KenJac | The Bracket
00:00:00Alright, welcome to the bracket episode
00:00:02165 today myself Tommy Che back after the football season is now over
00:00:08KB Nick and MOOC joining in because we're recording on a Monday and we can get him on I feel like we've missed you we
00:00:13Haven't had you in a while
00:00:14Tuesdays are tough for me because I'm up until 4 or 5 and then I don't sleep until 7 then I wake up at 3
00:00:19So good to be here pretty fair pretty fair reasoning
00:00:23So today this will be hopefully I think the last time we probably do this
00:00:26But I've once again surprised the group with the I like this. I like the surprise
00:00:33So the topic today is the funniest town names in the United States
00:00:40When I wrote this one a while back, but we didn't have using it this one where I feel like specifically KB
00:00:45You're gonna have I think a good time with this one. You may know half the towns for all I know
00:00:49Are these like real towns or cities or just like real?
00:00:53Incorporated places, there's like one or two like incorporated town unincorporated unincorporated which have no people
00:01:00Yeah, I'm cool with whatever
00:01:02but we I did my best to try and make sure like I went and looked at my own screen shares that we can look
00:01:07I have all the Wikipedia pages pulled up for them
00:01:10So we can go and like look at them for a bit, too
00:01:12So but before you get to that, let's talk about Bluetooth have better sex with Bluetooth good
00:01:17And I know what I'm just gonna include the entire beginning porn section that we were just talking about
00:01:20This is a good a good little mini segue. So so that just for you was watching porno. He was watching some porn
00:01:26No big deal do me
00:01:39Tweet yesterday or a couple days ago like porch pirate should be hung up by the streets like real pirates were like if I
00:01:44Like hung up on a streetlamp with like a sign. Oh my god
00:01:48If you're like a like a porn pyre the same thing
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00:02:46All right, shout out shout out Bluetooth. You don't even need a her for that. You can just pop those. Yeah just for yourself
00:02:51Yeah, yeah, I guess you could have a hem
00:02:59Have a Sunday, you know, so there's nothing better though than then fucking railing a hot girl
00:03:09Into the first town name by the way on a fucking blue chew, you know, oh my god, Tommy when you're doing it
00:03:14Are you are you humping right now?
00:03:17Thinking about how much I'd have a girl moaning if I got Tommy out of anybody. I know you love humping hot chicks
00:03:24Oh, it's one of the best
00:03:27You were the one that put me on
00:03:33Don't know I was skeptical. Yeah. No, I'm telling you
00:03:42Maybe not for MOOC. So it's a good segue into our first town name, which is love ladies, New Jersey
00:03:51Love ladies, New Jersey is going up against number five seed gay, Georgia. So
00:03:56Ain't no way. Yeah
00:04:00Of course
00:04:02match with the agency if I could share screen and put them up, but love ladies is
00:04:07New Jersey down near the shore gay, Georgia about as backwoods as you could possibly get it was initially originally named sassy Ville
00:04:13Which is not a joke. No way
00:04:16Not a joke
00:04:17Let's see if I could share the screen. That's what I'm looking at. Yeah. Yeah
00:04:22Yeah, I'll pull it up
00:04:24You could see gay, Georgia and lovelies, right?
00:04:28Yeah, it is lovely
00:04:30Yeah, as you like we were saying before KB unincorporated County, but it's fine
00:04:34Yeah, there's only a few of them. I've I promise and going up against once again gay, Georgia or sorry sasser Ville not sassy Ville
00:04:41Sasser Ville so kind of let's change to gay. It was the host of the cotton pick and fair
00:04:48Over and over
00:04:50Okay, that makes sense. Actually is episode one of Queer Eye for Netflix and barbecue showdown
00:04:56Like the straightest thing in the gayest thing you could pot or show you possibly have does a gay barbecue look like I don't
00:05:04Lots of the hot dogs
00:05:07So love ladies, New Jersey versus gay, Georgia, let's start with you che
00:05:12We're voting for which one is better, right? Yeah, like which was the funnier town name
00:05:18The population of gay is one it's you Ken Jack
00:05:28Gay being in Georgia that it can't be in any funnier place for the most part
00:05:35Arkansas, maybe you're out but like places where they hate gay people. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's got to be that love ladies is like a
00:05:42small little district in Long Beach Island that like some people have beach houses that are near the lighthouse and like go for walks like
00:05:49Yeah, that's okay. A lot of straight guys a lot of lesbos, but a lot of happy people I think
00:05:55Hey, Georgia
00:05:57One's for gay, Georgia KB and lesbians cross the street with reckless abandon every time I've almost hit a person lesbian
00:06:06It's on my balls or tie balls. They're tie balls. Tommy. Yeah, they're fucking fullbacks out there. It's
00:06:15Yeah, I mean that the damage to my car would be insane
00:06:21You bring it to the body shop also get it serviced by a lesbian
00:06:24I think I almost I almost hit three lesbians last week alone. They just cross isolated Ross. They do just cross. Yeah
00:06:31What are you driving?
00:06:36Love ladies is whimsical. Is it funny? I
00:06:39Like it. I think it's the better town name gay gay, Georgia if you say it like that, that's funny gay, Georgia
00:06:46Gay is actually a common eponym used for like lots of things
00:06:50I think there's a Fort gay, West Virginia, but the the singular gay, Georgia will take my vote and I'm imagining it's
00:06:58Not in a gay-friendly area
00:07:01I'm looks like backwoods, Georgia
00:07:05I'm gonna go gay. Mmm gay which uh, which fort do you think?
00:07:13Jared Fogel likes more Fort gay or Fort minor. Oh damn
00:07:19Dude do you think anybody runs for mayor of gay or do they feel like I thought people
00:07:24Today has a hundred and ten people which is like enough of a collections to need some type of authority Christopher Walker's
00:07:31Yeah, mayor of gay. Okay
00:07:34That has to be forced upon you. Nobody's running for that. Yeah, never one. I want to be your gay mayor
00:07:39I imagine people in Georgia drive through gay, Georgia like people here drive through Gary, Indiana. They hold their breath
00:07:47Don't let any of the air in I don't wanna get ass-fucked
00:07:52So KB's going for gay Nick
00:07:55It's it's so funny. Yeah, I'm gonna go with gay
00:08:00Three for gay mooc. It's gay. It's gay, Georgia all day gay. George is gonna win, but Tommy. Yeah, I'm a gay man as well
00:08:10Just the idea of like a really like
00:08:13Homophobic South like backwoods guy like going on a rant and then someone saying where are you from?
00:08:18He says he's don't like get out from his teeth. Okay
00:08:24Very funny to me
00:08:26So gay George is gonna move on now. We have our four seed versus our 13 seat. Our four seat is uncertain, Texas
00:08:35This one maybe left just because I've been thinking about it like when someone asks you like, hey, where are you from uncertain?
