an ustazah
20:57For example
20:58If there is someone who says that
21:00Let people be like that
21:02Because people like this
21:04He himself is stubborn
21:05That's why it's slow to change
21:07Let us change
21:08If it is on the basis of truth
21:11When people who are
21:13The term ulul alba
21:14For example, people who have learned something
21:16He sometimes gets a moment
21:18Like Saidina Umar
21:19He just heard Surah Tauha
21:21Verses 1 to 12
21:22His younger brother
21:23At first he slapped his sister
21:25Then when he read
21:27He changed
21:28Meet the Prophet
21:29Continue to believe in the Prophet
21:32He didn't wait
21:33Wait a minute
21:34Think first
21:35Two or three years
21:36Just want to change
21:37Later it will be late
21:38It's over at custom
21:39Then I want to change
21:41He just took action
21:43Because that's the person
21:45Who is truly honest
21:47To the truth
21:48Bringing to the word
21:49Choice for this episode
21:51We witness
21:52The word is
21:53Fa'ummiyyat alaikum nulzimukumuha
21:57We pay attention to the word
22:00From the word Amma
22:01Amma means
22:03Blind or deaf
22:0533 times
22:06It is mentioned in Al-Quran
22:07Appears in Surah Al-Ma'idah
22:09Surah Tauha
22:10Surah Al-Qasas
22:11Which shows that
22:12There is a truth that comes
22:14But there are some people
22:15He was blinded
22:17Or blinded
22:19From accepting the truth
22:21That's why it's late
22:22Everyone else has changed
22:24Get to hear the Quran
22:25Learn Tazkirah from Ustaz
22:27He is still the old style
22:29Still the old style
22:32He was blinded
22:34And also
22:35Blinded from the truth
22:37What is the reason?
22:38We will discuss in a moment
22:40We take a break for a while
22:41With Quran Time
22:42Quran Salah infah
22:59Quran Salah infah
23:30Quran Salah infah
23:32Quran Salah infah
23:34Quran Salah infah
23:36Quran Salah infah
23:38Quran Salah infah
23:40Quran Salah infah
23:43From Him we receive
23:48And His recitation is a sustenance
23:55The most
23:56Even if there is
23:57The most important in the hadith
23:58Prophet Muhammad SAW
24:00One thing
24:03We just know
24:04Not tonight
24:05So we didn't know that night
24:08If we use the verse of the Quran
24:10What does salam mean?
24:11The problem is, calmness is different for everyone.
24:15Some people are not calm.
24:18It's not that the night is calm or not calm.
24:21The sign from the Quran is just a greeting.
24:23But in the hadith, the only hadith that tells about the sign is,
24:27the next morning, the sun is not too bright.
24:31And the atmosphere in the next morning,
24:34when the sun is bright,
24:36is not too hot and not too cold.
24:39It's moderate and comfortable.
24:41That's all in the hadith.
24:43That's the only sign that we can know.
24:45What does it mean?
24:46It means that we can only know that the night is calm,
24:49after it has passed.
24:50Not when it has passed.
24:52Like tonight, let's WhatsApp a friend.
25:09Allahumma salli ala muhammad
25:35Ṭibbi l-qulūb wa dawā'iha
25:41wa ʿafiyati l-abdāni wa ʿashifā'iha
25:48wa nūri l-abṣāri wa ḍiyā'iha
25:57wa ʿalā alihi wa sahbihi
26:04wa barik wa sallim
26:09Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad
26:11wa ala alihi Sayyidina Muhammad
26:14Zikr Salawat that can be practiced.
26:17Ṭibbi l-qulūb wa dawā'iha
26:20To take care of our heart and soul.
26:22In addition, to take care of our heart,
26:26so that we don't see things with our eyes.
26:35This is actually how Allah described the story of Prophet Noah
26:40as a guidance to Prophet Muhammad SAW
26:44and to us as a nation of Prophets
26:46to follow the Prophet, to follow the Prophet's struggle
26:49if we want to teach people to do good.
