• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Classics Darkseid Figure


00:00Fear this Alpha and his Omegas. Here's a look at McFarland Toys DC Multiverse DC
00:06Classics Darkseid. In the known DC multiverse one name stands above all
00:32others when it comes to supreme villainy Darkseid. Ruling over a hellish world of
00:36apocalypse Darkseid doesn't merely mean to conquer a planet or subjugate its
00:41enemies. He seeks to rob the entire universe of its free will and replace
00:45it with his own. Straight from apocalypse and with some accessories. Before we get
00:49a closer look at the DC Multiverse DC Classics Darkseid let's take the tape
00:54measure and we'll see how tall the figure actually stands. Now I know one of
00:57the big issues a lot of collectors face for this figure is the fact he does have
00:59a cape and the Darkseid logo D on the front of his chest. The figure is
01:03actually based on the original 80s Kenner Darkseid who also sported the
01:06very similar style of cape. I know we are getting as well a build to figure
01:10Darkseid's gonna be using this mold again. He's gonna be part of the DC
01:13task force line. Unfortunately though he's gonna have cell shading to him so I
01:17hope at some point we are gonna be getting this mold again but without the
01:20cape. All that being said though let's take the tape measure like as promised
01:24and the figure is gonna in fact stand about eight and three quarters of an
01:26inch in height or the ruler of apocalypse is about 22 centimeters tall.
01:30Now scaling this guy unfortunately to other villains of Superman might be a
01:33little bit more difficult because if you like bringing him for example Kalibak.
01:37Kalibak compared to DC Classics Darkseid is clearly way too tall. I don't know if
01:42we are gonna be getting another version of Kalibak but Kalibak really should be
01:45only about this high. It's the only one thing I will say though about McFarlane's
01:48team is that they don't really scale this this figure line as one class.
01:52Darkseid right away should be a lot taller. I mean Kalibak I think when he
01:55was initially released should have been already a smaller figure. He also as well
02:00if you bring in say the likes of Doomsday I feel like again like Darkseid
02:04should be taller than Doomsday. When you also bring in say like the anti-monitor
02:08part of my hairy arm by the way still he's about the same size and he is also
02:12shorter surprisingly as Mongol. As also as well if we're gonna be talking about
02:16Superman villains why not bring in the Man of Steel. This is the one from Action
02:19Comics served up now or Darkseid's accessories. I don't have a silver
02:22platter I'm sorry. The figure though comes included with a DC logo stand. The logo of
02:26the DC is a little harder to make it out but it's right there. Much easier I'm
02:31sure to see is the neighboring peg that can plug into either one of Darkseid's
02:34boots. The figure also comes included with a pretty cool-looking classic card. It
02:37looks like the days of the DC cosmic cards. Anybody remember those? Some of my
02:42favorite cards. I still actually have the set I had from high school. Darkseid of
02:45course you can see is featured on the front still with the cape still with the
02:48the Darkseid D there on the front of his chest. It also looks like while
02:52he doesn't have Omega beams jetting out from his eyes he has these flaming
02:55things going all around his arms. On the back of the card though his real name is
02:59Na. Actually no his real name is N.A. Nobody knows what it is. And then of
03:04course there is also as well a paragraph read. You can pause and read for yourself.
