• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - L’export della cosmesi italiana “è un settore in crescita, dal 2022 al 2023 è cresciuto di circa venti punti percentuali e nel 2024 di altri 11,4 punti percentuali. È quindi una di quelle locomotive che hanno consentito al Made in Italy italiano di non essere penalizzato dai settori in calo, come l’automotive”. Parole di Matteo Zoppas, presidente di Agenzia Ice, intervenuto alla 56esima edizione di Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, la manifestazione dedicata all’industria cosmetica, in svolgimento al Quartiere fieristico del capoluogo emiliano fino al 23 marzo.


00:00Cosmoprof last year brought 250,000 people, it is a very important number for a fair event like this, it is a sector that is growing, it has been growing from 2022 to 2023 with about 20 percentage points, and even in 2024 it has grown by another 11.4 percentage points,
00:27so you understand that it is one of the few reasons that have allowed the Italian made in Italy, which has been more or less the same compared to the previous year, not to be penalized by those that are the sectors with parts in decline, so automotives rather than the area of Germany, China, those that we already know.
00:49This is growing, it has about 8 billion euros of turnover, so it is an important number, especially if we consider that the total made in Italy is 620 billion euros.
01:00What we do here is absolutely important because we give a contribution that ensures that we can bring the operators in Italy, the buyers, let's say the key subjects for this world, which this year are 220 brought from 80 countries.
01:18So we agree with the organizer of this fair, who has contacts with the entrepreneurs, we go to intercept what is the most suitable question for them and we bring them here, but not only, we also take the entrepreneurs of the sector and we bring them abroad to accompany Cosmoprof internationally at the various exhibitions that are held in Asia, America, South Africa, so it is an all-round accompaniment.
01:44The DAZs always brake, so there is fear and there is always the hope that these DAZs will not be put, we do not understand the direction that these DAZs have, we do not understand if they are just announcements or there will really be, the only thing is something that is treated at the European level, but we can say that we have two interlocutors who are very experts in this type of matter.
02:08Minister Antonio Tajani, who is also in Brussels today to talk about this matter, who has a lot of experience at the European level, we know it, we also have a Premier who has good relations with the US administration, so we have good hope because we have an important tool to be well seated at the table.
02:27It is clear that it depends on the answers of our interlocutor, let's see what will happen, the DAZs must always be unbiased because it is better to go in a direction of non-commercial conflict and we do not need it at the moment.
