• 2 months ago
Episod 773 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 24 Januari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 11-12) Halaman 222

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 11-12 halaman 222 ini adalah:
* Ganjaran bagi orang yang istiqamah melaksanakan amal soleh (11)
* Pertikaian golongan Musyrik terhadap sifat Rasulullah SAW (12)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 11-12 halaman 222:
* Berusaha untuk mendapatkan keampunan Allah dengan istiqamah melaksanakan amal soleh (11)
* Bersabar dan berjiwa besar ketika berhadapan dengan orang yang jahil (12)
* Abaikan kata-kata negatif dan terus sampaikan dakwah (12)

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00:00Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Alif Lam Amr
00:19Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Alif Lam Amr
00:34Thalika al-kitabu la rayba fihi hudal lil-muttaqin
00:55Dear Muslims,
00:57Rasulullah s.a.w. often reminds us and gives us advice
01:03to stay away from hell and the path of taqwa.
01:09And among the meanings of taqwa, which has been explained by the scholars,
01:14is to take shelter.
01:16Haven't we heard the hadith of the Prophet s.a.w. that
01:19takutlah kamu kepada neraka walaupun bersedekah dengan separuh biji tamar
01:28So, Allah s.w.t. tells us to take shelter for ourselves from hell
01:37even though we are blessed with half of the seed of tamar.
01:49A'udhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim
02:17Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
02:25ila allatheena sabaru wa amilu s-salihati
02:37wa a'laika lahum maghfiratun wa ajarun kabeer
02:56Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
02:58wa alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala
03:02ashadu anna ilayhi wallah wa ashadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh
03:05Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba'duhu
03:10How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
03:12We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfah
03:15Today, we would like to discuss two verses
03:18The 11th verse and the 12th verse from Surah Hud
03:22The 11th verse that gives us a direct guidance in our lives
03:26And today, we will read these two verses together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi
03:30How are you, Ustaz?
03:31Alhamdulillah, I am fine, how are you?
03:33Yesterday, your voice sounded a little sick
03:36Today, it is a little better
03:38I have to read a lot today
03:40And we have a guest from Tahfiz
03:43Alhamdulillah, in front of us, we have the youth of Al-Quran
03:48Masha'Allah, this is a young man
03:50We would like to give birth to a young man who grew up with Al-Quran
03:56We would like to welcome you
04:00We would like to welcome some of our guests who came to our session
04:04The first one is from Pondok Modern Tahfiz Idrisi
04:09Bagan Datuk
04:11He is from Perak
04:13And the second one is from Jemaah Cinta'i Al-Quran
04:17The name itself is cool
04:19Jemaah Cinta'i Al-Quran Teluk Intan Ismail
04:23Where they came together with their teachers
04:27Who came to our studio
04:29Masha'Allah, may Allah bless them
04:31And Alhamdulillah, the second one is
04:33We would like to welcome you again
04:35I think we just met a while ago
04:37It turns out that yesterday and today, you are here again
04:39He is from Kurulatul Ain Kuang
04:43He is from Sungai Buluh Selangor
04:45How are you all, the audience in the studio?
04:47How are you?
