Founder of Transcend Recovery Community, Asher Gottesman, is a long-time advocate for addiction recovery and knew Matthew Perry socially. He has spoken out to say he believes ketamine can be beneficial when used under strict clinical supervision.
00:00I find the greatest thing I can do when I'm feeling badly about myself is spend time helping others, or being there with others, or just listening to others, or just engaging with others, because then I don't have time to think about myself.
00:14You know, feeling badly for ourselves is a form of narcissism. It's not a bad form of narcissism, yet it's a form of narcissism.
00:22And the only way to get out of our narcissism, which means out of our own head, is to help somebody else, be there with them, not have enough time to think about ourselves.
00:34So, if you're feeling not so great, go spend time with somebody else, and you'll see, you'll feel much better.
00:42One of the mottos I choose to live my life by is, if I'm not for myself, then who is for me? And if I'm only for myself, then who am I?
00:51It is so important to take care of ourselves. It's so important to value ourselves. It's so important to recognize and realize that if we do not treat ourselves properly, kindly, and with the respect and dignity that we so deserve, we can never expect it of others.
01:07It's only when we are self-centered, selfish, when we only serve ourselves, that we are worth less than, that we are not doing what is intended and important for us.
01:22Remember that. Remember, you must treat yourself kindly. You must treat yourself special. You must treat yourself with the greatest respect in the world. The same respect you want from others, the same respect you offer others. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others.