00:08:40Like it's just gotta be I got a real who's that first. Yeah, it's an Abbott Costello kind of that's an Abbott Costello ass town
00:08:48Uncertain Texas is going up against nothing, Arizona
00:08:52Wow, which by all accounts is an uninhabited ghost town, but still technically exists and the the features of the town are still there
00:09:00It's weird to see a town abandoned so uncertain, Texas versus nothing, Arizona Tommy
00:09:08I'm gonna go uncertain, Texas because because of that Abbot and Costello type routine where I'm from uncertain
00:09:15Aware, Texas a part of Texas uncertain, you know, you could go on days and you could get a full movie out of that
00:09:22Nothing is it's basic
00:09:24I'm from I'm from nothing like uncertain is a little more unique
00:09:29It's funnier and again that Abbot and Costello potential is through the roof through the fucking room around the border, Louisiana
00:09:36Sending mincey to uncertain would be actually I
00:09:40Want to say I want to send it. I want to send a gay. Yeah, true
00:09:44Whatever wins this bracket should host the next rat race. Wow. Yep. That's decided
00:09:50There it is MOOC
00:09:52Yeah, I got to go with uncertain here. I think that's just a funnier like to say where you're from
00:09:56I'd rather say uncertain and then people just like you mind fuck them
00:10:00I used to do this
00:10:01Terrible bit at the bars where I would go up to people and ask them their name and then when they would ask my name
00:10:08I'd say I don't know
00:10:10It's like I don't have a name
00:10:14Never it got people so angry. Yeah, I don't know it got it got like girls pissed off
00:10:19It got guys like ready to fight me because they thought I was like fucking with them, which I was yeah
00:10:23Yeah, but like for me it was like the most fun I've ever had
00:10:27Bar just being like I never got a name. I'm actually no. No. Yeah, I don't know who I am
00:10:31So I'm gonna go uncertain do girls love an amnesiac more than anything. Oh, yes
00:10:37so uncertain Nick
00:10:43Uncertain is like I think that's like I
00:10:46Think nothing is better. I don't I don't I'm thinking of the person that named uncertain and I think I wouldn't like them
00:10:53Like what's your town called uncertain like I don't that's that's not for me. I'm gonna go nothing
00:10:58One for nothing it was incorporated 1961 too
00:11:02So it wasn't even like like some old-timey Old West thing with like we didn't even know what to name it anymore
00:11:06Like it was it's relatively recent town very no. Yeah. Yeah
00:11:11Both of these sound unusual just for the sake of being unusual. Whereas like gay probably had a reason it was named gay
00:11:23Uncertain is less of a name which makes it a little bit funnier to me and nothing just doesn't have anybody there
00:11:30Which kind of makes it?
00:11:33Well, nothing it doesn't make it a town. So I'm gonna go uncertain one another one for uncertain
00:11:38I guess nothing Arizona got its name from a bunch of drunks according to its Wikipedia page
00:11:42How many like thousands gonna a bunch of drunk?
00:11:47thousands of drunks in Arizona
00:11:50That's nothing J
00:11:52Yeah, I mean similar to everyone else. The uncertain is it's just more of a conversation started than nothing is more of a
00:11:59like alright
00:12:01But it would be a kind of a flex be like yeah, I came from nothing. Mm-hmm
00:12:06Nice, that's yeah, damn
00:12:10The settlement that we've been missing during football season
00:12:14You're back man, then nothing had a peak population of four
00:12:19Okay. Yeah, that would be funny to me. It's it's crazy. How do you have a gas station or convenience store?
00:12:25It's only four people. There's a whole town work in the convenience store probably drive in
00:12:28I mean you you don't live in New York anymore fair point
00:12:32Uncertain ones are still fresh
00:12:35Uncertain Texas moving on now. We have the nine seed versus the eight seed. The nine seed is
00:12:40half hell
00:12:42North Carolina
00:12:43half hell in Brunswick County, North Carolina
00:12:47From let's see origin in the 1800 the settlers. No looking at the swamps
00:12:51They couldn't cross so they said they were in halfway to hell and half hell, North Carolina is going up against hell, Michigan. Oh
00:12:59We've been
00:13:00You've been to hell. Yeah, we don't
00:13:03Donnie rare merit you could pay and be mayor for the day. Did you go to the the grist mill?
00:13:08We didn't go to the grist. We unfortunately didn't go to the grist mill. What is the grist mill in hell?
00:13:14The grist mill in hell. What the fuck it's I guess it's a corn though. I thought grist was like
00:13:20Ground up like meat or something. Yeah, it's like gristle. Yeah gristle. That's I'm thinking of yeah
00:13:26So half hell versus hell
00:13:29check I
00:13:31Mean, I gotta go hell the half hell is interesting. But like just saying you go to hell or it came from hell
00:13:36Those type of things are somewhat appealing
00:13:38It could also like on a town sweatshirt or like I'm imagining like an airport that just says like Chicago
00:13:44Oh, yeah, just say hell. I bought a bunch of hell merch when I was there. Yeah. Yeah, so I'm going hell one for hell
00:13:56The hell novelty it wore off like two minutes into us being there. I would say less less
00:14:01Yeah, we did attend a wedding there, which was a lot of goth money. Yeah right there
00:14:06Mmm, I think hell would be funnier if it was there was an apostrophe in the middle and it was heel
00:14:16Put that over seal you'll
00:14:19I'm gonna go half hell is a little bit funnier of a town name than just hell half hell
00:14:24One for half. Hell Nick. Yeah, the slight optimism is funny to me. Just like we're in hell is like, ah
00:14:32It's half hell. It's not all right there. Yeah, and I was looking for more info. They got nothing
00:14:39Think half hell is a little bit like cheekier
00:14:42Mmm, that'd be a layup dad joke. Like oh, what part of town are you like? Oh the good part a good part of half hell
00:14:50So you're going with half hell hell Michigan just seems like a
00:14:55Strictly from marketing. Yeah, that's what it was. Let's see. Why was it did it have any it doesn't say why it was named hell or
00:15:02Number okay, the Germans called it that. All right makes sense MOOC. Well, how do the Germans have a say in, Michigan?
00:15:13Shine hell means so beautifully bright so they were being positive
00:15:19Yet I
00:15:21when when you say hell, Michigan in my head, I just think of like a like a dark cold landscape that like like
00:15:31I think I'm gonna go half hell because I think that it like just calling it
00:15:34Hell is like oh this place sounds scary and then half hell like it's a little bit funnier
00:15:40Half hell with three votes one for hell Tommy
00:15:43Yeah, half hell easy hell is oh, you know, what's the worst name for a town hell
00:15:53So half hell is going to move on now
00:15:56I'm making sure it's big for me if the schools in that town named their team names something fun with it
00:16:02It better be if they don't look at these. I don't even have they're so small
00:16:06So now we can do our chain game and I'm just gonna look at the options as we go
00:16:10The first one is Good Grief, Idaho
00:16:14Charlie Brown asked any statement another one an unincorporated one. It was saluted by the show. Hee-haw Good Grief in Idaho
00:16:25That's going up against my anus, Connecticut
00:16:29That one's accidental. Yeah that our talking and they changed it from my amos
00:16:36No, they didn't
00:16:39My anus, Connecticut going and now so we have the jackass boys. I knew they would do something with this
00:16:45That's going up against Arab a sorry. It's specifically pronounced a rab, Alabama
00:16:50a rab
00:16:54Look at their flag
00:17:00We need that flag, yeah, I got it. Yeah. Thank you. Whoa. Oh, no what reading this part a
00:17:09Rab was a sundown town with a sign warning blacks not to stay in a rab after dark. God damn
00:17:15Materials disseminated throughout 2014. Okay, no sundown town into the tent
00:17:22And also we have
00:17:25Poverty, Kentucky
00:17:27Two on the nose. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. That's why I didn't see it
00:17:32Poverty, Kentucky, correct, Indiana
00:17:35Which I also think is a kind of a funny one, correct. Yeah, just correct, Indiana. I do like that
00:17:42Coward, South Carolina
00:17:44Funny, I think that's a tough one to get by and this is like a reasonably big town
00:17:49That's what I that goes a long way for me, too
00:17:51Yeah, it's the 748 people in it. Like it's a lot of people live in coward
00:17:56And then lastly fertile, Iowa, which I don't know just the word fertile. Yeah, it's a fair name
00:18:05Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:18:07305 people fertile fertile, Iowa
00:18:10So to go through the options again, good grief, Idaho my anus, Connecticut a rab, Alabama poverty, Kentucky
00:18:17Correct, Indiana coward, South Carolina and fertile, Iowa start with you Tommy, which one do you want to move on?
