• 3 days ago
I NEED YOUR ADVICE WITH THIS | Renovating our Victorian home, New in Primark & Home updates

Hey guys!

I hope you are all doing well. Welcome back to my channel and to and to the start of the renovation vlogs. I am so excited to be starting to think about projects for the year ahead.

I have linked everything featured below.

Big love,
Luke x

- Hillary's: https://www.hillarys.co.uk/
- Psycle Oxford Circus: https://psyclelondon.com/pages/oxford-circus
- Primark home: http://primark.com/en-gb/c/home
- Flying tiger: https://flyingtiger.com/en-gb
- Uniqlo: https://www.uniqlo.com/uk/en/

- INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lukecatleugh/?hl=en
- TIKTOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeJ7MXvS/

CONTACT: hello@lukecatleugh.com

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00:00Good morning everyone.
00:29How are we all?
00:30Welcome back to my channel and to a little vlog.
00:34I'm in the garden.
00:35This is the first time I've had breakfast outside in the garden this year and oh my
00:43goodness I genuinely genuinely feel alive.
00:45I feel like a different person.
00:47If you'd have said three weeks ago when we were having just nothing but rain and just
00:53like it felt like there was just a constant cloud over London that I'd be sat having breakfast
00:58in the garden three weeks later I'd have laughed at you.
01:00I'd have genuinely laughed at you.
01:01I am so so buzzing to just be out here listening to birds.
01:07It's lovely.
01:08It's so nice.
01:09Let me know how you guys are doing for the weather where you are and how you're feeling.
01:13I hope you're all feeling positive about spring.
01:16I know we all aren't based in the same part of the world so sometimes it's summer when
01:19it's winter where you are watching but yeah I hope you all are doing well.
01:24I can't believe it's March.
01:26I don't know where time seems to be going it's just like you blink and it just goes
01:31it's crazy although it felt like January dragged February was just a blur and it already feels
01:36like by the time this video goes up it'll be early March which is just nuts Easter's
01:39approaching Mother's Day.
01:40It's a mad old year it feels like it's shaping up to be a really good year though which is
01:46So I thought for today's video it's about time we start talking about project house
01:502025 and what we've got planned for our home and what we hope to achieve this year and
01:57by the end of the year what we'd like to have had done.
02:00I know this video has been long overdue and yeah I feel like it's a one that I'm really
02:06excited to film because it's essentially going to be focused on the upstairs of the house
02:09and last year I felt like we had a huge list but this year we've already started with the
02:14outside of our house and it's so nearly done.
02:16The chap who was doing it actually injured his back and he had some family problems so
02:21he wasn't able to come for a couple of weeks but the weather was really bad so he couldn't
02:24have really been doing much anyway but he's now finished so we've got the stonework left
02:29to be painted and then we're done which is great.
02:32So yeah I thought I would film a little vlog style what we're going to be doing in the
02:36house this year and what we have planned for 2025 because yeah it's exciting it feels like
02:42a lot but I feel like it's achievable and a lot of it we're going to be actually undertaking
02:46ourselves which is very exciting.
02:48Actually let me take you back in because I feel like the wind's picking up now.
02:52When I'm currently filming this it's the 6th of March and we have had we've had a pretty
02:58busy start to the year to be honest like I say we've had the outside of the house fully
03:03repointed sanded back the brickwork being treated and we've also had our builders who
03:09did our kitchen come and court for the bathroom.
03:14So we need to talk about it I'm going to go upstairs but before we do that I'm going
03:18to go into the living room and have a chat with you.
03:20So welcome to the living room I'm sure you're very familiar with this room it's where we
03:24spent the majority of the winter hunkering down and getting cosy on the sofa.
03:30You might be thinking you're missing something behind you that's correct I am.
03:34So this piece of art I got in Hormsense I think it was about two three months ago or
03:38maybe it was last year I think it was like no it was actually last year gosh again see
03:42it feels like yesterday yeah I think it was last year actually and I really really love
03:47it I think the colours work beautifully in the living room but I felt like the scale
03:53wasn't right and I think a second piece of artwork of a similar size would have looked
03:57really nice to have them side by side but I have a piece that I love and I don't want
04:04to just buy a second piece just for it to fit in the space I really love this piece
04:08of artwork and I feel like we can definitely put this somewhere in our home so I had a
04:15bit of a play around this morning just using Instagram like the copy and paste tool.
04:20If you've been following for a while you'll remember that we had six black and white photos
04:25in six black frames in our hallway in our old flat I'll see if I can dig around and
04:29find a photo of it and obviously since we moved in October 2023 we haven't put them
04:35on the wall they're in our loft so the photos will be quite outdated now but I'm thinking
04:41that we could do a gallery wall-esque not your traditional gallery wall that kind of
04:47like took off and everyone was you know mixing and matching pictures which I love as well
04:52but I want to do more of a scaled back not to a gallery wall potentially I need to discuss
04:58this with Zara so like I say I had a bit of a play around on Instagram and I just grabbed
05:02a stock image off of Google and popped it on the wall just to see what it would look
05:07like I think it would work the thing is with this room we weren't really bold with the
05:13colour we kept the walls really neutral and obviously we've got that accent colour of
05:17the blue all around in the woodwork which I think works but I definitely think there's
05:24Zara's coming back I definitely think there's scope for more colour in this room so I don't
05:29know if we're going to do full black and white photos or if we're going to do maybe
05:32some colour photos we'll decide it's actually going to be nice to get Zara's full opinion
05:37on this because she's just walked through the front door she's been at Pilates.
