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๐น๐ฟ In the Rift Valley in Tanzania live a tribe whose way of life is unchanged in 50,000 years. They are called the Hadzabi and they still live in the same way most of mankind did in the stone age, by hunting and gathering on the African plains. Along with my friend @TimmyKarter I set off in search of the tribe to learn about their way of life. Join me on an adventure to the dawn of man...
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๐น๐ฟ In the Rift Valley in Tanzania live a tribe whose way of life is unchanged in 50,000 years. They are called the Hadzabi and they still live in the same way most of mankind did in the stone age, by hunting and gathering on the African plains. Along with my friend @TimmyKarter I set off in search of the tribe to learn about their way of life. Join me on an adventure to the dawn of man...
Check out the latest blog posts and stories at
00:00in Tanzania listen in the north of Tanzania live a nomadic hunter-gatherer
00:05tribe of people whose way of life is unchanged since the Stone Age they're
00:09called the Hadja and I'm gonna go and look for them and I'm late for a bus
00:13join me oh and I'm with a friend
00:20we're looking for hunter-gatherers and Timmy's already sprained his ankle you
00:31ready for this we're late for the bus come on let's do it off to look for the
00:39Hadja in the Rift Valley of northern Tanzania live an ancient tribe of
00:45hunter-gatherers whose lives have barely changed since the Stone Age they are
00:50called the Hadja and they battle for survival every day by hunting animals
00:54with bows and arrows in the region they have lived in for 50,000 years I decided
01:00I'd go to the parts of Africa where man first ascended the trees to meet the
01:04Hadja tribe and learn about their way of life join me on a journey back to the
01:10dawn of time it looks like we've made it in time for the bus to Arusha and
01:18it's from Arusha we're gonna look for more transport to the hunter-gatherer
01:23Stone Age tribe called the Hadja any Hadja here what is it yeah what is it
01:32aphrodisiac yeah it's a sweet poor left it's yeah aphrodisiac so we have an
01:39aphrodisiac here Viagra? No. He wants it. He needs Viagra. No, I don't need Viagra. He's got a problem he'll buy it.
01:47Timmy's gonna buy some Viagra. I'm gonna pay for the ticket. Oh I'm okay I'm gonna pay my ticket
01:51you want to buy anything you don't need anything maybe need a charger headphones
01:57He's looking for Viagra. I'm gonna pay you. Pay you? No, I've got no money. I've got no money. I've got no money. How can I pay you?
02:11I'm showing the nice people in Africa yeah the nice Tanzanians. He wants pay.
02:19We made it on the bus to Arusha with my new friend what is your name my friend
02:24What is your name? Deborah. Deborah? Yeah. You're a Christian lady? Yeah. Christian man, not lengthy. I'm a Christian man, yeah.
02:35Pleased to meet you. Benjamin. Ben. I'm looking for Hadja people. Hadja. Hadja. You know Hadja people? Hadja tribe. Hadja people. Hadja tribe.
02:45They live near Arusha. They are living there? Yeah, they live near Arusha. They look for animals. They are hunting for animals. Hadja people.
02:52I'm going to try to find them. Maybe I can.
02:59Toilet break. Where's the toilet? Toilet break on the road to Arusha.
03:10Tangawizi. Thank you very much. My first ever stony. Is it good? Yes. Is it popular in Tanzania? Yes.
03:18Good. Do you like stony? Yeah. Stony is good? I'm going to try a stony. There we go. I'm going to try a stony.
03:24We've got a bounty and we've got a stony. Tanzania's premier flipping fizzy drink.
03:33Hadja people. Hadja people. I'm looking for Hadja people. You know them? Yeah. You know where they live? Yeah.
03:38Okay. I'm going to look for them. He's heard of the Hadja people. So that's a positive sign.
03:45Someone's heard of the Hadja. We don't find them. If we've come all the way to Tanzania and don't find the Hadja.
03:54That's the beauty of the trip. That's the beauty of the trip.
03:59It's got a stony name. What's this like? Tangawizi. Looks like a human feet. No, it's a Tangawizi. Stony Tangawizi. Hot, warm.