26:51If someone responds negatively,
26:54then when we pray for a while,
26:56we remember that the Prophet will not be disappointed.
26:59He will not give up.
27:01Indeed, the people of Mecca were cursed by the Prophet.
27:03Your followers are low class.
27:05He said that.
27:07Umayyah bin Khalaf was just a balloon to Bilal
27:11or to many others,
27:13from Sumayyah to Shahid.
27:15And that did not cause the Prophet to stop his struggle.
27:20He continued to remain calm.
27:22Because the important thing is that if I am right,
27:25I will continue my struggle.
27:26If what we bring is the truth.
27:29And in the previous salawat,
27:31Ṭibbi l-qulūb wa dawā'iha
27:33So in the salawat,
27:35sometimes people are confused.
27:36They think that the Prophet can give tips to himself.
27:41Actually, we do the salawat.
27:43And then we ask Allah to heal us,
27:46to give us medicine.
27:47What else?
27:48Ṭibbi l-qulūb wa dawā'iha
27:50To give light to our hearts.
27:53So that our souls always have positive words.
27:58When we get light.
27:59Like we read Surah Al-Kahfi,
28:008 days later, we get light in the Prophet's hadith.
28:02So that week,
28:05no matter what problem we have,
28:07if there is someone who is toxic,
28:08a poison enters our body,
28:09it becomes positive again.
28:11There is no one who does not give toxins.
28:14People just say a little.
28:16I want to share a little.
28:17What is this sharing?
28:18It is very good.
28:20He became a person who is full of darkness.
28:26Because Allah did not give light to that week.
28:28We want to continue.
28:29How did Prophet Noah
28:31return to the people who cursed him?
28:33The people who cursed Prophet Noah
28:35and his people.
28:36Verse 28.
28:37We read it together with Al-Fatihah.
28:39Thank you, Al-Fatihah.
28:41Ladies and gentlemen,
28:42may Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.
28:44We have reached the 28th verse.
28:48We have tried to be kind.
28:50Then we tried to be patient.
28:54We want to read this 28th verse.
28:57We use the word Sikah.
29:00Taranum Sikah.
29:03Not the hair.
29:04This is Sikah.
29:06Let's try.
29:07Verse 28.
29:27Surah Al-Fatihah.
29:57Surah Al-Fatihah.
30:28Surah Al-Fatihah.
30:36May Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.
30:37We read the 28th verse.
30:39Prophet Noah responded to a few curses.
30:43He had a negative response from his people
30:45which was stated in the 27th verse.
30:48In our lives,
30:49there are only those who will question
30:52about what good agenda we want to bring.
30:55That is normal.
30:56More than that,
30:57do we have to keep quiet?
30:59Just keep quiet.
31:00It's okay.
31:01I don't want to.
31:02Or do we break up?
31:03That's enough.
31:04It's over.
31:05After Friday,
31:06or next Saturday,
31:07I don't want to anymore.
31:09I don't want to keep quiet.
31:10I don't want to disturb people.
31:11I can only take care of my personal affairs.
31:14Is that so?
31:15That is not the practice of the prophets.
31:17The Prophet Noah continued to respond.
31:20Qala ya qawmi.
31:22O my people.
31:23What did we learn from this verse?
31:26Even though he was cursed,
31:27the Prophet Noah still said,
31:29O my people.
31:30He didn't say,
31:31O my people.
31:32He didn't say that.
31:33He responded with love.
31:36Because it's not that the Prophet Noah
31:39taught them to be enemies
31:41if they didn't want to.
31:44he was like a father.
31:45When a father teaches his son
31:47not to wake up in the morning,
31:49he didn't say,
31:50O my son,
31:51it's too late.
31:52Whose son is this?
31:53It's his son.
31:55if he said,
31:56it's too late,
31:57I'll go to hell.
31:59this didn't come from
32:00the urge to preach
32:01full of love.
32:03when we get closer to the Al-Quran,
32:06you may have read
32:07Surah 55, right?
