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Episod 791 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 11 Februari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 52-53) Halaman 227

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 52-53 halaman 227 ini adalah:
* Peringatan Nabi Hud kepada kaum 'Ad akan istighfar dan taubat (52)
* Penjelasan tentang sikap penentangan kaum 'Ad terhadap dakwah Nabi Hud AS (53)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 52-53 halaman 227:
* Sentiasa mengutamakan istighfar dan taubat agar segala amal diterima-Nya (52)
* Memberi peringatan yang baik kepada orang lain agar menjauhi dosa (52)
* Mengabaikan orang yang bersikap sombong dan ego dengan mesej kebenaran (53)

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World #QuranHour


00:00In Surah Hud, Allah s.w.t. begins with a call to worship Allah s.w.t, followed by asking for forgiveness and repenting to Jesus.
00:28This is also a message that was conveyed by Prophet Hud to the people of Aad.
00:32And this is a message throughout time for us to understand the formula of productivity to advance happiness in this world until the hereafter.
00:42Let's listen to the discussion in this episode.
00:58O Lord of the worlds!
01:29O Lord of the worlds!
01:42Peace be upon you.
01:44And peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger and upon his family and companions.
01:47I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the One, the Messenger, and the servant of Allah.
01:50And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
01:52And peace be upon His Master, Muhammad and his family and companions.
01:55How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
01:57We meet again in My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat Imfah.
02:00Together, we are going to go through verses 52 and 53 from Surah Hud, page 227.
02:09And today, we are going to read together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi Abdul Rahman.
02:14Alhamdulillah, Fadhil Ustaz.
02:16How are you, Ustaz?
02:17Alhamdulillah, Ustaz.
02:18Alhamdulillah, Ustaz.
02:19Before this, we have a friend from Melaka.
02:22Yes, Ustaz.
02:23He went down to…
02:24Went down again.
02:25Went down again.
02:26Back to JDT.
02:27Back to JDT.
02:28So, we are going to go through it.
02:30Peace be upon you.
02:31Welcome to the gathering of the Juhudaw Ta'zim Segment.
02:38Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:40Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:45Serba Hijau, right?
02:46Serba Hijau.
02:49I used to live there.
02:50I used to work there.
02:51If I was in Malaysia, I would be there.
02:52If I was abroad, I would be somewhere else, Ustaz.
02:54In Segamat, right?
02:55In Segamat.
02:56In Kampung Bumbun, in Segamat.
02:57Kampung Bumbun.
02:58Kampung Bumbun, Pekanjabi, Segamat.
03:02Group Istiqamah that is together today in the studio that is at home.
03:06We want to continue together and ask Allah to continue to provide knowledge and wisdom to us today.
03:14Ilma lana illa ma'allam tana innaka antal alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma.
03:22Amin, Ya Rabbi.
03:23Amin, Ya Rabbi.
03:24Let us first pay attention to the synopsis of the two verses that we are going to read today.
03:30Starting with the 52nd verse.
03:32In remembrance of Prophet Hud to the people of Ad, he will ask forgiveness and repent to Allah SWT.
03:39And following to the 53rd verse.
03:41Explanation of the attitude of the opposition of the people of Ad towards the Dawah of Prophet Hud AS.
03:47Let us read together the two verses at the end of page 227.
03:51Led by Al-Fatihah Al-Sustanbi S.A.W.
03:54Thank you, Fatihah Al-Sustanbi S.A.W.
03:56Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
03:57Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuh.
03:59Alhamdulillah, thumma alhamdulillah.
04:01Wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala.
04:05Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi sayyidina Muhammad.
04:09How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
04:12The companions of My Quran Time.
04:14The companions of the Quran.
04:15We are grateful to Allah SWT.
04:17Hopefully, we will continue to be blessed with the mercy and love of Allah SWT.
04:21And we are grateful today.
04:23We are at the end of page 227.
04:28We want to read two verses today.
04:30The 52nd verse and the 53rd verse.
04:35Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to start reading?
04:40We want to try for the first time to read using Muratal recitation.
04:45Using Taranum Nahawan, inshaAllah.
04:49What is Taranum, ladies and gentlemen?
04:51Taranum Nahawan, inshaAllah.
04:54Let's try.
04:55I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:05Surah Al-Fatihah.
05:35Surah Al-Fatihah.