04:08So we've got to swap buses for some reason. Here at the petrol station. Hope I'm still next to Deborah.
04:15Where's my bag? My bag is gone. Where's my bag? Maybe someone put it on the other bus. Maybe Deborah took it.
04:28I don't know. Let's hope so. My bag is gone. It was here. It's okay. Maybe someone has it there.
04:38Deborah got it for you. Where's Deborah? Deborah had my bag. I knew I could trust the Tanzanians.
04:46You see that? Deborah took my bag and brought it down for me. Even though it's got my laptop in it, my passport. I wasn't worried.
04:55I knew I could trust the Tanzanians. Where's Deborah?
05:03Deborah, for you. A little drink and a little bit of chocolate for the journey. Thank you so much. You're welcome.
05:09Thank you for looking after my bag. You are the best travel partner. You're the best travel partner, Deborah.
05:14You looked after me. Thank you. Teamwork.
05:22If you've watched this channel long enough, you'll know that I often get myself into some pretty hectic situations.
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06:13Do you use it? Yes. Oh, I'm so happy to hear that. Thank you. Thank you.
06:16There you go. We've got a Proton user on the streets of Tanzania.
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07:14So thank you to the legendary Proton VPN for making this journey in search of the hijabi people possible. Let's continue the journey.
07:24Thank you, my friend. Oh, hello, guys. Oh, thank you.
07:27Oh, I'm free. Finally, we made it to Arusha in the north of Tanzania.
07:35Thank you, driver. And we've come to Arusha because the. Oh, my God. What a character.
07:43Yeah, Rastafari. Rastafari, my friend. Oh, my God.
07:48What a crazy. How are you? I'm OK. How are you? Everything's OK. Yeah, everything's good. Where are you from, bro? I'm from England, bro. England? Yeah.
07:55What's your name, mister? Benjamin. Benjamin.
07:59Right now. Can you please subscribe to Borg and Bankrupt? Thank you. Oh, have a good day, bro. OK, thank you.
08:07What a crazy place. We've seen a little dwarf and we got some new subscribers.
08:11The reason we're in Arusha is because the hijab people pass through, pass through this region on their hunts and we're going to look for them.
08:20Wow. What a place. Back in Africa.
08:24Hey, bro. How are you? Fine. I'm looking for the hijab people. OK. Hijab people. Do you know where they are? Thanks. You're welcome. OK.
08:35Support for food. Hey, buy yourself some food. Look after yourself, my friend. You've got a nice smile. OK, bye bye.
08:44There you go. Got hustled. I've only been in the bloody city one minute. Already bought a man dinner or drugs.
08:52We're basically trying to find where the hijab hang out, but we don't know the hijab people looking for them.
08:58Maybe they're up this alleyway. Let's have a look. Anyone seen the hijab people? Oh, oh, you like Che Guevara?
09:04Revolutionary. Oh, see this Che Guevara in these East African countries.
09:10They've had a lot of revolutions and they tend to lean towards the leftist policies of people like Che Guevara, Fidel Castro.
09:18People that they consider. Fighters for the community, that's what I'm trying to say.
09:25How much is this one? For this one? Yeah. For dollars or shillings? Shillings. Shillings. You give me 15.
09:31Can you put it on my head, please? OK. I want to feel like I'm an African man. African man.
09:36Because everyone's an African man. Everyone began in Africa. Yeah. Even the Mzungu.
09:41So I think I'm kind of African. It's the motherland. It's the motherland for everybody.
09:48I will wear it on my trip through Africa. Thank you. There you go, my friend.
09:52So we bought ourselves a little protector. I want to buy this for my apartment in Prague.
09:59Imagine a picture of a girlfriend beater, a hoe and some other random people.
10:08Imagine that on my wall in Prague. Superstars of Tanzania and the world.
10:15OK. Mucha India. Hakuna Matata. Hakuna Matata. Hakuna Matata. Hakuna Matata.