04:51We would like to welcome you to the Istiqamah group
04:53Who are in the studio, who are at home
04:55To continue reading the Quran together today
04:58We ask Allah to continue to give us knowledge and wisdom
05:01With the Dua'a of Allah SWT
05:09Let's see what are the summary of the two verses today
05:13That is in the 11th verse today
05:15We will see the way for those who are steadfast in performing good deeds
05:20We will see in the 12th verse
05:22The difference between the polytheists and the Prophet Muhammad SAW
05:27Let's read these two verses together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi
05:31Alhamdulillah, thank you Fadhil Ustaz Fazru
05:34For the introduction
05:36The beginning that we can see together
05:38The importance for those who are steadfast
05:41In the 11th verse
05:43Hopefully, we can read it with the hope that
05:45Allah SWT will give us
05:47A very difficult thing
05:49That is Istiqamah
05:52And let's read together
05:54In the beginning, the 11th and 12th verses
05:56Only two verses
05:57There are at least four lines
05:59For us to focus together
06:01For us to live
06:03Words for words
06:05For us to complete
06:07For us to put into our souls
06:10Let's listen and live together
06:12I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
06:15In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
06:27Except for those who are steadfast and perform righteous deeds
06:38Those will have forgiveness
06:52Except for those who are steadfast and perform righteous deeds
07:02Those will have forgiveness and a great reward
07:22So perhaps you will leave some of that which is revealed to you
07:39And your breast will be straitened by it
07:47As if they were saying
07:51Why has not a treasure been revealed to him
08:03As if they were saying
08:11Why has not a treasure been revealed to him
08:23Or an angel come with him
08:31You are only a warner
08:42You are only a warner
08:57You are only a warner
09:08And Allah is the Guardian over all things
09:26Peace be upon you
09:27Peace be upon you
09:28That was the recitation of verses 11-12 from Surah Hud
09:31To be a solution to the character of a human being
09:36Which was discussed in the previous episode
09:38In verses 9-10
09:40When it was said about a human being
09:42He was given mercy
09:43His mercy was withdrawn
09:44He was moved for a while
09:45At that time, that person
09:47Lost hope and disbelief
09:49Towards Allah SWT
09:51And when he was given a blessing
09:54After facing difficulties in his life
09:57What happened?
09:58He felt that he had forgotten
10:01That it was a blessing from Allah
10:03And so he was overjoyed
10:06Overjoyed and arrogant in his life
10:09So how can we avoid
10:11Such a character
10:13Allah brought in the 11th verse
10:15Except for those who are patient
10:17And do good
10:19They are the ones who receive
10:21Great forgiveness and mercy
10:23From Allah SWT
10:25Why is it related to patience?
10:27Usually it is
10:28Except for those who are patient
10:30And do good
10:31But in this verse
10:32Except for those who are patient
10:34We will discuss the answer
10:35We will take a break
10:36We will come back next time
10:37Quran Salah Jum'ah
10:57Quran Salah Jum'ah
11:18Recite in the name of your Lord who created
11:26The content of the Quran in My Quran Time
11:29Every day at 12.30pm
11:31On TV9
11:33And Astro 149
11:36Quran Salah Infah
11:55Quran Salah Jum'ah
12:25Quran Salah Jum'ah
12:55Quran Salah Jum'ah
13:25Those are the ones who will have forgiveness
13:35And a great reward
13:46We are back in My Quran Time
13:47Quran Salah Jum'ah
13:48We are looking at the 11th and 12th verses
13:51Where the solution for us
13:54Is not to give up easily
13:56And not to be grateful
13:58And arrogant when faced with
14:00Various challenges
14:01Is when Allah says
14:03Except for those who are patient
14:05Which is patience
14:07So when we talk about patience
14:09When we see in Surah Al-Asr
14:11We find
14:12Except for those who are patient
14:13And do good
14:14But here it is put patience
14:16Because in the hadith of the Prophet
14:18It is stated
14:19How amazing it is
14:21About the affairs of a believer
14:23So when this person
14:25Is given
14:26Is given a
14:30Is given a
14:33He will be grateful
14:34And when given
14:36He will be patient
14:37So in the previous verse
14:38It talks about
14:40When there are difficulties
14:42So a believer
14:43When faced with
14:44All those difficulties
14:46He will respond with
14:48With patience
14:49So faith is not just
14:50We say I believe in the Quran
14:52But when the trial comes
14:54We do not resist
14:56With the understanding that
14:57Allah will help me
15:00If I am sick
15:01Allah will heal me
15:02If there is a deficiency in this life
15:05Allah will definitely help me
15:07And when it is safe
15:08We give credit
15:10That praise is returned to Allah SWT
15:13So when we continue to be patient
15:16This patience has an effect on
15:17Those who do good
15:19What does it mean?
15:20If we are not patient in this life
15:22Our deeds are not able to be good
15:25Not able to be good
15:27What does it mean?
15:28For example
15:29If you want to read the Quran
15:30According to my experience
15:31Do you have to be patient?
