• 2 days ago
KenJac | The Bracket
00:00:00The legend of Jizzle James gets greater when you just know that his dad is Edrin James.
00:00:07Yeah, I wasn't going to vote him, but it's so funny that a star named after Jizzle James is excluded.
00:00:16I got a story.
00:00:20What a crazy world.
00:00:23Okay, welcome to The Bracket, episode 166.
00:00:26Myself, Tommy Smokes, Dukes, Blutman, KB, and Che.
00:00:31A surprise topic for them today, which is kind of related to one we did a while back.
00:00:35Today we're doing the best names in college basketball, which is why, Blutman, I wanted to grab you.
00:00:40We did best names in college football a while back.
00:00:42I'm stunned we haven't done this already.
00:00:44Me too.
00:00:45And I was like, we're in March, why not just hit up college basketball while we're here?
00:00:49So yeah, Brian and Blutman for this, Brian and Dukes for this.
00:00:52For the last time we had you on, by the way, was it the old guy sayings one?
00:00:56I made a Photoshop of you crying for it.
00:00:58It was a Photoshop of you as an old guy crying.
00:01:00It was horrifying.
00:01:02I hated it. I was going to text you that.
00:01:04I hated that picture so much.
00:01:06It was so gross.
00:01:07So just because you're saying March Madness, it is bracket season.
00:01:09This could maybe be one of the worst ideas ever, but what if for one bracket we just fill out the March Madness bracket collectively as a group?
00:01:16As a bonus?
00:01:18Just do a ton of research and be like, yeah, I don't know if Charleston would be able to defend the three-bomber.
00:01:25Just a serious episode?
00:01:26Yeah, like a real scouting, like a 63 matchup.
00:01:30Probably like Bosco come in with every single analytic possible.
00:01:33Eight hours.
00:01:34And by the way, similar to the last time, I have one entry in here which is fake.
00:01:40I made it up.
00:01:41Whoever spots it first.
00:01:42I'll guarantee you I spot it.
00:01:44Which one was fake last time?
00:01:45I did a fake White Sox Dave thing.
00:01:47Were you on it, Tommy?
00:01:49Oh, I thought you meant as in I wasn't on this one.
00:01:51I thought you meant the town names.
00:01:53No, I'm sorry.
00:01:54The one we did the football and it was White Sox Dave.
00:01:57What was his name?
00:01:58Wett Gaylord.
00:01:59Wett Gaylord was his name in that.
00:02:01But before we get to that, let's talk about ZocDoc.
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00:02:58Okay, like I mentioned to you guys before, I think I'm going to send pictures for this
00:03:02It just makes it a little bit easier for the visual.
00:03:04I did that last time, right, I believe, with the football ones?
00:03:08I think so, yeah.
00:03:10That works.
00:03:11So I'll send you our first match-up now.
00:03:12I do really hope, like I do know the best name in college basketball going into this.
00:03:16Wait, sorry, are these only current players?
00:03:18These are only for this season, not all time.
00:03:20Right, right.
00:03:22You probably know these guys already.
00:03:24Um, I don't know.
00:03:26I've checked out on college basketball.
00:03:28Yeah, you gave up on college basketball?
00:03:31Because the very thing for this episode, I suppose, I just, when I watch basketball now,
00:03:38whether it be on TV in person or at the office, I want to go to sleep.
00:03:43It's like, just, I got, I guess burnt out is the correct term?
00:03:49You're balled out, yeah.
00:03:50Bored to death by watching it.
00:03:52Free throws every single second.
00:03:54The refs just, it's overwhelming.
00:03:58I don't know, man.
00:04:00It's just, it's not, I grew out of it.
00:04:0226 now, grown man.
00:04:04You've grown out of college basketball?
00:04:06Yeah, I think so.
00:04:07So, our first match of the day is the number 12 seed, Clearon Hornbrook.
00:04:13Clearon Hornbeak.
00:04:15Sorry, Clearon Hornbeak from Kent State.
00:04:17Shout out to KB.
00:04:19Up against number five seed, Supreme Cook, forward out of Oregon.
00:04:23Supreme Cook off the bat is going to be tough to beat.
00:04:26And I sent you guys the pictures as well.
00:04:30So, yeah, Clearon Hornbeak.
00:04:32I don't know why we have the pictures, but I like that we do.
00:04:36I think it helps a lot.
00:04:37I don't know why.
00:04:38I always feel like it helps.
00:04:39I mean, Supreme Cook is better looking.
00:04:42Go on.
00:04:45I think Hornbeak is such a funny last name.
00:04:47See, I'm into names like that.
00:04:49That they're, like, Supreme Cook is just two words.
00:04:52But if you're Hornbeak, most names, yeah.
00:04:56Hornbeak is just a good name.
00:04:58Not most names.
00:04:59Hornbeak ain't in the dictionary.
00:05:00That's true.
00:05:02It's almost, like, not redundant, but, like, a Hornbeak.
00:05:06It's kind of similar.
00:05:07Very similar.
00:05:09And Supreme Cook, like, I don't get the first name Supreme.
00:05:12Like, last name Supreme would actually be awesome for a basketball player.
00:05:15But, yeah, so Supreme Cook versus Clearon Hornbeak.
00:05:18We'll start with you, Buttman.
00:05:20I remember Supreme Cook from his days at Fairfield.
00:05:25I'm taking Supreme Cook here.
00:05:28I think that's a great name.
00:05:30Thought of this, too, just with what you said.
00:05:33If his name was Cook Supreme, I do think that that would be a little cooler.
00:05:37But Supreme Cook all in on, I think he'll be tough to beat.
00:05:41And, yeah, he better be a good cook.
00:05:44I think he is.
00:05:45Wonder what his favorite dish is.
00:05:47It would be really bad if he wasn't.
00:05:49Or if he was just Uber.
00:05:50Very embarrassing if he's not.
00:05:52Do you remember that, I think it was Xavier, a basketball player, that was, like, an Uber driver on the side?
00:05:55And, like, he was one of those March Madness heroes.
00:05:58He was, like, a big, doofy white guy from Xavier.
00:06:00Oh, yeah.
00:06:01Fuck, what was his name?
00:06:02He wore, like, number 55.
00:06:05JP Makura?
00:06:06No, it wasn't JP.
00:06:10Did Kyle do Uber?
00:06:11It might have been Kyle something.
00:06:12Or something.
00:06:13Yeah, but I don't know.
00:06:14But I remember that guy.
00:06:15It was big, funny.
00:06:16The fact that, like, he's just destroying people in March Madness.
00:06:18Yeah, he was a 25-year-old Uber driver.
00:06:19Yeah, and he was just Uber driving on the side.
00:06:21There was a college basketball game, I want to say four years ago, if anyone remembers, during COVID in the A-10 Duquesne
00:06:26where somebody was on the sidelines and got DoorDash delivered to them.
00:06:30Middle of the game.
00:06:31That's kind of awesome.
00:06:32Yeah, that's cool.
00:06:34So, one for Supreme Cook, KB.
00:06:37Yeah, I mean, Kyron Hornbeak.
00:06:40Stainbrook, yeah, good call.
00:06:41I know, Stainbrook.
00:06:43Hornbeak is funky, but Supreme Cook, like, it's less funny than it is just really cool.
00:06:50Just, like, top chef for a basketball player, I think that's awesome.
00:06:56Supreme Cook, it's good.
00:06:59Sorry, what is the, is it best?
00:07:01Just better, better.
00:07:02Better in this case will be probably funniest.
00:07:04Or more unique.
00:07:06Kyron Hornbeak is groovy, or it's not.
00:07:09I don't know, it's too full of crazy syllables.
00:07:11Sounds like a jazz player from the 20s.
00:07:14It also helps me know what school they play for.
00:07:16Yeah, Hornbeak is Kent State.
00:07:18Right, like, Hornbeak on not-Kent State is probably pretty cool.
00:07:22Yeah, Hornbeak is kind of a tough one.
00:07:25I don't know.
00:07:26Supreme Cook, like, can you also not ever get, like, crossed over?
00:07:30Because then, like, you get cooked.
00:07:31Like, you can't, you can't fuck up if you're Supreme Cook.
00:07:33You have to be very good.
00:07:35Like, you can't be the cook.
00:07:38It's got to be Supreme Cook.
00:07:39I mean, post-college, like, if these guys go pro, if they don't.
00:07:43If they don't, Kyron Hornbeak, like, that's just going to get butchered throughout.
00:07:47They're going to make Hornbeak.
00:07:49But, like, Supreme Cook, like, there are only a few things that guy can do in life.
00:07:55So, obviously, being an athlete or basketball player is the best-case scenario,
00:08:01but there are a lot of worst-case scenarios.
00:08:02Or a chef.
00:08:03If you've got a chef, someone's in.
00:08:06But imagine getting, like, a cold call.
00:08:08Be like, hey, this is Supreme Cook.
00:08:10Can I talk to Tommy?
00:08:12That's getting through.
00:08:13Yeah, that's great.
00:08:15So, I don't know.
00:08:17I think Supreme Cook has more legs.
00:08:18And also, yeah, he just, he looks, this looks like an actual basketball photo,
00:08:22whereas Kyron Hornbeak looks like he just woke up.
00:08:25You're judging it based off their photos?
00:08:26I'm going to be judging him a little bit based on looks.
00:08:29I like that.
00:08:31He looks sedated, yeah.
00:08:34Supreme Cook, I also try to picture, like, an announcer in March Mania,
00:08:40like, saying his name, like, Supreme Cook is cooking tonight at the Garden.
00:08:46It just fits.
00:08:47It works.
00:08:48It's the best basketball name, I think, out there.
00:08:49Supreme Cook.
00:08:50Supreme Cook.
00:08:51I'm surprised he's not in the match.
