• 2 days ago


00:00Oh Stuart you're not going to answer it he wants to talk about penny I don't
00:14want to talk about penny you're making an assumption perhaps the comic book
00:20store is on fire he needs your assistance why would he call me we don't
00:28know if you don't answer the phone we can't know I'm not answering the phone
00:35Sheldon answer the phone Leonard
00:44there it went to voicemail aren't you going to check your messages no you have
00:59to check your messages Leonard the leaving of a message is one half of a
01:03social contract which is completed by the checking of the message if that
01:08contract breaks down then all social contracts break down and we descend into
01:11anarchy it must be hell inside your head
01:19at times all right the power supply is reconnected I think we're back in
01:24business let's just run a few tests before we take it outside Sheldon we got
01:28Wi-Fi check GPS check battery charge check four hours of our lives gone
01:36all right all systems go in five four three two one
01:47that's what my train used to do ready to call tech support give me the number
01:58probably wind up talking to some foreign guy who's reading from the same manual I
02:13my father you jokes your call is important to us all our technicians are
02:22busy helping other customers please stay on the line and someone will be with you
02:34what happened to me
02:41did I become an old man baffled by modern technology next thing you know
02:49I'll be pitching my pants up to my armpits complaining about the awful
02:54music the kids are listening to but it is awful isn't it I didn't listen to
03:00that noise it's working I did it why do you do that no idea but I did it
03:16who is I don't know must be getting a Wi-Fi signal from somewhere else
03:22oh look it's me
03:34yes it's a robot uprising call the police
03:41what are we gonna tell the girls not a problem I mean without lying and now
03:45you've made it a problem come on we're a couple of smart guys sure we can come up
03:50with a way to explain this it doesn't make us look bad oh the boys had to
03:57drive all the way to San Bernardino for the solder and got a flat
04:02they bought it who you texting Raj she really wants to see this movie I'll
04:11never make it in time I know I want to make him feel bad
04:15ha ha Leonard and I are about to see Suicide Squad spoiler alert when I see
04:21you I'm gonna spoil it you're a good friend
04:36would you ladies please leave the room for a moment
04:41why I need to rub my genitals on their prototype hello mummy
04:52hello Rajesh what a nice surprise I've been thinking about you how are you
04:57doing are you happy mommy such a sweet boy for asking can't believe you come
05:03from the poison seed of your father well I like to think I take mostly after you
05:09anyway speaking of daddy I had a very strange conversation with him he said he
05:13couldn't afford to send me money anymore because of his active social life
05:19active social life well let's not talk about him or whatever shenanigans he may
05:24or may not be up to let's talk about Rajesh was your father seeing someone all I know
05:31mummy is that he's a single wealthy doctor and now for some reason there's
05:35no money for your little boy well however much money your father was
05:42giving you I'll give you more thank you mommy I love you helicopters for
05:46everybody come on don't pout I'm sorry I ruined your game not pouting I'm brooding
05:54which is a sexy man pout it actually was kind of fun you're just saying that
06:03yeah I like the time travel element thank you I thought it was inspired it
06:11was by Terminator I hope 20 years from now we really are all still together and
06:17still friends how about this whether we're friends not friends scattered
06:23around the world no matter what let's all promise to meet in front of this
06:26building exactly 20 years from tonight at 8 p.m. and have dinner like we always
06:30do putting it in my phone right now yeah my phone doesn't have a calendar
06:42so I'll just write it on my hand
06:47and it's done yeah we're all in all right I'll see you guys in 20 years
07:00I know it
07:05what's going on in here I am making molecular cocktails this sphere is
07:11actually a cosmopolitan oh how do you drink it just put it in your mouth and
07:17pop it like is it I think I'll have a beer first take a picture with me why
07:25well Raj and I always talked about learning how to make cocktails like this