15:33How to make sure
15:35It is consistent
15:37To read the Quran
15:39That's right
15:40Patience is a very important element
15:43For us to read the Quran
15:44Or we want to remember the Quran
15:46Because when we remember
15:48We forget it here
15:49If we remember it here
15:50We forget it elsewhere
15:51So if there is no patience
15:52To repeat it
15:54The place where we are wrong
15:56Or forget it
15:57It is difficult
15:59That's right
16:00And we have our guest
16:02In our studio today
16:04From PKP
16:06Pantai 1.0
16:08If you want to calculate
16:09Just a lot
16:10Because not to follow
16:12The Quran class
16:14Our brother Ismail
16:16He is patient
16:17With faith
16:18With faith
16:19With the shortcomings
16:20It becomes an advantage
16:22To continue with the Quran
16:24And that as one
16:25An example in our life
16:27We pray for Ismail
16:28To continue to practice
16:30To continue to practice
16:31Because sometimes
16:32When people are sick
16:33When people have no money
16:35When lost patience
16:36Then finally
16:37His actions become uncertain
16:39He easily blames others
16:41He blames
16:45All kinds
16:46And the source
16:47He blames
16:49Allah SWT
16:52This is the solution
16:53How do we
16:54Don't want to be
16:55A mother
16:56A father
16:57Who quickly loses hope
16:58A father
16:59A mother
17:00Who is ungrateful
17:02In verse 9
17:03And a father
17:04A mother
17:05A leader
17:06Who will be arrogant
17:07When it's easy to live
17:08It was difficult
17:09Lose hope
17:10Or not
17:12But when it's easy
17:13He will be arrogant
17:14He forgot that
17:15He used to be an ordinary person
17:16Who has difficulties
17:17In life
17:18And Allah gave
17:19Two guidelines
17:20In this 11th verse
17:21Which is the first
17:22Who is patient
17:24Who is patient
17:25Who continues to do good
17:26Who continues to do good
17:27Who continues to do good
17:28Who continues to do good
17:29Allah promised two things
17:30Allah promised two things
17:32And also
17:33A big guideline
17:35Because when people are patient
17:36Because when people are patient
17:37If in the hadith of the Prophet
17:38If in the hadith of the Prophet
17:39He stated
17:40Not once
17:41A believer
17:43And not a difficulty
17:44And not a difficulty
17:45Not a sadness
17:46Not a sickness
17:47Not a hardship
17:48Not a hardship
17:49Until the root that pierces it
17:50Until the root that pierces it
17:51Except Allah removes
17:52Because part of the sin
17:53Except Allah removes
17:54Because part of the sin
17:55And when it comes to
17:56And when it comes to
17:57This mother
17:58This mother
18:00Why do we need forgiveness
18:01Because if we can
18:02Just go straight
18:03Just go straight
18:04Fast lane
18:05Fast lane
18:06Go straight to heaven
18:07No need to be
18:09When it reaches
18:10In the hereafter
18:11And that is
18:12The importance of the mother
18:13And forgiveness
18:14And secondly
18:15If someone says
18:16I listen to
18:17I listen to
18:18Quran time
18:19I read the Quran
18:20By myself
18:21If my siblings study
18:22If my siblings study
18:23Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:24If my siblings study
18:25Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:26If my siblings study
18:27Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:28If my siblings study
18:29Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:30If my siblings study
18:31Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:32If my siblings study
18:33Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:34If my siblings study
18:35Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:36If my siblings study
18:37Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:38If my siblings study
18:39Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:40If my siblings study
18:41Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:42If my siblings study
18:43Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:44If my siblings study
18:45Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:46If my siblings study
18:47Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:48If my siblings study
18:49Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:50If my siblings study
18:51Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:52If my siblings study
18:53Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:54If my siblings study
18:55Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:56If my siblings study
18:57Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
18:58If my siblings study
18:59Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
19:00If my siblings study
19:01Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
19:02If my siblings study
19:03Tafiz, Idris, Siyah
19:04If my siblings study
19:05So this is the word of spirit from Allah to all of us
19:08in facing various challenges in life
19:11and this leads to the word of choice for this episode
19:15Let's watch
19:16That is
19:17إِلَّا الَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا عَمِلُوا صَالِحًا
19:19From the word of deeds
19:20deeds or work
19:23360 times mentioned in the Quran
19:25appears in Surah Al-An'am
19:27Surah An-Nahl
19:28and Surah Al-Wasyah
19:29So when we understand patience
19:31it comes from faith for example
19:32Faith leads to patience
19:34Faith leads to good
19:35and gratitude leads to good
19:37easy things
19:38then what is the effect?
