• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Quello della cosmetica “è un settore importante, significativo e trainante del Made in Italy nel mondo, che cresce continuamente sia in qualità, eccellenza, sostenibilità, sia in volumi, nei diversi mercati del mondo”. Lo afferma il ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy Adolfo Urso alla 56esima edizione di Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, la manifestazione dedicata all’industria cosmetica, in svolgimento fino al 23 marzo al Quartiere fieristico del capoluogo emiliano.


00:00It is an important, significant and attractive sector of the world's made in Italy, which
00:14continues to grow both in quality, excellence and sustainability, both in volume and in
00:26various markets around the world. The forecasts are positive also for this year, so difficult
00:34for international trade. It is the ticket to visit Italian fashion, which is particularly
00:45attentive to the care of people, and that is why cosmetics are so much appreciated in the
00:55Minister, but this issue of taxes, does it worry you?
00:59Obviously it worries our government for the simple reason that Italy is a great exporter
01:08country, which also last year has climbed the world rankings, surpassing even Japan and
01:17South Korea, which is a great world exporter country, and which has a particularly positive
01:28exchange with the United States, with a commercial balance for us, and therefore as an exporter
01:42we hope that there will not be an escalation and therefore a commercial war, which would
01:49certainly damage all the exports of our country.