06:05Surah Al-Fatihah.
06:35Surah Al-Fatihah.
06:50We have read from the 52nd and 53rd verses of Surah Hud.
06:55The 11th surah.
06:57Which provides guidance and theme.
06:59If you are new to this topic, or you are just following the discussion of Surah Hud.
07:05The theme of this surah is how to be consistent in our lives.
07:11The 52nd verse is a continuation of what was said by Prophet Hud to the people of Ad.
07:18What is that?
07:19If before this, he stated that he did not ask for a donation.
07:24He did not ask for a donation to convey goodness or Dawah to them.
07:29Not that there is an agenda to control them.
07:33No, no, no.
07:34But the reward that is desired is from Fatarani.
07:38From Allah who created me.
07:40Who provided sustenance for me all this time.
07:43So, you do not have to worry too much.
07:46If they accuse Prophet Hud of taking their money.
07:52To take them as followers.
07:55It will be easier for the followers to get the reward.
07:59So, that is not what was stated by Prophet Hud in verse 51.
08:03And it is continued, what was asked by Prophet Hud.
08:08In the 52nd verse.
08:11O my people, ask forgiveness from your Lord.
08:18Meaning, ask for forgiveness.
08:21And what is Istighfar?
08:23From the word Rafara.
08:25Which means to cover up our mistakes.
08:28For example, if people in the battlefield wear a metal helmet.
08:32It is called Mikfar.
08:34And if we wear the metal helmet, people will not recognize us.
08:38People will not recognize us.
08:39And it will be difficult for them to kill us.
08:41That is why, my dear friends.
08:42With our Istighfar, with the forgiveness of Allah.
08:45Which we always ask.
08:50When we pray.
08:51That is what Allah uses on us.
08:53That is why, Ustaz.
08:54If you look at me now.
08:55Do you see that I am wearing a helmet?
08:57No, it is nothing.
08:58But actually, I am wearing a helmet.
09:00If we do not use the forgiveness of Allah, what will happen?
09:07All of our mistakes, all of our sins, my dear friends.
09:10My dear friends, just check.
09:11Fadro Ismail has revealed all of his sins.
09:13For how many years?
09:18Because when Allah does not forgive.
09:21Allah will reveal all of our mistakes.
09:24And it is not impossible.
09:25There are only people who reveal their mistakes.
09:29Involved with corruption.
09:30Involved with crimes.
09:31This and that.
09:33Because when Allah does not provide the forgiveness of Istighfar.
09:38Then we will be ashamed, Ustaz.
09:40We will be ashamed.
09:41In fact, we will not.
09:43People do not want to listen to what I am saying.
09:45You do not want to sit with the people next to you.
09:48Because if Allah does not give forgiveness to us.
09:54This is what was asked by Prophet Hud.
09:59To your Lord.
10:01And return to Him.
10:05So what is the difference between Istighfar and repentance?
10:07Istighfar, we admit that we have made a mistake.
10:11That is why if we look at Prophet Noah, Prophet Adam.
10:17O our Lord, we have transgressed.
10:20We admit our mistakes first.
10:25Therefore, if you do not forgive and give us mercy.
10:27We will be the ones who are at loss.
10:29So Istighfar is actually from the heart.
10:31From the heart that may come to the mouth.
10:34We say Astaghfirullah Al-Azim.
10:36In the hadith of the Prophet.
10:37It is stated that the companions listened to the Prophet and repented more than 100 times.
10:41Yes, 100 times.
10:42And what the Prophet read was.
10:45O Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me.
10:48Indeed, You are Most Merciful.
10:50Indeed, You are Most Forgiving.
10:52So the Prophet also repented more than 100 times.
10:57He did not commit a sin.
10:59And some may ask, why did the Prophet repent?
11:02He did not commit a sin.
11:03As for us, this is confirmed.
11:05We will discuss this later.
11:06We will take a break.
11:07Quran Time.
11:08Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:14Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:16Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:18Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:20Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:22Quran Salah Jum'ah.
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11:42Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:44Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:46Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:48Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:50Quran Salah Jum'ah.
11:52For example, if a baby is crying,
11:54they will tie him up.
11:56The jinn will not come.
11:58This is a falsehood
12:00in the name of Allah.
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14:00Quran Salah Jum'ah.
14:02Quran Salah Jum'ah.
