Los Espías Que Me Amaban Capitulo 4 Español Audio Latino - The spies who loved me KDrama Latino
00:00:06Los Estrellas Que Me Amaban
00:00:24¿Cómo están todos? ¿Aún no cenan?
00:00:50¡Al fin! ¡Ya llegamos! ¡Aquí estamos!
00:00:55¡Por fin has llegado! ¡Dime cómo has estado! ¡Anda querido, dime!
00:01:01¡Vamos a entrar! ¿Ya cenaste?
00:01:20¿Contrataste a un conductor para venir y no le dijiste a Derek?
00:01:23Oye, Derek tiene reuniones todo el día. Este velo se rasgó al caer de las escaleras. Esa es la historia.
00:01:31¿Quién te llevó al hospital?
00:01:33Oh, me llevó un joven muy apuesto y decente.
00:01:37¿Qué probabilidad hay de conocer a alguien así? ¿Acaso lo volverás a ver?
00:01:41Mientras me ocupaba de todo eso, John llamó solo para pedir un préstamo.
00:01:45Le dije que estaba en el hospital, pero ni siquiera se molestó en preguntar por qué.
00:01:49Espera, espera. ¿Por qué le mentiste a Derek sobre lo que pasó y con John no lo hiciste?
00:01:53Oye, Derek habría ido a verme si le hubiera dicho. John habría...
00:01:57Habría viajado al extranjero.
00:02:00De cualquier forma, si John regresa a la tienda, échalo a patadas.
00:02:05Lo que necesitas es dejar de meterte en problemas. Adonde sea que vayas, pasan cosas malas.
00:02:10Solo ocurren cuando Sophie está involucrada.
00:02:14Escúchame, da un paso atrás. ¿No ves que casi te mueres? ¿No temes por tu vida?
00:02:19Claro que sí, pero no tuve opción. No puedo dejar de pensar en Sophie. Quería que la ayudara.
00:02:28Escuché que no fuiste capaz de atrapar al ladrón y que escapó en tu presencia. ¿Cómo fue eso posible?
00:02:34Dime por qué se escapó.
00:02:36Este hombre era un verdadero profesional.
00:02:38Somos profesionales en este negocio.
00:02:40Señora, está aquí.
00:02:43Hola, señora.
00:02:44Hola, señora.
00:02:47Dubong volvió a Seúl. Ya confirmé su ubicación.
00:02:50Solo en ti. Puedo confiar en verdad.
00:02:55Se hospeda en Dopomlo, en Yonhui Don.
00:02:58Su cerdo crujiente es delicioso.
00:03:01Su tía es dueña del lugar. El restaurante está al frente. Es donde todos hacen dinero.
00:03:05Dubong fue expulsado por Felix después de haber causado problemas, así que se esconde con su tía.
00:03:10¿Problemas? ¿Dinero? ¿Mujeres?
00:03:12Son ambas. No le pagó al amante de un hombre poderoso. Su situación es delicada.
00:03:17Vino a Seúl después de tocar fondo.
00:03:20¿Entonces Dubong contrató al profesional?
00:03:23Aunque Dubong no tiene conexiones aquí, su tía trata con mucha gente sospechosa.
00:03:27Tal vez ella le ayudó. Personas de Taiwán aseguran que Felix se acercó a Sophie.
00:03:31Ya sea Dubong, Felix o incluso Gelmes, nosotros aquí seguimos sin hacer ningún progreso con la investigación.
00:03:38¿Y la lista de invitados de la boda?
00:03:39Sophie invitó a compañeros de trabajo, amigos e incluso invitó a vecinos.
00:03:43La mayoría vive en otros países. Ninguno debe estar aquí.
00:03:46¿Y la escena del crimen?
00:03:48Sabotearon la cámara de vigilancia del recinto.
00:03:50Contacté a los propietarios de autos con cámaras cerca del área. Tengo la grabación.
00:03:54Es un lugar turístico. Necesitamos buscar alguna pista en redes sociales.
00:03:57Sí, me ocuparé de eso.
00:03:59Está bien. Revise cada detalle.
00:04:01¿Y sobre la ex esposa de Gio?
00:04:03Deja de tratar a Rom como sospechosa. Tú ya viste la evidencia.
00:04:06Oye, te pedí que la siguieras y fue así que detuviste a su atacante. ¿No lo agradeces?
00:04:14Ah, hay algo más.
00:04:16Tu esposa...
00:04:18¿En algún momento fue policía?
00:04:23Creo que tiene mejores instintos que tú.
00:04:26¿Instintos? ¿Otra vez?
00:04:28Por instinto, revisó la habitación de Sophie.
00:04:31Estos incidentes no fueron coincidencia.
00:04:33Sabía lo que iba a suceder en cada lugar.
00:04:38Aunque temo que a ella le fallaron en una ocasión.
00:04:42Lo digo porque se casó contigo.
00:04:44Cometió el peor error de su vida casándose contigo.
