Episod 828 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 20 Mac 2025 Surah Yusuf (12: 25-26) Halaman 238
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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Yusuf ayat 25-26 halaman 238 ini adalah:
* Situasi baju Yusuf AS terkoyak dan ditemui oleh al-Aziz (25)
* Nabi Yusuf mempertahankan diri dan kesaksian daripada orang lain (26)
Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 25-26 halaman 238:
* Hindarkan diri daripada tempat maksiat dan berusaha menjauhinya (25)
* Sabar dan tidak melatah menghadapi tuduhan palsu (25)
* Pertahankan dan bela diri apabila dituduh dengan tuduhan tidak berasas (26)
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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
Layari laman web kami www.myqurantime.org untuk tonton semula video-video My #QuranTime 2.0 & sertai WhatsApp Channel My #QuranTime: https://bit.ly/MQTWAC.
Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Yusuf ayat 25-26 halaman 238 ini adalah:
* Situasi baju Yusuf AS terkoyak dan ditemui oleh al-Aziz (25)
* Nabi Yusuf mempertahankan diri dan kesaksian daripada orang lain (26)
Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 25-26 halaman 238:
* Hindarkan diri daripada tempat maksiat dan berusaha menjauhinya (25)
* Sabar dan tidak melatah menghadapi tuduhan palsu (25)
* Pertahankan dan bela diri apabila dituduh dengan tuduhan tidak berasas (26)
Untuk menonton episod sebelum ini, sila klik di link berikut:
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Ep 1-500: https://bit.ly/mqt2facebook
Ep 501-1000: https://bit.ly/mqt2facebook2
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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:33Who's on the lumpy doop on kita in ebola datang dalam bentuk keluarga dalam bentuk kehadiran harta
00:38Tata dan juga wanita di dalam kehidupan dan inilah yang digambarkan dalam kisah nabi yusuf untuk sama-sama kita melihat bagaimana
00:46Menguruskannya dengan panduan iman taqwa kita ikuti diskusi dalam episode kali ini
01:23All the ladies
01:34That's a me
02:01Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu alhamdulillah wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala
02:06Shadadah ilahe illallah shadadah muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh
02:09Allahumma sada'ala sayyidina muhammadi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
02:14Amma ba'du
02:16Apa khabar teman-teman perempuan yang dirahmati Allah sekalian
02:18Kita bertemu dalam My Quran Time
02:20Quran salat infa pada hari ini
02:22Sama-sama kita ingin mendalami dua ayat lagi
02:24Ayat 25 dan 26
02:26Pada halaman yang ke 238
02:28Bersama al-Fadhil ustaz
02:30Tirmidhi Ali
02:36Kita teruskan babak seterusnya
02:38Dalam kisah di Bumi Mesir
02:40Dan pada hari ini kita
02:42Menjemput kehadiran
02:46Kita ucapkan selamat datang
02:50Pertubuhan halakah
03:00Semangat Melaka
03:04Melaka itu tak masuk ke orang Perak
03:06Kena tukar
03:08Dan juga kepada grup istiqamah
03:10Yang berada di studio
03:12Yang berada di rumah
03:14Terus kita sama-sama berdoa
03:16Untuk diberikan ilmu hikmah
03:18Pada pembincangan ilmu kita pada hari ini
03:22Innaka antala alimul hakim
03:24Rabbi zidni ilma
03:26Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin
03:28Mari sama-sama kita saksikan apakah ringkasan
03:30Sinapsis bagi ayat 25-26
03:32Bermula pada ayat yang ke 25