00:18:25I'm between a rab, Alabama and my anus, Connecticut. I think it's gotta be my anus, Connecticut
00:18:35Yeah, I mean that's just class and I'd like I said, I don't think it's on like it's not on purpose and
00:18:41I don't know how long it took him to realize it
00:18:44But that's just should have been pretty quick. It should have you would think it's with it's on day one, but
00:18:50I'm gonna kill my anus. Do they think it's like me anus? Is that what it is? Or yeah
00:18:57Look at the the pronunciation there. Is that not my anus? I'm gonna read those fucking things
00:19:02I think ma ma ma. I my anus two people live there. I
00:19:08It's a neighborhood of credit show it I mean, I guess so Grinch is a pretty rich town. Oh
00:19:15Based on a mispronunciation of me anus
00:19:23Wait here, I'm gonna play the how to say it. No, no, I'm not
00:19:29Either way, you're going for one for my anus, right?
00:19:32No, because if it's not pronounced that way that I'm gonna go a rob Alabama one then for a rab, Alabama MOOC
00:19:40Yeah, are we good to vote a rab in because that is
00:19:44Like I it's fucked up, but that name is just a layer a rab, Alabama
00:19:48I like the UA I mean, we're not voting on what town, you know has done the least kkk activity
00:19:54Yeah, give me a give me a rab city of a rab
00:19:57one for a or another one for a rab Nick
00:20:01I'm looking at my anus. It's like just reading. It is funny. Like there was a bridge collapse three people died in my anus
00:20:10In the my anus River
00:20:14It's technically called North my anus
00:20:183900 people I'm gonna still go with Arab. It's right in your face. Yeah the flag they are
00:20:26Right there in your fucking face
00:20:28The flag goes a long way from me. Dude. Imagine like the hookah shops and the vape. Oh my god
00:20:34Dude, according to their census makeup. No Middle Eastern people not a single Middle Eastern person lives in a
00:20:42There's more Pacific Islanders than there is a rat that's a twist for
00:20:48There's four Pacific Islanders and that that's oddly specific
00:20:51Okay, so another one for a really got out the black people only 32 black
00:20:57Well, I mean, yeah, they fucking just KKK active in there in 2015. It's
00:21:03So no one stay either Tom
00:21:08Tom are so Nick you're going with me as well. I'm reading about how they got their name
00:21:13When he wrote it in
00:21:16He wanted to name it after his son a rad, but they just misread it
00:21:20And so in the files, it's a wrap. Oh
00:21:23What so it's perfect. It's just it's the fuck is a rad. That's what I know
00:21:29Yeah, a red Thompson. Thank you. It's one of the three names. They're also considering Incan bird both terrible names as well
00:21:36Jesus Christ, so you're going with a rab KB
00:21:40Arab is a very funny town name the fact that it's in Alabama is even funnier. It has a pretty like decent population of 8,000
00:21:49Some notable people from a rab
00:21:52Vernon Derek the mandolin player. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, Jack Lively the pitcher
00:21:59Wayne Mills
00:22:00A rab is is funny. So I'm gonna go a rab a rab is gonna win, but shame
00:22:08Probably would have went my anus here
00:22:10but the
00:22:11appeal of the a rab you could do the
00:22:15Busta Rhymes song a rab money
00:22:17You could do the Arabian Nights as I'm sure the towns or towns people are called a rab high schools on Arabian Drive
00:22:23Yeah, they have a high school a rab highs a rab high school, and I think they're the Knights. They're the Arab Knights
00:22:31That's cool. They're they're leaning into it. No, okay. Yes
00:22:37Arabian is nice. That's cool. This is their mayor by the way Bob Jocelyn and his big daddy special car
00:22:43He's a big daddy special
00:22:47Oil money
00:22:50Where is he? That's that might be actual Arabia. No, that's like the salt flats in Utah. Like I don't know
00:22:56Oh, wow, what the fuck he's doing there
00:22:58But a rab is gonna move on and now he's going up against PP Township. I
00:23:04Now we are talking our number one seed PP Township PP town is gonna be a pretty tough one to beat
00:23:13Taking you to PP Town
00:23:15PP Town, Ohio
00:23:17Versus a rab, Alabama. Let's start with you J. I mean, it's got to be PP Town
00:23:23PP like
00:23:25I'm trying to figure out what age you stop calling it PP and it's called like piss or well
00:23:30I called my dick peep my peepee. Yeah
00:23:34The actual like meaty slab of dick my people
00:23:40Um, oh we would call this stuff coming out of it you're gonna go peepee. Okay. Yeah
00:23:49My peepee, I call my dick my peepee and I would pee out of my peepee. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
00:23:54Oh, no, we always said are you gonna go peepee?
00:23:59That's fine, man
00:24:02Yeah, so I'm gonna go peepee Township, but that's great
00:24:05Township is on the end to just kind of adds a lot. It doesn't it? Yeah
00:24:10PP Township is gonna get a vote from Che a kitty
00:24:14PP Township is funny
00:24:19It's one of those things that would have to get annoying for the residents what else do you call it you can't shorten peepee
00:24:25Their flag is pretty cool. Double P. Click the foot. It's like
00:24:38We're getting made fun of for being peepee, let's shorten it
00:24:42Peepee looks like some wheat like a slab of butter or a guy like a roll with butter on it
00:24:48What's yeah, I made more sense probably and I don't have like a Nazi Eagle
00:24:53Yeah, the Nazi fucking like Eagle thing not even like our Eagle really like the what the fuck and they have to call it peepee
00:24:59There's no there's no workaround or detour or abbreviation. It's peepee
00:25:04Township doesn't make it fun. I'm sure like official izing the word peepee
00:25:10If it was like Arab Grove or Arab ville you there would be more. It'll be funny. Yeah
00:25:16Peepee Creek runs right through it
00:25:19referring to
00:25:22Peepee Creek
00:25:24Peepee Creek right there in a run through peepee Township
00:25:26So KB you're gonna go with yeah, I like peepee Township
00:25:30Yeah, it was a safe place for african-americans in the 1800s unlike a race, yeah
00:25:37so Nick
00:25:39You got to go peepee Township here just because it's you're so stuck. That was a great point Kyle your peepee and
00:25:44The only way to shorten peepee is peepee
00:25:47You're stuck yours. There's no way around it when you're mad and need a ride home. You got
00:25:54fucking peepee
00:25:56Telling that to the taxi driver like hey, where you headed?
