We gather here today for another segment of morgan desperately tries to get her life together and this time I learn how to wallpaper lol
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/morganadams
LINKS FROM THIS VID!! ( i don't make money off of any of these bc i'm terrible at this and just love you lol)
Wallpaper mural:
Amazon curtains:
Candle sconces:
Wall sconces:
DEPOP: https://depop.com/iammorganadams
If you're reading this comment "who is her chiropractor"
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/morganadams
LINKS FROM THIS VID!! ( i don't make money off of any of these bc i'm terrible at this and just love you lol)
Wallpaper mural:
Amazon curtains:
Candle sconces:
Wall sconces:
DEPOP: https://depop.com/iammorganadams
If you're reading this comment "who is her chiropractor"
00:00Okay, let's try this one more time
00:03Good evening, everyone
00:04I welcome you to the feature program and luckily I have found something new to fixate on
00:10Which is turning my bedroom that looks like it was decorated by a bunch of
00:15uneducated frat brothers to a zen
00:20Peaceful oasis and how am I gonna do that? You might ask. Well today I am
00:26divulging myself deep into the world
00:30Wallpaper. Oh
00:32If you wanted a journey, you're getting a journey. I
00:38Would say the likelihood that you stay right where you are is about one in a hundred could I show a grande caramel macchiato
00:46Yes, please. Why would you say something so controversial yet? So brave. I want to be fast and furious today everyone
00:51That's why we're getting something fun. Thank you. Let's just pour right here. So I don't actually wreck someone's life. I
00:58I know that this makes me sound like an absolute batshit crazy person as a former
01:04Caffeine addict someone that used to have over a thousand milligrams of caffeine per day
01:08Did not know at the time this could literally make my heart stop, but I used to have at least two
01:15Espresso drinks per day and at least two Alani new energy drinks per day
01:19So I really made the executive decision to cut back and now instead of being addicted to caffeine
01:24I'm addicted to sugar
01:25But you know, I could be doing crack and I don't since I had to come out and about anyway
01:29I just thought we'd get a little a little special treat
01:37Oh, oh, oh, it's not as good as I remember
01:44Mm-hmm. You got to get the caramel at the bottom. Apparently this is just where I live
01:50But there's an on-the-border on every exit because every time I bring up the fact that I worked at an on-the-border people think that I
01:56Was literally they think that I was on the border of Mexico doing Border Patrol
02:04Anyway, my whole point was when I worked it on the border, it's pretty close to here
02:09I was 19 and hustling and bustling those tables. I wanted to work the double shift
02:14So I would do you know the lunch rush take an hour break and then do the dinner rush and every time
02:19I would take my little tips and I would come to Starbucks and I would get a caramel macchiato and that is what fueled
02:25Me through my on-the-border
02:26Mexican cantina not Border Patrol
02:30Mmm. Oh my gosh, and I really don't think I've had one since
02:34Right now the agenda for today
02:36I'm gonna go to Home Depot because I've decided I've hit the phase of my adult life that I need to stop pawning things off
02:42my parents and today the executive functioning is executive functioning and I woke up and I made the executive decision to
02:49It's time to buy my own damn ladder today. I take you to experience purebred American culture
02:56Sometimes I like to stand here for a little relief from the winter darkness
03:07Don't know who the conductor of the weather is nice in Colorado lie is but let me tell you one thing
03:13They're fucking liars, it's freezing all the time just a few
03:18Disclaimers, do I have any idea what I'm doing whatsoever? No, I did not happen to go to the College of wallpaper. I
03:27Think the only way that we can do this is go in with delusional confidence that there's no possible way that I can screw this
03:33Up, it's so easy. It's two plus two equals four a man could do this. Come on. We can do it
03:38What I apparently can't do is
03:41Hair because that oh my god that hairdo is really
03:48It's really something I mean, I will say I have done this once before oh
03:54No, if I'm being real with myself, my dad did the entire thing and I got participation points
04:04My adults purchase the selling point of this ladder is it has a removable bucket
04:12Nothing says I'm in my late 20s like I bought a ladder because it has a removable bucket photo wall wallpaper
04:21installation guide Oh
04:24Welcome to the crash course. I have the installation box. I'm assuming this is my wallpaper brush. Ooh
04:30Seam roller. I hope the video is not in a different language because the instructions most definitely are I
04:39Have so many questions one how much did this guy get paid to that's my only question. Oh
04:53Gosh this is really gonna be a fiasco
04:57Let's do a little hocus-pocus
05:00It says that you should do this in a bucket
05:02But the best that I had was a kitchen bowl
05:04So they want you to add a gallon of water and you might be wondering Morgan
05:07Where the fuck did you get that gallon and to that I say when Lucas is wondering where his milk is for his cerealator
05:13Don't tell him that I am in fact just a problem solver
05:17This is the best that I could come up with on a short notice. We're gonna make a little concoction
05:23There's like chunks floating in it. Like what in the hell is that? This looks really wrong. How do I get it to D chunkify?