32:11The one who teaches the Al-Quran
32:12is Al-Rahman,
32:13the one who loves.
32:15if a person is close to the Al-Quran,
32:17he must love.
32:19When the teaching is
32:21proven with the word,
32:22ya qawmi,
32:23we see in Surah Yasin,
32:24it's the same,
32:25ya qawmi as well.
32:26There is a person
32:27who has to spit, right?
32:28Until he is martyred.
32:30we are not looking at
32:32the stubborn person
32:33with hatred.
32:35directly with love.
32:37That is the spirit
32:38when it is
32:39with the revelation.
32:41if there is someone,
32:42a mother, a father, a leader,
32:43when they teach
32:44in the direction of goodness,
32:46they get angry
32:47at the stubborn person
32:49or don't understand,
32:52there is something lacking
32:53in the interaction
32:54with the Quran.
32:55It's impossible.
32:56It's impossible.
32:58If we want to say,
32:59we have to be rough,
33:00Allah is more worthy
33:01to be rough with us.
33:02Allah is Al-Aziz.
33:03We are not good at reading,
33:05we don't understand Surah Hud.
33:07It's been a long time
33:08that our eyes
33:09have been swollen like that.
33:12there are eyes
33:13who have not understood
33:14the eleventh Surah
33:15for 50 years.
33:16It's not that
33:17Allah has given them
33:1850 years of eyesight.
33:20Allah is Al-Hakim.
33:21Allah is the Most Wise.
33:23Allah is the One
33:24who continuously
33:25gives time to us.
33:28when we see
33:29Allah is good to us,
33:31Prophet Noah is good
33:32to his people,
33:33even though he was cursed,
33:34Prophet Muhammad
33:35was good to his people,
33:37we should also
33:38give space.
33:41Prophet Noah said,
33:45What's your opinion?
33:46What's your opinion
33:47if I am based on
33:48the true evidence
33:49from Allah
33:50and I am given
33:52from His side?
33:53Mercy is
33:55It is given
33:56to the Prophet,
33:57it is given
33:58to Allah,
33:59it is given
34:00to the Imam and Islam.
34:01That is the word
34:02from Imam Qurtubi.
34:03Allah gave
34:04love to me.
34:09it was presented
34:10to you.
34:13Prophet Noah told
34:14in a general way,
34:15if I get
34:17I get
34:19from Allah,
34:20but if you
34:21are the same,
34:25are we
34:26forcing you?
34:27Can we
34:28force you?
34:30the way people
34:31look at us,
34:32we can't force them.
34:33We can't force them.
34:34He said,
34:35I don't see you
34:37what was
34:38cursed in
34:39verse 27.
34:40Prophet Noah said,
34:41I can't force you.
34:42I was given
34:44I can't force you
34:45to be given
34:48Prophet Noah said,
34:49even though
34:50you actually
34:51hate me,
34:52but what can
34:53I do?
34:54Prophet Noah's
34:55initial words
34:58Prophet Noah
34:59did not
35:00give up.
35:02at the same time,
35:03if people
35:04don't give up,
35:06they want to
35:07give back.
35:09Prophet Noah
35:10gave back
35:11with full
35:13and love
35:14in general.
35:15In general.
35:16The details
35:17are what we
35:18learn from
35:19the beginning
35:20of Surah Hud.
35:21We learn
35:22the first verse.
35:23If you look at
35:24Surah 221,
35:25Alif Lam Rok,
35:26Kitabun Uhkimat
35:27Ayatuhu Thumma
35:29In Al-Quran,
35:30there is
35:32which is
35:34It is concise
35:35in its terminology.
35:37the second is
35:39which is
35:42the way
35:43we talk
35:44to people
35:45is the same.
35:46Don't say,
35:48we don't have
35:49enough time.
35:50Don't say that.
35:51We give the easy
35:52ones first.
35:54we detail them.