00:25:59And I think they added Township to like kind of like so you could say it fast it still doesn't work
00:26:06Nick's going for peepee and Luke
00:26:08I think I gotta go peepee cuz it's just a funny name and like you know some kid named his Minecraft server peepee Township like
00:26:15Without even without knowing knowing that yeah, also like calling it like yeah, like if you're like a little bit older
00:26:20You're like yeah, I'm from fucking like piss Township. Yeah, they call it piss all the punks call it piss town piss town
00:26:26Arab again Arab would have a better shot if it was like Arab ville
00:26:30But I'm gonna go peepee Township peepee Township Tommy you hold the first. I've sorted it by news
00:26:38Behold the big peepee firetruck Ohio's newest protector
00:26:43There's a peepee parade today. Oh my look at this
00:26:48That's really funny. What's going on peepee Township?
00:26:51Peepee Township by news seriously, what's the deal with peepee Township?
00:26:58Tommy the peepee Township garage yeah peepee Township. I mean a rap had a nice little run, but
00:27:04Peepee Township is strong. I'm trying to think of some joke like
00:27:07You know it started as an african-american community
00:27:10Peepees african-americans of big peepees
00:27:14Totally can't totally flush it out. Yeah work on it and like I did
00:27:20Keep thinking about it peepee Township though is gonna move on for sure
00:27:24So peepee moves on on the other side of the bracket we have the number 11 seed
00:27:30Cheesequake, New Jersey
00:27:32Wait do we know somebody from there? I think it's definitely one of the exit signs
00:27:38They have a rest stop and they have
00:27:42Cheesequake is great and
00:27:44Cheesequake is going up against West Virginia's finest booger hole, West Virginia
00:27:52Community is subjected to about a dozen murders in a short period of time that's not I mean we've spoken about that
00:27:57Yeah, why would this see you send it to me? Yeah, I said I thought Oh Tommy
00:28:03Sorry, no
00:28:03I said to tick tock or something about it was like random city names
00:28:08And I guess KB looked up and this one said yeah about a dozen murder dozen murders. That's a lot for anywhere
00:28:14Yeah, it's fucking great. It's also funny that they don't know the exact number
00:28:19About a dozen yeah, that's something you should really get down
00:28:26Okay, so
00:28:27Cheesequake, New Jersey versus booger hole, West Virginia Tommy. Oh
00:28:31Easily booger hole. I mean, you know, I'm gonna dock cheese quick points because it's not pronounced cheese quick
00:28:38What is it? Is it Chesa quacky? Yeah
00:28:42Funnier please don't call it cheese quick. It's Chesa quacky
00:28:46Has to be like a cheese quake
00:28:49Wait, is it?
00:28:52The pronunciation is on the thing. Let's see on the Wikipedia. It said the communities
00:28:58It's when they will not be look at the look at the pronoun I was looking at where it says Unami
00:29:05She's gay. What does that mean?
00:29:07Chesa, okay, which is the word it comes from? Yeah, it's like Native American. Yeah, and booger holes funny
00:29:16Booger hole mook. Yeah, give me booger hole every time. I love I love a good booger
00:29:21And what another one for booger hole Nick?
00:29:24Cheesequake is hilarious and I think I want an actual cheese quake could be it either sounds like a like a Dairy Queen season lizard
00:29:32Or like yeah that horrible natural disaster
00:29:36On the moon or something. I don't know. It's and the fact that some people it's for it's not pronounced that way
00:29:42that makes it funnier that
00:29:46It's it's cheese quake, it's cheese quake cheese quake
00:29:50KB. Yeah, cheese
00:29:53Cheese quake is killing me. Come on
00:29:56cheese quake cheese quake
00:29:59Cheese is a funny word quake is a funny word and then they combined them to make cheese quake
00:30:04There's a cheese quake statement like someone from like some Italian dude from the Jersey Shore has to rep cheese quake
00:30:12Yeah, you don't fuck with cheese quake
00:30:15Though the first thing you see in cheese quake before you get slimed and it's
00:30:21I love cheese quake two to two right now Jay. You're gonna break it Ken Jack correct me if I'm wrong
00:30:27But I believe cheese quake is the the the beginning
00:30:30unofficial beginning to the Jersey Shore
00:30:34Right above seaside, I believe it kind of looks
00:30:37It's so I guess the jury's work on it starts here. This township looks like it's right before it basically like the county before it
00:30:44So I have a story about cheese quake. So I'm glad I'm here
00:30:47Perfect is that we took a I think they have like a marsh or something like that. They have some type of
00:30:54Good thing Dana's not on this episode
00:30:57ass fucked and
00:31:01I think for like I forget what science it was biology or something like that. Whatever dumbass science
00:31:07I was taking like senior of high school. There was a
00:31:10Girl in our class her real name was Rachel Rachel car
00:31:16We were taking a field trip to cheese quake and I believe she
00:31:20Corrected the teacher and said that it is called like chess quaker something like that. So
00:31:26for the rest of that year
00:31:29We referred to her as chess and every time we would anyone to pass around the hall, they would just yell out chess
00:31:36Chess like a board game. I think it's called chess quake. I think oh
00:31:40No, there's not two s's but every that girl would just call her every would call her chance she corrected
00:31:46it wasn't everybody but it was like a
00:31:48Sizable group would have been way funnier. Yeah, or cheese or cheese
00:31:59We caught her
00:32:01Quick Gallagher, that'd be hilarious. Oh you could have caught her cheese quake
00:32:05It was right there man, you want it to be a little bit discreet
00:32:09But then you'd be walking the hallways between in periods and if somebody saw her they would just yell at the top lines chess
00:32:15Not cutting it a nerdy
00:32:17Ever heard it could be his quake. He caught her cheese or cheese quake
00:32:22Larry that's a horrible
00:32:25Order chess. No, I do
00:32:29That's like a fine name almost
00:32:31That's a cool nickname, I hope like one guy she currently works with is listening to this and call their chess tomorrow
00:32:43Cheese quake has the John Bon Jovi rest stop. Yes. Okay what it is? Yeah. Oh, it's you
00:32:49I'm being swayed to cheese quake very fast. It's a good rest up to yeah. Yeah, how so it's like I
00:32:56Think it's like in the middle like some of them you have to go off to the sides this one like you go down
00:33:00you merge left from the right and you go down like a
00:33:04Tunnel, but like it's a it's a down slope of a hill
00:33:07And so you don't have to like go around and you know, turn around if you need a thing
00:33:11It's just like on your way best McDonald's fries. I've ever had is a rest stop up north of us
00:33:16They you still use beef tallow to make their fries
00:33:20Yeah, so chair you're gonna cheese quake yes cheese quakes gonna move on that sounds like maybe like a
00:33:27Check a Cheesecake Factory type of deals sounds like a menu item. Yeah, so cheese quake very disgusting. Yeah
00:33:35Or maybe like a guy Fieri restaurant like a nacho bin thing. You know, I mean, yeah, the cheese quake platter
00:33:41Yeah, exactly. So now we have the three seed versus the 14 see the three seed is Big Beaver, Pennsylvania
00:33:48Oh, oh, yeah, the thing about Big Beaver Big Beaver is in County
00:33:53It's south of North Beaver Little Beaver and New Beaver townships
00:33:58It's northeast Beaver County has so many beaver names. There's there's a town called Beaver. There's a town called Beaver Falls
00:34:04Beaver Falls and it's along the banks of the Beaver River
00:34:09So lots of beaver stuff going on in Big Beaver, Pennsylvania
00:34:13And Big Beaver is going up against this red, why don't I think I've been to Big Beaver that's sag Montana
00:34:19I have it's close to Weirton. Okay, then I definitely have
00:34:24Big Sag, Montana
00:34:27Big Sag, Montana versus Big Beaver, Pennsylvania. It's gonna be a tough one
00:34:32Che Big Sag, Montana versus Big Beaver. I don't know which way you're a horny bastard. You can go in any direction here
00:34:37Yeah, I mean, I love the titties, but I'm all about the beave. So
00:34:40Let's go Big Beaver, Pennsylvania a one for Big Beaver, Pennsylvania
00:34:46KB che have you ever encountered a beaver too big?
