• hace 19 horas
Welcome to MOVING VLOGS! Today we're giving the backyard a makeover, new furniture, new appliances, cooking and more! Enjoy! xo
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For business inquiries please email my manager at: teamadelaine@rangemp.com
For PR inquiries please email my beautiful assistant at: team@adelainemorin.com (Please no fan mail! I respond to my twitter and comments a lot!)

Edit by Rosie Holloway: http://www.instagram.com/astrosiiee
Graphics by Dawn Lee: http://www.dawnleedesign.com
Endcard Animations by Jamie: https://twitter.com/yikeswhosjamie
Music I use for YT videos: http://share.epidemicsound.com/shwwC
Lap of Luxury by Auxjack
Lantern Light by Loyae
Afterglow by Jobii


00:00It's a steak. You smell that?
00:02Oh my god.
00:04Life is worth living.
00:06What do you think?
00:07Look at that. So satisfying.
00:10Good morning! I have a feeling today, or this vlog, is gonna be the best day ever.
00:34Because I have so many things coming in the mail today.
00:37Look at this.
00:39I have my KitchenAid being delivered today, which I'm so excited.
00:43And if you're wondering why there's two, it's because basically my friend Jake, he's been the best.
00:48He's helped me decorate my place, and it helps me more than you could ever imagine.
00:53He's helped me get discounts on things as an interior designer.
00:57And he didn't charge me anything. He literally just did this all from the goodness of his heart.
01:02So, his birthday's coming up, and it's coming up in March. March 10th, I think.
01:07So, I wanted to get him a KitchenAid for his birthday.
01:10Because, flashback to the clip where we were both at, I think it was like Crate and Barrel,
01:14and we were like, oh my god, I love this green KitchenAid. I wanted it, he wanted it.
01:18He said that he would do anything for it.
01:20This is so sexy. I would be out here like Nara Smith if I had this.
01:25No, I was really trying to do that for once, too.
01:27So, as a joint birthday present and thank you present, I wanted to get him something nice for his home
01:33because he helped me decorate mine, and helped get discounts to save money on mine, too.
01:37But yeah, so we have the KitchenAid coming today.
01:40Two of them.
01:41I have my Lebooboos coming in today.
01:44Listen, at first I thought they were ugly, too.
01:46And then they grow on you.
01:47They're so f***ing cute.
01:49And like, I don't know, you guys know I love putting Hello Kitty keychains on my purses.
01:53And this is just like, they're so f***ing cute.
01:55You could get like clothes for them.
01:57I saw they have like Chanel clothes for them, and I ordered it on AliExpress.
02:01Like, I'm unwell.
02:02And then I also ordered a matcha because I went to Community Goods with Tila,
02:07which is like, it's the basic L.A. coffee shop that Justin and Hailey Bieber are obsessed with
02:12and made it super popular.
02:14They have really reasonable prices.
02:16Like, their breakfast sliders are like $11, and they're bomb as f***.
02:20Their matcha is some of the best in L.A.,
02:22and there's people who all they do is matcha reviews,
02:25and they say that the matcha is one of the best that they've had in all of L.A.
02:29So, I ordered the matcha.
02:31I'm so excited.
02:32It's not Community Goods brand.
02:33It's called Rocky's Matcha.
02:35So, hopefully, let's hope that it tastes the same
02:39because their most popular one with the green label was sold out,
02:42but the yellow one was at store,
02:43and I'm pretty sure that the yellow one is what they use.
02:45So, that's what I ordered.
02:46So, hopefully, it's good
02:47because I was watching a bunch of reviews,
02:48and people said that their matcha is really good.
02:50It's just a little bit expensive.
02:51Like, I think the matcha that I bought, it was $36.
02:55I'm pretty sure.
02:56But, those little tins, like those tiny tins can last you months.
03:00So, it's so worth it,
03:01and I put a lot of matcha in my matcha.
03:03So, I really get my money's worth.
03:05But, yeah, super exciting day.
03:07And, also, tiny update.
03:09I twisted my ankle, so I'm not very mobile.
03:13Like, I can sit.
03:14Right now, I'm just standing on my right leg.
03:15I twisted it yesterday, and I can barely move it.
03:19So, when I walk, I'm, like, limping, going places.
03:22So, I'm trying to take it easy because it just happened yesterday.
03:26So, that's why I mostly want to just stay at home
03:29and do things around the house today
03:31that don't require too much walking or moving or lifting things.
03:35More just chill vibes.
03:37And, hopefully, it can be recovered in a couple days
03:39because I've twisted my ankle before when I was younger,
03:42and I think it took, like, a couple days to heal.
03:45It's already day two,
03:46and I'm feeling a lot better than I did yesterday.
03:49It's definitely really swollen right now.
03:51That's why I put, like, some compression socks.
03:53I was icing it this morning.
03:55Sometimes, I put too much bronzer down here.
03:57That's my makeup blindness.
03:59But, I'm using my Rode little blush that I just got.
04:02I really like the color.
04:03I never do red blush, but I think that it's so cute,
04:06and it's super natural compared to a lot of the other ones that I use.
04:10It's, like, a burnt, toasted color that I really like.
04:13And, what else are we up to today?
04:15I think that's it.
04:16I feel like I'm rambling too much,
04:18so I'm going to do a little time lapse,
04:20and then, hopefully, we get these packages soon.
04:28I'm using my new Rode lip liners.
04:32They get so much hate,
04:33but I did, like, a review video,
04:35and it got, like, a million views.
04:36I think 1.5 at this point, which I did not expect at all.
04:39But, I haven't worn this one all day yet.
04:42This one is in the shade Stretch.
04:45The thing that everyone hates them for is they say that it doesn't last that long,
04:48so we'll put it to the test while I'm just home and have matcha
04:52and make community goods.
04:54Okay, and a little bit of setting spray.
04:56I have no idea where my one-size setting spray is,
04:59and I'm so upset because that's the shit that makes my makeup last all day.
05:02Like, f**k, I can't find it.
05:04I know it's in my makeup room somewhere, but I haven't unpacked.
05:06I haven't even started,
05:07because all I've been doing is unpacking, like,
05:09our living room, family room, kitchen,
05:11like, a little bit of our bedroom,
05:13because we live here every day.
05:14I've been putting off my makeup room for the longest time.
05:16So, hopefully, we can get to it soon.
05:18But, finish your makeup.
05:20Would you look at what came in the mail?
05:22Literally, perfect timing.
05:23Why is it so bright?
05:24Let me turn down the brightness.
05:27Saw Lisa post like this.
05:28She goes...
05:30Oh, also, before I get into it,
05:32look what also came in the mail.
05:34Rocky's matcha.
05:36Would you look at what came in the mail?
05:39Literally, perfect timing.
05:40Why is it so bright?
05:41Let me turn down the brightness.
05:44Saw Lisa post like this.
05:45She goes...
05:47Oh, also,
05:48before I get into it,
05:49look what also came in the mail.
05:51Rocky's matcha.
05:53So, this is the matcha
05:54that everybody swears by on TikTok.
05:56Like, community goods aside,
05:58people say that this is just, like,
05:59a really good matcha.
06:00So, here it is.
06:01This is what it looks like.
06:02I got the ceremonial grade
06:05oishi blend, 20 grams.
06:07I'm excited.
06:08I'm so excited to use it.
06:09But, yeah, okay.
06:10I thought that these were so ugly at first, too.
06:13And I know what some of you guys are thinking.
06:14You're like, Adeline, seriously?
06:16All the hype for those little keychains.
06:17They're so f***ing cute.
06:18You know that I like
06:19putting Hello Kitty on my purses.
06:20You know that I like
06:21cute little things like this.
06:22Something that's, like,
06:23cute and bougie and tacky.
06:25And that's me.
06:26I f***ing love it.
06:27And I don't give a f***.
06:28I don't give a f***.
06:29I'm 20 years old.
06:30Let me live my life.
06:31It's not like...
06:32And you know what?
06:33I would wear this when I'm 100 years old, too.
06:34Because life is never that serious.
06:35Like, why are people so serious about it?
06:36Also, I feel like my chances
06:39of getting the secret are pretty low.
06:41Because apparently...
06:42I got this on resale.
06:43I got it at StockX.
06:44I don't know how, though.
06:45But, like, people can go through the boxes
06:47and see what you've got.
06:48So, I don't know.
06:49Honestly, I would be happy with no secret.
06:51Because I like all of these here.
06:53I need Sesame Bean.
06:55And I need Lychee Berry.
06:56Those are my two favorites.
06:57I need both of these.