14:04Quran Salah Jum'ah.
14:06Quran Salah Jum'ah.
14:08Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:38Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:40Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:42Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:44Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:46Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:48Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:50Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:52Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:54Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:56Surah Al-Ikhlas.
14:58Surah Al-Ikhlas.
15:00Surah Al-Ikhlas.
15:02Surah Al-Ikhlas.
15:04Surah Al-Ikhlas.
15:06Quran Salah Jum'ah.
15:08Quran Salah Jum'ah.
15:10Quran Salah Jum'ah.
15:15maka karana kita ada perkara yang tak terbaik yang dipersembahkan kepada Allah s.w.t
15:20maka disunahkan untuk kita memohon istighfar karana ada sesuatu yang tak lengkap
15:26maka bagi Nabi s.a.w, Nabi tidak berdosa
15:28tetapi Nabi merasakan ada lagi perkara yang belum lagi terbaik yang dipersembahkan kepada Allah
15:35dalam dakwah, dalam hubungan kekeluargaan, dalam apa sahaja
15:39maka itu adalah sifat seorang hamba yang tidak merasa sempurna
15:43dan mohon Allah tutupi segala kekurangan-kekurangan yang ada
15:49sekali lagi kita baca ayat yang ke-52 ini
15:51untuk kita sama-sama memahami kalau banyak istighfar, banyak bertawbad kepada Allah
15:56apakah kesan dalam hidup kita
15:59ayat 52 bersama Al-Fatihah s.a.w
16:01terima kasih Al-Fatihah s.a.w
16:03ayahnya dan maudah, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, para penonton yang dikasih Allah s.w.t
16:07kita nak sekali lagi membaca ayat yang ke-52
16:11moga-moga Allah s.w.t terus lembutkan hati kita
16:14untuk kita terus memanjakan istighfar dan juga memohon tawbad kepada Allah s.w.t
16:20amin ya rabbal alamin
16:22mari kita coba ayat yang ke-52 menggunakan Taranum Sikah s.a.w
16:26se-audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
16:41se-audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
17:11se-audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
17:41se-audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
17:43se-audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
17:45kita baca ayat yang ke-52
17:47di bahagian ke-2 itu dinyatakan apakah manfaat
17:50di dalam ayat yursilis sama alaikum midrara
17:54yaitu manfaat pertama nanti akan disentuh juga dalam surah Nuh
17:58yaitu apabila kita semua, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan
18:00banyak beristighfar dan juga banyak bertawbad kepada Allah
18:04maka kesannya Allah akan menghantar daripada langit alaikum midrara
18:08satu maksud midrara itu adalah mencurah-curah
18:12kalau katakan lembu diperah susu, banyak susu itu
18:15itu namanya dur daripada lembu tersebut
18:18jadi apabila Allah menyatakan yursilis sama alaikum midrara
18:21dikirimkan daripada langit itu
18:23midrara, apa maksudnya?
18:25daripada langit itu biasanya dikaitkan dengan apa?
18:28hujan yang mencurah-curah
18:30dan bila bercakap mencurah-curah ini bukan sekadar hujan yang membanjakan
18:34kita dah tengok dah sebelum ini kisah
18:36kisah Nabi Nuh AS
18:39kalau katakan hujan begini kan
18:41kita tertanya-tanya ini hujan terbaik ke?
18:43ataupun banjir
18:44tapi kalau katakan hujan itu
18:47yang terbaik itulah yang akan dihantar oleh Allah SWT
18:51kepada siapa?
18:52kepada orang yang selalu beristighfar dan juga bertawbad
18:55pasal isu pada zaman Nabi Hud itu berlaku kemarau
18:58dan mereka tertanya-tanya macam mana nak selesaikan
19:01maka sudah tentu caranya ialah dengan banyak beristighfar
19:05dan bertawbad kepada Allah SWT
19:08dan daripada langit juga yang terbaik itu apa?