00:04:48En eso estás de acuerdo conmigo, ¿no es así?
00:04:50Basta, jefe. No seas tan duro con él. Es nuestro mejor agente.
00:04:54Gio no es un gran hombre, pero es seguro que es un hombre capaz.
00:04:57¿En serio?
00:04:59Oye tú, capaz.
00:05:01Trae a tu ex esposa.
00:05:05Tráela como testigo. Es nuestro deber protegerla.
00:05:08Oh, cuando sepa que le has mentido acerca de tu empleo, estarás en problemas.
00:05:14¿Acaso importa si se meten en problemas o no?
00:05:17Ah, Rom tiene grandes instintos y necesita de nuestra protección.
00:05:21¿Por qué no le dices que eres un agente, eh? ¿O te da miedo?
00:05:24Jefe, ¿su ex esposa sabe a qué se dedica?
00:05:27¿Cómo podría? Casi no estoy en casa.
00:05:29Oye, Gio.
00:05:31Díselo a tu ex mujer y comiencen a trabajar juntos, ¿entiendes?
00:05:38¿Guardará el secreto?
00:05:42¡Espera! ¡Detente! ¡Basta! ¡Basta!
00:05:44¡Suficiente! ¡Tú vas a tu trabajo y hazlo rápido, ¿sí? ¡Que no hay tiempo!
00:05:48Sí, no hay problema.
00:06:09Pregunto qué conexión... kármica... tenemos a Rom y yo.
00:06:16Creo que lo sabrás, una vez que todo acabe.
00:06:20Me parece que las cosas entre ustedes dos aún no terminan.
00:06:26Yo pensaba que sí.
00:06:27Termina cuando al finalizar la relación...
00:06:31...dejas de sentir tristeza.
00:06:34Ahí acaba la conexión kármica.
00:06:37Una vez que vuelves a ser feliz, al fin puedes retomar tu vida.
00:06:43¿Cuándo dejé de sentirme triste?
00:06:50¿Sabes por qué el jefe es tan duro contigo? ¡Es por tus ojos!
00:06:54¡Pareces una ardilla que sólo sabe llorar!
00:06:57¿Por qué cuando mencionan a Rom te pones sentimental?
00:07:10¿Una ardilla llorona? ¡Qué lindo!
00:07:18Entonces, compénsala. Debes superar la culpa. ¿Está claro?
00:07:23Y comenzarás de nuevo.
00:07:52Sólo bebí una copa.
00:08:11¿Regresas después de ausentarte dos meses y te vas otra vez?
00:08:16Esta es tu casa. ¡No es una botega!
00:08:20Perdón, surgió algo. Y en verdad tengo que salir de viaje ahora.
00:08:26¿Sabes qué sentí en nuestro primer aniversario de bodas estando sola?
00:08:35Muerta por dentro.
00:08:38Lo lamento.
00:08:41Debí estar cerca para ayudarte.
00:08:44Si necesitara alguien que pagara mis cuentas, no me habría casado contigo.
00:08:47Yo no me casé contigo por el dinero. Sólo quería a alguien que estuviera a mi lado.
00:08:51¿Es justo que siendo tu esposa deba rogarte?
00:08:55Dime por qué tengo que exigirte que te quedes a mi lado.
00:09:09Hablaremos cuando regrese.
00:09:11¿Qué? ¿De qué vamos a hablar?
00:09:13De todo. Tengo que irme.
00:09:18Si tú cruzas esa puerta, te arrepentirás toda tu vida.
00:09:25¿Aún así piensas irte?
00:10:19Terminal de pasajeros.
00:10:27Destino a Bagdad.
00:10:38Sí, lo lamento. Perdí mi vuelo.
00:10:42Hay una manifestación que afectó los vuelos.
00:10:45Es por eso que decidió esconderse en Bagdad.
00:10:48Después de que su trato con China fracasara,
00:10:51decidió buscar un nuevo comprador. Tu informante te espera.
00:10:54¿Pero esta vez tengo que ir yo?
00:10:57¿Quién más podría ir en tu lugar?
00:10:59Recuerda que Sasha te conoce como Murayam.
00:11:10Hay algún paciente llamado Dion.
00:11:12Sí, sígueme.
00:11:26¿Pero qué le pasó?
00:11:29Me dijo que iba de viaje a Koh Samui.
00:11:33¿Koh Samui? Pero él acaba de volver del lugar más peligroso ahora.
00:11:42Casi mueres en las calles de Bagdad.
00:11:47Conozco a un hombre que murió en la calle.
00:11:52Fue mi papá.
00:11:55El día en que murió,
00:11:57fue el día en que tu papá murió.
00:12:00¿Y tú?
00:12:02¿Y tú?
00:12:04¿Y tú?
00:12:06El día en que mi papá murió,
00:12:08recibí una llamada del hospital dándome la noticia.
00:12:13Recuerdo que llegué ahí tan rápido como pude.
00:12:17Entonces creí...
00:12:23que ya no sentía nada por él, pero no fue así.