00:08:52Also, just, like, picturing him, like, in, like, 10 years not playing basketball anymore,
00:08:56working at, like, a Hooters as the cook.
00:08:58Yeah, he would work at a Hooters.
00:09:00Yeah, like, just being like, man, yeah, I went off for 30 points in March.
00:09:04It just fits.
00:09:05You really can't do any other job.
00:09:06Like, would you trust him if he was, like, your town sheriff?
00:09:09Like, Sheriff Supreme Cook?
00:09:11That actually is one of the things you could do.
00:09:13Yeah, because if he's your Uber driver and it's like Supreme Cook is picking you up,
00:09:17you'd be like, oh!
00:09:18Well, then he wouldn't have his last name.
00:09:19Yeah, but Supreme is picking you up.
00:09:20Yeah, Supreme is picking you up.
00:09:22Like, wait, why are you 6'8 driving Uber?
00:09:25Supreme Cook.
00:09:26Like, what happened?
00:09:27Then he's like, yeah, I used to play basketball.
00:09:28You're like, oh, what happened?
00:09:29Why did you become a cook?
00:09:30Like, Supreme Cook attorney at law?
00:09:32Like, does that, like, I don't know how many jobs you can do.
00:09:35Side note, being 6'8, like, probably sucks just because everyone's going to be like,
00:09:40why didn't you play basketball?
00:09:41I'm like, yeah, yeah, I did for a little bit and then I wasn't good enough.
00:09:45I'm incredibly unathletic.
00:09:46That's like your opening conversation to every conversation with strangers.
00:09:49I do know a story about this girl that I'm friends with.
00:09:52She was like, oh, I met a guy at the bar last night.
00:09:54He's 6'7.
00:09:55I was like, oh, did he play basketball?
00:09:57She was like, no, he didn't.
00:09:58Like, not even in college.
00:09:59I asked him and I was like, yeah, don't text him.
00:10:01Like, that's very embarrassing.
00:10:03Jesus Christ.
00:10:04If you're 6'7 and you didn't play Division I sport, do not text that guy.
00:10:09That is bad.
00:10:10Sometimes that's how it rolls.
00:10:11Like, my buddy's brother-in-law was a center at Quinnipiac and he's 6'11, I think.
00:10:16And he's like, yeah, my career highlight was getting destroyed by Jeremy Lin in a regular season game.
00:10:22Yeah, that's not bad.
00:10:23Yeah, that's a great story.
00:10:24Not bad.
00:10:26Supreme Cook, easily.
00:10:27I mean, it took my breath away.
00:10:29It wasn't quite Satan's Kingdom, but when I saw Supreme Cook, it was...
00:10:33I mean, he probably, he might not even be that good at basketball.
00:10:37He might be here on name only.
00:10:39Like, there's a chance that he, like, you could start him over another.
00:10:43Like, if you're recruiting Supreme Cook or, you know, Jeff Smith, you're going to take Supreme Cook pretty much every time.
00:10:50You want him on the team.
00:10:51He is pretty good.
00:10:53Is he?
00:10:55It helps a lot.
00:10:56Good for him.
00:10:57Surprised he's not in the WNBA.
00:10:58Next matchup we have is, let's see, number four seed as Supreme Cook moves on.
00:11:01Our number four seed, Always Right.
00:11:05Always Right is the guard for Rhode Island, and he's going up against Moses Hips.
00:11:11Moses Hips, guard out of Boise State.
00:11:13Always Right.
00:11:14Is that the fake one?
00:11:15No, he's real.
00:11:16Very real.
00:11:17That was your guess, by the way.
00:11:18Is there a fake one in here?
00:11:19There is.
00:11:20There's only one guess?
00:11:21Yeah, you only get one guess.
00:11:22Oh, I didn't know that, so I'm not guessing.
00:11:23Well, you already guessed it.
00:11:24I didn't know I only had one guess.
00:11:26So, Always Right versus Moses Hips.
00:11:30So, we'll start out with you this time, Tommy.
00:11:32I mean, Always Right.
00:11:34That's incredible.
00:11:35Always Right is...
00:11:36Yeah, I mean, I guess, does he have no left?
00:11:38That's true.
00:11:39I'm sure that joke is made a lot.
00:11:40Oh, my God.
00:11:41Good one, Tommy.
00:11:42Yep, thank you.
00:11:43Some are saying a pun of the episode.
00:11:46Is that his real first name?
00:11:48It's his given first name.
00:11:50And his parents are dickheads.
00:11:52But, yeah, Moses Hips is...
00:11:55I guess Hips is an interesting last name.
00:11:58It's his weird arrangement of words.
00:12:00I think that's what makes it funny.
00:12:01It is, Moses Hips.
00:12:02It's just bizarro.
00:12:03Funny, but...
00:12:05And he looks funny.
00:12:06I'm going Always...
00:12:07I mean, Always Right.
00:12:09One for Always Right.
00:12:10Moses Hips is a cool name.
00:12:12But in the basketball sense...
00:12:14Moses would be better, I think.
00:12:15Yeah, it's like hypnosis.
00:12:17Even Right Always.
00:12:19Right Always would be good, too.
00:12:21Pun of the episode.
00:12:22And when you do think of this in the basketball terms,
00:12:24it's Always Right.
00:12:25And I hate that Tommy got the pun of the episode.
00:12:27Well, hey, plenty of...
00:12:29A lot of time to go.
00:12:30But also, if you're guarding Always Right
00:12:33and he blows by you left, that's impressive.
00:12:35Imagine he's a lefty.
00:12:36Yeah, that would be a shame.
00:12:38That would be a damn shame.
00:12:39So you're going with Always Right, Che?
00:12:41I don't think Always Right is a good basketball name.
00:12:43Because inevitably, you're going to miss a shot.
00:12:45In which case, it opens you up for you.
00:12:47I thought you were Always Right.
00:12:50But does hitting a shot make you right?
00:12:53Yeah, that's the basketball equivalent of being right.
00:12:55Being right?
00:12:57You're just saying instead of being wrong when you miss?
00:13:00I guess so.
00:13:01You miss a shot, you're wrong.
00:13:03Yeah, it might be a stretch.
00:13:05But one for Moses Hips regardless.
00:13:08I don't like Always Right.
00:13:09I think it's too manufactured.
00:13:11It was obviously his name was right
00:13:13and the parents tried to do something.
00:13:15I don't know if they were trying to be funny or cool.
00:13:19I just don't like it.
00:13:20It doesn't have a cultural identity to me.
00:13:22It doesn't have flair to me.
00:13:23Moses Hips, I think, is great.
00:13:25It's a biblical figure plus body part.
00:13:28Weird body part.
00:13:29That's hilarious.
00:13:30I think it's the perfect body part to come after Moses.
00:13:34It's goofy for sure, but I like it.
00:13:37I'm going Moses Hips.
00:13:39So we are 2-2.
00:13:40You're going to break the tie, Blum.
00:13:41Always Right or Moses Hips?
00:13:43I'm on the hunt to find out if Always Right shoots with his left or right.
00:13:48All I was able to find was a left-handed layup.
00:13:50Tough layup.
00:13:52I actually hate the other guy's name.
00:13:54I hate Moses Hips.
00:13:56The first thought when I heard Moses Hips,
00:13:59I want one of these and maybe punch him.
00:14:03I don't like that name at all.
00:14:05I don't know.
00:14:07It was a name.
00:14:08Strong reaction.
00:14:09I know.
00:14:10It was a name.
00:14:11This guy led your people out of Egypt.
00:14:12He should be a hero.
00:14:13I don't know.
00:14:14It was a name that made me angry, and I can't really look past that.
00:14:19Always Right, again, weird to name.
00:14:22It is odd to name your kid Always Right.
00:14:25It doesn't have a human flair to it.
00:14:28That's not a dude.
00:14:29That's a two-word phrase.
00:14:33Moses Hips.
00:14:34Naming your kid Moses is funny, and no one really does it.
00:14:38You also get hips.
00:14:40You could say hips don't lie.
00:14:41In basketball, though, Moses is a pretty common name.
00:14:44Not that crazy.
00:14:45Oh, is it?
00:14:46Moses Malone.
00:14:48Moses Malone was pretty common.
00:14:50I feel like there's always going to be five Moseses a year in the NCAA.
00:14:54That's a lot.
00:14:55That's more than I would have assumed.
00:14:57I will say that when the old name teams come out, like every single preseason,
00:15:02all I think about is how big of assholes the parents are.
00:15:05Yeah, sometimes there's some real jerk names.
00:15:07Exactly what KB was saying.
00:15:08But Moses Hips has a lot on the table.
00:15:09You can call him Mo.
00:15:10You can call him just Moses.
00:15:11Mo Hips.
00:15:12You think Always Right goes by Al at all?
00:15:15What do you call Always Right?
00:15:16You call him Al?
00:15:17You call him an asshole.
00:15:18Always isn't a name.
00:15:19You call his parents an asshole.
00:15:21You can't blame him.
00:15:22Just imagine being like, Yo, Always.
00:15:25But also calling him Al would suck.
00:15:29Who's coming to the party.
00:15:30You know, Always.
00:15:31Always is going.
00:15:34I don't want to go.
00:15:35You've got to call him.
00:15:37He's like Jeff Lowe.
00:15:39You've got to call him by both names.
00:15:42He's Always Right.
00:15:43Maybe they call him like A-Dub.
00:15:45A and W is not bad.
00:15:48Ooh, A and W.
00:15:50I think we just solved it.
00:15:52That's really cool.
00:15:53All right.
00:15:55I'm going with Always Right, though.
00:15:56The parents are mean.
00:15:57But what are you going to do?
00:15:59So Always Right is going to move on.
00:16:01Now we have the 9th seed versus the 8th seed.