03:07If you don't want to do that just say that it's one of those lazy days. I
03:12don't feel like reading anything. I've had similar days like that. I've actually
03:15already had a lazy day but I still managed to read that for you. It was at
03:18the beginning of this review so no need to thank me. Let's move right off to the
03:21side. The figure does also come include some swappable hands. So as already you
03:25can probably see the figure does have a closed fist over here and a grabbing
03:28hand over here. If you did want to have them both with closed fists the figure
03:32basically has that hand as a mirror flip to this side. Basically just unplug the
03:36hand that he has over here and replace it with this hand instead. The figure
03:40also comes included with a pointing hand so again if you don't want to have that
03:44hand over there that one there the figure does have this pointing hand
03:48instead. He doesn't have any other accessories. I mean to be fair though he
03:52does come with a swappable head sculpt and the head does have the Omega beams
03:55so that's saying something. Speaking of which though the figure does as
03:59mentioned have that. The thing I really like that's cool about it is the way
04:03they've designed the Omega beams so it's not just the beams protruding out from
04:07his eyes although they don't really look as much like they're coming out from his
04:09eyes until you kind of look at it from the from the bottom. You can see it
04:12basically takes up his entire cavity but if you look at it from this side it
04:16almost looks like they're only coming out from the middle area or the little
04:18center section there. It's a little area there the house has the sleep and the
04:23tear tear ducts looks like it's only coming from his tear ducts. I do also
04:26like this side so it just looks like it's like if you were like in an anime
04:30series for example this thing would just be a starburst. I think that's really
04:33kind of cool. I don't know if I'm gonna really be displaying the figure though
04:37with this head just because again I really like the head that he already has
04:40on his shoulders right now. Speaking though of which picking up the figure
04:44right now Darkseid though not his defaulted head I already swapped that
04:47out at the beginning of this review to be fair though actually the defaulted
04:50head was this head here but I kind of want to start at the more neutral
04:53expression first before we get to more zanier looking designs. One thing though
04:58it's very different obviously between the two the the obvious one is that his
05:01Omega beams aren't there but like this one also doesn't have the sneer in his
05:05face this one does you know again it like both head sculpts are really good
05:08for my personal collection space and shelf I'm gonna go with this head
05:12sculpt as my favorite of the two. It also kind of reminds me of the days like
05:16was it the superpowers galactic guardians I love that cartoon I think
05:20back then Darkseid was voiced by the same guy that voiced Doc it was a Dr.
05:24Claw Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget. Head sculpt again looks really quite good on
05:28this figure the paint is good as well you can see like although his eyes are
05:32much smaller to read you can see that they're done in a very bright red. The
05:37head sculpt by the way the way it attaches you don't actually remove the
05:40entire head and leave the neck behind you actually have to take the neck too
05:44the neck and the head are actually well if you're looking at them they're one
05:47piece so like just put the figure down here for a second if you look at the
05:51head the neck and the head are one piece so there's no chance at all that when
05:55you go to want to take both the next gonna stay behind when one goes the
05:59other one's gonna go with it the changing at a head by the way was one
06:02thing I thought like if I took the head off would I be able then get off the
06:06cape the cape is no unfortunately still permanently attached it's not attached
06:10only by just his head alone that what they've done is they've rooted it
06:13inside the D logo there was no way that I can see at least they can pry this off
06:18because I was kind of thinking for a second well if I if I pop this off I can
06:21live with the D and then I can just take the cape off from the back of it but it
06:25looks like it's really attached on there plus I don't want to start pulling this
06:28off and the risk that I damaged the plastic around it but again like the
06:31cape if you like the classic days of the Kenner like this would be the
06:35superpowers dark side would have had a nice flowing cape on the back of his
06:38body to change the head out by the way I'm just gonna yank the entire thing off
06:42you have to be also careful doing this too because the post if you're looking
06:46at it doesn't actually have a secondary ball joint at the base of this it's
06:49actually molded completely to his body because like I was thinking at one point
06:53oh I wonder if I can bend this back maybe because it's too Clark too close