06:58So, hopefully, all six are in the box.
07:00I would be happy with the secret.
07:01But I feel like my chances are very low.
07:02Which is fine.
07:03I think it's, like, literally
07:041 in 72 chance.
07:05Like, you have a 1% chance
07:07of getting the secret.
07:08So, it would be cool.
07:10But I wouldn't be upset about it, either.
07:12Oh, my God.
07:13We keep getting so many packages
07:15all at once.
07:17Oh, my God.
07:18Are you inverted sneezing?
07:19Can you breathe?
07:20Don't die.
07:21Look at this.
07:22This is...
07:23Oh, my God.
07:24This is what you gotta do.
07:25You just gotta cover one nostril.
07:27Now it's gone.
07:28Good job.
07:29That's a little hack.
07:30If your dog is, like, inverted sneezing,
07:31you just have to cover one nostril
07:32and then they'll stop.
07:35Here they are.
07:36I'm so, so, so excited.
07:37We have to unbox this.
07:38Unbox this.
07:39Unbox the matcha.
07:40And unbox the Lebooboos.
07:41I love today.
07:42It's an unboxing day.
07:43Like, I somehow aligned it
07:44so I get all of my fun packages today.
07:46Okay, I think I'm gonna start out with the matcha
07:48because I'm kind of craving it right now.
07:50And I'm gonna film a TikTok doing it, too.
07:52This is the status of my makeup room,
07:54if anybody is wondering.
07:56It's scary in here,
07:57so I'm gonna start one day,
07:58but not today.
08:06Look it.
08:07Look at this.
08:09Basically, I waited an hour in line
08:11to get f***ing Community Goods,
08:13which is Justin and Hailey's favorite coffee shop.
08:15Now I can make it at home
08:16and I don't have to wait an hour in line
08:18just to get the exact same matcha.
08:20I mean, I have to find...
08:21I love when there's, like, ex-employees
08:23and they show exactly how they make it at the store.
08:25Someone needs to do that
08:26because I've been looking.
08:27Someone needs to do how they make
08:28Community Goods coffee at home
08:30so that I can do it,
08:31but I just did it the way that I normally do it.
08:32I like to, like, judge me all you want,
08:34but I like to cold whisk mine
08:35because I just feel like it's creamier
08:37and theirs is super creamy.
08:39I did it with whole milk
08:40and then I added a pinch of vanilla syrup
08:42just because I like mine super sweet,
08:44but honestly, I'm no matcha connoisseur.
08:46I know that there's people who, like,
08:48know their sh** about matchas,
08:49but apparently I've watched so many reviews.
08:51People said that this one is really good.
08:53It's just a little bit more on the pricier side,
08:55but I really like it
08:56and I love making my matchas at home.
08:58That way I can save a little bit of money.
08:59I think this was $36.
09:01I think their coffee...
09:02How much was it?
09:03Okay, Google,
09:04how much is a Community Goods matcha?
09:06$7 f***ing 50!
09:08So if I make at least, like, 5 matchas,
09:11we basically made money.
09:14Okay, I'm filming this for TikTok,
09:16but I also wanted to show it in the vlog too
09:19because it's just serotonin central.
09:21Okay, so I'm gonna be looking right here,
09:22but I love you, okay?
09:24This is the behind the scenes
09:25of how I film a TikTok.
09:30Okay, I just verified it.
09:32I opened her up and I verified...
09:35I think I picked a random one.
09:37If you scan the QR code on the back
09:39and you enter in the numbers,
09:40it should take you to the PopMart website
09:42and when you enter in those numbers,
09:44it will let you know if it's verified or not.
09:46I just put it in
09:47and it says that it's verified
09:48and it's an authentic PopMart Exciting Macaron.
09:51Don't play with me, bitch!
09:52Don't play with me, StockX.
09:54So let's do an unboxing.
09:55Okay, here we go.
09:56Now that we know that we are not getting scammed
09:58and this is a real PopMart box,
10:00I wanna do an unboxing.
10:01Look at how cute.
10:02Okay, so you have a 1 in 70-something chance
10:06of getting the secret, so I don't know.
10:08It would be cool to get the secret,
10:10but I also wouldn't be mad at it.
10:12I definitely really want Lychee Berry
10:14and Sesame Bean.
10:15These are my top two.
10:16I also feel like these pastel colors
10:18will go better with my bags
10:19and the secret's like a dark brown color,
10:21but let's see what we get.
10:23People are crazy and you can like see
10:25what kind by getting a tweezer
10:27and seeing the sticker,
10:28but this one was sealed,
10:29so I think it's good.
10:31I don't know, we'll see.
10:32Please, I really want Lychee Berry.
10:35Okay, I can't look at the sticker.
10:37This is my first one, the monsters.
10:39Let's see.
10:41We got the green one.
10:42What's his name?
10:43Green Grape.
10:44They're all named after Little Foods.
10:46So cute.
10:47Apparently, another way that you can verify
10:48is like on their feet.
10:49They have like, you have to see it
10:51under blue light, but yay.
10:53We got Green Grape.
10:54Oh my God, this is so f***ing cute.
10:56I can't say.
10:57It matches my matcha.
10:58We have five more to go.
11:00They all sound the same.
11:01This one sounds crazy.
11:03Next up.
11:04Ah, yay.
11:05Oh my God, this is the one that I wanted.
11:07I saw Lisa and Rosé with this one,
11:10so this was the 100% one that I wanted.
11:12I'm so glad I got it.
11:15And this one is Sesame Bean.
11:17I don't know, they all kind of sound the same.
11:19I feel like all the videos that I watch of people,
11:21they're like, this is how you can tell.
11:23It's hard to tell.
11:26I think that this one is Toffee, right?
11:29This one's Toffee.
11:30So cute.
11:31See, this is why you have to get the whole box.
11:33That way, you're kind of like guaranteed
11:35the ones that you want.
11:36I have three more.
11:38We're halfway there.
11:39Aw, we got the blue one.
11:41This is the one that I least wanted, to be honest.
11:43And this is Sea Salt Coconut.
11:47Who is next?
11:48Where's my girl in pink?
11:49Where's Lychee Berry?
11:50Ah, oh my God.
11:51Literally as I was saying it.
11:53Oh my God.
11:55I'm so happy.
11:56I got the two that I mostly wanted.
11:58Lychee Berry and Sesame Bean.
12:00Thank God.
12:01Aw, she's so cute.
12:03I needed a little pink one for my purse.
12:06Also, tell me that these are not the same.
12:08Spot the difference.
12:09I can't.
12:10I don't know what the difference is.
12:12This is my last one.
12:13What's the one that I'm missing?
12:14Oh, Soy Milk, right?
12:16So this one is either Soy Milk or The Secret.
12:18I'd be happy with either.
12:19Let's see.
12:20I don't want to jinx it.
12:22Ah, I don't know.
12:23It would be crazy if it was The Secret,
12:25but how do we feel?
12:26How do we feel?
12:27Soy Milk or Secret?
12:30We got Soy Milk.
12:31This one is cute though.
12:32I think this one would be super cute
12:34with like a neutral colored bag.
12:35But yay.
12:36Here's my haul of all my little Labooboos.
12:39And I don't need all of them.
12:41Obviously, I have a lot of purses
12:42that I want to put them on,
12:43but I don't need six Labooboos.
12:44So I'll be giving away a couple.
12:46Just DM me on Instagram
12:48which one is your favorite
12:49and I might just send it to you.
12:51Oh my gosh.
12:52Here's all my little Labooboos.
12:54We didn't get The Secret,
12:55but honestly, I'm not even that mad about it
12:57because I saw something saying
12:58that apparently resellers can see
13:01what is in the boxes
13:02and if they don't have The Secret,
13:03then they'll like give it away.
13:04I don't know how they do that though.
13:06I'm just happy that they're authentic
13:08and I'm happy I got all the ones that I wanted.
13:10So yay.
13:12Let's see if her head twists all the way around.
13:15I think she's real, guys.
13:16She's so f***ing cute.
13:19Also, I changed my outfit
13:20because I like to change my top
13:21whenever I film different TikToks.
13:22So it looks like I filmed it on separate days
13:24when it's really the same day
13:25because I don't like to do my makeup.
13:26So I like to stockpile videos
13:28so that I don't have to do my makeup every day.
13:30Ooh, cutie.
13:32I'm obsessed.
13:33I'm also so obsessed with this gray one.
13:35This gray one is literally blue.
13:37Bum bum, come here.
13:38Twin, where have you been?
13:40Nobody loves me like you do.