00:16:03Can we guess the fake name at the end of the first round?
00:16:06Or do we have to call it out in real time?
00:16:07You have to call it out in real time.
00:16:09I didn't use my guess yet.
00:16:11So our 9th seed versus the 8th seed.
00:16:12Our 9th seed is Tennessee Rainwater.
00:16:14Tennessee Rainwater is a guard forward combo out of Utah Tech.
00:16:19He's going up against number 8 seed Caillou.
00:16:22Center out of Liberty.
00:16:23I'm calling bullshit.
00:16:25I'm calling bullshit.
00:16:26You're calling bullshit on who?
00:16:27Tennessee Rainwater.
00:16:28Tennessee Rainwater is very real.
00:16:30Very real man.
00:16:31I feel like I've seen that before.
00:16:33I haven't seen that one yet.
00:16:34There goes your guess.
00:16:35So Tennessee Rainwater versus Caillou.
00:16:37Starting with you, Blubbin.
00:16:42I might have to circle back to Caillou in a bit.
00:16:45But Tennessee Rainwater, very real.
00:16:48Great name.
00:16:50Interesting name that you could spend a few hours just thinking about before you fall asleep.
00:16:55That's the pick for me.
00:16:57I've got nothing clever to say.
00:16:59I'm not coming for pun on the episode.
00:17:01The thing with Tennessee Rainwater to me is that it's not really a good basketball name.
00:17:06You know what I mean?
00:17:07I think it is rain.
00:17:08Make it rain.
00:17:09I think it's a great name.
00:17:10Utah Tech, it's not.
00:17:11If you're in Kentucky and your last name is Rainwater.
00:17:13I think Tennessee Rainwater is awesome.
00:17:14Why is Caillou good?
00:17:16Caillou is, am I missing something there?
00:17:18Caillou is like a TV show.
00:17:20Oh, okay.
00:17:21Got it.
00:17:22But that doesn't mean anything for basketball.
00:17:24I mean, Tennessee Rainwater.
00:17:25Imagine Rainwater.
00:17:27Just hypothesize or imagine him beating Tennessee at the buzzer with a three.
00:17:34That clip lives in infamy forever.
00:17:36It's a great basketball based on potential.
00:17:39That's true.
00:17:40It might never happen, but the 0.000001% chance that he does that.
00:17:47That's a good point.
00:17:49Tennessee takes down Tennessee.
00:17:52That's pretty good.
00:17:54Rainwater from half court.
00:17:57That's cool.
00:18:00So, one for Rainwater.
00:18:02KB, sorry.
00:18:04I mean, Caillou, that just might be Dan Taylor to the Chinese.
00:18:13I don't know how rare that is.
00:18:16But, yeah, I like Tennessee Rainwater.
00:18:19I think it is goofy, but unlike Always Right, where they were given right,
00:18:24which is already a word, they had the name Rainwater, which is goofy,
00:18:29and they just rolled with the goofiness, gave him Tennessee.
00:18:32I think it works.
00:18:33I think it's funny.
00:18:34I'll go with that.
00:18:35Would any other state name work for that?
00:18:37Is it the Hawaii?
00:18:39Kentucky Rainwater?
00:18:41Tennessee is just cool.
00:18:42Tennessee is the best.
00:18:43Tennessee is a cool.
00:18:44Yeah, it kind of works.
00:18:45It sounds like a country band.
00:18:47Tennessee Rainwater.
00:18:48It does sound like a band.
00:18:49Mississippi would be pretty illegal.
00:18:50Mississippi Rainwater.
00:18:51Yeah, that's the perfect amount of syllables.
00:18:52Mississippi would be a weird.
00:18:53Tennessee, as crazy as it sounds, it almost works as a first name.
00:18:57I agree.
00:18:58If it was an estate and someone would say, oh, Tennessee, I don't think I would.
00:19:03I think that ending SC is like a very candy.
00:19:06I always thought Kansas made more sense as a name than a state.
00:19:10I could see Kansas being a name.
00:19:12Kansas Rainwater.
00:19:13Not like it's Rainwater.
00:19:14Just Kansas as a first name.
00:19:16Mississippi Rainwater just is the perfect amount of syllables, though.
00:19:18I do like that.
00:19:19So two for Tennessee Rainwater.
00:19:21Yeah, Tennessee Rainwater.
00:19:22I don't really get the Caillou thing.
00:19:24I will say that my antennas are up with this guy being fake just because you got an Asian center.
00:19:30I think that's pretty rare.
00:19:32You got Yao Ming, Zach Edie's half, but those guys ain't walking around.
00:19:38He's half center.
00:19:39Half forward.
00:19:42Yeah, give me Tennessee Rainwater.
00:19:43That is a sweet, sweet name.
00:19:45Tennessee Rainwater.
00:19:46Tennessee Rainwater, Dukes.
00:19:47I'm going Caillou for the one thing that would be cool.
00:19:51If Caillou hits a three-pointer and you're in the arena and the guy who does the PA is like, Caillou!
00:19:57Yeah, that works.
00:19:59It would be a huge payoff in that sense.
00:20:01He is a center, though, so presumably not taking a lot.
00:20:04You're there for the one three he takes a season?
00:20:07One for Caillou, three for Tennessee Rainwater.
00:20:09Caillou is doing nothing for me.
00:20:10I'm with KB.
00:20:11That's just a pretty common Asian first name and last name.
00:20:16Tennessee Rainwater is fucking awesome.
00:20:18Yeah, it's a good one.
00:20:19So now we have the Che in game.
00:20:22Only three options, not a lot this time.
00:20:24So I'll send those over to you now.
00:20:25We have Snooki Wigington, guard out of Ryder, Churchill Bounds, forward out of Wagner, and Townsend Triple, forward out of BYU.
00:20:38His bry brows are crazy.
00:20:40I didn't notice that before.
00:20:41Holy shit.
00:20:42So those three options are for our Che in game.
00:20:45Townsend Triple, Churchill Bounds, and Snooki Wigington.
00:20:49Churchill Bounds.
00:20:51That's crazy.
00:20:53Churchill Bounds.
00:20:55Like I said, a Churchill Downs, which is where they do the Kentucky Derby.
00:21:00Oh, my God.
00:21:01So, Tommy, you're up first.
00:21:03I haven't got these pictures yet.
00:21:05These visuals are really important to me.
00:21:09I didn't see these eyebrows you're talking about.
00:21:11I need to look these men in the eyes when I judge their names.
00:21:14Let me turn off the Wi-Fi in here.
00:21:16It's so fucking bad.
00:21:17It's crazy.
00:21:18So Snooki Wigington, Churchill Bounds, and Townsend Triple.
00:21:21Townsend Triple's eyebrows are insane.
00:21:23I didn't notice this when I initially made this graphic.
00:21:25They're fucking crazy.
00:21:26I don't know if the visual helps you at all.
00:21:28This is tough.
00:21:30Churchill Bounds.
00:21:31Great camera.
00:21:32Churchill Bounds works with that face.
00:21:34Churchill Bounds did make me kind of chuckle.
00:21:38Townsend Triple.
00:21:39I like Triple.
00:21:40I don't like Townsend.
00:21:41I don't like that guy's face particularly.
00:21:44It's a big part of this.
00:21:45Snooki Wigington.
00:21:47I would bet he's a short guard.
00:21:48I bet he's quick.
00:21:49I bet he's real quick with his handles.
00:21:51Snooki Wigington.
00:21:53Churchill Bounds got a chuckle out of me.
00:21:56So I'm going to go with Churchill Bounds.
00:21:58One for Churchill Bounds.
00:22:02I know I already did it, but my antenna is up.
00:22:05For who?
00:22:07Churchill Bounds.
00:22:10You already guessed.
00:22:11You're out.
00:22:12Given the color scheme.
00:22:13Townsend Triple is my vote.
00:22:16Townsend Triple?
00:22:17Townsend Triple.
00:22:18If he's just going automatic from three all night.
00:22:21Triple can't stop hitting triples.
00:22:24I wonder if he even shoots in three.
00:22:26So one for Townsend Triple.
00:22:28He's on BYU.
00:22:29I'm going Churchill Bounds.
00:22:31Bounds being someone's last name that plays basketball.
00:22:34You've got to be a really strong rebounder.
00:22:36If not, this guy's a complete waste.
00:22:40Triple has two Ps in it.
00:22:44And then Snooki Wigington.
00:22:46The Snooki most people are familiar with is the Snooki with an I.
00:22:50Wigington only has one G.
00:22:53So Ryder.
00:22:54My antenna is a little up on Churchill Bounds, too, but I'm not throwing my flag.
00:23:02Churchill Bounds.
00:23:03Churchill Bounds.
00:23:04Two votes for Churchill Bounds.
00:23:08I'm going Churchill Bounds because it's such a foolish, silly, stupid pun.
00:23:15The last name Bounds, no one thinks let's do that pun.
00:23:18It doesn't even necessarily completely rhyme with downs.
00:23:21There's a D at the end.
00:23:22It's so stupid that I respect the parents for just rolling with that.
00:23:28And the other ones just aren't strong enough.
00:23:30Naming your boy Snooki is.
00:23:33You think he was born?
00:23:34Got to be a nickname.
00:23:35Got to be a nickname.
00:23:36He was definitely born before.
00:23:37He plays in Jersey.
00:23:40Wigington looks spelled wrong.
00:23:43Townsend Triple, they don't flow.
00:23:45That doesn't flow at all.
00:23:47Like Townsend.
00:23:49I'm going Churchill Bounds.
00:23:51Another one for Churchill Bounds.
00:23:52Because it's such a bad name.
00:24:00Townsend Triple.
00:24:01I think it makes a lot more sense than basketball saying
00:24:04and extract more value out of that.