10:19You got team? What's your team? Chelsea. Chelsea. Chelsea. Chelsea.
10:23I can drop her. Yeah, drop her. Oscar. Yes, we're in. Yes, we're in.
10:28Oh, my God. Let's get out of here. Crikey. Crazy guys. Crazy guys.
10:39So on this street is a real hustler street. You've just got people doing pedicures and manicures.
10:44You've got people selling things. The African people are hustlers in a good way.
10:48I mean, not scammers, but hustlers. That's great. And you can see here, look, even a Newcastle shirt.
10:55Jumbo. The most hectic town I think I've been to. Wow, what a welcome.
11:00Finally, it's calming down a little bit, isn't it? What do you think to your first real experience in Africa?
11:06I love it. I love it. Good people, right? Imagine in Latin America. Outgoing people, lovely people.
11:12Lovely people. Women, I don't know.
11:18Anyway, let's not get distracted by the friendliness of the locals.
11:22We've got a mission here in Tanzania, and that is to find the Haji people.
11:27Where does one begin searching? Relax, brother. Relax. Calm down. Calm down. Talking crazy stuff.
11:35Anyway, it's the next day. We've had a terrible night in the hotel.
11:38And now we're going to jump on a boulder, motorbike, little motorbike and head to a town a few hours away
11:44where we've been told that people know about the location of the Haja.
11:50We'll see if it's true or not. Let's see, mate. That's what they said. That's what they said.
11:54We're going to find the Haja. We cannot fail on our mission to meet the Haja.
11:58We're looking for the Haja. Hajabi. Good. Do you know where they are?
12:02Hajabi? Hajabi. I don't know really.
12:05No one knows where the Hajabi are, but we're going to jump on a bike and try and find them. Let's go.
12:09Well, we're setting off. Me and Timmy behind me on a motorbike.
12:13And we're going to look for the Hajabi in some village a little while away.
12:17Let's see if we can find them. And a man with an umbrella.
12:25Jambo from what they said was a city they were going to drop us off at.
12:29From where we were going to find the Hadza people, myself and Timmy.
12:33The motorcyclist dropped us off, but we don't know where the Hadza are. We're going to look for them.
12:36We don't know where we are. What do we do? Where are we?
12:38He said like half an hour away.
12:40Somewhere in the bush are the Hadza. They don't live in the cities.
12:43They live in the bush, hunting and gathering.
12:45Shall we look for them? We're going to ask some locals, maybe they know.
12:48Mate, yesterday you said Hadza, it's Hadzabi.
12:50Hadzabi, that's why no one knew who they were. It's not Hadja, it's Hadzabi. Let's look for them.
12:55Maybe we're in this hut.
12:58Oh, hello sir.
13:02Where are the Hadza?
13:04No idea?
13:06I'm looking everywhere for Hadzabi. I cannot find Hadzabi.
13:09Which one does it mean to you?
13:15Hadzabi, Hadzabi, Hadzabi. It's the same thing.
13:18How can you not understand that?
13:26The translation is Watupoli.
13:28Wow, this man knows everything about the Hadzabi.
13:31Ask him any questions, he knows everything.
13:33Are they near here?
13:35Are they far away? Are they far?
13:37Far, far.
13:39One man told me 15 or 20 kilometres.
13:45Oh, OK.
13:47So, we know that they're in the area, passing through, because the man just said.
13:51But 15 to 20 kilometres away?
13:54No, the other guy told me it's 35 minutes over there.
13:58Because they're migratory people, you don't really know where they are.
14:01One day they're over in that part of the mountains, the next day they're over there.
14:04So people are saying conflicting things.
14:06What do you reckon?
14:07I mean, we are near, we are near.
14:09Are we going to find them?
14:10Yes, 100%.
14:12Mate, I have no idea where the Hadzabi are.
14:15Me neither.
14:17Why are we here?
14:18And I go, you need to come here.
14:19Your idea to come to Africa.
14:21I was going to go to Ukraine.
14:23He said, don't go to Ukraine, come to Africa, we're going to meet a tribe.
14:25That's true, that's true.