19:39We know that
19:40if we are patient
19:42take care of our emotions
19:44when facing difficulties
19:46Inshallah we can still pray
19:48we can still read the Quran
19:49But if we are given a problem in life
19:53and if the patience is not based on faith
19:57meaning low patience
19:58then what happens?
19:59There are people who
20:00when they are in a calm state
20:02they are okay
20:03they read the Quran
20:04they speak well
20:05but when there is a problem in life
20:07their faces become gloomy
20:10they don't want to talk to people
20:12Indeed we give them time
20:14to handle the situation
20:16but don't let the relationship between husband and wife
20:18with children
20:19with the community
20:21be affected
20:23Not doing good deeds
20:24due to low patience
20:26which comes from
20:28faith in Allah SWT
20:31We take a break
20:32My Quran Time
20:33Quran Salah
21:48The verse concerning fasting
21:50Ayyaman Ma'dudat
21:52These are just few days
21:54Currently it's already 20 days
21:56We haven't realised it's already 20 days
21:58With that, what we can't do is we can't ignore our time.
22:04We'll be asked about our free time.
22:08The Prophet s.a.w. mentioned two blessings...
22:13...that most people are blessed with.
22:19Sehat means healthy body.
22:22Al-Farah is free time.
22:24When it's night, you don't know what to do.
22:27That's the problem.
22:29Fill your free time with what we mentioned earlier.
22:32Any form of worship, whether it's a special one...
22:35...or a general one, helping Muslims or animals...
22:39...that need our help.
22:41With that, we've filled our time.
22:43What we can't do is we can't ignore our time.
22:54Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
23:14Peace be upon you, Prophet.
23:20Peace be upon you, Messenger.
23:26Peace be upon you, Beloved.
23:32May Allah's blessings be upon you.
23:50While we were talking about patience...
23:53...and how important it is...
23:56...may Allah grant us patience.
23:59I remember one verse, Ustaz Faz.
24:01What was the last surah? I forgot.
24:08But we must remember that patience...
24:11...must be asked from Allah s.w.t...
24:14...in order to be granted patience.
24:17If we look at Surah Al-Baqarah...
24:21...the prayer from the people or the army...
24:25...is to be given patience...
24:28...and to be established in our lives.
24:32Let's go back to the Quran.
24:35Let's go back to verse 11 and 12.
24:37The word patience is very important.
24:40I had a problem here.
24:43I was talking to someone.
24:45He said he was going to pray...
24:48...for a 6th time operation.
24:516th time?
24:52Yes, 6th time.
24:53He had operated 1, 2, 3, 4 times.
24:55This time, 5 times.
24:56And this time, 6 times.
24:58He was going to operate in this area.
25:00In this area.
25:02He said that he was going to operate...
25:05...in a few days.
25:07He said he was ready.
25:09He said that after this, he wouldn't make a sound.
25:12He wouldn't make a sound.
25:14He said that he didn't make a sound.
25:16He said that he still had a sound, but it was painful.
25:18A little less.
25:19It continued.
25:20Okay, okay.
25:21Actually, it is a sign of his patience.
25:23He was still doing well.
25:27He was going to be operated.
25:28He was going to be removed.
25:29And the possibility of making a sound was gone.
25:31Because he was going to do it in this area.
25:33Because it was related to his cancer.
25:36So, in this 11th verse...
25:37...Allah told us about patience...
25:40...and doing good deeds.
25:41This is important.
25:42In life, as a mother and father...
25:44...if we don't have patience...
25:46...or if our patience is weak...
25:48...what will happen?
25:49We won't be able to do good deeds.
25:51And when we knew that Ismail was coming...
25:54...from Perak...
25:55...at first, we wanted to cancel the recording...
25:59...or the session for today.
26:01But when we knew...
26:03...we were a little patient...
26:05...to continue our program for today.
26:11Hopefully, it will be considered as a good deed...
26:14...that was stated in this 11th verse.