13:43Nobody gonna love me quite like you, yeah.
13:48Even real not.
13:50You like it?
13:51It's my Labooboo.
13:52It's my Laboobloo.
13:53My Laboobloo.
13:55That's your name.
13:57That's your new nickname.
13:58I'm so obsessed.
13:59I can't wait to put this on my bags.
14:00Look at how cute they are.
14:01I lined them up in the window.
14:02So cute.
14:03I obviously don't need all of them.
14:05No person needs seven Labooboos.
14:07So I found a couple subscribers on my Instagram.
14:11I found one girl.
14:12She's been following me since like 2016
14:14and one girl's been following me I think since like 2019
14:17and they both DMed me asking me for Labooboos.
14:19So I picked them
14:20and I'm gonna ship it out to them tomorrow.
14:22But I feel like I found some really good people
14:25that I don't...
14:26This is precious cargo.
14:27So this girl, she said,
14:28I've followed you since your NYX Face Awards
14:30and your house in Canada.
14:31Wow, that sounded so creepy
14:32when I was in middle school, high school.
14:33I'm so happy to be able to grow up with you.
14:35I just got my degree
14:36and will be starting my big girl job in a few weeks.
14:39So she just graduated
14:40and we literally have DMs going all the way back from 2020.
14:44And is it weird to like show a photo?
14:47This is her.
14:48She's super cute.
14:49And then the other girl, that was Jocelyn.
14:51The other girl, Catherine,
14:53we have DMs going all the way back
14:55from literally 2016.
15:00That's crazy.
15:01Both girls have like bought my merch before
15:04and this is her
15:05in my old Girl Supporting Girls merch.
15:08That's how you know you're an OG.
15:10This is how you know.
15:11And she's also currently in the military.
15:14So I'm shipping it to her
15:16at like a post office
15:17and then she's gonna pick it up from there.
15:18But now she's gonna have a Labooboo
15:20and I don't know.
15:21It makes me so happy.
15:22I'm giving it to actual people
15:24who have watched my videos for so long.
15:25And it's just like,
15:26it makes me feel like we're actual friends.
15:28Like I'm able to send them stuff
15:30and I don't know.
15:31It makes me happy.
15:32Anyways, I don't think I'm gonna use my KitchenAid tonight
15:34because I don't have anything.
15:36Mike was supposed to bring one of his coworkers.
15:38His wife makes sourdough.
15:40So she was gonna give me some sourdough starter
15:42but I don't think he brought it.
15:43I did wanna use my KitchenAid
15:45but I don't have anything to use it for.
15:46But I did wanna make dinner.
15:48So we have,
15:49I ordered this a while back.
15:51I ordered this a New York steak.
15:53So I'm just gonna let it sit out for a couple of minutes.
15:55I also wanted to make it with some corn.
15:59Did I have corn?
16:00Yeah, I have some corn.
16:02And then I also have some sweet potatoes.
16:04So that'll be good.
16:05And this is my favorite drink right now.
16:07Also, I just saw one girl.
16:08She posted that she tried my cottage cheese
16:10and eggs breakfast.
16:12And she said that she actually really liked it.
16:14So girl, it's not just me.
16:15The cottage cheese slaps and it's so good.
16:17It's low calorie, high protein.
16:19It gives you energy.
16:20It keeps you full.
16:21Where did I put my sweet potatoes?
16:22I think I put my sweet potatoes over here.
16:24I also, I bought these sweet potatoes for my horse.
16:27And I like clockwork.
16:29Always forget.
16:30Tomorrow's Thursday.
16:31Okay, tomorrow I'm gonna bring,
16:32I'm gonna chop up sweet potatoes
16:33just for my horse tomorrow.
16:35Because my horse has,
16:36it's a version of horse diabetes
16:37and he can't get too,
16:38he can't have too many sweet treats.
16:40He has to have specific treats.
16:41So he's allowed to have sweet potatoes
16:42and he gets excited over sweet potatoes.
16:43So that's what I'm gonna give him.
16:44Maybe let's season the steak a bit with the seasoning.
16:48I really like this
16:49because it has everything all in one.
16:51It's the Scott's Santa Maria style seasoning.
16:54Just has everything in it.
16:55Layer her up.
16:57Maybe like a little more pepper.
17:00A little more salt.
17:02That was kind of a lot.
17:03Andre like drenches his steak in seasoning.
17:06I'll have my aluminum foil dispenser.
17:10This is what my mom got me for Christmas, by the way.
17:12Just in case.
17:13My mom is the biggest victim of TikTok shop.
17:16Mike, what do you put on the corn butter?
17:17We use butter and salt and pepper.
17:20Do a quick rinse.
17:21And then I'm gonna use some butter.
17:23I used to buy the,
17:25I can't believe it's not butter.
17:26You know that one?
17:27And then I looked at the ingredients
17:28and I was like,
17:29why in the world does this butter
17:30have like 20 million ingredients?
17:32This one has one ingredient.
17:34It's pasteurized cream and salt.
17:36Well, two.
17:37It has two ingredients and that's what I like.
17:38The less ingredients, the better.
17:40I'm just gonna butter up the corn.
17:42I love some buttery corn.
17:44All the way through.
17:47And then honestly,
17:48I just love the seasoning.
17:49The seasoning is so good.
17:50A little bit on each of the corn.
17:53And these take a while to cook.
17:55So I'm gonna put them in the oven for,
17:58okay, how long to put corn in the oven?
18:00Expect to roast corn in the oven
18:02for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
18:04We're gonna do 20 to 25 minutes in the oven.
18:08I'm gonna chop up my sweet potatoes right now.
18:10Maybe I'll do like three.
18:12One for each of us.
18:13And then one for Vidar.
18:15One, two, three.
18:17Actually, this one's kind of skinny.
18:19I like it when you can cut them up like little chips.
18:21Ooh, I like that one.
18:22I like girth of it.
18:23I'm gonna wash all of these
18:25and then chop them up.
18:26That price is way too high.
18:27You need to cut it.
18:29I feel like Kendall cutting a cucumber right now.
18:31I'm like, am I doing it right?
18:32I don't know.
18:33I'm just learning how to cook, okay?
18:34I do thin slices
18:36so that it's kind of like chips.
18:38Gives you that chip fixation.
18:40But it's actually healthy.
18:41See, I like these tiny ones.
18:43They're the best.
18:44I just throw out the ends, honestly.
18:47Sometimes it's good to have nails
18:49because maybe you'll cut your nail instead of your finger.
18:52Oh, f***.
18:54That one's going to Vidar.
18:55Ugh, can't get this last one.
18:57Five second rule.
19:01I think I'm gonna give it to him raw.
19:02I feel like that makes sense.
19:03We give the carrots raw.
19:04I don't know.
19:05The veggies raw.
19:06So I'm gonna put the biggest ones in here for him.
19:08I think that's a good amount.
19:09It said don't give your horse too much
19:11because it's high in starch and sugar.
19:12He's only fed in small amounts.
19:13So I feel like that's good for him.
19:14Okay, and then now I'm just gonna drizzle.
19:16I feel like this is so low.
19:18I need a bigger angle.
19:19I just need to drizzle the sweet potatoes
19:22in some olive oil
19:24and then put a little bit of seasoning on it.
19:26Wait, it's olive oil in this, right?
19:27Yeah, you kind of just like marinate them.
19:29Here's the olive oil.
19:31That was kind of a what?
19:33Mix them all up.
19:35Mix them all up.
19:37And then a little seasoning on either side.
19:42Flip them.
19:43Bing bop.
19:44Boom bop.
19:45Bing bop.
19:47Type of shit.
19:48Come on.
19:49You wouldn't understand.
19:51Are you more on Kendrick or Drake's side?
19:52Because honestly,
19:53I feel like Kendrick is winning
19:54and like as someone from Toronto,
19:55I'm like,
19:56I don't know.
19:57I don't know, man.
19:58The Super Bowl was so insane.
19:59That was like the most insane.
20:01it was one of the most viewed Super Bowl
20:02behind Michael Jackson.
20:03Isn't that crazy?
20:04That's how you know.
20:05That's crazy.
20:06The oven is preheated to 350.
20:09So I'm going to throw the sweet potatoes
20:11and the corn in.
20:12Here we go.
20:13Sweet potatoes in the oven.
20:15Just going to put them on this little rack right here.
20:18Okay, Google.
20:19Set timer for 20 minutes.
20:21we're going to get started on the steak.
20:22I think I want to cook it
20:23for around seven and a half minutes total.
20:26Instead of butter,
20:27I like to do a little bit of ghee,
20:29but you could just do butter.