05:41Hello where are we?
05:42In the living room!
05:43Oh welcome!
05:45I'm talking about um the potential to do... do you remember the pictures from the old
05:54The six... do you remember in the hallway we had the six photos the black and white
05:58photos in the hallway and we had them like three and then three imagine if we did four
06:03and four here now I know you might be thinking that four and four that's eight exactly so
06:08I'll show you I did a little copy and paste this morning this is just off of google why
06:11do I feel like that could be quite nice is it just people I don't know it's just some
06:16random person's child and their dog but like I don't know what do you think because we've
06:22already got the six pictures now I don't really know where else I think we could maybe hide
06:26the pictures definitely because we've been to New York since then is it a bit personal
06:32though but then our home is personal do you know what I mean like I don't know it was
06:36just an idea like I said I moved the picture just to kind of explain it but I think it
06:40would fill the wall but those would need to go that's okay we can move those around I'm
06:45saying I love I love how cozy it feels in here on an evening and I feel like everything
06:49is perfect it's just that could be a really nice sort of touch I love that we've got more
06:53photos of us and they're all black and white I don't know it's an idea it was just a thought
06:57because they're upstairs in the loft anyway and that's not what I'm here to talk to about
07:01that was the hardest session I have ever done in my entire life I walked in with two minutes
07:07to spare because I had to run because I was late and it was like intense difficult yeah
07:15she was like come on you can stretch some more it's like something's gonna pop it was
07:20like half cake half tea have a minute and look how sweaty my face looks I love that
07:24you went with makeup on it's because I have to be ready for the day yeah if you're thinking
07:28about doing pilates don't don't eat cake instead oh you love the smell of sweat don't you yes
07:38I do enjoy it okay goodbye okay so you may remember that we had the Hillary's shutters
07:46installed last year and I stand by what I said the best customer service the best product and
07:52they've genuinely transformed this room like when we first moved in we had no window dressings at
07:58all you may remember we have like the thin like sheet foil things from our old flat that just
08:03they didn't really do anything so we were sat with full view of everyone who walked past our
08:08house to look in so we knew we wanted shutters but we just didn't know how and what they would
08:14look like and how much they cost and anything like that so we ended up doing some research and
08:18a lot of people recommended Hillary's I've already spoke about this and last year we had them
08:23installed I think it was around May time and I absolutely loved them we've obviously got them
08:29downstairs in this beer window in the beer window upstairs and in Zara's secondary window as well
08:34now I have some very exciting news Hillary's actually got in touch they saw my content and
08:38they asked if I would like to be one of their Hillary's interior squad members for 2025 this
08:45video isn't sponsored I just I'm so excited to share this I've already shared on Instagram I'm
08:49gonna be partnering with Hillary's to finish off all of the window dressings in the upstairs of
08:54our house which is madness it's absolute madness that is a dream come true obviously the curtains
09:00that we've got in here are absolutely lovely but again if you've been here for a while you remember
09:05when me and mum installed the curtain pulls it didn't go that successfully and whilst these
09:10curtains look lovely functionality wise they don't really work because I think we got the wrong
09:16curtain track and they just don't close like they get stuck on the brackets you end up having to get
09:23a step ladder and then I think I mounted them incorrectly from the off because the drape kind
09:30of wonks because they're so heavy so we're gonna be using the trusted Hillary's team to come and
09:36fit some blinds and shutters and potentially something outside more on that later throughout
09:42the year and I'm gonna be documenting the process on here so that's the first thing that's gonna be
09:46changing and I think it's gonna make such a big difference so yeah nothing really major in here
09:52that's gonna change I could say potentially some photos in fact I need to open the loft today
09:57because Zara's and brother and sister are coming to London at the weekend and we need to get the
10:02spare room sorted out I'm gonna take you upstairs now to show you because it's it's like yeah it's
10:09not good that middle room because it isn't done it's just become like a dump and ground slash
10:15it's a bit like a laundry room utility it's a very very well used room it saved our bacon when
10:20we were having the kitchen done it became like our office living room so yeah it needs some TLC
10:25welcome to the laundry room of doom it's actually not too bad to be fair so yeah we've got the heated
10:32rail up for laundry all of this is laundry that needs to be put away this is when I've just got
10:37back from my trip to the UAE and I had to pull all of my summer clothes down from the loft so yeah
10:42it's a bit it's a bit chaotic in here but it won't be chaotic forever so the builders actually came
10:48to call for the bathroom but also Zara was brilliant and she asked about how much it was
10:54gonna cost to replace this window let me show you again it's quite tricky but as you can see the
10:58glass is really streaky now the glass is blown I don't know the technical reason what like causes
11:04glass to blow or to be blown but basically I think moisture gets inside the glass panels and yeah the
11:11whole glass just needs replacing not the window frame which is fantastic as you can see there's
11:16a trickle vent missing as well on the outside and the inside so those can actually be replaced