03:34Yang kita akan baca sebentar lagi
03:36Situasi baju
03:38Nabi Yusuf terkoyak dan ditemui
03:40Oleh Al-Aziz
03:42Kali ini kali kedua saatnya
03:44Dalam surah Yusuf ini ada 3 kali pasal baju
03:46Dan ada 3 kali pasal baju
03:48Dan pada ayat yang ke 26
03:50Nabi Yusuf mempertahankan diri
03:52Dan kesaksian daripada orang lain
03:54Mari sama-sama kita membaca
03:56Terlebih dahulu ayat 25 dan 26
03:58Bersama di pimpinan Fadil Ustadz
04:04Sahabat-sahabat yang dikasih sekalian
04:06Alhamdulillah kita dapat bersama-sama lagi pada kali ini
04:08Bersama dengan sahabat-sahabat kita
04:10Yang datang jauh dari Perak
04:12Alhamdulillah untuk siaran My Quran Time
04:14Untuk episode kali ini
04:16Ayat 25 dan 26
04:18Sambungan lah
04:20Daripada semalam
04:22Bagaimana kemuncak juga
04:24Ujian Nabi Allah Yusuf AS
04:26Digoda oleh perempuan
04:28Yang menjaganya
04:30Ataupun menjadi
04:32Keluarga angkat kepadanya
04:34Nabi Yusuf
04:36Di uji dan Nabi Allah Yusuf mengiati Allah SWT
04:38Kemudian ini adalah
04:40Mungkin babat seterusnya
04:42Untuk sama-sama kita
04:46Sambungan terlebih dahulu sebelum kita mendengar
04:48Tadabbur daripada Tuhan Fazlul
04:50Ayat 25 dan 26
05:16A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim
05:46A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim
06:16A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim
06:46A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim
07:16Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
07:18Kita dalam bacaan daripada ayat yang ke-25 dan 26
07:20Daripada Surah Yusuf
07:22Untuk terus kita melihat kepada apakah yang berlaku
07:24Di dalam istana
07:26Ataupun rumah Al-Aziz
07:28Ketika si wanita
07:30Zulaiha itu cuba untuk
07:32Wara wadathullati huwafi baitihah
07:34Pada ayat yang ke-23
07:36Cuba untuk menggoda
07:38Kepada Nabi Yusuf AS
07:40Bagaimana bila Nabi Yusuf menyatakan
07:42Maazallah pada ayat yang ke-23
07:44Dia kata aku berlindung daripada Allah
07:46Aku meminta tempat dan masa
07:48Untuk aku didindungi oleh Allah SWT
07:52Nabi Yusuf bila menggunakan perkataan
07:54Maazallah itu sebagai doa
07:56Yang diangkat oleh Allah SWT
07:58Maka pada ayat yang ke-25
08:02Yaitu mereka berdua
08:04Berlumba ke pintu
08:06Salah satu pintu yang banyak diizad
08:08Yang ada tujuh pintu dalam tafsir kan
08:10Jadi salah satu pintu itu
08:14Mereka berlumba
08:15Berlumba itu siapa?
08:16Maksudnya Nabi Yusuf cuba berlari
08:18Melarikan diri daripada
08:20Daripada wanita Imra'ah
08:22Al-Aziz sebentar tadi
08:24Apa yang berlaku
08:28Yaitu terkoyak
08:30Baju Nabi Yusuf
08:32Daripada belakang
08:34Istilah qaddat ini
08:36Dia ada beza al-qad dengan al-qad
08:40Dal dengan ta
08:42Kalau dal itu koyak panjang
08:44Kalau qad itu maksudnya koyak melebar
08:46Jadi bahasa Arab ini dia memang spesifik
08:48Jadi disini menunjukkan
08:50Dikoyak ataupun ditarik
08:52Dengan memanjang kepada
08:54Baju Nabi Yusuf
08:56Jadi pada peringkat awal kita dah belajar
08:58Baju Nabi Yusuf ini famous
09:00Satu waktu apa
09:02Waktu dia kecil-kecil dulu itu
09:04Yang ditanggalkan abangnya
09:06Dan dilumurkan dengan darah kambing
09:08Untuk ditipukan kepada si ayah
09:10Jadi itu baju Nabi Yusuf yang pertama
09:12Ini baju yang seterusnya
09:14Maksudnya bajunya medaya tarikan
09:16Kalau zaman sekarang ini mungkin orang dah jual
09:18Berapa ribu dah ini dapat dilelong
09:20Karena apa? Amat famous
09:22Kembali-balik disini
09:28Wa al-fayah itu maksudnya apa?