07:29together so I taught myself and I'm putting this on Instagram so he can see
07:35it and feel like a turd say cheese
07:38this is about the space probe he's working on without you you bet you're
07:41the very one Howard you're grown men you guys don't have to do everything
07:47together I know that's why I'm spending tonight with you trying to hurt Raj's
07:53feelings with my honey bunch you're being childish no he is so I have a
08:02dominant personality we all know that I'm sorry what do we know in social
08:10groupings I just naturally wind up in charge don't take this the wrong way but
08:16how many of these little booze balls have you had
08:20you don't think I'm a leader I was kidding of course you are it's bright
08:24couldn't change if I wanted to you better not change because I love who you
08:29are now you need help cleaning all this up
08:32when you're done or can you do it all by yourself all by myself there's my big
08:36boss man have you guys seen this feature that lets you talk to Siri without
08:41pressing any buttons no how does it work you just say hey Siri what time is it
08:47the time is 637 p.m. so now anyone can control your phone hey Siri show me
08:55pictures of naked grandma butts nice try it only recognizes my voice oh cool
09:02hey Siri show me pictures of naked I don't sound like that here are some
09:09images of naked grandma hey good news everybody now that I'm no longer with
09:16Amy I have an extra ticket to the annual Thanksgiving lunch buffet at the
09:19aquarium cafeteria who wants it
09:24when you realize you won't be going alone I'll be there the whole time
09:29providing fish and pilgrim facts
09:33can you people hear me check it out LeBron James posted a picture of me and
09:38him on Instagram I don't see you right behind him no okay you see that table
09:44just past his left shoulder they'll go back two more tables and over to the
09:47right all I see is a yellow smudge
09:56hey Raj I'm here with Penny what the hell did you do say to Anu whatever do
10:04you mean why would you tell her I wear ladies deodorant because you're a boy
10:12it's really funny now I feel bad no maybe we should take her out again and
10:30do some damage control you know that's a good idea I think she can get us into
10:33Soho house I don't know but we owe it to Raj to try all right got his enemies
10:42list ooh he updated the interface you can search by first name last name or
10:45length of grudge is Tam on it let's see yep right here
10:52Tam Nguyen great what did he do hold on I have to agree to the terms of service
10:58no I'm not a robot okay which of these are plants and we're in great what does
11:09he knows what he did oh come on wait wait wait if Tam knows what he did we
11:16can just ask him he's gonna be on campus tomorrow showing his son around that
11:20makes Sheldon mad everything makes Sheldon mad yeah look at his list Jim
11:25Henson for quote putting a terrifying giant yellow bird on television and in
11:30my nightmares Amy and I have a superior relationship to yours honestly think
11:38that do you Leonard I assumed you knew the ranking of relationships in our
11:46circle by quality is me and Amy Howard and Bernadette Raj and his girlfriend
11:51penny and Chardonnay penny and you there isn't any ranking and if there
11:59were we wouldn't be at the bottom of it yeah and actually I drink Sauvignon
12:03Blanc what makes you think that your relationship is so wonderful and ours
12:09isn't for starters we enjoy spending time together
12:15so do we and I've seen you guys ignore each other for hours doing totally
12:23different things it's called parallel play that toddlers do that not as well
12:30as we do you believe this guy has to be the best in everything so what why do
12:37you even care Oh listen to them not even married and the
12:41honeymoons over whatever you can't even go on a date without checking your
12:46relationship agreement if you've got a problem basing a relationship on a
12:50contract I'd like to tell you about 13 plucky colonies that entered a
12:55relationship agreement called the US Constitution it may not be cool to say
13:01so but I think that love affair is still pretty hot today
13:06it's a good thing I'm not wearing flag underwear right now cuz there's about to
13:10be a fire
13:15I have one of your fries of course can I have a bite of your burger absolutely
13:22not some perfect couple you want him and share his food with her it has avocado