19:11wahyu maksudnya
19:12daripada langit itu juga turunnya bahagia
19:15itu yang dimaksudkan dengan
19:17yursili sama alaikum midrara
19:19rezeki mencurah-curah
19:21kalau tuan-tuan ada nak rezeki mencurah-curah
19:24dia punya formula isat ialah istighfar
19:26dan juga tawbad kepada Allah SWT
19:29yang pertama
19:30yang kedua adalah Allah menyatakan
19:35yaitu dia
19:36pasti akan menambah kekuatan kepada kekuatan kamu
19:39dah ada dah
19:40kekuatan fizikal kita
19:42dari segi kalau suami istri
19:44dah ada hubungan antara suami istri yang bahagia
19:47tetapi selepas itu Allah kuatkan lagi
19:49kekuatan fizikal kita
19:51kekuatan dalam keluarga
19:53ataupun dalam spiritual iman kita
19:55Allah tambahkan lagi
19:57kerana apa?
19:58istighfar dan juga bertawbad kepada Allah SWT
20:02sebabnya dalam hadis Nabi
20:03daripada Ibn Abbas
20:05barang siapa yang sentiasa beristighfar
20:07maka Allah akan memberikan satu
20:09jalan keluar baginya
20:11ada masalah ada mahraj
20:12maksudnya jalan keluar
20:13yang keduanya ialah
20:15memberi kelapangan daripada segala kegundahan
20:18rasa tak tentu agah apa sebagainya
20:21kita akan dapat kelapangan
20:23yang ketiga
20:24yang memberikan rezeki kepadanya
20:26daripada arah yang tidak disangka-sangka
20:28tiba-tiba ada orang telepon
20:29jom kita pergi makan
20:31padahal tak ada pula
20:32kita pergi minta apa sebagainya
20:34dan itu boleh berlaku
20:35kerana apa?
20:36kerana kita beristighfar
20:38dan bertawbad kepada Allah SWT
20:41dan bila kita memahami ayat ini
20:43sudah tentunya istighfar itu apa?
20:45ada orang kata istighfar
20:46astaghfirullah 100 kali juga
20:48itu satu
20:49tetapi istighfar itu
20:51mesti datang daripada hati
20:53hati yang macam mana?
20:54hati yang rasa
20:55ya Allah tolong ampunkan kekurangan-kekurangan
20:59tengok tanggung jawab
21:00kalau saya sebagai ayah
21:02sebagai suami
21:03sebagai pentadabur
21:04sebagai majikan
21:06apa sebagainya
21:07semua itu kita kena
21:08daripada hati kita
21:09ya Allah
21:10aku ini ayah
21:11tapi ada perkara yang aku tak buat
21:13ya Allah tolong ampunkan
21:14kita kena cek balik
21:15jangan kita cakap
21:18lepas itu
21:19anak tengah tidur itu
21:20tak bayang lagi
21:21kita biar ajalah
21:22ataupun cikgu-cikgu yang ada
21:24tak masuk kelas
21:25tapi istighfar
21:26tak masuk kelas
21:27duduk dekat bilik guru
21:29itu bukan istighfar yang dimaksudkan
21:31di dalam ayat 52 ini
21:33ia datang daripada hati
21:35kerana inginkan
21:37inginkan Allah mengampunkan
21:38dan selepas rasa bersalah itu
21:40kita akan terus membaiki diri
21:43sudah tentu Allah akan memberikan banyak kelebihan
21:45seperti mana ayat 52
21:47sebentar tadi
21:48membawa pada perkataan pilihan
21:49bagi episode kali ini
21:50kita saksikan
21:51perkataannya ialah
21:53yursilis sama alaikum midrara
21:56midrara daripada perkataan darra
22:00yang merujuk kepada hujan
22:02ataupun anugerah rezeki
22:03daripada langit yang lebat
22:04tiga kali disebut dalam Al-Quran
22:06muncul dalam surah Al-An'am
22:08satu dalam surah Hud
22:09dan satu lagi
22:10dalam surah Nuh
22:12yang akan kita baca nanti
22:15jadi ini adalah kelebihan
22:16apabila beristighfar
22:18itu sebabnya kalau bos
22:20bos istighfar
22:21anak buah pun istighfar
22:23maka insyaAllah
22:24ia akan menyebabkan
22:25bisnesnya akan dibantu
22:27kadang-kadang bukan sekadar
22:29dapat profit bertambah
22:31tapi kekuatan ahli
22:33yang tak ada pula
22:34yang sini tak buat kerja
22:35seorang tidur
22:36seorang balik awal
22:37kan bos pening kepala
22:38maka apakah solusi
22:40kepada perkara tersebut
22:43ataupun istighfar
22:44dan taubat
22:45dan istighfar yang perlu diajarkan
22:46yang datang daripada hati
22:48muncul di lidah
22:50dan diterjemahkan
22:51kepada pelaksanaan
22:54daripada tubuh badan kita
22:55berdasarkan pada tanggungjawab kita
22:57kalau staff tadi itu
22:58maksudnya bila dia istighfar
22:59dia terlambat
23:01lepas itu dia cepat
23:03tak adalah hari ini lambat
23:04lepas itu istighfar 100 kali
23:05ok istighfar
23:06besok lambat lagi
23:07kalau begitu
23:08itu bukan istighfar
23:09yang sebenar
23:11kita berehat sebentar
23:12main Quran time
24:30ada Parseh dikapal di sebut
24:31hadith mauno
24:33ada hadith
24:35hadith tan di ketahui
24:38tidak sahih
24:39tidak sahih
24:40ada setuor
24:41...his name is La Aslalahu, there is no origin.