00:12:29bebía mucho y murió en un callejón frío.
00:12:33En invierno solo y sin ayuda.
00:12:39tú no tienes idea...
00:12:44de la carga de culpa que se siente.
00:12:52La impotencia que te impade.
00:13:26¿Qué le pasó a Sasha?
00:13:37¿Está muerta?
00:13:50¿Y qué hay de su hermana?
00:13:56Hay un problema.
00:14:00La secuestraron.
00:14:15Si no hubieras perdido el vuelo...
00:14:18Bagdad era una zona de guerra.
00:14:30Quería renunciar.
00:14:37Ese día...
00:14:44era mi aniversario.
00:14:50Arun estaba destrozada.
00:14:58Lo decidí estando en el avión.
00:15:00Mi esposa a un empleo.
00:15:05Y la elegí a ella.
00:15:12Quería ser un esposo, mi hermano.
00:15:16Que va a trabajar bien vestido.
00:15:20Que dé el cien en su empleo.
00:15:22Y que su esposa muera por tocarlo.
00:15:28Un esposo que compra la despensa.
00:15:32En su momento te advertí que no te casarás.
00:15:42¿Qué pasa?
00:15:45¿Qué pasa?
00:15:47¿Qué pasa?
00:15:49¿Qué pasa?
00:15:50¿Qué pasa?
00:15:59¿Qué dice?
00:16:22Luego hablamos.
00:16:26Muy bien, adiós.
00:16:29Mi amigo de la CIA lo confirmó.
00:16:32¿Saben dónde está la hermana de Sasha?
00:16:34La acusan de ser una espía y la encerraron en una prisión secreta.
00:16:39¿Qué pasa?
00:16:41¿Qué pasa?
00:16:43¿Qué pasa?
00:16:45¿Qué pasa?
00:16:47¿Qué pasa?
00:16:48En una prisión secreta.
00:16:58La voy a rescatar.
00:17:00¿Estás loco?
00:17:02Dame el número de tu contacto.
00:17:04No, tal vez nunca puedas regresar.
00:17:06Piensa en tu esposa.
00:17:17Las personas cometen errores.
00:17:19Lo que le pasó a Sasha no es tu culpa.
00:17:22Hablo de mi matrimonio.
00:17:24Ten cuidado con lo que dices.
00:17:26Tu matrimonio no es un error.
00:17:28Está bien, entonces...
00:17:36es un fracaso.
00:17:40Quiero terminar con mi matrimonio por el bien de Arun.
00:17:44Es la única forma de poder mantenerla a salvo.
00:17:47Solo deja este trabajo.
00:17:49Si renuncio ahora, no podré continuar con mi vida.
00:17:52No puedo permitir que la hermana de Sasha muera presa.
00:17:56Si muera en el intento...
00:18:00Arun will take the blame and be unhappy.
00:18:13I'm an agent because I wanted a special life.
00:18:17But now I want an ordinary life.
00:18:21Because I love her.
00:18:23I didn't know how difficult it would be.
00:18:28I will let Arun go.
00:18:30I have to do it.
00:18:32It will be too late.
00:18:46She will be fine.
00:18:54It was her life and she will forget me.
00:18:58Maybe she will find someone...
00:19:01better than me.
00:19:13I need your help.
00:19:45I love you, Arun.
00:19:57I love you.
00:20:22There are no security cameras in the area.
00:20:24Identify the people passing by.
00:20:34What's wrong?
00:20:36Nothing. I think you're going to mind my question.
00:20:39If you're not going to ask me anything, don't mention it.
00:20:42Is it true?
00:20:44I heard a rumor that...
00:20:46you were involved in Agent John's divorce.
00:20:50It's just a rumor.
00:20:52What idiot would come up with an accusation like that?
00:20:57It's just a rumor.
00:20:59But why?
00:21:01For now, you shouldn't get married.
00:21:03I'm very busy with John.
00:21:07Why would John marry someone like his first wife?
00:21:12I will marry someone who is an agent like me.
00:21:15He will understand what I do.
00:21:19What about you, Zehra?
00:21:21What's your type?
00:21:23What are you looking for in a man?
00:21:27His wrist.
00:21:35His wrist?
00:21:37It just so happens that...
00:21:39I'm obsessed with marrying men.
00:21:41It excites me just thinking about marrying them.
00:21:46I adore him.
00:21:57I love him.
00:22:24You're home.
00:22:28You're home.
00:22:36Did you hit someone?
00:22:42You must be under intensive care.
00:22:53You don't look like you work a lot.
00:22:57I'm sorry.
00:23:04Is there something you don't know?
00:23:14I'm sorry.
00:23:16I lied to you.
00:23:19I went to Sofie's room.
00:23:25It doesn't make sense.
00:23:28They attacked me in Yeyo today.
00:23:30I'm the eyewitness.
00:23:34Then you need protection.
00:23:36If someone hurt you, I'm in danger too.
00:23:39Do you understand?
00:23:41I feel guilty.