13:28on it she's allergic to avocado are you so jealous of our relationship you want
13:34Amy to die I'm not jealous I just think it's silly for you to compare
13:40relationships like there's something that can be quantified everything is
13:44quantifiable you with that french fry a seven is spider-man a nine in the number
13:50nine oddly only a four how ridiculous is he a hundred
13:59so you're just assigning random numbers to things based on your opinion no I'm
14:04not french fries have three variables crispiness saltiness and shape which is
14:09why a curly fry only gets a two if I wanted curls for dinner I'd order a
14:14clown wig relationship is more complicated than a french fry not
14:20according to the work of Bersheid Snyder in a moto well what are those
14:24rascals do now they develop the relationship closeness inventory which
14:30predicts the stability of a couple based on behavior not to be confused with the
14:35french fry goodness inventory that's pure Cooper so this is accurate it's
14:41been around for 25 years and has been extensively corroborated by other
14:44researchers but kind of takes the romance out of relationships kinda it
14:49does it perfectly Sheldon and I got an 8.2 out of 10 fine we'll take it right
14:56now no don't what just don't take it we're not
15:00cuz it's stupid who cares what number it is it'll be fun I said I don't want you
15:04to give me another drink sorry
15:13I'm gonna let you count this as two dates there are a lot of work
15:21hey sorry about that no we're sorry we never should have been
15:26comparing relationships in the first place why we won I just want to say one
15:32more thing about this just because penny and I are very different people does not
15:36mean that we're a bad couple the answer is one simple test away you know it's
15:41like when I thought there was a possum in my closet that I sit around
15:45wondering no I sent Leonard in with a pointy stick in a bag I killed his
15:51Chewbacca slippers let's just take the test no no I don't want to oh what cuz
15:59you know we're gonna do bad because it doesn't matter I don't care if we're a
16:03ten or a two or a one a one is possible marriage is scary you're scared I'm
16:11scared but it doesn't make me not want to do it it just makes me want to hold
16:18your hand and do it with you
16:22Leonard it would make me so happy if you said things like that we got an 8.2
16:30trust me you're happy you're gonna have to wait one hour until you can go
16:39swimming again he's pretty cute he is sweet name him
16:48this Valentine's Day how about Valentino nice classic rabbit name Peter Rabbit
16:59Roger Rabbit Valentino wallow it's rabbit look at all that chest hair and
17:05overbite of course you're a wallow it's
17:10son of a bitch he bit me okay no I'm not okay wild rabbits can have rabies poor
17:20judgment obviously he's so little I'm sure it's fine how can it be fine I just
17:27got attacked by a clearly anti-semitic wild animal it says rabies and rabbits
17:34is highly unlikely terrific it's not terrific lots of highly unlikely things
17:39happen you saw what's under this robe and you still married me if you're
17:44really worried we'll take them to the vet and have them tested thank you okay
17:48there is a test all they have to do is cut off his head and check his brain
17:55that's where his little noses he's not showing any symptoms okay I guess I'll
18:04just go to the emergency room to be safe this is just your hypochondria when I
18:09sat on the mute button and thought I'd gone deaf that was my hypochondria
18:13dear crazy future Sheldon this is a thermostat it controls the temperature
18:22of the apartment the ideal setting is 72 degrees if you find this too cold
18:28then put on a jacket a straight jacket cuz 72 is the best and you're crazy now
18:35this is your spot you're very protective of it when anyone else tries to sit here
18:43you berate them relentlessly and it sounds mean but somehow you make it
18:47adorable people are also delighted by your love of pranks for example Leonard
18:56has no idea what I did to his coffee it wasn't replaced it with Folgers crystals
19:02I'll tell you that much hey can we please get back to work this is Leonard
19:08he's your best friend in the world just stop this is ridiculous sometimes he
19:16gets cranky but you can trust him with your life and he does more things for
19:21you than I can even begin to list thank you no he's drinking it you go I've got