26:17And after that, Allah explained to Prophet Muhammad SAW...
26:20...that the patience of the Prophet...
26:22...sometimes was blocked by others.
26:26Let's read the 12th verse together.
26:30Alright, insyaAllah.
26:31Be patient.
26:33If you want to stop, you can stop now.
26:36Alright, let's look at the 12th verse.
26:38Hopefully, it will be given to Prophet Muhammad SAW.
26:41Verse 12.
26:44Let's read it together.
27:08Surah Al-Fatihah.
27:38Surah Al-Fatihah.
28:08Surah Al-Fatihah.
28:38Surah Al-Fatihah.
28:50Surah Al-Fatihah.
28:51We have read the 12th verse.
28:52Allah reminds Prophet Muhammad SAW...
28:54...that when a person is patient...
28:56...and does good deeds...
28:57...he will be given forgiveness...
28:59...and a great reward.
29:01Allah told Prophet Muhammad SAW...
29:03...and told us...
29:05...to continue the struggle...
29:07...to convey the goodness...
29:09...or Dawah of the truth.
29:11Allah said...
29:16...that is...
29:17...you, Prophet Muhammad SAW...
29:19...want to leave a part...
29:20...that we revealed to you...
29:22...and your chest became narrow...
29:24...because they were worried...
29:26...that they will be told...
29:27...why they were not given...
29:29...the blessing...
29:31...or came with angels...
29:33...i.e. the angels.
29:35So, here, actually...
29:36...to refer to Prophet Muhammad SAW...
29:38...that Allah has empathy...
29:40...Allah is compassionate...
29:41...understands that Prophet Muhammad SAW...
29:43...has feelings.
29:44When we are patient...
29:45...a person who is patient...
29:46...does not mean he has no feelings.
29:47He is still...
29:48...if he is sick...
29:49...he is sick.
29:50If he has no money...
29:51...he feels difficult...
29:52...he feels difficult.
29:53So, Allah admits to...
29:55...the feelings of Prophet Muhammad SAW...
29:57...maybe you want to leave...
29:59...mayuha ilaik...
30:01...and also...
30:02...the second one...
30:03...wada'ikum bihi sadruq...
30:05...i.e. the chest feels narrow...
30:07...when Prophet Muhammad SAW...
30:08...invites people...
30:09...to faith...
30:10...to heaven...
30:11...to forgiveness...
30:12...but they do not obey.
30:13They say Prophet Muhammad SAW...
30:14...is a sorcerer...
30:16...he curses Prophet Muhammad SAW.
30:17So, in this verse...
30:18...Allah says...
30:19...you may feel narrow...
30:22...when they say...
30:23...they do not believe in the Quran...
30:25...but ask to be given...
30:27...to be given...
30:29...if it is possible...
30:31...and also...
30:32...if it is possible...
30:33...angels come down...
30:34...together with...
30:35...with the Quran...
30:36...that is there.
30:37So, when they challenge...
30:39...things that Prophet Muhammad SAW...
30:40...cannot want...
30:42...Allah says here...
30:43...innama antanadhir...
30:45...truly you are...
30:48...giver of warning...
30:49...giver of warning...
30:51...that can make them...
30:53...that make them...
30:55...what is...
30:58What is the lesson for us?
30:59The lesson for us is...
31:01...we do our job...
31:02...mother, father...
31:03...or teacher...
31:05...we just share...
31:06...and we are not...
31:10...for the result.
31:11If we feel...
31:12...the result...
31:13...is our responsibility...
31:14...for example...
31:15...if mother and father...
31:16...want to raise a child...
31:17...and the child...
31:18...must change...
31:19...according to what we want...
31:20...then we will be...
31:23...we will be disappointed...
31:24...and we are not able...
31:25...to be patient...
31:26...what will it be?
31:30...it will be...
31:31...if it succeeds...
31:32...it will be...
31:34...what does it mean?
31:35...repeat what we have learned...
31:36...if it doesn't work...
31:37...the child...
31:38...is not able to read...
31:39...for example...
31:40...or maybe...
31:41...the behavior...
31:42...is not what we expect...
31:43...there are mothers...
31:45...give up...
31:46...they will ask...
31:47...in fact...