11:21really easily too so we're going to be keeping the window fixture which is such a cost-save I
11:27know I've spoke about this so much but I love the idea of original sash windows and maybe when we
11:34do come to sell this house in years to come whoever buys it from us might look to replace the windows
11:40it's just not really in our budget at the moment and I don't think it will be by the time we sell
11:45just because windows are so expensive spoke about this in a previous vlog I know you can get like
11:51good sash window dupes made out of PVC but for me personally I'd rather do timber sash windows and
11:58obviously they are very expensive so it's not something that we'll be doing at least we can
12:03make the windows better to keep the heat in and the cold air out so again you probably saw the
12:08vlog where I installed these blinds now don't get me wrong they work they're just not the best
12:14quality and I don't think I install them properly as well because there is a gap on one side so the
12:19light doesn't ever really fully black out and they're just not exciting I feel like we just
12:25chose them because they were really cheap and just very neutral so we're going to be changing those
12:31as well but we're going to be changing them to mechanical blinds so they're actually going to be
12:36motor operated because it's such a tall window it goes full nearly to the ceiling height so we're
12:42going to be putting some motor operated mechanisms in there that you can control with a remote which
12:48is just so exciting so yeah this room is going to change entirely we're going to get a lovely
12:53shelf in here and obviously you're going to be popping built-in wardrobes there which will you
12:58know add so much more storage and then yeah hopefully get a double bed in here too so it
13:03no longer becomes a laundry jumping ground and potentially wallpapering which is very exciting
13:08anyway that's not what I'm here to talk about I need your advice about the bathroom let's go on
13:12in so this is the bathroom and it hasn't changed since we've moved in it stayed exactly the same
13:17the only thing that we did is put this wall unit on the wall this is just from Ikea and it's just
13:26some additional storage that we kind of needed just for like surplus products but aside from
13:30that it hasn't really changed we're going to leave the floor plan on the screen but to give you
13:35idea of like dimensions let me put the light on we're talking I can't even fully extend my arms
13:42it's narrow as point it's a very very small bathroom and don't get me wrong for the two of
13:48us it works but thinking ahead for resale value and also when we do come to put the property in
13:56the market what would be the one thing that maybe people would have reservations about we had them
14:02when we viewed it and there's obviously two of us if it's for a family I feel like those
14:05reservations would be bumped higher and it might be a decision deal breaker so we think we're going
14:11to extend the bathroom now where you currently are you're currently balanced on our toilet
14:16okay so comfy this wall here as you can see let me turn it around there we are this is a huge wall
14:24now that's solid Lord Baron however on the other side that isn't so we spoke to the builder and
14:32obviously he has much better structural knowledge than we do so we are I think swaying like I think
14:40about 70% set we're just unsure it basically comes down to cost we have to constantly keep
14:46cost in like the forefront of our mind but if we did extend the bathroom we wouldn't be creating
14:54more square footage we just be adding in a standalone shower so you get the illusion of
15:00more space very similar to what we did downstairs in the kitchen in the sense that we didn't extend
15:04we just reconfigured what we had to make this this feel bigger and function better so this
15:10wall would go entirely but we keep the structural wall of this one on the side so that still would
15:16remain the division between the shower and the toilet and this would be a glass shower door that
15:23you would open now we have looked at shadows that open inwards or outwards we're still deciding on
15:29that if we do go ahead and then this would be a full standing free full set full free standing
15:35shower as I'm trying to say but obviously then that means that I would lose some space in my
15:39bedroom so welcome to my bedroom now this is the space that would essentially be squared off so
15:46it's not actually gonna be a good angle yeah that's a good angle so this would be a full wall
15:51that would take me up to the door here now the walkway wouldn't change it still come into the
15:56room this way it would make it slightly you know more of a pinch point to come in but that's not
16:02really the be-all and end-all and it would mean that the wardrobe would have to move into this
16:08corner here and then that would mean that the chest of drawers would just move up so it would
16:13make my bedroom slightly smaller but realistically I spend little to no time in here I sleep for
16:19ideally eight hours but no I was the kids but that's it obviously the master bedroom is Zara's
16:27bedroom so if it was a family to buy this this would probably turn into a guest bedroom slash
16:32kids bedroom and realistically having a double bed in here with some drawers and a small wardrobe
16:38is probably what a kid would need so it's not like a deal-breaker and it's still a very generous
16:42sized bedroom and obviously I have just finished this bedroom so it would mean that we've got to
16:47do some making good you know skirting board would have to change etc but it's not really like that
16:54drastic but it would then mean that the bathroom would be so much more usable and also again give
17:01the illusion of more space the only other thing that we are going to change structurally in here
17:05is the window it will be double that size so we're gonna go for a lower window non-privacy glass which
