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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Classics Gold Label Edition Mr Zsasz


00:00And how did he kill them? Let him count the ways. Here's your look at McFarlane Toys, DC Multiverse, the Gold Label Collection, Mr. Zazz.
00:09Mr. Zazz is one of Gotham City's most ruthless serial killers. Zazz's descent into madness began after his parents died. He gambled away their fortune at the Penguin's Iceberg Casino, and when the money ran out, the Penguin suggested he should go and kill himself.
00:38As Zazz was just about to do that, he was attacked by a knife-wielding madman. Zazz dispatched his assailant and experienced epiphany. Life was meaningless, but killing made everything comprehensible. He embarked on a murder spree, slaying hundreds and recording each kill with a cut on his body.
00:54Just before we get down to the disfiguring details on the master of taking tallies, the tape measure is first going to tell us, yes it is, that Mr. Zazz himself actually stands about six and three-quarters of an inch in height, or the figure is 17 centimeters tall.
01:09You can maybe add another six notches to that, bringing six figures now in for comparisons. Here's what Mr. Zazz looks like, of course, with a knife, all Batman. His origin is so heavily influenced by, of course, the Penguin.
01:20So I want to bring in a classics Penguin for this. Here's what the figure looks like with the Infinite Frontier Joker, my go-to stand-in Joker for right now. Here's what he looks like as well with classics Mr. Freeze, or the closest thing to that, the Batman the Animated Series classic colors Mr. Freeze. The classics Riddler as well will join us. Not to mention as well, here's what he looks like with Nightfall Catwoman.
01:39I'm going to go out on a limb here and make the assumption that the majority of the figure's budget went more into tattooing the front of Zazz's body and his arms, and not as much into all the included accessories. If you really exclude his butter knife, then the only other two things that come in clear with the figure though are a trading card and a display stand.
01:54Let's look first at the trading card. Can I just say, first of all, this is a bleak, depressing image of Mr. Zazz, and I'm glad that they chose to go with more of a classic route to Mr. Zazz than not this rat-faced killer that looks like he would have been capturing the people in a human centipede movie. Silly though, Mr. Zazz, you can't simply be stabbing the Caped Crusader's costume and think that that's the way they killed a Batman. By the way, though, Mr. Zazz in this card has been a lot busier than the actual figure. There's a lot more markings all over his body.
02:21Does he also mark the back of his body? I can tell you, though, the figure doesn't. I can tell you also on the back of the card, if you question whether his real name is Zazz, it is. It's Victor Zazz. Squished together seems to be more than one paragraph. If you were to look at this by the end of the period, that's a space, that's a space, how many, is that like three paragraphs all squished together? You could read this if you want to. That would involve pausing the video or me if simply I just held the card long enough in front of the camera. But don't worry, I beat you to it. I've already taken time and liberty of reading this for you. No, no, no.
02:50It's the least I can do. Let's move that off to the side, though. Off to the next. The next other thing the figure comes included with is, of course, a circular black display stand. Still is branded down below with the DC logo. See that right there? And also does have, of course, the neighboring peg off to the corner. Normally, I would say this plugs into either one of the figure's boots, but in this case, Mr. Zazz doesn't choose to wear feet. I don't know how accepted he would be in a restaurant. Usually it says no shirts, no shoes, no service. Is that something that they still do at restaurants? It's been a while since I've gone to a restaurant where I've looked at the signs.
03:19Anyways, though, the sign of DC is still printed down below here, and of course, we're probably going to be coming back to this near the end of this review. Off to the one included accessory, Mr. Zazz comes included with a knife. There's no chance at all I'm going to be cutting myself. Look at the thickness of this knife. I mean, other than maybe just spreading on butter, I mean, or mayonnaise. You want mustard with your sandwich? No, that's something else. The thickness of the knife has to be observed. I mean, it's a pretty large knife, and I don't know if the reasoning why they chose the knife to be so big like this is just so it wouldn't break.
03:48I mean, it's a pretty soft enough plastic anyways, but it's a pretty hefty looking knife, and sadly, though, Mr. Zazz only comes included with one gripping hand. If you're looking to put the knife over here, well, you're going to be greatly disappointed. The figure only holds the knife on the one side, and even really when you're putting the knife into his hand, which I seem to be having a failed job at doing, getting it in his hand. What's the problem here? What's the problem? Getting around his fingers. If you're looking at this, doesn't it just look like it's way too big, like he's walking around with a kid's toy?
04:16I mean, I guess, does it make it look less dangerous, the fact he's got a little bit more of an entertaining, funny looking knife? Maybe if the knife was a little thinner. I mean, obviously, we're not going to be putting blood all over this knife. Come on, let's pull that back a little bit, but I think the knife is maybe a little bit too ridiculously large in size, but again, like he doesn't have any other gripping hands, and really, unfortunately, though, because the figure doesn't have really anything else, he doesn't have really a lot of additional tooling anywhere on his body either.