00:23:43It's not normal what's happening to me.
00:23:45I think it's fate.
00:23:47There are not only people who die,
00:23:49but there are also many farewells.
00:23:53I understand you.
00:23:55I know what you're going through.
00:23:57But you can't fix it.
00:24:00You'll need help.
00:24:02We don't know.
00:24:05I'll fix it.
00:24:07Let me investigate it.
00:24:09You know I'm a man of my word.
00:24:12Of course you are.
00:24:15Then promise me
00:24:17you'll be prudent.
00:24:21That there will be no more lies.
00:24:24It's a deal.
00:24:29from now on, you'll be honest.
00:24:31You'll tell me everything.
00:24:34You've already promised.
00:24:36Then you must keep your promise.
00:24:43Are you hiding something from me?
00:24:46Well, there's something else.
00:24:48But I'd rather not talk about it
00:24:50because it's humiliating.
00:24:52Even in marriage,
00:24:54there are secrets that must be kept.
00:24:55I think it's important that you respect that.
00:24:58I'll go home when I'm done.
00:25:00Dulae will do me the favor of taking me.
00:25:08the car camera doesn't work.
00:25:41Recording continues.
00:25:56Recording continues.
00:26:21Get the files back.
00:26:23I'm sorry.
00:26:26I'm sorry.
00:26:39What does this mean?
00:26:42How annoying must I be
00:26:44to come and get some fresh air?
00:26:46This air is refreshing.
00:26:48It is?
00:26:51Good night for an attack.
00:26:55how am I going to handle this on my own?
00:26:57I'm unstoppable.
00:26:59Hey, calm down. It's not that bad.
00:27:01Then why did you have to ruin everything?
00:27:03I'm worried.
00:27:06Tell me what happened.
00:27:09It's a small mistake.
00:27:11You shouldn't worry.
00:27:13Let's talk inside.
00:27:19what does that smile on your face mean?
00:27:21Do you think it's funny?
00:27:25Let's go inside.
00:27:31take care of him.
00:27:33Yes, sir.
00:27:46Good morning, ma'am.
00:27:48Good morning.
00:27:50That light is failing.
00:27:52Go and check it.
00:27:54Okay, I'll check it right away.
00:27:58Good morning, Mrs. Ken.
00:28:00Good morning.
00:28:02Good morning.
00:28:04I want three cups of pork to go.
00:28:06I guess.
00:28:08Yesterday was Thursday,
00:28:10so the boss probably spent the whole night drinking.
00:28:12And John slept in the office, as usual.
00:28:14One has extra spice and the other doesn't.
00:28:17And you?
00:28:19Mine has extra meat.
00:28:21Very good.
00:28:23I'll bring it to you right away.
00:28:25Thank you very much.
00:28:27It's the best pork in the area.
00:28:28Good morning.
00:28:47Breakfast is ready.
00:28:49Not now.
00:28:51Well, it's your favorite, because I brought pork spine.
00:28:56I'm not hungry.
00:28:58It's just because you brought it.
00:29:00There's a parked car outside that I don't recognize.
00:29:02We got a lot of strange calls yesterday.
00:29:04Someone wanted to buy your book about Italy,
00:29:06which is sold out.
00:29:08He said he admired your work.
00:29:10That's weird.
00:29:13Do you know about cars?
00:29:17This store?
00:29:19They do renovations. I heard about it.
00:29:25are you harassing your ex-wife's husband?
00:29:28Look again.
00:29:31Did you see the news?
00:29:33No, it's Kingdom Tag from DDK.
00:29:35A drug addict.
00:29:37He's half-brother of Kingdom Run, as far as I know.
00:29:39So they know him.
00:29:42It looks like they're meeting as if they were planning something.
00:29:44I could see that everyone drives luxury cars.
00:29:48No, everyone is crazy.
00:29:51Besides, there's a shortage of fuel,
00:29:53and they drive those cars.
00:29:57The boss wants to see you. Go to his office.
00:29:59Is it urgent?
00:30:01Yes, go through the back door.
00:30:04I feel much better.
00:30:26It's very strange that Sofi uses make-up,
00:30:28and also a professional brush.
00:30:55What is this?
00:31:11Buy a plane ticket.
00:31:26They're looking for you.
00:31:28The sheriff?
00:31:31The sheriff who saved me.
00:31:33Of course.
00:31:35She mentioned the sheriff.
00:31:37The sheriff had to save her?
00:31:41Who could it be?
00:31:43I don't know.
00:31:45I don't know.
00:31:47I don't know.
00:31:49I don't know.
00:31:51I don't know.
00:31:53I don't know.
00:31:55I don't know.
00:32:03Yes, detective.
00:32:05Did you find anything?
00:32:10The office of foreign relations?
00:32:13Come in.
00:32:18Welcome, Mrs. Kang.
00:32:21Nice to meet you.
00:32:26Come in.
00:32:33Did you have any trouble?
00:32:39Soon you will be surprised.