05:32It looks like when I had the neurovirus
05:34Yuck couldn't tell you nothing about the wallpaper yet. But I love that the pencil that they sent is paying going to begin by
05:41Practicing using one functional brain cell and covering up
05:45The section of the floor that I'm on I haven't even started yet. This is a lot of work
05:51This is my glue that I think I did right according to the man that got paid to do the infomercial
05:56We're gonna use this and we're gonna glue the wall. There is no time like the present. I'm not scared at all
06:03It's an illusion. We're gonna dip. Okay, once I fuck this wall up, there's no going back
06:08Ooh, it's like baking a cake. Oh, yeah, it's actually sticking
06:15well, no shit, there's glue all over the wall, but I
06:22Got to go into deep focus
06:26Okay, I'm an artiste
06:36For a first-time wallpaper job with little to no experience my first free internship going pretty well with
06:43The external validation of you all telling me. Yes, the wall sconces are ugly. I'm gonna take out the wall sconce
06:49I just don't exactly know how to do that without shocking myself all the way to the hospital closet basement basement basement
07:01Okay, so I'm trying to take out the light sconces in my room and if I figured out how to turn off the breaker
07:08It's not gonna electrocute me, right? No, you're not gonna get electrocuted with the power on
07:12I mean, there's some wire nuts on it. Just turn your light switch off. You don't need to turn the breaker off
07:16Oh, well, I already did. Yeah, you won't get shot. Should I put gloves on? No, okay
07:23The black they're all black
07:30Dude men should be afraid for the day that women
07:34Figure out that with the help of Google you don't have to hire anyone to do jack-nothing. I feel so accomplished right now
07:41I'm just curious how there's spiderwebs in it, but whatever this might be the least smart thing you've ever heard
07:47But I'm just gonna wallpaper over it in the meantime while I look for a light that could work there
07:54What are the odds that I can move this bed? I say it's not great. Okay. Oh
08:01My gosh full body push. There we go
08:06This glue is really something
08:15I did this once before without unaliving myself. I'm confident we can do it again
08:19All you do is twist
08:23Hurtin ladies. I need a life alert. Okay, I'm telling myself that I didn't know what I didn't know
08:28Right, if I was super duper smart, I would have put these light sconces a foot
08:34Further apart a foot that way and a foot down so they would be over a nightstand not over a bed
08:44Three more panels for my next trick. I will try to put this room together. I think my body has exceeded capacity
08:51Okay, come on I give up that was a good effort I give up that was a horrible effort
09:02This is why it's crucial that a person like me has health insurance
09:15Know that all sped up and fast motion that looked like it was super quick and easy
09:22It has been ten hours
09:25What in the hell am I supposed to do with this yeast infection? Oh
09:31Every time I do something in this realm, I actually
09:36Retract what I said about my statement men can run the world if they want to
09:45I'm going to require advanced chiropractic work after one day. Oh
09:53My god
09:54Why I was committed to wearing the jeans all day
09:57I don't know because I just like got 10% of my life back into my soul when I took them off