06:56to the front of his torso and no you can't it is actually molded inside so
07:00he only actually has one bolt ball joint as disposal go ahead and just take the
07:05head that we want to use and by the way just before I do that though like I said
07:07though the cape if you flip the cape forward you can see it's not attached at
07:11all to the shoulders it's certainly not attached to the back of his body either
07:14it is only attached by fed through holes there on the top of the D again there if
07:19there was a way to pry this off I'm sure there is but it's it's not like you
07:23could really leave this off either you would just have a big unsightly hole in
07:26it in its place I'm sure there could have been a way that they could have
07:30swapped this out with it just a peg a flat peg piece but again you would only
07:34just notice a circle there anyways so unless we do get ourselves a regular
07:38classic doing a dark side I know again we are getting ourselves the DC task
07:41force dark side but it's essentially gonna be like this color but it's gonna
07:44be cell shaded so it's gonna have like dark it's supposed to look like the old
07:47days I guess at the comics but let's go ahead and just pop the head back in
07:50place one make sure of course we fold the cape down first before we do
07:52anything and when you're doing this too you want to really make sure that you
07:55don't push pressure against these they're softer plastic but still be
07:58careful come on don't be rough with your figures go ahead and just pop that onto
08:02the ball joint you want to make sure it's all the way on there too because if
08:04not when you go to start rotating the figures head you might find that you
08:07then pop the head off by accident the cape though on the back of it obviously
08:11as you can see a wireframe cape which is good it's wired here it's wired along
08:15the bottom and it's wired on the side it certainly does if you want to have a
08:19little bit more of energy in your poses I mean at the beginning this review I
08:22sort of had the cape arched like this but I mean like you could do really with
08:25whatever you want the only problem obviously you can never it's like
08:28getting a prize out of a cereal box you can never really quite get the box back
08:31the way it was when you first found in the stores the cape you know again it's
08:34always gonna have sort of this weird looking bent piece of the wire down
08:38below where I've already filled all around with it but again I like the cape
08:42I just wish there was a way that you would have made it you could have
08:45removed it and again I don't know how they could have removed it other than
08:47maybe not you couldn't have removed it because even if it was just the head
08:51that was keeping the cape in place you'd still have this D logo that's not on
08:55normal do no normal dark side it would only be here on the Kenner dark side
08:58still though for the rest of the figures body and nicely sculpted are the
09:02arms like he does feel a little more hollow if you like comparing him for
09:06example against the calabash which again like proportion wise he's a little too
09:10small compared to calabash calabash though being a bigger figure does feel
09:13like he's a little lighter dark side does have like a little bit more meat to
09:16him but I do feel like maybe his torso is hollow I mean certainly his legs
09:20aren't hollow actually one thing about interesting about the legs when I got
09:23this guy the packaging his leg came off easily in fact you can see how easily it
09:27comes off now it is a case you just obviously pop it back in place but I
09:31mean for the times I've done this already when I go to move the leg around
09:35usually that's always the thing ends up popping it off again I don't know if
09:38it's gonna be the case on your dark side let me know down below but it seems
09:41certainly to be the case with mine for the figures articulation we're sticking
09:44with this head sculpt because again like the neck and the head are all one piece
09:48you go to move the neck you're gonna be moving the head as well so it only moves
09:51back and forth it doesn't really move up and down all that much a movie actually
09:55looks down a lot more than it does look up but again you got a little bit of a
09:58rock there too the upper torso is only really gonna be on a ball joint the arms
10:04obviously hinge out but again like when you are moving the arms why is my dark
10:08side falling apart on me periodically though I've noticed with my dark side
10:11when I go to move the arm the pop the arms seem to be frequently popping off
10:16this arms not so bad but it seems to really be only on this side of his body
10:19this arm and this leg for me at least fall off frequently the arms move
10:24forward and back again they're gonna be popping off a little bit too much
10:27actually this was the first time that this side of the arm actually fell off
10:30like that arms gonna rotate all the way around he has a single hinge only in his
10:34elbow or I guess kind of really where his elbow would bend there is also no
