• 4 days ago
Episod 808 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 28 Februari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 94-97) Halaman 232

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 94-97 halaman 232 ini adalah:
* Azab yang menimpa kaum Nabi Syuaib AS kerana keingkaran mereka (94-95)
* Perbandingan kisah Nabi Musa dan firaun yang juga ditimpa azab (96-97)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 94-97 halaman 232:
* Sentiasa taat kepada perintah Allah agar terhindar daripada azab (94)
* Ambil pengajaran kaum terdahulu yang diazab akibat angkuh dan ingkar (95)
* Tidak ulangi kesalahan yang sama sehingga mengundang kemurkaan-Nya (95)

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00:00When we look at the people of the past, when they were punished by Allah SWT,
00:29there are people who are given a period of time when it will happen and there are people who are not given a period of time of punishment that will fall on them.
00:39What is the status of the people of Madian who were preached by Prophet Shoaib AS?
00:44We will follow the answer in this episode.
00:59In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:18I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
01:21In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:30And indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs and a clear authority.
01:54May Allah bless you.
01:55May Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and those who follow him.
02:00I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
02:02Allah is the Greatest.
02:03I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
02:07How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:10We meet again in My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat Imfah today.
02:13Together, we want to delve into four verses.
02:15Verses 94, 95, 96, and 97 of Surah Hudah.
02:20The eleventh surah that guides us to be steadfast in our lives.
02:25And today, we will continue our reading and learning with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi Ali.
02:30How are you Ustaz?
02:31Alhamdulillah. How are you?
02:33Alhamdulillah. How are you?
02:33Are you still in Istiqomah?
02:37And we will review our Istiqomah group today.
02:41Yes, our Istiqomah group.
02:43Although in this studio, the group came from far away.
02:48Alhamdulillah, we have not traveled yet.
02:50However, the Istiqomah group is always with us.
02:54And the viewers at home who are always in Istiqomah, insha'Allah.
02:58And this is a surah that is related to Istiqomah.
03:01So, usually when we talk about Istiqomah, we must be serious.
03:05We need this and that.
03:06But apparently, this surah provides a lot of knowledge and wisdom.
03:10Various aspects of Istiqomah.
03:13Let us ask Allah to continue to provide this guidance with the prayer.
03:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:26Let us see together what are the summary of the four verses today.
03:29That is, in verses 94 and 95, the punishment that befell the people of Prophet Shu'aib
03:35because of their disobedience.
03:37And we will see whether it is given time or stated in general only.
03:43Next, in verses 96 and 97, the comparison of the story of Prophet Musa and Fir'aun
03:48which was also tormented by Allah SWT.
03:52Let us read these four verses together first.
03:55Led by Al-Fadl al-Sastry.
03:58Alhamdulillah. Thank you, Al-Fadl al-Sastry and Al-Fadl al-Sastry.
04:00My dear friends, let us all continue to be motivated with Al-Quran.
04:07How many more verses are there today?
04:08Verses 94 to 97.
04:12Let us listen to them together and read and see what is the continuation from yesterday.
04:19Hopefully, we can continue the story and learn as much as possible in our lives
04:30to live and walk on the right path.
04:35We want to know what are the reminders, what are the things that can lead us astray
04:41and what are the things that can lead us to the right path, inshallah.
04:47Let us listen together.
05:06And when Our command came, We saved Shu'ayb and those who believed with him by mercy from Us.
05:31And those who were unjust were seized by the scream, and they became in their homes dead.
05:51It was as if they had not dwelt therein, but away from your city, as Thamud was away.
06:06And indeed We sent Moses with Our signs and a clear authority
06:19to Pharaoh and his angels, and they followed the command of Pharaoh.
06:31And the command of Pharaoh is not right.
06:41Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
06:48Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, this is the 94th to 97th verse of Surah Al-Nazim.
06:51The continuation from the story of Prophet Shu'ayb who kept advising his people to repent and they kept cursing Prophet Shu'ayb.
07:03Then Prophet Shu'ayb reminded in the 93rd, 94th, 92nd and 93rd verses of Surah Al-Nazim
07:08a few things that became their reality and finally Prophet Shu'ayb said do what you want, I will continue to practice, but we will see what is the effect.
07:22وَالَّذِينَ شُعَيْبًا وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُمْ
07:49What we learn from this part is that faith will bring peace.
07:53That is the idea.
07:55We have to tell our children or our family members that faith is not just memorizing the book of faith.