17:11you might be thinking that you guys crazy but we're gonna be installing shutters in here and
17:17they're vinyl shutters so they don't react with steam because obviously wood is porous and it
17:23would absorb and warp in a steamy bathroom so these are vinyl shutters so they are fully suitable for
17:30being in a bathroom Hillary's offer that so we'll be getting some shutters to can not only control
17:34the light but also give us privacy as well so we'll have more light come in more light gives
17:39the illusion of a bigger space so again because this is the only bathroom in the house it's like
17:44I feel like it's worth the investment now that's the question I put to you guys it's the price is
17:51obviously different so we've had two courts we've had a court to keep the bathroom just as it is
17:55refit it and just keep everything how it is currently and we've also had an additional price
18:01so you do the shower now the additional price of the shower is I'm not gonna lie it's more it is
18:06considerably more and it will also mean that we've got to buy more materials so a sanitary wear taps
18:12mixer taps shower door shower trap tiles then the labor goes up so it's a question that if you've
18:22had your bathroom done what would you do would you just keep it as it is and you know we're not in
18:28a massive house like it's a three-bed mid-terrace house however there is a house that's for sale on
18:33our street and we looked at the floor plan of their home and they've done it like to a developer
18:39finish so it's very much like blank canvas ready for someone to move in everything is white but the
18:44bathroom they've reconfigured so they had a separate standalone shower and for me personally
18:49I feel like that's like almost like not the competition but something we've got it in towards
18:54because if this house is for sale in the area that have that extra facility whereas we don't have a
19:00downstairs loo I feel like it could be a deal-breaker with it being the only bathroom and I don't want to
19:05do it in like as in like Russia and regret it anything I wish we did that so that's where we
19:10are and I feel like that's what I need your help with what would you do would you just spend that
19:15little bit extra and have that extra space in there and not only that but like me and Zara keep
19:21on having to remind ourselves that we aren't just doing this to sell like we're doing this to also
19:25live in as well and like who knows what's gonna happen a couple years time obviously we've got to
19:30remortgage the house this year so it's all like decisions that we have to make that will also
19:36impact how we live in this space as well and I love having like a separate shower like a really
19:41nice long soak in a shower I love a bath as well so it's a lot to decide on so let me know what you
19:47think let me know what your suggestions would be obviously it's not me something that we can do
19:52ourselves but something that we can do ourselves is the whole is he kick yeah is the whole way now
19:59so welcome to the hallway a very classic of this house it's narrow I think it's probably less than
20:05a meter width here so it's a classic narrow Victorian hallway the one benefit and the thing
20:11that I think we love about this house is that it's full of characters so the original staircase is
20:17in and I love that there is the separate walkway into the kitchen so obviously this is the only
20:22door into like the living room reception room area we did have to but let's not talk about what
20:29I did because it seemed to divide the internet but obviously I removed the door here so what we
20:35do end up having let me bring you closer I feel like it's probably gonna be a bit easier what we
20:40do end up having is quite a long narrow hallway it's currently painted white well it was white
20:46but obviously with all of the renovation work and dust and scuffs it's like a very off-white now so
20:52we are going to be paneling the hallway but we're not going to do it like over-the-top style we did
20:57have an idea of doing like proper traditional paneling so dado rail with like obviously the
21:02panels underneath but I think that's going to be too much especially because it's not the biggest
21:07space it's not a wider space so I think we're gonna do a dado rail in fact that much I'm pretty
21:12sure we're set on that's probably the only thing that we decided on the hallway so yeah dado rail
21:17is gonna be obviously hip high traditional really lovely molding but we're gonna be painting the
21:22lower half of the dado rail we just don't know what colour because my worry is that if we go
21:28too dark which I know is very practical and sensitive like if it gets scuffed they don't
21:33show up as easy however I don't want it to darken the space too much so I think on the flip of that
21:40if we do go for a darker lower dado rail obviously I've changed out the mirror here I actually did
21:47this last night so we used to have the big church mirror here but I think this one actually works
21:51nicer just to break up all of the squares I think something round works better anyway yeah I feel
21:57like we need to have some kind of halfy half where we go folks the floors obviously really light let
22:02me I'm gonna take you off the tripod so I think what we're gonna do is keep the spindles white
22:09just because I feel like they look really fresh and classic and timeless but I think the banister
22:14we're gonna strip all of the white gloss off of this and also this although I think they've
22:21mounted that incorrectly so maybe we could look to see if we could straighten that up I'm not
22:25entirely sure hopefully we can but um yeah we're gonna be staying in this a really lovely dark rich
22:33mahogany color so it's gonna be like a really traditional high shine mahogany banister but
22:39obviously the spindles will remain white and I think this will also remain white as well just
22:44because it bounces the light really nice as you can see obviously the doors that we went for in
