Did Schumer sell out or was his decision wise?
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00:00I don't care I'm busting out my Kamala hoodie for one for one video at least
00:07because this is what we could have had we could add her and Tim Walz instead we
00:13have Trump and Elon Musk and Chuck Schumer who is going out on a book tour
00:19this week this coming week and next week while Congress is in recess for two
00:24weeks after the events of last Friday how do you think that book tour is gonna
00:32go I was talking to my brother tonight and he was like there's he has to
00:39cancel it doesn't he I guess we'll find out because it starts tomorrow anyway
00:52anybody who's followed me for any length of time knows that I'm a big fan of the
00:56bulwark the website the bulwark calm that is one of my indispensable sites
01:04and will be for the next four years they have great podcasts Tim Miller's daily
01:10podcast the next level podcast with JVL Jonathan V last and Tim Miller and Sarah
01:15Longwell the focus group podcast with it was Sarah Longwell the secret podcast
01:21it's a you know great articles great writing it's a really good site it's a
01:26really good source of information and and last Friday Jonathan V last wrote
01:33and his is a big chunk of his daily newsletter was about Chuck Schumer he
01:40starts off by saying because we've we've now we've all seen that picture through
01:45the window looking into the Oval Office of Chuck Schumer and Donald Trump
01:49looking buddy-buddy Chuck Schumer's negotiation with President Trump seems
01:55to have gone like this Trump we can't pass the CR because we're bad at
02:00governing so you pass it for us Schumer no Trump if you don't pass it for us
02:05the government will shut down and we'll blame Democrats Schumer no Trump we'll
02:11blame the Democrats then do whatever we want with spending anyway Schumer oh
02:16okay I guess we'll pass it then Schumer's capitulation has made people
02:22angry I am one of them so why what is the point of having preserved the
02:27filibuster if you're unwilling to use it why would Schumer roll over without
02:31getting any concessions from Trump our Democrats enablers of a lawless
02:35government or an opposition party which one are they my reflexive judgment is
02:41that Schumer and the Senate Democrats are weak they had a winning political
02:45issue and real leverage they should have either one force the government
02:49shut down and then use the resulting pain to drive down Trump's popularity or
02:53two extracted a foundational level compromise from the administration for
02:59example that Trump and Musk should stop breaking the law but what if my
03:05reflexive judgment is wrong what if Schumer's capitulation is unpleasant but
03:12and then he draws an analogy about wildfires firefighters in the woods they
03:19roll up on a firefighter what do they do if they don't have any aerial view of it
03:25can they accurately assess it can they figure out how big it is is it already a
03:29lost cause how should they actually fight it because they don't have all the
03:36information and the federal government is on fire that much we can see we don't
03:42know the extent of the blaze we don't have overhead imagery we don't know if
03:46it's possible to stop the fire from spreading because it's only just begun
03:50or if the flames are out of control behind the visible fire line in front of
03:55us and and then he goes through Schumer's statement that he gave to
04:07justify you know what he's done you know basically in other words it's like if
04:12Trump has Trump has already broken the law while dismantling the federal
04:15government if Democrats fail to keep the government open it will provide him a
04:18quasi legal pretext to speed up that lawless project no negotiation with
04:25Trump could have produced an enforceable compromise because Trump's a liar and so
04:31is Musk passing the CR for Trump isn't about avoiding a fight it's can it's a
04:36controlled burn in an attempt to slow the fire's progress and then he gives a
04:42counter-argument which is where I'm at said even if Schumer's view is correct
04:46there is still a counter-argument acceleration ISM the acceleration is to
04:51argument goes something like this Schumer is right that Trump Schumer is
04:56right that Trump and Musk will use a shutdown to speed up their dismantling
04:59of the government but that's going to happen either way the politics of a
05:04government shutdown are good for Democrats because Republicans control
05:09the entire government so why not make a stand here accelerate the pain
05:13accelerate the lawlessness establish the Democratic Party as an anvil on
05:19which you break Trump's popular support that's where I'm at so anyway I get I
05:33understand Schumer's argument for this for doing what he did hmm I don't like
05:40it and I think it's wrong and I think it was shitty politics and and I think
05:46he sold out the base of his party again but that's me you know let me know what
05:52you think in the comments