• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - "Questa edizione di Cosmoprof è molto importante per noi: abbiamo registrato 3124 espositori, da 65 paesi e attendiamo visitatori da 150 Paesi, così come attendiamo 250mila visitatori. Ancora una volta Cosmoprof rimane la piattaforma per eccellenza di business per l’industria cosmetica”. E’ quanto dichiarato da Enrico Zanini, direttore generale BolognaFiere Cosmoprof, alla 56esima edizione di Cosmoprof worldwide Bologna, la manifestazione dedicata all’industria cosmetica, fino al 23 marzo al Quartiere fieristico del capoluogo emiliano.


00:00A growing Cosmoprof like the Cosmesi market?
00:08Yes, today Cosmoprof has started, it is a very important edition for us.
00:15We have registered more than 3,000 exhibitors, 3,124 from 65 countries.
00:24We are waiting for visitors from 150 countries, we are waiting for 250,000 visitors.
00:31So once again Cosmoprof remains a platform for business excellence for the cosmetics industry.
00:41Sustainability is an element that crosses all sectors of the Cosmoprof business.
00:47Then there are new trends, such as male cosmetics.
00:53Aesthetics is not very present here, because it is a segment that is not present in the market.
01:03And above all at Cosmoprof you can find the news from all over the world.
01:13As I said before, there are exhibitors from 65 countries.
01:19This allows visitors to have a unique choice.