04:42You would think, at the very least, they could have included a secondary hand, so if you chose that you wanted to have the knife over here, or if you wanted to have him looking like he was kind of wiping off the blade, boy, this is getting dark. You could at least have done that. The figure doesn't have that, though. He only just has one closed fist on the other side. Let's remove the knife for right now. We'll put it off to the side.
04:58Now, again, I think, speculation at least, more than anything else, I just think more of the budget probably, again, went into the fact that I don't know how it really works with figures, that I know a lot of times they either can print it and press the image onto the figures, or a lot of times they have to have it go in there and actually tattoo that. Depending on how flat this is, I think will also dictate how easy it is to print onto a figure.
05:17You can see, though, he's got a tally mark. Now, you only count to four, and then, of course, the cross from corner to corner, that marks then five. He only has it on the chest, and he only has it on the arms. He doesn't have it anywhere on the back of his body. You could really make the argument, would that be a really hard thing for him to do? If he's literally carving this onto his body, have you ever had to shave a back? This conversation's gotten really dark. If you ever had to, it's almost impossible to try to shave a back, especially if it's your own.
05:44Now, he doesn't have any of the markings on his back, unless he maybe gets somebody else to come in. Hey, can you do me a favor? Can you just mark one marking on the back of my body? Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I think there's going to be a second one soon. And, of course, the person that's going to mark it onto the back of his body is looking around right now. Well, wait a minute. The only other person that's in the room other than you is just me. And then he starts to kind of slowly back his way out of the room. So there's nothing, unfortunately, on the back of Zaz's body. It's completely clean.
06:10I think if you were to take yourself a fairly light enough alcohol, you'd probably be able to rub off all of this. So really, other than just his pants, if you wanted to make this into a custom figure of something else, you probably could do that. Just take away all the little tally marks, and then you have yourself basically a shirtless figure. I think it's the first and only shirtless figure we've gotten from the DC Multiverse line that you probably could customize Mr. Zaz for another figure if you wanted to.
06:34Head sculpt standpoint, I mean, that does look really quite good. If, again, you like the look of a classic Mr. Zaz with those pointy-looking glasses, it looks like that meme we see online where somebody does something and they're considered a gangster. And, of course, the glasses then slide on front of the character's face. That kind of looks like something's happened here. Mr. Zaz has done something very gangster-like. Then his face is frozen. He's smiling. And then all of a sudden, you've got those shades sliding down the front of his face.
06:59He's got these beady little dotted eyes there on the front. They're not even so much dotted eyes, but a little bit of reflection on the front of his glasses. These, by the way, are permanently attached to his face. There's no way to remove them. They also stick up fairly a bit on the corners, so you want to make sure that you're not clipping these, especially when you're turning the figure's head around. He's got a good smile on the front of his face. It kind of looks a little bit like Cody Rhodes. The coloring of his blonde is a little more unnatural. It doesn't really look like the coloring of what real blonde would be, not that I'm necessarily a blonde myself.
07:26It's a pretty bright yellow that they've used, but it's pretty close to the comics. There really isn't, again, a whole lot to say about Mr. Zaz. I mean, again, really what you're looking at for the character is more so what we're looking at right now. The lower half of his body is basically just pants, and then below that, he's got himself bare feet. So, again, there's a lot of possibilities here. I suppose if you wanted to, you could make yourself like a shirtless Bruce Wayne, sitting inside the Batcave, putting his feet up. It's like, boy, it's been a long day. It's been a long day. You could do that, I suppose, as well.
07:53But the pants themselves are pretty smooth and shiny in blue plastic. I think that, in fact, they probably have gone in there and painted it. I'm looking at this, and I keep thinking I've seen these pants before, and I think I'm probably just going crazy. There's sort of a marking here that looks like it would be a boot, but clearly it isn't. I think it's just more wrinkles.
08:08The pants themselves have been painted fairly decently, and, again, you've got yourself the belt as well as the belt buckle in the front. There's very, again, little in the way of paint for Mr. Zaz. It's more so here just the impressions, the printings of the tallies that are on the front of his body, and, of course, more down below here in his pants.
08:23Now, for the figure's articulation, Mr. Zaz does have still the regular articulation you'd expect with DC Multiverse figures. So the head's going to be on a ball joint. It rotates the head all the way around. The head can look up that high, and the head can look down that low. The head can also rock back and forth as well.
08:38The upper torso is going to be on a ball joint. The lower torso is also on a ball joint. The arms rotate all the way around, both sides, both sides. You can also bring, as well, the arms out. Hey, how about that? You can swivel up the bicep. The figure does have a double hinge on the elbows, and the hands do rotate all the way around.