14:26Where's the tribe?
14:28Mate, be positive and we'll find our way.
14:31Let's continue looking for the Hadzabi.
14:33But so far, disaster.
14:37So far.
14:38I'm looking for Hadzabi.
14:42I'm looking for Hadzabi.
14:43You guys Hadzabi?
14:44How you doing bro?
14:48Hadzabi people.
14:49This way, in the mountains.
14:52It's far?
14:53It's far?
14:54Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:55Finally, we have information.
14:57The Hadzabi are in the mountains.
14:59Timmy, I've got good news.
15:02The Hadzabi are in the mountains.
15:04Over there?
15:06We are mountain.
15:08Are they dangerous?
15:13Have a drink.
15:18Do you know where the Hadzabi are?
15:20Let's go on the bike.
15:21Come on, let's go.
15:22Let's go.
15:23We're looking for Hadzabi.
15:24Okay, let's go.
15:25Come on, let's go.
15:28I've got my own transport.
15:29Timmy, I'm looking for Hadzabi.
15:31You'll be okay.
15:32I found someone to take me to the Hadzabi.
15:37Listen, we've got to leave Timmy.
15:38He's dragging me down.
15:39With him, I can't find anyone.
15:41This guy, I think we're going to be okay.
15:43Hadzabi, Hadzabi, Hadzabi.
15:45Timmy, if you're watching this, you're a lovely guy,
15:47but I'm a better explorer without you.
15:49And me and my friend here.
15:51Our new friend.
15:52Oh, he's given up.
15:53He's given up.
15:54Okay, bro.
15:55We've been walking for about two hours
15:59up this path that we've been told
16:01in that last little town
16:03leads deep into Hadzabi country,
16:06whatever they're called.
16:07Hadzabi, Hadja.
16:08I've given up trying to say it properly.
16:11Up at the end of this path, apparently.
16:14Surely it's not far.
16:15It's about bloody three o'clock in the afternoon.
16:20Brought no water.
16:24No sun cream.
16:27But when you're looking for Stone Age tribes,
16:31that's what happens.
16:37I've stumbled upon a little village
16:40and hear noises of people talking.
16:46Oh my God.
16:47What are they going to think of me
16:48when I walk into the village in a second?
16:50I'm a bit nervous.
16:53Look at this house.
16:55They're through here.
16:58Let's go and meet the people.
17:15Cheers, guys.
17:16After hiking through Hadzabi,
17:18we've arrived at the village
17:20where we're going to stay for the night.
17:22Cheers, guys.
17:23After hiking through the flipping bush,
17:26getting ripped apart by thorns and brambles,
17:28we finally found the tribe, the Hadzabi.
17:31Let's have a drink of their special juice.
17:40Good shit.
17:42So sitting a little bit separate from us over there
17:44are the main hunters,
17:45the guys with the babu skin hats.
17:48They're the main hunters
17:49and they seem to stay separate from the alcoholics
17:51because their job is to hunt and get the animals.
17:55So the drinkers are over here
17:56and the smokers, the hunters, are over there.
17:59Tomorrow or later today, whenever,
18:01we're going to be with those guys.
18:06This is how they light their cigarettes.
18:11Oh yeah.
18:21They've been lighting their cigarettes like that
18:24for 10,000 years.
18:29Ancient style.
18:31My country, lighter.
18:32Your country, this.
18:35Let's have a go.
18:45So when he gets drunk, he sees spirits and things,
18:47he understands the way of the animal.
18:49He can hunt
18:50and he can kill the baboons.
18:51And baboons is the most prized piece of meat in the village.
19:08Have you heard this language that they're speaking?
19:09This is one of the most ancient languages on planet Earth.
19:11It's a...
19:12Some of these sounds...
19:18In the morning, early in the morning, we're going hunting.
19:20When you hear the chickens,
19:22we go hunting.
19:26Well, our man here, from the village,
19:29is making a fire.
19:31A campfire.
19:32I suppose we're all going to sit around
19:33and do whatever they do.
19:35Smoke their cigarettes and have a drink.