00:32:43No, it's nothing.
00:32:45In relation to the case of Dr. Sofi Ann,
00:32:48we have classified information,
00:32:50and with your help we will find the...
00:32:56John's call.
00:33:00Boss, where are you?
00:33:02The uniform is in the closet.
00:33:04Put it on.
00:33:06You will like it.
00:33:28It's not right to ask this,
00:33:30since we just met,
00:33:32but are you able to...
00:33:34keep a secret?
00:33:38Keeping secrets is vital in the business I have.
00:33:45This idiot.
00:33:50Dr. Sofi Ann...
00:33:52did espionage activities.
00:33:56Was he a spy?
00:34:00I know it's hard to believe.
00:34:02Well, no.
00:34:04I found something that changed what I thought.
00:34:11I discovered it this morning,
00:34:14before coming.
00:34:16You have to see it.
00:34:18Come in.
00:34:25Come in.
00:34:42Buy a plane ticket.
00:34:47They are looking for you.
00:34:51I think I understand everything now.
00:34:55She is with the authorities.
00:34:57Sofi tried to contact our agent
00:34:59using this email to give us information.
00:35:02Your agent?
00:35:04I knew she was coming.
00:35:06You and I are on the same line.
00:35:08That's why I wanted to meet her,
00:35:10and I wasn't wrong.
00:35:12Do you have a great instinct?
00:35:14If I had another name,
00:35:16it would be...
00:35:20Yes, me too, me too.
00:35:21That's what I would call you,
00:35:23since my family name is Ann.
00:35:25It's shocking, but...
00:35:27I finally know the truth.
00:35:29It's not surprising that Sofi
00:35:31was under a lot of stress.
00:35:33I could say that it was not only
00:35:35anxiety about the wedding.
00:35:37That's why she said she had dirty hands.
00:35:40It must have been very difficult for her.
00:35:44I just wanted someone to help her.
00:35:49And you know
00:35:52who she is?
00:35:54She is...
00:35:56She is someone I know.
00:36:22I love you.
00:36:24I love you.
00:36:26I love you.
00:36:28I love you.
00:36:55Give me an explanation.
00:36:57Why are you doing this?
00:36:59Doing what?
00:37:01It's our duty to protect our witness.
00:37:04Yesterday she was attacked.
00:37:06You should protect her.
00:37:08That was your case.
00:37:10Do you find it funny?
00:37:15This uniform was kept for a long time.
00:37:18When did I say I wouldn't protect the witness?
00:37:19No, no, no.
00:37:21I'll wait until you're ready to work.
00:37:23Just tell her what you do.
00:37:25That's why I told you to come.
00:37:27Tell me.
00:37:29If you took Rome to a dark place
00:37:31and told her you were a secret agent
00:37:33for Interpol,
00:37:35would she believe you?
00:37:37What would happen?
00:37:41It's unbelievable.
00:37:43Hey, John.
00:37:45Listen to me.
00:37:47You weren't a good husband
00:37:49and you've made some mistakes.
00:37:51But you're actually good at what you do.
00:37:54In the end, you've found each other again.
00:37:56And now you should see that you're the best.
00:37:58Come in.
00:38:00Come in now.
00:38:02And show her who you are.
00:38:04You should have known sooner or later.
00:38:06Now go.
00:38:43I don't know what my boss told you.
00:38:55I was assigned to foreign relations.
00:39:00I work as an Interpol agent.
00:39:03I investigate espionage cases.
00:39:05I'm the team leader
00:39:07of the second office of the Asian Interpol,
00:39:09Jeon Ji-hoon.
00:39:11That's all.
00:39:20Jeon Ji-hoon,
00:39:22investigation agency.
00:39:34you're a travel writer.
00:39:36None of your books were successful.
00:39:38I risked my life visiting different nations
00:39:41where there are terrorists
00:39:43for different special operations.
00:39:45That's why I traveled a lot.
00:39:49it was all a lie?
00:39:51Are you kidding me, Ji-hoon?
00:39:53Agents choose an ordinary job
00:39:55that doesn't raise suspicions
00:39:57even among their family members.
00:40:03Now you write espionage novels?
00:40:05Or did you install microphones?
00:40:07Or am I in one of those shows
00:40:09with hidden cameras?
00:40:11Should I turn around somewhere?
00:40:13Are you playing with me?
00:40:17I don't quite understand
00:40:19if you say you're a spy.
00:40:21Then listen to me.
00:40:23I'm a heroine who protects the planet.
00:40:25I'm something like Scarlett Johansson, right?
00:40:27I'm a better detective than James Bond.
00:40:29And you're prettier than that...
00:40:33You'd probably fight
00:40:35just as well dressed as a bride.
00:40:37You act differently.
00:40:39You're like a stranger.
00:40:42Because you never saw me dressed up.
00:40:48Well, that's true.
00:40:52You lied to me from the start.
00:40:54It was all a lie.
00:40:58I'm sorry.
00:41:00I'm sorry.