22:49the hallway have got glass through them too so it lets that lovely South facing light come into the
22:52hallway and if you look up we also have the skylight that lets in light too so it's not as
22:59dark as it possibly could be and obviously once the bathrooms done we can look to replace the
23:05front door and there's a lovely light well that comes through that too so there's definitely
23:09light coming in which is great I think it's all about playing with the light the best you can
23:14and allowing it to come through so this is a sample that we pretty much put on the wall when
23:18we first moved in this is mouses back by fire and ball this is a strong contender I just don't know
23:25if it's gonna be too dark and it's one of those things that like I just don't want to get it wrong
23:29because it might make the space feel really closed in and that's obviously not what we want so maybe
23:35we could go for something that's like this but slightly lighter so it's still a nice contrast
23:40because then above we'd have like a really lovely off white or some kind of vibrant white if that
23:45makes sense so yeah that's the that's the idea we probably end up painting the architrave in the
23:50same color that we did the skirting and the dado in to just obviously frame everything really nicely
23:55yeah the floors stay in the same the rug we love we will paint this hallway unit I think again maybe
24:02in a contrasting color to the dado real sorry it's looking a bit messy at the moment we've got
24:07Maggie's caught and wellies and things down there Maggie's caught and Maggie's wellies that's kind
24:14of where we're at with the hallway we haven't really given it much thought because the whole
24:17is gonna be something that we probably we might even do it next year to be fair because the
24:22bathroom is like gonna be a pretty messy job so they've got a drag essentially everything from
24:27the bathroom through the hallway if that makes sense so the walls are gonna get scuffed up
24:33obviously the builders are gonna be super careful but the last thing we want to do is do the hallway
24:37and then it get all scuffed up same as the front door as well so but kind of the bathrooms gonna
24:41be the job that I think we might end up doing sooner rather than later just because it feels
24:45like it's putting a hold on everything else not that we're in a rush but Zara deserves a nice
24:49bedroom too and I feel really guilty that I ended up doing mine last year and I do you I do feel
24:58guilty I do the master bedroom is gonna be the one that's gonna take like the most time and I
25:02know when you do like schemes and in fact actually do you mind if I share your scheme on this yeah
25:07so Zara made a mood board I'll leave it on screen I feel like the colors that she wants in her
25:12bedroom so it's gonna be like a really lovely soft pink color palette but with tons of green
25:17and we've also got some burgundy in there as well just really nice and classic but like with a
25:22little pop of color and some pattern in the soft textiles as well so still keeping it neutral but
25:27just still keeping it us not boring we don't do boring we do we do a little bit different we're
25:33the different household okay I feel like I've literally been trying to you guys for ages so
25:37that's where we're at I really wanted to film this video just because it's like it feels like the
25:42years gone so quickly and I don't just want to go like straight into it without giving some
25:47context as to what we hope again this is all hope like you never know you could set your target as
25:53doing it all in 12 months and it can take two years it can take three years but I feel like
25:57what we're sharing is achievable he says but who knows you never know what's around the corner do
26:02you things can obviously get delayed and the builders availability and whatnot but for now I
26:06think we actually need to go back to the builder don't we and kind of like say yes we just don't
26:11know the one thing that we said we were gonna do and I still actually might dependent is get in
26:17touch with our local estate agent who sold us this house and get a valuation so they're free
26:23and free valuation no obligation to list your property once you have the valuation it's just
26:29to get an idea of kind of like what we're working with because like I said there's a house for sale
26:33on this road and I don't know if we're in the same league as them I don't you'd be nice to know what
26:40they can be like look this is where you sit now currently but this is what you could sit out if
26:44you finish it to a standard like this so it's just to get a rough idea of like knowing how much we've
26:49already spent and kind of how much that we've got left to save slash spend for the rest of the
26:54project so yeah there's a lot going on but it's exciting stuff and I feel like it's actually nice
26:59to like think it feels like after the kitchen last year I didn't even want to think about another DIY
27:05because it was a lot just here the gardens done the living rooms done the libraries and the
27:10kitchens done the brick works done we literally just need to do the front yard bathroom Zara's
27:15bedroom spare bedroom hallway landing and we're done not much just a little bit okay we are
27:22pausing work for lunch I honestly I just said this is our end this is it's shaping up to be a very
27:28busy year which is great but it's also just like chaos sorry I'm toasting some bit of bread
27:36anyway I'm gonna have some pittas these are actually in the freezer so I'm gonna have a
27:42lovely little toasted wholemeal pitta with some ham and some salad cucumber and then Zara got me
27:48one of these protein yogurts they're so delicious they're high protein caramel puddings they're
27:53really really good and you know what I had breakfast outside I'm gonna have lunch outside
27:58because you have to just take the sun with the sun I'm also laughing because I was just editing
28:04last week's vlog that you guys would have seen and I think I mentioned the fact that it was sunny