08:02But the six books of faith that we learn will actually bring peace.
08:09وَالَّذِينَ شُعَيْبًا وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُمْ
08:13The same formula will apply to us as a family.
08:19When we have faith, Allah will take care of us.
08:21Allah will save us from calamities, from all kinds of bad things.
08:27For example, if we refer to Surah Al-Kahfi verse 18, the story of two righteous parents.
08:34Allah saved the property of the orphans.
08:37Prophet Khidir built a building in an area because Allah's command was to take care of the property left by the righteous parents who were faithful.
08:51That is the first thing we learn.
08:53Moreover, when we talk about faith, it invites mercy from Allah.
08:59The more we have faith, the more mercy and love Allah will give us.
09:04Mercy is what makes us safe in this world and also when we reach the hereafter,
09:10safe from the fire of hell and enter heaven.
09:13That is also with the mercy of Allah SWT.
09:16So our effort is to have faith.
09:18But we must also remember that when we have faith and perform good deeds,
09:21our deeds are not enough.
09:23It is not worthy for us to enter heaven.
09:26Entering heaven is only with the mercy of Allah.
09:29When we get in a car, we read,
09:31سبحان الله سحرنا حضره مكرنه لهم مكرنين
09:34until the end.
09:35That is a sign of our faith.
09:37But it is not worthy for us to be safe.
09:40What saves us is that Allah has mercy on us
09:44and our prayer is a way to ask for mercy from Allah.
09:49In Arabic, it is rahmah.
09:51بِرَحْمَةٍ مِنَّا
09:53And what happened to the oppressors during the time of Prophet Shu'aib?
09:58وَأَخَذَتِ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا صَيْخَةً
10:02That is, they were beaten with a loud voice
10:06and the next morning,
10:09دِيَا رِهِمْ جَاثِمِنَ
10:10their houses were full of corpses.
10:15The corpses of the oppressors
10:19because they rejected the faith
10:23brought by Prophet Shu'aib.
10:26We will continue after this.
10:29We will take a short break.
10:29My Quran Time.
10:30Quran, Salat, Irfah.
10:45Quran, Salat, Irfah
11:15Quran, Salat, Irfah
11:45Quran, Salat, Irfah
11:51Quran, Salat, Irfah
12:04Quran, Salat, Irfah
12:14Quran, Salat, Irfah
12:24Quran, Salat, Irfah
12:34Quran, Salat, Irfah
12:45Quran, Salat, Irfah
13:09A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
13:12In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
13:19And indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs and a clear authority
13:42Welcome back to my Quran Time.
13:43Quran, Salat, Irfah.
13:44Together, we look at verses 94-97 from Surah Hud.
13:48And just now, we have seen what is the effect of the oppression
13:53that was done by the people of Madinah
13:55when Prophet Shu'aib stated in verse 93
13:58وَالتَّقِبُوا إِنِّي مَعَكُمْ رَكِيبًۭ
14:01Wait and we wait together to see what is the effect
14:06of the oppression that was done to Allah SWT
14:12And not long after that,
14:14وَلَمَّ جَاءَ أَمْرُنَى
14:16Allah's command was fulfilled,
14:18saving Prophet Shu'aib and the believers together
14:21with the mercy from us, from Allah SWT
14:25and punished the oppressors with a sound
14:30which is a loud voice
14:32or the English term is
14:33supersonic boom
14:35It is a loud voice
14:40If we say a supersonic jet
14:44if its sound
14:46the boom can break the glass
14:48in a building
14:49because it cannot fly low
14:51it has to fly high
14:52If we see there is a track up there
14:56that is a jet that actually has that sound
15:01And at the time of Prophet Shu'aib
15:04they were saved, the believers
15:06but this tragedy caused
15:08فَأَوْصْبَهُ فِي دِيَارِهِمْ
15:11They became a corpse
15:15And what else happened
15:17when they were punished
15:19Verse 95
15:20We read together to see
15:22what is the big effect of the oppression
15:25they deceived in consideration
15:27and circumcision with the satirists
15:29I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
16:29I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
16:38I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
16:40That was the reading of verse 95
16:42a continuation of Allah's explanation
16:44about the punishment
16:46given to the people of Thamud
16:48كَأَلْ لَمْ يَعْنَوْا فِيهَا
16:50as they never lived
16:52in that area
16:54What happened here
16:56Allah wants to tell
16:59that they built buildings