24:45One of the other false hadiths is that there is no origin.
24:52If we meet a boy, we ask him, where are you from?
24:56I'm from there. Where is your mother?
24:59I don't have a mother. I don't even have a father.
25:02Is your father a tempter? No, I was born in this world.
25:06So, this boy must have a father.
25:11A mother who gave birth to him.
25:13If he suddenly appears, no one can accept him.
25:18That is the false hadith.
25:20If he suddenly appears, there is no sign.
25:22There is no story.
25:35O Allah, we repent and turn to You.
25:44O Allah, we regret what we did.
25:54O Allah, we repent and turn to You.
26:04O Allah, we regret what we did.
26:18O Allah, we repent and turn to You.
26:25O Allah, we regret what we did.
26:34O Allah, we repent and turn to You.
26:39That is the Istighfar we need to say.
26:43According to Tafsir Tahrir Watanwir, there is a difference...
26:46...between Istighfar and repentance.
26:48In repentance, we stop from committing sins.
26:51When we say Astaghfirullah, it means that...
26:55...the mother likes to scold her child.
26:59If she scolds her child, she says Astaghfirullah.
27:03So, stopping from committing sins is more important...
27:07...than continuing to ask for forgiveness.
27:10When she repents, she says, O Allah, I repent.
27:12O Allah, I ask for forgiveness.
27:14The most important thing is to stop first.
27:16Some people ask for forgiveness, O Allah.
27:17If the child is disturbed, she scolds him back.
27:20But some people say that scolding a child is a sin.
27:24If she feels that is not clear, that is why she scolds him...
27:28...for the rest of his life.
27:30If she does not scold him, when will he stop?
27:32When he is sick, when he is gone.
27:34That is one of the things we learn from the 52nd verse.
27:39The important thing is that when you want to say Istighfar, you need knowledge.
27:43Some people teach the Quran.
27:45That is the best.
27:47But the Quran has a large volume.
27:50I have seen it.
27:52There is a place in Tafir called Tongkat.
27:54I thought it was a stick to hold.
27:56But it is actually a stick to hit the student...
27:58...if the student does not memorize the Quran.
28:00I think that means if the end of the stick is too hard.
28:03If he forgets, he will be hit.
28:05So, I asked where he learned from.
28:08He said he learned from another country...
28:11...where the rule is to hit.
28:13So, I said, is it okay to hit?
28:16In the time of the Prophet, he did forget...
28:20...and hit him.
28:22He said, no.
28:24So, we need to review.
28:26When we do anything...
28:28...back to the correct knowledge.
28:30If it is wrong, then stopping from doing that sin...
28:35...is more important...
28:37...before we ask for forgiveness physically...
28:39...or physically to Allah...
28:41...or physically to Him...
28:43...in the 52nd verse.
28:45We want to continue with the 53rd verse.
28:47How do we respond...
28:49...from the people of Ad...
28:51...to the Prophet...
28:53...who asked them to ask for forgiveness...
28:55...from the Shirk.
28:57Mainly, stop from the Shirk...
28:59...and then ask for forgiveness...
29:01...apart from other sins.
29:03If we notice at the end of the 52nd verse...
29:05...for example...
29:07...stop from committing sins.
29:10What does that mean?
29:12When we ask for forgiveness...
29:14...and then there are other sins...
29:16...we shouldn't say, it's okay...
29:18...I have repented...