00:41:02I'm sorry.
00:41:04I'm sorry.
00:41:06I'm sorry.
00:41:08I'm sorry.
00:41:10Back then,
00:41:12I thought about giving up.
00:41:14That's why I couldn't tell you.
00:41:16You couldn't tell me the truth, but...
00:41:18you did have time to get a divorce.
00:41:30When we were married,
00:41:32didn't you feel like something was missing?
00:41:33In the 18 months we were together,
00:41:3512 of them weren't at home.
00:41:53This is heavy.
00:42:03I'm sorry.
00:42:41If it hadn't happened,
00:42:44I think...
00:42:46I would never have found out about this.
00:42:51I don't think so.
00:42:55You should've been an actor.
00:42:57My job requires it.
00:42:59I have to take on a different role
00:43:01for each assignment.
00:43:04You never took on the role of a caring husband.
00:43:09It seems like I never did.
00:43:12It's hard to accept.
00:43:16The doctor cooperated with our investigation.
00:43:18I had to meet her at the bachelor party.
00:43:21That's why I was with you in Jeju.
00:43:26I wanted to find her, no matter what.
00:43:29Being there wasn't a coincidence.
00:43:32It's nothing.
00:43:38I'm glad to hear that.
00:43:41When I saw you there,
00:43:43for a moment, I thought it was fate.
00:43:53Dr. Ann had...
00:43:55Dr. Ann had...
00:43:57important information
00:43:59about who sells confidential information to Helmets.
00:44:02She wanted to get out of all that.
00:44:04She wanted to start a new life.
00:44:06At least, that's what she told me.
00:44:08I really want to start a new life.
00:44:10I swear.
00:44:14That's crazy.
00:44:19We need you.
00:44:20We need you.
00:44:24I'm asking you
00:44:26to cooperate with the investigation.
00:44:33You just told me the truth.
00:44:35How do you expect me to help you in this case?
00:44:38How can you even ask me like it's nothing?
00:44:41What's wrong with you?
00:44:43For years, you lied to me.
00:44:45I don't care if you're a Secret Service agent or not.
00:44:48You lied to me by being married.
00:44:50I'm sorry for hiding it from you.
00:44:52I had to do it until now.
00:44:54I'm sorry.
00:44:56You always said that as an excuse.
00:44:58Sorry for my faults.
00:45:00Every time you said it, it really bothered me.
00:45:02But now I realize
00:45:04that I never
00:45:06hated you for your faults.
00:45:08Rather, I hated you because you were never honest.
00:45:11Being honest is a unique virtue.
00:45:17I know.
00:45:20I'm sorry.
00:45:22Not anymore.
00:45:24Not anymore.
00:45:28You have to apologize to someone else.
00:45:30That person isn't me.
00:45:32Sophie thought
00:45:34Sheriff would save her.
00:45:36Not just me.
00:45:38You also disappointed her.
00:45:46You failed to protect her.
00:45:50She was in grave danger.
00:45:55You shouldn't regret what happened
00:46:00if you're aware of it.
00:46:20I'm sorry.
00:47:28How could he lie to me?
00:47:30It's not a big secret.
00:47:32It's just...
00:47:36It's not that important.
00:47:39Do you know what happened to me while you were away?
00:47:46I did everything I could.
00:47:47But I don't think it was enough.
00:47:54Look at my knees.
00:47:59I begged the collectors to give me more time.
00:48:06Do you know what I keep
00:48:08in the safe in the store?
00:48:15Soju bottles.
00:48:18I can't start the day without a drink.
00:48:20At least I gave her a drink.
00:48:25I'm sorry.
00:48:28I know you don't trust me.
00:48:29If that was the reason, you shouldn't have married me.
00:48:31If you weren't going to be by my side, why did you do it?
00:48:35You haven't set your priorities.
00:48:38You're irresponsible.
00:48:40And as a husband, you're a shame.
00:48:47Are you going to say something?
00:48:48Am I being harsh?
00:48:49Tell me!
00:48:51Come on, explain yourself!
00:49:11Is that why you didn't tell me?
00:49:14To make me look like the bad girl?
00:49:18John, you're the worst thing that ever happened to me.
00:49:41That damn Soju.
00:49:57I need...
00:49:59a little Soju to feel better.
00:50:14Don't turn the lights on.
00:50:17Turn them off.
00:50:19Did you hear me?
00:50:28Why did you lie to me?
00:50:43I can't even hold you.
00:50:48is the bathroom?
00:50:50Where it's always, miss.
00:50:52I get drunk...
00:50:54once a year.
00:50:56And today is that day.
00:50:58Only once a year?
00:51:01Of course.
00:51:03I want water.
00:51:04Go on.
00:51:05Moisturize your face.
00:51:16Get easy.
00:51:37Detective Evan.
00:52:08I heard you told her.
00:52:11I was forced to do it.
00:52:13You must feel better.
00:52:16I never felt so bad.
00:52:19Oh, Rome is angry.