00:24:07So I'll go with him.
00:24:09I kind of agree.
00:24:10But I think they could have done so much better with the last name Triple.
00:24:14Townsend is not.
00:24:16What would you rather?
00:24:21Triple from downtown.
00:24:22But you could name him Tommy Triple.
00:24:23That's what they're trying to say or something.
00:24:24That's what they used to call me in intramural softball in college.
00:24:27They called me Tommy Triples.
00:24:29I had a triple one.
00:24:30What if his first name was Triple too?
00:24:32Triple Triple?
00:24:33Then you need a middle name to be Triple too.
00:24:34Well, then it would be Double Triple.
00:24:36Triple would be cool.
00:24:37Triple Double.
00:24:38Triple Triple would be cool.
00:24:40Either way, Churchill Bounds is going to move on.
00:24:43I keep wanting to say Downs.
00:24:44What a stupid fucking name.
00:24:45Sorry, Townsend Triple.
00:24:47He's going up against our number one seed guard out of UAB, Tony Tony.
00:24:52I like Tony Tony quite a bit.
00:24:54I thought someone else was going to be the number one seed.
00:24:56Oh, wow.
00:24:57And neither of them are spelled as the normal Tony.
00:25:00Both spelled weird.
00:25:01Tony Tony.
00:25:02I appreciate his parents doubling down.
00:25:04They could have gone and named him Anthony Tony.
00:25:08And it would have been T-O-N-Y, T-O-N-E-Y.
00:25:10But they said, nope.
00:25:11We're doing the same exact first name.
00:25:15I love Tony Tony.
00:25:16It's just a funny name.
00:25:17Especially because there's the band Tony Tony Tony.
00:25:19Tony Tony.
00:25:20I think one of the members just recently passed.
00:25:22But Tony Tony Tony, I love it.
00:25:24So we'll start with you, Blutman.
00:25:26Tony Tony versus Churchill Bounds.
00:25:28I remember Tony Tony from the Jelly Walker days at UAB.
00:25:32This is Tony Tony in the land.
00:25:37Not even close.
00:25:38I'm not rocking with Churchill at all.
00:25:40Tony Tony's just good old reliable.
00:25:43This is easy.
00:25:44Easy, easy.
00:25:46One vote for Tony Tony, KB.
00:25:48Tony Tony is spectacular.
00:25:50He's going to be like some jealous Italian dad.
00:25:54How did that happen?
00:25:55So mad at the TV.
00:25:57Yeah, he's looking at him and he's like, that's Tony Tony?
00:25:59Did you see that twice?
00:26:04Two for Tony Tony, Che.
00:26:06Three, Tony Tony in the landslide.
00:26:08Tony Tony's going to win.
00:26:09I fucking hate Churchill Bounds.
00:26:11That's such a bad name.
00:26:13I'm irrationally mad at these parents.
00:26:15Because KB nailed it.
00:26:16It's not even close to being like, if it was B-O-W-N-S,
00:26:20I'd have more respect for it.
00:26:21It makes me think that Churchill might just be like a family name.
00:26:25And it unfortunately kind of rhymes with Churchill Downs.
00:26:29Do you think any of his friends call him Churchill, though?
00:26:33I mean, like, what do you call him, though?
00:26:37Chill is kind of cool.
00:26:41Chili Bounds.
00:26:42Would the game have changed if he was like Churchill Bounds Jr.
00:26:48Or Churchill Bounds III?
00:26:51The III would have fit with the Churchill.
00:26:53You're just thinking of like an old Southern family, in my opinion.
00:26:57I do think Tony Tony also has just like unlimited range for like an announcer.
00:27:02I'm really trying to picture how an announcer will use this.
00:27:06Double double for Tony Tony.
00:27:08They'd love it.
00:27:10So he's going to win, but.
00:27:12I don't have a stutter.
00:27:14His name is Tony Tony.
00:27:19Yucking it up in the broadcast.
00:27:22I would just love to see the moment his parents decided on.
00:27:25Fuck it.
00:27:26Tony again.
00:27:27The nurse is like, are you sure?
00:27:30The nurse only does like T-O-N-Y.
00:27:33They're like, no, no, no.
00:27:35You see what's in that last name?
00:27:37Repeat that over the first name.
00:27:39We're going to run that back.
00:27:40We're going to run it back.
00:27:43So Tony Tony is going to move on.
00:27:45On the other side, we have the 11 seed versus the six seed.
00:27:48The 11 seed is a cool attack.
00:27:51A cool attack forward out of Oklahoma.
00:27:53And he's going up against the number six seed.
00:27:58Guard out of Kansas City.
00:28:00Gob is a tough one.
00:28:01Cool attacks.
00:28:03I'm throwing my flag.
00:28:04You're throwing a flag.
00:28:10The way it's spelt is like incredibly creative.
00:28:13I mean, something.
00:28:15Wherever he's from.
00:28:17All right.
00:28:18This is easy.
00:28:19Versus Gob.
00:28:22I mean, it's Gob.
00:28:26Cool attack.
00:28:27I mean, I appreciate it more because it isn't spelt like cool attack in English.
00:28:34But I mean, Gob.
00:28:37That's just very funny.
00:28:38Fucking rocks.
00:28:39It's so good.
00:28:40One vote for Gob.
00:28:42Gobbling up the board.
00:28:43Something like that.
00:28:44Mine is cool attack.
00:28:45Because he's probably from, he's probably like from Africa or somewhere.
00:28:50You got it.
00:28:51You got it.
00:28:52I'm thinking.
00:28:53Or it's a family name.
00:28:54He looks Irish to me.
00:28:58But you know his parents weren't thinking like, oh, he's going to be like a basketball
00:29:03Americans will like pronounce it cool attack.
00:29:06It's probably like.
00:29:07It was so.
00:29:08It's also probably like cool.
00:29:10It was so on accident.
00:29:11It was so on accident that makes it 10 times cooler.
00:29:12It kind of does.
00:29:15So one vote for Gob.
00:29:17You're going for that as well.
00:29:19I'm going.
00:29:22In a four.
00:29:25One for a cool attack versus Gob.
00:29:31Because on basketball, you want to be attacking.
00:29:35Is an interesting name, but all I'm picturing is Bill Raftery.
00:29:39Getting locked up and calling somebody the Gob stopper.
00:29:40Oh, damn.
00:29:42Damn it.
00:29:43Great job, Jay.
00:29:44I'll give it early.
00:29:47So you're going to go.
00:29:48Plenty of time left.
00:29:49You're going to go with cool attack.
00:29:51Cool attack.
00:29:53Two for cool attack.
00:29:54One for Gob.
00:29:57I agree.
00:29:58I do like that.
00:29:59Cool attack was definitely unintentional, but it doesn't really work to me as like a two-word
00:30:05phrase because attacks aren't cool.
00:30:07Attacks are more vicious and intense, so I don't think you would ever describe an attack
00:30:12as snowball.
00:30:16Gob is just also the opposite of cool.
00:30:19That's more of an insult to me.
00:30:22That's why I appreciate that.
00:30:23They still decided to double up on Gob.
00:30:26So I'm going to go Gob.
00:30:29By a little bit.
00:30:30So two to two.
00:30:31Once again, Blutman, you have to break the tie.
00:30:34Cool attack.
00:30:35I'm going down the rabbit hole and I'm finding the parents in the siblings names.
00:30:42I found it for Churchill Bounds, by the way, and I can bring that up after.
00:30:47But Gob.
00:30:48Gob's siblings are named Alexis, Cochran, and Aya.
00:30:51That's incredible.
00:30:53That makes it even better.
00:30:54That makes it so much better.
00:30:56The parents are Emmanuel and Angier.
00:30:59No theme there.
00:31:01No theme at all.
00:31:02They just slapped on Gob.
00:31:06Alexis Gob is kind of a tough name, too, to be honest.
00:31:10I'd much rather be Gob.
00:31:15The first thing that comes to mind for me is like a gooey, slimy character in the Nick Jr.
00:31:23Kids all love them.
00:31:24And the merch is just selling off the charts.
00:31:27I like Gob.
00:31:29I'm rolling with Gob.
00:31:33One more for Gob.
00:31:34Gob, which means Gob.
00:31:35Gob wins.
00:31:36You had a Churchill Downs research?
00:31:38Churchill Downs.
00:31:39Father is Hank.
00:31:40Mother is Louise.
00:31:41Brother is Alden.
00:31:42What the fuck?
00:31:43Where did Churchill come from?
00:31:44Alden Bounds.
00:31:45Oh, that's up there.
00:31:46Kind of place.
00:31:47So now we have our next matchup.
00:31:48Number three seed versus 14 seed.
00:31:49The three seed is Poboy King.
00:31:50Guard out of NC Central.
00:31:51Going up against the number 14 seed.
00:31:52Oh, wait a minute.
00:31:53There's a wrong picture, I know.
00:31:54Going up against Berger Irving.
00:31:55Forward out of High Point.
00:31:56Does that mean one of those two is fake?
00:31:57I'll say.
00:31:58This picture is fake.
00:31:59I'll say.
00:32:00I'll say.
00:32:01I'll say.
00:32:02I'll say.
00:32:03I'll say.
00:32:04I'll say.
00:32:05I'll say.
00:32:06I'll say.
00:32:07This picture is wrong.
00:32:08I'll send you the right picture of Berger Irving.
00:32:11And he looks like he's the most standard human you've ever seen in your life.
00:32:16So Poboy King versus Berger Irving.
00:32:19Starting with you, Blutman.
00:32:22My suss is up for Berger Irving right now.
00:32:27Poboy King I know is a real human being.
00:32:30I'm now destined to find the parents' names and everything.
00:32:34Oh, mother is Carol Ann Helfer.