19:31everything we'll need for the big game no fat turkey jerky low-carb beer 100
19:40calorie snack pack pick up a Y chromosome while you were there you
19:45might be short one hey I plan on leveling up in the game not my swimsuit
19:50size thank you very much gentlemen the game offers us a choice between playing
19:55for the Republic and the light side or the Sith Empire and the dark side we're
20:01always the good guys in D&D we're lawful good in City of Heroes we're the heroes
20:05and Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them
20:09with a bat
20:12that's women are prostitutes you said they were raising money for stem cell
20:18research hey guys I got a surprise if it's yogurt that helps ladies poop I
20:26think Raj beat you to it no Bernadette's gonna be playing with us so that's pretty
20:33cool alright you invited your girlfriend this is supposed to be our weekend I had
20:41no choice last night she said why don't we go out for brunch tomorrow and then
20:44maybe the Arboretum and I said well no I promised the guys I was gonna play a
20:48video game with them all weekend and she said that sounds like fun can I come too
20:51and then I didn't answer for a second and then she said well do you not want
20:54me to come and then I bought her a new laptop in the game and she's parking the
20:56car right now is the whip sound app contextually appropriate here it is but
21:05I think you might have waited too long for it to be funny
21:09oh it's wrong it's still funny
21:25dr. Rostenkowski it may interest you to know that saying pew pew pew isn't as
21:31effective as pressing your blaster key in the same way they're saying we doesn't
21:35make the land speeder go
21:42Raj imperial troopers on your tail got him when Gandhi advocated his philosophy
21:49of nonviolence I bet you didn't know how much fun it was killing stuff I think we
21:55got them all let's divide up the loop ooh look at this pretty purple robe I
21:59just got you should put on yours and then we'll match I worked hard to get
22:04this armor sorry I just thought it'd be nice if people knew we were a couple
22:10final change
22:22this may be the rum talking but as long as the unpinning rate of the vortices
22:27is kept within 1.1 and 1.3 the Magnus force issue should be negligible
22:34even drunk he's still smarter than all of us and stronger he wants to see me
22:42beat up the bartender I'd enjoy that yeah she's a good kid
22:51now Leonard he says Sheldon's drunk and they're gonna do karaoke if we want to
22:56join them oh no Sheldon's drunk texting me what's it say would you like to sing
23:05karaoke with us how's that a drunk text I used a period instead of a question
23:09mark he's so wasted
23:13excuse me I'm meeting a girl here it's kind of a first date in a library she
23:31and I are both a little awkward in social situations so it seemed like a
23:35good idea people say I'm a little awkward too may I join you no you can't
23:45join us go climb back up whatever beanstalk you came down from you can do
23:56better we're eating here we're having a texting date I love that as you're
24:22reading it will help to remember I have an adorable accent
24:47will you marry me one moment please
24:55really you're gonna answer that right now what's Leonard I don't want to be
24:59rude hello oh hey where you been we've been calling you for hours oh I'm sorry
25:05my phone was on airplane mode why because I was on an airplane
25:11put him on speaker hey where are you I came to Princeton to see Amy it's a
25:18funny story actually I was having lunch with dr. Nowitzki and she kissed me
25:23what I'm sorry and in that moment I realized that Amy was the only woman I
25:31ever wanted to kiss for the rest of my life so I came to New Jersey to ask her
25:36to marry me although there was one man whose blessing I needed first I've
25:45thought about it and I really want to spend the rest of my life with Amy do I
25:52have your blessing well Sheldon I think you should make her finger like Saturn
26:00and put a ring on it you asked Stephen Hawking and not her father
26:09genius maybe if he said no I wasn't gonna waste my time on her father but
26:14you did ask my father I did he said yes although not in a robot voice it wasn't
26:20really as cool
26:22oh my god I can't believe you guys are engaged
26:24we're not engaged yet she's taking forever to answer
26:26because you're on the phone
26:30we'll call you back
26:38she said yes
26:42should you really be sitting in Sheldon's spot
26:44he's in Texas he'll never know
