Lucy’s wisdom and perspective
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00:00A comment from someone who I'm proud to call a mutual. Her name's Lucy. If you're
00:06not following Lucy, you should be. She's an older black woman. There's a lot of
00:11wisdom on her page. It reminded me of a couple of things. I was having, this was
00:17maybe a year ago, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine
00:23about, I think I even made a TikTok about it, and we were talking about, you know,
00:32like when, when was the last time that everything was just easy in the United
00:43States? And immediately I was like, I would think that, I think that was the
00:4880s and the 90s. And then I caught myself and I was like, well I should
00:56qualify that. Easy for people who look like me. And one of the things that I've
01:05learned in the four years, almost four years, three and a half years that I've
01:14been on this app is that, and I've learned this by following people like,
01:23like Lucy and White Woman Whisperer and Portia and some other, some other
01:31folks. There are a lot of smart black women on this app. You should be
01:35following a lot of them. Is that it's important for people like me to
01:40acknowledge the privilege that I have in this country, the privileges that I
01:44have in this country. And, and so I started thinking about that and I
01:52started doing that because it's all, it's something that, you know, up until, I mean
01:59certainly through my whole life, through my 20s, it was just something I wasn't, I
02:04wasn't aware of. I mean, I grew up in Ohio in the 70s and 80s and went to college
02:10in law school in the 90s. And, and Ohio was still really, really segregated when
02:16I was a kid until I got to, until I got to college. And, you know, but it's like
02:24through nothing that I did, through nothing that I earned, I mean I have
02:33white privilege, I have male privilege, straight privilege, I'm very educated, I
02:40have some economic privilege. And, you know, I mean I kind of started just
02:49distilling it down that I have basically every privilege that this country has to
02:53offer except for generational wealth. And, and I think it's important for people
03:04who look like me to acknowledge that. And again, I didn't earn any of that. It's
03:14just how I was born. And, but she left this comment on a video where I was
03:22talking about my neighbors who are young. And, you know, I was just thinking about them
03:30and the kind of future that they're facing right now in this country. You know, people
03:33in their early, mid 20s. And it kind of dovetails in another reason why I'm responding to Lucy's
03:44comment. I was listening to a podcast this morning while I was driving into the city
03:53to go to work. And it's a podcast called Strict Scrutiny. And it's some women who discuss
04:01basically, and they're all lawyers and professors, and they discuss the Supreme Court. That's
04:06what their, their podcast is about. So it's pretty nerdy. But they had a guest on this
04:11guy named Elie Mestal, M-Y-S-T-A-L. He is just kind of this bombastic black guy who's
04:21a constitutional attorney. Smart as hell. They were talking about his new book that's
04:28coming out. And he was talking about the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. And,
04:35and he, one, one thing that I've talked about a bunch on my app, or on my, on my page is
04:45Susan B. Anthony, you know, in the fight for women's voting rights. And I've, I point out
04:55to people very often, you know, because a lot of people hold her up to be a hero. She
05:03fought for the right for women to vote. And I'm like, she fought for the right for white
05:10women to vote. She and her movement had no use for black women, or getting the right
05:17to vote for black women. And Elie Mestal, Mestal made the point this morning that, you
05:28know, given the 400 year history of black people in the United States, starting with
05:35250 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow, until we get to 1964 and 1965, the Civil Rights
05:43Act and the Voting Rights Act. 1964 was the first time in our nation's history that black
05:52women had a guaranteed right to vote. That is within Lucy's lifetime. It's almost within
06:01mine. I was born in 1968. And, but I think her point is extremely valid. You know, and
06:14I mean, I know I get, I can get very myopic sometimes. But if you're not following Lucy,
06:22you really should be. She's, she's a great person. And like I said, man, there's a lot
06:27of wisdom on her page.