31:48...I don't know...
31:49...how my child is...
31:50...in fact...
31:51...if you want to know...
31:52...if the child is stubborn...
31:53...look at the Prophet's son...
31:54...Nabi Nuh...
31:55...Nabi Nuh is...
31:56...950 years old...
31:57...look at his story...
31:58...before this...
31:59...in Surah Yunus...
32:00...Allah brought the story of Nabi Nuh...
32:03...the behavior of Nabi Nuh...
32:04...is righteous...
32:05...with patience...
32:07...because faith...
32:08...does not break faith...
32:09...and the second...
32:10...does not disbelieve...
32:11...Nabi Nuh...
32:12...in Surah Al-Isra...
32:13...in fact...
32:15...Abd al-Shakurah...
32:16...the servant...
32:17...who is too grateful...
32:19...between patience and gratitude...
32:20...which is more difficult...
32:21...in fact...
32:23...to Ismail...
32:24...and everyone in this studio...
32:25...patience and gratitude...
32:26...between patience and gratitude...
32:27...which is more difficult...
32:29...who said patience...
32:30...raise your hand...
32:33...who said gratitude...
32:36...what is the answer...
32:37...each one has their own experience...
32:38...they have their own experience...
32:39...they answer according to their experience...
32:40...according to their experience...
32:41...so if we look...
32:42...in Surah Al-Muq...
32:46...this is a question from Idris Yaa...
32:47...Qalilam Ma...
32:50...the answer is there...
32:51...the answer is there...
32:53...gratitude is...
32:54...a little bit...
32:57...in Surah Al-Baqarah...
32:58...verse 153...
32:59...Allah said...
33:02...Fathkuruni Adkurkum...
33:04...Wa Latakurun...
33:05...after that...
33:06...He said...
33:07...Ya Ayyuhalladhi Naamanus...
33:09...Wa Sabiru...
33:10...Ya Ayyuhalladhi Naamanus...
33:11...Ta'inu Bisabri Wa Salah...
33:12...Allah said...
33:13...gratitude first...
33:14...then patience...
33:16...because if we are not grateful...
33:17...gratitude is difficult...
33:18...if gratitude is not enough...
33:19...we cannot be patient...
33:20...we cannot be patient...
33:21...we cannot be patient...
33:22...we cannot be patient...
33:23...we feel we can be patient...
33:24...be patient...
33:25...until one time...
33:26...it's not good...
33:27...it hurts...
33:29...but if we are grateful...
33:30...Ya Allah...
33:31...even though I am sick...
33:32...I am not good...
33:33...but I am good...
33:34...to read...
33:35...the Quran...
33:36...or I am not good...
33:37...to read the Quran...
33:38...but I am good...
33:39...to turn on the TV...
33:40...and listen to the Quran...
33:42...that is what makes us grateful...
33:43...and we continue...
33:44...to be patient...
33:45...continue to be patient...
33:46...to learn the Quran...
33:49...any challenges...
33:50...in life...
33:52...if there is a problem...
33:53...with your family...
33:54...pay attention...
33:55...be grateful...
33:56...for what you have...
33:57...God willing...
33:58...we can be patient...
33:59...with our children...
34:00...be patient...
34:01...with our partners...
34:02...let's take a break...
34:03...my Quran time...
34:04...Quran Salat Infah...
37:41Hopefully, we can do it with patience and good deeds.
37:44Alright, let's read it first.
37:49Except those who are patient and do good deeds,
37:56those will have forgiveness.
38:03One, two, start.
38:06Except those who are patient and do good deeds,
38:14those will have forgiveness.
38:35Some have a long breath, some have a longer breath, some have a short breath, etc.
38:40So, when it comes to good deeds, it's less beautiful.
38:44The meaning is still dependent.
38:48Except those who are patient and do good deeds.
38:53That's all it means.
38:54But if we continue with ula ikalahumma,
38:58those will have forgiveness.
39:01So, except those who are patient and do good deeds,
39:08those will have forgiveness.
39:10That's one.
39:13The place where we need to emphasize is in the sentence,
39:17except those who are patient and do good deeds.
39:20There are two letters, waw, that meet.
