• 5 days ago
(Adnkronos) - La finanza e i grandi gruppi internazionali legati al turismo sembrano non voler puntare con decisione sul Bel Paese. Marina lalli, presidente di Federturismo spiega cosa spaventa i grandi gruppi


00:00In Italy, there is a lack of large funds that invest in tourism and finance is kept at large,
00:11discouraged by bureaucratic shenanigans that often block the investments and strategies of large international groups.
00:18Marina Lalli, president of FederTurismo, who at Diane Kronos says that we must stop it
00:25with the only romantic vision of tourism linked to the beautiful country and the famous classic places around the world.
00:31Yes, this is our problem. Until now, it was in some way a somewhat romantic vision of Italian tourism,
00:39where each place had its own difference, its own why it differentiated us,
00:45and therefore in some way it always became a unique experience, not standardized,
00:50as often happens in large places, always all the same,
00:54which on the one hand give you the guarantee of knowing where you are going,
00:57on the other hand, however, make your experience less unique.
01:02Now, with the multiplication of tourist choices and different ways of doing tourism,
01:07with flows that are very often managed with industrial criteria,
01:11the strategies to offer packages and convince people to come to Italy are completely overturned.
01:17It is no longer enough to offer Venice, Rome and the Amalfi Coast.
01:21Now this romantic vision comes a little less, because for tourism, as it has become, that is, global,
01:29you have to be able to intercept the flows everywhere.
01:34It is clearly a small structure, a single small entrepreneur struggles to be noticed.
01:43This becomes a problem and therefore, yes, large groups are missing,
01:47that is, today we do not have a large presence of funds, they exist,
01:54they arrived, they arrived especially with Covid, when many structures began to be in crisis
02:00and therefore to listen to the proposals of large groups, but large groups are scared.
02:06What scares large groups from aiming a fish on the Italian planet?
02:11Marina Lalli has no doubt in indicating what slows down the race for international funds.
02:16Bureaucracy in Italy is very complicated.
02:20When I invest, I have absolutely no ability to estimate the times for the return of my investment,
02:26because I know that I will encounter a series of bureaucratic problems on the ground.
02:31Obviously, a tourist investment is not done in the industrial zone,
02:35it is generally done in particularly beautiful places.
02:38So we talk about environmental impact assessment,
02:41beautiful arts, a whole series of situations that create problems for me.