20:30Turn this one on.
20:32Put it on the pan.
20:33Give me a little more.
20:34And recently,
20:35I've been wanting to switch my cooking utensils
20:37to either wooden or stainless steel.
20:39I have so many plastic ones.
20:40Look at these ones.
20:41I have like all of these plastic ones
20:43that I just got at Target
20:44because I thought they were cute
20:45and they're cute colors,
20:46but there are so many microplastics in it.
20:48So I'm just trying to be healthier
20:49and do wood or stainless steel from now on.
20:52Put it all over.
20:53Okay, now time for the steak.
20:55Okay, Google.
20:56Set a timer for seven minutes.
20:57I'm going to try and do like three minutes,
20:59three minutes,
21:00and then on each side.
21:02Kind of a thick piece.
21:03I'm going to try and do medium rare.
21:05I think we typically do seven minutes
21:06on the stove
21:07and then throw it in for a couple minutes
21:09in the oven.
21:10I don't know what exactly we're going to do.
21:11You just hope and pray
21:12and then hopefully it's like a nice pink color
21:14because I like a good medium rare.
21:16It's been about three minutes.
21:17We're going to flip her.
21:18Here we go.
21:19Blue loves when we cook steak
21:21because it always means a little bit for her.
21:24Look at this one.
21:25You smell that?
21:26You want to see?
21:27So this is what we're cooking.
21:28It's a steak.
21:29You smell that?
21:31And then in the oven,
21:32we got two potatoes and corn.
21:33No corn for Blue.
21:34Blue ate up entire corn on the cob
21:36when she was younger
21:37and she had to get a surgery
21:39because she ate the f***ing cob.
21:41So we had to literally open up her stomach,
21:43take the cob out,
21:44which cost me a lot of money
21:45and then her surgery last year
21:46and then her space surgery.
21:47Three surgeries this one has had.
21:49So no corn for Blue ever.
21:51It wasn't me who did it.
21:52It was my dad.
21:53He was like,
21:54oh yeah, I gave her a quarter of the cob
21:55and I'm like...
21:57He's just a dad.
21:58He doesn't know.
21:59All right.
22:00And then the last couple of minutes of it cooking.
22:01I think I'm just going to add a little bit of butter.
22:03A little on either side.
22:04Then we can start basting it.
22:06Oh, you know what else I have
22:07that would make it nice?
22:08I have some chives.
22:09So maybe I can cut up a little bit of chives
22:11for a little bit of garnishing on the top.
22:12I literally feel like Kendall Jenner right now.
22:14Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
22:16So loud.
22:17Now I'm going to cook on either side.
22:22I'll just add a little flavor.
22:24That's my seven minute timer.
22:26Now I'm going to put her in the oven
22:28only for a couple of minutes.
22:29Move the corn over.
22:33I have to wash these before I cut them up.
22:35While I cook that for a couple of minutes,
22:36I'm going to cut up the garnish.
22:37That looks good.
22:38I just need a little bit.
22:40Where's the knife I was just using?
22:42I'm going to try and cut them up
22:43as tiny as possible.
22:45I wish I was one of those chefs
22:46that could cut really fast,
22:48but I cut really slow
22:49and I touched my nail.
22:50But I'm just trying my best out here.
22:52Everybody's a beginner at first.
22:55All right.
22:56Looks good.
22:57I could do a couple more,
22:58but I think it's fine.
22:59I'm just going to put on the steaks.
23:00I've got a cup of my steak ready.
23:01How's she doing?
23:05Let's see.
23:06Let's cut her in half
23:07and see what she's at.
23:10That's pretty rare.
23:11Let's put her back in.
23:12You know what?
23:13While we wait,
23:14I'm just going to cook some eggs
23:15because I didn't eat much today
23:17and it'll be nice in the steak seasoning.
23:21I'm going to cover it
23:22because that's how you get the white top.
23:25She looks a little pink.
23:26I'm going to leave it in for like 30 more seconds
23:27and then I think it's good.
23:29I'm cooking my eggs on low right now
23:31because I'm not in a rush.
23:33My steak is looking pink.
23:36Let's see where she's at.
23:38I'm not mad at that,
23:39that pink color.
23:40So I think I'm good with this.
23:42Now let's slice up our steaks.
23:44Please be pink.
23:46Please be pink.
23:47I want it to look like Javier's
23:48like a restaurant.
23:49What the f***?
23:50That's like super rare.
23:51This is not looking pink.
23:53It's like pink or red as f***.
23:55Got the eggs.
23:56I'm going to put it on our plates for now.
23:58I like mine a little runny
23:59because I like to dip the steak in it.
24:00These sweet potatoes are really squishy
24:03so I think that they're good to go.
24:04I feel like the corn is good.
24:05It's been in there for like 20-25 minutes.
24:10Where'd you put my plates?
24:11I was going to put them on the plate.
24:12Would it look like a restaurant
24:13if I cut this in half?
24:15Never mind.
24:1630 minute timer.
24:17You shouldn't use this towel
24:18for that potato.
24:20Caught a cockroach in it last night.
24:22Put it in the wash.
24:24Well, you should have seen
24:25what I went through.
24:27You have no idea.
24:28You're passed out
24:29and I see this f***ing daddy
24:30f***ing monster in here
24:31that's come out of nowhere.
24:32And I go,
24:33holy s***.
24:34I go,
24:35if I scream,
24:36she's going to freak out more
24:37and I'll just get rid of it.
24:38Well, I figured,
24:39I don't even know how to get it picked up.
24:40Let's bring out the steak.
24:41And I throw it and scream
24:42and it's over here.
24:43You screamed?
24:44I think this is as good
24:45as she's going to get.
24:47That looks like a restaurant plate.
24:48Going to put a little bit.
24:51That looks nice.
24:52That looks good as f***.
24:54That's what I'm talking about.
24:56you ain't never had a dinner like this.
24:58Nice go, baby girl.
25:00You crushed it.
25:01Your design looks better than mine.
25:03It looks so good, right?
25:04Yeah, it is.
25:05The garnish,
25:06it makes a difference.
25:10Someone commented on my TikTok
25:11and they're like,
25:12I can't believe you're asking for a ring
25:13and you don't even know how to cook.
25:14That's a good comment.
25:17No, it's not.
25:18Take it back.
25:19Take half of it back.
25:20Take it back, girl.
25:21It better come tomorrow
25:22with the steak dinner.
25:25I'm actually so proud of myself.
25:27Look at this.
25:29That looks good as f***.
25:30I think I surprised myself.
25:32That looks really good.
25:35I need to take a photo of this, Blue.
25:37This looks like Javier's.
25:38I'm about to order this at a restaurant.
25:40Wait, really?
25:41Be honest.
25:42I am.
25:43It's really good.
25:44I like to give Blue a little piece at the end.
25:45She knows.
25:46She knows to wait till the end.
25:47Okay, let's try.
25:49F***ing love sweet potatoes.
25:50They're so good.
25:52And I saw on TikTok that
25:53it's harder to eat
25:54when you're in a calorie deficit
25:55than rice.
25:58Wait, that is pretty pink.
25:59It's good.
26:00Mm, I'm happy about that.
26:01I like to dip it in my egg.
26:02Love the yolk.
26:04Blue, we did that.
26:05Last thing to try is the corn.
26:07I also f***ing love corn.
26:08You want a piece?
26:10It's good, babe.
26:13We're gonna eat.
26:14I'm gonna go to bed.
26:15I'll see you guys tomorrow.
26:17I'm sorry I didn't film today.
26:18I feel like I was just like
26:19filming a bunch of TikToks.
26:20I had to film a campaign.
26:22I filmed a food TikTok.
26:23I made it the Hailey Bieber,
26:24Justin Bieber,
26:25Community Goods,
26:26breakfast sliders.
26:27It was so f***ing good.
26:28But we already did a cooking portion
26:29for this vlog,
26:30so I was like,
26:31it's a little too much cooking.
26:32But I did want to open
26:33my KitchenAid.
26:34I posted this on my story
26:35and people were like,
26:36oh my God,
26:37did KitchenAid send you two?
26:38First of all,
26:39I didn't get it sent.
26:40I bought it.
26:41And second of all,
26:42the second one is for a gift
26:43for my friends, so.
26:45Let's open it.
26:46This is gonna look so good
26:47in the kitchen
26:48with the green.
26:49The green.
26:50Here she is.
26:51Here she is.
26:53Oh my God.
26:54I'm so excited.
26:55Holy shit.
26:56It has taken months
26:57to get to this point.