00:32:39For who?
00:32:39He's for Poe Boy King.
00:32:42Yeah, I'm not going to look up the other guy,
00:32:44because I don't know if he's real yet.
00:32:46Poe Boy King, I'm a fan of Poe Boys.
00:32:52It'd be tough to pick a good.
00:32:53Just being the king of the Poe Boys,
00:32:56that guy rolling up to New Orleans, red carpets out for him,
00:33:01he would make a killing.
00:33:02We should hire him just to do Poe Boy reviews.
00:33:05And he'd be next up.
00:33:07His NIL money, if he went to Tulane,
00:33:10would be through the roof.
00:33:11Mincy hates this guy.
00:33:13This is Mincy's biggest competition.
00:33:16So one for Poe Boy King versus Burger Irving.
00:33:22Yeah, I usually don't like super performative names,
00:33:24like just naming your boy Poe Boy.
00:33:27But it's kind of working for me here
00:33:29with the alternative spelling and the apostrophe.
00:33:34Burger Irving just doesn't really do it for me.
00:33:37I think Burger is a funny name, but it looks like it's
00:33:42probably pronounced differently.
00:33:43Yeah, like Turkish or some shit.
00:33:45I'll go Poe Boy King.
00:33:47Two for Poe Boy King.
00:33:50I'm also going to go Poe Boy King.
00:33:52I think Burger Irving is fake.
00:33:54You think Burger Irving's fake?
00:33:55You're going to call it?
00:33:57Just because it's the other picture,
00:33:58and then this Irving, OK, that's a fairly common last name.
00:34:04Burger spelled this way, but also looking like this kid.
00:34:07This kid doesn't look like an Irving or a Burger.
00:34:10So give me Burger Irving is fake.
00:34:15Burger Irving, very real.
00:34:16Yeah, Kendrick would come up with something better.
00:34:19Something better than that, yeah.
00:34:20It does make me think maybe Triple Townsend.
00:34:23Triple is fake because that's the other one
00:34:25in that double picture.
00:34:26I don't know if anyone wants to use one of their flags.
00:34:28I already feel like I've seen Triple before.
00:34:32All right, all right, all right.
00:34:34Give me Poe Boy King.
00:34:35Poe Boy King, three votes.
00:34:38I'm going Poe Boy King.
00:34:39Flutman had this idea in my head where he goes to New Orleans,
00:34:44and he purposely tries to show every bartender his idea.
00:34:47Oh, we got to get you a Poe Boy.
00:34:49Yeah, the first Poe Boy place endorsed by Poe Boy King, yeah.
00:34:54Yeah, Poe Boy King in a landslide.
00:34:57I like it a lot.
00:34:58It's absurd, where it's not like, you know,
00:35:02with King, you could do a lot of stuff,
00:35:04whatever King, but to do Poe Boy, of all things,
00:35:06the Poe Boy King.
00:35:08Out of all sandwiches.
00:35:09Of all items in the world, I appreciate that.
00:35:15What's the item that you'd go to naming your kid
00:35:18last name was King?
00:35:20If it was King?
00:35:21Calzone King?
00:35:25Calzone King?
00:35:26Pho King instead?
00:35:28If you're picking a different telephone.
00:35:30Is that too crass?
00:35:31That's just not right.
00:35:33My mind went to lemonade.
00:35:35Lemonade King?
00:35:36Not bad.
00:35:37Just a different food, it's different food items, yeah.
00:35:39There's somewhere you can go with that.
00:35:41So Poe Boy King has to move on.
00:35:42Now we have the 10 versus the 7 seed.
00:35:44The 10 seed is Solo Ball out of Yukon.
00:35:49Solo Ball, just a great name, basketball name across the board.
00:35:53Going up against number 7 seed Fat Fat Brooks.
00:35:56Is a guard out of Michigan.
00:35:59So Fat Fat Brooks versus Solo Ball.
00:36:02Starting with you, Tommy.
00:36:03These are two big teams here, Blupman.
00:36:05You have any idea if one's fake or real?
00:36:07Again, I'm so checked out.
00:36:09But I would throw my challenge flag on Fat Fat Brooks.
00:36:13But of course, he could have just got this name
00:36:16because the grandma sees him as a chubby little baby.
00:36:19Yeah, I agree with you.
00:36:21I've seen names like this.
00:36:22Plenty of names like this.
00:36:24Yeah, I'm not going to throw a challenge flag.
00:36:26I would be sus on Solo Ball,
00:36:29but I don't think Ken Jack would put the fake player
00:36:32on the most popular team in college basketball.
00:36:35Solo's a real fella.
00:36:37I like Solo Ball.
00:36:38He's also like, I'd say the best player on Yukon.
00:36:42No, they have that white fella.
00:36:44Solo Ball's probably better.
00:36:46Solo's a lefty, right?
00:36:47Yeah, he's electric.
00:36:49Yeah, and it's just a great basketball name.
00:36:51Yeah, Solo Ball's awesome.
00:36:52Caravan's good, but Caravan hasn't played as well as Solo.
00:36:55No, that's not how I'm thinking of.
00:36:56Don't they have a freshman?
00:36:57You're thinking of McNeely?
00:36:58The McNeely?
00:36:59McNeely's probably, yeah.
00:37:01So you're going to go for Solo Ball over Fat Fat Brooks?
00:37:04Yeah, Fat Fat Brooks, like KB, or whoever said,
00:37:06like it's, or Blotman said, like,
00:37:08yeah, you fat baby, fat fat.
00:37:11I've seen that enough.
00:37:12Solo Ball, if we're talking basketball name,
00:37:15that's fantastic.
00:37:16So it's not fat like F-A-T.
00:37:18It's P-H-A-T, so it's cool, cool kind of like.
00:37:21Oh, it is?
00:37:24That's, I mean, I don't have it, but that's in.
00:37:26I mean, I feel like if you're on Michigan.
00:37:30And your name is Fat Fat Brooks?
00:37:32All right, so.
00:37:33I mean, he also, he does, I mean, Brooks,
00:37:35there was a guy, I want to say, Eli Brooks,
00:37:38who did play at Michigan a couple years ago, number 55,
00:37:42so maybe it's a younger brother, but I'd be shocked.
00:37:44So Tommy's going Solo Ball, are you going?
00:37:46I'm going Solo Ball.
00:37:47Solo Ball, I think, is one of the coolest names ever.
00:37:49It's perfect.
00:37:49Solo Ball, Che?
00:37:51Yeah, Solo Ball, I mean, like a lot of times
00:37:54when they, James Harden will have the ball up top,
00:37:56they call it like Iso Ball.
00:37:58So Solo Ball, you can rename an entire offense after that,
00:38:02so give me Solo Ball.
00:38:03Solo Ball, KB?
00:38:05Yeah, Solo Ball is strong.
00:38:07It's a tough one to beat.
00:38:09Lance Armstrong.
00:38:16If basketball, if professional basketball
00:38:19doesn't work out for Solo Ball in like the NBA or whatever,
00:38:23he'll always have a spot on the Harlem Globetrotters.
00:38:26He'd be one of the best just, like,
00:38:29he could go to Rucker Park any time he wants
00:38:31and just play endlessly one on one.
00:38:34Solo Ball's going to, he could make a killing in so many ways.
00:38:38It could confuse the defense, too, if the defense yells,
00:38:41I got ball, I got ball.
00:38:42Are you guarding the guy with the ball?
00:38:44Hey, you know what?
00:38:45Are you guarding Solo Ball?
00:38:46Maybe not as good as Tommy's, but that was pretty close.
00:38:50No, that was, I wouldn't even put that in the running.
00:38:53It was a little too expedition-y.
00:38:56You got to get him on an NBA team with LaMelo, Lonzo,
00:39:00bring in LiAngelo, fly in Andre, LaVar coached his, and add Solo.
00:39:06Yeah, I like that.
00:39:08So either way, Solo Ball is going to move on.
00:39:10Now we have our two seed versus our 15 seed.
00:39:13Our two seed is Jizzle Jones, sorry, Jizzle James,
00:39:17guard out of Cincinnati.
00:39:19And he's going up against Porky Romano, guard out of Green Bay.
00:39:22Porky Romano's fake.
00:39:23Porky Romano.
00:39:24Porky, who wants to throw the flag?
00:39:25Yeah, I'm calling it.
00:39:26I'm calling it.
00:39:27Porky Romano.
00:39:29Who's throwing the flag?
00:39:29Who has a flag up?
00:39:30All of us.
00:39:31I am calling it.
00:39:33That's someone's face.
00:39:34You know that face.
00:39:35That just looks like, we see that face.
00:39:37That's Titus.
00:39:38That looks like Titus.
00:39:40And also, his jersey says Phoenix, and the thing says Green Bay.
00:39:44It's the Green Bay, I don't know, it's there's.
00:39:45It's the Green Bay Phoenix, but the jersey,
00:39:47it looks so Photoshopped.
00:39:49That's so obviously the fake.
00:39:51I know.
00:39:52It's also Titus's Ohio State jersey Photoshopped.
00:39:54Wait, is somebody, wait, is anyone raising the flag on this?
00:39:58Actually, no, I'm not.
00:39:59This might be real.
00:40:00So, wait, who, you guys can't, Che can't, so only KB.
00:40:04One of you guys have, I'm throwing the flag.
00:40:07I'm holding out, I'm holding out hope.
00:40:08I think this guy might be real.
00:40:10Blutman's throwing the flag on Porky Romano.
00:40:13On Porky Romano.
00:40:15Porky Romano versus Gizzle James, starting with you.
00:40:17Wait, wait, what's the result?
00:40:19Oh, it's fake.
00:40:21It's Mark Titus with a fat filter.
00:40:24So, Blutman.
00:40:25I wish Porky Romano was real so bad.