35:56that makes
35:57it easier
35:58for people
35:59to receive
36:01from a leader,
36:02from a mother,
36:03a father,
36:04a preacher.
36:05Let's take a break
36:06for now.
36:07Quran Time.
36:08Quran Salat.
36:09If Allah wills it.
36:16Quran Salat.
36:17If Allah wills it.
36:18Quran Salat.
36:19If Allah wills it.
36:20Quran Salat.
36:21If Allah wills it.
36:22Quran Salat.
36:23If Allah wills it.
36:24Quran Salat.
36:25If Allah wills it.
36:26Quran Salat.
36:27If Allah wills it.
36:28Quran Salat.
36:29If Allah wills it.
36:30Quran Salat.
36:31If Allah wills it.
36:32Quran Salat.
36:33If Allah wills it.
36:34Quran Salat.
36:35If Allah wills it.
36:36Quran Salat.
36:37If Allah wills it.
36:38Quran Salat.
36:39If Allah wills it.
36:40Quran Salat.
36:41If Allah wills it.
36:42Quran Salat.
36:43If Allah wills it.
36:44Quran Salat.
36:45If Allah wills it.
36:46Quran Salat.
36:47If Allah wills it.
36:48Quran Salat.
36:49If Allah wills it.
36:50Quran Salat.
36:51If Allah wills it.
36:52Quran Salat.
36:53If Allah wills it.
36:54Quran Salat.
36:55If Allah wills it.
36:56Quran Salat.
36:57If Allah wills it.
36:58Quran Salat.
36:59If Allah wills it.
37:00Quran Salat.
37:01If Allah wills it.
37:02Quran Salat.
37:03If Allah wills it.
37:04Quran Salat.
37:05If Allah wills it.
37:06Quran Salat.
37:07If Allah wills it.
37:08Quran Salat.
37:09If Allah wills it.
37:10Quran Salat.
37:11If Allah wills it.
37:12Quran Salat.
37:13If Allah wills it.
37:14Quran Salat.
37:15If Allah wills it.
37:16Quran Salat.
37:17If Allah wills it.
37:18Quran Salat.
37:19If Allah wills it.
37:20Quran Salat.
37:21If Allah wills it.
37:22Quran Salat.
37:23If Allah wills it.
37:24This is the song that we should install in our expatriate families too.
37:25Do you remember the hadith which was related by Rufah.
37:26He said Allah has blessed a man that he kept him away from while he sat making sufi the night
37:28Allah Almighty blessed a man who started to stand up at night to wake up his wife.
37:35If his wife is having a hard time waking up, in the hadith it is said,
37:39It means that he sprinkled a little water on his wife to wake her up at night.
37:44Like that.
37:45If it was my father, no.
37:46He sprinkled water on her.
37:47On the bed.
37:48It means that she was half-asleep.
37:51He sprinkled water on her.
37:52If it was Qiyamullah, it means that she could still be awake.
37:57Because Rasulullah prayed for the mercy of Allah.
38:00Rasulullah said,
38:01May Allah have mercy on him.
38:03Allah Almighty blessed a man who started to stand up at night to wake up his wife and children.
38:08That is why we should pay attention to Sayyidina Umar and Sayyidina Abu Hurairah.
38:12People who sleep in their homes should pay attention to them.
38:15They are the companions who started to stand up at night to wake up their family members.
38:26Alhamdulillah, we meet again.
38:54In Quran Time.
38:55Before we continue,
38:57we would like to look at the data obtained from the 28th verse.
39:01We would like to look at the sharp words.
39:06Sharp words.
39:07Or our choice of words.
39:08For us to refine and beautify our reading.
39:13The words that we would like to choose,
39:15our focus,
39:16among them,
39:17in the 27th verse,
39:18we would like you to pay attention to the word,
39:22min fadlin.
39:24Have you found it?
39:25wa ma nara lakum alaina min fadlin bal nazunnukum kathibin
39:38Try it.
39:39wa ma nara lakum.
39:41One, two, start.