19:38This has not changed this scene probably for, what, 50,000 years?
19:42A man wearing an animal skin,
19:45making a fire from rubbing sticks together.
19:48Look at him.
19:49Primitive man.
20:13Well, guys, it's 10.49 in the night time.
20:19And the good news is I found Timmy Carter.
20:22That was his telephone.
20:23Hello, Timmy.
20:24Finally, mate.
20:25And now, are you going to sleep here?
20:26Well, we thought that when we found the tribe,
20:31they'd be so amazed to see a white man,
20:33they'd say, come and stay in our hut for the night.
20:35But that hasn't happened.
20:38They made a fire here
20:39and then they wandered off
20:40and we kind of, like, have been left here.
20:43I mean, I think we're going hunting in the morning
20:45because through sign language and stuff,
20:48they said that's what's going to happen.
20:50But in the meantime,
20:51I think that's why they made the fire,
20:53to keep us warm at night.
20:54So we're going to sleep here.
20:57Here, mate.
20:58By the fire.
20:59And you know what?
21:00Once this fire goes away,
21:01you know what that means?
21:04Black mambas.
21:07We're in the savannah, me and Timmy.
21:09This is worse than the Darien Gap.
21:10At least we had a tent in the Darien Gap.
21:12Might have been a small tent,
21:13but we had a tent.
21:14And now we're just here in the bush,
21:16literally in the bush.
21:17There's flipping snakes and everything.
21:18Mate, I'm not sleeping.
21:19I'm not sleeping.
21:20So anyway, that's what's going to happen.
21:23But tomorrow morning, in a few hours,
21:26I think they're going to come and get us.
21:27I hope.
21:28They said.
21:29Otherwise, what have we made this journey for?
21:30And we're going to go hunting with Stone Age people.
21:32Stone Age people who don't want two white guys
21:35sleeping in their huts.
21:36Do you think they don't trust you with the girls?
21:39I don't know, mate.
21:43Alright then.
21:44Guys, hopefully no black mambas get us
21:47and we'll see you in the morning.
21:48Good night from the Rift Valley.
22:00Well, this is a scene that is unchanged
22:02in the last 20,000 years.
22:04The hunters by the fire warming up in the morning.
22:06The dogs, the hunting dogs have joined us preparing.
22:10Putting their shoes on.
22:12Preparing their bows and arrows over there.
22:15Having a little smoke and then I suppose we set off
22:17as the sun rises now over the Rift Valley.
22:22With the Hazare people.
22:29So they have different types of arrows
22:31and different spears depending, I suppose,
22:35on what animal they're trying to catch.
22:37This one here with the sharp barbs is for a baboon.
22:40Because baboons are quite clever animals.
22:42They can pull out the spear.
22:43They were telling me yesterday when they hit a baboon.
22:47So this one, the sharp arrow here,
22:49is so they can't pull it out.
22:52Ready, boys?
22:53Let's go.
23:00Looks like we're setting off.
23:05This here with the hunters wearing their skins
23:10is something that hasn't changed in probably 50,000 years
23:14here in the Rift Valley.
23:17Where was we to wear it?
23:18It stinks.
23:20Guys, what we're doing on this hunt isn't set up for tourists.
23:23If these guys here, the tribesmen, don't catch anything,
23:26they don't eat today.
23:28There's no Lidl or Aldi or Tesco in the neighbourhood.
23:30They have to catch something.
23:32Let's see if they can do it.
23:43We're on the Rift Valley.
23:44We're on the Rift Valley.
23:45We're on the Rift Valley.
23:46We're on the Rift Valley.
23:47We're on the Rift Valley.
23:48We're on the Rift Valley.
23:50We're on the Rift Valley.
23:51We're on the Rift Valley.
24:08The Hazarabi people will hunt mostly small birds,
24:14small animals.