26:58This is also,
26:59I think that I,
27:00I'm pretty sure.
27:01I used to have a KitchenAid
27:02way back in the day.
27:03I think that back in the day
27:04when Tarte was crazy
27:05and would send like
27:06crazy insane PR packages.
27:07I think they sent us
27:08like a blue one.
27:09And I think I have it in Canada
27:10if I'm not mistaken.
27:11I think I do.
27:12But I don't have one here
27:13and I don't think,
27:14I've never been good at cooking
27:15so I don't think
27:16I have one here.
27:17I don't think I have one here.
27:18I don't think I have one here.
27:19I don't think I have one here.
27:21So I don't know if I've ever used it.
27:22But this one I'm so excited.
27:24We have to use a lot.
27:25So on the top,
27:26this is what it comes with.
27:28KitchenAid instructions.
27:30Every bowl is one of a kind
27:31wood grain design.
27:34And then I think
27:35that they just came out
27:36with a new color.
27:37They came out with this
27:38like lemon color
27:39and everyone's like,
27:40oh you need to get the lemon one.
27:42No bitch.
27:43This one.
27:44Also I need this pasta maker.
27:45There's so many like
27:46extendos that come with it.
27:49I gotta take it out.
27:49Can you help me?
27:50I need someone to hold down the box
27:52and someone to bring it out.
27:53Maybe it's good that I waited till you're home.
27:55I don't know if I could have done this by myself.
27:57Ooh, oh shit.
28:00I'm sat for this.
28:02Oh, I dropped it.
28:04Oh, that's a beautiful noise.
28:08Oh my God, this is so cool.
28:11Oh my God, this is green.
28:12I'm so excited.
28:12Holy shit.
28:13It's a lot more muted than I thought.
28:15I thought it'd be more of like an olive green.
28:17Here's the bowl.
28:20Is this bitch real?
28:21Is this real wood?
28:23I don't know.
28:27Oh my God.
28:28Okay, and it has all of these attachments.
28:30And this one, I think it has this one,
28:32which is the normal spinner for baking and stuff.
28:36And this one, little Captain Hook.
28:38Aye, aye, mateys.
28:40And then isn't there one more?
28:41Wait a damn minute.
28:43Oh, a little whisk.
28:45We got three attachments and I need to buy more already.
28:49I need that pasta attachment.
28:52My favorite thing about this KitchenAid
28:54is that it's so versatile.
28:56There's so many things that you can do
28:58with just this one machine,
29:00with all of these like attachments.
29:01You can make pasta, you can make drinks,
29:04you can slice fucking fruit and shit.
29:06Like, and things like attach right here.
29:09How do I take this off?
29:10Oh, cool.
29:11And I'm so excited.
29:12I can't believe this is in the house.
29:14I feel like I just saw it at Crate and Barrel
29:16the other day with Jake.
29:17And we were talking about getting this.
29:19Oh my God, I'm so excited.
29:20Okay, I don't have anything to cook with it just yet,
29:23but I think, Mike, is your coworker
29:25getting the sourdough starter?
29:26Yeah, tomorrow.
29:28So maybe we can make bread tomorrow.
29:29Also, tomorrow we have a furniture delivery
29:32for our outdoor furniture.
29:34I'm so excited for that.
29:35Cause I feel like it'll just make the backyard
29:38so much more fun to hang out in.
29:40We can sit somewhere,
29:41maybe set up like a projector, watch movies.
29:44I don't know.
29:45So yeah, that's coming tomorrow.
29:45I'm so excited about this.
29:46And then I have the other one for Jake's birthday present.
29:50Oh yeah.
29:52All right, I'm gonna eat and go to bed
29:54and I'll see you guys tomorrow.
29:56Good morning.
29:57I think that the delivery truck is here.
29:59Blue, shh.
30:00This is, oh, you're okay.
30:02So this is the backyard before with no furniture.
30:07Let me close it so that Blue doesn't get out.
30:08You're okay.
30:09Just kidding.
30:10Blue got me so excited for no reason.
30:12I didn't realize that it's a little bit early.
30:14They're also supposed to text me
30:16when they're doing a delivery,
30:17but I just got an Amazon package of two things
30:19that I've been needing.
30:21First of all, I've been scooping up the ice
30:23with my bare hand and it's fine if it's just me,
30:26but if we ever have people over and I'm like,
30:28in their drink, people are gonna be like, what?
30:31So I got this ice scooper.
30:33There were plastic ones, but I'm like,
30:35now I'm just insecure about the microplastics
30:38and I'm like thinking about all that stuff now.
30:40So I got this one, it's stainless steel.
30:43And I think this will be really cute for the ice.
30:45Scoop up a big circle ice, cube ice,
30:49or a tiny ice, I'm gonna leave it in here.
30:52Yay, that looks so good.
30:54And then something that my grandma always had growing up
30:58that I thought was so cute is a little recipe box.
31:00So look at this.
31:01I found this on Amazon and my grandma,
31:04she didn't have like a notebook or anything.
31:06She had cue cards in like a little like index container.
31:12Did anybody else's grandma do that?
31:14Like she had cue cards for her recipes?
31:16The things that I would do for that recipe book.
31:19Because she would make the most fire,
31:21like anything with potatoes.
31:22Okay, here it is.
31:23Oh, I thought it came with cards.
31:25Damn, I really wanted to do that right now.
31:27But here's a little box that I thought was like cute
31:31and similar to hers.
31:32Goes in like this.
31:34And then you can put in like your recipes.
31:37I'm annoyed that it doesn't come with cards.
31:39That's so sad.
31:41Why would they do that?
31:42But here it is.
31:43I don't know.
31:43I think it's cute.
31:44Whatever, I'll just order the cards.
31:45Cause this is one that I actually really like.
31:47I was thinking of storing it somewhere.
31:49And then every recipe that I ever do,
31:52I wanted to keep it in here so that if I'm ever like,
31:55oh, I forget what I did with that one.
31:57That one tasted really good.
31:59I have it.
32:00Cause I don't know.
32:01Sometimes you look up a TikTok recipe
32:02and there's a recipe that you're thinking of
32:04and then you can't find it.
32:05So I just want to have it written down.
32:07And what if TikTok gets deleted again?
32:09Where are all my recipes going to go?
32:11So yeah.
32:12Wait, I should have time left that.
32:13I'm so proud of myself.
32:15I just made, I mean, I just ate them all,
32:17but I just made deviled eggs for the first time.
32:20My mom would make deviled eggs.
32:21And sometimes Tila's mom makes deviled eggs.
32:24Shout out to Mama Dunn,
32:25because she has like the best food and the best recipes.
32:28Not my hair.
32:29Oh my God.
32:30But I tried making it for the first time
32:31and it was actually pretty easy.
32:33I'm like so proud of myself
32:34because I am not good at cooking at all.
32:37That's why I wanted to start this like beginner chef,
32:39like day one of a beginner chef learning how to cook.
32:41But I don't know.
32:42I'm like so proud of myself.
32:44A lot of the things that I once thought were intimidating
32:47aren't scary anymore.
32:48Like making recipes and I don't know.
32:50I kind of up on my recipe yesterday
32:53with like the breakfast sandwich.
32:54So I just redid it again.
32:55And I was like, oh my God, see, it's just trial and error.
32:57I don't know.
32:58It's not as scary.
32:58The kitchen isn't as scary as I thought it would be.
33:01You know, when I feel like
33:03when you don't know much about something,
33:05it's a little more scary.
33:06And then once you learn more, you're like,
33:07oh wait, this is pretty easy.
33:09I can do this.
33:10I don't know.
33:11It happens to me so much in my life.
33:12Oh my God.
33:13I asked Mike if he wanted any.
33:14I'm saving him one.
33:15This is going in the fridge.
33:17I could just make him some later.
33:20That is so good.
33:21Also, all of my appliances are coming today.
33:24Look at this.
33:25Oh my God.
33:27One might call this basic,
33:28but one man's basic is another's everything.
33:33Life is worth living.
33:35All right, I'm gonna show you what I got.
33:37Also, the Crankenbarrel people are late.
33:40They said they were coming at 1230.
33:41It's almost one.
33:42Where's my scissors?
33:45Listen, I just thought that this specific toaster
33:49would just fix all of my problems.
33:51Once I have this toaster, life will be worth living again.
33:55You know, I can do so many things.
33:57Make waffles, toast bread.
34:00You know what I'm saying?
34:01I don't know.
34:02It's a super basic toaster, but I really like it.
34:04And I think it'll make the kitchen look cute.
34:06How do I bring it out?
34:07Sew in there.