29:20...we can deal with God.
29:22We can't.
29:26...and avoiding new sins...
29:28...needs to be given attention.
29:30One of the important sins...
29:32...that needs to be avoided is...
29:36...or avoiding advice.
29:38That's what is said in the 53rd verse.
29:40Thank you, Ustaz Fazlul.
29:42Dear viewers...
29:45...our lives are full of...
29:47...many shortcomings...
29:49...many mistakes.
29:51It seems like...
29:53...half of what Ustaz Fazlul has shared...
29:58...it seems like it's okay...
30:00...to recite...
30:01...how many have died...
30:03...if you ask me to recite...
30:05...there are so many meanings.
30:07That's not right.
30:09So, we need to be careful...
30:11...to recite...
30:13...but in the end...
30:15...it's not right.
30:17He asked for money...
30:19...6,000 IDR...
30:22So, one verse is 1,000 IDR.
30:24One verse is 100 IDR.
30:266,000 IDR.
30:28One verse is 1,000 IDR.
30:30So, there are many things.
30:32So, we need to be careful...
30:34...so that we don't miss...
30:36...the forgiveness of Allah SWT.
30:38The 53rd verse...
30:40...we are going to recite together.
30:42This time, we are going to use...
30:44...Taranum Jiharkah.
30:59Surah Taranum Jiharkah Verse 1
31:30Surah Taranum Jiharkah Verse 1
31:41Surah Taranum Jiharkah Verse 1
31:42We have just recited the 53rd verse.
31:44The people of Prophet Hud...
31:45...the people of Ma'an...
31:51...that is...
31:52...you did not come to us...
31:54...with the real proof.
31:56Meaning, they...
31:57...the Prophet had given good advice...
32:00...that Allah created me...
32:02...created you...
32:03...gave you sustenance...
32:04...and so on...
32:05...but he said...
32:06...it is not enough proof.
32:07Not convincing.
32:08Actually, it is not that it is not convincing...
32:10...it is not that he is not sure...
32:11...but because of what?
32:12Because there is a feeling of...
32:14...yes, tawallau...
32:15...in the 52nd verse...
32:17...that is...
32:18...the heart...
32:19...does not want to accept the advice.
32:21That is one of the sins...
32:23...that is needed...
32:24...for Isti'far...
32:25...and also...
32:27That is because...
32:28...if we look at people...
32:29...who are always Isti'far...
32:30...who are always repentant...
32:31...their souls are soft...
32:32...when they are admonished...
32:33...they are given advice...
32:34...they do not...
32:36...like the Prophet Noah...
32:37...that we learned in verse 47...
32:38...before this.
32:39Allah admonished...
32:40...do not pray...
32:41...things that you do not know...
32:44...the Prophet Noah prayed...
32:50...like Prophet Adam also...
32:52...do not...
32:53...oh, you have committed...
32:56...but for those...
32:57...who do not know...
32:58...who are stubborn...
32:59...who are stubborn...
33:00...what did he do?
33:02...he said...
33:03...there is no proof...
33:04...no proof...
33:05...number one...
33:06...number two...
33:11...that is...
33:12...we will not...
33:14...our God...
33:15...because of your speech...
33:16...because of your speech...
33:17...I want to change...
33:18...not really...
33:20...if in the office...
33:21...there are people who give advice...
33:22...go to training...
33:24...there are speakers who say...
33:25...we must show...
33:27...for example...
33:29...as a mother...
33:31...as a worker...
33:33...there is no speaker...
33:34...he is good at speaking...
33:36...commented on the speaker...
33:40...his heart is...
33:42...there is what...
33:44...in the heart there is a garden...
33:45...against him...
33:46...the heart has a hole...
33:50...bad heart...
33:51...cannot accept...
33:52...good words...
33:54...bad words...
33:56...so this is...
33:57...the term...
33:58...if people say...
33:59...in the language of motivation...
34:00...bad eye...
34:01...bad eye is also useful...
34:04...people like this...
34:05...are people who...
34:06...dare to...
34:07...go against the rules...
34:08...from Allah...
34:09...when it is given...
34:11...leads to...
34:12...our sharp tongue...
34:13...this time...
34:14...don't forget...
34:18...Ibayah from Allah SWT...
34:19...let's see...
34:22...sharp tongue...
34:23...our focus words...