26:46wouldn't be so sure about that
26:48yeah he has a very sensitive butt
26:52but it's true
26:54once I saw him sit on a bunch of loose change
26:56and add it up
26:58are you heard from Howard
27:00I did his talk at NASA went great
27:02no Sheldon didn't heckle him
27:04no in fact he was so well behaved
27:06how he bought him a Buzz Aldrin bobble head
27:08and astronaut ice cream
27:10hey guys
27:12hey Stuart
27:14how's it going
27:16we can do whatever we want
27:18we even ordered from the Thai place he doesn't like
27:20how is it
27:22disgusting do not tell him
27:24what do you guys want to do tonight
27:26I don't know
27:28I told Howie if I wasn't busy I'd spend the night at his mom's
27:30so for god's sake think of something
27:36Stuart are you okay
27:38no I don't feel so
27:42you guys we have to do something
27:44it's too late
27:46what do you mean it's too late
27:48he's been murdered by someone in this room
27:50oh my god
27:54welcome to another classic Uttarapalli
27:56murder mystery dinner
27:58I'm leaving
28:02you can't leave you're a suspect
28:04in the mysterious murder of Stuart Blue
28:10I didn't know his last name was Blue
28:12are you really going to lie on the floor
28:14and pretend to be dead all night
28:16I didn't think I was going to do it at home
28:18I took the liberty
28:20of adapting a
28:22Star Trek fan fiction novella
28:24I wrote when I was 10 into a
28:26one act play
28:28and you think it's better than Tennessee
28:32why don't we leave that for future generations to decide
28:36where no Sheldon has gone before
28:38it's the story
28:40of a young boy who is transported
28:42from the ignorant backwoods
28:44of East Texas to the 23rd century
28:46where his genius is not only
28:48appreciated but celebrated
28:52K M
28:56in this pivotal scene Sheldon's mother
28:58played by you argues with
29:00an emissary of the United Federation of
29:02Planets Mr. Spock
29:04the role I will bring to life
29:06okay that's fine
29:08but let's try and get you out of your
29:10comfort zone why would we want to do
29:12that it's called the comfort zone for
29:14a reason
29:16the whole point of this is to loosen you up a little
29:18so I'm thinking you'll play the role
29:20of your mother and I will bring life
29:22to Mr. Spock
29:30I'm sorry you'll be Spock
29:32it's only logical
29:38very well
29:40I'll set the scene
29:42East Texas
29:44a warm summer night
29:46a woman Mary
29:48stands on a porch in the
29:50distance we hear a lonesome train
29:54droning buzz of
29:58a coyote howls
30:00at the moon frightening sensitive
30:02young boys everywhere
30:04out in the woods
30:06an owl screeches
30:08you set the scene
30:12just read your
30:14mother's line
30:20how many times have I told you
30:22not to leave your sciencey stuff
30:24out on the porch
30:26goodness I'll never
30:28understand that boy but
30:30then again I'm a religious nut
30:32and my mind is closed
30:34to so many things
30:40Spock to Enterprise
30:42transport successful
30:44glory be to heaven
30:46some sort of creature just manifested
30:48out of thin air
30:50George put down that Pepsi can full of bourbon
30:52that ain't fooling no one and get your shotgun
30:56greetings Mary Cooper
30:58I am Spock
31:02I'm sorry I just don't
31:04buy it
31:06just keep going
31:08oh my
31:10your sudden appearance startles
31:12me we have been monitoring your son
31:14Sheldon from the 23rd century
31:16and we have determined that he is now ready
31:18to join us his unique genius
31:20is our best hope for bringing peace
31:22to a vast and troubled galaxy
31:24I understand
31:26oh Shelly
31:28I command here to take you away to the future
31:30and be sure to pack clean underwear
31:34okay okay let's try that last line again
31:36and this time maybe try choking up a little
31:40well you're losing your son
31:42yes but he's going to a better place
31:44where he won't get beat up so much
31:46alright come on just try it my way
31:48pretend you're sad to see him go
31:50I'm gonna lead you in
31:52his unique genius is our best hope
31:54for bringing peace to a vast
31:56and troubled galaxy
31:58that's your cue
32:00I'm sorry I just love that line
32:04even the way you do it
32:06alright come on come on
32:08put some real emotion to it blah blah blah
32:10vast and troubled galaxy go
32:14oh Shelly I command here to take you
32:16away to the future
32:22be sure to pack clean underwear
32:24that's good that's good that's good
32:28mommy why are you crying?