09:30Dan mereka bertemu secara tiba-tiba
09:34Seyid yaitu ketua
09:36Ataupun tuan punya pada rumah
09:38Al-Aziz tadi
09:40Yaitu di depan salah satu
09:42Daripada pintu yang mereka berlumba
09:44Jadi kalau kita perasan pada ayat
09:46Yang ke-17 sebelum ini
09:48Ketika abang Nabi Yusuf balik
09:52Pada waktu itu mereka cakap apa?
09:54Kami ini dah pergi, kami ini berlumba lagi
09:56Berlumba ada perkataan
09:58Pada ayat yang ke-17
10:00Kali ini digunakan lagi perkataan berlumba
10:02Kali ini Yusuf dan juga
10:04Nabi Yusuf dan juga Zulayha
10:06Siapa yang menang ini bukan pasal menang kalah
10:08Ini adalah berkaitan dengan
10:10Kebenaran ataupun kebaltilan
10:12Jadi bila mereka berlumba tersebut
10:14Dan tiba-tiba tercegat si suami
10:16Apa yang berlaku? Kita berehat sebentar
10:18Main Quran time, Quran Salah ad-Din Faham
10:32In the next episode
11:02Jinns didn't come. So, this is a falsehood based on the name of Allah S.W.T.
11:06Subhanahu wa ta'ala, amma yushrikuhu
11:13My Quran Time, Quran, Salat, Imfah
11:32In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
12:02In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
12:32In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
12:52I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
12:56And he rushed to the door and grabbed his shirt from behind
13:10And he rushed to the door and grabbed his shirt from behind
13:26Sadaqallahul Azeem
13:28Sadaqallahul Azeem, we are back in My Quran Time, Quran, Salat, Imfah
13:31Together, we are going through the 25th verse to the 26th verse
13:35The story of Prophet Yusuf that is full of blisters
13:39And the blisters with Wa'alfaya, how is it?
13:43Try to read it again
13:45Wa'alfaya, Sayyidah, at the door
13:57This blister is what we want to know
13:59This blister is about if the wrongdoer, when faced with a sudden event
14:05Wa'alfaya means meeting by accident
14:08It depends
14:10But if we are talking about something that was searched thoroughly,
14:15We do not use the word Wa'alfaya
14:17So, of course, Prophet Yusuf did not search and what else for Zulaikha?
14:24Because he had already closed the seven doors
14:27So when Prophet Yusuf ran, he was chased
14:31He was chased and his clothes were pulled from behind
14:34When he met Sayyidah
14:39And psychology for the wrongdoer, when he met his husband
14:45Of course, he felt again, oh Allah, why?
14:49But for the righteous, of course, this is what is expected
14:54Because Prophet Yusuf wanted to ensure that he was protected
14:58Ma'azallah, kept away from all things
15:01Fahsyah, disgusting things that are kept away from him
15:07In this verse, we read again in the order of verse 25
15:12How is the wife's reaction to Al-Aziz?
15:16And this reaction is one thing that we need to take real attention
15:22Verse 25 with Al-Fatihah
15:24Welcome, we want to read a little more
15:26Verse 25, reaction
15:29When he was chased, how he wanted to turn
15:31Verse 25
15:51So, O Sayyidah, at the door
16:05She said, what is the recompense of one who intended to harm your family
16:25Except that he is imprisoned or a painful punishment
16:44May Allah bless you
16:46May Allah bless you
16:47We have read from verse 25
16:51Let's take a look at the wife's reaction to Al-Aziz
16:55When she met her husband
16:58So, this is one of the rules from who?
17:05We have learned in verse 21
17:11That is, Allah has the power to win and help in all matters
17:18So, the statement from the wife of Al-Aziz
17:29His way of speaking indicates that he is not a new liar
17:35Not a new liar
17:37That means he is just about to be a liar
17:40Because his way of speaking is ready with his structure and choices
17:46That is, O Sayyidah, what is the recompense of one who intended to harm your family
17:55That is, your wife
17:57Except that he is imprisoned or a painful punishment
18:04So, he was smart when he was chasing Prophet Yusuf
18:08He failed
18:11At that time, he could twist
18:14And this is one of the skills for the wife of YB
18:20Except when it is completed with faith
18:24Because when the husband becomes a politician, he has to lie a lot
18:28Except for the politicians who have faith
18:29So, he has to corner there
18:31So, who can keep the secret of YB Mesir
18:37Of course, his wife
18:38His wife is the one who can keep it
18:40If there is a good thing, it's okay
18:43But if there is a bad thing, such as corruption
18:45The easiest thing to know is the wife
18:48And the easiest thing to keep is the wife
18:51And the easiest thing to cover is the wife too
18:54So, what is the skill of his wife?