00:34:51It's a great curbed episode where the girl smuggles out the Mickey Mantle ball in her oversized. Oh shit
00:34:59KB I
00:35:00Grew up around kids from Beaver. So maybe that name is desensitized
00:35:05So I like Big Sag a lot. I think that's a funny
00:35:09Thing to be big a sag I don't
00:35:13Big Sag, Montana
00:35:15Cuz if you wouldn't call something as a Big Sag, you'd say they're really saggy
00:35:19You just say yeah, yeah
00:35:21Big Sag alert. Oh
00:35:25That's what they're saying to me, yeah, I gotta pull my pants up
00:35:33You're desensitized you're going for Big Sag one-to-one right now Nick Big Sag is funny
00:35:38It's real funny to me good nickname, too. I think it's like a rapper that lost a ton of weight. Yeah
00:35:47It's got a lot of extra skin, yeah
00:35:50So two for Big Sag one for Big Beaver mook. I love Big Beaver in general
00:35:56But I think Big Sag I think I just think of ball sack. I think it titties. Yeah, you think of both?
00:36:02Yeah, yeah, you think of both in shorts and
00:36:07Elbows elbows. Yeah, I'm trying to think what else sags
00:36:11Your love it's earlobes pants. Yeah, I'm gonna go Big Sag here
00:36:15Shout out to all the big Beavers out there, but Big Sag funnier Big Sags in a win, but Tommy
00:36:21Yeah sags funnier than Beaver. I don't my mind doesn't immediately go to pussy when I hear me Beaver
00:36:27Well, no definitely not it's the animal still takes yeah animal still got top billing there
00:36:34Sag is just a more unique words. I'm gonna go Big Sag
00:36:38Big Sag is gonna win now. We have our number ten severs our seven seed our ten seed
00:36:42I legitimately love this town name. Like I would want to live here. Yeehaw Junction, Florida. Oh, yeah good name
00:36:48That's misplaced in Florida though. Yeah, very
00:36:51Yeehaw Junction in Florida sounds like a kid show with puppets. Yeah
00:36:56Yeehaw Junction is going up against our number seven seed Satan's Kingdom, Massachusetts
00:37:16Laughing over there not even hell it's Satan's kingdom. Yeah, that's that's absurd
00:37:23Yeah, that's like a place on like a video game map that you shouldn't go definitely don't go to Satan's kingdom like blood-borne or something
00:37:31Satan's kingdom, Massachusetts versus Yeehaw Junction, Florida starting with you Tommy. Yeah, I mean Satan's kingdom
00:37:39Genuine lol out of me just I
00:37:43Just did not see Satan kingdoms coming. It's it's so detailed
00:37:47Um, so I'm gonna go Satan's kingdom, I don't want to go to maps one for Satan's kingdom
00:38:00It's Satan's kingdom verse who I versus Yeehaw Junction, Florida
00:38:06Yeah, Yeehaw Junction. It sounds like a shitty restaurant
00:38:09I don't know how else to describe Satan's kingdom is objectively like I like that guy right there
00:38:15Who is that fucking guy? I got no idea. Those are the type of dudes that are like I fucking love Satan's kingdom
00:38:20I'm gonna go Satan's kingdom. It's absurd. It should be in like Lord of the Rings or
00:38:26Sometime a break-in. Wait, is he in the picture next to that too?
00:38:33This guy loves it
00:38:38This place
00:38:41Polyamorous couple nice
00:38:43Yeah, yeah, you got to assume so
00:38:51Satan's kingdom sounds worse than hell does
00:38:55I'm going Satan's kingdom
00:38:58It's like the worst rap album cover I've ever seen
00:39:01Satan's kingdom, uh, KB
00:39:04Yes, Satan's kingdom is so like epic and detailed. It's ridiculous. It's like a little quaint
00:39:12Town and forest at New England
00:39:15Satan's kingdom. Yeah, it looks like very nice. It looks like a like a very pleasant time
00:39:20With the exception of I would say it looks like a very yeah, you said that when you found like a slab of debris
00:39:25It's memorial!
00:39:27It's a memorial, too bad.
00:39:29It looks fucking awful
00:39:31It's a quaint little New England town
00:39:33There's pictures of road signs and woods and polyamorous couples wandering in your woods
00:39:39This could be anywhere
00:39:41The people who probably seek it out are abysmal
00:39:47The most like 2012 Facebook post
00:39:49Like I'm at Satan's kingdom right now
00:39:51So Satan's kingdom's in Wimbledon
00:39:53So Satan's King's gonna win, but Jay?
00:39:55I'll go Satan's King, but I don't have a strong tie to Yeehaw Junction, but I do like the name, but yeah, Florida, that little...
00:40:02I would have preferred a different state.
00:40:05This place looks really nice.
00:40:07How's that Florida?
00:40:10Kenjack, where'd you move in Jersey that you think this is nice?
00:40:12Good God, man.
00:40:14There's good stuff right here.
00:40:15Also, do they have one building?
00:40:17I think it's just this one place.
00:40:19Oh no!
00:40:21Oh fuck!
00:40:23Not anymore!
00:40:25It's gone!
00:40:27It got fucking pulverized!
00:40:29It got rid of it and obliterated!
00:40:31Is that not the design?
00:40:33That's a tractor trailer!
00:40:35Oh, this fucking rocks.
00:40:37Oh, semi-crashes. I thought for a second it was the design.
00:40:39No, it's gone, man.
00:40:41God damn, so there's nothing there.
00:40:43There was one building.
00:40:45We were literally, you couldn't have timed that better.
00:40:47We were like, is this the only building in town? And it's gone.
00:40:49It got destroyed.
00:40:51Fuck, man.
00:40:53Wait, it was a brothel?
00:40:55Oh my, this got darker by the second.
00:40:57Why are there so many pictures of this brothel?
00:40:59Either way, Satan's...
00:41:01I was supposed to say paradise.
00:41:03Satan's kingdom is going to move on.
00:41:05Satan's paradise sounds worse.
00:41:07Satan's kingdom is going to move on.
00:41:09Now we have the number two seed,
00:41:11which is Goochland County, Virginia.
00:41:15And so Goochland, what makes it kind of funny is...
00:41:17The name is whatever, but it's also like
00:41:19the biggest place in town is the
00:41:21Licking Hole Brewery.
00:41:23The Licking Hole Brewery.
00:41:25They know what they're doing.
00:41:27Licking Hole Brewery. They have a big history,
00:41:29but the biggest thing in town is the Licking Hole Brewery.