32:30well cause I'm gonna miss you Shelly Bean
32:32even though you creeped the bejesus
32:34out of me
32:36okay I guess we're improvising now
32:38well I'm sorry
32:40it's not my fault I'm just incredibly smart
32:42and everyone around here is dumber
32:44than a bag of rocks
32:46oh now don't you start crying
32:48you get in that spaceship
32:50mommy's late for indian bingo
32:54Mrs. Cooper hey it's Penny
32:56yeah I think I broke your son
32:58hold on
33:00talk to your mother
33:02mommy I love you
33:04don't let Spock take me to the future
33:08door opens
33:10hi hey listen since we got you know interrupted
33:12last night I didn't have a chance to give you this
33:14oh Leonard
33:16you shouldn't have
33:18oh boy
33:22what is it?
33:24it's a snowflake
33:26from the north pole
33:28are you serious?
33:30it'll last forever
33:32I preserved it in a 1% solution of polyvinyl acetyl
33:38oh my god
33:40that's the most romantic thing anyone's ever
33:42said to me that I didn't understand
33:46it's actually a pretty simple process
33:48acrylates are monomers which polymerize
33:54red alert
33:56man I cannot catch a break
34:00how do you know he ran away
34:02he's not answering his phone
34:04he handed in his resignation at the university
34:06and he sent me a text that said I'm running away
34:10thanks for letting me know
34:12aren't you going to do something
34:14of course I'm going to do something
34:16Howard you check the comic book store
34:18Raj go to the Thai restaurant
34:20I'll stay here with Penny in her apartment
34:24oh damn it
34:26it's Sheldon's mother
34:28a break cannot be caught
34:30hi Mrs. Cooper
34:32he is
34:34Sheldon went home to Texas
34:36yeah I know he resigned
34:40I guess it kind of is our fault
34:42no no
34:44you're right someone needs to come talk to him
34:46don't worry I'll take care of it
34:48yeah alright
34:50new plan
34:52Howard you and Raj go to Texas
34:54I'll stay here with Penny in her apartment
34:56but you're not going to go with him
34:58well you know
35:00I gave you the snowflake and we were kissing
35:02come on I don't want to go to Texas
35:06oh right and I do my people already crossed the desert
35:08once we're done
35:12trust me
35:14you'll be fine see ya
35:16wait a second Leonard come on how can you not go
35:18he's your best friend
35:20I already saw him naked just come here
35:24I promise I will be here when you get back
35:26just go help Sheldon
35:28really yeah we waited a few months
35:30we can wait a few more days
35:36maybe you can
35:44you can not catch a break can you
35:48how about that
35:50finally caught a break
35:58you know how they say
36:00when friends have sex it can get weird
36:04why does it
36:06have to get weird
36:08I don't know
36:10I mean
36:12we were friends and now we're more than friends
36:14we're whatever this is
36:16but why label it
36:18right I mean
36:20it is what it is
36:22Leonard it's weird
36:26the pastrami truck moved
36:30that is the danger
36:32of a restaurant on wheels
36:36if someone complained to the tenants association
36:38they're not allowed to park on our street anymore
36:40who would complain about something that everyone loves
36:44did you complain to the tenants association
36:46about the food truck
36:52they actually took you seriously
36:54the tenants association takes every complaint seriously
36:56oh great because I'm about to send them an email
36:58complaining about
37:14someone should have spell checked
37:18what is going on here
37:20you're the tenants association
37:22you should see the look on your face
37:26you might want to tell your wife that there's no why in pastrami
37:30so let me get this straight
37:32tenants association
37:34president only member and harshest critic
37:38I once gave myself an official reprimand
37:40for conducting a meeting in the shower