18:57She can lie in front of her husband
19:00And quickly
19:01In a short time, he said
19:03What do you want to do if there is someone who wants to harm our family?
19:09It's me
19:11And this should be imprisoned
19:13And also give a painful punishment
19:16So, here is actually a big lesson about the wife of a powerful person
19:21Need to be careful
19:24And one of the examples of a powerful wife
19:27Who is still on the basis of faith
19:29Is like the wife of Fir'aun
19:31Even though her husband is bad
19:34But she still believes
19:36And the sign is
19:38She is not involved in the cruel things that happen
19:42And asked to build a palace or a special heaven for her
19:47Why? Because she is very tormented
19:49Even though she is in a luxurious palace on the land of Egypt
19:53In the kingdom of Fir'aun
19:54But here we show that
19:56The wife of YB is corrupt
19:59It's really bad
20:01Why? Because she has the skill to lie
20:04Very neat
20:06And this is what we pray for
20:09If we have a powerful partner to be a leader
20:13Don't be arrogant
20:14Because if you are arrogant with this bad thing
20:18She will become a professional liar
20:22And why is she willing to lie?
20:24It comes from an unresolved feeling
20:27That is, she feels lonely
20:29Then when
20:32In verse 23
20:34She always sees Prophet Yusuf
20:36There is a desire
20:37So that desire is treated
20:39And finally leads to
20:42As well as Prophet Yusuf's brother
20:44Lied to his father
20:47Named Prophet Jacob
20:49And this leads to the word of choice for this episode
20:52We watch
20:53The word is
20:55The word is
21:00From the word
21:02That is, to cut something into pieces
21:05But in the form of length
21:07Compared to
21:09That means
21:11Cut in the form of width
21:13It is mentioned five times in the Quran
21:15Appears in Surah Yusuf
21:16And also in Surah Al-Jinn
21:18As a clue
21:20For us to pay attention to the next verse
21:23Who is right?
21:25Who is wrong?
21:27But what is the lesson?
21:28When we read verse 25
21:30We know it is a story
21:31But because this verse of the Quran is a guidance
21:33What is the guidance we get?
21:35If we ask the people of Kampar
21:38Or Istiqamah today
21:39I rarely ask questions
21:40Usually Ustaz Tir will ask
21:42What is the guidance we get from here?
21:45One of them
21:46I will answer too
21:47One of them is
21:48When someone has an unresolved feeling
21:51In the case of Prophet Yusuf
21:54They will be angry
21:55Until they are willing to commit a crime
21:57When there is someone
21:59Who has an unresolved feeling
22:00Towards her husband
22:01She feels lonely
22:03It's not her husband's fault
22:04She can blame him
22:06Because of her unsatisfied self
22:08She brings
22:10A void
22:11For example
22:12An emptiness in the soul
22:13And when she is seduced by the devil
22:16Then finally
22:17The child is the child
22:19The important thing is
22:20I am filled
22:21Because my husband doesn't talk to me
22:23Busy and so on
22:25So he looks for
22:26The third person
22:27Who becomes a crime
22:29That is conveyed
22:31Until chasing
22:32Chasing is very aggressive
22:34But it comes from
22:37To a person
22:38To a person
22:39Who needs to be taken care of
22:41In a
22:43In life
22:44We take a break for a while
22:45Quran Time
22:46Quran Salah infallah
24:47Sometimes when the people get ready for the plah,
24:52what do they do?
24:54Even if it's just a Guan Tang Lantern, then it's okay.
24:57But if they believe,
24:58if the angels come from afar,
25:05or even the grandparents got to go home,
25:09then things are different.
25:12They are actually opposed to the truth.