00:41:31Well, this is an entire county, correct?
00:41:33Yeah, it is, but also I think there's a specific town within it.
00:41:35I might have just clicked the wrong Wikipedia page.
00:41:37It's the Seat of Goochland.
00:41:39The Seat...
00:41:41The Seat of Goochland.
00:41:43And that's going up against Sir William Gooch.
00:41:45That's going up against
00:41:47Center of the World, Ohio.
00:41:49Something tells me it's not exactly
00:41:51the center of the world.
00:41:53It's not even the center of Ohio.
00:41:55It's not even close.
00:41:57It was like right here.
00:41:59Looking at that picture is very funny.
00:42:01It's just in the top right.
00:42:03It's not even close to the center.
00:42:05So Center of the World, Ohio
00:42:07versus Goochland, Virginia.
00:42:09Let's start with you, Che.
00:42:11I don't love either of these.
00:42:13I think Center of the World
00:42:15is a little more unique.
00:42:17I mean, if you had
00:42:19a globe, you could probably
00:42:21manipulate it
00:42:23to the point where that was
00:42:25the center of the world.
00:42:27Anything could be the center.
00:42:29Most things.
00:42:31Everything. It's a circle. It's a globe. It's a sphere.
00:42:33You can't turn it upside down, basically.
00:42:35Yeah, you can't.
00:42:37I've been near a globe in far too long.
00:42:39Anywhere could be the center, I guess.
00:42:41I guess you could measure
00:42:43if you used the lines of the equator.
00:42:45I mean, the equator would be
00:42:47the center, right?
00:42:49But if you tilted it or whatever.
00:42:51If you're looking at the earth from the top,
00:42:55In an angle, it's the center.
00:42:57Any angle you look at, we're in a three-dimensional space.
00:42:59It's a unique town name. I like that.
00:43:01It looks nice to me.
00:43:03So one for Center of the World
00:43:05from Che.
00:43:09Goochland is funnier.
00:43:13Licking hole helps a lot,
00:43:15but Center of the World is unique.
00:43:17Oh, Justin Verlander
00:43:19is from there.
00:43:21From Goochland?
00:43:23The Goochland High School.
00:43:25What's their mascot?
00:43:27Thomas Jefferson
00:43:29lived in Goochland?
00:43:33Jesus Christ.
00:43:35Goochland High School.
00:43:37No mascot?
00:43:39That's probably smart.
00:43:41Other unincorporated communities.
00:43:43One of those Sandy Hook?
00:43:47Could have been him.
00:43:49So the...
00:43:51Sorry, KB, which one are you going for? Goochland or
00:43:53Center of the World?
00:43:55I'm gonna go with Goochland.
00:43:57One for Goochland, Virginia. Nick?
00:43:59I'm going Center of the World. I think it's weirder.
00:44:01It is definitely stranger.
00:44:03Center of the World.
00:44:05It's a place that nobody's heard of
00:44:07called Center of the World.
00:44:09There's not many history why it was named that.
00:44:11Yeah, I can't find anything.
00:44:13Oh, okay, so it was founded by this guy
00:44:15who had an eccentric investor
00:44:17who had plans to make his new community
00:44:19a major economic center of northeast Ohio.
00:44:21He failed miserably.
00:44:23That's funny.
00:44:25I fucking flopped on the Center of the World.
00:44:27That was Townes.
00:44:29Named this forever.
00:44:31And the railroad just went with
00:44:33Ohio instead.
00:44:37I know some people from Warren.
00:44:39Yeah, Warren's a pretty big town by Youngstown.
00:44:41Well, it could have been Center of the World.
00:44:43Damn. Damn shame.
00:44:47I still have to go Goochland.
00:44:49I saw on the Wikipedia there's like a
00:44:51Civil War section.
00:44:53Just imagine the Battle of the Gooch.
00:44:55I just think...
00:44:57Goochland is just...
00:44:59Gooch is an all-time word. It's an all-time body part.
00:45:01Gimme Goochland.
00:45:03So we're tied up. Tommy, you're going to break it.
00:45:05So I think I'm a little desensitized
00:45:07to how funny Gooch is
00:45:09because we just have Gooch
00:45:11who works with us.
00:45:13I hear Gooch, I think of Robbie.
00:45:15I don't really think of Gooch.
00:45:17Center of the World, Ohio
00:45:19being in like
00:45:21the very top right of Ohio
00:45:23and having absolutely nothing
00:45:25of note about it is funnier.
00:45:27So I'm going to go with that.
00:45:29Center of the
00:45:31World is going to move on then.
00:45:33Beating out the number 2 seed.
00:45:35Goochland looks...
00:45:37Goochland looks okay.
00:45:39Okay, so now we can run through our playoffs.
00:45:41It looks fine.
00:45:43Now we have the number...
00:45:45Now we have the number 4 seed
00:45:47versus the number 5 seed.
00:45:49The 4 seed is Uncertain Texas
00:45:51going up against Gay Georgia.
00:45:53Uncertain Gay.
00:45:55The matchup of Uncertain Gay.
00:45:57So let's start out with you, Tommy.
00:45:59We've all been there.
00:46:01Ah, Gay.
00:46:03I'm certain.
00:46:05I'm certain.
00:46:07You're certain it's Gay, yeah.
00:46:091 for Gay.
00:46:132 for Gay.
00:46:15I'm going Gay.
00:46:17You're going Gay. Nick's going Gay.
00:46:193, Gay B.
00:46:21Oh, Gay and Romp.
00:46:25God, B.
00:46:27We're absolute
00:46:29fucking children. It's still so funny though.
00:46:31Gay and a giant ass fucking.
00:46:37Gay and a gay pummeled.
00:46:41Now we got PP Ohio.
00:46:43Oh, PP Township.
00:46:45PP Township, Ohio
00:46:47versus Half Hell, North Carolina
00:46:49starting with you, Che.
00:46:531 for PP. KB.
00:46:55Yeah, PP Township
00:46:59PP Township here, Nick.
00:47:03Yeah, PP.
00:47:053 for PP. It's going to win, but Mook?
00:47:07Give me PP. Give me all the piss.
00:47:09Give you the PP, Tommy.
00:47:11Because we now have to get the
00:47:13matchup of Gay PP.
00:47:15That is exactly what we have
00:47:17now. We have the matchup of Gay Georgia
00:47:19versus PP Township, Ohio.
00:47:21God, I wish we could combine
00:47:23these and make a Gay PP, but...
00:47:25I mean, I'll tell you what.
00:47:27We certainly could.
00:47:29We could do anything we want.
00:47:31I'm going to go
00:47:371 for Gay. Mook?
00:47:39It's so simple.
00:47:41It's a battle of titans, but
00:47:43it's like Gay is just always going to win.
00:47:45Gay is so funny.
00:47:47We could be naming not even counties,
00:47:49but roads, and Gay would win.
00:47:51I'm going to go Gay.
00:47:532 for Gay. Nick?
00:47:55I live in the West Village.
00:47:57There's a Gay street, and I pass it.
00:47:59I laugh every time.
00:48:01A guy from Gay
00:48:03can never win an argument.
00:48:07There's one thing anybody can say, and you lose.
00:48:09You're from Gay.
00:48:11He can win inner-town arguments at most.
00:48:13At most.
00:48:15As soon as he leaves town.