34:09A box and a box and a box.
34:12Wait, why the is it blue?
34:14Wait, is it not blue?
34:14What is going on here?
34:16Okay, false alarm.
34:17We got the right color.
34:17Here she is.
34:18It's a little Smeg toaster.
34:20Like how cute is it?
34:22I got it in the cream color
34:23because I thought cream would go with the kitchen
34:25more than white.
34:26There was also green and stuff,
34:27but I don't want to do too much, you know?
34:29It needs to be pops of green.
34:30The whole kitchen can't be green.
34:31Where should I put it?
34:33I'm so excited.
34:34Maybe here.
34:35My boyfriend hates this bowl.
34:37Maybe we could put it right here or something.
34:39We'll put the toaster here.
34:42What do we think about that?
34:43Do you like it?
34:43Do you like, do we like it more than the bowl?
34:45Here she is.
34:46Oh my God.
34:47So cute.
34:48I'm glad we went with the cream one.
34:50It looks so cute.
34:51My Shayla.
34:52I don't have to unbox anything, right?
34:54I think it's just ready to use.
34:55Oh my God.
34:57Mom, Mom, come here.
34:58Come here.
34:59Stop ignoring me.
35:00Come here.
35:01No, not your ball.
35:02Come here.
35:04This is our backyard.
35:06Before we add the furniture,
35:09Lou loves to just sunbathe out here.
35:11So it'll be nice to have furniture finally.
35:14They just texted me.
35:15They said that they're on their way.
35:16They should be here within like 20 minutes.
35:18Move out the way.
35:19I think that there's enough room to drop off.
35:21There was like a crate and barrel, like delivery guy.
35:23And they're like,
35:24make sure that they're able to bring in large boxes.
35:26I think that we have enough room.
35:28So we're excited.
35:30We have so much.
35:30We have a couch, two chairs,
35:32a little table.
35:33I think that's it.
35:34And then the rug,
35:35unfortunately the rug is getting delivered tomorrow,
35:38which kind of sucks
35:39because we have to rearrange all the furniture,
35:40but hopefully they put everything down here
35:42and it'll be super easy.
35:44Yay, they're here.
35:45I have to lock Lou.
35:46All right, you can come out.
35:59All right, you can come out.
36:01Oh my God.
36:01But this is what the outdoor furniture looks like.
36:03Oh my God.
36:04I'm so happy.
36:05The only thing is I didn't measure this.
36:06I accidentally got this olive tray a little too big.
36:09It's also a little too big.
36:10This pot is a little too big for the one that I ordered.
36:13So we're going to have to figure that out.
36:15But let me put this on.
36:16Mama, we have outdoor furniture.
36:18You better not get it dirty with your toes.
36:20Don't get it dirty with your toes.
36:22I'm warning you.
36:23Oh, I'm warning you.
36:25We have three,
36:26but I feel like this one's a little too big.
36:28What do you think?
36:29Is this too big?
36:30I don't know.
36:30What do you think?
36:32I think that looks a little bit better.
36:34Oh my God.
36:35We have outdoor furniture.
36:35Okay, and then the rug.
36:36I think it'll complete the space.
36:38The rug is coming tomorrow,
36:40which I'm really excited about.
36:41I don't know what I want to do with this plant.
36:43I'm so excited.
36:45I think it looks so good.
36:46And I think we'll spend way more time outside
36:49now that we have like a little seating area.
36:51Bubba, do you like it?
36:52Look at that.
36:54Oh my God.
36:55Look at that cutie pie.
36:57I know you like it.
37:00Oh my God.
37:01At this angle, it looks so good.
37:03I'm so excited.
37:04I feel like once we get the rug,
37:05it'll really tie the whole outdoor area together.
37:09Rug is coming tomorrow.
37:10I'm so excited.
37:11I think I got by eight by 10,
37:12which is like a normal size outdoor rug.
37:14Oh my goodness.
37:15Are you happy that we have outdoor furniture?
37:17I've been like throwing her toy the entire time,
37:20but I have a workout class.
37:21I'm trying a new Pilates studio,
37:23which I'm excited about.
37:24It's a Pilates studio and it's right above Coffee Dose,
37:28which is my favorite coffee and matcha spot.
37:31So I'm really excited.
37:32I'm going with my friend Jada
37:34and we're going to go try it out.
37:35And wait, speaking of,
37:37speaking of workout classes,
37:38wait, I need to show you what I got in the mail too.
37:40I got a package in the mail.
37:42And this is not sponsored by the way,
37:43although I wish it was because I love Alphalete.
37:46My friend Ashley, she's kind of like,
37:47I think she just got a new role.
37:49I don't know if it's like creative director.
37:51Like she got a new role with Alphalete.
37:52So I'm so excited for her and she texted me
37:54and she told me in person we were doing Pilates.
37:56She was like, oh my God,
37:57I love the Valentine's Day collection.
37:59First of all, I got a package from Kiela Bar.
38:02I love their Pilates socks.
38:04They sent over this red one.
38:05That was spicy, a teeny bit stronger.
38:08And then Los Angeles, these are so cute.
38:10And then they also sent over a little water bottle.
38:12Ooh, ooh, I like the color of this.
38:15It'll match the red socks perfectly.
38:18But here's the package that Alphalete sent over.
38:21Holy f***ing champagne.
38:23I'm like, look at all the pink in there.
38:25I'm so excited.
38:25I have a Pilates class today.
38:27So I'm definitely gonna wear it.
38:28Let's open it up.
38:29Wait, I need to take a photo.
38:30This is like, oh my God.
38:31Okay, let's see what we got.
38:33I saw, I'm obsessed with Claudia and Ashley's videos.
38:36They both, I think they're both sponsored by Alphalete.
38:38They both did an unboxing.
38:39We have this pink sports bra with a cutout in the back
38:43with, ooh, this one's like a halter,
38:46a pink halter tank kind of bra.
38:48That's cute.
38:49And then, ooh, I'm so excited.
38:51These pink shorts.
38:53Oh my God, are you f***ing kidding me?
38:55Oh my God, the scrunch.
38:57I'm so ready to wear these.
38:59I am obsessed, oh my God.
39:00And sometimes I'm like, damn, Ashley,
39:02like your butt, it looks like insane in Pilates.
39:05And I'm like, is it the shorts?
39:06But I think, no, her butt is like literally just like,
39:09literally the most insane butt
39:11that I've ever seen in my whole life.
39:12And not in a creepy way, in like a, oh my God,
39:14like I literally try to grow my boots like that
39:17and I can't, it's because I'm not eating enough protein.
39:19Then we have the pink leggings
39:21that says Alphalete on the back.
39:22And ooh, this is what I was excited about.
39:26This like jacket.
39:27I love wearing these types of jackets
39:29to go horseback riding.
39:30This looks super flattering.
39:32This is what it looks like on the back.
39:33Okay, I think that's all the pink stuff.
39:35And then they sent over, they have red.
39:37Oh my God.
39:38Ooh, I love this color.
39:41This is what it looks like in the front.
39:42And then it says Alphalete in the back.
39:44I feel like this color is gonna be very flattering,
39:47especially if you have a tan skin tone.
39:49This is the leggings.
39:50Ooh, I'm excited about the scrunch butt.
39:52Oh my God, I don't even know what to wear today.
39:54And then we got, ooh, this like brownish purple color.
39:59And it says the same thing,
40:00Alphalete with the scrunchy butt on the back
40:03and the same purple brown little bra.
40:07And then we got just a plain black bra
40:10in case you wanna mix and match.
40:12And then the last thing that I got is, ooh,
40:16I like the material of this.
40:17This like little crop jacket
40:19and it says Alphalete on the back.
40:21That is so cute.
40:22Oh my God, I need to wear a pink set right now.
40:25I need to put on my body right now.
40:27Okay, here's the set.
40:29I just put this pink one on.
40:31I've never had my butt ever look like that, ever.
40:34I don't have a huge butt, okay?
40:36Like that's kind of crazy.
40:38The scrunch, the scrunch makes the biggest difference.
40:40Okay, let's try on the jacket.
40:42Oh my God, this is so cute.
40:44And it has little thumb holes, that's so cute.
40:47Oh my God, I'm obsessed with this outfit.
40:49Oh my God, and the jacket is like cinching.
40:52I'm ready to go to Pilates.
40:53Boop, boop, boop, boop.
40:54Wait, look at this.
40:55Imagine with like my, oh, where the is my Stanley?
41:00I mean, I'll do this one.
41:01I think it's in the car, honestly.
41:02Pilates princess attire.