25:16SadaqAllahul Azeem
25:46Allah is the Greatest
25:52We are back to play Quran Time
25:54Quran, Salat and Infaq
25:56How we listen to the recitation of Tadabur from Ustaz Fadhil Fadhil
26:00a while ago
26:01Take the teaching
26:03So that we always become a husband
26:06Who always see
26:08What is this called
26:10The goodness of his wife
26:12And his wife also always
26:14Be patient and discuss
26:17So that we know that Prophet Yusuf
26:19Was very handsome
26:21He was a very beautiful person
26:25Until he was seduced
26:27By his mother
26:29Or not his real mother
26:31Or the one who took care of him
26:33And what is interesting
26:35Ustaz Fadhil Fadhil
26:37If now
26:39We see on social media
26:41Husband was caught
26:43While seducing
26:45Or what is it called
26:47On the other side
26:49They took the camera
26:51And showed
26:53I don't know what happened after that
26:55But it was shown to the public
26:57If you look at this story
26:59He was caught
27:01We don't say that the husband is real
27:03But maybe if you look at the current context
27:05Is it good?
27:07Recorded and show to all
27:09The mistakes that were done
27:11There is also a husband
27:13Yes, actually when talking about
27:15This surah
27:17One is related to
27:19Test to Prophet Yusuf
27:21That is the relationship between
27:23Men and women
27:25And depicted in this surah
27:27In a form that is not vivid
27:29In a way
27:31Until there is something happening
27:33Nothing, just pulling clothes
27:35In the interpretation there is something explained
27:39But the Quran is not
27:41And if we read this surah
27:43Want to soul it
27:45Don't read the interpretation
27:47Read the verse of the Quran first
27:49If not later
27:51Like watching a movie
27:53When talking about Prophet Yusuf
27:55For example
27:57Who tried to put his brother in prison
27:59There are people who look at the story
28:01He just got in
28:03He said to us
28:05How deep is the prison?
28:07There are questions to us who are watching
28:09We want to answer
28:11Not motivated
28:13We are paying attention to the movie
28:15But he asked
28:17The prisoner
28:19How blind
28:21Why blind?
28:23So questions
28:25Not relevant to disturb
28:27Our attention to the movie
28:29To the story being
28:33So when we go back to this surah
28:35We only focus on what has been conveyed
28:39And if we look at
28:41In the verse that has been conveyed
28:43It is not explained
28:45The things of falsehood
28:47So the behavior of the husband
28:49Who caught the video
28:51To the wife who caught the video
28:53From the mother's phone and so on
28:55That is actually
28:57One thing that is not allowed
28:59Not allowed because
29:01Looking for fault
29:03To the public
29:05That is the next crime
29:07The next crime
29:09So what do you want to do?
29:11He needs to go back to the court
29:13Or to the court
29:15If he really wants to accuse
29:17And to accuse
29:19He has to bring four witnesses
29:23Not a video
29:25So this is the discussion of falsehood
29:27That we will see again in Surah An-Nur
29:29Because when you accuse someone
29:31Who can accuse?
29:33And in this case
29:35The Lord to Al-Aziz
29:37He did not accuse yet
29:39And how
29:41What happens when
29:43The husband stands
29:45The wife is there
29:47And then there is Prophet Yusuf who was pulled from behind
29:49Verse 26
29:51We read together with Fariud
30:01We read together with Fariud
30:32Verse 26
30:40In verse 26
30:41Prophet Yusuf said
30:46The reply is from prophet Yusuf
30:48Very short
30:50And the answer is
30:52Respond to Zulaikha
30:54Who tried to state that
30:58Want to give a clue to his husband
31:00what are you going to do if someone wants to ruin your wife or your family members?
31:04be it in jail or Azabun Alim
31:07so when this wife is good at lying to the chief or the lord of the palace
31:18then the prophet Yusuf immediately replied
31:22he replied, he is the one who seduced me against myself
31:26so both of them are fighting
31:28this one said this, this one said this
31:30even though Imrah Al-Aziz did not tell that it was prophet Yusuf
31:35but he gave a clue
31:37because he is a professional, a professional liar will not accuse directly
31:40he will give clues until people get angry
31:43and feel that it is true, he is a professional
31:46sopan santun untuk menuduh seseorang
31:49so what we learn from the first part of verse 26
31:59this loneliness
32:01she feels that her husband does not treat her well
32:03so in the end, she brings a feeling of instability
32:07that is why if there is a wife who may have a husband's death
32:12or there is a wife who has a husband but the husband is very busy
32:16does not treat her well
32:19or sometimes he treats her well but he may compare
32:22that is a challenge
32:23when I said earlier, there are people who take pictures if they do wrong
32:26but there are people who do not do wrong but they take pictures too
32:29then he shared it on social media
32:31too much, too much
32:33it means when he greets his husband, he takes a picture and posts it on Facebook
32:38then he goes on vacation to London, what does he do?