10:02I knew that I was gonna feel this way and you all validated my opinion so much
10:07It's a hundred million times better without the sconces. They were just bad. There was something the concept was good the execution
10:13Which is my fault was just bad. It's gonna be so much better. I'll say and you all know I am a top
10:20Critics, I am a harsh
10:22Reviewer. This was actually so user-friendly. It was insane came with all the tools came with everything numbered like the glue
10:29Yeah, it looks like an STD, but I mean it's not falling down
10:32I was pretty meticulous with it really spent my time pushing the seams
10:37Perfectly together as of right now. You can't really see any seams. You can't really see any funkiness going on
10:44I'm gonna sleep so good tonight. I was gonna fix it tomorrow, but I'll explain why it looks a little crooked right now
10:51considering that this house was built in
10:541970 not all of the floor to ceilings are perfectly
11:01Perpendicular with each other is that the right word? We'll just put a top little trim piece over this past weekend
11:06I made Lucas watch all five Twilight movies
11:112010 2012 when all the Twilight movies were drop drop drop drop
11:15We used to go to the movie theater at midnight with our friends. It was a huge deal
11:20I was trying to explain to him the cultural
11:23Impact of being a preteen in the Twilight era. We watched all five movies
11:28He gave it a 9 out of 10. He was Team Jacob trees make me feel very Colin core
11:35Yeah, okay, I'm ready and if you hate it
11:40Don't tell me
11:45I like that a lot. That is so good
11:50Really? Yeah
11:52You actually like it or are you lying? No, I actually do
11:57Just don't turn on the light switch or it might light on fire
12:00But I don't think I've ever hated anything that you've chosen so you just got to trust your gut girl
12:08Cuz I think your gut makes great choices
12:12Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. He doesn't hate it enough to leave. So now we eat and watch
12:19Modern family. No the rest of The Bachelor we
12:25There's only like 10 minutes left
12:31Good morning
12:32the only thing I have to say is that you're not allowed to judge me for wearing the same thing that I was wearing last
12:37night because it actually violates the user terms and conditions I was so
12:43submerged yesterday in my
12:46Artwork that I forgot to do my nightly routine that has been keeping me on track
12:50So I woke up today feeling a little bit like a chicken with my head cut off because I didn't plan out what I was gonna
12:57Do for today thought I would tell you about my whole new system
13:00ever since November when I decided that I was in fact mentally ill and needed to change my life and committed to changing my life and
13:07Started taking medication to change my life in the words of Meredith Gray
13:10If you want to change you have to actually change tried to put all of these systems into place my nightly routine
13:16Like I take a shower before I go to bed. I'm cleansing the day away, you know, it sounds stupid
13:21But if you just go into the shower depths of hell hot wash the day away
13:25So you don't go to bed feeling all nasty gross just a body shower when I'm in my piping hot
13:31Demons are getting washed away to hell shower. I'm thinking what do I need to do tomorrow? What is my objective?