34:24...for this episode...
34:25...the first one...
34:26...is the beginning...
34:27...of verse 52...
34:30...the beginning of verse 52...
34:31...we find the letter...
34:33...after that...
34:34...the letter Waw...
34:35...that is dead...
34:37...don't read...
34:38...the Kof...
34:39...Waya Kaumi...
34:40...Waya Kaumi...
34:42...the Kof is thick...
34:49...one more time...
35:04...Allah bless...
35:05...after that...
35:06...still in verse 52...
35:07...there is a word...
35:08...with two letters...
35:09...near by...
35:10...for example...
35:11...the word...
35:21Yes, so when it's close like that, you have to be careful, I'm afraid he'll read it like one,
35:34wala ta walau satu ta, or sometimes he'll get confused, ila quwatikum wala ta ta ta ta ta ta ta, ah, that's it, two, ta ta, right, ta ta,
35:47when it's close like that, we press a little, so that it's two letters, wala ta ta walau, try,
35:54wala ta ta walau, ayubah, wala ta ta walau mujidin min, so alhamdulillah, those are two words,
36:01for us to pay attention in the verse we are reading this time.
36:06Don't go anywhere, we want to learn more, the next verse, the 53rd verse,
36:11We will take a short break and we will be back after this with My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat, Ifa Qaud inshallah.
37:11In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
37:41This is actually a common question.
37:44In the early days of COVID-19, if you noticed, most of the mosques in the country were closed.
37:53And it was not only done in Malaysia, but also all over the world.
37:57I remember in Egypt, there was a demonstration.
38:00In front of the mosque, people were praying.
38:02Even though the mosque was locked.
38:04Because to them, prayer is a must.
38:07We have to pray too, no matter what the pandemic is.
38:10But when we look at the hadith, if we follow it,
38:13if we want to see whether or not there was a pandemic during the time of Rasulullah,
38:17we notice that there was no mention of a pandemic at all.
38:21But there was a relief that was given in Islam.
38:24We can pray jama'at at home.
38:27Even though in the original instruction, we were asked to pray.
38:36Welcome back to My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat, Ifa.
38:38We are now in the 52nd and 53rd verses of Surah Hud.
38:43A consistent message.
38:45In the beginning of the 3rd verse of Surah Hud,
38:48the Prophet's call was for the people to worship Allah,
38:53to ask for forgiveness, and to repent.
38:55To ask for forgiveness, to stop doing sins,
38:58and to repent, to ask for forgiveness for what has happened.
39:03So, these two things are important.
39:05There is a story from Hassan bin Ali,
39:08that he once visited the house of Muawiyah.
39:11When he was about to leave, he met a guard.
39:14The guard said, I am a rich man, but I do not have a child.
39:19Teach me something so that Allah will grant me a child.
39:23So, Hassan bin Ali said, do istighfar.
39:26So, this man did a lot of istighfar.
39:29While he did it 700 times.
39:31In the end, how many children did he use?
39:3310 children.
39:35So, this information reached Muawiyah.
39:38Muawiyah said, why don't you ask Al-Hassan where he got this teaching?
39:42So, when the man went to meet Al-Hassan,
39:46he said, referring to the verse just now,
39:49or the Surah Nuh,
39:51the same, the content,
39:53Allah will say,
39:54يُرْسِلِ السَّمَعَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِدْرَارًا
39:56وَيَزِدْكُمْ قُوَّةً
39:58In the Surah Nuh,
40:02وَبَنِنْ أَمْوَلُ وَبَنِنْ
40:04The child and the property will be added.
40:07So, this is what happened in the past.
40:11If someone asks,
40:13how is istighfar related to the child?
40:15Because the child is a formula from Allah.
40:19Humans do not have a way.
40:21They go there, do that, withdraw, etc.
40:24If they do not get an endorsement from Allah,
40:27it will not happen.
40:28But if they get a clearance,
40:29sin is like a block,
40:31we have sustenance, etc.
40:33When we get a clearance,
40:34our sin is clear,
40:36because of istighfar and repentance,
40:38then Allah can give many things
40:40to our family and society.
40:42We want to continue with verse 53 once again.
40:45There are people who,
40:46when they are given this formula,
40:47they are stubborn.
40:48They don't want it.
40:49They don't have it.