28:08about nine times sorry I will shut up it's just a big deal for us because we don't get this very often
28:26okay so we've just had our window cleaner come this is testament to us just like not being proper
28:30adults it's actually hilarious like we really like him he's such a nice guy the guy who owns
28:34the company is not very friendly but the guy who cleans the windows is is he he's such a jolly
28:39fellow isn't like he's but I think what you need to preface this with is they've been coming here
28:43for a year like literally since we moved in like they're not very good he's so nice and Maggie
28:50loves him but like he doesn't clean the windows like you just clean them but he doesn't like
28:55squeegee them do you know what I mean and like we haven't got the heart to tell him that like could
28:59you like wipe them down so they end up just having these like water streaks on them which is
29:06how do you tell a window cleaner that they're not like but then he does the skylight really well
29:10like that is spotless that looks amazing oh god we end up having to go get the shower squeegee
29:16from upstairs finishing the job which seems a bit pointless but it's fine he's nice and
29:21we're happy to pay him even though the scaffolding's at the front of the house and he's like I'm not
29:25going to be able to work around that I was like nope don't worry we want it gone just as much as
29:30you do here we go here we go today feels like one of those days where you blink and it's 20 past six
29:43I don't know where the day has gone felt like things were just like one thing after another
29:48after another but we've gotten so much done today like you know when you have those days where
29:52you just have a to-do list that is mammoth and you get to the end of the day and you're exhausted
29:57but you've ticked off so much like that's been today it's been one of those days I've done so
30:02much laundry if you can even see that laundry behind us we've done hoovering cleaning my inbox
30:08has been mad today I don't know what's going on but it's just been a lot of like tiny intricacies
30:13and things that I need for jobs and just it's just been a it's been a day it's been a day but
30:19managed to get out walked mags in the lovely evening sun and that made me happy so it's a
30:24small wind dinner tonight I'm gonna have some salmon so we got our food shop delivered this
30:30morning we're still getting our cardboard delivered and honestly I'm so impressed like
30:34the variety is amazing and like we aren't doing those midweek top top-up shops I don't know how
30:41I think it's because we're being so systematic so I've got a Caledonian gold Scottish salmon
30:47fillet so I'm gonna seal that in a pan actually no I'm not I did it the other day in the airfryer
30:52I literally put some sweet chili sauce on it and then straight in the airfryer and then we've got
30:56some um spring rolls as well so I'm gonna have those and I'm gonna serve it with a side salad
31:02and some rice I did it the other day with like soy sauce sesame oil with sesame seeds it's like
31:06an Asian slot it's delicious we haven't got any spring onions and that's the only thing I feel
31:11like spring onions make it look really nice but other than that it's a nice really simple dinner
31:15there's only one salmon fillet because Zara doesn't like fish so I think she's gonna have
31:18pasta which is what I had last night so I'm gonna do really simple pasta with I think there's
31:23actually some passata in here I've got some leftover um Italian passata and some ricotta
31:29so I think she's gonna have that with a bit of parmesan and some garlic bread
31:32which makes her very happy so let's do that tonight
31:43okay this is the most random dinner ever but it's what I really fancy so we've got a
31:48air fried salmon fillet here the skin's gone lovely and crispy I put some mirin on the rice
31:52with two spring rolls and an Asian side salad I'm gonna dig on in
32:05so good morning folks how are y'all it is Friday the sun is shining I will stop saying that I'll
32:15stop giving you weather updates let me just put this is very risky let me just put my strap on
32:19my back hello you can't be balanced with a big drop behind you so hopefully you don't go and
32:23today is Friday and I've just had my sick skin session so we're now two weeks into the treatment
32:31and I've never felt more grateful in my life on Monday I'm going to take all of the staff
32:38at the dermatology unit a massive box of chocolates and biscuits and just
32:42things to keep them going because they are amazing like the NHS workers are just absolutely
32:46fab never felt more grateful to be receiving treatment and it just not like it got to the
32:50point where I was having a shower and like even the water touching my skin like it was
32:54literally felt like acid it was burning that badly so it's been long overdue but I'm just
32:59so grateful to the staff at the dermatology unit they're amazing and I'm just yeah sorry to keep
33:04on banging on about it but I just feel a million times better than I did so as I said I do my skin
33:10sessions and then I try and fit a workout in in town either before or after this morning was a bit
33:15of a rush oh my god I'm just going to put you up here for five I have some time in town before I'm
33:19going to head home I've actually got a little restaurant booked in at midday at Shake Shack
33:23they've got a new pesto chicken burger that they've invited me along to try so I thought we
33:28could try that together I love Shake Shack it's delicious there's a well-earned burger after a very
33:33sweaty spin class but yeah I thought we could have a look around the shops because I'm never usually
33:37in town this early and it'd be quite nice to see them before like they get busy later on I feel
33:42like I want to have a look in Tiger that could be quite nice and also maybe I'll have a look in
33:47Uniqlo as well because I actually love that store and I feel like I always get good stuff in there