32:40take a picture and put it on Facebook
32:43then he said, my plates are all clean because my wife is really diligent
32:48posts on Facebook
32:49apparently, as an advice from Prophet Jacob
32:54do not tell your dreams
32:57whatever advantages in the family, husband and wife
33:00do not show off too much
33:02because there are people who notice that their husband is really good
33:05what happens?
33:07when her husband goes on vacation, romantic, goes to London, meets
33:12all of them, the wife takes a picture and shares
33:15later there are other women who say, his husband is really good
33:19something like that
33:20and there are people who pay attention to other people's wives
33:25who say, my wife is good, she is really good, pious, etc
33:29he posts it on Facebook
33:30there are other people's husbands who say, my wife is not that good
33:34his wife is good
33:36there is something that will happen later
33:39that is what we worry about
33:41as Prophet Jacob worries
33:43so in this case, this wife said
33:46she is looking for something outside of what is required in religion
33:53and for a wife who has a husband
33:56sometimes she will have loneliness
33:58she does not notice that she has shopped until thousands of ringgit
34:02because she is lonely
34:04and there is a case, a woman shared
34:06she said, I don't know
34:08I used to have a husband
34:09I don't like to buy a veil
34:11she said
34:12but now that her husband has passed away
34:14she asked, in one of the questions
34:16she said, why is it that whenever I go anywhere
34:20I see a veil
34:21I don't want to buy it
34:22because I have a lot of veils in my wardrobe
34:24then I dream
34:26I dream, and when I finally go to that place, she will buy it back
34:28but what does that explain?
34:30about loneliness
34:32about loneliness
34:33that might happen to a busy husband
34:36or a dead husband
34:38and this is one of the emotions that needs to be handled well
34:42and if it is not handled well
34:44the temptation will happen
34:46until Prophet Yusuf replies
34:52He is the one who tempts you
34:54to what is happening
34:56we will take a short break, Quran Time
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39:44Surah Al-Nazim
39:46Surah Al-Nazim, Ayah 26
39:48as a response from the Prophet
39:50Prophet Yusuf to
39:52to what was stated by Zulaikha
39:54the wife of Al-Aziz
39:56when she met her husband, she said
39:58who is it that should be punished
40:00to those who want to destroy
40:02destroy, do evil
40:04to your family members
40:06which refers to the wife of Al-Aziz
40:08so her skill
40:10to deceive is in that form
40:12but we notice that the verse is long
40:14the end of verse 25 is long
40:16and we have learned from the Prophet
40:18Yusuf when he cried
40:20he cried when Aisha
40:22when his sister was left
40:24in the valley, they cried
40:26but the reason
40:28was too long
40:30we have gone, we have fought
40:32we have left Prophet Yusuf
40:34near our things and in the end we have to eat with him
40:36it was too long
40:38a sad person will not
40:40be able to speak
40:42a professional liar
40:44will not be able to speak
40:46but a truly sad person
40:48will not be able to speak
40:50so in verse 25
40:52the answer is long
40:54from Zulaikha, but the answer
40:56from Prophet Yusuf is short
41:02it is short
41:04because in the situation of fighting
41:06in the situation of being shocked
41:08the answer is short
41:10because the person is nervous
41:12in the situation of being sad
41:14he cannot speak long, he only speaks short
41:16and this is what is depicted
41:18with the short answer at the beginning of verse 26
41:20so when
41:22when the incident happened
41:26there was a witness
41:28among the family members
41:30in that incident
41:32he said, he went to advise
41:34and according to the story, some said
41:36that this is a wise person
41:38who was referred to by Al-Aziz
41:40what is your advice?