17:01or they have a great business
17:03hoping that it is a progression
17:05but when they did the oppression
17:07what happened
17:09Allah destroyed them
17:11only with the satirists
17:13with a corpse
17:15and all the legacy
17:17that they have
17:19all the progress that they have
17:21was destroyed
17:23كَأَلْ لَمْ يَعْنَوْا فِيهَا
17:25as they never built Tamadun
17:27and Allah said
17:29كَأَلْ لَمْ يَعْنَوْا فِيهَا
17:31as they never built Tamadun
17:33the destruction that happened to Madian
17:35is not far
17:37like Tamadun
17:39Tamadun and Madian
17:41the punishment is the same
17:43which is Sayhah
17:45they were given a barrier
17:47the difference is
17:49Tamadun is a barrier from below
17:51Madian is a barrier from above
17:53but both are Sayhah
17:56and they became a corpse
17:58and what we learn here
18:00one is
18:02when someone has built
18:04a progress in his life
18:06when he is filled with oppression
18:08then he will destroy
18:10all the legacy that was built
18:12the second is
18:14if possible we don't want
18:16if possible we don't want
18:18what we built
18:20but in the end
18:22it will be destroyed by Allah
18:25because of the sin of oppression
18:27that was done in our life
18:29so this is what needs to be given attention
18:31education in the family
18:33in an organization
18:35we can see it in history
18:37there are people who built
18:39their name, their service
18:41but in the middle of their age
18:43they are filled with oppression
18:47trying to play
18:49with all the plans
18:51to retain power
18:55in the end they say
18:57he was good
18:59but I don't know what happened to him
19:01why did it happen like that
19:03because the sin of oppression
19:05is what we need to take care of
19:07that is called
19:11Istiqamah caused the Prophet to change
19:13because we are not sure
19:15whether we can end our life
19:17or what we do
19:19is still
19:22based on truth or goodness
19:24so this is what was said
19:26in the 95th verse
19:28and more than that
19:30when we are given death and salvation
19:32it shows
19:34we need to compare
19:36compare history
19:38we need to learn from history
19:40because we don't want
19:42what happened to Iblis
19:44Iblis went to heaven
19:46but in the end it was destroyed
19:48because of arrogance
19:50they don't want to follow Allah's orders
19:52Thamud and Madian
19:54they are great but destroyed
19:58because they are stubborn and arrogant
20:00to Allah s.w.t
20:02so if we are successful
20:04if we are leaders
20:06don't let
20:08in the middle of our life
20:10because we have a lot of experience
20:12a lot of knowledge
20:14a lot of power
20:16but because of arrogance
20:19they are afraid to repeat history
20:21the destruction
20:23like Madian
20:25and Thamud
20:27bringing us to the word of choice
20:29for this episode
20:31the word
20:33وَأَخَذَتِ اللَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا صَيْحًا
20:37from the word صَحًا
20:3913 times in the Quran
20:41appears in Surah Al-Hijr
20:43Surah Al-Ankabut
20:45and Surah Yasin
20:48a punishment from Allah s.w.t
20:50to whom?
20:52to those who do injustice
20:54because Allah wants to put an end
20:56to the goodness
20:58because of arrogance
21:00to Allah s.w.t
21:02we repeat verse 95
21:04with Al-Fatiha
21:17Surah Al-Hijr
21:47Surah Al-Hijr
22:09May Allah bless you
22:11Surah Al-Hijr verse 95
22:13reminds us as parents
22:15that our existence
22:17should be beneficial
22:19to fight for justice
22:21not just staying at home
22:23but if there is something
22:25that is wrong
22:29should discuss
22:31and involve in projects
22:33to fight
22:35for justice
22:37not just staying at home
22:39with your wife
22:41with your family
22:43not just that
22:45that will cause them to rise
22:47to fight for justice
22:49in the society
22:51so when we look
22:53at this verse 95
22:55we want our family
22:57to be a little contribution
22:59to fight for justice
23:01in school, in Korea
23:03in the country
23:05because this is the only way
23:07that is conveyed in this verse
23:09for us to continue to benefit
23:11and not to destroy
23:13the legacy of a
23:15good family
23:17we will take a short break
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31:13Zikr, yaitu peringatan. Peringatan ini sebenarnya, bukannya kita tak tahu, Sat. Bukan kita tak tahu, ada Nabi Musa, ada Nabi Saleh, ada Nabi apa lagi? Nabi Hud, ada Nabi Nuh.