13:38What is my purpose then when I get out of the shower first thing I do in the towel still drip-drying
13:45I have a list in my phone paper calendar doesn't do jack shit for me. It's adorable
13:50It's a precious thought would love that for you. If that's what you do
13:53I can't keep track of anything to save my life one list called yet another overly ambitious to-do list
13:59I put in little check marks all of the things that I want to do for the day
14:03Check them off as I go edit and revise it every single day
14:07Sometimes I put wake up on there and then when I wake up, I'm like wow
14:10Check really gives you a nice Wow. I'm a person that's functioning in society sense of euphoria
14:17You can tell I didn't edit my list from yesterday the end of the day go through all the ones that got checked off
14:22Delete so all the things at the bottom then become the top
14:26It's like a layer cake the top is the frosting the most important part
14:30Those are the things that have to get done
14:33so when I wake up
14:34I have no confusion in my head of what am I doing today because
14:38Night Morgan and morning Morgan are two completely different people at night. I'm like I can conquer the world
14:44I'm going to change my life as a whole when I wake up tomorrow
14:48and then when I wake up in the morning, I'm dead in the face like
14:53I'm scared scared have no idea what's going on. That's why the list really helps
14:58I have no confusion what 8 p.m. Morgan wanted 8 a.m
15:02Morgan to do the next subcategory things we need when I'm going through my house and I'm like, oh we're out of trash bags
15:07Just add it to the list. So then when I'm at the store and I'm like, oh my god think think think think think
15:12Executive function think what do we need? I know exactly what we need
15:16Then I have a when you have time category things that I don't need to do this second
15:22But when I'm bored and I'm sitting in my computer, I'll be like, oh and then my last little category is relevant to what?
15:28I'm doing right now. So I'm working on my bedroom. So I have things that we still need for our bedroom which
15:34speaking of
15:36Rewind, this is why I'm feeling disoriented today because the list thing really works
15:43And I was so into my project last night that I got distracted didn't do my list for the night
15:48So today I woke up feeling like a circus clown whose trailer left me at the circus when they went to the next stop
15:55Anyway, let's do the makeup
16:01It didn't break
16:06This is where we're at today, I went to my friend Brooks bachelorette party over the weekend in Dallas, Texas
16:13And you all know how I feel about DCC making the team
16:16I've watched from season one the whole time. I was there
16:19I was fantasizing about what I would do if I had any athletic talent and I would totally be a DCC
16:28That would be my entire career choice
16:32Get used to it
16:39Yeah, that's why I said don't press the trigger but once you hear it charge up then you squeeze the trigger
16:45You're not gonna do it? No, I'm gonna hold it for you while you climb the ladder and shoot. Oh, I thought you were gonna do
16:50the whole thing
16:52Boo, I thought this was like your job
16:59Wow, this really gets some anger out. I told you women can do anything
17:05Slide this one in behind it
17:09Your turn. That thing's heavy. The girls want to know what you thought about Twilight
17:17Look how talented you are
17:23Crisis averted. Yay. Ten points. Yeah
17:35Daily weather report. It's snowing again
17:42There's a Reese's Puff in my pocket
17:44We'll just feed that to the deer. As the least qualified weather woman that you've ever seen come across your screens
17:53I'm starting to get the feeling that it's never gonna stop snowing
17:55Like I'm getting to the point of the winter where I'm losing hope and feeling like the hibernation is going to last
18:03Forever forever
18:05Anyway, I'm not just standing outside because I'm a crazy person
18:08I am getting things out of my car went absolutely feral at Target. It's not even 9 a.m. Like I
18:15Really went for it. I did get one source of food. Welcome to my first ever
18:20Target home decor haul. This happens every single year and I don't know what year of my brain
18:27Development that I'm like, oh, yeah, it's January in February. It just kind of sucks outside
18:31Always I say this every single year life always gets better in March
18:36And I've been keeping a countdown since the first week of January. How many weeks until March?
18:41We're two weeks out. Anyway, I guess we're coping with the deep winter blues. Maybe this is just self-destruction
18:46But I've convinced myself that spending money on home decor is a good investment
18:52I got this rug. We've had the same little kitchen mats here for over a year and I also spilled red wine all over them
19:00So they're looking a little
19:02Dusty crusty it's time for a revamp. Oh, that's so much better for the high traffic area
19:08We got to build a new road Wow exciting. She's serving runway model trying to flatten it up
19:14It smells a little funky. I only paid $35 for it. So what can you really expect these?