00:40:28That is a good name, Kenji.
00:40:30You still can vote on him, so we'll start with you, Blutman.
00:40:33Gizzle James versus Porky Romano.
00:40:35The legend of Gizzle James gets greater
00:40:39when you just know that his dad is Edren James,
00:40:42and Edren James just decided to name his kid Gizzle.
00:40:47This is, no offense to Porky Romano,
00:40:51one of the all-time greats, but yeah, this
00:40:56is Gizzle James for sure.
00:40:57One for Gizzle James.
00:41:00Yeah, I wasn't going to vote him,
00:41:01but it's so funny that a star named their child Gizzle.
00:41:08I don't know if that was supposed to be cool,
00:41:10or maybe it is cool in some circles.
00:41:15I like it.
00:41:16Gizzle James.
00:41:17Two for Gizzle James.
00:41:19He looks like Edge, too.
00:41:21So, yeah.
00:41:23I got a story.
00:41:26What a coincidence.
00:41:28What a crazy world.
00:41:32What are the fucking odds?
00:41:37So, three.
00:41:38It's the cockiest thing you could potentially do
00:41:40is to name your kid Gizzle.
00:41:41Because if he's not an athlete, he's
00:41:43just stuck being an accountant.
00:41:45Or a bar star.
00:41:47Yeah, right.
00:41:48But you also, the payoff that if he's good at football
00:41:51or basketball, and his name is Gizzle James,
00:41:53and it worked out here.
00:41:54He's a great player.
00:41:57Is he good in basketball?
00:41:58He's the best player in Cincinnati.
00:42:00Oh, does that mean good, or is that relative?
00:42:02Gizzle makes it drizzle?
00:42:03A lot of potential there.
00:42:05Gizzle my Gizzle, like everything.
00:42:08So, three for Gizzle James.
00:42:13That, by the way, that would have been my number one seed
00:42:16Would have been Gizzle James?
00:42:17He's number two.
00:42:18Yeah, that's what I thought was going to be the number one
00:42:20So, you're going to go with Gizzle James as well.
00:42:22Poor Porky Romano, not going to move on here.
00:42:24In a world where Porky Romano's real, he probably sweeps through.
00:42:28Yeah, easily.
00:42:29Porky Romano.
00:42:32I was trying to think of one, and the first thing I thought of
00:42:34was just Porky Romano, the movie with Chris Kattan.
00:42:37And I was like, Porky, just make him fat.
00:42:40So, now we have the, through the playoffs,
00:42:43Always Right versus Supreme Cook.
00:42:45My wife jokes there somewhere.
00:42:51I'm going Supreme Cook.
00:42:52Always Right, I think I was turned off a little bit
00:42:55the more it was discussed.
00:42:57This might be crazy.
00:42:58Does anyone else think that I look a little bit
00:43:01like Always Right?
00:43:05Oh, let me re-look at him.
00:43:11Is it crazy to say that?
00:43:13It's not insane.
00:43:13Like, you would have to put a lot of filters on you
00:43:19and change your genetic makeup to a slightly.
00:43:21Like, I could see a world where that's me in another universe.
00:43:26Is that something you would be interested in looking like?
00:43:29No, no.
00:43:29Like, I don't think it's necessarily a compliment.
00:43:31This isn't like me being like, oh, I look like Dirk.
00:43:33I think it's an insult to him.
00:43:35I just, I looked at him and like,
00:43:37I almost already looked a little bit like Kyle Kuzma.
00:43:39A lot of people tell me I look like Kyle Kuzma.
00:43:42Like, I get a decent amount of tweets
00:43:45saying I look like Kyle Kuzma.
00:43:47It's all kidding aside, it's one of my top celebrity lookalikes.
00:43:52And I actually can kind of see where they're coming from.
00:43:56But I'm going Supreme Cook.
00:43:57I can kind of see it, too.
00:43:59One for Supreme Cook versus Always Right, Dukes.
00:44:02I'm going Supreme Cook.
00:44:04Also, it's better knowing that Supreme Cook is, like,
00:44:07actually good at college basketball.
00:44:09Like, he's actually a force.
00:44:10He's one of the best transfers in the portal last year.
00:44:12And Always Right is not good?
00:44:14He's playing for Rhode Island, and Rhode Island's a mid-tier A-10 team.
00:44:18So two for Supreme Cook.
00:44:20Supreme Cook, for sure.
00:44:22That is one of the coolest names that I've ever heard, basketball or not.
00:44:26Basketball or not, wow.
00:44:28It's going to be sick, too, if Supreme Cook is good in, like, March.
00:44:31Who won our football?
00:44:32Was it Parker Titsworth?
00:44:33I forget.
00:44:35Was it someone else?
00:44:36Oh, what was his name?
00:44:37Guy, Guy.
00:44:39Oh, Dude Person.
00:44:40Dude Person.
00:44:40Dude Person.
00:44:41Yeah, I forgot about that.
00:44:42I was about to say, Jay would have loved it.
00:44:43That was a real name?
00:44:43Yeah, I think it was a good name.
00:44:45Retro Arkansas.
00:44:46Yeah, Dude Person.
00:44:48So three for Supreme Cook.
00:44:50Supreme Cook is just so cool and powerful, especially
00:44:53for a large elite athlete.
00:44:56So I'm going that.
00:44:57Supreme Cook, Blutman.
00:44:58Yeah, always right was, I can't even, good story.
00:45:03Had no business even being in the second round.
00:45:05Benefited from a very easy first round
00:45:08matchup against Moses Hips.
00:45:11Always right, the day is over.
00:45:15That's true, they didn't factor that in.
00:45:17So Supreme Cook is going to move on.
00:45:18Now we have Tony Tony versus, Tony Tony's so fun.
00:45:21Tony Tony versus Tennessee Rainwater, Blutman.
00:45:24Good matchup.
00:45:25Yeah, Tony Tony and I'm going to find out his parents' names.
00:45:31If his dad's name is Anthony.
00:45:32Yeah, Anthony Tony, then naming him Tony Tony instead
00:45:35would be elite.
00:45:36So one for Tony Tony.
00:45:38No parent names on the bio, that's bad.
00:45:41We'll find it.
00:45:42He has the name as Kid Tony, right?
00:45:44Tony Q?
00:45:46Tony Tony.
00:45:49I don't like Tennessee Rainwater taking the Nell here
00:45:52in this round, but Tony Tony.
00:45:56The same name twice, it's not a novel concept.
00:45:58It's been done several times.
00:46:00Gob, gob.
00:46:01Tony just works for me.
00:46:03I think it's funny.
00:46:05So I'll go Tony Tony.
00:46:06Another one for Tony Tony, Che.
00:46:12Tennessee Rainwater is awesome, but yeah, you
00:46:14can't replicate Tony Tony.
00:46:16It's pretty easy, that's what they did.
00:46:19That's only, that's exclusively what they did, yeah.
00:46:22Three for Tony Tony.
00:46:24Tony Tony, name so nice.
00:46:26What is it, name so nice, the name twice?
00:46:29That just fits.
00:46:30Tony Tony's going to win, but.
00:46:31I think I would've went Tennessee Rainwater.
00:46:33I really liked it.
00:46:34Tony Tony, it's funnier, but Tennessee Rainwater,
00:46:38if we're talking best names, to have Rainwater as your last
00:46:42name, and you could fuck up a first name,
00:46:46but like, you know, Mark Rainwater.
00:46:48No, thank you.
00:46:49Keith Rainwater.
00:46:50Yeah, but Tennessee Rainwater took the alley open and they did.
00:46:54It was a risk.
00:46:55It was a risk.
00:46:56It was a risk.
00:46:56I would like to be in the hospital for that name.
00:46:59How do they decide on Tennessee?
00:47:01Are they from Tennessee?
00:47:02No, he's from Washington.
00:47:04Oh, I don't like that.
00:47:06Actually, I actually hate him more.
00:47:09So Tony Tony is going to move on.
00:47:10Tony Tony versus Supreme Cook to go into the finals.
00:47:14Oh, it's a tough one.
00:47:16Tony Tony Supreme Cook.
00:47:19I mean, Tony Tony is funnier for sure, but Supreme Cook is fucking
00:47:26awesome. I'm going Supreme Cook one for Supreme Cook.
00:47:30It's the best basketball name.
00:47:31Supreme Supreme Cook.
00:47:35Yeah, Supreme Cook.
00:47:38Was that the first one we did?
00:47:40Yeah, it's going to be tough to beat Supreme Cook.
00:47:43Another one for Supreme Cook.
00:47:46The Supreme Cook has graced the Internet.
00:47:49Like the name.
00:47:50What do you mean?
00:47:51It's been all over.
00:47:53I feel like he's good enough that you would have seen him.
00:47:56No, I think the name, it's just so good.
00:47:59I have to go Supreme Cook Supreme Cook woman on the off chance
00:48:05that like Supreme, like if he has a good game in the first round
00:48:10tournament, I Twitter is going to be
00:48:15fawning over this guy.
00:48:17Yeah, he'll take the Internet by storm.
00:48:20You know, we could maybe speak into existence.
00:48:23A Supreme Cook buzzer beater would, you know, a little mid range
00:48:27two or something tough layup would would be the best thing possible.
00:48:31And if the announcers fail that, I'll be depressed, I think.
00:48:37So Supreme Cook is going to move into the finals.
00:48:38And the other side, we have Poe Boy King versus Gob Gob.
00:48:41Just to fuck it, it sounds like a Pokemon.
00:48:44Yeah, Jeff.
00:48:45Yeah. Start with you, Buttman.
00:48:47Poe Boy King or Gob Gob.
00:48:49I this to me is the clash of the titans through title.
00:48:56Like, I don't know what.