31:24Berulang-ulang. Bukan tak tahu. Tetapi yang degil itu, bukan pasal tak tahu. Tetapi kerana dia tidak mengambil peringatan. Tidak mengambil pelajaran untuk diamalkan dalam hidup kita seharian.
31:36Jadi, peringatan ini perlu diulang-ulang. Perlu diulang-ulang untuk apa? Jangan lupa, Sat.
31:42Dia bila lupa sahajalah seperti mana yang berlaku kepada kaum-kaum terdahulu, mereka lupakan bahawa Allah itu lebih penting daripada pengaruh keluarga.
31:53Keluarga, dah tahu dah bahawa Allah yang memberi, memberi harta, memberi kekayaan. Bukannya keluarga.
31:59Tetapi bila lupa ataupun melupakan keutamaan itu, itulah poin di mana mereka diazab oleh Allah SWT.
32:09Jadi, pada ayat 96 ini,
32:16Maksud ayat ini, kebesaran ataupun mujizat kami, satu tongkat yang menunjukkan menjadi ular, kemudian tangan jadi putih tersebut. Ada berbagai mujizat daripada Nabi Musa.
32:26Yang kedua,
32:28Keterangan yang nyata. Bukti yang nyata. Maksudnya Nabi Musa ini dia datang dengan hujah-hujah yang membungkam, yang menyebabkan Fir'aun terduduklah.
32:39Terduduk, tak dapat jawab. Bila tak dapat jawab, biasalah dia akan gunakan cara fizikal untuk menghancurkan kepada Nabi Musa itu sendiri.
32:49Apa pelajaran untuk kita, bila kita melihat kepada perkara ini, yaitu satu, kenalah kita ambil mujizat.
32:55Dalam membuat istiharmah, mesti ada mujizat. Yang keduanya, perlu ada bukti yang nyata.
33:03Bukti yang nyata. Nabi Musa ada mujizat namanya apa, Tuan-Tuan? Di studio. Kita tanyalah sikit.
33:10Apakah mujizat Nabi Musa? Sudah cakap tadi. Tongkat.
33:13Tetapi apakah sultan, bukti yang nyata, yang menjadi peraturan dalam kehidupan umat Nabi Musa?
33:20Namanya ialah Taurat. Jadi Taurat dengan Tongkat, dia berbeza.
33:26Tapi menariknya adalah umat Nabi Muhammad SAW, mujizat dan juga sultan, ayat dan juga sultan itu dia bergabung sekali masuk dalam satu namanya Al-Quran.
33:37Itu yang kita bila tengok, subhanallah, kita ini berinteraksi dengan mujizat.
33:41Kalau zaman dahulu itu, kalau orang datang dalam temasyar, dikumpulkan ahli sihir apa sebagainya,
33:46semua akan tengok Tongkat jadi ulam dan makan, kita semua akan, dia akan muka jadi begitu.
33:53Sebenarnya bila kita melihat kepada Al-Quran ini yang penuh barakah,
33:56dia sepatutnya menyebabkan, ini mesti ada benda baru lagi yang akan dibawakan oleh Al-Quran.
34:02Dia bukannya gitu kan?
34:05Karena apa? Karena ini mujizat, ayat Tina dan ini juga adalah penerangan yang akan membungkam kepada siapa sahaja yang mendengar hujah-hujah yang dibawakan.
34:17Membawa kepada selekuh tajam kita, subhanallah.
34:21InsyaAllah, kita melihat sedikit pada ayat yang ke-95 tadi ya.
34:27كَأَلَّمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيهَا أَلَىٰ بُعْدَ اللِّمَدْيَانَ كَمَا بَعِدَتْ
34:36Jom, sama-sama kita baca dulu.
34:38كَأَلَّمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيهَا أَلَىٰ بُعْدَ اللِّمَدْيَانَ كَمَا بَعِدَتْ
34:59أَلَىٰ بُعْدَ اللِّمَدْيَانَ كَمَا بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودَ
35:09Okay, yang pertama,
35:10كَأَلَّمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيهَا
35:12كَأَلَّمْ يَغْنَوْا
35:14Huruf ghayn yang mati sebelumnya berbaris atas
35:20kemudian nun beratas
35:23Nak kena hati-hati.
35:24Pertama huruf ghayn,
35:25jangan kita tukarkan kepada ayn.
35:29Walaupun ejaan dia sama kan.
35:31Titik dia beza.