40:50We look at verse 53 once again,
40:52so that we do not repeat,
40:54that we are cursed by Allah.
40:56May Allah bless you.
40:58Thank you, Fatiha Ustaz Fazlul.
40:59Verse 53,
41:00Ibu Ayah of Allah SWT.
41:01Beware of the word,
41:03Do not go,
41:05It must be Hamza.
41:07Let's try.
41:08Verse 53,
41:09using Taranum Hijaz.
41:10I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
41:23And we will not leave our gods except by your word.
41:50And we are not believers in you.
41:59Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
42:05when we read verse 53,
42:07when we see in the Quran,
42:09there is a dialogue,
42:10then one of the ways to understand this verse,
42:13we have to see who is speaking.
42:15One is the people of Prophethood,
42:17that is the people of Ad.
42:19They are stubborn.
42:21they say,
42:22Majidah Nabi Bayyinah,
42:23not encouraging,
42:25not believing the evidence that you bring,
42:30what is this?
42:31That is the first thing.
42:33We will not leave all the teachings of Shirk,
42:37that have been there,
42:38because of your advice,
42:40because of your words,
42:41it is not there.
42:42And the third,
42:43we should be believers,
42:46it is not true.
42:47But there is a word,
42:49Laka is,
42:50because of you,
42:51we want to believe.
42:52It is not there.
42:54because they feel,
42:55if we submit to the truth,
42:57we submit to you.
42:58When in fact,
42:59the truth does not come from Prophethood,
43:02the truth comes from Allah SWT.
43:06That is for the people of Prophethood.
43:08But if we see,
43:09as a leader,
43:10a mother,
43:11a father,
43:12we see,
43:13Prophethood is still there,
43:17if some people say,
43:18they are not convinced,
43:19continue preaching.
43:20If some people say,
43:21we will not leave the culture here,
43:23continue the struggle.
43:25And the third,
43:26we will not believe,
43:27because you want to believe.
43:29If we are neglected at that time,
43:32we are still believers,
43:34who teach.
43:35Because of what?
43:36This may be like,
43:37small children,
43:39when we take a scissor,
43:41for example,
43:42we take it from them,
43:43they cry.
43:44They cry,
43:45because of what?
43:46Because they feel,
43:47they do not get a toy.
43:48Their new toy,
43:49looks beautiful.
43:50If we put it on a paper,
43:52it will be cut,
43:53like magic.
43:55for us,
43:56we know that,
43:57it is dangerous.
43:59for Prophethood,
44:00to know that,
44:01their words are dangerous,
44:03Prophethood continues to remember it,
44:06and this is the spirit,
44:07that we want to build,
44:08in our lives,
44:09in preaching,
44:10the truth,
44:11in the family,
44:12in the community.
44:13This brings us to the resolution,
44:15for this episode,
44:16we will see.
44:18always prioritize,
44:19Isti'far and repentance,
44:21so that all deeds,
44:22are accepted by Allah SWT.
44:24At the same time,
44:25Allah gives,
44:26all forms of help,
44:28that we need,
44:29to solve it.
44:30This is the first.
44:32give good reminders,
44:33to others,
44:34to avoid sin.
44:35This is represented,
44:36by the word,
44:37waya qawmi,
44:38in verse 52.
44:40still uses,
44:41the word,
44:42wahai qaumku,
44:43not angry,
44:44at his people.
44:48who are arrogant,
44:49and egoistic,
44:50with the message,
44:51of the truth,
44:52directly convey,
44:53the ego,
44:56the ego,
44:57like Abu Sufyan,
45:0013 years,
45:01in Mecca,
45:038 years,
45:04in Madinah,
45:06Fatu Mecca,
45:07converted to Islam.
45:0821 years,
45:09fighting with the Prophet,
45:12we don't know,
45:13what is the call,
45:14that our children,
45:15family members,
45:16and friends,
45:18the important thing,
45:19is to be steadfast,
45:20that is,
45:21the main message,
45:22in Surah Hud,
45:23there are people,
45:24who are stubborn,
45:25let them be stubborn,
45:26we just pray,
45:27speak well,
45:30we know,
45:31that is,
45:32an important thing,
45:33for our safety,
45:35We also pray,
45:36that we can be steadfast,
45:37throughout this life,
45:39Thank you,
45:40Ya Allah,
45:41Ya Allah,
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