33:51this is a very tame Oxford street for Friday morning at 10am it's very very chill here we go
33:57gonna have a look in Uniqlo first I feel like with a warmer weather I'm definitely gravitating
34:01towards nice looser items and I love the colour of this it's on sale for £24.90 sorry they've
34:09got a lovely olive green colour I really like the blue of this as well very very nice I do have a
34:14couple of hoodies that I'm going to try on these are actually in the sale rack so I'm going to see
34:18if they fit they're like more than half price this is like these joggers are £12.90 okay so I've come
34:24into the changing room and I really really like this jacket it's a very nice fit this is medium
34:30but it fits really nicely on the arm I really really like this I think this is going to come
34:36home with me I immediately saw this I was like this is very nice it's a good transitional piece
34:40okay these trousers are £12.90 they're usually £40 and they fit like a glove they are so so nice
34:49oh my goodness I really really like them okay this next piece is an extra small which usually
34:54isn't my size however I quite like it's a little bit cropped but I feel like with nothing underneath
34:59literally just as it is it would be a really really nice like just a different cut and I
35:05quite enjoy it it's £9 instead of £40 it's brilliant that was a very successful shop I'm
35:15so pleased with that honestly I I think Unicor is the best quality on the high street for the
35:20price it's absolutely brilliant and I've had some pieces from Unicor and I get them out of my
35:25wardrobe every single year in year out very happy with that wasn't intended on going in but here we
35:30are I think I'm going to have a look at Flying Tiger next because I haven't been there in forever
35:33and we could actually do with some pillow candles okay let's have a look in oh it's looking very
35:37spring-like these green glass egg cups are lovely they're £1.50 each they've got some carrot serving
35:44dishes in small and large and a large large one for £5 I love the colour of these candles as well
35:51they are two for £1 and that's a lovely olive green colour I was going to get some candles but
35:56I feel like I don't remember them being that expensive in here £3.50 for the medium sized
36:00one seems like a lot okay maybe not I don't remember them being that much let me know in
36:04the comments if you think they've always been that much but I swear in test score they're like £2
36:08for the huge ones I think these are good value though they're slightly um thinner tearful ones
36:12two for a pound and they're pretty good that basket's quite nice that is £6 I quite like that
36:18that's a really good fruit bowl actually £6 is not bad at all they've also got some nice like
36:25wicker plant pots as well and little serving trays too wow look at these mugs they are the most extra
36:31mugs ever wow okay I'm now in Primark on Tottenham Court Road which is usually uncharted territory
36:38this time onwards on a weekend but it's very chill so I'm gonna have a look at the homeware
36:43and then the menswear just saw this really lovely polo shirt £16 it's got a nice little
36:49revere neck on it I think that's lovely that blue is one of my favourite colours to wear and I really
36:55really like that I'm tempted by that they also have a nice woven aran style with a revere collar
37:00as well that's £16 too that's what the models wear in there it looks really nice on Primark home is
37:05so good at the moment I feel like they're giving really good anthropology vibes for like
37:10a fraction of the cost like these plates are lovely they've got a really nice leaf detail
37:15on them they are £4.50 like how good is that they also have a nice green scalloped
37:21decorative tray here as well that's really really nice that's £6 an oil pourer too that's £5
37:28I love this design it's very French it's lovely these woven leather baskets are so nice I feel
37:33like they look really west elm feel pretty decent quality as well how much are they
37:38they are £8 really good honestly guys I'm impressed with Primark home I feel like they've
37:43really leveled up this is a nice tray as well I like that scalloped edge that's gorgeous
37:48I love these two towels as well how nice are they I feel like they look really cool in our kitchen
37:55they've also got some nice boulder prints as well they're really nice how much are these
37:59look £3.50 okay these are the coolest candles butterscotch and vanilla wow oh my god that is
38:08brilliant £7 I love that I really love this ball as well there's £10 I think that's such a nice
38:15ball don't need any more balls if anything but I really really like that this table runner is fab
38:21as well it's £8 it's got a lovely green stripe through it I'm very tempted by that actually
38:26really like these little striped soap dishes as well they are £3.50 really nice and then they've
38:32got a little pot as well that matches and a soap dispenser the pot is £4 and the soap dispenser
38:40is £4.50 that's such a nice set I really love the bright colours of that that'd look nice in
38:45the kitchen as well so I'm in Shake Shack in Tavern Court Road and oh my goodness this is absolutely
38:50sensational so I've ordered the pesto chicken burger it's got the classic Shake Shack potato
38:55burger with pesto mayonnaise and rocket that's the regular in the US it is absolutely delicious
39:01it's seasoned beautifully and then these these fries are going to make you lose your mind
39:06I mean if you love pesto look at that oh my goodness I feel like after my spin class I
39:15deserve this I've also got a lovely lemonade to try as well I think this is peach and apricot
39:21hmm that's delicious it's really refreshing
39:26show everybody what you bought me why do you say that as if I don't do nice things for you
39:30you don't usually like no no oh my god no I don't mean you don't do nice things I think I'm
39:36can I just pause this for a second look how happy she is up there oh my god
39:41because I did it and she stood up look at her she is living her best overheated life