00:48:57I love Gob Gob.
00:48:59I I want I genuinely want to create
00:49:04some animated character and call him Gob Gob and make shirts.
00:49:08And sell it.
00:49:10But Poe Boy King is so good, too.
00:49:15I don't know what I.
00:49:17I. I don't know what I love.
00:49:22I love you can hold your vote.
00:49:25I love I'm I'm no hold in the I just I love Gob Gob.
00:49:29You love Gob Gob Gob.
00:49:31Imagine if Poe Boy King was related somehow to Martin Luther down the line.
00:49:35He was Poe Boy King.
00:49:39This is tough, I agree.
00:49:41I love naming your kid Poe Boy out of anything.
00:49:45It's Gob Gob.
00:49:46Gob Gob is so ridiculous.
00:49:48It's like a comic book on a monopia in a little bubble.
00:49:54The thing I do respect about Gob Gob is like, oh, maybe it's like,
00:49:57you know, a family tradition or something.
00:50:00But the fact that his dad's name was what?
00:50:01Like, I'm like an annual and that's what gives him the edge for me.
00:50:06Yeah, just we're going to name this one Gob.
00:50:11That's the one.
00:50:12Two for Gob Gob.
00:50:13Jay, the prince who was promised
00:50:16Gob Gob.
00:50:17Sorry, what was going on?
00:50:18It's Gob Gob.
00:50:18Poe Boy King.
00:50:19Poe Boy King.
00:50:22Yeah, I like Poe Boy King.
00:50:23I respect Gob Gob.
00:50:25We've seen that before, though, with like Bull Bull.
00:50:27Yeah. Yeah.
00:50:30Yeah, Poe Boy King.
00:50:32Just imagine that guy going into an eating contest
00:50:35that wasn't even about sandwiches, but just like a pie eating contest.
00:50:39That's the most intimidating guy on the roster.
00:50:41Well, the definition of Gob is a lump or clot of slimy or viscous substance.
00:50:47Jesus Christ.
00:50:49It's the most unappealing word.
00:50:52So you're going to go with Poe Boy King, though, Jay?
00:50:54You know what?
00:50:55This is why Gob Gob is like the mucinex mascot.
00:50:59Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:51:02Gob Gob rocks.
00:51:04Two for Gob Gob, one for Poe Boy King, dudes.
00:51:06I think Tony Tony's better than Gob Gob, so I can't vote for that.
00:51:09Poe Boy King is like calling your shot when you're in the hospital.
00:51:12You're like, my son is going to have to like Poe Boys when he grows up.
00:51:15It's no choice.
00:51:15If he just doesn't like Poe Boys, it would be the funniest thing in the world.
00:51:19Yeah, that has gluten free.
00:51:20Yeah, that's a gluten allergy.
00:51:22You're deciding like you're the Poe Boy guy for the rest of your life.
00:51:24That has to be so stressful, giving Poe Boy King his first Poe Boy.
00:51:28Yeah, we're talking about it.
00:51:30Do you like it?
00:51:32Not really.
00:51:33He's force feeding him Poe Boys all through our childhood.
00:51:37Two to two, Tommy, you're going to break it.
00:51:38Poe Boy King.
00:51:39This is a hell of a matchup.
00:51:42This is Gonzaga, UCLA Elite Eight matchup from whatever that was.
00:51:45Five, six years ago, that OT game.
00:51:50Gob Gob inherently makes me chuckle.
00:51:52I have to go Gob Gob.
00:51:54It's not easy, but I'm going Gob Gob.
00:51:56Gob Gob is going to move on.
00:51:58Then we have Gizzle James versus Solo Ball.
00:52:02Oh, that's a toughie.
00:52:05Solo Gizzle would have been an absolute toughie.
00:52:07So Solo Ball, this side of the bracket was loaded.
00:52:12Gizzle James versus Solo Ball.
00:52:15I mean, Solo Ball is the more like basketball cool name,
00:52:20but it's almost like doing too much.
00:52:22Gizzle James is just shit player.
00:52:28That's a quote card.
00:52:30That's a quote card.
00:52:31I'm going to play one for Gizzle James, Dukes.
00:52:35Does it matter the announcer?
00:52:36Gizzle James will always hit.
00:52:38Yeah. Two for Gizzle James, Jay.
00:52:42Do you think of the announcers would ever drop a first shizzle
00:52:45if he drops like a nice three in somebody's face?
00:52:47Yeah. Gus Johnson calling Gizzle James games is all I'm picturing.
00:52:51Oh, man. First shizzle my gizzle.
00:52:55Showtime for Gizzle James.
00:52:58Two for Gizzle James, three for Gizzle James, KB.
00:53:01I originally didn't think Gizzle was a cool name.
00:53:04I thought it was embarrassing, but I wasn't looking at it through the correct lens.
00:53:07Tommy, please say the name Gizzle James.
00:53:10It's just like shit play Gizzle James.
00:53:14Yeah, it's cool.
00:53:16I'm going Gizzle James.
00:53:18Gizzle James, another vote.
00:53:21Plotman is stamping his feet over here.
00:53:23That boy Gizzle James is cold.
00:53:28But yeah, that's
00:53:31yeah, Gizzle Gizzle James.
00:53:34Yeah. When we say like Gizzle James,
00:53:37like, yeah, that's not very cool.
00:53:40We use Gizzle James.
00:53:43That that it is that it is.
00:53:46So Gizzle James versus GobGob to go into the finals.
00:53:49And a great slot receiver to Gizzle James.
00:53:51Yeah. Yeah.
00:53:53Gizzle James versus GobGob starting out with you, Plotman.
00:53:57I it's like Tommy said, just hearing GobGob, just
00:54:03it just makes you so happy.
00:54:06And I got to stick the sword in them and kill them off for Gizzle James.
00:54:11Oh, but it poor GobGob.
00:54:16So one for Gizzle James, KB.
00:54:17I was having a blast with GobGob, but.
00:54:22Hey, Tommy, who that is?
00:54:25And that boy Gizzle James is cold.
00:54:28You like Jeff Teague, oh shit.
00:54:32Yeah, that's my pick.
00:54:35Two for Gizzle James.
00:54:37Jay, we haven't even talked.
00:54:39You could shorten it to Gizz James, and that's
00:54:43It was simple.
00:54:46We're all thinking it.
00:54:47Yeah, let's go. Let's go with Gizzle James.
00:54:50You call that as a nickname?
00:54:53That's LeBron's like medical sign in.
00:54:55Gizzle. So three for Gizzle James, Dukes.
00:54:58Yeah, I don't think GobGob is that cool.
00:55:00I think it's pretty under.
00:55:00I think you've got a gobbler for a while.
00:55:02Yeah, it's been oh, it's been done before.
00:55:05But like Bulbul, Tony, Tony's way funnier, way better.
00:55:08Tony, Tony is better. Yeah.
00:55:09Yeah, Gizzle James are banned.
00:55:11GobGob, he's never been.
00:55:13Yeah, I would bet that I was not.
00:55:14I was not a day one GobGob.
00:55:16I don't think I voted for him once.
00:55:17You know, I hated GobGob.
00:55:19I saw it. Yeah.
00:55:20And don't be there.
00:55:21Don't be there next year when GobGob, you know what?
00:55:25GobGob is going to transfer a date.
00:55:27And then where are you going? Oh, yeah.
00:55:28What do you do?
00:55:29I get a GobGob jersey, two names.
00:55:32Yeah. So Gizzle James versus Supreme Cook.
00:55:36So I don't really like.
00:55:37Do you think any announcer has ever called him Gob?
00:55:41Like Gob for three.
00:55:42Gob for three. You have to only say GobGob, right?
00:55:44You have to say it twice. Right.
00:55:46Yeah, I think it has to.
00:55:47It's only two syllables.
00:55:47It's not crazy. Blocked by Gob.
00:55:49Yeah. So Gizzle James versus Supreme Cook in the finals.
00:55:54Start with you, Tony. Oh, wow.
00:55:56I mean, let's just have hats off to us.
00:55:58This is a fantastic finals. Yeah.
00:56:02The thing about Gizzle James is James is not a great last.
00:56:07I mean, it's fine. LeBron James.
00:56:09But it's like whatever.
00:56:10Like you're not you find out someone's last name is James.
00:56:12You're not expecting it to be a fun.
00:56:14Like it's not rainwater.
00:56:16You kind of forget that LeBron James has the last name James.
00:56:20Yeah, agreed.
00:56:21Which is kind of a weak name.
00:56:23He should have named one of his.
00:56:25He's so he's either LeBron or LeBron James.
00:56:27You don't really think of the isolated last name.
00:56:29Yeah, that honestly, it's a I love Mike Breen Fordham guy.
00:56:35Great call.
00:56:36But his the the game seven block against the Warriors
00:56:41where he goes blocked by James just doesn't quite hit
00:56:45as well as it could have by blocked by LeBron.
00:56:49Anyway, that is an interesting perspective.
00:56:53Yeah, I agree. I never thought about it.
00:56:55I always thought he nailed it. Yeah.
00:56:59Just James.
00:57:02It's it's tough.
00:57:03But I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
00:57:05Is James a cool last name?
00:57:07I think it's hard to me.
00:57:08Thinks it is. Cook is way cool.
00:57:10It's not really a cool first name.
00:57:12I think it's the coolest of the most generic.
00:57:16I would agree with that.
00:57:17Is it that generic?
00:57:19I think it is a cool.
00:57:20Yeah, like it's the same world's like Johnson.
00:57:23And no, Johnson is way more than James.
00:57:27I think that's a step below.
00:57:28Like really, Johnson.
00:57:29But it's it's it's one of the 15 most common last names.
00:57:33Rick James. James is very James.
00:57:35Yeah. Am I? I'm struggling to think of other James.