08:55Legs split out. They're on ratcheted joints. Still, you've got a softer, kind of lower trunk area here. They've used softer plastic for this. Doesn't really, again, give you that, evoke the idea of a figure diaper. It's pretty close to the rest of the legs. Doesn't look like necessarily the trunks are sticking out at all. He's got a swivel there at the top of the thigh. Everything down below here feels really slick, like I've just basted him in butter. Where are we going with this conversation?
09:18Swivel there at the top of the thigh, a double hinge on the knee, and then Mr. Zsasz for his feet has an ankle pivot back and forth, an ankle rocker, and then Mr. Zsasz does have toe articulation as well. A lot of good stuff going on here with Mr. Zsasz. Again, it does beg the question, really, with what little this figure does come included with, why couldn't they have packed him with something else? I mean, not necessarily that you're going to be giving him guns. I mean, Mr. Zsasz is all about knives. Stabby, stabby things are all the things that he's more in favor of. Could have given him maybe a couple more of these.
09:45In fact, if anything, at the very least, they could have given him a mirror flip to the hand that he has right now, so he could have had the means to grip the knife on both sides instead of just the one. Other than that, though, I mean, other than the fact he's pretty scaled back on the accessory count, he's a nice Mr. Zsasz, and I'm glad, again, the fact that this is a comic-looking Mr. Zsasz, one that you could believe would be fitting in with the likes of, say, that penguin, the classic penguin, the classic Riddler, and not necessarily rat-faced like human centipede Mr. Zsasz. I'm so glad they didn't go in that direction.
10:14Now, if you gave me a piece of paper and you told me to write down, let's say, 20 DC characters that haven't yet been made into DC Multiverse, I don't think if you were to go back and look at my list, you'd find Mr. Zsasz anywhere in the top 20. You certainly would not find him in the top 10.
10:28That being said, though, the fact that we finally have a plastic release of him, I'm glad that we do, and I'm glad that at least if they chose to release a Mr. Zsasz, they wanted to keep it more kind of...
10:38Because Mr. Zsasz, I mean, let's face facts, it's a touchy character to choose because, obviously, from a realistic standpoint, the guy literally cuts people up and then makes the markings all over his body.
10:49So I think, unlike the trading card that came included with him, I don't think you really want to release this as a modern version of Mr. Zsasz.
10:55If anything, you want to really have the character kind of the way he looks in, like, the 80s and the 90s, with those really crazy-looking sunglasses.
11:03We kind of tone it down a little bit. It's kind of like Freddy Krueger, I mean, even though it's completely two different topics.
11:08You kind of want to keep the idea that he's a fun character. You really don't want to look too deep into his backstory because, of course, like the trading card, it's pretty bleak. It's pretty grim.
11:18The look of the character, I think, is decent enough that he could fit in well with the characters I already have on display, like a Riddler, like a Penguin.
11:25Mr. Zsasz, this version of Mr. Zsasz, fits in well with that. A modern version of Mr. Zsasz, I don't think, would have worked as well.
11:31Now, from the standpoint of the figure, there's really not a whole lot that goes with him.
11:34Granted, other than his really large, kind of silly-looking knife that he has, the only other thing the figure really has is a trading card and display stand.
11:42The question really does ask is, did he really need more?
11:45I mean, for the fact that he didn't have any other way in the way of accessories, could have come in clue with, say, another gripping hand.
11:52Not that you necessarily need to have a whole armory of different stabbing, cutting tools, but at very least, if they're only going to give him a knife and they're only going to give him a trading card and display stand,
12:00I would think, at the very least, they could have also given him a secondary hand, so he could have had the choices.
12:06Let's just say, I mean, maybe even, I don't know, maybe the character's left-handed, right?
12:09Because he's carrying the knife with his left hand, unless he does everything with his right.
12:13I mean, I write with my left hand, but I do everything else with my right.
12:17I don't kill people, granted, but maybe he's one of those people.
12:20Maybe he just writes all his memoirs and his diary entries with his left hand.
12:23He does everything else, including his killing, with his right.
12:26What do you guys think of this figure? Let me know down below in the comments section.
12:29Are you also glad that we did get ourselves a Mr. Zass?
12:32And do you feel also that he's a character that doesn't necessarily need to be modernized when it comes to a figure release of him?
12:37Are you also happy that he's got a classic release?
12:40And I'm not going to tell you to write down 20, but let's just say, if I was to hand you a piece of paper, or even easier, if you wrote it down in the comment section,
12:47what would you say is your top 5 character wishes that you'd like to see McFarlane release as a DC Multiverse figure?
12:53Let me know your top 5 down below in the comments section.
12:56In the meantime, though, if you guys did enjoy this video, why not throw it a like?
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13:08And of course, as always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