39:42wa ma nara lakum alaina min fadlin bal nazunnukum kathibin
39:57He said, did you ask me to read it?
40:01I just heard it.
40:03It's okay.
40:05Try to say the word,
40:06min fadlin bal nazunnukum kathibin
40:27That's one.
40:28Fadlin is a word that we need to take care of,
40:30so that it doesn't explode.
40:33Min fadlin.
40:34Min fadlin.
40:35That's one.
40:36After that,
40:38Try it.
40:40One more.
40:42We say,
40:44At the bottom,
40:45the tip of the tongue comes out a little.
40:47It's the same with kathibin.
40:48The tip of the tongue comes out a little.
40:51The tip of the tongue comes out a little.
40:52It's the same with kathibin.
40:53The tip of the tongue comes out a little.
40:57So, those are the two words
40:58that we need to pay attention to
41:00or pay attention to
41:01for the verses of this episode.
41:03God willing.
41:05Thank you, Ruchak Khan.
41:06To Fadhil Ustaz Tanwezi,
41:07we saw the correct way of reading.
41:10And besides that,
41:11we also hope that this correct reading
41:13is followed with the correct understanding.
41:15Because we are more and more committed
41:17to the verses that come from the Quran.
41:20And in the 28th verse just now,
41:22it was stated that
41:23the Prophet Noah was given Bayinah.
41:25There are two meanings, Ustaz.
41:26One, Bayinah is the Quran
41:28in this era.
41:30At that time, it was Wahyu.
41:31But the second one,
41:32Bayinah refers to the fitrah
41:34that is in the self
41:35that is given by Allah
41:37from my Lord
41:38which is stated in this verse.
41:39So, in ourselves,
41:41there is fitrah that can distinguish
41:43between the right and the wrong.
41:45That's why people commit sins, Ustaz.
41:47If people receive blasphemy
41:48or if they do not follow the rules,
41:50there will be blasphemy.
41:52Blasphemy actually happened
41:54to Prophet Adam peace be upon him.
41:56But if we ignore it,
41:58if we deny it,
41:59in the end, the blasphemy
42:01will be less sensitive.
42:06That's why if we commit
42:08a mistake or a sin,
42:10we have to quickly admit it
42:12and repent.
42:14If we do it,
42:15there is nothing.
42:16It's okay.
42:17It's normal to commit blasphemy.
42:18It will cause normalization.
42:20It will become normal
42:21and in the end,
42:22the sin will no longer spread.
42:25In fact, it will become
42:26a professional sinner.
42:28If it's blasphemy,
42:29it's just like that for a long time.
42:31They give money
42:32with all kinds of excuses.
42:35Because it's already professional.
42:36It no longer feels like it's spreading.
42:38It feels guilty when it's done.
42:40In fact, if it doesn't commit blasphemy,
42:41it feels like it's spreading.
42:43It feels like it doesn't affect its life.
42:45This person's heart
42:47has already been covered
42:49by black spots.
42:52So, one is fitrah
42:54and the second is
42:55wa'atani rahmatan bin andih.
42:57Prophet Noah was given
42:58prophethood and mercy
43:00from Allah,
43:01one of the prophets.
43:02Mercy for us is
43:04the Quran.
43:06So, fitrah and the Quran
43:08are combined.
43:09If it can be appreciated,
43:12in the end,
43:13we will respond.
43:14That is what was responded by
43:16the people of Prophet Noah.
43:18for the elders at that time,
43:20fa'ummiyat alaikum
43:22anul zimukumuha.
43:24That is,
43:25if they deny,
43:29and make fun of the truth,
43:31in the end,
43:32they will become
43:33people who are
43:34ungrateful to fitrah.
43:36Fitrah is like
43:37if the glass is already
43:40And also,
43:41whatever revelation comes,
43:43it does not give love.
43:46It does not feel that
43:47this is a proof of love
43:50from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
43:52What is the lesson for us?
43:53That is,
43:54when we get fitrah,
43:56when we look for the Quran,
43:59the impression is
44:00that it will further
44:01clarify our lives.