00:57:38I don't think it's that popular.
00:57:39I kind of Kevin James.
00:57:41Kevin James. Rick James.
00:57:42Shit. There are a lot of James.
00:57:44Rick James is cool.
00:57:44There were so many.
00:57:46Ronnie. Sonny.
00:57:47We can look up or I'll look it up on.
00:57:49I'll look it up on my website for bear.
00:57:51Theo James, big actor now.
00:57:53He's in The Monkey, which we hated.
00:57:54But he is a big actor in White Lotus season two.
00:57:56He is in White Lotus season two.
00:57:56Lily James, great actress.
00:58:00Yeah, I hate this fucking list where it's like
00:58:03what is its famous birthdays dot com, which is all tick tock stars.
00:58:05You've never heard of in your life at the top of the list.
00:58:07And James. OK, it's popular.
00:58:09James surname.
00:58:11Jesse, there's one and a half million in the world.
00:58:15Yeah, that's a lot.
00:58:17Where? That is a lot.
00:58:19It's the three ends is a lot.
00:58:20Three hundred forty fourth most common surname in the world.
00:58:23Most prevalent in Nigeria.
00:58:27Yeah. So either way, though, Tommy, James or Supreme Cook.
00:58:34I'm not Supreme Cook.
00:58:35One for Supreme Cook.
00:58:37I think Cook, if you had two last names separately, Cook, you could
00:58:42you could name anything in the first name.
00:58:44You probably won't fuck up how cool of a name it is with last name Cook.
00:58:47You have to nail the first name Jizzle for it to be in the final.
00:58:51So my answer is Jizzle James.
00:58:53Who was that? Seventy ninth in the U.S. for the record.
00:58:55Was there a fifth in Papua New Guinea?
00:58:57Was the Michigan quarterback like your Michigan State?
00:59:00Connery, Connery, Cobb, Conner, Cook, Brady, Cook.
00:59:04These are all like, yeah, even if his name is King Cook, it's cool.
00:59:07Yeah, there's a lot.
00:59:08I think if you have alliteration on cooking, makes it much better.
00:59:10Right. Like always.
00:59:11Like if you're going to say the finals, like last name Cook or last name
00:59:14James, like you have to fucking nail the first name.
00:59:16Jared Cook. There's a lot of cooks.
00:59:18Cook is wildly.
00:59:20It's way more common than James.
00:59:21And it's a very cool.
00:59:22Let me look it up on.
00:59:23For it is Captain Cook.
00:59:24Also, cool. Yeah.
00:59:25Like you do so much with it.
00:59:26James Cook.
00:59:27Cook, surname nine hundred.
00:59:29I'm boring.
00:59:30Most common in the world.
00:59:32But James put in the U.S.
00:59:34It's 56 in the U.S.
00:59:37So that's that's above in the U.S.
00:59:40Let me look up Gob on my website for bears for.
00:59:44How many gobs we got?
00:59:48So for bears, Dotio says that approximately
00:59:521060 people bear this surname Gob.
00:59:57It's most prevalent in the Philippines.
00:59:59Wow. Did not expect that.
01:00:02So anyway, either way,
01:00:03Gissel James, Supreme Cook, both have one vote.
01:00:05Che. It's like three hundred twenty seven of them.
01:00:10Sorry, Tommy, Supreme Cook and who?
01:00:12Supreme Cook and Gissel James.
01:00:14No, sorry, Tommy. Who is it?
01:00:16Supreme Cook.
01:00:17It's Supreme Cook and Gissel James.
01:00:21I'm imagine like he came back.
01:00:23Like is that is that Gissel James?
01:00:29At like a AAU tournament
01:00:32and there's all these murmurs
01:00:34and the person saying that could be of any race.
01:00:36Of course, I agree.
01:00:38Yeah, that is not supposed to be an impersonation
01:00:41of any specific group.
01:00:43How would Wanda Sykes say Gissel James in a real quote?
01:00:45Is there a Gissel James?
01:00:50God damn Larry Gissel James.
01:00:54I'm going to Gissel James
01:00:55to for Gissel James, one for Supreme Cook, KB.
01:00:59I'm enjoying Gissel James more.
01:01:01I think the reason I don't want to vote Supreme Cook
01:01:04is because it's not that funny.
01:01:05It's just really cool.
01:01:07But if we're doing best.
01:01:13Try doing Supreme Cook, Tommy.
01:01:15I don't know if you can, right?
01:01:17I have the Supreme Cook.
01:01:19Supreme Cook.
01:01:21I don't think it was Supreme Cook like on Iron Chef or Chopped.
01:01:25God damn Supreme Cook.
01:01:29It doesn't play as well as Gissel James.
01:01:31You think he'd Z's? The Z's help a lot.
01:01:33God damn Supreme Cook.
01:01:34When I think of Supreme Cook, I think of him in like 20,
01:01:3825 years doing one of those commercials that's like,
01:01:43you know, 99 percent of college athletes
01:01:45go pro in something other than sports or whatever.
01:01:48Yeah, I feel like Supreme Cook's doing one of those.
01:01:50He's like killing it at Enterprise.
01:01:52Killing it at Enterprise.
01:01:54I will say what also hurts Supreme Cook
01:01:58is he's not a point guard.
01:02:00What is he? Oh, he's a forward.
01:02:02I would have guessed he was a shooting guard.
01:02:04Right, which sucks because he could be like Supreme Cooking.
01:02:06I mean, you still say that.
01:02:08You still can, but like you're thinking of a guard.
01:02:11You're thinking of a shooting guard that gets hot from three.
01:02:13Yeah. It just it hurts it a little bit.
01:02:15No, you get like you get like Cook grabs another rebound.
01:02:20Yeah. Yeah.
01:02:21Not as nice.
01:02:22Jizzle James for three.
01:02:26KB, Jizzle James or Supreme Cook?
01:02:29I got to go.
01:02:31The sanctity of myself, I got to go Jizzle James.
01:02:34I just enjoy it more.
01:02:35Jizzle James is going to win, but Blutman.
01:02:38Yeah, I would have gone with Jizzle,
01:02:40but all I've been able to think about for the last 10 minutes
01:02:43is Che got this idea in my head.
01:02:46Why LeBron should have named the kid LeJizzle?
01:02:49And that would have been the best name of all time.
01:02:51LeJizzle James.
01:02:52LeJizzle James.
01:02:54We better than LeBron.
01:02:55I mean, he probably got like had kids around the same time period, too.
01:02:59Yeah. You should talk to Edgerton and got some advice.
01:03:02Yeah, it looks like edge.
01:03:03I wonder if they ever called each other to get like name advice.
01:03:06What would you do with this last name?
01:03:08It looks like it looks like edge, too.
01:03:13You're the only person I've ever seen her call him that to.
01:03:15Edgerton James. It's like edge.
01:03:17My man, my boy edge looks just like him.
01:03:22So that is the winner of the episode.
01:03:23Bracket Episode 166 is Edgerton James.
01:03:26Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
01:03:30Jizzle James.
01:03:30Jizzle James.
01:03:33It's the winner of the episode 166.
01:03:35I'll be back next week with a new episode.
01:03:52You know, I was thinking about before,
01:03:56it's just something I never put together in my brain,
01:03:58the fact that Tom Brady's name is Tom.
01:04:01I don't know why that's just like he's not a Tom.
01:04:03Some guys are there.
01:04:04You were so used to their full name that we forget what their first name even is.
01:04:08Yeah. Tom is weird for his his look. Yeah.
01:04:13I don't know what his name should be, but like you look at him
01:04:14and like every Tom I can think of, I'm like, that's not like Tom.
01:04:17Brady's not a Tom.
01:04:19Darren. Darren.
01:04:21Yeah, I was thinking of more of like a narrow faced sexy name.
01:04:29Every name I could think of, I always I always think of a fat guy with it.
01:04:33Like like Keith is.
01:04:35No, he's no Keith.
01:04:36No, Keith is too round.
01:04:38Keith is rugged, too. Yeah.
01:04:41Maybe like, I mean, honestly, it's cheap, but Brad would fit him.
01:04:46Brad would Brad would Brad Brady.
01:04:49He looks like a Brad or a.
01:04:52The more surgery he does, the less like a Brad he looks like.
01:04:55That's right.
01:04:55He is an absurd amount of surgery.
01:04:58Brad Brady is a high school bully name.
01:05:01Yeah. Brad Brady is a bully name.
01:05:04Who did they who did the school shooter kill?
01:05:06Brad Brady? Yeah.
01:05:09He told him specifically to come to school that day.
01:05:12Who are some other?
01:05:14Brad Brady is Morgan Freeman, a Morgan.
01:05:19No, God, that's that's crazy.
01:05:23I don't know what a what's it what are the other former Morgans
01:05:26like Morgan Spurlock, like Morgan Spurlock is a Morgan.
01:05:29He's a Morgan. No doubt in my mind.
01:05:31By the way, another Morgan that does fit Morgan Morgan Wallen.
01:05:35Yeah, absolutely. A Morgan.
01:05:37Mm hmm. We're saying people whose names they don't fit there
01:05:40like who they are, but they don't fit their names.
01:05:43Like who they are, like Morgan Freeman, like he's just not a Morgan.
01:05:48Tom, I don't know if I agree with Tom Brady's not a Tom.
01:05:51Tom, I agree. He's not a Tom.
01:05:54Definitely not a Tom.
01:05:54But those people are so famous.
01:05:57It's hard. Like they own those names.
01:05:59We forget what their first name is.
01:06:01Kind of isolated from their whole name.
01:06:03Tom Brady looks like a Kyle.
01:06:05He does. Chris, maybe.
01:06:07Chris. Yeah, Chris is a good one.
01:06:08One of the sniper names, Chris.