35:32Ghayn ada titik, ayn tidak ada titik.
35:35Tapi makharasnya sedikit ada beza.
35:38Ayn di tengah, ghayn di hujung kerongkong.
35:41Maka pastikan huruf ghayn itu.
35:43Kemudian ghayn itu ditebalkan.
35:47Coba sebut.
35:49Jangan yawr, yawr.
36:11Kemudian nun itu ambil dalam keadaan nipis.
36:17Bukan no.
36:19Bukan no.
36:20كَأَلْ لَمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيهَا
36:25كَأَلْ لَمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيهَا
36:30Hati-hati ya, jangan yawr.
36:34أَلَىٰ بُعْدًا لِمَدْيَنَكَمَا بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
36:44أَلَىٰ بُعْدًا لِمَدْيَنَكَمَا بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
36:53Haa, sama jugalah.
36:54Semalam kita belajar apa?
36:57تَمَأْذَا مَتِبْتَمُونَ
36:58dengan tak
36:59Kita baca izhad.
37:00Di sini pun imam kita tak mati bertemu dengan tak
37:03walaupun hurufnya sama sifat
37:05yaitu ada hamas
37:07Tetapi tak ada hamasnya bunyi
37:09tak ada bunyi hamasnya
37:11Jangan campur sekali seperti Iderom
37:12بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
37:14Tak boleh, بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
37:16Tak boleh.
37:18بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
37:21بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
37:26كَأَنْ لَمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيهَا
37:30كَأَنْ لَمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيهَا
37:35أَلَىٰ بُعْدًا لِمَدْيَنَ كَمَا بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
37:45أَلَىٰ بُعْدًا لِمَدْيَنَ كَمَا بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودًا
37:54MashaAllah, bagus.
37:57Bera'at seketika.
37:58Jalan kemana-mana.
37:59My Quran Time.
39:27When there is a big disease, is the prayer allowed or not?
39:38This is a common question.
39:41In the early days of COVID-19, mosques were mostly closed.
39:48Not only in Malaysia, but all over the world.
39:55In Egypt, there was a demonstration in front of a mosque.
39:59Even though the mosque was closed.
40:01Because in their view, congregational prayer is a must.
40:04We have to pray, no matter what the pandemic is.
40:07But if we look at the hadith,
40:10to see if there was a pandemic during the time of Rasulullah,
40:15we see that there was no pandemic at all.
40:19But there was an exemption in Islam.
40:22We can do congregational prayer at home.
40:25Even though in the original direction, we were asked to do it.
40:34Welcome to Quran Time.
40:35Quran Salat Imfaq.
40:36Let's take a look at verses 94-97 from Surah Hud.
40:41We have read verse 96.
40:43It is related to the story of Prophet Musa AS.
40:47He was given a miracle.
40:51And he was given a clear proof.
40:57As a proof to preach to the people around him.
41:01One of them is the name that has been eternalized in verse 97.
41:07The story of Prophet Musa came after the story of Prophet Shu'aib.
41:11It is not far.
41:13Because it happened around the same time.
41:16Prophet Shu'aib was in Madian.
41:19And Prophet Musa was in Egypt.
41:21And indeed, Prophet Musa once fled to Madian.
41:25He worked there under the employment of Prophet Shu'aib.
41:28And then he became the father-in-law.
41:30So, his sequence is very beautiful.
41:35And of course, the struggle of Prophet Shu'aib,
41:38the struggle of Prophet Musa,
41:40even though Prophet Shu'aib was a businessman,
41:42and Prophet Musa was his employee,
41:45but the reason why they were eternalized in the Quran
41:49was not because of wealth.
41:51It was not because of wealth,
41:53nationality, and so on.
41:55Prophet Musa went to school at the Firaun Palace.
41:57Isn't that great?
41:58But it was not because of that,
42:00but because of the struggle of faith,
42:02the struggle of Da'wah,
42:04the struggle of Istiqamah,
42:05that was raised in the Quran.
42:07The lesson for us is,
42:08if we want to be raised,
42:10in our life as a mother, a father,
42:12as an individual,
42:13we have to continue to declare,
42:15to bring the value of faith into our lives,
42:18only then can we be able to follow
42:20Prophet Shu'aib and Prophet Musa.
42:23To whom was Prophet Musa sent?
42:25Ayah 97.
42:26Let's read it together with me.
42:44To Pharaoh and his angels.
42:51So they followed the command of Pharaoh.