41:42he said
41:46if the one who
41:48the one whose clothes are
41:50torn from the front
41:52Prophet Yusuf's clothes are torn from the front
41:54who is the real one?
41:56Al-Aziz's wife, Zulaikha
42:00and he, Prophet Yusuf, is a liar
42:02he is the one who
42:04lied to Al-Aziz's wife
42:06but how
42:08if we say from behind
42:10this is the verse that we will see
42:12in the next episode
42:14but what we learn here is
42:16there was a witness
42:18a husband came
42:20then a witness
42:22some said that the witness was a baby
42:24but there was a discussion
42:26whether it was a baby or an adult
42:28it does not matter
42:30what is important is
42:32what happened to Prophet Yusuf
42:34and Allah is very wise
42:36and the wisdom of Allah
42:38Allah brought his husband
42:40and a witness
42:42that is enough, two people
42:44he gave a suggestion
42:46he did not give an answer
42:48he thought about it
42:50so in our life
42:52if we do good with Allah
42:54then Allah will bring people
42:56all of a sudden
42:58Prophet Yusuf brought
43:00his wife
43:02which is supposed to be
43:04difficult for people to find
43:06because she is blind
43:08but Allah's way
43:10is not the same as our way
43:12and this is the way of Allah
43:14which we learn in verse 21
43:16as a suggestion to
43:18Prophet Muhammad
43:20that Allah will bring
43:22certain people in life
43:24to make you successful
43:26and that is also Allah's suggestion
43:28even though the challenges of family
43:30women, property, throne
43:32various things
43:34but we are sure
43:36as long as we have faith and righteousness
43:38and we ask Allah
43:40Allah will not
43:42leave Prophet Yusuf
43:44Allah will not leave us
43:46as a servant who needs help
43:48from Allah SWT
43:50which leads to the resolution
43:52for our episode this time
43:54which is the first
43:56avoid the place of evil
43:58and try to stay away from it
44:00the second
44:02be patient and do not
44:04face false accusations
44:06like Prophet Yusuf
44:08and still
44:10in a state of nervous
44:12still able to
44:14state the truth
44:16and the third, defend yourself
44:18when you are accused of baseless accusations
44:20because that is the example
44:22of Prophet Yusuf
44:24peace be upon him
44:26let us pray together to Allah SWT
44:28may Allah grant us the guidance
44:30to continue to be
44:32even though it is not enough here and there
44:34in the life of a couple
44:36but we have Allah
44:38do not empty
44:40our heart
44:42if our heart is empty from Allah
44:44it will be filled
44:46by a ghost
44:48and that is what happened in the incident of Zulaiha
44:50we pray to Allah to make
44:52the place that we remember
44:54in every bad time
45:22may Allah grant us
45:24patience and calmness
45:26in everything we face
45:28may Allah make us people who are calm
45:30people who are always
45:32showing you the Quran and
45:34the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad
45:36may Allah make us
45:38people who always remember you
45:40wherever we are
45:42may Allah make us people who are pious
45:44people who are always careful in this world
45:46step into this world
45:48with full of care
45:50and be steadfast
45:52in the sins that can
45:54invite you to the mercy of Allah
45:56and forgive us our sins and our mistakes
45:58may Allah grant us
46:00peace be upon him
46:02may Allah grant us
46:04those of you who are in the studio
46:06those of you who are at home
46:08to continue to be steadfast with
46:10the Quran
46:12and invite you to contribute
46:14in the account number
46:16in the QR code
46:18we pray for your contribution
46:20as a source of dawah
46:22and continue the legacy of
46:24Prophet Muhammad SAW
46:26who wants the Quran to be spread
46:28and hopefully the Surah Yusuf
46:30that we are learning can be a guide
46:32to the emotional challenges
46:34that our family members face
46:36because if
46:38this heart is filled with God
46:40then InshaAllah
46:42Satan and ghosts will be far away
46:44from our family
46:46we will meet again in the next episode
46:48to see how the next chapter
46:50is still a story
46:52how to determine who is right and who is wrong
46:54and is this
46:56Al-Aziz woman still
46:58silent or still
47:00planning a plot to
47:02bring down Prophet Yusuf
47:04by Quran Time
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