00:48:17He can't play any road games.
00:48:19He can only argue with Gayans.
00:48:21He's awful on the road.
00:48:23Imagine the Gay debate team.
00:48:27Counterpoint. They're all Gay.
00:48:31Yeah. It's Gay.
00:48:33Another one for Gay. It's going to win. KB?
00:48:37However you want to say it.
00:48:39Tommy's been fighting back a smile the whole time.
00:48:41It's just funny.
00:48:45Chay, you going Gay Georgia?
00:48:47No, I'm sticking up for PB Township.
00:48:49I like the township at the end.
00:48:51Gay Township wouldn't be as funny, though.
00:48:53Yeah, I agree.
00:48:55It worked well for this.
00:48:57It's way better than just simple Gay.
00:48:59Gay's going to get into the finals.
00:49:01Now we have the
00:49:03number 14 seed Big Sag Montana
00:49:05versus the number 11 seed
00:49:07Cheesequake New Jersey.
00:49:09Big Sag versus Cheesequake.
00:49:13Gotta do it for Rachel. Give me Chess.
00:49:15One for Cheesequake. KB?
00:49:19is so funny.
00:49:21It's either really gross,
00:49:23really silly,
00:49:25or just straight up fun.
00:49:29Another one for Cheesequake.
00:49:33I could see Cheesequake being a really good wrestling finisher as well.
00:49:35Like a big dude.
00:49:37I'm picturing something gross.
00:49:39I'm picturing a really wet thigh.
00:49:43Chunky thighs slapping.
00:49:47Vibrating discharge.
00:49:51I'm thinking like a fondue tower.
00:49:53That too.
00:49:55Dude, I'm even looking at
00:49:57the symbol for
00:49:59the town of Gay.
00:50:03I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on Gay.
00:50:07Cheesequake might actually just be a food item too.
00:50:09The town of Gay logo
00:50:11is the T fucking the G.
00:50:13It is.
00:50:15Dude, you need that bumper sticker.
00:50:17That's a good one.
00:50:19Yeah, no, it is the T
00:50:21fucking the G basically.
00:50:23So we have three
00:50:25for Cheesequake. Mook?
00:50:27Look, I'm a child. I'm immature.
00:50:29I love making jokes about dick balls,
00:50:31pussy tits, and Big Sag just
00:50:33does it for me.
00:50:35Cheesequake is funny, but give me Big Sag.
00:50:37One for Big Sag.
00:50:41Cheesequake. I was hesitant the first time.
00:50:43I was held up on how it was pronounced. I was being a Rachel Carr.
00:50:45But when you just
00:50:47pulled out
00:50:49when you just said it straight, Cheesequake,
00:50:51New Jersey, I giggled. So I'm gonna go Cheesequake.
00:50:53Cheesequake's gonna move on.
00:50:55Now we have Center of the World, Ohio versus
00:50:57Satan's Kingdom, Massachusetts.
00:50:59Freaking out me again.
00:51:01I forgot it was you again.
00:51:03I forgot
00:51:05it was coming and Satan's Kingdom got
00:51:07my ass again.
00:51:09Scovelly loves that
00:51:13Satan's Kingdom. I'm just gonna give it
00:51:15the vote for you. Yeah, I'm giving Satan's Kingdom.
00:51:17One for
00:51:19Satan's Kingdom. Mook?
00:51:21Who's it going up against? Center of the World, Ohio.
00:51:23Center of the World
00:51:25got through? Yeah. Fuck.
00:51:27Sorry, man.
00:51:29No! That kind of pissed me off.
00:51:31I don't like that.
00:51:33Satan's Kingdom, for sure.
00:51:35Give me that because just the people
00:51:37that are flocking to Satan's
00:51:39Kingdom to be like, I'm going to Satan's Kingdom
00:51:41are even funnier than the name.
00:51:43No, see, I disagree. I think those
00:51:45people suck. They do, but
00:51:47those people are wearing that fucking
00:51:49pumpkin shirt and that guy posing for
00:51:51selfies. Those guys are ridiculous.
00:51:53Everyone that dates that goes there
00:51:55is like a nerdy guy dating a
00:51:57fat girl. Those type of people
00:51:59go to Satan's Kingdom.
00:52:01And those dudes are fucking hysterical.
00:52:03I love them.
00:52:05As you vote for Satan's Kingdom, do you want to give us
00:52:07a fuck God, Mook, while you're at it?
00:52:09No. He said it again.
00:52:11He said it again.
00:52:13I didn't do it.
00:52:15My mom's going to be mad.
00:52:17She's been up my ass
00:52:19and I've been a good boy recently. I stopped boozing.
00:52:21Are you living gay?
00:52:23Wait, what did we get you to say last time?
00:52:25You got me to say fuck God. Thank you.
00:52:33My dad's in a church, dude.
00:52:35I was on a quote card
00:52:37and I googled my name.
00:52:39It was the first thing that came up.
00:52:41That's a fucking
00:52:43elder, bro. This is serious.
00:52:45He's an elder.
00:52:47I'm going to post that out.
00:52:49I'm logging into the
00:52:51main Barstool account. I'm just going to post on everything.
00:52:53One, two, three people.
00:52:55I'm going to get
00:52:57paragraphs and then my mom's sending me
00:52:59fucking Bible verses from Instagram posts.
00:53:01I need you to get grounded.
00:53:03She'll send me videos of religious influencers
00:53:05and be like, never speak on
00:53:07God like that.
00:53:09He said it kind of angry there.
00:53:11Yeah, you did.
00:53:13You should put that on
00:53:15an hour loop. A one hour
00:53:17long loop. Hold on, Ken Jack, edit this right
00:53:19after. Dude, uncool.
00:53:23what was that, dude?
00:53:25Take that back. I don't think you
00:53:27understand what you're doing to me right now.
00:53:29Two for
00:53:31Satan's kingdom. That was out of nowhere.
00:53:33What the fuck?
00:53:35Can we edit it?
00:53:37Can we edit it so that he says,
00:53:39fuck God, you don't understand what you're
00:53:41doing to me right now.
00:53:43Like he was talking
00:53:45to God. You added the fact
00:53:47that I said I love gay Georgia. My mom would explode.
00:53:49She would burst.
00:53:51I'm going gay. Fuck God.
00:53:53Oh my God.
00:53:55There it is. There it is.
00:53:57There we go.
00:53:59I'm in trouble.
00:54:01You can just edit the podcast
00:54:03to be that.
00:54:05Like a short one.
00:54:07Like a 30 second pod.
00:54:09And then the Bluetooth ad where I said, yeah,
00:54:11it doesn't have to be a her.
00:54:13It's just a highlight tape.
00:54:15Yeah, out of context, you are
00:54:17in deep shit.
00:54:19I think, actually, I'm going to make that
00:54:21before the main part of the episode.
00:54:23I'll give a little preview.
00:54:25It's just going to be going, fuck God.
00:54:27Okay, welcome to the bracket.
00:54:31are two for Satan's kingdom right now, Nick.
00:54:33Satan's kingdom. Funny to me, it's metal.
00:54:35It's unnecessary.
00:54:37Like that hell
00:54:39I can kind of get.
00:54:41Satan's kingdom, it is
00:54:43just in your face.
00:54:45Satan's kingdom.
00:54:47Like, approve me.