00:52:21She repressed her anger.
00:52:23Her anger?
00:52:24Do you know what makes couples get angry with each other?
00:52:27Conclusions that can't be made.
00:52:29I don't know.
00:52:31I don't know.
00:52:33I don't know.
00:52:35I don't know.
00:52:37She was wrong.
00:52:40If she hadn't acted that way,
00:52:42if she hadn't said those words,
00:52:44would it have changed anything?
00:52:48You did the worst to her and she came to a conclusion.
00:52:51She doesn't feel right about her divorce yet.
00:52:54So now she feels a lot and has self-compassion.
00:52:58She has a lot on her mind right now.
00:53:01Believe me.
00:53:04Yes, I do.
00:53:07Le hubiera dicho la verdad
00:53:10No, un seguiríamos juntos
00:53:12Es horrible imaginar lo que hubiera pasado
00:53:19Me agrada imaginar que aún seguimos juntos
00:53:25Me gusta
00:53:28Nunca lo habías imaginado
00:53:30No, por qué es por la culpa si
00:54:00Ya quedó
00:54:04Sabes algo, mi ex y Derek ambos
00:54:08Eligieron el mismo smoking para su boda
00:54:11¿En serio? ¿El mismo smoking?
00:54:15Tu segunda boda fue muy diferente
00:54:18Fue tan perfecta que no puedo recordar cómo fue la primera
00:54:22En ese entonces
00:54:24Me dijiste que no me preocupara por el smoking
00:54:28Tienes razón
00:54:30No me interesa lo que le guste a los hombres
00:54:34Creo que un smoking juega un papel importante, es justo un acompañamiento del vestido de la novia
00:54:43Por eso se ponen nerviosos, quieren verse impecables en su boda
00:54:49Solo una vez
00:54:50Ellos quieren dar su mejor impresión
00:54:54No lo vi venir
00:54:57Cuando uno se casa
00:54:59Es incrédula
00:55:03Y piensa que durará para siempre
00:56:24Es tuyo
00:56:29Muchas gracias
00:56:34Pero mis manos están mojadas
00:56:44Experto en relojes así me apasionan pero recién perdí el mío
00:56:49Lo adoraba era una edición especial sucede que lo extraño mucho hay un lugar donde hacen imitaciones
00:57:00Yo solo compro auténticos
00:57:06Le agradezco señor
00:57:16Tienes un reloj
00:57:19Quisiera que me lo mostrarás
00:57:44Si dulay que tal va el negocio
00:57:51Si a rompe vio hasta embriagarse me alegra mucho escucharlo
00:57:56Creo que la muerte de sophie le afecto si seré más considerado bien adiós
00:58:26Hablará a a rom
00:59:32Después del divorcio nunca volví a digerir algo
00:59:37Me dolía el estómago y estaba al límite de mi capacidad vine a este lugar y mi dolor desapareció
00:59:46Comencé a practicar mis tiros
00:59:49Al menos te dejé un buen pasatiempo
00:59:54Podrías hacerlo mejor pensando en mí
00:59:57Después de lo que me dijiste
01:00:01Pensé que podría
01:00:04Veo que no
01:00:07Porque no me lo dijiste desde el inicio si me hubieras dicho que eras el diablo
01:00:12De igual manera habría salido contigo
01:00:15Me habría vestido de negro para combinar contigo nada hubiera cambiado
01:00:20Lo sé
01:00:23Para ser sincera
01:00:26Me siento vacía tan hueca y molesta
01:00:30Hice lo mejor para poder soportarte
01:00:33Pero me rendí cuando nos separamos
01:00:36Todo ese esfuerzo y para nada
01:00:39Tú no hiciste nada malo
01:00:44Tan sólo supera lo diciéndote a ti misma
01:00:47Que saliste con un mentiroso
01:00:50Debiste explicarme por qué
01:00:53Cuando estaba enamorada de ti
01:00:56Era incondicional, debiste decírmelo
01:00:58¿Por qué me lo dices ahora?
01:01:01Me haces sentir culpable
01:01:04Por todo lo que pasó
01:01:06Oye John
01:01:08¿Que no merecía un poco de tu confianza?
01:01:14No podía confiar en mí mismo
01:01:19Carecía de confianza
01:01:21Como lo dijiste
01:01:23No había establecido mis prioridades
01:01:26Es cierto
01:01:29No estabas listo
01:01:36Recordé nuestra boda
01:01:38Es algo que intento no pensar
01:01:41Estabas ahí
01:01:44Parado y solo
01:01:47Sin tus padres
01:01:49Ni amigos
01:01:52Ahora sé por qué
01:01:56Al fin sé cómo te sentías ese día
01:02:01Estabas preocupado
01:02:04Y nervioso
01:02:06Tenías expectativas
01:02:08Y secretos
01:02:11Y yo
01:02:16Aunque yo me encontraba
01:02:19A tu lado tal vez te sentía solo
01:02:23Pero no
01:02:25No me sentía así porque estuvieras ahí
01:02:29Cuando te conocí
01:02:32Por primera vez en mi vida no me sentí solo
01:02:36Desde que nos conocimos
01:02:40Nunca sentí nervios
01:02:42Tenías un futuro prometedor
01:02:44¿Por qué renunciaste después de todo?