39:49she used to do this in the old flat she used to lie on our balcony
39:52and just sit out there all day in the sun doing this like sniffing the air she's amazing I love
39:58her anyway um no don't say it like I never do nice things to you I've brought Zara some flowers
40:03and some chocolates because you've had a bit of a week haven't you you've had a week and it's fine
40:06I have I just mean like that was a particularly nice thing to do thank you sorry don't say like
40:11that's yeah that's a nice thing to do because I usually do stuff like that yeah that's a very
40:16me energy I'm glad if that's what I'm doing for you and then I get to reap the rewards
40:21I am saying nothing anyway um I had a really nice morning in town like I said it's just so
40:26nice to like actually like get back into like London and as lovely as it is being in the house
40:31like it's nice to have a mix of both like being in the city and being home anyway just got home
40:36and I had this really lovely um parcel arrive from dispatch they've partnered up with waitrose
40:42and they're doing hampers you do like you can have food hampers this one's a mother's day one with
40:46Michelle Rue jr so this is fancy it would have been so good had this arrived when my mom was
40:52here last weekend I was gonna say the timings didn't align and obviously we've got people
40:58coming this weekend as well so I'm sure it will be eaten but anyway yeah they've got this is the
41:02little information that came in the box so it says we hope you enjoy Michelle Rue's exclusive
41:07mother's day hamper filled with some of his favorite french treats delivered straight to
41:11your doorstep from restaurant meal kit experts dispatch the newest addition to the waitrose
41:16family um I think the menu is so pretty how nice is that we have some shoe buns oh wow look at those
41:24they're gorgeous oh my goodness wow okay some gorgeries gorgias but see I think they're little
41:32like cheese pastries I love that all of the packaging is in this like recyclable paper cartons
41:37that's fab and we have some chantilly cream so I'm presuming that's gonna fill the uh
41:46shoe buns some gorgery filling so again I think that's the cheese filling passion fruit pate
41:53some rhubarb chutney and some chocolate sauce so again I think that's going to be for the
41:59profiteroles how nice is that so yeah we've got cheese boogers smoked salmon and slow cooked trout
42:03relays calabri rhubarb chutney sourdough baguette chocolate profiteroles and passion fruit pate de
42:09fruits and palmiers what a treat I'm going to finish my coffee out here and I think I'm going
42:13to do a bit of gardening I've got some roses that I need to plant ahead of spring so I think I'll
42:19make some room in the ground and get them in while I can I was just about to show you this
42:23lovely little spring setup we've got going on but then it's ruined by my toolbox and if the toolbox
42:30comes out you know what this means we're on a DIY jobby okay so I had a bit of a rejig in here I
42:35actually need to dust the top of that piano because that is shocking um yeah so the two pictures I
42:42think are actually going to go up on this wall and it's double check with Zara that she likes them
42:46but I think they look really nice up there and they kind of blend seamlessly with you know the
42:52rest of like the books and that kind of thing oh and then behind the desk I actually moved this
42:57mirror that was originally in the hallway but I think behind the desk it actually creates the
43:01illusion of a window it looks really nice up there and then I'm going to pop and then I'm
43:05going to pop this Lowry picture up behind the lampshade and then finally I'm going to centralize
43:12this mirror I think the circular mirror works really nicely out here so I think that could be
43:17like a really lovely option just to keep the like black and gold theme obviously got the black
43:22radiator and the mirror and now we are one step closer to project hallway
43:34okay so I am done I love it I feel like this mirror if you've been watching this channel
43:41for a while this mirror's been three different places in the house and I finally feel like it
43:44works here I don't know what it is I know the screen kind of covers it but that's like
43:50part of the reason I quite like it because we're going to be sat looking into the mirror but it
43:54gives the illusion of a window I don't know I really really like it I love the Lowry piece
43:58there too I think that looks fab and again with all of the squares it kind of like works but it
44:03just adds a bit of interest and I love that the lamp kind of illuminates it as well really happy
44:08with that I put the two pictures up above the piano and again I think they look really fab
44:14do excuse that that's just a little hamper for Zara's uncle for his birthday and then the hallway
44:18the mirror is centralized and the marks have been filled and they're going to be sanded obviously
44:24we don't need to be too precious about this because the walls are absolutely battered as
44:29you can see from all of the projects that we've done hence why we aren't doing the hallway yet
44:35I know I've said this in a vlog before but like four years ago Luke would have gotten
44:40very worked up and anxious about doing DIY and it going wrong and just not really having the
44:47confidence to do but now through just doing it and making mistakes and getting it wrong
44:52and then getting it right and knowing the technique it helps
44:55okay I think I'm going to wrap up this vlog I am going to sit and enjoy my book this is
45:02Watching You by Lisa Jewel I'm about a little over halfway through so good my mum recommended it and
45:08I'm enjoying it thoroughly I hope you've enjoyed this little home update plan slash vlog yeah it
45:15feels so good to be like back into the swing of vlog and I'm really enjoying it so I hope you've
45:19enjoyed this one and I'll catch you all well the weekend for me but in the next video lots of love take care bye for now