43:03And the command of Pharaoh is not right.
43:16To Pharaoh and his angels.
43:26So they followed the command of Pharaoh.
43:35And the command of Pharaoh is not right.
43:50To Pharaoh and his angels.
44:00So they followed the command of Pharaoh.
44:07And the command of Pharaoh is not right.
44:14In this verse,
44:15we have a continuation from Ayah 96,
44:17which is a miracle mixed with proof.
44:22A miracle mixed with proof.
44:24Tongkat mixed with Torah in the time of Prophet Musa.
44:26In our time, we have the Quran.
44:28It combines both things at the same time.
44:30What is it used for?
44:31It is used to preach to Pharaoh
44:35and also the great leaders
44:38during the time of Prophet Musa in Egypt.
44:41What happened?
44:43So they followed the command of Pharaoh.
44:45But Allah said at the end,
44:47وَمَا أَمْرُوا فِي رَعَوْنِ نَبِي رَشِيدٍ
44:49To clarify, there are two things.
44:52One is Rashid.
44:54The other is Amr.
44:56The command from Pharaoh.
44:58Allah said that the command from Pharaoh is not right.
45:02It is not based on the correct religion,
45:04the correct knowledge.
45:06But it is only based on power.
45:09We learn that in life,
45:12power or politics
45:14is one of the skills of Prophet Musa.
45:18Prophet Musa faced with politics.
45:21If there is someone who follows the correct religion,
45:25that is the correct Rashid.
45:28But there is someone who is influenced
45:30to follow someone
45:32only because of his power.
45:34He is a minister.
45:35He has power.
45:36He is a YB.
45:38Just because of that,
45:40the YB or the leader is not Rashid.
45:43He has no knowledge.
45:45He says whatever he wants.
45:47The important thing is to impress people.
45:50Today this promise.
45:52Tomorrow another promise.
45:54Today moon. Tomorrow star.
45:56But actually,
45:57it is not based on Rashid.
46:00And Allah explained after the verse,
46:02اَيَتِنَا وَسُلْطَانِ مُبِنٍ
46:05in verse 96 to show what?
46:07In the time of Prophet Musa,
46:08hold on to
46:10اَيَتِنَا وَسُلْطَانِ مُبِنٍ
46:12In this time,
46:14we have to hold on to
46:15اَيَتِنَا وَسُلْطَانِ مُبِنٍ
46:17which is Al-Qur'an itself.
46:19With Al-Qur'an,
46:20this is what makes us Rashid.
46:23We will not be scammed
46:25by the politicians.
46:27If we have leaders, etc.
46:29If we still hold on to
46:32اَيَتِنَا وَسُلْطَانِ مُبِنٍ
46:35and urge Prophet Musa
46:37to continue to convey
46:38according to their own abilities
46:40in the office or in the house,
46:42then, God willing,
46:43we will not be like Malak
46:45in the time of the Prophet
46:47or in the time of the Pharaoh
46:49where they just followed him.
46:50It's obvious,
46:51he's more or less like a
46:54must be tied around the nose.
46:56He just followed him.
46:59The important thing is to get food.
47:01So, this is what we want to avoid
47:03and how
47:04is it?
47:05Of course,
47:06the struggle of you,
47:07in the house,
47:08in the studio,
47:09we learn
47:10and we also know,
47:12I will not be able to escape
47:13from the political scenario
47:14of the leaders
47:15around me.
47:16The good one,
47:17the one who insists on Rashid,
47:19I will follow him.
47:21let's not let ourselves
47:22and our family members
47:23be scammed,
47:24be deceived by them
47:26for life.
47:27For life,
47:28if you're dead,
47:29you're scammed.
47:30It's a different story.
47:31For life,
47:32you're deceived
47:33because you don't
47:34truly hold on
47:35to the
47:39This brings us to the
47:40resolution for our episode
47:41this time.
47:42Let's watch.
47:43The first is
47:44to always obey
47:45Allah's command
47:46to avoid
47:50The second is
47:51to learn from
47:52the previous people
47:53who were punished
47:54due to
47:56and denial.
47:57The third is
47:58not to repeat
47:59the same mistakes
48:00until inviting
48:01the punishment.
48:02Let's not
48:03hold on
48:04to the
48:08Let's pray
48:09for our family
48:10and ourselves
48:11to be protected
48:12by Allah.
48:32A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
49:02A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
49:30A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
49:58A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
50:28A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