01:02:46Las municiones son muy costosas
01:02:55Susténlo ahí
01:02:57Y luego usa tu pulgar
01:03:00Usa el izquierdo preferentemente
01:03:03Sí, manténlo firme
01:03:04Ahora apunta
01:03:06¿Quieres intentarlo?
01:03:11¿No te asusta?
01:03:23Eres buena
01:03:26También quiero verte disparar
01:03:32Al principio parece fácil
01:03:34Porque estás de pie
01:03:36Y tienes apoyo
01:03:40Después de que mi papá falleciera
01:03:43Perdí el interés
01:03:45Además no podía pagar
01:03:48Escucha, el objetivo puede cambiar en todo momento
01:03:52A pesar de solo estar de pie
01:03:54Es inestable
01:03:57Si dudas el arma lo hará
01:03:59Y el objetivo va a burlarse de ti
01:04:04Por eso renuncié
01:04:07No puedes dudar
01:04:11Yo puedo sostener el arma
01:04:17Eso sería peor
01:04:24No vas a dudar
01:04:34Para ti
01:04:36¿Qué significa tu empleo?
01:04:38¿Quieres mantenerlo aunque tengas que ocultármelo?
01:04:44En un principio
01:04:46Ocultarlo era un motivo de orgullo
01:04:48Creía que me había convertido en un buen hombre
01:04:53Más tarde aprendí lo difícil que es convertirse en uno
01:04:58¿En serio?
01:05:00Elegiste bien
01:05:02Hace que te des cuenta
01:05:04Pero después de conocerte
01:05:08Quise renunciar
01:05:10Por primera vez
01:05:17Aún sabiendo la verdad
01:05:22No te habría perdonado por tener una aventura
01:05:24Así que lo que digas ahora no cambiará nada en realidad
01:05:31Oye, John
01:05:33De ahora en adelante
01:05:35No me digas que lo sientes
01:05:38No puedes decírmelo
01:05:42Hasta que atrapes al asesino de Sophie
01:05:44No pidas disculpas
01:05:55Que atraparás al asesino de Sophie
01:06:01No volveré a pedir disculpas
01:06:04Por el bien de Sophie
01:06:07También por el tuyo
01:06:09Estamos divorciados
01:06:11Y tomamos caminos separados
01:06:14Pero debo hacerlo
01:06:18Ayudaré con la investigación
01:06:25No sé qué tanto podría ayudar
01:06:27Guarda mi secreto
01:06:29Lo entiendo
01:06:32Pero es difícil mentirle a mi esposo sobre quién eres
01:06:35¿Te gustaría que te hiciera eso?
01:06:37No interferiré con tu vida
01:06:40Acabaré con la investigación
01:06:42Y seguirás adelante
01:06:45Tan solo coopera con nosotros
01:06:50Estrecha mi mano
01:06:52Hagámoslo oficial
01:06:54Hagámoslo bien
01:06:56Hoy sujetamos una mano
01:06:59Pero mañana podría ser un arma
01:07:02¿Qué tal ahora?
01:07:24La persona que te atacó
01:07:26¿Lograste ver su rostro?
01:07:28No, estaba muy oscuro
01:07:30Medía un ochenta
01:07:32Y era atlético
01:07:34Lo golpeé en la cabeza con una llave
01:07:36Y después huyó
01:07:38Debió sangrar un poco
01:07:40La próxima vez no lo hagas
01:07:42Pudo reaccionar muy mal
01:07:44Sophie dejó alguna parte de su cuerpo
01:07:46En la casa de su esposo
01:07:48¿Qué pasó?
01:07:50No sé
01:07:53¿Sophie dejó alguna otra pertenencia?
01:07:56Solo tengo su bolso
01:07:59También había algunos objetos de su boda
01:08:17Debo volver a mi negocio
01:08:20Yo te llevaré
01:08:21Llama a una grúa para que se lleven tu auto
01:09:09Hay dos maniquíes de novio
01:09:56Bienvenido a la casa
01:10:11No se enganche
01:10:12Es muy imbécil
01:10:14No se enganche
01:10:18Ah, it's hot!
01:10:19Why do you care about a kid like me?
01:10:21Why are you both so good at acting?
01:10:23You're both fakes.
01:10:24You didn't know you were a police officer, did you?
01:10:26I'll give you an earful.
01:10:27An earful?
01:10:27It's the perfect place for a cartoonist to meet a bad guy.
01:10:30Can I trust you?
01:10:31There's no such thing as perfection.
01:10:33It's just that it looks perfect.
01:10:34You used to be a home run to me, too.
01:10:37Don't let your husband find out.
01:10:38I'm sorry, honey.
01:10:39I've got a secret.