37:44the steam warped my gavel
37:48so when I got a fine for leaving my clothes in the dryer for too long
37:50that was from you
37:54the exact price of a new gavel
37:58and the noise complaint we got for singing you happy birthday
38:00as a friend
38:02I was touched
38:04as a representative of the building I thought you should pick a key and stick with it
38:10do you know he is the entire tenants association
38:14but I'm not surprised
38:16he's also the pope of a planet he invented in hyperspace
38:20why didn't you tell me
38:22I wanted to make sure you loved the man not the office
38:26you can't just declare yourself president
38:28I didn't I called a meeting
38:30I was the only one to attend
38:32I nominated myself and after a pretty moving speech
38:34I voted myself in
38:38well if you can vote yourself in then we can vote you out
38:42fine make a motion to the next meeting
38:44when is that
38:46it's the first Saturday of every month unless there is an emergency meeting
38:48then we call an emergency meeting
38:50you really don't have to this is the first Saturday of the month
38:54okay fine then we vote you out
38:56but first we have to read the minutes from last month's meeting
39:00Amy would you do the honors
39:02why not
39:04Saturday March 3rd
39:067.05 meeting call to order
39:087.06 president gets
39:10shampoo in eye
39:147.07 meeting adjourned
39:16okay can we vote you out now
39:18very well new business
39:22I move for a vote of no confidence in the president
39:26two to one you lose
39:28not so fast I believe we have one tenant here
39:30who has not made her voice heard
39:38we're waiting fiance
39:42yeah we're waiting best friend
39:46yeah we're waiting neighbor who needed a battery
39:48and totally got one for me no strings attached
39:52I don't want to be in the middle of this
39:54no matter which way I vote
39:56I'm either a bad friend a bad fiance
39:58or an ungrateful recipient of a battery
40:02next time I have a meeting in the shower you're welcome to attend
40:04Sheldon Sheldon for president
40:06I pick Sheldon
40:08Raj and Howard are at Howard's mom's
40:10but should we call the girls and see if they want to come
40:12no Bernadette's working late Amy's sick
40:14aww what's wrong with her well
40:16she talks a lot she always wants to hold hands
40:20well if you were referring to her illness
40:22your question should have been what ails her
40:26what ails her oh who knows
40:30come on anything can happen we can push
40:32him down the stairs
40:36so we're just randomly choosing a restaurant without researching it online
40:38yep great
40:40this is how anything can happen
40:42Thursday turns into it won't stop coming out
40:46what the hell
40:50she's not working late
40:52and Amy doesn't look sick
40:54why would they lie to us
40:56good question
40:58Amy and Bernadette
41:00Amy and Bernadette
41:02Amy and Bernadette
41:04why did you lie to us
41:08you're not working late why did you lie to me
41:10and Amy you told me you were sick
41:12but you look just as pale and tired as always
41:16I'm sorry I just needed a break from hearing you
41:18obsess about what to do after string theory
41:20we kind of just wanted one night
41:22where we didn't have to hear about how miserable
41:24you are making this movie
41:26but none of that means we don't love you
41:28I haven't been complaining that much
41:30about the movie
41:32have I
41:34I also love you
41:40you know what maybe I need a break
41:42from all of you come on Sheldon
41:44where are we going
41:46we're going to have anything can happen Thursday
41:48you're going to tell me all about your science stuff
41:50and I'm going to complain about my movie
41:52and we're going to support each other because that's what friends do
41:56because if I had to pick now I'd probably go with dark matter
41:58shut up