19:21Okay, I have two of these already on our couch out there and every single person that comes over knows that
19:28These are the best pillows the pillows that come with the couch. No one wants them. No one's interested in them fan
19:34Favorite. I don't know what the hell they put in this that makes it so Oh
19:40Euphoric when you put your head on this I want to crawl inside of the pillow and be in the pillow
19:45That's how much I love it. I am I'm physically attracted to this pillow. I love it
19:48I got three to go behind our pillows on our bed. You can take the things off you can wash them
19:54There's been bloody noses all over my white ones. They come out perfectly. I want these to be a part of my body composition
20:01I love them so much. Someone was telling me if you have an empty chair
20:05It's inviting a ghost or a demon to come sit in your chair got a nice little pillow. So now
20:12Demons think that they're welcome to just come take a seat and watch us do whatever it is that we're doing invasive
20:19Yes. Yes it is. I'm not like a diehard subscriber
20:22I go back and forth with how I feel about all of the energy
20:27feng shui
20:28things I dabble and why do I dabble because you all have brought it to my attention that the way that I have things arranged
20:35is inviting things inside which
20:39Scope I'm interested in a little ghost story. I love Halloween time. I
20:43Love a haunted documentary. I love a haunted hotel
20:48Do I want them in my house at this point of my life? No
20:52Anyway got this little tray cutie
20:54My thing is I have all of these random things in my kitchen
21:00But I am starting to think I want them to be a little more
21:04Intentionally grouped so I got this tray and I got this tray battery wall sconces
21:11I'm past the point of you know, hard wiring lights into the wall. I'm not a big light person
21:16I like to have little doodads like this. Oh
21:20Well, I felt like I got a lot more than that whatever
21:24$30 tell me that's not kind of cute, dude
21:26I recorded the Grammy so I could watch them in full pre red carpet situation
21:35Kanye West making that girl get fully naked on the red carpet on national television
21:42We as a society have fully
21:46Completely lost control. But yeah, I'm gonna let my little doodad light bulbs charge up
21:52I never know if this is a good idea or not
21:54But I saw a lot of comments on my last video being like
21:57If you claim that you're moving to LA again, why would you decorate your house?
22:02Okay. Okay. I am a big fan of the idea that people are allowed to change their minds people change their mind people redirect
22:09people get a little inspiration and
22:12Spread their wings and fly I can confidently promise you with a hundred and
22:1920,000 percent certainty. I would never move back. I would never ever ever move back to LA. I did a little rewatch. Oh
22:27my god, am I
22:29Having a stroke. I understand why it came across that way that has never been a thought in my mind
22:34That has never been a consideration
22:38No, like I had my time there I had my journey there
22:42I was excited that I feel like I had like healed a past part of this dark spot in my brain with new good memories
22:48After I've experienced paying taxes in rural America, I would never pay California taxes ever again. You
22:54Could not drag me by my hair to have a full residence, California. That's all I gotta say. That's all I gotta say
23:04It feels like there's Doritos being stabbed into my esophagus, I don't know what's happening
23:09Anyway, like I said, I've done a lot of reflecting this year
23:13I've never been the person that picks a word for the year or picks a mantra for the year. Here I am and I
23:21have made the decision my mantra for the year is
23:25Progress is far. Oh, no, that's too much word jumble to make it shorter make shorter progress over perfection
23:32That's it. I have like four things in my brain a laundry list of things that I need to do
23:37I just can't figure out what order of operations that I want to do them. I have this in my hand
23:43Let's just start with this. I'm kind of liking right there. There was no mathematical purpose behind that sometimes
23:48You just gotta let go and let God at least that's what a lady in a King Soopers parking lot told me the other day
23:54What are we striving for girls and gays?