10:39swivel here there seems like there should be I mean you can move it a
10:43little bit but not a whole lot the way they've kind of sculpted this so like
10:47the peg goes straight through here there's a little bit like I feel like
10:50there's a bit of a suggestion that you could swivel it but you can't really do
10:53it by much hands though certainly do rotate all the way around you can hinge
10:57them also back and forth to the legs certainly do split just be careful that
11:01the don't legs don't pop off in the process moving forward and back only by
11:04a little bit there's a swivel there at the top of the thigh double hinge on the
11:07knee and again you got your articulation there in his ankle a bit of a rocker and
11:12of course you've got the toe articulation there as well a bit of an
11:15older figure I mean this figure I came out last year and I'm finally getting
11:17around to have a look at him I was kind of really kind of waiting out hoping I
11:20could find a decent price decently Darkseid somewhere online and eBay
11:25wasn't helping me at all sure enough though I found somebody on the Facebook
11:28selling group and that seems to be my place now where I'm buying a lot of my
11:31collectibles the stuff that I'm kind of going back and trying to track down now
11:33a Darkseid somebody was selling for I want to say like $70 and that wasn't a
11:38bad price at all considering what he was normally going for is he scaled though
11:41to a character like Kalibak no no sadly he's not but though I feel like he
11:46scaled pretty decently with Superman if you are calling kind of more collecting
11:49the classic versions these characters I don't know what the likelihood is we're
11:52gonna be getting a classic version of Kalibak if we do though I would imagine
11:55though he's probably probably about that size instead of size he is right now
11:59Darkseid is a good-looking figure I mean again we are getting the task force
12:02version of him that's gonna be like cell shades gonna be a little bit more of a
12:05darker blue with some light blue accents on there in the end though I do hope we
12:09get ourselves this mold again I can't imagine though that Todd and his team
12:12are just looking at this mold as a one-time use I mean we're getting him
12:15as a build a figure I hope we get him again though without the cape because I
12:19do like the look of the cape from the Kenner sense of things but right just as
12:23a regular display of Darkseid I really like to have him rather on my shelf
12:26without the cape personally I always hope that I can cover every detail when
12:30it comes to these characters in these reviews and sure enough there is always
12:33something I end up leaving off thank goodness though for final looks because
12:37in the final looks of Darkseid from the DC classics one thing that's very
12:41apparent though in Darkseid and it's nowhere else on him is this strange
12:44appearance of silver paint around his abdomen area here he comes right now
12:48here he comes and the weird thing about it though is that the front of his
12:52torso and his back of his torso almost look like they're two separate halves
12:54because there's a seam line there so it's not on the back of his body it's
12:58only on the front and it's only in that area too because he's molded in blue
13:02plastic clearly they did it deliberately but it just seems so out of place that
13:06he has silver there and nowhere else now when it comes to the figures construction
13:10obviously you saw in this review there are some issues when it comes to like
13:14keeping things in place moving his arms and sometimes periodically moving his
13:18legs they end up falling and divorcing themselves from the rest of his body I
13:21mean it's a simple fix their ball joints you can plug them back in place but it
13:25seems like it happens a lot here with Darkseid I hope though again we are
13:29gonna be getting another release of this not using and changing really anything
13:32else to the figures body I think they can keep the same body that they have
13:36now I know already we're getting that build of figure Darkseid for the
13:39taskforce line I hope again that they're gonna go back to the well when it comes
13:43to these molds and release this same mold again but without the cape the cape
13:47is good for fans of the original Kenner of superpowers but if you don't like
13:51that look of Darkseid you may be bothered by the fact that this figure
13:54still retains that what do you guys think of Darkseid let me know down below
13:57in the comment section do you guys like the idea that he has as Kenner both the
14:01DC logo on his over the DC logo on the front of his chest on his DC logo but do
14:06you also like that he has his cape or would you prefer the figure not have it
14:08at all if you guys did also enjoy this video you can do it a solid and throw it
14:12a like you guys want to stick around for more so I hope so hit that subscribe
14:16yeah turn on that Bell sure okay and what's the last part what's the last
14:19part and of course making sure you're coming back thank you as always thanks
14:23for watching see you guys next time