00:54:49It's actually because it's an old town.
00:54:51It's so ridiculous.
00:54:53What is it facing?
00:54:55It is
00:54:57Satan's kingdom is going up against center of the world, Ohio.
00:54:59Okay, Satan's kingdom, funnier name,
00:55:01but I love the story of center of the world
00:55:03because they named it with full intentions
00:55:05of it being this booming economic
00:55:07world powerhouse.
00:55:09It's one of the most ambitious
00:55:11things I've ever heard.
00:55:13That would be the biggest failure of all time.
00:55:15It's a town in northeast Ohio.
00:55:17But yeah, Satan's kingdom.
00:55:19They could even have LeBron
00:55:21be born there.
00:55:23They didn't get him.
00:55:25I'm trying to think of an equivalent of that ambition.
00:55:27There were some
00:55:29towns that didn't include them.
00:55:31There's a couple ones like that.
00:55:33Center of the world
00:55:39Could have just said center of Ohio even, or center of northeast Ohio
00:55:41would have moved the goal post down a little bit.
00:55:43Satan's kingdom, Che.
00:55:45Yeah, that's a route.
00:55:49Satan's kingdom.
00:55:51So Satan's kingdom versus Cheesequake, New Jersey.
00:55:55Not going against Chess.
00:55:57We were so
00:55:59mean to her, we called her Chess.
00:56:03You really ran with some crazy guys.
00:56:05Chess are hardcore, man.
00:56:09I was preparing for
00:56:11Cheese Bitch or something crazy.
00:56:15She didn't even consider that
00:56:17being a bully.
00:56:19She brought that
00:56:21to your guidance counselor.
00:56:23Pathetic bully.
00:56:25We're going to call her by the actual pronunciation
00:56:27that she prefers.
00:56:33One for Cheesequake.
00:56:35One for Cheesequake.
00:56:37Yeah, KB.
00:56:39Yeah, Cheesequake.
00:56:41In New Jersey makes it so
00:56:43funny, like by the shore.
00:56:45Those tough guys
00:56:47go home to Cheesequake.
00:56:49If it was in Wisconsin, I'd be like, yeah, okay.
00:56:51Yeah, but there has to be dudes that have
00:56:53Cheesequake tattooed on them.
00:56:55A really loopy font.
00:56:59I'm going to have to look up more Cheesequake people.
00:57:01Nick, Cheesequake.
00:57:03Satan's Kingdom.
00:57:05Yeah, think about that one for a second
00:57:07before you make a big mistake.
00:57:09You're up.
00:57:13fuck. I think I might have to go
00:57:15Cheesequake so I don't get...
00:57:17I don't know.
00:57:19You're already screwed, my friend.
00:57:21It's over.
00:57:23I'm going to go Cheesequake. I do think
00:57:25the Italians being like, I'm from fucking...
00:57:27I can't even do it.
00:57:29I'm from Cheesequake.
00:57:31Mama mia, I'm from Cheesequake.
00:57:33I don't know.
00:57:35Like Tony Soprano being like,
00:57:37I gotta go to Cheesequake.
00:57:39Oh, fucking Cheesequake.
00:57:41Holy shit.
00:57:43Give me Cheesequake.
00:57:45Fuck Satan.
00:57:47Another one for Cheesequake.
00:57:49I thought you said Hail Satan for a split second.
00:57:53Wait, what didn't you think I said?
00:57:57I'll go down with Satan's Kingdom.
00:57:59Of all the ones you read off, I got the most hearty laugh.
00:58:01You did.
00:58:03You gotta be honest with yourself, man.
00:58:05So our final matchup...
00:58:07You got a cackle out of that.
00:58:09Our final matchup is
00:58:11Cheesequake, New Jersey versus Gay Georgia.
00:58:15Cheesequake, New Jersey
00:58:17versus Gay Georgia, Tommy.
00:58:19I think it's gotta be Gay Georgia
00:58:21because when you say it
00:58:23like that, like, oh, there's
00:58:25the regular Georgia
00:58:27and then there's Gay Georgia.
00:58:29Do you think the opposite of
00:58:31gay is regular?
00:58:35fucked up, man.
00:58:39That's really fucked up.
00:58:41Are we from the normal Georgia
00:58:43or the gay Georgia?
00:58:49So yeah, I mean,
00:58:51Gay Georgia, baby.
00:58:53It's Gay Georgia
00:58:55in a landslide, in a fuckfest.
00:58:59In an absolute, brutal fuck.
00:59:01In a gay orgy.
00:59:03Two for Gay Georgia.
00:59:05Imagine they have an orgy in gay
00:59:07and you gotta go to a gay orgy,
00:59:09but it's just a great orgy
00:59:11in gay Georgia.
00:59:13Just like a guy getting his first threesome.
00:59:15He had a gay threesome.
00:59:17Where you get invited
00:59:19to a gay orgy, but you're gay
00:59:21and you're upset to realize it's just a straight
00:59:23orgy in gay Georgia.
00:59:27What are these chicks doing here?
00:59:29Two for Gay Georgia, Nick.
00:59:31Tommy, you should do a video where you go down to Gay Georgia
00:59:33to have gay sex.
00:59:35Like, everybody's always
00:59:37been questioning your sexuality
00:59:39since the moment you were born.
00:59:41And you finally try
00:59:43gay sex.
00:59:45Instead of man on the street, it's man in my ass.
00:59:47Well, no, I would fuck a girl.
00:59:49I would fuck a chick in gay, but you would see how you like gay sex.
00:59:51Right, right. I had gay
00:59:53sex in Georgia.
00:59:59And you were doing like a Mr. Beast face.
01:00:03Ooh, ow!
01:00:07I had gay sex
01:00:09in Georgia.
01:00:11And I liked it.
01:00:13And it felt
01:00:17Nick, you're going
01:00:19gay Georgia? Yeah, you have to go gay!
01:00:21Another one for Gay Georgia,
01:00:23KB. Yeah, brevity is
01:00:25the soul of wit. I think gay edges
01:00:27out Cheesequake.
01:00:29This is some highbrow. A-G-A.
01:00:31What does that stand for? Gay
01:00:33guy's ass?
01:00:37Crushed it.
01:00:39Crushed it. Dude, you guys made such
01:00:41a creative pitch for Cheesequake, and it was
01:00:43gay. It's a powerhouse.
01:00:47Gay Georgia's gonna win, but
01:00:49Che? Yeah, I mean, it's a powerhouse.
01:00:51Chess made a nice run, but
01:00:53it's gay.
01:00:55Tommy, you have to do this video.
01:00:57I really want to. Here was my only
01:00:59thought is, do I
01:01:01bring a girl down?
01:01:03Or do I find a girl in
01:01:05gay Georgia? You don't leave until you have gay sex.
01:01:09I could fuck
01:01:11any girl in gay Georgia.
01:01:13It's a marathon stream.
01:01:15It's a little after dark.
01:01:17Can I fly a girl out to gay
01:01:19Georgia? Yeah, sure.
01:01:21Yeah, I'll leave until you
01:01:23have gay sex.
01:01:25Do you and Dana like a bachelor trip
01:01:27to gay Georgia or whatever.
01:01:29Okay, so gay Georgia's
01:01:31gonna win the bracket episode 165, funniest
01:01:33town names. We'll be back next week with
01:01:35a new episode.