44:03And let us not
44:05Blaspheme or
44:06we blind
44:08Rahmat and Bayinah
44:09by doing things
44:11like the 27th verse
44:13of the Quran,
44:14blaspheme people
44:15or prevent people
44:16from doing good
44:18that was explained
44:19in the 19th verse
44:20before this.
44:22And Nabi Nuh said,
44:24anul zimukumuha
44:25wa antum lahaka rihun
44:27One is,
44:28did we force you
44:29to accept it?
44:30That is,
44:31Nabi Nuh said,
44:33we cannot force you
44:35because we do not have
44:37The second is,
44:38we are not
44:42Until they said,
44:43you want us
44:44to be your followers,
44:45we are not that desperate.
44:46But because of
44:47Allah's love for us,
44:49we love for you
44:50to follow the path
44:52of Rahmah
44:53to reach Allah.
44:55This brings us to
44:56the resolution
44:57for this episode.
44:58Let us see.
44:59The first is,
45:00do not belittle
45:01other people
45:02just because they are
45:05low in status.
45:06Because in the end,
45:07status and also
45:08our wealth
45:09will run out.
45:10That is the first.
45:11The second is,
45:12be a grown-up
45:13who is always
45:14humble in front of
45:15the truth.
45:16Because when you
45:17become an adult,
45:18a grown-up,
45:19with high power,
45:21and so on,
45:22at that time,
45:23ego is easy.
45:24At that time,
45:25everyone is
45:26a yes-boss.
45:27But we must remember
45:28that Allah
45:29is still
45:31The third is,
45:32always pray
45:33to be given
45:34Rahmah and guidance
45:35from Allah.
45:36Because our life
45:37is without Rahmah.
45:38We have to pay
45:39our oxygen,
45:40our heart.
45:41Entering IJN,
45:42we have to pay.
45:43Only then do we know
45:44the bill.
45:45What else?
45:46If we reach heaven,
45:47we have to pay
45:48to enter heaven.
45:49It is not paid.
45:50Except with
45:51Rahmah from Allah.
45:52We pray at the end
45:53so that Allah
45:54will continue to
45:55give us Rahmah.
45:56I seek refuge with Allah
45:57from the accursed Satan.
45:58In the name of Allah,
45:59the Beneficent, the Merciful.
46:01All praise is due to Allah,
46:02the Lord of the worlds.
46:03And peace and blessings
46:04be upon the most honored
46:05of the prophets
46:06and messengers,
46:07and upon his family
46:08and all his companions.
46:10O Allah,
46:11O Allah,
46:12O Beneficent,
46:13O Merciful.
46:14Forgive us our sins,
46:15O Allah.
46:16Forgive us our sins,
46:17O Beneficent,
46:18O Merciful.
46:19Forgive us the sins
46:20of our mother and father,
46:21our mother and father-in-law,
46:22our Muslims,
46:25and all his companions.
46:26O Allah,
46:27O Allah,
46:28O Beneficent,
46:29O Merciful.
46:30O Allah,
46:31O Beneficent,
46:32O Merciful.
46:33O Allah,
46:34O Beneficent,
46:35O Merciful.
46:36O Allah,
46:37O Beneficent,
46:38O Merciful.
46:39O Allah,
46:40O Beneficent,
46:41O Merciful.
46:42O Allah,
46:43O Beneficent,
46:44O Merciful.
46:45O Allah,
46:46O Beneficent,
46:47O Merciful.
46:48O Allah,
46:49O Beneficent,
46:50O Merciful.
46:51O Allah,
46:52O Beneficent,
46:53O Merciful.
46:54O Allah,
46:55O Beneficent,
46:56O Merciful.
46:57walhamdulillahi rabbil'alamin
47:00taqwabbarallahu wa'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
47:27May Quran Time, Quran, Salat, Ifaak, Inshallah
47:57wa'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
48:27wa'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
48:57wa'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