23:56Progress not perfection. So if they are perfect, they're perfect
24:00If they're not I'm not gonna go into a four-hour spiral here goes nothing
24:05Well, I just made a hole in the wall the size of Japan so that's good
24:12Good good. Good. Well shit. Do we really need all three screws in? I don't think so
24:18When is there ever a study? Oh
24:20my god
24:23Whatever f you stud. Do you see how I woke up and I was like, oh my god, I'm so
24:30Positive today. Everything is sunshine and rainbows. Let's have a mantra for the day. Let's go into it with a good spirit
24:39Then things go to shit. This is why I personally
24:42Prefer the method of going into things expecting the worst and then being pleasantly surprised at the best. Oh
24:50Okay. Oh, I'm just
24:53This is a mess. I
24:56Thought I was losing my mind I just had to figure out what the flow was
24:59I have these lampshades that never got used and I think they're significantly higher quality looking than the ones that came with it
25:07Oh, yeah
25:09Screw this one. Hello
25:14For a $35 Target operation
25:17Those look way nicer than some of the actual installed ones that I put in so
25:23Go off target, I guess we
25:26Are getting somewhere. I feel embarrassed that I'm so out of breath from doing nothing
25:31Lucas is out of town and he always takes the trash out and I just realized that it's trash day
25:35We got a over hold on
25:39You're about to see a video of the bravest girl you ever saw
25:53I survived got two more panels of the curtains that I have little clippings
26:00Okay, subtle difference but also
26:06Huge difference
26:08Might just be a my brain ticks in a way that makes me go a little crazy and things like this really make a difference
26:14to me internally
26:16So much better so much better 30 bucks
26:19Call me crazy if you must but it honestly went from girl that hung curtains at 3 a.m
26:24Because she couldn't sleep to somebody did this with a purpose. Somebody did this with intention
26:29I originally had ordered this before I found those light sconces because I thought I wanted to put them on either side of the picture
26:36But in all of my little Pinterest boards, I have
26:40candle sconces
26:45Tell me that is not so chic. I mean just in my hand
26:49It's a little like prancing around the forest before I get killed, but Q doesn't come with anything to hang them up
26:56I guess you just go with your heart and soul
26:5825 math thinking education. What's half of 25? Don't get the calculator for that Morgan. That would be so embarrassing 12 and a half
27:06I'm not gonna think about it too much. I'm just going with my gut. My gut tells me that this is good
27:11I mean, no one's gonna be like pressing on that, right? So if it falls down, it's a demon. Oh
27:18That is really cute
27:20This is so much fun
27:22I was the type of kid that was up at 2 in the morning like on a school night
27:26Rearranging my whole room because I was like, oh the vibe is wrong. I've run out of this person. I'm not this person anymore
27:32I cannot simply live in this environment push all my furniture around my dad
27:38Got me these they're like furniture movers
27:40so when you use my method of
27:43Moving furniture, which is just a simple drag across the floor and send a hope and prayer for the best
27:49That it doesn't scratch the floor
27:50I was gonna say that I'm not really going for black furniture anymore
27:53But I kind of just love to have it because it reminds me of living in my apartment
27:58Which it was honestly a very good time in my life
28:00I know that you all say that I move around because I hate everywhere. I live I
28:04Loved that live-laugh-love that apartment was one of the best eras of my life. Oh
28:12Wow the room is so much bigger now, oh my god, okay. Oh
28:21My god, you look like you're doing a cold call
28:24Those need to be changed. I
28:27Have been working on my bedroom
28:29So the next time you want to come have a sleepover you don't feel like you're living in a frat room
28:34And so I was hoping for your honest review
28:44Dad took all four of us to Olive Garden last night. We were all his more wives
28:54You look so nice Morgan
28:56Oh wow, that is beautiful
29:00It's like just looking out the window. We're bringing the outside inside. So I never have to go outside looks good. Oh, I love the bed
29:07Thanks, you do with your outlet for the sconces. Um, I just wallpapered right over them and I'm gonna hope it won't light on fire
29:15I like your bed. I like the chair, too. You guys can move in if you want. We could all be one happy family
29:23This is beautiful