39:24Sabaru, there is waw mati.
39:27How many movements are there?
39:30Only two.
39:31Only two movements.
39:32Not two rakat.
39:35Only two movements.
39:38We are used to these two movements.
39:40Coincidentally, after waw mati, there is also waw that lives.
39:46So, we need to be careful not to make a mistake.
39:49First, not to make a mistake in idhram.
39:52It doesn't become idhram.
39:53You can't read idhram like this.
39:54Except those who are patient and do good deeds.
39:59You can't read it like that.
40:00The first waw is included in the second waw.
40:05It will make a mistake if we don't really make the sound of mat.
40:10The sound of mat comes from rongga.
40:13Finish two movements, then waw amilu.
40:17Except those who are patient and do good deeds.
40:23Say it.
40:24One, two, start.
40:25Except those who are patient and do good deeds.
40:31But don't make a mistake.
40:34Except those who are patient and do good deeds.
40:37Don't make a mistake like that.
40:39You can't do that.
40:40That's the first.
40:41Don't make a mistake.
40:42It will be a mistake if we make a mistake in the intonation of the sound.
40:48If we make a mistake in the intonation of the sound,
40:50it will easily become idhram.
40:54Make it clear.
40:55That's why it's called mat tamkin there.
40:57It doesn't mean you have to make a mistake.
40:59It means you have to correct it.
41:01Correct it.
41:02Except those who are patient and do good deeds.
41:11Try it.
41:12Except those who are patient and do good deeds.
41:21Those will have forgiveness and a great reward.
41:34Those will have forgiveness and a great reward.
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45:27All the students look at Mus'haf.
45:28All the students look at Mus'haf.
45:29All the students look at Mus'haf.
45:30All the students look at Mus'haf.
45:31Our role is to convey the message of truth and we entrust it to Allah to make changes.
45:38We pray.
46:02O Allah, grant us the strength and patience in our lives.
46:06O Allah, grant us the patience in the education of our children.
46:09O Allah, grant us the patience with our partners.
46:11O Allah, grant us the patience with our neighbours.
46:13O Allah, grant us the patience with your test.
46:15O Allah, grant us the patience with whatever you command us.
46:19O Allah, make us a Qur'an that is always grateful for the blessings you give us.
46:24O Allah, always show us everything that happens.
46:29O Allah, show us wisdom in everything that happens.
46:32O Allah, show us wisdom in everything that happens.
46:35O Allah, grant us the faith.
46:37O Allah, grant us the fear of Allah.
46:44Today, we have learned two verses.
46:47There are many things that we have learned.
46:49Even though it is only two verses,
46:51but at least that is the knowledge of the Qur'an.
46:53Every time we are together with the Qur'an,
46:55the knowledge never runs out.
46:57The knowledge never runs out.
46:59The Qur'an never runs out.
47:01But we are the ones who will run out if we leave the Qur'an.
47:05Therefore, we are together with the Qur'an.
47:07I invite all of you to join the movement of Al-Qur'an.
47:10Together, we will build our society based on Al-Qur'an.
47:14We want to encourage our society that cannot read the Qur'an,
47:18that does not understand Al-Qur'an,
47:20to spread the knowledge of Al-Qur'an to all of them.
47:23You can scan the QR code that we provide to facilitate our transaction.
47:29Hopefully, we will get our reward.
47:32Hopefully, we can contribute to the development of Al-Qur'an
47:35in our beloved country, Malaysia,
47:38and all over the world, God willing.
47:40I would like to thank all the guests who are here today,
47:44from Pondok Modern, Idrisiyah, Bagan Datuk,
47:47from Jemaah Cintai Al-Qur'an from Intan Ismail,
47:50and also from Jemaah Muslimat Qur'atu Ain from Buluh River, Kuang,
47:54and also from Jemaah Group Istiqomah,
47:57and also our Ismail brothers and sisters who are with us today.
48:03Hopefully, all of us will be blessed by Allah SWT with Al-Qur'an.
48:08May Allah Almighty revive all of our souls with Al-Qur'an, God willing.
48:12Until we meet again in the future,
48:15of course, My Qur'an Time.
48:17Qur'an, Salat, Imfaq.
48:19As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