41:04I'm just ready.
41:06These shorts are insane.
41:07I'm like, what?
41:09Hmm, what do I wanna drink today?
41:12I've never tried Juicy Orange.
41:14Or should I do Hawaiian shaved ice?
41:15Oh my God, there's so many.
41:17Choice also, there's a brand new one.
41:18I haven't even opened it yet.
41:20Strawberry Sunrise.
41:22Oh, Strawberry Sunrise would go in my outfit right now.
41:24That's crazy.
41:26But I want it to be cold.
41:28Let me put one in here.
41:29I'm gonna try the orange one.
41:30I saw Douse posted that he really liked the orange flavor.
41:34So cheers.
41:36I don't know what to expect.
41:37Oh, that's really nice.
41:38I actually really like that.
41:39It's like, it's very refreshing because it's orange.
41:42Watch the lighting.
41:43Ha, I love this mirror.
41:45Hmm, what?
41:46Oh, I should put a little deodorant on.
41:47It's not hot Pilates, but I'm probably gonna sweat a little.
41:51I think we're doing Reformer.
41:52I'm pretty sure.
41:53Put in my contacts.
41:54My prescription is negative 175, if anyone ever wondered.
41:59Like I can see, but I can't drive without my contacts.
42:02I need either like glasses or contacts in order to drive.
42:04I can't see far.
42:05Maybe in the next vlog, we can try and conquer the closet.
42:09It's scary over there because me and my boyfriend,
42:11we both hoard clothes.
42:13We have so many, like, look,
42:14I just got new clothes right now.
42:16I'm trying to get rid of some.
42:17But we're both hoarders when it comes to clothes.
42:20Especially him, I swear to God,
42:21he has like a hundred pairs of the same black shirt
42:24and black pants.
42:25I swear to God, he wears the same thing every day.
42:27It's like a cartoon.
42:27You know the cartoons that they just like
42:29wear the same thing every day.
42:30I swear to God, that's him.
42:31So we're gonna be fair.
42:33He's gonna get half the closet,
42:33I'm gonna get the other half.
42:34But we have the guest bedroom closet
42:37and my makeup room closet.
42:38So me and him are gonna divide that,
42:41but currently it's kind of scary.
42:42I'm gonna do my slick back.
42:44This is my favorite way to do my slick back.
42:46My hair wax that I just get for like $7 on Amazon.
42:50And I just put it all throughout my hair,
42:52especially the hairline
42:54cause I don't want the hairline to go away.
42:56And then when you buy the stick,
42:58don't buy it without the little comb.
42:59I put it on my Amazon storefront
43:00because the comb is what really makes your slick back
43:04super shiny and slick.
43:06See that?
43:07Ooh, it's the comb, I swear.
43:09Then I'm gonna tighten up my ponytail actually.
43:11But I swear practice makes perfect
43:14when you're doing a slick back.
43:15I used to literally have to redo it every,
43:17like at least 10 times in order to get it like fine.
43:21And now after practicing so much,
43:23I can get it my first try and not worry too much about it.
43:26Boom, gonna go over it.
43:28Nice slick back.
43:30Along with cooking,
43:30I've been trying to do different hairstyles
43:33cause I always do the same hairstyle.
43:34It's always my hair is down, it's straight or it's curled.
43:38So I don't know.
43:38I've been trying to do like the slick back
43:40a little more recently
43:41and I feel like it really suits my face.
43:42I feel like it just, I don't know.
43:44It makes me realize I'm like,
43:45oh, that's why Ariana always does the ponytail
43:47cause it like really snatches your face.
43:49I love doing the slick back pony.
43:51I wanna try doing a half up, half down.
43:53I've been watching lots of TikTok tutorials.
43:54Again, I feel like I'm a very like visual person.
43:57So I need to like see someone do it.
43:59And then once I see I can do it.
44:00Same with like cooking and recipes.
44:02I just need to see, I can't read a recipe.
44:03I need to watch a TikTok tutorial on how to do it.
44:06Do I have to leave yet?
44:07I have a couple minutes.
44:08I'm gonna chill for a couple minutes
44:09and then we can head on over to Pilates.
44:11Actually, my worst fear is looking ashy.
44:13So I just bought this because of Jackie Aina.
44:16She recommended it.
44:17Well, it was a sponsor, but I'm like,
44:18I trust anything that she does, even if it's a sponsor
44:20because I feel like she has like a fragrance line
44:23and I feel like she just smells good.
44:24I bought this EOS or EOS vanilla cashmere cream.
44:28Oh my God.
44:29This smells so good.
44:31Oh, if you wanna just like,
44:33cause my boyfriend hates when I wear perfume
44:35which is so annoying
44:36cause I have literally the most expensive perfumes
44:38and like super nice.
44:40And I'm so excited to wear it on date night.
44:42He's like, oh my God, my allergies.
44:43And I'm like, oh my God,
44:44it's an expensive perfume, what the.
44:46But he doesn't mind scented lotion.
44:49So I've been wearing scented lotion.
44:50This makes you smell edible.
44:52Let me take a shower.
44:53I put lotion on and I swear to God,
44:54he's like all over me.
44:55He loves lotion and like lotion smells.
44:58So I really have been liking this.
45:00And then before I go to Pilates,
45:02I think I'm gonna do a little bit of moisturizer on my face
45:04just cause I am feeling kind of dry right now.
45:07My Neutrogena Hydro Roost water cream is so good.
45:12When Andre and I were roommates in Marina Del Rey,
45:13I swear to God, I had a whole jar of this
45:16and I swore every single time I would like go on vacation
45:19or I would leave my room,
45:20there would be less and less and less.
45:22And I'm like, Andre, you're using my cream.
45:25But that's how good it is, it's so good.
45:27I literally, I have multiple of it.
45:28So I put one on my boyfriend's counter
45:31just because he has like sensitive skin
45:33and this is really nice and it doesn't like break him out.
45:36He gets psoriasis really easily.
45:38So this is super amazing.
45:41I'm taking it off of his side of the sink.
45:43Okay, see you at Pilates.
45:45We're literally right above coffee, so I'm like, should we?
46:00It's, yeah.
46:01It's no deal, no deal.
46:02No, my Shayla, why is she closing finally?
46:085 p.m., that's crazy.
46:10I was like, why does it look empty?
46:11Oh my God, that was, it was honestly, it was different.
46:14It was good.
46:15I feel like at the beginning, it started off very easy
46:18just because I'm used to drenched
46:20and it's like super hot in there and you're sweating a lot.
46:22But later I kept doing like the more advanced,
46:25like heavier weight and I really started to feel like,
46:27especially on my leg,
46:28but I was also trying to take it easy on my ankle
46:30because I twisted it the other day.
46:32But yeah, okay, now coffee does close, it closes at 5 p.m.
46:36So I had the idea of going to Mitsuha
46:39because Mitsuha has this, whoa, I just started tripping out
46:42because she started backing up
46:43and I thought I was going forward.
46:44But Mitsuha has this ice cream matcha
46:47and it's like stringy, it looks like spaghetti.
46:49I need to get it.
46:51It's been on my to-do list for the longest time
46:53or like food to try.
46:55Is anybody else a fat ass like that?
46:57Like I literally have a whole saved like compilation
47:00of food I need to try like in my city.
47:03I'm not okay.
47:03But Mitsuha is like 10 minutes away,
47:05so we're gonna go meet them.
47:07Okay, so we're here.
47:09The one in Costa Vista,
47:10apparently they have like a whole, oh my God,
47:12a whole thing, oh, right there, the matcha run.
47:14Oh my God, I'm so excited.
47:17This looks bomb as.
47:18I want a matcha mochi.
47:20Look at this, look at this.
47:21They have a strawberry mochi, they could do mango.
47:25Are you kidding?
47:26Matcha powder.
47:27Oh, this is what I saw on TikTok.
47:28I need to try the soft serve.
47:30I think that's what I'm gonna get.
47:31Ooh, which one should I do?
47:33I think I'm gonna do the regular swirl.
47:36Oh my God, I already got it, look at how good.
47:37I wish I got a video of him doing it
47:38because it's so satisfying, oh my God.
47:41Oh my God, I got this at Mitsuha.
47:43It's a matcha swirl.
47:45Look at this, oh my God.
47:48This is insane.
47:49If you love matcha, you will love this.
47:50All right, I also got this matcha mochi.
47:53I'm so excited to try this.
47:55It's like open at the bottom, yeah.
47:58Which one do you like better, this one or that one?
48:00They're different.
48:01Oh my God, it's so good.
48:03I'm excited for you to try it.