24:15but a prize kill is a baboon and any man who kills a baboon on a hunt is the
24:22prized man in the village he's the man that all the women want to marry because
24:29it means the woman's going to eat the best meat let's see if we can find one
24:42unlike me the Hazabi hunters seem to walk so fast for a start, I'm having trouble keeping them so silent
24:50whereas I'm stumping around on rocks making a noise, the Hazabi are silently gliding
24:56through this part of their territory
25:24this is hard going, harder than I expected
25:35this must be the rift valley where man first tamed the wolf we turned him into
25:45our loyal hunting partner the dog because look how these dogs stick with
25:48the hunters when the hunter stops moving stay silent so does the dog it's like
25:54they have a telepathy between them knowing how to hunt together I suppose
25:58the dog knows the hunter doesn't catch anything they don't eat tonight either
26:06and I thought rushing was difficult imagine trying to learn this
26:14we're off again
26:18so we've been walking now for two hours exhausting work and just think for these
26:36guys like they have to do this every day to find their dinner us we go to Tesco's
26:40get some food don't even think about it yeah out every day hunting what an
26:46adventurous life maybe a more real life a more real existence that many of us in
26:50the west face
27:03look at this this is a site unchanged in 50,000 years it's just a river valley in
27:11Africa and here the hunters their bows and arrows and the dogs looking for prey
27:20and we're here to witness it
27:41Joe Rogan would not be impressed it starts him to think the Hazabi people
27:59are the worst hunters in all of Africa
28:11what's going on I mean we're hanging out with hunter-gatherers but I've not
28:16seen much gathering they've had about 300 shots they've not hit anything
28:19nothing made six hours we're just walking around in circles like trying to
28:23hit things and it's like oh we've missed another one maybe they got a bit softer
28:30because maybe some locals from the other village bringing them food we don't know
28:33I don't know I don't know how they survive for millennia if this is their
28:37hunting skills anyway we push on we're gonna try and get a baboon if we can do
28:41it ready it's an experience anyway my friend it's an experience not every day
28:45you get to hang out with the Hajabi people let's go let's continue
28:55so the Hajabi people they grow herbs on the side of the hills here in the rift
29:13valley and then they smoke the herb to give them well not just energy for the
29:20hunt but also they believe it gives them like some kind of perception
29:25improved perception of the animals they understand what the animals are gonna be
29:28how to hunt the animals and so my friend here is just making himself a herbal
30:03we've caught something finally ah you got it good shot I don't think it's much
30:29of a meal but we've caught something look what you've caught a little whatever
30:33that is budgerigar or something well done my friend well done good man
30:37Coco's the best hunter there you go is that it?
30:42gonna get hungry tonight oh we've got a little like pigeon type thing so we've
30:48got another little bird probably the biggest one we caught so far so I suppose
30:52they are gonna eat something today not much but they're gonna eat something
30:55little baby bird and then when we kill them they put them in their belt here
31:00just in if you want to look and there he is this is the best hunter look at them
31:04little head sticking out little bodies on his belt we're gonna eat tonight in
31:12the village we've come to a watering hole where the dogs have a drink the
31:22guys can fill up some bottles look here it's thirsty work you can see over
31:29thousands of years living here they're just used to drinking what would be
31:32water that would destroy our bodies but for them I suppose they have processes
31:36and enzymes that break down the bacteria in these muddy pools so they can fill up
31:40these water bottles they find on the route and then just drink it straight
31:43from here imagine if I tried that imagine the diarrhea I would have if I
31:47drank even a drop of this water but for these guys not a problem
32:17the guys here are just roasting the birds on the fire and then eating them
32:22just whole everything look this life is so far removed from as you go out you
32:37catch a couple of birds you throw them on the fire and then you just chew them
32:41like this guys some fire for taste
33:00thank you bro so I suppose we should try some then if we've been hunting and
33:05cooked it thank you my friend thank you and just like that with a few words
33:21their language they're gone that's it God knows what they made of me and Timmy
33:25turning up here in their village but we had some food you went to hunt and now
33:28they're off bye-bye guys I remember you that's the end of the video we came to
33:34Africa we met a tribe went hunting ate some bloody little birds say goodbye to
33:37the tribe I'm going home see you laters