48:05Oh, so they put it at the bottom.
48:07I don't know if there's a graceful way to eat it.
48:10How is it, so good?
48:12Tastes so much like matcha, oh my God.
48:14Oh yeah, that's what I want, oh yeah.
48:19Uh-oh, we're shopping.
48:23Everything's so cute.
48:24Had to grab the shrimp chips and oh, oh my God,
48:27my Hello Kitty matcha.
48:29Who sold out my Hello Kitty wines?
48:31That's crazy and insane.
48:32There's Hello Kitty sake,
48:34but I don't know if they have it.
48:37What the Hello Kitty baddies selling it out, that's nuts.
48:40Jenny, everybody stream extra large Jenny and Dochi.
48:44Those fish, don't talk to me about those fish.
48:48Boba mochi stuff.
48:50I'm gonna try to make a poke bowl at home.
48:53So I'm gonna get this, this is sashimi grade.
48:55This is what Andre told me to get, so we're getting.
48:58I've always wanted to try those.
48:58Why is it so expensive?
49:00Because it's imported from Japan.
49:02For me, I've never seen it before.
49:05So cute.
49:05I'm also gonna get some rice,
49:07because I like the rice better.
49:08Wait to get a cart.
49:09There's so much stuff, I didn't expect this.
49:11Apparently, this one's a really popular matcha on TikTok.
49:15I wanna try this one and it's a decent price
49:17for the amount that you got.
49:18Enough is enough, I need this, I need that.
49:20Wait, Elphaba, Glinda.
49:22Debating whether I should get eggs,
49:24because we're running pretty low.
49:26Do I trust Whole Foods?
49:27Because it's a little more expensive.
49:29Almost $14 for eggs here.
49:31They're aesthetic though.
49:32I like the color.
49:33This always reminds me of Tokyo.
49:36I love these onigiris.
49:39Got it.
49:40I love it here.
49:41It's a good vibe here.
49:42Do you like it better than H-Mart?
49:43I kinda like it better than H-Mart a little bit.
49:45What's different?
49:46They have the matcha, it's so different.
49:50Oh my god, I'm so excited.
49:51I'm honestly scared to store my, oh my god.
49:54Sakura mochi.
49:57That's nuts.
49:58That's nuts that we missed it.
50:00You can go back if you wanna buy it.
50:02Oh my god, there's so many Teslas.
50:04Everybody has a Tesla here.
50:05Oh my god, look what I ordered.
50:07It was $2 on AliExpress.
50:09The outfits, are you kidding me right now?
50:11So I thought it was Miu Miu, but it's actually Min Min.
50:15The knockoff Miu Miu.
50:16There's only a couple dollars, so I don't really care.
50:17Oh my god, this is so cute.
50:19Oh, I thought it would come with a little purse,
50:20but this is it.
50:21You can put the ears through.
50:22Oh my god, I need to put it on this one.
50:24I also got, look it, I got little glasses
50:26so that she can match me.
50:28I have the exact same glasses.
50:29This was like, I think a dollar.
50:31How fucking cute is that?
50:33Oh my god.
50:35Ah, oh my god, I'm screaming.
50:36And then lastly, because I'm turning her into me,
50:39she's gonna be a mini version of me.
50:40Wait, this one's gonna be so cute.
50:41Oh, I also ordered, it hasn't come yet.
50:44On AliExpress, I got this like black Chanel outfit.
50:47It would be so cute with this bag,
50:48but we don't have it right now.
50:49This little DSLR camera, are you kidding?
50:52Oh, now I'm just, I'm scared that it's gonna fall off.
50:54It's a little big on her.
50:56Let me put the outfit on, stop it right now.
50:57That's me, that's literally me.
50:59I can't wait for the little black outfit that I got.
51:02Oh my god, this is so cute.
51:03When have I become this person that I am?
51:05It won't go around the handle,
51:07so I have to clip it on the side right here.
51:08Oh my god, that is so cute, oh my god, I can't.
51:11The glasses, stop.
51:13I feel like the camera's too big.
51:14Let me just tie it a bit tighter.
51:15How's that?
51:16That's me, this is me.
51:18Okay, we went to Mitsuwa and I wanted to do a little haul
51:21because there was like fun snacks and stuff.
51:24So I wanted to get my favorite shrimp chips.
51:26Even though, is this a Filipino thing?
51:28Because my grandpa would always have shrimp chips
51:31and my sister was obsessed with it.
51:33I don't know if it's a Filipino thing though.
51:34I think it's Japanese, I don't know.
51:36What culture does shrimp chips come from?
51:39Southeast Asian?
51:40It's Southeast Asian or like Japanese, I don't know.
51:42And then I got these.
51:43These are so good because they're so spicy.
51:46I'm so excited.
51:47I also got my Hello Kitty wafer cookies.
51:49I'm gonna eat this tonight
51:50because I'm scared to have it tomorrow.
51:53So I'm gonna try to make my salmon bowl tonight.
51:55Oh, I'm so excited about this.
51:57This is so good.
51:58This is like my favorite dessert whenever I go to Tokyo.
52:01And for some reason, the sticky rice hits different.
52:04I needed specific sticky rice for my cookie bowl.
52:07And then I just got regular soy sauce
52:09because we don't have any.
52:10And then some eggs.
52:11And I love the eggs here.
52:12I love the different colors.
52:14It reminds me of the farmer's market.
52:15Oh, and I got this.
52:17I'll probably eat this tomorrow.
52:18I'm so excited.
52:19But yeah, that's everything that I got from Mitsuwa.
52:21I need to start grocery shopping there more.
52:23I'm like, why am I grocery shopping at Whole Foods
52:25when like all of this, I think all of this was $50,
52:29which I feel like this is better than Whole Foods, right?
52:31I don't know.
52:33Okay, let's put this away.
52:35I can put this in my egg organizer.
52:45That was perfect.
52:45All except one.
52:50How crazy this is?
52:50This is a PR package and it's singing to me.
52:54This is crazy.
52:55Also, Poki, what are you doing here?
52:57I love her TikToks.
52:58Oh my God, I love Emko Beauty.
52:59Their eyebrow is really good.
53:01This, like they have a lot of good dupes.
53:03Oh my God, I think this primer is new.
53:05Drip spray.
53:06Oh my God, this is crazy.
53:08Look at this.
53:09Oh my God.
53:10You're lying.
53:11Oh my God.
53:12Fill in the music box.
53:13I'm like, how do I save this
53:15and put this on something else?
53:17I don't know.
53:18I'm trying to figure it out.
53:19All right, I'm gonna film a quick TikTok
53:20making my Poke Bowl.
53:29Oh my God.
53:30I forgot to show you.
53:31Look, this is what my Poke Bowl ended up turning out like.
53:33I ate half of it already,
53:34but I can't believe I did that.
53:36Like I never in a million years
53:38thought that I would ever be able to
53:40make anything in the kitchen.
53:42My mom never really was much of a cook.
53:44We'd eat McDonald's all the time.
53:45So the fact that I made this at home
53:47is so mind boggling to me.
53:49I was like, all I have to do is watch a TikTok tutorial
53:51and I can figure out a recipe.
53:52Like it's so crazy.
53:53But I think a new episode of Kardashian's just dropped.
53:55I'm gonna go watch that.
53:56Maybe watch some YouTube.
53:57Who knows?
53:58It's Friday.
53:59We can get a little crazy.
54:00But I hope you guys enjoyed today's vlog.
54:01I might end it here,
54:02but stay tuned because we have the rugs coming tomorrow.
54:05I feel like it's gonna complete the outdoor space.
54:07I really do because it's so dark right now.
54:09I wanna get little lanterns or like lights
54:13for the outside area.
54:15I don't know where though.
54:15I have to look still.
54:16But I hope you guys enjoyed today's vlog
54:18and I'll see you guys in the next one.
54:21Always here.
54:22Same place, same time.
54:22Love you guys.
54:23Oh, are you ready to watch Netflix?
54:26Are you ready to Netflix and chill?
54:28♪ I'm all out of sugar, I don't got nothing for you. ♪
54:32♪ Don't be coming for my berries, you can handle the juice. ♪
54:35♪ I'm all out of sugar, and I'm all out of love. ♪
54:39♪ I don't think you got the hint, so I'll be honest with ya. ♪
54:42♪ No, I don't miss you, I don't wanna kiss you. ♪
54:46♪ I want sugar, could it not? No, no, no. ♪
54:49♪ No, I don't want you, baby, it's so hard to. ♪
54:53♪ I want sugar, could it not? No, no, no. ♪
